THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 12. Hit.. 3 A DiMeis Sffis i nsasfie m.Ne ohms 1fflW OUR IDEA C3T3 .THB PACD is that true economy must be based on quality; that you can't get full value for your money unless the goods are right. "Munsing Wear" Undergarments Union Suits and ,Two-Piece Garments fof Women and Children, in Most Gratifying Assortments The Women's Undergarments Perfect fitting garments, made of fine soft cotton and woolen yarn. Medium weight cotton union suits, sleeve less and ankle length for everybody knows the fineness of MUNSING WEAR undergarments.' It's safe to assert that no undergarments -give so much satisfaction. Regular size, each, 1 .50 ; out size, 1 .75. Undergarments for Children Fleeced lined Union Suits in bleached cot ton, Dutch neck, half sleeves, high neck, long sleeves, ankle lengths. Small sizes, 1.50 Medium sizes, 1.75 Large sizes, $2 All-Wool Union Suits in natural and white. High neck and long sleeves. Ankle length only. Priced Small sizes, 3.25 Medium sizes, 3.60 Large sizes, $4 Silk and Wool Union Suits tor Children, in very fine quality. High neck and long sleeves, ankle lengths. Priced, Small sizes, $3 Medium sizes, 3.50 Large sizes, $4 Here Are Other Notable Values in Winter Underwear Women's fleece lined Union Suits, low neck, half sleeves; high neck, long sleeves; ankle lengths. Regular size, $2.75; extra size, $3.00. Women's wool and cot ton mixed union suits, in natural and white, high neck, long sleeves, J anKie lengins. rnceper suit, regular size, $4.50; out size, $5.00. Medium weight silk and wool union suits for ladies, comes in Dutch neck, half sleeves and low neck, sleeveless and ankle length. Price, reg ular size only, $5.50. Women's two-piece gar ments in fleece lined cotton, comes in bleach ed, cream and gray. Price, regular size; $1.50; extra size, $1.75. THIRD FLOOR Beginning Monday at 9 A. M. Special Sale of Bedspreads Bedspreads That Were Advantageously Purchased By Us Months Ago and Offered to You Now v V At 15 to 20 Under Present Market Quotations Because we, months ago, foresaw future market conditions conditions that now exist we were keen enough to purchase these desirable goods at prices that are considerably under what is asked for the same character merchandise in the market today. Hence, the saving you are assured by attending this sale. SPREADS, very special values; scalloped and cut corners, also plain hemmed, size 80x90 inches, all very pret ty patterns to select from. Each, 5.50. DAMASK SPREADS, superfine satin finished. Scalloped and cut corners, size 81x90 inches; very special values, each, 6.98. BEDSPREADS, 70xS0-inch size, weigh 2M lbs., hemmed ends in crochet patterns; in this sale, each, 2.50. r VERY SPECIAL Embroidered Bed Sets $12 Very handsome Irish embroidery bed sets, consisting of one extra large size spread with bolster to match, scalloped and cut corner ends in pretty colorings of blue, pink, or yel low in exquisite designs. Special for Mon- ', your choice. J yday. Special Crochet Bed Spreads, at 1.98. MAIN FLOOR- CROCHET SPREADS, with quality plain hemmed ends or scalloped cut corners, size 80x90 inches, weighs 4 lbs. Choict in this sale, each, 3.25. BIRDSEYE WEAVE BEDSPREADS, hemmed ends in colored stripes of blue or pink. Size 70x90 inches; each, 3.98. CROCHET SPREADS, all exceptional values, scalloped and cut corners, weight 4 lbs., size 84x90 inches. Special, each, 4.98. You and Your Favorite Author Spending the Long Winter Nights Together Good Books at 75c USUALLY PRICED $1 TO 1.75. You have now the opportunity of purchasing book written by your favorite author at a price that means a decided economy. Wa have a remarkably large line here. SELLING OF The Yukon Trail Raine. Enoch Crane Smith. The Bars of Iron