Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 A
Lincoln Bureau of The Omaha Bee
October 27, Birthday of Great
Patriot, Appointed Ameri-'
canization Day by
K Proclamation.
P. A. Banowa. Correspondent
Lincoln, Oct. 11. (Special.l
Governor McKetvie has .appointed
Monday, October 27, the 61st anni
versary of the birth of President
Theodore Roosevelt, Americaniza
tion day by the following proclama
tion: The progress that ourtountry has
made as a nation has been greatest
during those periods when the peo
ple made the least departure from
the true principles of Americanism.
And today I think the greatest dan
ger lies in a tendency on the part of
"some to confuse the principles of the
republic with those of other less de
sirable' forms of government. So
in these times of confusion and un
certainty and unrest it is important
that we should seek to restore nor
mal conditions through a full un
derstanding and a conscientious ap
plication of the principles of the re
public. The republic has produced, many
. great statesmen. It could not be
otherwise, for the requirement of
this form of government are such
that success can only be-wrought
through the development of. virile,
sane, clear thinking, honest men,
who ' are able to comprehend the
great problems of the times.
Aniong these, Theodore Roosevelt
Stands out most prominently. He
was the type of true American who,
with a clear vision of the purposes
of the republic, repeatedly called
the people back to an understand-'-"ing
of the dangers that lurk in de
partures from the purposes of the
fundamental law that was written by
the fathers. Unfortunate it is that
we have not the benefits of his wise
counsel today, but we have in its
stead the memory of his unflagging
courage and his determination of
American purposes, to guide us and
stimulate our patriotic impulses and
efforts. . t
Therefore, in order that we- may
properly respect the name of ' this
great American, and, through a
study of his life, instill in the minds
of the people a new appreciation of
the meaning of true Americanism, I
hereby designate October 27, which
is the birthday of Theodore Roose
velt, Americanization Pay, to be
observed throughtout this state and
by all the people.
Receipts of Railroads ,
4 for Year, $81,717,819
'Lincoln, Oct. 11. (Special.) Re
ports received in the office of the
State Railway commission show re
ceipts of all the railroads in Ne
braska during the past year as fol
lows: Atchison. Topeka A Santa Fe.t !5,1SS.3
Illinois Central J'lIM'Ji
Chicago, Great Western. -1,223,451.78
C, M & St. P 1,668.446.28
Sti Joseph Grand Island.. f?H'H2
C. 8t P.. M. O J.... S, 147, 304.68
Vnlm Pacific ,. ."5-J?i-Si
C B. Q 83,674,719.01
Missouri Pacific ,S'?I1'51? ??
Chi. A North Western 12.692,794.18
Expert to Receive
$2,200 for Services
Under New Code Law
Lincoln, Oct 11. (Special.) J.
L. Jacobs of the firm of J. L. Ja
cobs & Co., Chicago, who was here
for some time and went over the
business of the state in an effort
to get the new code lawjn working
order, has sent in his bill for
$2,220.05 to the finance denartment
The- total amount of $2,220.05.
The cost of having the efficiency
expert will be proportioned to the
different departments under the
code, according to the amount of
work required to get the depart
ment started under the new law, and
has been apportioned as follows:
Agriculture 899.60
Trade and commerce ... , 266.44
rubiic welfare U3.20
Frnancs 44.40
Labor 44.00
The department of public works,
which pays the largest part of the
amount, is the department of George
Johnson, and includes both the good
roads and automobile activities. Un
der the new system put in force
two clerks will be able to handle the
work in the automobile department,
which formerly was handled by a
large force of clerks.
Governor's Mansion to Be
Converted Into Dormitory
Lincolny Oct. , lk (Special.)
Next week the governor's mansion
will be made a legislative 'dormitory
to accommodate members of the
legislature coming to the speciat ses
sion who find find it difficult other
wise because of the crowded condi
tion of Lincoln hotels to find ac
commodations. The ballroom and
other rooms will be fitted up with
beds and cots, the members being
required to pay only such amount
as necessary to procure the use ot
the cots. Meals will haveto be
Grand total $81,717,819.91
The report also gives the amount
f business by the roads in all of
the towns of the state, the largest
amounts being from the following:
Omaha 7 J18.S43.172.18
outh Omaha ""HIHX
Lincoln - 5-SS22?S-22
Fremont 1,289.912.48
Grand Island 1,564,637.81
' Hastings , 1,005.820.6 J
Norfolk 545,333 79
Charter Granted for .
