THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 19, 1919. T B tr May tkara a aadaaaa ( farawall, Wnaa I embark. Taaajaaa. , firaw M a)af wttk Ml Th baat to yt to b. Browalaf. jot jr d) Joppin itli K)y My heart is like a butterfly That seeks to sip the fragrant dew ' Of honey from the chosen flower Throughout each gladsome, golden hour; My heart but seeks love to renew, A Love to renew, nor let it die. My heart is like the tremulous dew -" That twinkles in the morning light, I That treasures all the joy it sees; The sun, the birds, the sky, the trees; My heart, like dew, is only bright ' ' By sunbeams, dear heart, caught from you. My Heart Is Like the Butterfly, by Merrill Arthur Yothers. - , 4 Wrought With a Magical Art , ; , T S the regally lovely Oshkosh wardrobe trunk I've just seen at the Omaha Trunk Factory, Thir-' teenth and Farnam. Larger than the one I told you of last week (priced at $66.50) it is much more ..sumptuously finished. A brocaded door over the hanger compartment precludes danger of dust to the ravishing frocks therein. Dainty linen slips to drape over the dainty garments, keep them even more im maculate. Pleated and snapped Just the Thing for Artistic Window A Wrap Silhouette of Distinctive Displays. "DOSE trellis designs in heavy papers, backgrounds for win dow displays, have arrived at the Sam Newman Paper Shop, Eight eenth and Farnam. And if you've a fondness for the new French gray backgrounds for lustrous-wooded furniture, you'll intensely admire the heavy-corded tapestry, showing in termingled foliage of varying tints of gray with a faint rose showing here and there. close to this door are two cases, one for linen, the other for shoes. The As i Means of Artistic Preparation same key whicn locks the outside of the trunk fastens also the series MY DEARS: If you're interested in sales you'll find the shops of fering most splendid values these daysl Just yesterday I saw an amaz ingly lovely coat for $49.50, in fact any number of different models, fash ioned from fabrics, fascinatingly lovely, many of them with Hudson seal collars, in all the new shades and characterized by the season's entrancing style features. Hats, too, surprisingly priced in fads and fancies of love liest designing. One of the city's most exclusive shops offers a remark able reduction of prices for this week. And alluring as one could wish were the blouse displayed in a local "shop for $12.50, Russian blouse ef fects, in flesh and navy silk corded round each dainty waistline. Then if it is imperative that another trotteur frock be added to milady's ward robe, how appealing the smart serge frock with braid-bound . tunic brushed wool trim for $29,501 pOR your attendance at the Chi- cago grand opera so soon to be heard in Omaha, "Aida," and the Masked Ball," by Verdi, acquaint yourseif with the exquisite theme of the music by hearing the records of these operas. The Orchard & Wil iielm company extend to you an in vitation to spend an hour in their luxuriously furnished sound-proof rooms for the enjoyment of this music. You'll want to buy the records of the operas, an assurance ir rnmfnrt ncr. indeed, it is to ot re-inspiration eacn time thevre know that it's protected by a guar- heard, a soul-stirring recurrence ,of antee by this company to keep it in thrilling harmony. For the elevation , order for five years. Wrought with "f your family's ideals, a wondrously magical art, it s maeea a queen eausiywg pleasure io De renvea Dy your own nresiae m tne years to come. If You're Thinking of Buying a Pi- of drawers on the right side of the trunk, drawers guarded from dust by cleverly fitted felt bandings. Green velvet ribbons hang ready to secure milady's chapeau in a gen erously built hat box, while there's a pressing iron holder in another drawer to hold any one of three sizes of irons. Smart' in appearance, substantially built, with sample trunk binding on the edges, a bulged too to insure safe shipping, it is easily moved on its ball-bearing rol among trunks and is well worth the price, $160.00. Diminutive colonial nosegays, lace-frilled, were made up in a local flower shop this week for a luncheon at the Athletic club. Delicate dec oration