Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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v J.,
' '5
Knew i then thii truth, (nongh for man to know)
Virtu Ion it happlnee, below.
' h
All who Joy would win
Must ahar. it Happintaa was born twin.
Look at tongue! Remove pois
ons from stomach, liver
and bowels.
Accept "California" Syrup of Firs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child ii having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic
for the little stomach, liver and
bowels. Children love its delicious
fruity taste. Full directions for
child's dose on each bottle. Give it
without fear.
Mother 1 You must say "Califor
tjha Quick Way to I
Stop a Cough
Thli home-mad ayrnn dora the
work In a harry. Kaally pre- f
pared, and aarea about t2. T
.. .... .. . .
lou might be surprised to know
that the best thins; you can use for
a, severe cough, is a remedy which
is easily prepared at home in just
a few moments. It's cheap, but for
prompt results it beats anything; else
you ever tried. Usually stops the ordi
nary couch or chest cold in 24 hours.
Tasteg pleasant, too children like it
nnd it is pure and good. .
Pour 2 Vi ounces of Pinet in a
pint bottle; then fill it up with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari
fied molasses, honey, or com syrup,
instead of sugar syrup, if desired.
Thus you make a full pint a family
upply but costing no more than a.
mall bottla of ready-made cough
yrup. v
And as a cough medicine, there is
really nothing better to be had at any
price. It goes right to the spot and
cives quick, lasting relief. It promptly
heals the inflamed membranes that
line the throat and air passages, stops
the annoying throat tickle, loosens the
phlegm, and soon your cough stops en
tirely. Splendid for bronchitis, croup,'
whooping cough and bronchial asthma.
Pines is a highly concentrated com
pound of Norway pine extract, famous
for its healing effect on the membranes.
.. To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2V ounces of Pinex"
with directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. .
Annual Membership Banquet
The Business Woman's club will
hold its annual membership banquet
in the club room of the Y. V. C A.
Tuesday evening at 6:30. Roses,
in the club colors, red and white,
will be used for decorations. The
subject for toast will be "The Old
and the New." Miss Emma McRae
will be toastmistress. Responses will
be given by Misses Mabel Kali and
Hattie Pickard, Mrs. Pearle Hun
gate and Mrs. Campbell, Y. W. C
A. general secretary. Mr. E. R.
Gurney will address the club.
Y. W. H. A.
The Y. W. H. A. will give a Suc
coth program Monday evening at
their clubrooms at 19th and Far
nam streets. Those who will take
part in the affair will include Rabbi
Morris Taxson, Mrs. B. Boasberry,
Dorothy Reuben, Sophia Weinstein,
Martha Weinstein, Mrs. S. Schafer
and Mr. William Holzman.
Custer Relief Corps.
The George A. Custer Woman's
Relief corps will meet Tuesday at
2:30 p. m. at the home of the post
commander, Emory W. Johnson,
1018 South Thirty-first street.
City Talmud Torah.
Annual meeting of the City Tal
mud Torah Tuesday evening at the
synagogue, Nineteenth and Burt
streets. The afternoon meeting of
the Deborah society is postponed.
Current Topics Department
Omaha Woman's club, current
topics department, will meet Tues
day at 2 p. m Y. W. C. A. Bible
study will be on the tenth chapter
of Mark. Current events and vaca
tion notes will be taken up. Mrs.
Mary I. Creigh, leader.
Public Speaking Department.
Omaha Womans club, public
speaking department, will meet
Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the Y. W. C.
Afl Mrs. O. Y. Kring, leader. Prof.
Edwin Puis, instructor
South Omaha Woman's Club.
South Omaha Woman's club will
hold a ' business meeting at 2:30
Tuesday afternoon at library hall.
Following the business meeting
Miss Katherine F. Worley will give
an address on Americanization.
Omaha Spanish Club.
The Ornaha Spanish club will
meet in room 302 Patterson block,
Sevetneenth and" Farnam, Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
North Side Mothers' Club.
The North Side Mothers' club
will meet for luncheon Tuesday at
1 :30 p. m., at the home of Mrs.
