Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 14

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    THE . OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : : OCTOBER 19, 1919.
j Where is l wh. .- 7
I ' Press lk gnat deep to the great deep be gees.
II n '
Better lik Hector ta the field to die.
Than Ilka a perfumed f aria turn and fir.
Great Social Ball
At Fontenelle
Oct. 30th
A social event Unique in the an
" nats of Omaha's society affairs is
schedaled tor the immediate future
It is no lesser affair than a real New
York Winter Garden ball the very
r first that has ever been held in this
city, or for that matter, in tny city
in this part of the country.
The ball will be given at the
Fontenelle hotel on Thursday night,
October 30, under the auspices of
the "Fatherless Children of France,"
" and the entertainment will be fur
nished by the ISO members of "The
Passing Show," the big New York
Winter Garden revue playing the
Boyd theater that week.
In New York City the New York
Winter Garden annual ball is one
of the big events of the season, vic
ing in importance with the Old
: Guard ball and kindred affairs.
Omaha was fortunate in getting this
big company through the following
Mrs. Barton Millard, the president
of the organization, learning of the
coming visit of the Winter Garden
show, conceived the idea of theball,
and through Manager Burgess of
the Boyd learned that the company
was playing this week in St Louis.
To the manager of the company she
aent the following night letter:
"Manager 'The Passing Show,'
Shubert Jefferson Theater, St.
Louis, Mo. Will you contribute the
services of 'The Passing Show eom-
any during the week of October
6tb, when that attraction plays the
Boyd theater? What may we count
upon? '
To this appeal came th" ready
response from St Louis:
"Mrs Barton Millard, president
'Fatherless Children of France,'
123 North Thirty-ninth street,
"Replying to your request for the
services of The Passing Show,' 1
will be glad to give the services of
the entire company of ISO people for
the ball. Prefer night of October
30. Not only will our chorus ap-j
- near, but all of the big all-star cast1
Wa will give vaudeville bill that if
given in the local theater would cost
many thousands of dollars. Count
on us for every assistance in this
worthy charity.
"ED , L. BLOOM, Manager."
.So it is definitely arranged that
Omaha's charitably inclined are due
to have one of the maddest mer
riest nights in its social history,
and at the same time they will have
the satisfaction of helping one of
the worthiest charities on record
and bring sunshine into the hearts
of ft lot of fatherless kiddies.
A very pretty home wedding took
placa Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hupp
of Chicago, when their daughter,
Louise, became the bride of Mr.
Karl Hopkins of Omaha. Rev.
Hart1d.i Leonard Bowman ,of the
Woodlawn Park Presbyterian church
read lthe marriage lines. ) " '
Miss Dorothy Deckman, brides
maid, Vwore an afternoon gown of
embroidered peach color georgette.
The bride was gowned in ivory
white satin, ' made with a draped
skirt It was elaborately embroid
ered in silk and silver threads. A
shower bouquet of bride's roses
, completed her costume.
Mr, Frank" Anderson was ' best
man. .
The bride is a former Omaha girl,
having moved to Chicago but two
years ago.
Mr. Hopkin$ attended Obertin am
Arhes colleges and is a member of
the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
Fr.and Mrs. Hopkins will arrive
- in-Om'aha the latter pat't of the week
-and will make their home here.
For Clara Hart
Iffss Geraldine Hess entertained
a party at the Orpheutn Saturday
evening in honor of Miss Clara Hart
and Tier fiancee, Mr. Walker
Williams Corbln of Hartford, Contr.
. The guests included the members of
the wedding party. Following the
theater they had supper at the Ath
letie club.
Mr. and -Mrs. John Mellhop will
entertain at dinner for the Bridal
party Monday evening, and Mrs. E.
E. Hart will give a bridal dinner,
Tuesday evening.
Prettiest Mile Club.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Peffreys enter
tained 18 guests at the formal dinner
dance at the Prettiest Mile club.