for each; a fairy-like bow of tulle floated from its elusive ends. , Useful in Every Moment of the Feminine Day. THE fitall cases of vanity furnish incr at the ' Omaha Printing company, Thirteenth and Farnam, Novelty Coats and Suits as Allur ing As One Could Wish YOU'LL find at the Lamond Shop, second floor Securities building, Sixteenth and Farnam, Clumette cloth, pliable, exquisite, fashions a coat in blue whose drape paneled back is a clever accompani ment to the panier ripples over each hip. Ripples whose joyousrtess. is confined by great blue buttons. Hudson seal muffles rosy .ears, safeguard against winter's chilt, An other lovely coat Tmodel of brown 5uedineflanng Hudson seal ot col lar and cuffs charms us with a sim ulated paneling of wide tucks. De lightful Wool Krinier collar and cutis on an tcypuan oroaacioin Art5.Hr Wr r r, f vt.HAi present wonderful gift suggestions. smart leatner cases io dc carnea Yat the Alaska Fur company, second OU'LL find most attractive the fioor Sixteenth and Douglas.. Drop offerings at Schmoller & Muel- shouldered is the yoke of deep be ler's, Fourteenth and Farnam, of all witchingness, while .the wide band standard makes of pianos at prices iug round the ham has a truly sumptuous effect. 'An attainment of dignity and grace, milady will be the cynosure of envious eyes as she sallies forth to promenade on chilly afternoons. . ' Preferences TS QUITE as interesting as the frills and foibles of the fairer sex. J. T. McQuillin's Shop for Men, 1512 Farnam, is showing ex clusive jackets, three-quarter and full length lounging robes of quiet colored brocades. Purple and gold, glowing ted and gold, gray and black, silvery, shimmering, trimmed in heavy corded black silk, collars, cuffs and pocket shapings, .they're cord bound," frogged and belted. For more practical wear, they've the blanket robes with slippers to match. ' Robes of lasting beauty at prices you wish to pay. ' ' A '"snap-flap-strap," pearl but toned, fastens smartlv on the wrist red suit, not content with this start- of a crumple kid gauntlet whose ex ling loveliness,- adds touches of ceedin chic is exceptional when one hand - embroidery and ' infinitely sees the inset of white kid under charming box pleats. j the strap. In taupe or brown they're .' An ox-blood silvertone tailleur in- It H Evef fieen the Habit colors-Docket 'linings, of French Smart People blue, choker fur of gray squirrel. rpHE world over to precede a Don't miss seeing the cunning "Fly- 1 season of fevcrjsh gayety, such . . snent at anm health rart At cuaw . -- watering place where a brilliant so: as swagger handbag or spread out in one's traveling bag or suitcase, they're lined in shimmering silks of regal richness. Here you'll find It is Quite Imperative that One Loveliness., Should Don Well-Cut Footwear Q KILFULLY designed and cut TJARMONIZING in color,' style. along most graceful lines is a and general appearance with Hudson seal coat model just finished the rest of one's attire. The F. & M. Boot Shop, Sixteenth and Far nam, have just received from Julius Grossman company the most patri cian shoe model it has been my priv ilege to see. Light and hand sewed is the welt sole, glinting in its light reflections the patent kid vamp and high Louis, heel, fine silk kid the uppers silvery gray, but toned to a queen's taste in dark pearl, steel-studded. A black kid but ton model of the same design, also a Grossman shoecarries a message of exclusive charm, dainty smart ness. While from another house is an exquisitely voguish black model, satin-topped, dull kid vamp and heel. When I asked the salesman what was his most popular "seller" in brown he promptly answered "Ha vana brown kid in a button with a turned sole and all leather Louis heel." Of course, you've bought at least one of those clever new spat models? In all desired suit shades, in wool or silk moire and satin, they'll delight the most fastidious. A brown beaded bag of recent im portation carries a beaded nosegay on one side in shades of mauve, rose and vivid green. Beaded straps pro vide a means of swinging it from dainty arm, while pull cords for full ness are finished in beaded ends. On Sunday They'll Serve JURIED