New State Bank at Blair
Lincoln, Oct-41. (Special.) The
Department of Trade and Com
merce has isslied the following:
Application for bank charter ap
proved: Farmers State bank, Blair,
Neb.; capital stock, $35,000; presi
dent, John H. Gibson; vice presi
dent, E. B. Redfield; assistant cash
ier, waiter outscnow. ,
Application for increase of capi
tal stock: First State bank, Tecum
seh, increase from $20,000 to $25,000.
Application for charter denied:
Bank of Dix, Dix, Neb.
Capitol Commission
Postpones its Trip
Lincoln, Oct. 11. (Special.) The
investigation trip of the capitpl
building commission which was to
have been made next week to some
other states to look at capitol build
ings, has been postponed until a
later date on account of the special
session of the legislature which con
venes Tuesday and also because W.
H. Thompson of Grand Island, a
member of the committee, found it
impossible to leave.
County Clerks Required
to Furnish Voting Lists
Lincoln, Oct. 11. (Special.)
County clerks will be required to
send in lists ot voters to the secre
tary of state of those participating
in the coming special election for
delegates -,to the constitutional con
vention the same --as in a regular
election, according to a ruling of the
secretary of state today.
Virginia (Neb.) Man Sues
v For Alienation of Wife
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 1. (Spe
cial.) Frank Henzel, wealthy Vir
ginia, Neb., farmer, has instituted
suit in the Saline county district
court for $138,950 damages against
his divorced wife's father, Frank
Kunce, and a number of other rela
tives for alienation df his wife's af
fections. Recently Henzel's wife
" secured a divorce from him together
with $17,000 alimony.- -
Nebraska Holstein and
Horse Sale Nets $23,000
Beatrice Neb., Oct. 11. (Spe--dal.)
Kirk Griggs held a stock
sale of purebred Holstein cattle and
Shire horses which netted $23,000.
This is one of the largest sales in
the county in some time. Cattle
averaged from $245 to $1,100 per
head, and horses from $250 to $350.
Y. M. C. A. College Students
Hold Convention at York
York, Neb.. Oct. 11. (Special
-Telegram.) The college students
of the Y. M. C A. opened a two
day session of their annuat state
convention here. The theme for
study and thought is "Democracy
and Fellowship on the College
Camous." T. Stitt Wilson of .Berke
ley, CaL, and A. J. Elliott of Chi
cago spoke on college campus prob
lems. A. E. Pence, formerly of
Roberts college of Constantinople,
spoke on the "Democracy in the
Near Future." More than 150 stu
dents and faculty are present
Omaha Man Is Receiver for
Beatrice Automobile Firm
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 11. (Spe
cial.) John Reith of Omaha was
appointed receiver for the Evans
Auto company of this city. The
liabilities of the concern are from
$60,000 to $100,000, but as creditors
have one year in which to file claims
the exact figures cannot be ascer
tained at this time. Mr. Evans has
left the city and his present where
abouts are unknown.
Carmen Vote to Return
." - to Work in California
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 11. The strik
ing carmen of the San Francisco
Oakland Terminal railways voted
unanimously to return to work at
noon today, following the submis
sion of terms of a settlement by the
railroad company, officials or the
strikers announced today. They
have been on strike since October 1.
Asks Legislature to Authorize
Omaha to Raise Police
' and Have Outsider
" ' Tor Chief.
Lincoln, Oct.. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor McKelvie Satur
day issued a new call for 9"special ses
sion to open next Tuesday. The
proclamation, in addition to giving
authority to Douglas county com
missioners to issue bonds to cover
rebuilding the court house and to
cover expense of new records de
stroyed ty the mob two weeks ago,
calls for an amendment to present
laws enabling the city of Omaha to
pay larger salaries to policemen and
borrow money sufficient to increase
the force and to remove restrictions
as to 'the chief of police being a
citizen of Omaha. ,
This was agreed upon after a con
ference with representatives of the
cityar.d county who called upon the
May Drop Eberstein.
i 'A bill to make it possible to hire
a chief of police for Omaha from
outside of the city will be included
in the legislation which the special
session of the legislature, called to
meet next Thursday, will be asked
to pass.
This statement was given out yes
terday by Acting Mayor Ure, who
was one of a conference in County
Attorney Shotwell's office Friday
afternoon. Governor McKelvie, the
county commissioners, John ' P.
Breen, Ben S. Baker and John Lat-
enser were also present.
Does this mean that Lhief Eber
stein is to be ousted?" Mr. Ure was
asked tfitfay.
"It will simply give us the power
to get a chief from outside the city
if we find one," he taid.
"Have you any special man in
mind for the place?"
