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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21. 19l9. 1. STUDENTS TO BE ACTIVE AT BIG GAME SATURDAY Creighton Rooters Organizing and Getting Ready for Pranks at Rourke Park. Four representatives from each department of Creighton university wilt meet tonight in Creighton gym nasium to plan student activities f the Creighton-Marquette game at Rourke park Saturday afternoon. The representatives will be elected from the student body this morning when meetings will- be held at the colleges of medicine, dentistry, phar macy, law and arts. A meeting of the entire student body will probably be called at Creighton gym Thursday night un der the auspices of the department renre.entativre. who meet toniffht. Present plans include a parade of ;ill Creighton students either on the night' before or immediately before the Marquette contest. If held at night, torchlights will be carried. The Creighton band will be aug mented by 30 pieces and will appear both in the parade and at the game. Medical fraternities have begun work on features for the parade. Competition for the distinction of producing the most attractive fea ture is keen. A large section of the stands at Rourke park have been set aside for Creighton students. Pre-Season Basket Ball League Opens Schedule Tonight Everything is in shape for the in auguration ceremonies of the 1919 amateur basket ball season this evening at the Young Men's Chris tian association, when the opening games of the pre-season league start Chairman Verne Moore of the "Y" basket ball committee, who is prac tically responsible for the formation of this league, announced last night that the teams are all in gieat form and plenty of snappy playing can be expected. Moore is also confident that this new league will go over strong, as the teams are taking con siderable interest. . The ooenine game, starting at 7:30 o'clock, will be between the Mont clairs, under the leadership .of Mer itt Klepser, and the Bemii Parks, captained by Ralph Ross. Follow ing this contest the Morningsides will clash with the Kirkwoods. The Morningsides are captained by Ross Richards, while Rube Brown is in charge of the Kirkwoods. , The other two games will be played in the following order: Union Squares, captained by Rube Kron stedt, will meet the Norwoods, cap tained by Glenn Orr, while the Glen dales, under the captainship of Bill Usher, play the Idle wild, captained by L. Everson. ; From present indications one or the largest crowds that has yet at tended basket ball games at the "Y" is expected. Players of all the teams participating are well known and have a host of friends, who will be on deck to cheer them on to vic tory. Woman Walks Streets All Night After Being Robbed Oakland, Cal. Dazed by a blow from a highwayman, Mrs. James T. Perry wandered in the streets through the night and only reached her home at daybreak, according to the story she toW the police. A missing pocket-book and valuable lavalliere and a gash across her scalp bear out her story. She said she was returning from "San Francisco and was accosted by the robber, who stepped from a vacant lot. He snatched her laval liere and then demanded her pocket- 1 -t- - XJU. .1,. ,.(,. POOK, 8I1C aaye. vvH auc iciuswu to comply, she says, she saw his hand raised, and that was the last she remembered. Two strange women brought her to her home at 7 o'clock in he morning. One Edition of Paper Uses 30 Acres of Wood Chicago, Oct. 20. That newsprint paper will have to be made from the straw of wheat and other grains in a few years if the destruction of Canadian puipwooa ioresis comm ues at its present rate, was the as sertion of C. Price-Green of Toron to, industrial commissioner of the Canadian National railways, here to attend the exposition of chemical industries. The straw, he said, now is largely wasted. "With but one-fifteenth of the world's population, the United States consumes one-half of the .world's production of paper," he said. "One edition of Chicago s largest newspaper, he declared, requires the spruce of 30 acres of forest." 