chicken dinner of 'deli-. ciousness at the Woodrow Cafe, Eighteenth and Farnam. Where in a setting of soft lights and quiet service one may enjoy a rest ful dinner of exquisite viands. For dessert they're featuring Woodrow Special ice cream, richly delightful. For fluffy frock of witching dain tiness ostrich feather fronding may be bought by the yard. Particularly Fascinating GIFTS, appreciated by everyone, are the artistic enlargements which they make at the Kase studio, second floor, Neville building. Six teenth and Harney. This shop, well .Ravishing as a Gown May Be, known for artistic developing and,. , s , above $100 to fit anv nr"tV v feel nrintincr. doe exnuisite enlargement . I 1 " M more lovelv lnan lne P" m i yuu can mora io pay ana i wum. cringing uui mih imiuh terms most liberal. Could anything a loved one's face, or -detail of the bring greater joy to every member home so dear to all, what gift could of your family, add more to the" carry greater , heart-appeal? Their beauty and hospitality, the culture of tinting and framing is of highest ar- your home? You'll wonder just how tistic merit, you managed to live without one, i I'm sure. I'll be most happy to make A L d t0 Her Fingertips," v the selection for vou. taViner rare of ' all details, selecting good quality and A FTEN heard, is it not? Did (aha - 9 3 ' . I . Coat beneath. Kilpatrick's, Fif teenth and Douglas, are showing bewitching creations 'of skillful de- tone. every necessity for a ravishing toi lette cunningly placed. Never have I seen quite such fascinating shap ings .of ivory, delicately cut, wide, graceful mirrors, queerly curved combs, soap cases of such beauty that they'd take a graceful place as 1 container for mylady's jewels. A vivid blue-lined bag, opened, discloses hand-decorated ivory in heavy gold A Veritable Riot of Color Glowed I cial life sparkles through the series tracery interwoven with tiny blue .-. Um M..;nr nf ru--n1 prescribed "sanitarium treatments flowers. You'll find most captivat- From the Massing ot vueeniy of fashion fo,k find Jt difficuU in. jng the cunning way the cream box Chrysanthemums deed to give up entirely their orbit tucks under the brush in this set. Ilif the John Bath Flower Shop, of dinners, dances and parties. This Smart indeed is another bag of gold !?;, -!, ,A Famam thi is one oi the reasons why the id- lining whose gold fittings express Eighteenth and J s vantages of the Solar Sanitarium, a luxurious richness. Two powder week. The great yellow fluffs, show Masonic Temple' building, 19th and boxes in this one if you please! l . i.. Tl iL.... . .1 iL.I uougias, are so apparent one can men mcic a a icicsciiiaiiuu ui iun stay in ones, own', home,. or in a .new Turto shell, brown and amber, nearby hotel, and -make daily trips well worthy to be placed On the to this great "Battle Creek of the dressing table of the most elaborate West," where, in room after room, boudoir. As gift suggestions, notb- are found impressive electrical ap- wg could be lovelier. paratus of wondrous healing'prop--erties. If wishing merely, to gain' strength (and beauty) for the social season, there are "sun baths" of electricity. You'll , find their con structive treatments wonderful in deed. v ' ' Crystal beads, like myriad dew drops form fascinating trimming on evening gowns this season. . 1 - 9 W golden hearts, while niost entrancing Exhuberantly Youthful Fitting for I m tk natu mitlKarra.nrimrAc shade of delicate loveliness. Art yR OCCASIONS of general joy pottery of artistic fashioning quaint ,U -..... l. tinting-is io be found in thi? shop ousness are the chapeaux of- ierca it inc ieurasKa vioining com pany's millinery department, Fif- l you ever wonder just what con tributed most to such a judgment? Perhaps important above everything else is woman's "crowning glory" well groomed, artistically arranged hair. I've just seen in the F. M. Schadell & Co. Shop, 1522 Douglas street, natural gray hair of exquisite quality. The beauty shop will offer valuable suggestions also for be coming hair dress for older women. signing, exquisite in their distinctive While for" younger lovely femininity. color combinations. Misty blue, h-v'w fir miffs ear miiff and