"Not at present," he replied.
The law at present provides that
a chief of police of Omaha must
be a qualified elector of the city.
To Increase Pay.
The special session will be asked
also to grant the city of Omaha
authority to increase the "pay of po
licemen. The initial pay will be in
creased from $100 per month to $115
or $120, the maximum payjnerease
not being named yet.
This is to attract a higher class
of men to the department, and is
in line with the reorganization plans
already under way.
Another bill will give Omaha
power to raise funds" to meet any
increase in the police department
funds, which will be increased next
yeaT not less than $150.00.
Scribner Man Surprises
Friends by His Marriage
Fremont, Neb., Oct. 11. (Spe
cial.) John Bador, well known
Scribner hog raiser, surprised his
friends when he claimed Miss Eliz
abeth Edelmaier of Scribner for a
bride. Mr. and Mrs. Bader left for
a wedding trip to eastern points and
plan to spend the winter in Cali
fornia. '
Beatrice TMef Bound Over
Beatrice. Neb.. Oct. 11. (Soe-
cial.) J. W. Montgomery, broueht
here a few weeks ago from Lincoln
on the charge ot stealing an electric
toaster from the Beatrice bayery
station valued at $40, was bound
over to the district court, giving
bond of $1,000 for his appearance.
Former Nebraskan,
Ordained Minister,
Said to Be Robbei
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special
Telegram.) According to news dis
patches from Los , Angeles, CaL,
Harry F. Foyce, son of a former
Beatrice pastor and himself an or
dained minister, confessed ' to a
number of robberies at Los Angeles.
Young Foyce was 20 years old
when he lft Beatrice. After being
crdained his first charge- was at
Dorchester, Neb. He was later pas
tor of the Methodist church at Pitts
burg, Kan., and points in Okla
homa, finally locating in California.
Koyces father was pastor of the
La Salle Street Methodist church
here 15 years ago and died at Utica,
Foyce, who is 38 years old. at
tributes his downfall to domestic,
trouble and ill health. His cousin.
Kent Moffitt, 16 years old, is also
being held in connection with the
Aged Iowa Farmer Kiljed
by Fall From Farm Wagon
Atlantic, v la., Oct. 11. (Special.)
K. B. Kirby, farmer, 75 years old,
living ner this city and a resident
of the county for many years, was
instantly killed when he fell from
a wagon and broke his neck. The
body was found in the field by mem
bers of the family who started a
search when he did not return for
dinner. '
He is survived by his widow and
three sons, Walter, living at home;
Charles of Bellevue, Neb., and
Ernest of Minnesota.
Today's Events
Celebration of the semi-centennial
of the Catholic diocese of Portland,
General elections will be held in
France for members of the senate
and chamber of deputies. ..
George W. Cable, the famous au
thor of stories of the south, will
celerate his 75th birthday today. '
St. Pauls Episcopal' cathedral in
Detroit is to be dedicated today,
with Bishop Lawrence of Massa
chusetts as the preacher of the
fdedication sermon. .
Launch Movement to
' Rechristen 'German f rout'
Gunnison, Colo., Oct. 11. Disci
ples of Ike Walton have launched a
movement here to change the name
of the "German brown trout" to the
"Yankee brown trout."
When a state newspaper paid a
prize to the nimrod catchjng the
largest trout in this vicinity the let
ter enclosing the check stated their
one regret in making the payment
was that it was a "German" trout
that won the prize. , .
Fremont Doctor Marries
Frisco Girl In Guam
Fremont,- Neb.. Oct. 11. (Spe
cial.) Word readied Fremont rela
tives and friends of the marriage at
Guam of Dr. Andrew Sinamark,
former, Fremonter, and Miss Julia
Culbert of San - Francisco. The
bride has been doing Red Cross
nursing in the naval hospital of
Lincoln Woman to Lecture
On History of Reincarnation
A free public lecture on "History
in the Light of Reincarnation," will
be .delivered by Mrs. Susan M. Sil
ver, ' Lincoln, Neb., before the
Omaha Theosophical society this
evening at 8:15.-
Your neighbors are buying Groceries.
Fresh Meats, Hardware, Paint and Wall
Paper at Harper's.
Monday is Sugar and Coffee Day
Fine Granulated Sugar
lie Per Pound
Monday we will sell 5 pounds of
sugar with e$ch pound of coffee. Buy 6
pounds of coffee and get 26 pounds of
H. H. Harper Co., 17th and Howard Sts.
Flatiron Bldg.
How Are You
BUM ! Well, how about your teeth?
