THE BEE: OSfArTA', TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1919. ' WANT AD RATES ' (Cub With Ordtr.) U pr word.... on day to pr word two consecutive days 4a par word ..threa conseoutlvs day lo par word ...four eonaccntlva daya lo par word. .flva consecutive daya 7a par word... ill conaeeutlva daya la par word aeven consecutive daya And on cent par word each additional No ads taJcan for laa thaa a total of It or lea than lee par day. CHARGE. U par Una (count f worda to line) 1 day 120 par Una. ....... .two conaeeutlva daya too per line ..three conaeeutlva daya lie per line aeven conaeeutlva daya par line.... thirty conaeeutlva daya CARPS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. ICe par Una each Inaertlon Minimum charge, (0 cent. The rates apply either to the Dally r Sunday Bee. All advertiaementa ap pear in both morning and evening dally papers for the one charge. Contract Kate en Application. For convenience of advertlaera, want ad will b accepted at the following of fice MAIN OFFICE Be Building Amu Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Office 1616 Leavenworth St. South Side 2318 N St. Walnut Office 811 North 40th St. Co. Bluffa Office IS Scott St. THIS BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inaertlon of an advertisement ordered for more than one tlm. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Morning Edition ' 10:30 P. M. ifoijy- jlQB-1 p- MSatuday FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Har. 84. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. 124 and Cuming Sta. Phone, Douglas $77. Auto ambulance. , HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmers. Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. .HULSE & REIPEN, Pioneer Funeral Director. T01 South 16th St. Phon Doug. 1066. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2210 Cuming St. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS, 717jj.JI OthlerJ-6-7!-. FLORISTS. LEE L.LARMON FoFr '2 1814 Douglaa St. Douglaa 8244. L Henderson. .1610 Farnam. Douglaa 1248 JOHNBATHJithBjda MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments in the United States. FRANK SVOBODA. 1218 8. 13th. Phon nnuglaa 187 5 - 521t . MARRIAGE LICENSES. The folowlng couple wer Issued li cense to' wed : Name and Addreaa. Age. Albert Q. Smith, Scranton, ta 31 Cynthia Betleafield, Roclc Valley. la.... 33 Herbert Broae, Omaha , 21 Fay Elizabeth Taylor, Macon, Mo 20 Agells Paragakl, Denver, Colo 30 Georgia Katsura, Omaha 22 John E. Naegel, Omaha over 21 Emma Jena Rickey, Omaha ..over 18 James H Robinaon, Omaha. ..... .over 21 Mary E. Ca throe, Omaha.... over IS Herbert W. Jones, Omaha ...over 21 Martha Deckman, Omaha. over 18 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Edward and Mabel Seberman, . 2825 D, boy; Joa and Anna Plubacek, 1401 Arbor, girl; Jena and Hatti Thomp son, 2308 Maple, boy; Frank and Mary Biatek, 1232 South 16th, girl; Jame and Elizabeth Kane, 2815 South 15th, boy; Albert and Clara Mark, 91 North 60th. boy; Victor and Cetia Stelnburg, 1414 North 24th, boy; Adolf and Lena Stein, 1814 North 25th, boy; Ben and Maria Oray, 240 N, boy; Roy and Llllie Ander son, 2828 South 20th, twins, two girls; Ormond and Florence Johns, 2111 Doug las, boy. Deaths Fred SI. Hall, 45. 8603 Pop pleton Ave.; Peter M. Back, 88. 1410 Park Wild Ave.; Robert McKee Lyons, 70, 1824 North 20th; josian Jtent. as, isn South 8th; Louisa Krumwled, 6, 87 Ben son Acres; Virgil Ulrlch. 23, hospital; Mary McCaffrey, 85, 720 South 30th; Baby Brown, two hours, 4611 Ames Ave.; Will H. porter, o. t worm nn BUILDING PERMITS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING j MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT. The most cornplete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago, Can furnish any 'make at moat any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all make and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. 8ee us before yon buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 18 years.) Douglaa 4121. 1805 Farnam St Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repar, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN, 54 S SOth St Miscellaneous. AUCTION! AUCTION! About 1,200 packages of third and fourth-class mall matter will be sold at publlo auction, one piece at a time, at the north entrance of the postofflce, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday October 21. 22 and 23 ;starta at 10 a. m. sharp each day; consisting of nearly everything. Charles Fanning, postmaster. James L. Dowd. auctioneer. i.MAHA PILLOW CO Feather mat tressea made from your own feathera. summer and winter sldee. 1907 Cuming D. 8467. WE buy. sell and make desks, safe, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. D 2724 LARGE wicker baby buirgy, black with yellow wheels, fine condition; very rea sonable. Call Harney 6969. CHILD'S white fur coat and hat, flz four or five years; 830. Harney vum. Kindling delivered at 83.50 load. Web. 459. WANTED TO BUY. ORAGANIZED 1909. ASSETS 2400,000. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED. OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN 316 S. 17TH ST.. OPP. COURT HOUSE. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered; full N. T. market nnd accrued interest to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. ' 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 8644. Highest Cash Prices Paid for - LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipt. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. JJougla 8012. " LIBERTY BONDS Inoludine; partial payment receipt, bougnt for cash; Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mail. LEWIS & CO., Brokers. 411 M'C AGUE BLDG. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues bought. Special price this week on 3d, 4th and 6th Issues. Get them before selling for you will lose money. - We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quo tation. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 27S6. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous. E. W. DAVIS Metallic sign letter. Furniture repaired. Webster 4818. 