riirls , -j for the winter placing of treasured shrubs, ferns and plants, i" In a Heart-shaped Box AT THE John Henrickson Jewel ry shop, Sixteenth and Capitol Avenue, you'll find ' hand-engraved wedding rings, in both round . and square cutting, of white gold, greatly "resembling platinum. Delicate con ventional designs, many of them giv ing the effect of pierced work, orange blossom carvings, each with an ap peal to sentiment, they're priced from $10 up. Exquisitely lovely also are ring in green and vivid yellow gold. i . ' - ' If in a Coquettish Mood VIBRANT with, charm and the love of living, she'd be quite ir - resistible in a blue velvet hat at the In Keeping with the Japanese Influence SEEN in all house furnishings are the hand-painted and lac quered floor lamps at the H. R. Bowen Furniture company, Six teenth and Howard. Queerly curl ing golden chrysanthemum petals make unique motifs for the floor ' base, while glowing bits of Jap anese landscape charm one with the effect achieved. These lamps pro vide just the wanted bit of black for present day interior decorations, setting of subtle charm for shades f brilliant color "Polychrome lamp bases, luring in color, mahogany, lustrously attractive, candlesticks, and shades of infinite fittingness, lighting loveliness for every home- they've ear puffs, ear muffs and curls for from $2.50 to $5.50. Of Course - YOU'RE going to the Flatiron Cafe, Seventeenth street and St. Marys avenue, for luncheon these chilly days, aren't you? They're serving more delicious things all the gray and rose is a jersey with wide . accordion-pleated frilling. Brown and rose, fascinating combination has narrow ribbons "pointing" out its beauty of design. Rich fur shad ings in another, old gold and brown, dull taupe, suggest limitless gowns with which it might be worn with becorningness. Suggesting at once crackly tissue wrappings of the Yuletide is a brown skirt with cherry ribbon loopings. And just to show how "versatile "pettie" fabrics may be, there's that alluring Louisette -satin, heavy, changeable n in colorings, whose endings are those of scallops and gracefully swinging tassels. 1 . time, it seems. And really there's not a nicer place I know for dinner. 'Specially since they've so many new and efficient people to serve making preference are to be found table. .Quite surprising to be able in thU store of artistic home fur- to eat delectable food and save nishings. money while doing so, isn't it? How to Choose a Becoming Hat HE first thing to consider when selecting aat is to choose At Marshall Field's You'd Have to one of a color that harmonizes with your eyes or general col- p t - . JS0 . oring. The arrangement of the hair plays the most important w tor TnMe Art part in making the hat suit the face. A thin or oval face needs, ";e; mosf of all, a soft arrangement of the coiffure, which will serve A ND by taking advantage of the to make the face look round and youthful. While, if you n. new parchment shades they've M 11 a Ait vaii must fnllnw the general nrevailinz . ...... ," u "V, l".Tr..:' ' .r :; :LV'...U- 7;..V ul just received at A. liospe company's. 1513 Douglas, you can oaint vour Hear Yet Hunters All! THE Sommers . Specialty Shop, one door south of ths, Brandeis theater, Seventeenth, and Douglas, is a busy spot these days. Lunch after lunch they're planning for jol styles of hairdressing, the' clever woman is she who adapts the mode of the moment to her own individuality. Arrange your hair so a little of it drapes softly across the forehead. Never choose a hat that conceals the hair entirely. Even the prettiest woman will find her hat more be coming if her face is softened with a graceful wave of hair over the fore head. Never do your hair in a new untried style when going to the mil liner's for a new hat. Consider, among other things, the relation of your hat to your gen eral figure. If vou are short and stout do not wear a large flat hat In- own for a most trifling sum, way oeiow $iui All wired and ready, the 10-inch shades are $2.50; the 12-inch, $4; 18-inch, $5.25; 20-inch, $6.50; the largest size, 24-inch, $7.75. Oil paints in artistically merged backgrounds, delicate traceries and