5a 0 A .S& rV& ffiV WlrtJi NEXT ONE OVER" wiTiTDiwsmm A CASE OF SUSPENDED ANIMATION. Mi. THE country is dry for the bird with ossified eyelids. But if the hinges on your lamp shades are working you can wink yourself right into a souse that will exempt you from the next eight wars. . We don't know what kind of powders they, are peddling over the bars, but one drink will make you weatherproof. Two drinks will put the well known staggard tread on your liver. . V Three sniffs and you rush out like an alcohol burning crusader to pick the feathers off a lion. a When the prohibitionists passed a Sullivan law on concealed cork screws they figured the works would curl up like a haddock in the hot sun. They thought that noses would fade like Autumn leaves. But the cash registers are still playing Sousa's Marches. The bar keeps are still spinning their elbows to and fro and they ain't knitting sox. The stew bums are still utilizing the parking space between the brass rail and the gutta percha free lunch. King Alcohol is deader than Bluebeard's wives. But there hasn't been any insurance collected on him yet. A guy ain't dead so long as there's moisture on the bajroom mirror. And they haven't sawed the mahogany bar up into mourner's benches. There have been lots of floral tributes received. " But floral tributes don't make a funeral. Out in Oklahoma old Joe Krepp's wife died and Joe went out and bought a red nicktie. Oklahoma is the finest agricultural state in the world. They raise four crops of wreaths a year. Joe's neighbors had the parlor swamped with flowers. On the day of the last sad rites, the neighbors busted in and found Joe playing quoits with the funeral Wreaths. He had just made a ringer with a combination smilax and ivy quoit. He would have won the game if his brother-in-law hadn't made three leaners with a set of paper and wJtx rose wreaths. s If King Alco is dead, then the mahogany is a polished Ouija board that transmits messages from the spiritual world. And the stuff they slip you would heat an apartment house in a blizzard. One swallow makes a Summer so far as the temperature is concerned. It ain't carbolic and it ain't turpentine, but the effect is the same when taken with sousicidal intent. It's equivalent to stuff taken by mistake in the dark, except that the electric lights are on. Human nature is a queer bundle. A guy will step into a high licensed headache garage. He will order sarsaparilla and then get sore if he gets it. If the Kink is dead, then everybody believes in ghosts. Instead of a sheet he wears a label. And when a cuckoo applies at the hospital with a Number Six case of painter's colic the surgeons know that he has seen the spook. The extract they peddle now should be handled only with a brush. v Whatever the mysterious fluid is that is being poured over the bar, the ambulance records show that the boys prefer it to punctuated beer.. Futurity Coursing Meet Closes; Blue Bill Wins Cup and Purse Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) The national futur ity coursing meet closed here Mon day evening. Blue Bill, owned by Tonebarger and Brownlee, Sabetha, Kan., won the futurity cup with a purse of $350. Dr. Flint, owned by Walter Gasparek of Coffeyville, Kan., won the Beaterce special with Gay Clair, owned by Ray Clair of Aurora, Neb., runner-up. The next meet will be held at Talmage, Neb. Wills, Brennan, Rosenberg, Winners in Jersey City Bouts Jersey City, N,' T., Oct. 20. Harry Wills, negro heavyweight of New Orleans, outfought Joe Teanette, the local negro heavyweight, in every round of an eight-round bout. Wills weighed 209 pounds and Jeanette 204. Bill Brennan, Chicago, weighing 19$ pounds, gave Dan O'Dowd of Boston, 171 pounds, a bad beating in every round of another eight round go. Dave ' Rosenberg of New York, last year's national amateur welter weight champion, knocked out Rube Lundv of New York in the third round. Jackson Defeats Drummie in Fast Six-Round Bout Philadelphia, Oct. 20. Willie Jackson of New York defeated Johnny Djummie, Jersey City, in a fast six-round . bout. Jackson had the advantage in every round except the fifth. Nurses Demand $5 a Day, Six Hours' Sleep ' Milwaukee. Trained nurses in the Fox River valley voted to charge a minimum wage of $5 a day and de mand at least six hours' sleep and eight hours' recreation each day, $6 for contagious disease cases, $40 a week for obstetrical patients and $5 to $10 for assisting at operations. They are following the action of the doctors in charging $3 for day calls and $5 for night calls. Baby Unhurt When Train -Speeds Over Little Body Fond Du Lac, Wis. The 15 months' old child of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Klemp, Ripon, toddled onto the tracks of the St. Paul road in front of a switch engine. The engine and four cars passed over it. When the engineer went back, in stead of finding the mangled body, as he expected, he discovered the infant unhurt. Itching, Scratching. Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results. For real, downright, harassing, discomfort, very few disorders can approach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczenu, Tetter, Boils, eruptions, scaly irritations and similar skin troubles, notwithstand ing the lavish use of salves, lotions, washes and other treatments applied sxtemally to the irritated parts. No one ever heard of a person being afflicted with any form of skin disease whose blood was in good condition. Therefore, it is but logical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for nmplea, blotches, sores, boils, rough. red and scaly akin, is to purify the blood and remove the tiny germs of pollution that break through and manifest their presence on the sur face of the skin. People in all parts of the coun try have written us how they were completely rid of every, trace of these disorders by the use of S. S. S., the matchless, purely vege table blood purifier. S. S. S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply, and strengthens and builds up the circulation, giving a clear and ruddy complexion that indi cates a healthy condition of the skin. Write today for free medical advice regarding your case. Ad dress Swift Specific Co., 443 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. FISTULA CURED Rectal Disease. Cared without severe surrtcal operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Cora guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for illus trated book on Rectal Iliseases. with name and testimonials of more than 1.000 prominent people e who have been permanently eared DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. King of Spain, Incognito, Arrives in France and Gets a Hearty Welcome Paris, Oct. 20. King Alfonso of Spain arrived in Paris Monday from Madrid and began almost immedi ately to carry out the program ar ranged for his brief stay in the city before he proceeds to England. Arriving at the Quai D'Orsay sta tion, the monarch was welcomed by Stephen Pinchon, French foreign minister; Colonel Radet, represent ing President Poincare; Senor De Leon, Spanish ambassador, and others. Alfonso wore citizens clothes. In spite of his strict incognito, the crowds gathered outside the station and cheered Alfonso. The king paid visits to President Poincare, Premier Clemenceau and Foreign Minister Pinchon, and re ceived at the home of Ambassador De Leon delegations of widows and orphans and wounded soldiers who visited the' embassy to thank him for what he did for them during the war. Creighton High to Meet Missouri Valley Friday Creighton High will be represent ed at Missouri Valley, la., next Fri day afternoon by one of the best teams that has ever played under the local (high school's banners. Coach Anderson has developed irito excellent working order a back field of last season's stars that be wildered Commerce High last week when those - two teams met on Crlght'on campus. Around George Murphy, Frank Russell, Bill Kelly and Harold Eaton, Creighton High's backfield, Anderson has woven a series of trick formations that is calculated to sweep the Iowans off their feet Captain Bill Flynn of the Catho lic squad injured his neck and shoulder last week , in scrimmage against the varsity team, but Dr. T. MacMahon, team doctor, says Flynn will be in condition to play FMriday afternoon. Team Manager Tom Russell has arranged a game with G'.enwood, la., for October 31 and one with Cathedral High of Lincoln for No vember 6. On November 14 Creigh ton High will tangle with South High in the closing game of the sea son. Turn Tables on Pirates. Havana, Oct. 20. The local team turned the tables on the Pittsburgh base ball players, winning,6 to 4. The score: i R. H. H. Pittsburgh 1 s Havana 10 Batteries: Ponder and Kru.ger; Tuero and Gonzales. South High Tackles Lincoln School Grid Warriors This Friday Coach Patton of the South Oma ha foot hall squad is bending every effort to present a formidable team to battle against Lincoln High Fri day afternoon when they will make their second trip of the gridiron season. Lincoln High is considered one of the best foot ball teams in Nebraska, not losing one game this season. The Packers are not discouraged with three defeats against them, but are working to trim the Lincoln lads so they will be contenders for the state honors. The championship of Nebraska lies between Central of Omaha, Beatrice, Lincoln and South High. The foot ball men are busy every