F. S. Miller, 2588 Evans street. A
business meeting will follow. The
club" will be addressed by a repre
sentative of the Child Saving Insti-
Miss Worley Talks
Ivv- - y
If 0$f A
JRssjfklhmziz Warhy
Miss Katherine Worley, second
vice president and chairman of
Americanization, Omaha Woman's
club, who speaks to the South Oma
ha Woman's club Tuesday afternoon.
tute. The club will sew for that in
stitute this xear-
P. E. O. Sisterhood.
Chapter B. P. of the P. E. O.
will meet Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. H. M. Wright, 4336
Cass street.
D. A. R. Society.
The Daughters of the American
Revolution will meet Tuesday after
noon at 2137 South Thirty-fourth
street, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and Miss
K. R. Milliard, hostesses.
Eastern Star Kensington.
Narcissus chapter No. 269 will
meet Tuesday afternoo'n for a Ken
sington at the home of Miss Edna
Snell, worthy matron, 6303 Binney
Community Service.
Tuesday events in the war .camp
community service include a dinner
at the Girls' Community house at
6 p. m. Cluga club; club supper at
the Community house, B. B. club;
sociology class under the direction
of Mrs. Millard Langfelt, 4 p. m.
at the Community house; dance at
Fort Omaha, K. K. K. and Cluga
How to Acquire Hair
You can enjoy a delightful sham
poo with very little effort and for a
very trifling cost, if you get from
your druggist's a package of can
throx and dissolve a teaspoonful in
a cup of hot water. This makes a
full cup of shampoo liquid, enough
so it is easy to apply it to allthe
hair instead of just the top of the
head. Your shampoo is now ready.
Just pour a little at a time on the
scalp and hair until both are en
tirely covered by the daintily per
fumed preparation that thoroughly
dissolves and removes every bit of
dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After
rinsing the hair dries quickly with
a fluffiness that makes it seem
heavier than it is, and takes on a
rich luster and a softness that
makes arranging it a pleasure.
Cteir Your Sltln
Saw Your Hair
With Cuticura
Soap, Ota., Talcum
J5o. eash. . Sumple
Mh of "Oattaan,
Dipt, a, am."
M framns! K
Says Mrs. Frank Hag
ler, of Carbondale, 111.:
"I was suffering terrible
cramps and pains each
month. . I had used . . .
but it didn't give any
permanent relief. The
pains came back on me
fust the same as before
. . . After taking Cardui,
1 was entirely relieved
from the pains, and have
never been bothered with
them since."
Finn linen with lace and embroid
ery is used for brassieres.
Fashion still favors the combin
ing of different materials.
The new silhouette has a sugges
tion of roundness about it.
When grating nutmeg, begin at
the stem end. No hoks will be in it.
The bones of a roast fowl and
bits of leftover flesh are full of pos
sibilities tor tne next meai.
Immediately upon finishing
cooking take all draughts off
kitchen range and save fuel.,
TVIicioHS extract of orancre
lemon is made by paring the rinds
very thin and putting them into a
bottle of alcohol.
Save alt the oiled paper which
comes wrapped around bread and
groceries, for it is an excellent ac
cessory on ironing day. I keep a
piece on the ironing board and run
the irons over it occasionally. It
gives them a smooth surface and
cleans them off beautifully. ,
In Church
Drown Your
Hair With
Every woman knows that a pretty face
loses its beauty when framed by faded,
gray, streaked or bleached hair. Even
wrinkles and blemishes are not so disfig
uring as streaked or faded hair. It J un
fair to your family and yourself, to look
oiee-tnan yon Teauy are.
v smm ami a- m . :.: mi a m. m. w
The Woman's Tonic
Cardui should help you
as it did Mrs. Hagler, as it
has helped thousands of
other women who suf
fered from the pains an
discomforts from which
women suffer. Many
medical authorities pre
scribe the ingredients of
which Cardui is com
posed for the female
troubles for which it is
recommended. Why not
try it for your trouble?
AD Druggists
"It' So Easy Now to
Have Beautiful Hair."
"Brownatone" will tint your streaked,
faded or bleached hair to any shade of
rich, toft brown, or glossy black if pre
ferred, and take ten years off your looks.
Cannot be detected, will not rub or. wash
off and is odorless and greassless.