8214 North 25th. FOR RENT EJactrlo 4118. cleaner. Colfax BUSINESS CHANCES. REAL business man wanted to help manage rapidly-growing manufacturing business; products In .big demand; big profit; biggest firm In this and other cttlea new regular customers; 34,000 secure big Interest and good drawing account As this proposition must be closed at once, don't answer unless you have cash ready to Invest Thorough Investigation invited; referencea re quired and given. Member Chamber of Commerce. Write Box Bo. -94. CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS. ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS. We save you money on your building. Realty Syndicate Co., 802-317 Wilkinson Bldg. CLEANING and dyeing business, estab lished for 20 years , in Omaha, doing large cash business. Must sell at once. Cash buyer only need apply. Box R-39, Bee. MUST eell at once confectionery store at 316 South 10th. Reason for selling go ing overseas. Good paying business. SITUATIONS WANTED HELP WANTEDMALE. Professions and Trades ALL-ABOUND auto trimmer, 86.50. hour tcady; state experience. Inland Auto Top Factory. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Meat cutter; with reference. American preferred; 2100 per mo. An ton Stepanek, Sargent, Neb. LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanising. Lo Angeles Y. M. C A. Auto 8c pool. WANTED Young man to work in prow room. Apply Foreman Bee Pressroom. BROOMMAKERS wanted; open (hop; good pay. Omaha Broom Factory. Salesmen and Solicitors Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldier and sailor and marine who will how their discharge paper at our office In the lobby of The Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. SALESMEN AN OPPORTUNITY OF YOUR LIFE. WHY WORK FOR $100.00 PER MONTH WHEN WE HAVE A LEGITIMATE PROPO SITION THAT WILL PAY $600.00 TO $800.00 PER MONTH, PRO V'IDING YOU WILL WORK AS FAITHFULLY FOR YOUR SELF AS . YOU ARE NOW WORKING FOR Yt)UR PRES ENT EMPLOYER? ' This ptoposltlcn Is selling direct to tha farmer, handling a complete line of groceries, hardware, paints, oil and automobile accessories. J W ham fK ... t. n nnw m.ltln. tfi ' above amount and can handle a few i DVVORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, mor live salesmen representing a firm l Second ioor weaa iag., backed by a good many years of past 1 lath and Farnam ats. Dusmesa in umana. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG LADIES WS OFFER YOU A WELL-PAID " POSITION. PAY YOU WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK . RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OPERATORS" EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 61 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING 19TH DOUGLAS STREETS. NOTICE TO FARMERS Good corn huskers furnished. Write wire or phone. Salvage Labor Agency, 210 Soit" 12th St. Phone Doug. 7S79. FIRST-CLASS colored man wishes position as house cleaning. Waxing floor a specialty. Webster 1897. POSITION wanted as janitor In apart ment house. Call Harney 2902. Female. HOUSEKEEPER for reliable widower with children; must be Catholic; city preferred. Write Box 7020. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED colored lady want iron lng and cleaning. Webster 1897. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. LIBERTY BONDS. , We pay the highest prices for your bonds and partly paid receipts. See us before you sell. DELAPLANE LEONARD CO. 642 Securities Bldg. Tyler 4037. WE have the following position now open for immediate acceptance: Assistant shipping and record clerk, city sales man, fruits; traveling salesman, fruits; afristant 'shipping clerk, furniture; traveling salesman, farm machine spe cialty; factory manager for egg tester manufacturing company, requires sa.uuu Investment; salesman for same com Dany. reoulres 85.000 Investment: Junior clerk, stenographer and salesman, Insur ance; snipping ciem witn grocery ex perience; office manager, experienced In furniture; messenger, office boys, ac countant and correspondents credit manager ror auto accessory nouse; salesman, auto accessories; salesman, Implements: nooKKeeper ana typists; salesman, furniture; aalesman, electric motors; aalesman, Insurance; salesman, trucks and tractors, wholesale; young man for blueprint and estimating work, some clerical and sales combined; film aaleoman, experienced; and many other big openings. All oi aoove carry line salaries. EMPLOYERS WSCEIIEBUIS u. 224 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6268. Liberty Bonds Wanted We will pay you spot cash for your Liberty bond or partial payment re ceipt. Room 300 McCague Building. Northwest Cor. 16th and Dodge Sta DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED Multlgraph, uaed, good con dition, Elite type No. 36 or junior. Must be mudorn, with stand and tools. Ad dress Box 80S, Chlllicothe, Mo FOLLOWING positions now open for Im mediate acceptance: Blue printer anu estimator, construction materials. Ex perienced film salesman. Asst. shipping clerk, furniture. Salesman, married, some experience, farm specialty. Junior clerk. Stenographer. Shipping clerk, gro ceries. Office manager, furniture messen ger. Office boys. Accountant ana corre apondent. Credit manager, auto accessory house. Auto accessory salesman. Imple ment salesman. Bookkeeper and typist. Experienced furniture salesman. City so licitor for motors. Insurance salesman, salary guaranteed. Salesman wholesale auto trucks. Big salaries on all of the above. Employers' Reference Co., 224 Bee Bldg, RING. DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. RUOS OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE WANTED Popcorn popper and peanut roaster; also small cash register. Fair field & Myers, Mason City, Neb. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett. 706 North 16tn St CHODAK pay highest prices for old Frank Labno, 4327 South 26th, frame SPECIAL NOTICES." NOTICE- Da you want a guaranteed hand-made Tamatan Japanese rug orKart square? Just a few left. Wilton. Velvet, Axmln ater, Royal Chenille and Tapestry Rugs; Lac Curtains, Blankets and Bed Spreads; Table Linen and Silverware; a small payment down and a little each week. Always courteous treatment and . a square deal. W. S. BUCK MERCANTILE CO., 80S So. 13th St., L. L. Bennett. Mgr. Attention, grading contractors. Bid wanted for excavating and re - moval of earth from basement approxl ' mately 88x64. Short haul. For particu lar, see Fred Boien, Merchant Na tional Bank I , LPFOJ-ID- REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street car tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. T.nfiT Chased aold bar Bin. Sapphire set At SUh and Lake or on 24th on Cross- town street car. Rfjvaratpjraxeeg TslT-ijis Furniture and Household Goods. clothing, shoes and rugs. ster 4211. Call Web- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Brass and Iron Foundries. CREDIT manager, wholesale experience, new firm, excellent luture possiDiiuies; salary to start at least 2200. or 8250. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n., 736 First National Bain Biag. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha St., Omaha. 'Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings , CREDIT MAN and CLAIMS, 2135-8140. BOOKKEEPER, accounting oepi., .-lao-3150. COLLECTION CLERK. 2100-2120. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Attordcon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot. edging, eye-, let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL Bl-TTON AND PLEATING CO. 800-308 Krown Bldg. Phone D. 1935. WANTED At once, boys 18 years of age or- over to start in as messenger m bank; good chance for advancement 350 to start. Box B-90. Bee. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnaro Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Bik. Phone Doug. 3109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way"0?f R. Ticket Office. D. 295. Omaha Transfer Co. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 680 Paxton Blk. R. 4587 Dancing Academies. Vt?T PTMIi1 School for Dancing, -! i J424 Farnam. D. 7850. Learn n dance for 34. Class at 8 and dan cing at 9 p. m., every Monaay, iturs day. Saturday. Music by Desdunes' or chcstrn DANCING TAUGHT. Soft shoe cIok waltz, fox trot, one- step, two-step; after the first lepson able to dance In public : Call Web. 3.144 for appointment. ' f rrTi'inrc! AUCTION! Extra good furniture, rugs, piano and furnlshinKS of several Bond homes in my auction house, southeast corner 18th and Webster Sits.,. Monday, Octobfr 20, marts at 1 p. m., eonsiailnir In part as follows; Several good rugs in Wilton, velvvt, Axmlnstcr and Brussels, all slice; one good piano, two typewriters, parlor furniture, library tables, music box, pictures, and drapes, linens, silver ware, dining-room furniture, large rock ers, brass and Vernls Martin beds, springs and mattresses, mahogany and oak dressers, chiffoniers and dressing tables, gaa ranges, kitchen cabinet ice boxes, garden and laundry tools, dishes, cooking utensils and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. There will be some very expensive, up-to-date furni ture In thla sale. Remember, the sale Is Monday, starts at 1 p. m. JAMES L.'DOWD. Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Red 2235. Tyle 466 nrColfaX 1424. Dentists. DR. SECOR, 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg PHIL WINCKLER, investigations, shadow work, locating; "est retepence., Dewey. Harney 5708. ' JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyler ii3B. ELECTRIC heaters. 310.50; vacuum cleaners. $37.50; Mola wasting macnine. Lalley-Wilson EMectrle Co.. 1807 Farnam. T"lTTP VI M Electric washing machine 1 U IV xvl 1 eiectric iron and reading lamp. 1223 Cuming St Doug. 2519. "kpSmaT-S FOR THIS WEEK, Cane and mahogany living joom suites three pieces complete. 897.50. tH.Y.irinna" bedroom ulte beautiful mahogany finished or other woods. a pa In EA iin ilarie assortment of odd chairs and tockers. 33.75, 35.76 and 37-T6. STATE FURNITURE CO. ."- Corner 14th and Dodge Sta Opposite U. P. Bldg. ' BETTER VALUES BETTER MER. rHANDISE BETTER SERVICE. T. T. VifniilirA tA be 80 Id ! 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ; nh. .iimfairis. tables,- chairs, china . ,.!.v Mhinta Hreaaers. chiffon- . "era. beds, springs, mattresse. trunk luUcases. bedding. Ilneo. etc. Open till I -, nreritt if you wish. 1839-47 N 24th St Web. 1607 FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited. THK KNS1UM WJ.. IWI nu-m fidllERN gas range, first-class condition; . ..hi. two aood refrigerator, white enamel -also bed. floor lamp, mall VIctrola, porch swing, three rock- i. .,. Kft.fnnt enrden hose, - EES .hovels, fruit, Jars, dishes kettle. NEW RUGS mfg. from OLD CARPETS RUG CLEANING. RAG RUG WEAVING CUMING RUG CLEANING a. MFG CO., 2418 St. Red 4122. Omaha g - M ..ny-u At furniture value; act quica. ---rnmina St. frE .ell new and near-i.w furniture, toves and rugs at lowest prices: caah or payment amer. rum. " FOR SALE Range stove. Call Ty. 4185. Pianos and Musical Instruments. "1 TTAOTiti tf Everything In . nUOr-l JJ. art and music Piano for rent. 84.00 per montn. Kama naaosrauu. . , - . . r Typewriters and Supplies. Lvnmip irf mmntmA. renal red. Carbon .,- riKbons and supplies. Service : Jtuaranteed. Try ua. Phon 80JL T OFFIOS EQUIPMENT CO.. IS NortnioinDu IG reduction In lightly used ' win ,.wit Writ tor list. Mid l.. Office 8moly Co.. 1404 Dodge. WirNT an Oliver Typewriter., thre month for OHrg.ncy. 10 Fa.nam " St.. City. " Store and Office Fixtures. 5nt SALE Klalto Shoe Store fixture. Tplta i Mr. Brande. or Mr. Herman. Detectives. Electrical Utilities. Film Developing. Jewelry. DIAMONDS Sfttra back it small profit. OROSS jwbi CO., 402 N. ltitn lnsuvo. C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1893. Sixth Floor, Securities Bldg. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 320 Neville Blk. T. 2960. H. 4741. Painting. SIGNS AND AUTO PAINTING. J B. FITZGERALD. 908 N. 16TH. TYLER 2986. Plating. TTirr- PT.WTBn PLAI1MU wuna. we nave jusi opeucu . plant in Omaha and ready for business. We tlate and replate all finished of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St FPone Douglas Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. nous-las Printing ta Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In- D. 669L Potatoes COUNTRY merchants wanting car load of potatoes write we r ersuouu .. at ScottsDinir. reo.. tor yi im. Printing. .Wedding Stationery TJ. fe Printing Co.. 422 S lth 8t Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632 SAFES Safes. BARGAINS. 12th Farnam J. J. Derlght Safe to. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co..307- South 17th. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L., 216 S. 20th. tailor. D. 2432 M. KEISER. 