Saturday evening. Covers were laid
for Messrs. and Mesdames J. T.
Pickard, John W. Welsh, J. F.
Wood, N. H. Tyson, J. H. Sh.nn,
Harry B. Crouch, E. A McGlasson,
and David Wycoff.
Dinning together were Messrs.
and Mesdames W. C Sample, N. N.
Galbarith, W. H. Platner, E. L. Plat
ner, Thomas Hunt nd C J. Parrott.
Another 'party were Messrs. and
Mesdamea H. B. Noyes, A. Clark,
W. R Davis, S. S. Freeman, R. H.
. Lackey, Otis Alivison, and Dr. and
xMrs. G. C Winterson.
Messrs. and Mesdames Frank
Spellman, Andrew Anderson, Her
man Lttndquist and Dr. and Mrs. W.
Sorenson had a table.
iOne group consisted of Messrs.
and Mesdames J. M. Lowe, Stanley
Green, N. H. Nigh and J. C Acker
man. : Mr. and Mrs. John Gorden enter
tained a party of 14.
Dancing Party.
Mr. Al Anderson entertained at
an ' informal dancing party at his
' home Friday evening. Those pres
ent were Mrs. William Scott Misses
Clarinda Martinsen, Luella Martin
sen, Margaret Ericksen, Vera Wea
tn. Margaret Adams, Ruth Potter,
Peggie Ryan; Messrs. Elmer Wesin,
Frank Kretshmer, Yngve Nelson,
Elmer Erickson, Dick Macrae and
. Jim Cooper.
Alliance Francaise.
a Atrmrtnr'm mMflnv rvf tha Alli
ance Francaise-waa held this week
at the home C4 Mme. August Borg-
turn. Plans were discussed for the
; society for the coming year and the
AHUnm tm anvinna ?A enrnll aa
members all soldiers or Red Cross
' workers who have served in France
.4 lwi wneh tn W &n tin their inter
est in French. The- next meeting
will be held within a week at a place
s- s
bt announced laics
Beautiful Omaha Girls Who Will "Super in "Aida"
With the, Chicago Opera Company Monday Night
it iVli t ' 4 k
y ( N
neglected and starving, although,
one theory of her death was that
she starved herself to death from
Mrs. Evans, wife of Representa
tive Robert E. Evans of Dakota
City, Neb., has arrived in Pittsburgh
having gotten so far on her journey
to Washington to join Judge Evans.
She is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A.
McCarthy, in her surburban home
in Wilmerding, just outside of
Pittsburgh. No date has been set
for her arrival here. Judge Evans'
daughter, Miss Anna M. Evans has
arrived and is in school in the fash
ionable National Park seminary at
Forest Glen, Md., just outside of
Washington, on one of the most
beautiful sites round about, and the
school is probably the largest and
most pretentious of any in the Vicin
ity, except the Catholic Trinity col
lege. Representative M. O. McLaughlin
of York, Neb., is making a trip
! through the state and will be absent
J for several weeks yet Miss Billy
: Dunn of New York, who came to
, Washington with Representative
and Mrs. McLaughlin left last Sat
urday for her home, and will be ab
sent until the last of next week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Stapleton, who
had little more than returned from
S&te tfkusiaiu
Riehrt fln Vet Mtf:
1e.t a A -j" X "
Few Omaha girls have the opportunity to stand within arm's length
of world-famous singers and watch the golden notes fall from their hps. -It
has been given to eight young Omaha singers, pupils of Miss Mary
Munchhoff, to enjoy this privilege. On Monday night at the Auditorium,
they will take part in the triumphal scene of the opera, 'Aida. It is
one of the most beautiful and gorgeous productions of the Chicago Grand
Opera company. The girls are to be m costume. .
Washington Society
(Continued From Fas One, ThU Sectloa.)
month, although Mr. Redfield's suc
cessor has not yet been announced.
The Serbian minister and Mme.