Absolutely Harmless.
This safe and harmless preparation is
used by thousands of women in business
and in society.
Apply it yourself with comb or brush.
The results will delight you. Guaranteed
safe and free from lead, sulphur, silver,
mercury, xinc, aniline, or coal tar products.
Used for switches, same as for growing
hair. Two eolors t "Light to Medium Brown"
and "Dark Brown to "Black." Two sites,
35c and $1.16, at all leading druggists. Get
the genuine.
Special Free Trial Offer.
Send only lie with this coupon for Free
trial package and helpful booklet on the
car of the hair.
Mail This Coupon Now.
The Kenton Phsrmacal Co.,
4 Copptn Bldg., Covington, Ky.
Enclosed find 11 cents (to cover pos
tage, packing and war tax) for Trial
Package of Brownatone.
Light to Medium Brown or
Dark Brown to Black.
Mark with X shade wanted and mail
with our full name and address.
I go to church with Mother 'cause
She says she loves to have me
there. .
She says my eyes are big and round.
And that there's sunshine in my
She says I make it twice as sweet.
And that I fill her heart with
The people sit so Very still, '
With sort of sleepy, stary eyes:
They rustle, yawn or look through
They look so stupid or so wise,
I wonder God delights in them
When He is looking from the
skies. ' !
"But Mother's eyes have little lights
That make her different and dear;
She often smiles down just at me.
As if to say, "I'm glad you're
And takes my hand so warm and
It makes my heart feel sort of
And once I told her that my church
Was just the bit of bluest sky,
And dancing leaves the window
The little window we sit by '
I told her that I loved that best.
And she said, "Darling, so do II"
From the Toronto Globe.
; Fireside Seats. ,
Little seats to draw up before the
fire that is fenderless are tremend
ously suggestive of coziness. They
are like grown-up hassocks, really,
or else grown-up footstools, depend
ing whether or not they ar e made
with a wooden frame. They are
covered either with leather or with
some hesvy upholstery stuff that
harmonizes with the furnishings of
your room. If there is a wooden
framework that, too, matches your
furnishings, for these frames are
procurable in mahogany and in wal
nut and in oak, in any of the many
A Hard Stroke.
First ribbon clerk (after receiving
a glassy stare from the girl 'he met
on his vacation): "And she did not
even speak to me. Look at the way
she holds her chin up."
Second r. c: "And remember
the hours you held that chin up
teaching her to swim last summer."
When Traveling.
In preparing a lunch for a jour
ney bake the bread in empty baking
powdV cans. After slicing ana
spreading replace it in the cans, put
on tha cover and the bread will be
as fresh at the end of the trip,
though it may be several days, as
when first packed.
, .
Fashion's Fads.
Colored neckwear is liked.
All silks are very supple.
Slip-on gloves are in favor.
Jet is good for another season.
Velvets are striped and plaided.
Veils are not especially in favor.
During a heavy rainstorm, Mrs.
James R. Hopkins of Chestnut Hill,
Pa., stood for two hours waving a
red lantern at a dangerous curve
flooded with slippery oil in the high
way near her home which could not
be seen by motorists in the darkness
of the night
Advice to the Lovelorn
Loves Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and
Leave the Sea."
A Halloween Party.
Some days ago we replied to an
Inquiry asking for suggestions for
entertainment at a Halloween par
ty. Since tha.t time we have had
numerous letters asking to have that
answer repeated, and we are there
fore giving It again as follows:
Come dressed as ghosts. Enter
by basement or back door. Have
the house dimly lighted and the
basement not at all. Hang a lantern
or a Jack-'o-Iantern at the entrance
and let the guests stumble along as
best they can to get into the recep
tion rooms. Pin a number on each
one's back. Give guests pencils and
slips and let them guess the identity
of their ghostly companions. Not
one word shall be spoken, except by
tne one in cnarge, until an nave
written down their guesses. Then
let each unmask and check up the
lists to see who has euesseci the
greatest number correctly. If you
are having progressive games,
punch the tally card of the person
gaining the highest point in this first
"stunt." .