You should know that a great many of
the most common and most distressing
ailments are caused by diseased teeth. If
you are troubled with rheumatism, stom
ach and kidney troubles or heart disor
ders, have us make an X-Ray examina
tion of your teeth. .
We render the best of dental service in
all lines ancTour fees are very reasonable.
1324 Farnam St., Cor. 14th and Farnam. Douglas 2872.
Chiropractic Adjustments...
are unlike anything you ever tried for health
in ease, in effectiveness and in real satis
, factory results. 1
' Any way you consider Chlropraetic th waits ob
tained will bo a revelation. You will be so well pleased
you'll went ell your family end friends to come to me.
Chiropractic ia as invigorating it is unique and un
common. You'll bare, after en adjustment, that sooth
in$ sensation that give satisfaction so thoroughly. And
, you'll enjoy freedom from aches or pain. "
You will quickly realize that you very much prefer .
Chiropractic to all other methods of Health Building.
; Dr. J. A. Mairkwell
, ... Chiropractor...
Sistb Floor Paaton Blk. Phones Doug. 9244, Har. 7118.
' ' Hours: 9 to 1 end 3 to 6.
Anthracite Coal H
Hard Goal Stoves , .PE.R
i ( deli
v er e d )
This is the Base Burner size of
It is screened at the mine, rescreened in Omaha,
feeds easily to the fire and burns as Hard Coal
A temporary surplus of this coal at the mines is due
to unusual demand for the furnace size (which sells
now in Omaha at $16.25 per' ton). The mines cut
the price to move the smaller coal. As a result this
Base Burner Coal is offered at a figure unheard of
for years, a price that will save you money for other
vital needs.
Samples are ready for your inspection. A train
load is on the way to Omaha now. Orders placed
at r-ce will insure early delivery. .
Fernivood Anthracite (Base Burner Size)
Delivered in Greater Omaha by:
Charity Ball at Fremont .
Resumed After Twer Years
Fremont, Neb., Oct. 11. (Spe
cial.) The Charity club decided at
its first meeting of the season to re
sume the annual charity ball, Fre
mont's premier social event. For
the last two years the ball had not
been held.
Kicked 19 Out of 20 Goals
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 11. (Spe
cial.) The De Witt High school
won from the Lincoln Cathedral
High school foot ball eleven at De
Witt yesterday by the score of 83
to 0. Miller, 6ne of the stars of the
De Witt eleven, has kicked 19 goals
out of 20 attempts.
Loan Associations of .
Fremont Break Records
Fremont, . Neb., Oct 11. (Spe
cial.) The two building and loan
associations of Fremont are doing
a record-breaking buiiness. Loans
are being made to persons who are
building homes, and also to those
who are buying residence properties.
There Is Real Supremacy in
. . x-
i - N ...
It is the care in the selection of our 6tocks and the guaranteed quality of the furni
ture of the H. R. Bowen Co. that makes it satisfy the most exacting requirements,
- : . -
Bo wen's Quality Bed Room Suites
Are to be had in all woods and finishes. To see these suites is to get first hand informa
tion and proof of the Bowen Value-Giving prices at which they are offered. Every.artvJ
cle leaving our floors is guaranteed and you may rest assured that you are getting true
dollar-for-dollar value. - ' -
The bedroom
mite illustrated ia
hut one ot the
many Bowen per
iod suites all,
very moderately
priced, in other
This suit ia in Mahogany or Walnut Queen knne design, and will add that charm to your
home only' to be attained through Distinctive Bowen Furniture.
Mahogany Beds Unsurpassed (n can- Golden Oak . Bed Colonial design. Walnut Triple Mirror Dressing Tables
structlon and beautifully 'finished, priced at SS2.50aodJ19.50 at , SS.OO
at 350U amt ?2-8-'- OoWen Oak Foar-Poster Beds.... $39.50 Oak Dressers With four Wse
Mahogany Bed Queer Anns design, - , , . J , drawers f SM.uu '
at. ,7. J3G.O0 Famed Onk Beds Adam design. ?13.M 0ak Drnin 8ma
Ivory Bed 850.00 Me"1 Beds Finished in mahogany, drawera and one large drawer. . .$21.00
liearl white, Vernls-Martin and oak, Golden Oak Dressers A big value.