806 South 13th. D. 1187. WANTED Young men who desire to become bookkeepers, expert accountants and au ditors, to enroll In our evening classes of higher accounting and bookkeeping. If you cannot attend our evening classes, you can study at home by our modern correspondence method. Our training will help you to secure a better paying position. Rates are reasonable, payable In monthly Installments. Call and se us, or write for further l-,fnr Htlrtn. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, v 18th and Farnam, umana. INCOME tax man, 3250-3300. .Bookkeepers, iiii-i2D-iuv. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY 1138 First National BanK ciog. BRANDEIS Stores want experienced win dow washer. Apply superimenuem i flee, balcony, Professions and Trades 200 to 400 nonunion mechanics can se cure wor- In Salt Lake City In th fol- ! lowing trades:.- MACHINISTS, BOILER MAKERS, MOULDERS, PATTERN MAKERS, CORE MAKERS. OXY ACETYLENE WELDERS. Scale 75 cents pet hour; time and one- half for all overtime; 48 hours per week. - ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 793, SALT LAKE CITY. i WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GARAGE MAN TO TAKE CHARGE AT NIGHT. APPLY TO MR. O'HERREN. SUPERINTENDENT BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. Chicken Pickers Wanted Steady work, good surroundings, long season: paying hens, five: springs, six cents; no cox nor culls. Sunlight Produce Co., Sioux City, la. WANTED Linotype operators and hand compositors; nonunion; reierence re quired; eight-hour day; good pay and working conditions; living expenses low; perfect winter climate; natural gVs for fuel at 26c per 1,000; no danger of coal famine. Address Fort Smith Printing and Publishing Fraternity, Fort Smith. Arkansas. WE have exceptional opportunity for first r asa automobile electrical man: must be able to repair any make of starter or magneto. Address a. j. nipper, Care Sioux City Storage Battery to Sioux City, ta. ; WANTED All around heet metal worker; one who ha naa experience in furnace work; steady Job for right man; do not write unless you mean business. Billings Sheet Metal Works. Billings. Mont. WANTED At once one experienced ship- ninr ciprir. on. exDenencea tiro aajus- t.i- one exDerlenced stock man. Apply in . Derson Immediately. Flak Rubber Co.. 2408 rarnam, WANTED Experienced real estate man of middle age. wishes position with r.n. I nun Co.. as land examiner referencea furnished Lock' Box 2L Tekamah, Neb. niMTEn Men wishing position fire . men. colored train porters, 8160, 3200 .,.ntt- no experience necessary. Ad dress Inter-Railway, Y-721. Omaha Bee. ALL round binder wanted to take charge of small bindery; non-union; good pay and chance for advancement Reynard Press. 133 Fl"8t street. San Francisco, t itt .OR wanted for bushelman: also all ,nnri man for cleaning dept.; steady lob for good man. J. W. Fields, Dry Cleaner. Ft. Collins, Colo. Towel Supplies. FRONT' ER Towel Sup. 1815 California. Omaha Towel Supply, 207' a 11th. D. iZt. WANTED A Linotype operator or Job and ad man, by Chadron Journal, Chad ron. Neb. TRUCK driver, experienced; 1100. Co., 221 Be Bldg. E. R- WANTED Young ladle to enroll In our short courses In bookkeeping, shorthand, type writing and operation of comptometer. By our method of Individual Instruction In these courses you can qualify for a high-class position In the shortest pos sible time. We secure a position for you Just a soon as you are able to till It. Start tomorrow in our day or evening classes. Tuition - rates are reasonable, payable In monthly Installments. Call and see us or telephone your registra tion, ppone Douglas 7416. Yon have no money to Invest, onlv your time while we teach you how and at the same time will convince you this Job I just a represented. We nave, soma good tenitory, including Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, South Dakota, Minne sota, Colorado and Wyoming, so act qulcklv Must have a car. Ad areas. GENERAL OFFICE 307 HOWARD STREET SECOND FLOOR Ak for Sales Manager. CANVASSERS and( two neat appearing men for city work and good premium proposition. Will teach you how you can easily earn from (8 to 310 dally, and will give very as sistance to worker, eommla misslon basl. Se Chenhall Room, 702 Be Bldg., 8 to 8:30 a. m.; 4:30 to 6:00 p. m. ' ONE OF THE OLDEST AND LARGEST ORGANIZA TIONS OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA. CAN USE A B U S I N E S S-GETTER IN OMAHA, IOWA OR NE BRASKA. WE FURNISH LEADS. CO-OPERATION OF LOCAL BANKER. WE HAVE MEN NOW MAKING 85.000 AND MORE FIRST MONTH WHO HAVE NEVER HAD OUTSIDE SELLING EXPE RIENCE. MAN WITH CAR PREFERRED, BUT NOT IM PERATIVE IF YOU HAVE GRIT AND ABILITY. AD DRESS OR PHONE F. LE MORE, ROME HOTEL. SPECIALTY SALESMAN Wanted to sell high-grade line to homeB, stores, factories. In Omaha and vicinity; 11 years Increasing success throughout United States; repeat order will build permanent local business; state age, qualification, goods sold. Silver-Cham-berltn Co., Clayton, N. J. 1 PICTURE MEN WANTED. IF INEXPERIENCED WE TEACH YOU. EXPENSES ADVANCED. SEE US FIRST. GOOD PROPOSITION. APPLY 6:30 TO 8 P. M. MR. GRAHAM. CARLTON HOTEL. IF YOU can sell Insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address lock Sox 8 Omaha, Neb. WE have the following positions now open for Immediate acceptance: sua ciem, uptown; adding machine operator, dicta phone operator, beginner office clerk, hydraulic elevator operator,' bookkeeper and typist, girls for temporsry clerical work, posting machine operator, multi graph operator, file clerk and typist, ledger clerk (fine position), offlc clerk, messenger girl, clerk for temporary work, girl for picture finishing, and many opening for typist and tenog raphers. All of the above positions carry good salaries, and it will pay you to see us at once. We can place you. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO. 224 Bee Bldg. Douglas 5268. WANTED Young ladles who deslr to learn bookkeeping and accounting to enroll In our evening classe of higher ac counting and bookkeeping. If you cannot attend our evening classes, you can study at home by our modern correspondence method. Our training will help you to secure a better paying position. Rate are reasonable, payable In monthly Installment. Call and e us, or write for further Infor mation STENOGRAPHERS. 8100, 390 and 385. Beginner stenograpner, sbo io io. General office clerk, 112 week, 81 n, mnA 1 1 8 AP.k. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 917-18 w. u. w. mag. COST clorks, 380-390; Junior clerk, 6&; Junior clerk, Jo; aie lore coai com pany, $80. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO.. 1516 City Nat TYPISTS Four different position, $60- $70; stenographers, 6U-u; aaaing ma chine operators, $15; clerks, $55. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1616 City Nat. WANTED Girl for office work. Aged about 18, of fair education ana gooa penmanship. Salary $10.00 per week. See Manager, 312 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. STENOGAPHERS, $110-$100-$90-$85-$80- $75. Stenographer, ecretary, $25 a week. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. Professions and Trades. WANTED First class barber. Apply 2904 Sherman Ave. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white girl lor general nouseworK; oest wages; no laundry work. Mrs. E. A. Cretghton, 119 S. 34th St. Phone Harney 391. GIRL for general housework; laundress and upstairs girl Kept; gooa wages. Mrs. A. W. Gorden, 1016 South Thlrty- elghth street. WANTED A NURSE MAID. Mrs. GEORGE VAN BRUNT, 224 S. 8th St., Council Bluff. Ia. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mr. Merrlam, Harney iuu. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. NICELY' furnished, large. 2880 weosier. front room. ONE large sunny south room; walking distance ; reasonaoie. ansa iougias. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR LENT Housekeeping rooms, aleo- trle llgnt ana ga xurnisnea. v do. 28th St. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO modern front rooms, 1S32 Vinton St. Douglas FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT A six-room cottage, modern except heat; 2. A. w. Tolana, 410 Bee Bldg., office phone, D. 3576; resi dence phone, Wal. 2816. EiST your property for rent or sale with Umax inuoi wirfti I , Realtors. Tyler 7. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FARNAM ST. STORE. Fin extra deep ator. with extension to alley: suitable for nlgh-class auto or other business. See 2063 Farnam street, H. A. WOLF CO., agents. (12 Electrlo Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED GOOD store rooms, Moon Theater Bldg. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Phone Douglas' 8842. Office and Desk Room. OFFICE room and desk. Blocks Tyler 1995. 441 Paxton Miscellaneous. FOR RENT On long-time lease, large roomy storeroom In heart of retail dts trlct. Rent $500 per month. Box So- 93. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses THREE or 4-room unfurnished apartment by young couple without children. Call room 340, Hotel Keen. FOUR or 6-room house or cottage, dress F. H. Chase, Bee. Ad- MOVING AND STORAGE. CO. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto or wa gon service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 8400 UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1606 Da venport. Doug. 2908. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WANTED Girl for 3611 Jackson St general housework. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 4224. Hotels and Restaurants. FIRST class white woman cook; must be a fast worker; wages $75 per month, board and room. Hotel Stevens, Bone- steel, So. Dak. WANTED Cook, middle aged White Way Cafe. Oakland. Ia. lady. Miscellaneous. $20 daily earned by steady workers; write for letters irom men wno are aoing It; new automobile article, sells rapidly everywhere; experience unnecessary. Write Deep Company, Springfield, O. GO INTO business for yourself and make $10 while you are making $1 on com mission. See me for capital. Britton Picture House, Box 178, Omaha. Boys. WANTED Bright neat appearing boy to deliver proofs, see advertising manager, Omaha Bee. BOY WANTED To learn trade. Apply after 6 p. m. Night Foreman Bee. DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED. Slaters, $11.00 Day. Bricklayers, $1.15 Hour: Laborers, $5.00 Day. Time and half overtime. Double time Sunday, To work at Flint, Mich., for DuPont Eng. Co. Transportation ad vanced. Good accommodations $8.00 per week. Apply 321 and 323 S. 11th St. Sunday Included. 1 AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS. We guarantee you $3 with an oppor tunity to earn from $4 to $8 daily. . Teach you to drive and pay you while learning. We require a $50 cash bond at time of employment Write or apply In person. Do not telephone. OMAHA TAXICAB CO., 2872 Harney. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors. dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses F. V. Knlest, 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED MEN FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. THE BIG 4 LABOR AGEN CIES. 822 8. ELEVENTH ST. D. 4044. GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR LABELING AND PACKING MACARONI. LIGHT AND EASY. CLEAN AND PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. DAY WORK. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT SKINNER MFG. CO. TYLER 1528. 14TH AND JACKSON. WANTED. 20 experienced power machine opera tor on Co-Zee overall. Experienced operator can make $20 per week. Can use a few that as not experi enced. W glv t guarantee whll learning. Apply for lady. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO.. 70 S. 15th St HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladiea and boy to learn oaroer craae; oig aemana; wages wnue learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. NOVEMBER 15, Census Examinations everywhere. Tnousands needed, sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 231-T, Rochester. N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL 1 NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course In accountancy, ma chin bookkeeping, comptometry, hort hand and typewriting, stenotype, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phon Douglas 1S65 for large Illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOYLES COLLEGE. Bovles Building, Omaha, Neb BIG BARGAIN Must be taken within 24 hours; I rooms and bath, 1 stories, full base ment, all modern, 1 block to street car. In go-.d locality. Price $2,850. See us at Theo. E. Peterson Co., (Realtors.) 