Grouitch are waiting for the house
they are giving up, and will take
possession of it as soon as they
vacate it. It is a very comfortable
and attractive house on Wyoming
avenue, between Twenty-first and
Twenty-second streets.
Mme. Grouitch returned at the
end of this week from a visit to
Kalamazoo, Cleveland and Buffalo.
She remained some days in the last
named place, where she joined Lord
and Lady Swaythling of London,
who are traveling in this country.
They did some sight-seeing together
at Niagara and thereabouts, and
Lord and Lady Swaything will eome
down to Washington to stay for
a time with the Minister and Mme.
Grouitch. They will arrive October
23 or 24 and remain for the Serbian
fete and fashion show to be given
on these davs. The Baroness de
Cartier, bride of the . Belgian am- !
1 t . . 1
Dassaaor, returned 10 ine emuassy :
from New York, when King Albert !
and Queen Elizabeth went on their 1
tour of the country, the ambassador
accompanying them. The United
States ambassador to Belgium and
Mrs. Brand Whitlock joined them
and are on that trip now. It was
a handsome bit of royal courtesy
that the king and queen cancelled
everything of a social nature which
had been planned for them on this
trip, because of the illness of the
Amone the many weddings of the
autumn, there was no more inter
esting one than that of Miss Ade
laide Heath, grana-daugnier 01 tne
surgeon general, U. S. A. in the
regime of President U. S. Grant,
who became the bride of Capt
Arthur1 Haldens Doig, U. S. A., now
stationed in Washington. The
bride's mother, who. died' many
years ago. was a belle in the Grant
administration, and was one 01
Nelly Grant's bridesmaids when she
was married to Algernon Sartoria,
in the White House. Miss Heath
was presented to society several
years ago in the circle with Miss
Margaret Draper, now Princess
Boncompagni of Italy; Miss Gladys
Hinckley, Miss Eudora Ciover, Miss
Laura- Merriam, now Mrs. James
Curtis of Boston: Miss Alice Whit
ing, now Mrs. John B. Cockrane,
and Miss Sophy Johnston, now Mrs.
Lucius Randolph Mason. They
were known as the "big 'six," owing
to the large amount of wealth rep
resented by them, and by the fact
that they were schoolmates through
cut their school days. Miss Heath's
mother was presented to society in
the circle of Nelly Grant Sartoris,
now Mri. Frank Jones of Chicago,
who made her debut in the White
House from where she was married
only a year afterward and went to
England to live. Her subsequent
history is too well known to repeat.
Miss Heath was so constantly en
tertained during the week preced
ing her wedding on Wednesday,
that she had to give up the last few
Talla How To Ge Qdek Belief
from Heod-Colda. I?a Silendidl
Tk Mri effactta, emvealeat
wm haraUeaa war ta veaaove hat
to with DeMlraele, taa artataal
aaltarr llqnld. It acta quickly
wltk aad afeaolata aare
tr Reaalra fran Ita aaa am ta
Mcatat aad laa time
Omlr a-eamiaa DeMtraelat taa
artjrlmal aaaltavr Hol kaa a
aiaerlMMk gaaraatea fa aek
aaekaca. At toilet cawaUaa ta
. 91 aa S3 ataea, ar Br l
tram la alalm wiajfaa a
eclat at pi lea.
FKEB awk atafled ta
acatedl aavelaa a reaaeat. De-
Mtniele. tmth St. aad rark Ava,
New Tork.
days, and remained in bed to recu
perate sufficiently to go through
the wedding.
Representative Jefferis and fam
ily, especially his young daughter
are mourning over the, really tragic
end of their pet cat. When Mrs.
iefferis and her children closed their
ome in Omaha and left for Wash
ington bis felineship was left with
friends until the family were settled
in a new home here. When they
took possession of their handsome
apartment at 1817. Wyoming Ave
nue, they had the cat shipped by
express according to the most mod
ern laws of cat-traveling. Pussy got
lost somewhere between Omaha and
Eye Pains
A business man's wife could not
sew or read without sharp pains in
her eyes. For years her eyes were
red and weak. Finally she tried
simple witch hazel, camphor, hy
drastis, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik
eye wash. The result produced by a
I single bottle amazed everyone. The
, witch hazel and camphor soothe and
relieve the inflammation; the hy
drastis and other ingredients have
invigorating and antiseptic prop
erties. We guarantee a small bottle
of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE
weak, strained or inflamed eyes.