Ivory Chairs and Kockers to match, at $7.50, $9.50, $12.00, $15.00, $21.00 at $14.00, $19.00, $24.50, $21.50
ach ' M Mahogany and Walnut Four-Drawer Chiffonettes In Brown Mahogany
Mahogany and Walnut Extra Heavy Dressers $42.50 ' $39.75, $55.00, $75.00
I'onr-l'onter Bed Extremely pleasing Golden Oak Chiffonier Six 'drawer-..
design $55.0fl Ivory Dresner $30 and $15.00 a;, , tin.M
Mahogany Bed William and Mary de- Vanity Dressers ....$15.M GoWtn Oak Chlifonler Five drawers,
sign $35.00 Ivory Table to match $38.50 with mirror' $13.00
The Living Room
The Living Room of Any Home Will Be Beautiful If Furnishings are Selected et BowenV
When you purchase furniture from the H. R. Bowen Co. yon are' adding dlstinctlvenesa oi design
and quality at no greater cost than the ordinary. 1
This beautiful overstuffed living room suite is finished in velour upholstery is of tie finest" quality
obtainable, unsurpassed workmanship and guaranteed spring construction. Similar MQ1 AA
to illustration. A real Bowen value , plolyU
Brown Mahogany Sofa Cans back and
ends, blue, brown and mulberry uphol
stering, at $98.50
Chairs add Kockers j to match.... $42.50
Mahogany Settee Cane back, velour
upholstering, hand finished $660.00
Mahogany Kockers Cane back, va
lour upholstering $49.50
Mahogany Parlor Suites Three-piece
genuine leather upholstery, ..guaran
teed spring construction, handsormlv
finished $38.50
Golden Oak Farlor Suites Thrc
plece, genuine leather upholstery,
for $17.50
Queen Anne Davenport Table Tn
rich, brown mahogany ,$30.00
Mahogany Overstaffed Tapestry Wing
Kockers, at $32.50
Overstaffed Wing Backers Mahog
any frame, guaranteed upholstering
and construction $27.50
Fumed Qak" Tapestry , Backer Spring
construction $14.00
DaofoHs All finishes. These attrac
tive, yst practical pieces of living
room furniture, add an extra oedroom g
to your home, and are Ideal for the M
small apartment, Priced at $37.50,
$42.50, $45.00, $47.50 and up. s
Solid Mahogany, Large Chain and
Rockers William and Mary design. If
tapestry upholstering; each $32.50 ?ri
Mahogany and Oak Library Tables. j5
$12.50, $14.50, $18.00 and up, g
Mahogany Rockers With high hacks
and wooden aeatar only $4.50
Mahogany Windsor Chairs $7.00
Mahogany Chairs and - Rocksra Silk
and damask uphols!erlng $13.50
Mahogany Davenport Tapestry up Golden Oak Boekers Well mads snd
holsterlng guaranteed spring construe- finished, only $3.00, $4.75, $5.50, $9.50,
$49.00 $8.00 and Dp.
Bowen's Dining Room, Suites
are all that should be desired made of selected
woods beautifully designed and finished; they add
much to the beauty and elegance of your home. When
you fully realize the exceptional guaranteed quality
and the' value-giving prices you will be most agree
ably surprised. , -
Mahogany Dining TabVes 64 -Inch Dining Chairs In all finishes,
tops, beautifully finished.. . .$39.75 ranging in price from $2.50 o
' $7.50 and up.
Mahogany Buffets William and
Mary design, handsomely finished. Fumed Oak Dining Tables 42
for $57.50 Inch tops $16.50
Mahogany Buffet Queen Anne ..11?40ak Bxtenalon Tbl42-
Ueslgn, handsomely finished. $47.50 ,ncn ,op $HJ0
. .. , ,.,. WUllam and Mary Dining Table.
Walnut BuffetsWilliam and 64-lnch tops, Jasobean flnlBb.
Mary design, finely finished. tor- $32.60
, for 1,-5 Fumed Oak Buffet William and -
Mahogany China Cabinets Differ- Mar' design $39.50
ent sizes, each a genuine Bowen Golden Oak Dining Tables Fix
Value. $21.00, $36.00, $12.50 and up foot extension, 43-Inch to;. $39.50
1 " , .
An Enlarged
A visit to this department on
the second floor inspecting
Blankets Comforts
Sheets Pillow Cases
Toweling - Etc.
on display" will convince you of
the typical Bowen Values that
are to be had every day at the
Greater Bowen Store.
Whatever your need may be,
you will find it to be a policy
of economy to place the H. R.
Bowen Co. on your shopping list.
5 4
: i
, i
We own and
operate the
M e t r opolitan
Van and Stor
age Co. When
ready have us
move you.
" m m
. 013-13 HOWARD ST.
I -
Wonderful val
ues now of
fered in Reed
wid Fibre Fur
niture for the
porch, sun
parlor or