457-8 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7024. WELL LOCATED Have two modern houses for sale on term. Watts Real Estate Co., . S18-18 Paxton Block. HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, 802-317 Wilkinson Bldg.. Omaha. ' LARGE family needing modern home West Farnam district had better call Douglas 200. A splendid bargain. OMAHA real estate and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 100 Brandeis Theat. Doug. 86. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Paxton Block. Phone Tyler 4880. WE have cash buyer for Weat Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. 6-ROOM home, fine location, all modern; now vacant; paving paid, and near car; $4,950; eas yterms; call days. Douglas 1734. 1127 S. 31ST Modern 10 rooms; paving paid; possession Nov. 15; garage; $7,500. John N. Frenzer, Douglas 654. OWNER living in California in city will sell. 2706 Howard. Walnut 3260 North. A REGULAR HOME For Less Than House Can Be Built for 2019 Grand Ave. 7 rooms, strictly modern, rec. hall, parlor, din. room, kitchen, pantry. Ice box room, screened porch on S. E. cor ner, downstairs; 3 bedrooms and bath up; full cemented basement; coal bins, fruit room, laundry, sink, floor drain; large lot. paved street; just off Prettiest Mile. This Is best buy in city today. Owner leavrng city. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Ty. 4880. Sunday or eve.. Col. 2530. Dandy Bungalow Near Kountze Park, rooms and tiled bath, ell oak finish, fine vapor heating plant, full cellar, dandy vegetable cel lar, laundry, etc.; fine brick foundation. Must be seen to ;be appreciated. - Rea sonable price. See us at once. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Ph. D. 2182. SIX ROOMS and bath, 2 stories, large attic, oak floors down ana oaK nnisneu throughout; garage; combination stair way; decorations In perfect condition; lot 60x100; 2551 Plnkney St.; $6,000, half rnnh WATSON & BRENAN, Real Reliable Realty." Tyler 4505. 644 World-Herald Bldg. WANTED Window washer; must be ex perienced. Apply housekeeper, Black stone hotel. MEN wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganow, former government detective, Danville, III. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. ' ! -I WANT 5 YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE WORK. THIS AFFORDS A BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS TO GET INTO EXECUTIVE POSITIONS THAN ANY OTHER BUSINESS 1 KNOW. YOU DON'T NEED EXPERI ENCE. I WILL TRAIN YOU IN A GOOD SCHOOL AND YOU WILL BE PAID WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING COME AND SEE MB DAYS BETWEEN 8 A. M AND t P. M. ' OERALDINB BELL. 218 TELEPHONE BLDG. Vart Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. MOSHER stenographer succeed. Learn quickly In school or by "Home Study." Omaha Business College, 306 Lyric Bldg., 19th and Farnam. D. 6528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone. Red 185. 209 South 16th St v FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODOS BTH. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furnished. Hotel service, Tyler 4200. ROACHES, etc.. exterminated with on ap plication, by contract or sold outright B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA. 807 Brand. The. Bldg. Dour 1370. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms STENOGRAPHER and reception room girl, prominent physician; ' prefer high school graduate; will consider beginner; salary 376 to start, with promise of 3100 In short time If quallfed. Western Ref erence A Bond Ass'n.. 736 First National Bank Bldg, FOR RENT Large furnished room In modern Drlvate home, to desirable par ties; do other roomers; no objection to girls. 315 Park Ave. Harney 170. FOR RENT. Two furnished light housekeeping rooms, all modern. Inquire at 1424 N. 19th St. WOMAN employed will rent ood room In new downtown apartment to woman employed; $25 per month. Box 8-vb, Omaha Bee. COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom In heated flat. 646 South 27th Street. Har. 4996. ELMS HOTEL, 19th and Harney, under new management; nice, clean, modern room. $ per week and up. NICELY furnished modern room; private wal. su'JD. via raicnoia. 0 South. Hanscom Park District " BARGAIN BUY - '$350 CASH Owner baa a very low and reasonable price on this property at 1344 South Twenty-seventh street; a seven-room, partially modern house on a fine east and south front corner lot; term $260 caahj $20 per month; see today. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. - STUCCO. BUNGALOW Just being completed, ' 5 fine rooms on one floor; oak and enamel finish: oak floors; complete In every detail; a snap at $5,760. . 1 1 Benson & Carmicnael, Tyler 3640. 640 Paxton Block. Choice Field Club Home SEVEN ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN, SAST FRONT. ' $2,600 Down. Price $8,600. $80 Month. This Is a strictly htgh-grade home, very finest construction, and is worth $9,600. Call for appointment Owner, Tyler 4a. 1314 SO. 21st St., an 8-room modern, east front house. Fin lot and very deslr able neighborhood. Close to car. House In tin condition, now - vacant. Can show today. Call Harney 2267 or Mon day? Tyler 4316. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.,. , 2620 Farnam. I FIVE rooms, on S. 21st St.; $8 per month. Morearty t Conboy, Bee Bldg. Doug. I 3841. Tyler 4677. Miscellaneous. NINE-ROOM, ail modern house; hot water heat newly painted and In good condition. 2518 Caldwell. Price, $3,500; part cash. TRUMBULL 4 AUSTIN. 1805 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler 788. BIRKETT & CO.lT'i and Insure?. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on boulevard. $1,760. C. D. Arm- atrong. 325-6 Securities Bldg. LIST your houses and lots for quick ale with Hastings Heyden, realtors. 1614 Harney street Phone Tyler 50 W Have Property for Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO 202 South 17th St Douk 6012 BARGAINS In home Investment prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harrl son A Morton. 91b Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. WILL build a nice modern 6-room house for you. I have the material purchased. Call Wl 127. REAL ESTATE-Business Property. BUSINESS property and investment. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 420 First National Bank Bldg. Farnam, Harney, Leavenworth and Cum ing Sts. Payn & Slater Company. Doug 1016 REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER TIES AND WAREHOUSE SPACE. SEE GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtors. Douglas 3962. 