medallions, quaint landscapes, dainty braiding of The "White Line" Is the "Right Line" to Use for a "Happy Clothes Line" THEY say at the Blue Bird Elec tric Shopr308 North Sixteenth street, meaning the White electric washing machines. There's the White Lily of six sheet capacity. First of all the clothes are placed in a very deep cylinder through which the water passes constantly, as the cylinder revolves once and back, keeping the clothes straight. This model has a stationery wringer and swinging tub rack. "White" indeed every surface is white enameled, making it most beautiful to see. An other model has a swinging wringer with a flat belt drive insuring the best possible friction, giving much more service than a round one. Sim ply operated, you'll find a safety guard which makes it impossible to have an accident to the hands, a wringer control cleverly placed, to instantly stop the motor in case any thing r.appens. ..Guaranteed against any material defect for five years, you'll feel that either of these ma-' chines s superior enough to make it well worth the price, $125, after having seen it. More simple white washers may be had as low as $75. You'll find this a shop of liberal term arrangements. ( Of All the Leather Coats I've Sees This Year rpHE light tan suede coat of swag ger smartness they've just re ceived at Herzberg's, 1517 Douglas, is quite the most effective. An en veloping collar and shoulder lining of Australian opposum assure warmth in even the' coldest wintry blasts, while a touch of daintiness is added in the dark brown satin lin ing. Storm straps on cuffs, inverted pleat, wide belt and patch pockets, ,true military style, finish a coat of chic undeniable. And the pricemy dears you'd not believe it were I to tell you so amazingly low it is. Fish tail panels make a navy trico tine dress alluring as one could wish quite irresistible in effect when they sway over an accordion pleated skirt. Iriidescent bugle beads, rose chenille motifs, running stitchery in heavy silk,, make this a bewitching creation. Evening Gowna of Sumptuous Beauty CREATIONS the outcome of de signers impartially making the back .as attractive as the front have Cobweb Bits of Becoming Beauty LACEY drapings, cobweb veiling, of most intricate designing im aginable, lend enchanting effect to milady's voguish appearance. The fascinating thing about the veils shown at Thompson-Beldcn's is the witching combinations of meshings. A hexagon background has startling ly effective diamond motifs of heavy silk cording. An oblong mesh of so phisticated beauty has two-inch bor der of silk. Double dot clusters of chenille, vie in charm with single dots for favor on grounds of dainty threads. This department have clever bits of color flower clusters to wear on one's fur, French blues, dainty pink, dull gray velvet leaves. Accessories of effective charm. ? There's a Shop of Fashion Helpful, nesa. WHERE they'll block and re block hats, freshen and re- r i i i f . i lasnion osincn learners ana mara bou, the Kruger Hat Shop, 301 Bar- on Saturdays. . , ' Fashion's Greetings. t Ruffles are much in favor. Many coats have large pockets. Autumn hats are of velvet Skirts are a bit shorter. ' Peasant blouses are attractive. The slender silhouette is still here. A charming suede glove has self fringe. Tucks are very effective on or gandie. The square cape is new and in teresting. Long mousquetaire gloves have returned. ' Silk nets are embroidered with bright metal. Many of the new skirts are a trifle wider. For evening wear, veils of lace are popular. Quite a few of the hats turn up in front . Gowns continue to be sleeveless. Some new sports skirts are 11 gored. , . Satin and velour are combined in new coats. High roll collars appear on fur shoulder capes. Tassels appear as trimming on, some fall coats. The fall suit will button closely around the neck. A new circular skirt has its full ness in front The short sleeve and long waist are seen together. teenth and Farnam. aiier luncn mey re planning lor jui- : ;i, .; i-: t i ,, ..i.., iu,lu laiiuav-aycs, uauuy uiaiuwg ui i t i- j jt iut v stead, if you wish a brim to shade your eyes, select a medium small shape B0ld. offer nossibilitie of decoration ly, hunting crowds; delectable cheese, with 'a crown hjgh the 8tyje pefmits and with trimming arranged 80ia, otter possiDiiities ot decoration salted nuts, candies, meats of all in a hieh effect. If vou are tall avoid aigrettes or "stick-ups" of any kind, Exceedingly kinds, cakes, olives, figs, large boxes It is wise, if you are above the average height, not to wear a hat of Kiddies Love Accordeon-Pleated Turbans and hats trimmed with draped effects are. smart is a taupe velvet tam nulled t,..u -a t,;t any extreme shape, down on the rieht side over a srrav ?. .' j .