Aluminum eye cup FREE. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Stores.
Why Do French Women
Always Look Young?
In Franea mothers and daughter look
like sistera. How art the women there
able to retain their youthful looks ontil
long past middle age? Is it because they
are much given to the use of mercolized
wax? This wax possesses a remarkable
absorbent property which quickly removes
the tine particles of cuticle which are
constantly dying and which are the im
mediate cause of an old-looking complex
ion. Thus the livelier, healthier, younger
skin beneath is given a chance to breathe
and to show itself. Try this treatment
yourself. Most likely it will not require
two weeks to make your complexion as
clear, soft and beautiful as a young girl's,
lust one ounce of mercolized wax (all
American druggists have it), usually does
the work. The wax is put on nights like
cold cream and washed off mornings.
Chicago and for more than a week,
in fact for two weeks, they could
find no trace of her. Recently the
word was received by the family
i that kitty s cage had been located in
1 '"Mc-.rrn, but all that remained was
her little carcass. She had died en
oute somewhere, somehow. It has
been a great consolation to Miss
Jefferis to know that kitty was
dead and had not been stolen or
got lost, and be roaming around
Difficult lo Keep Your
Hair Wavy? Read This
If you have not yet tried the new way,
the silmerine way, by al means do so.
You'll never again use the ruinous heated
iron. The curliness will appear so per
fectly natural and the hair will be so beau
tifully lustrous, instead of dried and parch
ed. Thus liquid silmerine serves also as a
beneficial dressing for the hair. It is neith
er sticky nor greasy, but quite pleasant to
use. It should be applied at night with a
clean tooth brush, drawing the latter
through the hair from root to tip.
The hair will have the loveliest curls
and waves imaginable in the morning, and
it will be easy to manage, no matter how
you do it up. A few ounces of the liquid
from your druggist will last a long time.
:g if too
taya glass f hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poisons.
In one minute tout cloned nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and yon can
breathe freely. No more hawking.
snuffling, blowing, headache, dry
ness. . No struggling lor Dream ai
night, your cold or catarrh wm do
8one .
Get a smau ootue 01 aiy a uream
Balm from your druggist now. Ap
ply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic, healing cream in your nos
trils. It penetrates through every
air paaaage of the nead, soothes tne
inflamed or swollen mucous mem
brane and relief cornea instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed
up with a cold or nasty eatarrh
Relief comes so quickly.
If you wake up with a bad taste,
bad breath and tongue is coated; if
your head is aching; if what you eat
sours and forma acid in stomach, or
you are bilious, constipated, nerv
ous, sallow and can't get feeling
just right, begin inside bathing.
Drink before breakfast, a glass of
hot water with a teaspoonfui of
limestone phosphate in it. This will
flush the poisons and toxins from
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels
and cleanse, sweeten and purify the
entire alimentary tract. Do your m.
side bathing immediately upon axis-
ins in the morning to wash out of
the system all the previous day's
poisonous waste, gases and sour bile
before eating more food.
To feel like young folka feel; bice
you felt before your blood and mus
cles became loaded , with body Im
purities, ret from your pharmacist
a quarter pound of limestone phos
phate, which is inexpensive and al
most tasteless.
Men and women who are usually
constipated, bilious, headachy or
have any stomach disorder should
begin this . inside bathing before
Pack the school or lunch basket with sandwiches
itiade with delicious, wholesome bread.
Bread is the food for continued good health and
strength; more bread and less sweets!
Plan your meals at home with more bread.