Pass around sheets of paper about
the size of a telegraph blank and
have the girls write a message com
posed of words whose first letters
spell "Halloween." The one writ
ing the best (which means, the fun
niest) gets a tally mark.
Cut out -a cardboard cat. Detach
the tall. Blindfold girls and give
each one a chance to pin the tail in
the right place.
Hang up apples cy a string, ana
give each girl a minute, or two min-
utees. In which to get a bite, xnose
who get bites, get tally marks.
Sit around in a dark room. I'ass
different objects from one to an
other. This will prove to be more
hysterical fun than It sounds, for
you can get peculiarly shaped ob
jects and uncanny feeling ones. A
piece of long, thin, cold, bologna,
for example, feels like a snake. If
you can slip in a kitten and pass It
around last, you won t lack for ex
citement. No tally mark for this.
Supply the guests with crepe
paper, pins, scissors and paste and
let each one make a hat, or cap,
for herself. The finest creation
should draw a tally mark.
Give a prize to the one receiving
greatest number of tally marks.
Decorations can be suitable to the
superstitions of the season witches
and black cats, cut out of paper, and
pumpkins or jack-o'-lanterns in
abundance. Fortune telling, an
ouija or planchette board would add
greatly to the merriment. Let mys
tery and weird ness surround every
thing. Local stationery departments
or stores will have paper novelties
for sale whjch will help you further.
Popcorn, apples and pumpkin pie
are appropriate and simple refresh
ments. Taffy pulls were a popular
pastime in former clays for this oc
casion. If you wish a two-course
luncheon, serve eandwishes, salad,
pumpkin pie and coffee. Hottamales
are appropriate. Baked beans and
brown bread, with coffee,, are often
served at older people's parties on
Let "Danderine" save your
hair and doufile
its beauty
W :
Oh, -girls, such an abundance of
thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a per
fect mass of wavy, silky hair,, glor
iously fluffy, bright and so easy to
Just moisten a cloth with a little
"Danderine" and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; this magically re
moves all dirt, excess oil and grease,
but your hair is not left brittle, dry,
stringy' or faded, but charmingly
soft, with glossy, golden gleam and
tender lights. The youthful glints,
tints and color are again in your
"Danderine" is a tonic-beautifier.
Besides doubling the beauty of the
bir at once, it checks dandruff and
stops falling hair. Get delightful
Danderine for a few cents at any
drug or toilet counter and use it as
a dressing and invigorator as told
on bottle.
not A Diemu
mars the perfect
appearance of her com
plexion. Permanent
and temporary skin
troubles are effectively
concealed. Reduces un
natural color and corrects
greasy skins. Highly antiseptic,
used with beneficial results as
curative agent for 70 years.
She Was Fat
Th ihadow on thii picture flrra
rou to idw ho looked end
felt. Br Uklnt Oil of Korile
and followiw the eaay direction
of Koreln eyitem the reduced 3S
peueti in three monthe.
Now she It title, attrac
tive, mentally elert and In
better health. RelltMe
anti-fat elf. treatment.
Many women hae re
riured eeiilv. lastinelv. in
to 0 lxmndi. Become exquisitely iltnder and re
mala o! Safe and plesunt method, endorsed by
phsnlnar,! IOO GUARANTEE. Hut Oil of Knrein
at any nuiv tfrunalst'a: or write for frpe h,u,k nf
I edvlee (comes In plain wrapper) to koreln Co.. I ef
KD-301, Station f, fiew York Cltr. . . L
Halloween. Ginger bread, cider
and nuts are good selections.
Watch this column for the next
few days for further suggestions on
Halloween entertainment.
Insert a Period.
Dear Miss Fairfax. Omaha Bee:
We are two girls, 17 years old, and
considered very beautiful. The
other lay we met two very good
looking Japs. They offered us po
sitions in a restaurant at Scottsbluff.
Shyuld we risk going there, as we
are badly in need of money and are
crazy about the Japs. Of course we
know nothing about them, but they
seem very respectable. Thanking
you, we are,
If you would Just put a period
after the word "crazy" I think you
would have a good line on your
selves. If you need work you can
find It In your own town, or at least
nearer home than Scottsbluff. You
would be very unwise to go there
under the circumstane'ees described.