-u r n j. .i.:iJ usually becoming to the tall oerson. squirrel brim. Brilliantly lighting l t lnc.w of took no ess Tilt your hat at a becoming angle. Most milliners advise drooping the whole effect making of it a than six limbureer cheeses with the hat a little on the left side, but if it is more becoming drooped on model ot vivid charm is a banding of u i a..v... a .,1 the rihf side do not hesitate to change it If you have any moles, birth- F. M. S:hadell & Co. Hat Shop, 1522 ' silver tinsel with threading of silver two-oound boxes of chocolates. Mr. marks or scars you can easily arrange to make them less conspicuous by vugni9 ruccu uicl iui ucu uavia vugcu uiuv iiuuuu vi buwm ii aiiui - oOmtllCrS 1.3.3 All KitldS OI ClCVCf d"uing iiicui wiui uLvviuuift iav. vevet petals, overlapping, form the mg snade one wonders w,hat name suggestrons to offer in regard to the Frocks. OF ALL the Christmas buying I v did last year, that bringing the most joy was, I believe, the accor-deon-pleated frocks I planned for the kiddies. Tassel-trimmed velvet jacquettes, dainty touch of charm, brim, each inset with a more vivid shade , of ribbon. Embroidered in fashion characterizing a famous pat- afn ttt It All c a i t mnrtol n K1ta w,ith nodding ostrich tip. Pattern hats arriving each day, delightful in their subdued or radiant color schemeil , - could be cever enougn to describe f th. hunting nartv its witchery. Quite well aware of - . its beauty, it swings long loopings to touch a dainty shoulder. Unex- You've no idea of the exquisite pectedly becoming is a high-topped charm there's to be found in an imi- turban. crushed and gold-threaded tation mole skin coat I've found, of crown, whose Hudson seal brim Flaring of skirt and cuff, its fullness is adorned by long jet beaded pin, U confined by sash-tie A hat turned ud abruntlv either in front, back or on one side is usu- nleats to rinnle in a iovful wav. col- any Decoming o inc wuuiau wim m icuuuk hubs i jnc u a im-t, niiu org ot rioious oeauiy, mauc many chin. A "turn up hat" if exactly suited to the wearer, gives the piquant, smart air to a costume that no other kind of a hat can. Study the shape of your face. If it is round you need to be careful in selecting just the right shape. Mushroom hats or turbans that have a broad effect across the front are sure to make the face took moon shaped. A very narrow tight-fitting turban with a "stick-up" can some times be worn becomingly a childish Heart nappy, lne ideal Button and Pleating company, 30S Brown block, Sixteenth and Doug las, do this pleating most reason ably, while the material may be of chaliis or wool batiste. Let me send you one of their voguish booklets. led Mrs. D. A. Hill, the corset spe cialist 205 Neville building, "Six teenth and Harney, to clever mould ing of lines for the new mode. Al "ways delighted when she-'may wear sheerly exquisite fabrics, Milady of 'Fashion is charmed indeed by the effect of slender grace achieved by this specialist's work. Write for measure blank and literature. Like Bits of Flitting Sunshine. GOLDEN canaries, rarely beauti ful, fly at will in the charming ly decorated window of the Lee Lar mon Flower Shop, 18th and Doug las. A waterfall of clear water over great pieces of bark delights these delicate songsters and it does one's heart good to see them perched on the edge of the wood drinking as if they'd never quite enjoy it enough. Bath fountains cunningly placed in moss, little houses cosily inviting in the branches of trees unite in a sur prisingly lovely scene well worth the seeing . .. Tttia and Trademark Reiliter4. V. I Patant Ottic. Adv. ..V