day going through scrimmage prac tice with the second squad and special signal drill. All -the weatc snnt . on the team have been patched up, according to Coach Pat ton's men. and they expect to return home victorious. The foot ball "dope" that readies Omaha about the Lincoln foot ball xntiad ic ran sin o- much ffossip be tween the pupils and faculty of the school as they believe that if all the reports are true- that tne Lmci r,-.4 riii rnnsist of well drilled and experienced players. The dope will not affect Coach ration ana m warriors, as they expect -to give the Lincoln lads a good fight at any Coach Mead of Lincoln probably will not change "his lineup and will use the same men he had in the Norfolk game, as he thinks more fighting spirit can be shown by the boys if they are not taken out of any game. New in the musical instrument line is a whistle with two tubes that is played like a slide trombone. Oes Moines High Will Meet , Council Bluffs Saturday For, the first time in foot ball his tory at the Council Bluffs High school, a Des Moines High school eleven will be seen in action against the Bluffs team, next Saturday on the Sixteenth avenue field. The team will represent the East Des Moines school and will be accom panied by an enviable gridiron rec ord. I They opened the season in their home city by defeating the strong Waterloo eleven, 3 to 0, and accomplished a wonderful feat last Saturday, when they overwhelmed St. Joseph Central High school by the score of 42 to 0. The capital city lads have always been strong contenders for the state title and are not lacking this season. The outcome of the contest will clearly show whether Council Bluffs has an opportunity to secure state honors on the gridiron. The Bluffs lads have taken on a new form in the past week, despite the fact that several star players are out with in juries. They are practicing hard daily and are confident they can de feat the fast .Des Moines combina tion. Council Bluffs is hopng to present a stronger lineup against Des Moines than downed the Shen andoah lads and will attempt to open up with a bundle of trick plays that will outwit the capital city squad. The game is expected to be the hardest that will be played on the Bluffs field this season. Umpire Charges Ex-Boxer Assaulted Him After Gamej Los Angeles, Oct. 20. "Jimmy" ball umpire, swore here to a com plaint charging lorn jvenneoy, ior mer heavyweight boxer, and now a motion picture actor, with having as saulted him just after the game in which the Vernon club of the Pacific C - . i. 1nn a... a air An Vl A n I M rtr 1 1 CTI1P championship from the St. Paul club ot tne American association. Central High Eleven To Meet Des Moines High Saturday P. M. Coach Mulligan of Central High is putting his warriors through some strenuous practice and signal drill for the game which will be played Saturday with North Des Moines High, their ancient rivals, at Des Moines. The Iowans de feated the ' local lads by a large score last year, but both Coach Mulligan and his men are confident that they will bring home the bacon this vear. ' The Central High foot ball men tor is drilling his men on the de fensive so as to keep his goal line untouched in this game. With Wil marth and Robertson out with in juries they have received, Coach Mulligan is shifting players around considerably. Wilmarth hurt his collarbone in the game with South High and has not been in a game since. Robertson has a "charley horse" which will keep him -out of practice this week and probably out of the game Saturday. . The North High foot ball squad, which has defeated every high school in Iowa, is planning on hav ing an easy time with the local lads because of the heavy and experi enced men they have. In a contest to decide which team will be in the lead for state honors, North High defeated Mason City by the score of 32 to 0. The Central squad, if they adr minister a defeat to the Iowans, wilf be treated to a banquet by one of the Purple and White's followers. The students and faculty of Cen tral High are doing all they can do to have the team return home vic torious by making up new yells, songs and cries. A Swedish law requires that wood alcohol be colored so ahat it can be distinguished from grain alcohol instantly. Argentine Turf Classic Is Won By Native Horse i Buenos Aires, Oct. 20. The "Gran Premio Nacional," for a purse of 80,000 pesos, the richest event on the Argentine turf, was won Sunday before more than 30, U00 spectators by Miny, an Argentine-owned