Don't Be Suspicious.
Dear Miss Fairfax, .Omaha Bee:
Seeing that you have been giving
such excellent advice (to others, I
wist to put a question to you. I
have been going with a young lady
in a nearby town. The other night
I called her up and asked her if
there was a dance at this nearby
town and she told me there was
none that she knew of. The next
day I was informed that there was
a dance and my lady friend at
tended It. She promised me that
she would be true to me and not
go with other boys, but through
jealousy I believe she was with
some one else.
Under the circumstances would
you believe her untrue?
I don't know either. That is, I
don't know whether the girl lied
to you or not. Give her the benefit
of a doubt and assume that she
learned of the dance after you
phoned her. Don't be suspicious of
people. If they don't deserve your
confidence you will be certain to
find tt out without having had to
resort to unlovely qualities In your
own nature.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
read your "Advice to the Lovelorn"
every evening and have come to
you for advice. What is a breach
of promise? Could a man sue his
fiance for breaking the engagement
after she found out that he was not
the man she could trust her future
A breach ef promise means
breaking one'a promise. This is
usually applied to a promise to mar
ry. Ordinarily people can break
their engagements without danger
of being sued for breach of prom
ise. .There are a few cases where
such a suit is Justifiable. No self
respecting person would bring such
a suit without the very best of rea
sons. This law is most frequently
resorted to by designing women who
extract a promise of marriage from
a money man. They get letters, or
witnesses to the promise, and then
either extract a sum of money
from the man or sue him in the
courts sln case he falls to "make
good." x
Pearl-gray Georgette is one of
the late wrinkles for lingerie.
Some coats have no fastenings.
"Can You Beat the "Profiteer?"
Sure! There is one food that sells at
slight advance in price on account of the
war so slight you will hardly feel it.
One Shredded Wheat Biscuit costs
you a fraction over one' cent. Two of
these crisp, brown little loaves served
with hot milk make a warm, nourishing,
satisfying meal at a cost of five or six
cents. They contain all the body-building
elements in the whole wheat grain
nothing wasted or thrown away. The
most real food for the least money.
Break Yopr Oham$
Be Stroma and Well
Why drag along through life half-sick, weak and tired
out all the time. You can be strong and well full of
energy and vitality glowing with health, and thrilled
with the joy of life. You can eto$ life.
Rich, healthy blood makes the whole body healthy.
Nature intended that everyone should be strong and
well, and there is no mystery about Nature's laws.
Oxygen is the life givernecessary to maintain life?
REOLO absorbs the oxygen from the air in the
lungs and carries it into the blood rapidly oxidizing
or revitalizing the red blood cells and increasing the
amount of hemoglobin in the blood, sending through
the entire body a stream of rich, vitalized, health-giving
blood that nourishes every cell, of the nervea,
tissues, brain and bones.
- 7 - J
Makes Rich Red
If the supply of oxygen is not sufficient, the engine
runs down, vital force wanes, the fire goes out, and the
whole machinery of the body stops. When the blood
is vitalized with oxygen, the complicated structure of
the cells of the body is broken down, and the energy
liberated which serves to drive the human engine.
REOL6 acts on the blood, and by constantly cleansing
and revitalizing it converts the blood into a vigilant
guard against the insidious attacks of disease. It assists
every natural force in the body. It makes it possible
for the blood to build up what the stress of daily ac
tivity, overwork, over-exertion and overtaxing of the
body tears down, aste products are cast out nevf
cells grow the hollow cheeks fill out and take of
the ruddy glow of health. The spring comes back to
the step, the whole body tingles with health and vital
ity and the brain is cleared to meet the battle witn
the problems of life.
By special arrangement with the Dr. A. L Reusing
Laboratories, Akron, Ohio, we have been appointed
Licensees for the distribution of REOLO direct from
the laboratories, certified by Dr. Reusing and positively
guaranteed to give satisfactory results or we'll gladly re
fund your money. Large box of Reolo, 1 00 tablets, $ 1 jQj
We Sell-
16th and Dodge
24th and Farnam
and Guarantee Reolo
& McConnell Drug Go.
49th and Dodge
16th and Harney I
19th and Farnam
..4, ,,,;