Dell. The Nameless Man Lincoln. Lydia of the Pines Willsie. s By the World Forgot Brady. The Malefactor Oppenheim. Red Pepper's Patients- Richmond. The Devil's Own Parrish. The Three of Hearts Ruck. Vanguards of the Plains McCarter. Laughing Bill Hyde Beach. Fast As the Wind Gould. Souls of Men Are Calline Harris. The Wishing Rinv M Widdemer. The Gum Brand Hendryx. Extricating Obadiali Lincoln. Bruce of the Circle A. Titus. Barbarians Chambers. We Can't Have Everything Hughes. Scandal Hamilton. Long . Live the King Rinehart. - The High Heart Kine. Partners of the Night Scott. The Amazing Interlude Rinehart. Martie, the Unconauered Norris. Anne's House of Dreams Montgomery. . The Lookout Man-Barrer. The Men Who Wrought Cullum. . When My Ship Comes In Morris. Mary Regan Scott. Draperies Featuring at Special Prices Drapery Materials, Curtain Nets, Lace Curtains What lorely effect may be obtained the brightening, charming touches that you desire in your home and at very slight cost, lets than you probably anticipated because we are offering draperies that assure an attractive saving. 50 Inch Cretonne At 2.25 ' Worth Up to 3.50 Special 50-inch Cre tonnes of soft, velvety texture, in all the lead ing colorings Blues, Mulberry, Gold, Rose, and many beautifully mixed colors. Striped Drapery Velvet Yd. 3.75 . Striped Velvet, beautiful quality, suitable for por tieres and overdraperies, furniture covering: worth 6.00 per yard. This is a very low price for this material. IIP Special Quaker Lace Curtain Nets, the kind that sell up to 1.75. In white, ivory and ecru. Special at 1.25. Tapestry and Cre tonne Table Run ners. Large va riety patterns and colorings, from 12x48 to 16x72, at 1.50 to 10.00. Plain Chenille Por tieres in shades of Blue, Rose, Green and Brown. Splendid values, per pair, 15.00. WW MAIN FLOOR we u jijiujiilil kviULy onr ik vii s - t 3I3 THD PACD So-W FORCROWIMC OMAIf I : . TIfW J We talk quality rood deal la our ads. That's because we believe in it and make sure first of all that the merchandise put in our stocks has the standard of qual ity we want to talk about FOR CROWING OMAJf Featuring for Monday a Gratifying Display oj Wash Goods and Domestics This sale of domestics and wash goods which we feature for Monday is worthy of at tention from those who give a thought to econ omy, and those who prefer high character mer chandise. -The low prices, are accountable because our keenness was 'displayed in the markets at the right time. Our patrons may benefit to a very appreciative extent. Offering Specially Notable Values representing Highest Quality GOLF SUITING, 36 Inches wide. A medium weight cotton suiting, in a variety of new patterns designed for OQ-, Fall wear. Special, per yard, OJ7C DRESS POPLIN, 27 inches wide. Highly yarn mercerised, in all the popular plain shades. Very desirable for iP. dresses, waists and girls' school suits, per yard, C WASH SILK, 3 inches wide. A sflk and eotton mixed wash fabric, desirable for dresses, waists, foundations and lin ings, in a big range of plain colors. EQr Special, per yard, O 57 C FANCY TUSSAH SILK, 36 Inches wide. Heavy quality, beau tiful brocade effects, for coat linings, etc. 1 Q Special, per yard, 1 e 1 2J FRENCH CHIFFON VOILE, 44 In. wide, beautiful 2-ply yarn with tape edge, in every desirable plain shade for evening wear, party dresses, etc. Special, 7Q per yard, 7C NOVELTY SILK MIXED VOILE, 40 inches wide, In beautiful collection of new Fall shades. Desirable for evening wear and party dresses, waists, etc. I Of? Special, per yard, A .OO WHITE INDIA LINON, made of long, staple Sea Island cot ton; splendid quality for aprons, etc. OP Special, per yard, 40C SILVERBLOOM MOHAIR, 32 inches wide, in a pretty assortment of patterns and colorings. Positively worth $1 a