Provide more of those tasty and wholesome des
serts made from bread.
For of all foods, bread is the most nutritious
Made by
a ; long absence in the west and a
visit in Omaha, werecaQedback
there this week, by the death of
Frank A. Hamilton, a brother, who
they had visited earlier in the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton will return
to their Massachusetts avenue home
some time next week.
. Mrs. Harry A. Williams, jr, who
arrived a week ago to visit her
mother and grandmother, Mrs. Rus
sell Harrison and Mrs. Alvin Saun
ders, accompanied by her three lit
tle daughters, went to New York
today to visit Major and Mrs. Gilles
pie at Fort Hancock. ' She will go
from there to New Haven to visit
her cousin, Mrs. Paul Benedict, who
was formerly Miss Marjorie Moore
of Indianapolis. Mrs. Moore . and
Mrs. Harrison are cousins, and Mrs.
DiBsr f BAavsffr
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct,
and rendering it possible to classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of non-contagious and non
mental diseases, no others being ad
mitted; the other Rest Cottage be
ing designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
eases requiring for a time watch
ful care and special nursing.
Moore spends a part of almost every
winter here with Mrs. Harrison. The
young daughters of Mrs. .Williams
will remain here with her during
their mother's absence.
Mrs. Frank Bacon of Omaha is
leaving there this week to join Mr.
Bacon in Pittsburgh, after spending
a fortnight with him there. Mrs.
Bacon will come on to Washington
for a stay with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pen
field. , - .
Reliable Method of Hair Care
Hair is by far the most conspic
uous thing about us and is probably
the most easily damaged by bad or
careless treatment. If we are very
careful in hair washing, we will
have virtually no hair troubles. An
especially fine shampoo for this
weather, one that brings out all the
natural beauty of the hair, that dis
solves and entirely removes all
dandruff, excess oil and dirt, can
easily be used at trifling expense by
simply dissolving a teaspoonfui f
canthrox (which you can get at
any druggist's), in a cup of hot
water. This makes a full cup of
shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy
to apply it to all the hair instead
of just the top of the head. This
chemically dissolves all impurities
and creates a soothing, cooling
lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp
spotlessly clean, soft and pliant,
while the hair takes on the glossy
richness of natural color, also a
fluffiness which makes it . seem
much heavier than it is. After can
throx shampoo, arranging the hair
is a pleasure.
the Use of the Knife
No Chloroform. No Ether. Examination free to all,
, 401 Paxton Block.
Hours: 9 A. M. to S P. M., Daily. Evenings, 7 to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Only .
A Difference in a Few Days, and a
Transformation in a Few Weaks
Produced on the Skin. Soma
Beauty Secrets of Great Value to
Every Woman.
By Valesha Snratt.
THE wish which Is nearest to every wo
man's heart is to bring her complex
ion to a supreme and unblemished
loveliness. ' It is possible to do this mora
quickly than you perhaps aver thought it
possible. But to do it, you must make up
the formula yourself at home. You cannot
Bet the same .richness, the same ingredients
if you do not.'.' Now; Just get a one-ounce
psckaa of zintone for about fifty cents
from your druggist, and mix. the contents
with two tablespoonfuls of glycerine in a
pint qf . water. The cream will then be
ready, and this will make much more cream
than you can get already prepared in the
stores, and you will be assured, moreover,
that the results will be achieved quickly.
Your skin will be as spotless as the petals
of a rose.
e e e
MISS C. J. H. On the scarp is constant
ly forming a film of grease and seals which
it is almost impossible for soap to remove
thoroughly. You need something' to dis
solve away these accumulations, and If
you will dissolve a teaspoonfui of eggol In
a half cup of water and use as a head-wash
you will find your scalp and hair will be
cleaner than ever before, and your haiT
will take on a very marked sheen of vigor
and health. You can get enough eggol
for twenty-five cents to give a dosen or
more luxurious head -washes.