918-20 City Nat Bk. Bldg. BELT line trackage. , 1 4 acres tn center of population, near school, churches, car lines and shopping center. Ideal for manufacturing purposes. Trackage is scarce. This Is best piece of trackage In Omaha today. For location and price call at this office. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-6 Ames Ave. GOOD trackage lot lip feet front paved street. $3,500. S. P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. 7-ROOM house, close to school; away from mud and water. Terms. Call Red 654. Dundee. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., 812-14 City National. Douglas 8787. South Side. IF you want a real home, at a bargain, you should see Jaa H. Kopleti. real es tate investments. 4733 South 24th st REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. EXCELLENT TRADE I have forty acres in Wayne county, Missouri, that I will trade for a good car; would prefer a sedan or a car with a winter top. If you have anything that you would want to trade call W. NATHAN WATTS, Doug. 8006. 618- Paxton Blk. FARM FOR EXCHANGE 120-acre Monona County, Iowa, farm, fine rich soil, rolling upland, very good buildings, 90 acres tillable, balance rough pasture. Rents for half; near town. Want merchandise stock or Omaha flat or propertv. Price, $21,000. Will carry back. OWNER. 442 Omaha Nat. Bank. INCOME TAX LAND. We have 11 houses listed In Omafca. Owner wants land. S. 8 & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only t blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and slghtlv, black soil; price $295 and $340. THE BYRON REED CO. OR SALL -Two full size lots In beauti ful Overlook addition block south of Elmwood park; act quick a these will not be on the market long. Address, Box Y-94 Omaha Bee. -. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW A strictly all-modern bungalow, almost new, at a bargain. $3,660. Located 4528 North 86th Av. Call Mr. Theo dore, D. 4670, or Tyler 1910, A VACANT STUCCO 31 N 3Sfh Ave. Oak finish; 7-R., $7,000, $1,700 down. See it. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park- wood Addition, s saie place ror invest ment Norrls A Norrls. Doug 4370. 211 FOWLER AVE. 6-room modern house, price f $,860. for quick cash sale. Col. 8794. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler I87j WE will sell your home within 80 days. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-06 Ames avenue, Colfax 175. YOUNG - DOHERTY. RUll, ESTATE INVESTMENT. 232 BRANDEIS THEATER D 1761. South. 5-R. HANSCOM PARK sna riAWN- PRinc tJ.100:1 220 MONTH. Has gas, toilet all paved streets and paid for; block to car; 2 blocks to park and school: all on one floor; full base ment; dandy buy. Call Tyler 498. SOUTH OMAHA Packing house man, a new home for vau at 33d and Jefferson: five . rooms. good basement: two large lots. Call Colfax 71. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA 160 acres, located In best fartnlng dis trict of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colome; all fenced and under cul tivation; two springs; six-room boust and other building in good repair. Will ell or trade for city property. A B ALPIRN, 7th and Dougla St. Call Doug. 8424 - FINANCIAL.' Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. CITY and farm loan; 6Vi and ( per cant; no delay. J, H. Dumont Ca, 411 Keellno Bldg. 1 . MONEY to land on Improved Real Ett Interest payable eml-annually. W, IL THOMAS - SON. 828 Keelln Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. - SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Doug. 38. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. D. E BUCK. Loan. 443 Omaha Nat Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT - Wanted $2,000 loan on $1,000 frater nal insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan 1 beneficiary. F4e of policy will com to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who 1 61 year old and In poor health. Will arrange matter so that entlr $3,000 will be paid to not holder upon death of Insured, am) will keep up premiums on Insurance. Chance to make from $600 to $1,000 In short tlm. Address Bee. Box M-8. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. FIVE-ACRE farm on Woodbury Ave. Good land, close to paving, f rice, 3,tuu. mc Gee Real Estate Co., 106 Pearl St., Coun- cll Bluffs, Ia. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED HOUSES We have buyer for house well lo cated; list with ua at onoe. Watts Real Estate Co., 618-19 Paxton Block. WE HAVE served the Omaha publlo in buying and selling real estate ror over 36 years. We have many calls now -for homes. List your property with u. We will serve sou io your beat interest. McCague Investment Co., Douglas 4is. WE WILL pay cash for your home, or we will sell it tor you. Just pnone ua and Immediate inspection will be mda Prompt results assured. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. $33 Securitie Bldg. After 6:30 p. m. call Mr. Noar, Web ster 4413 or Mr. Johnson, Harney 6912. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyer for well-located bungalows and residence worth the money. For quick result, list with ua O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY, 632-6 Brandeis Theater mag. HAVE customer for 7-room house, Hans- iwm r ill t. 1 1 1 v: t. , van j-.j .uvv ,-- and $76 per month. Call Mr. Beavers. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 1 2620 Farnam Street. Acres we FOR SALE by owner 21 Improved acre m ray ot umana; terms on application. C. V. Rlan, 60 N. 41st St. Walnut 8646. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It but the price must be right GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. 26 City Nat. Bk Bldg Dong 1948. WILL buy a few good contract, second mortgages, or mech. lien. Chaa L. Pease. 211 Brandel Theater Biag. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick salea 442 Bee Bldg Phone. Dougla 8097 LIST your property for aale with C A. GRIMMEL. 84 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ; ! WE have the customer and can sell your property; (1st with John W. Robbln. 68! Brandeis Theater. D. 6S. LIST your property with C C. BEAVERS. Doug. 2450. 760 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. FOR quick sales list your property with W O. SHRIVER. 