horse. The time for the 2,500 metres was 2:37 1-5. Injured Players and Omaha Crack Defeat West Pdint West Point, Neb., Oct. 20. (Spe cial.) The foot ball game between the Columbus and West Point High school teams resulted disastrously for thf West Point boys. Besides being vanquished by 30 to 0 they lost the S'-rvices of two of their best players Fred Radler suffered a broken leg and Frank Oliverius came out of the fray with a broken collarbone. Among the Columbus players was one Reuben Nelson, a former West Pointer, against whom a protest was lodged by the West Point boys. This will be adjudicated by the state athletic board. Nelson's home is in Omaha, where he is a membei of one of the crack teams of the eity. New York Giant Officials Buy Cuban-American Club New York, Oct. 20. Charles A. Stoneham and John J. McGraw, president atld vice president, respec tively, of the New York National league base ball club, on their re turn from Cuba confirmed the report that they had purchased from Harry D. Brown the controlling interest in the Cuban-American Jockey and Automobile club of Havana, which operates the Havana race track dur ing the winter. HOPPE ECLIPSES CONTESTANTS IN BALK LINE PLAY Outclasses Cochran in First Game for 18.2 Title; Phenomenal Runs of 149 and 138. v " New York, Oct. 20. Willie Hoppe eclipsed all other contestants in the opening matches of the American national 18.2 balkline championship billiard tournament at the Hotel As tor. The former title-holder made two phenomenal runs of 149 and 138 in mastering Welker Cochran by the score of 400 to 188. The result fur nished the answer to the efforts Cochran made a year ago for a match. Hoppe's average was 44 4-9. At all stages he played close bil liards, his success in controlling the sphere being unusually good. The victories of Ora Morningstar and GeorgeB. Sutton were not so brilliant asthat of Hoppe, although they played well and made a fine showing. i Hoppe, 400; average, 44 4-9; high runs, 149, 138 and 79. Cochran, 118; average, 13 1-9: hiftli runs, 54, 44 and 10. George B Sutton, Chicago, won the second game of the tournament. He defeated George F. Slosson, New England, 400 to 237. Sutton's aver age was 18 4-22, with a high run f 70, 53 and 52. Slosson's average was 10 17-22. with high runs of 68, 25 and 22. Are you going to the theater or movies tonight? If so see amuse ment page. With the Bowlers. rjilOV PACIFIC LEAGrK. Supt. Trans. Dir. Engineers. Bowles tO&lHlnrlch. 61 Hoffman 455Stln 421 Wtllsejr 46iPiciett 519 Toynbi. 438'8tafford 427 Tlllson 45fi,MUl8on S58 l-ianaicap 61 Total 2,33 MlsceL Aeete. I Ashton 482 New 400; Wright Peabody 427Barnea Wenke 463IKriebs Kent 625iHall Handicap 681 Total ..1.432 Valuation Dept. Bryant Total 1.3411 Nebraska Dir. Total .2,503 Holbrook Cathroe . . . , Hartung . . . , McWllllama McQuade 488 txigsdon 45i Butler 462:G111 ... 371IHansen SlOiBauer . Omaha Shops. Handicap , ' 105 Total ...".....2,342 Faatenfer Aects. Hollo S46 Martis 3S7!McAullff Schmidt 37S!Rstchford 411 449 499 412 434 Ellbert Kanka ... Handicap Total J.22S Car Record. Skow 465 I. 479 .. 391 3i:Pfpffer 40 B32 Punhouse 492 66 Total 2.2471 Total ..2,307 A new transformer for ringing electric bells can be screwed into a light socket, carrying a lamp on its outer end.' vam. lv. vv vw Camels hand out keen enjoyment! Your real appreciation of cigarette satisfaction dates from the hour you begin smoking Camels I Uameis win win you as mcy iwvc won enormous numbers of smokers itJ throughout tne wnoie civinzcu wuuu: if r s in (ml i 1 L" ajuiiiM, iifuIilB fr jfpi "nt V I. Lisa Camels are unlike any other ciga rette entirely a creation that has proved a revelation to smokers. They are so refreshing in flavor, and wonderfully mild; yet, Camels have "body" that exceeds your most exact ing demands! Camels charm is due to their quality and to their unusual and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. Once you know Camels you'll prefer their expert blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they never tire your taste. And, they never leave any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or any unpleasant cig? retty odor!' You'll prefer Camels quality to pre miums, coupons or gitts. 18 cents a package Cm; arc told every where in cienfn'ey seated packages of 30 cgareHei. or ten pack atfes i300 eigtrettet) ia g.aeine - paper cover (f oarron. We atronity raw. otnmend (hi a carton for fha home or office up ply or when you travel. R.J REYNOLD.. TOBACCO CO Wiuaton-Saleai, N. C