yard. Monday, CO- per yard, at JU RENFREW DRESS GINGHAM, 32 Inches wide, in beautiful plaids, staple checks and stripes, also plain shades. All new Fall patterns at, per yard, C CHEESE CLOTH Covered Cotton Batts, each one large enough to make full size comforter, 72x90 inches, approximate weight, 3 pounds. Usually 2.95. Special O O E Monday, yard, at i0O GENUINE ROMPER CLOTH In a big variety of new patterns for boys' and girls rompers, school suits, etc., 10 QQ 29c to 20-yard lengths, per yard, Fancy Printed Eiderdown Yd. 45c 86 inches wide ,in a beautiful collection of new patterns and colors. Combinations for bath robes, kimonos, dressing jackets, etc. FRENCH CAMBRIC, fancy printed, 36-Inch, also Fancy Cretonne, in a wonderful collection of tapestry and floral effects for draperies, fancy work, etc. OQ Long mill lengths, at, per yard, O V C OUTING FLANNEL, 27 Inches wide, in white assorted . . i i ' 1. j li r. -. .. i iancy styles, plain gray, pi nit ana uiuo. owvj, warm quality with long, fleecy nap. Special at, per yard, SHIRTING CHEVIOT In all the wanted staple checks, stripes and plain colors for men's and boys' work shirts, waists, etc. Warranted fast colors, genuine indigo dye. Special at, Qt per yard, OUC WOOL EIDERDOWN, 36 inches wide, also Fancy Crinkle in colors of pink, tan, gray and red. Positively worth 1.25. Special Monday, 7Kr per yard, OC UNBLEACHED SHEETING, 36 inches wide, heavy, round thread quality. Correct width for sheets and pillow cases; at less than today's mill OOXf prices, per yard, "2C CURTAIN MATERIAL, fancy printed Curtain Etamine and Voile in a big assortment of pretty patterns and colors, 36 inches wide. OP Special, yard, at 4JC WHITE SHAKER FLANNEL, heavy, warm quality, with long, fleecy nap. Twenty-yard limit to 1 h 1 a customer, at, per yard, A J2 EVERETT, CLASSIC AND YORK Dress Gingham, plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors. These two well-known popular makes at less than present mill cost. 9Q4L- Monday, yard at 402C APRON GINGHAM, full standard quality, In all the wanted cheeks and broken styles, warranted fast color indigo blue. Special, per yard, at 40C FANCY VELOUR FLANNEL, mill remnants, la a beautiful eollec- tion of patterns and colorings for kimonos, house OP dresses, etc., per yard, 60C 36-inch Cotton Challie Yd. 29c 86 inches wide, in a wonderful assort ment of pretty Persian, Oriental and floral designs for comforter covering, house dresses, etc. Fancy Printed Flannel Yd. 16V2c 17 inches wide, In a big collection of pat terns and colors, mostly dark styles, for house dresses, wrappers, dressings, sacques, etc. Positively worth 25c. These Frosty Nights Are Stern Reminders of Winter Bedding Needs Those who have bedding needs to buy will find this feature selling of greatest interest Winter days are on us and to have the opportunity of selecting your bedding necessities from such complete assortments at such low pricings, merits your immediate attention and generous purchasing. Here's a Feature Selling of Most Timely Interest 3.75 15.50 COTTON BLANKETS for cots and single beds, assorted col ors, with fancy borders. Very special 1.69 t WOOL-FINISHED COTTON BLANKETS in tan, white and gray, with assorted washable borders. Thread-whipped edges. Double bed size. Extra value, pair, 2e49 PLAID WOOL-FINISHED BLANKETS in assorted colon and patterns, thread-whipped edges. Heavy, warm winter weight. Special, per pair, WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, six 70x84 inches, bound with 8-inch blanket binding, pink and blue borders. Made from the finest selected wool. Beautiful, soft, mellow finish. Spe cial, per pair, BEACON PLAID BLANKETS, in a wonderful assortment of col orings in plaid and jacquard, de signs, made of imported cotton, looks and wears like