1047-9 Om. Nat Bk Bldg. Doug 186 WE want houses, large and small, cash or terms Telephone us. EDWARD V WILLIAMS. P. 428. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE RFAI, ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat Bk, Bldg. Dour $71$. Colorado Lands. CALORADO LAND. South halt section 24-16-46. Chynn county, Colorado. All nice, mooth land. Price for quick sal $16.00 per acre caah. Thl 1 a good buy. Writ or wir. . C. R MOLING, 20t Lathrop Building. Kanaar City, Mo, CHOICE land cloae to "Th town of Kit Carson In Cheyenne counly, Colorado, for sale at $18 to $30 per acre; will 4ak an auto as. first pay; will be at Pax ton hotel until Monday morning, room 822. Call and se me, or write for pr ticulara to Haxton, Colo. Also choice land near Haxton. A;M. Axeleon; $0,000 acre choice raw or improved Lin coln. Co., Colo., Unds Bargain. Easy terms See J. L. Maurer Arriba. Colo. Iowa Lands. GOOD SMALL FARM Near town, school, church; good roads; 120 acres rich land, well Im proved, best soli, 90 acres can be plowed. balance pasture.- Term, $3,000 cash. oaianca to suit. rrlce $21,000. show It any day this Week. D. E. BUCK, umana Nat Bk. Will Omaha. Nebraska Lands. PIERCE COUNTY, NEB7 Farms For Sale. All good farm. In good part of coun ty. Located close to county seat town. On main roads. Telephone. Close to school. Good water. In corn belt. 240 acres, good clay soil, extra well Improved, fine alfalfa and hay, 150 acres under cultivation roiling. Price $176.00 per acre. 320 acres, good soil, well Improved, nearly . all under cultivation. Price $165.00 per acre. 80 acres, sandy loam, half cultivated, balance pasture, well Improved. Price $80.00 per acre. v . 160 acres, sandy loam, well Improved, 110 acres under cultivation.. Price $100.00 per acre. Write or see owner D. C. DEIBLKR. Fierce. Neb. . DON'T MISS THIS 160 acres. S miles from Ashland. Neb. Highly cultivated and improved, beat t soli. Owner Is leaving for California for hiis health and must sell. This farm has been previously priced at $250, but ow ing to the necessity of a quick sal can be bought for $245 per. A snap llko this doesn't last long, so you had better hurry and ee W. NATHAN WATTS, Doug. $006. 118-1 Paxton Blk. FOR SALE 800 acres, choice all level,. wen improved rarm in Kimball county, Nebraska.; buildings all in good shape; four-room house, 28x28; barn, 68x64; granary, 18x28; bunk house, chicken coop, garage, good well, and wind mill with supply tanks and cistern all fenced. 570 seres under cultivation, 890 acres seeded with fall wheat; balance pas ture; can be all broke; price $57 per acre; a fine farm where tractor work la a success; a good buy where specula tion has not boosted the price; refer to tire American State Bank. Kimball, Neb., or J. W. Larsen, 2218 North Em- met atrret. umana. Neb. SARPY CO. FARM 4 258 acres 4 miles from good town; 25 miles to Omaha; 160 acres rich Elk horn bottom land, worth $360 per acre; 6$ acres of timber pasture; splendid 8-room house, barn, windmill. Thl is an undivided estate and will be sold for $226 per -acre. Carry $20,000 back In first mortgage. A splendid grain and GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. oi umana national Bank Bids. umana, Neb. DON'T FORGET! BIO LAND SALE HAVENS. NEBRASKA ' Oct. 22d, Wednesday, 1 p. m. : CHOICE PLATTE VALLEY FARMS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER SALE IN OPERA HOUSE RAIN OR SHINE . NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO.. CENTRAL CITY, NEBRASKA. M. A. LARSON, MANAGER MARK CARRAHER, AUCTIONEER IN THE famous Piatt valley,- la th alfaira center or th world are oppor tunities yet of getting good farm at reasonable price ranging from 878.0 and up. Write for full particular or se ma, u. Jonnson Bros,, im crook. Neb. I have 160 acres of land In Pawns eeua ty. Nebraska for trade for a small traet of land or an Income property la or around Omaha. Write S. J. Brum baugh, Summerfleld, Kan. FOR Western Neoraska and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO 664 Brandel Bldg. WRITE ma for plctur and price of my farm and ranchea In good old Dawes Co. Aran L. Hungerford. Crawford. Nb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE , A. A. PATZMAN, 310 Karbach Blk. ' Tyler 834. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farm. Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holman, Bushnell, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farm at th right prlc. M. A, LARSON. Central City. Neb. PRICE and term right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farm. C. V. Nelson. 616 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. New York Lands. 86 ACRES, equlpt, $7,500; $2,000 cash; $100 yearly. A. F. MAAHS, Mexico. New York. Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 280-acr farm in Todd coun ty. Minn.; building consist of seven room house, barn, granary, eorncrlb, wlndrhlll, etc; 120 acres under cultiva tion, balance used tor meadow and pasture; no wsst land; thl farm will produce good crop of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc.; located only a mil from railroad town; good, soil; would make a good grain or itock farm; prlc 222.60 per acre. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. South Dakota Lands. - RANCH for sale, 2.200 acre deeded, 4,820 acres leased. Lease run $ year from March 1. 1920. Prlc $40 per acre. This ranch 1 located In the Rosebud country In South Dakota. Address Y-718 Omaha Bee. i Texas Lands. ' TEXAS LAND. Why buy In a company T Own your own 6 or 10-acre home farm and oil field In Galveston county. Priced to sell. Addreas 601 West Seventh St, Lexlng ton. Neb. Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraska sod South Dakol farms end ranches see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug. 008. 622 Paxton Blk. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. A REAL FARM 160 acre, all good farm land, near Calhoun, to rent on share to party buy ing equipment amounting to $4,500; cash required. W. NATHAN WATTS 613-1 Paxton Block. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE arill sell your farm; timely sale; quick results. Held Land Co.. 864 Brandela Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. USED cars ot exceptional valu. GUY L. SMITH, 851 Farnam flt Dong. 17 U8ED CARS AND TRUCKS. , AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 1020 Farnam St. Omaha. Nckt 'J 4' ;