COM BFUI The length of the hslr can
be increased very perceptibly within a
month, by the use of the following formula.
The ingredients given here are very read
ily absorbed by the hair roots, and a quick
result is obtained. Bald spots .will fill in
rapidly and the hair will stop falling. Mix
one ounce of betaquinol, which you can ob
tain from the drug store for abont fifty
cents, with a half pint of water and a half
pint of bay rum, or if preferred, with a
full pint of witch haxel instead of the bay
rum and water. The hair grower is then
e .
HUMILIATED You should not use ma
terials and pastes and powders that irritate
the skin. This Is not at all necessary.
Thore is one way to remove superfluous
liJmtWotks Me Mafic
CMfaeSIdnrVr' S
hair which Is really wonderful, and that i.
by dissolving it. A llule sulfo soiutior,
applied to the hairs to be removed makes
them dissolve away, and . they can then
ha rubbed off completely, leaving the skht
just as though it had' never been afflicted
with superfluous hair. The sulfo solution
will cost about a dollar at drug stores. You'
will surely never use anything else attar
trying this. ...
MISS M. A. M As the texture of the
skin is made finer, the tissue "braces up"'
of course, and the result is that flabbiness
of the skin Is corrected. In this way
wrinkles and crow's-feet entirely disappear.'
The difference which this can make In your
appearance is obvious. With the contents
of a two-ounce package of eptol, mix one
tablespoonful of glycerins in a half pint of
water. You do not need to use anything
else at all for wrinkles, and if you will use
this liberally you will quickly see a wonder
ful improvement in your appearance of age.
Get the eptol from your druggist for fifty"
cents. ., .'
a e
MRS. G. K. Just sprinkle a little ne
roxin on a wet cloth and rub the black-'
heads with this. In a few minutes yon will
see that the blackheads will be entirely
gone. You csn prove in a few minutes that
this positively does the work. ' The neroxin
costs about fifty cents at the drug store. '
e e
MISS K. M. D. An exquisite faee pow
der, excelling in quality many of the im
ported products, Is "Fresca Beauty Pow
der" which is wonderfully fins and ad
heres beautifully. It is sold at drug stores
for fifty cents in any tint. Jnst try It.
Tells Omaha Druggists of
iegy's Marine is Guaranteed
Makers Have so Much Faith in Its Mighty Power That
They Rigidly Guarantee It Not Only to
You but to All Who Buy It
Begy's Yellow Hustarine in Yellow Box
V .L -..l f .1,1. .nl
about the best aad Quickest pain killer
on earth.
A wonderful external remeay tnat orten
hJ- I-fln.... jaM In th iKm1. more
throat, pleurisy or bronchitis over night.
It a ealiea oegy s nsaunm ana muu
sands of people who have suffered from the
agonizing pains of rheumatism have found
nMH, mn and blessed relief with one
JSiveryone snows uai neat ewn vwn
and there is more concentrated non-blister-
ean be put in any other box of the same
Just tell your customers to rub en
Rmv's Mnsterine: It is very penetrating
and can't blister.
Tell them to use ft for sprains anu
strains, ior lumbago, neuritis, sciatica and
Remember that people who use quick
acting Begy's Mustartne once never go back
ta alow-acting remedies that may do good
or may not.
It'a used extensively for swellings, pains
and aches of all kinds, and just as soon as
the people get to know how much better
it is thsn liniments, salves, poultices,
plasters, hot water bottles and the like, the
demand will exceed your expectations.
Get your order In today your jobber
has -it and remember that If for any rea
son it does not sell, yoq can have your
money bark. -
Remember also that In selling Begy's
Mustarine to your customers thst we guar
antee it to do just what we say it will do.
And if it doesn't give the eustomer hil
money back and we will make good.
S. C. Wells, snd Co.. tRoy. N. Y., mak.
ers of Celery King, Dr. Carter's K. ft H,
Tea, Shiloh and other good remedies.
moat eoostA sj
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