wool. War ranted fast colors; for double beds. Per Q Qf- pair, OeaO PLAID BLANKETS, beautiful wool finish, size 66x80 inches, in a big variety of colors and designs. Extra heavy winter weight Cut single and whipped on both ends. Positively worth 7.00. Monday, jf per pair, vO AUSTRALIAN WOOL-FINISHED BLANKETS, size 70x80 inches, in gray only, with assorted fancy borders. Extra heavy twilled aualitv thread-whinnM pHc. Worth regularly 3.50. While the lot lasts, each, BEACON BATH ROBE BLAN KETS, size 72x90 inches, with girdle, frogs and neck cord to match, in a wonderful variety of Jacquard Indian designs. For women's and men's C 7C bath robes, each, Out O COTTON TOP MATTRESS for full size beds. Covered with nice quality stripe ticking. Standard weight and size for double beds. Extra value for Monday, at Plaid Wool Blankets PLAID WOOL BLANKETS, size 72x84 Inches, in as sorted colors. Made of finest California wool. Beautifully bound and thoroughly steamed to prevent shrinking. Extra good value. Pr. 19.50 BLANKETS, Sise 70x84 inches, slightly soiled Jae quard styles in assorted colors.. Desirable for bath robes as well as bed blankets. A splendid 5.50 value, while a limited quantity lasts, O 7C each, eSeO WOOLNAP BLANKETS in gray and tan with assorted fancy borders, edges bound with two-inch Mohair blanket binding. Tnis extra neavy winter weignt c OC per pair, DOWN PILLOWS, covered with best quality blue and white stripe linen ticking, size 21x27 inches, guaranteed good mixed down. Worth regularly 8.00, Monday, each, 2.45 FEATHER PILLOWS, covered with good quality fancy art ticking, filled with aanitary mixed feathers, odorless and free from dust. Positively worth 1.78. spe cial, each, 1.45 $5 Full Bed Size Comforters 12.95 Covered with finest quality French cambric and filled with one large roll of white cotton specially processed to in crease its loftiness and insure heat without weight. Big variety of pretty patterns to select from. Ea. 8.50 2.69 SATEEN COVERED COMFORTERS, size 72x84 inches, filled with white, fhiffy cotton, handsomely scroll stitched in a big variety of new patterns, heavy winter g n C weight. Special, per pair, u,,u SILKOLINE COVERED COMFORTERS filled with a good quality of white cotton, light and dark colors. Scroll stitched or yarn tied; full double bed size; O QI regular price, 3.75; Monday only, t.J9 Beacon Blankets In white, gray and tan with assorted fancy borders. Bound with two-inch Mohair blanket binding. Size 66x80 inches. Regular price, 7.95. Monday, ' , Pr. .98 sw m 5.50 v ' INDIAN BLANKETS, else 64x78 inches, in a wonderful range of pretty Indian and Navajo styles, : each blanket neatly hemmed and ! boxed. A good 7.00 value, for 1 Monday, each, BEACON CRIB BLANKETS', slz 30x40 inches, in a splendid va riety of nursery and kindergar ten designs, including animals, flowers and jacquard patterns in colors of pink and blue. Spe- 98c ALL-FELT MATTRESS, made cf splendid quality layer felt. Cov ! ered with good quality heavy ticking, deeply tufted with Im ! serial roll edge and full stand- ! ard weight for fall size bed. : Usually $18. Monday, FULL SIZE COMBINATION MATTRESS, covered with good grade fancy ticking, deeply tufted; considered by many su perior to a cheap all-felt Will not pack or sag easily. Usual price 12.50. Q f Monday, iOU SANITARY COUCH PAD, made of splendid quality felt and cov ered with fancy art ticking. Usual price 7.50. Spe- C Q C cial for Monday, at OetJD, BABY BLANKETS In asorted p.t- terns and colors, neatly shell stitched edges. A regular 35c value. OQi Monday, aiJC WINTER WFir.HT rwurrto-r ERS, extra heavy, size 72x84- inch. river A1 t-ifU maJ.,... v SIICUIUIII -JM weight comforter cretonne and ' filled with sanitary cotton, hand? iuiiea or scroll stitcned. Spe each, ' 550 .1