Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Members of Board of Gover-
x. o I r .1
nui 5 iu openu uay ai
. Fort Calhoun Celebration.
Members of the board of rov
ernors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
will attend the centennial cele
bration at Calhoun next Saturday.
They have agreedMo take their
lunch and have a day's outing.-"
"The board requests all members
of Ak-Sar-Ben to attend this big
celebration," said Secretary J. D.
Weaver. "Let us show on this oc
casion our appreciation for what
Washington and Burt counties
have done toward helping Ak-Sar-Ben."
Old Time Dancing Contest '
One of the features of the cele
bration in connection with the es
tablishment of old Fort Atkinson,
will be an old time dancing con
test bjetween pioneers of Douglas
and Washington counties.
Omaha members of the Douglas
County Association of Nebraska
Pioneers are practicing up in an
ticipation of showing the Washing
ton county pioneers just what real
old time dancing looks like.
Special Train From Here.
Douglas county pioneers are
urged to attend the Calhoun cele
bration. A , train will leave the
Webster street station at 9 a. m.,
Saturday, and there will be several
trains returning from Calhoun in
the evening.
On account , of the condition of
the court house, there will be no
regular meeting of the Douglas
county pioneers here Thursday.
Illinois Preacher Accepts
' Call to Pulpit Irr Omaha
Rev. M. R. Laird for the past six
years pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Lincoln, 111., has accepted
the pastorship of the Westminster
Presbyterian church of Omaha and
will arrive here with his wife ; and
two sons this week.
Rev. Mr. Laird has been on a
leave ot absence from his church
for the past year doing war work
in France, and has just recently re
turned. While at Boulder, Colo., Rev. Mr.
Laird was elected student pastor
of the college there, but declined
the, position because of the greater
appeal which the work in Omaha
held for him.
Voronezh Is Taken
London, Oct. 8. The capture of
the city of Voronezh, ' 275 miles
southeast of Moscow, by the anti
bolshevik forces of General Deni
kine is admitted in a Russian soviet
wireless message irom. Moscow re
ceived today. Ueneral JJenikine s
cavalry is advancing on Usman, 35
miles north of Voronezh, the mas
sage adds. .
NX I I f j lconifl
Corns, CaUcue-TORTURE
Quickly Relieved 3y
the wonderful new discover? for,
corns, callouses and bunions. Th
pain stops with the very first
drop, and in 10 minutes the corn
may easily be removed. A Chlr- ,
epodlst uses the same method
many use Corn "Fix."
No ether, collodion, or lalrctlia
eld to eat the good flesh and
or "cooking" the feet: no more
extended treatments. In 10 min
utes the corn Is gone so is the
pain. Quicker, safer and differ
ent. Corn "Fix" la wonderful! Don't
Suffer another minute. R your
dealer cannot supply yon send ua
85a. in stamps and we will mail
you a bottle direct
For Itching, burning, tired,
swollen, aching or perspiring feet, !
use Corn "Fix" Foot Bath Tab
lets. 30 tablets for 26c. Tour
money back if either falls to help
Jou. Com Fix Co., Inc. Newark,
Take a glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys if bladder bothers
- you.
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some
form or othes, says a well-known
authority, because the uric acid in
meat excites the kidneys, they be
come overworked; get sluggish;
clog np.and cause all sorts of dis
tress, particularly backache and mis
ery in the kidney region'; rheumatic
twinges, sever? headaches, acid
stomach, constipation, torpid liver,
sleeplessness, bladder and urinary ir
ritation. The moment your back hurts or
kidneys aren't acting right, or if
bladder bothers you, get about four
ounces of Jad Salts from any good
pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast for
a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and has been used for generations
to flush clogged kidneys and stimu
late them to' normal activity; also
to neutralize the acids in the urine
so it no longer irritates, thus end
ing bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which millions of
men and women take now and then
to keep the kidneys and urinary or
gans clean, thus avoiding serious
kidney dijeasa.
Brief City News
Weather Stripe Blgsia Mfg. Co. jUt.
Have Root Print It Beacon Press
Etoetrte Waahert Burcera-Qranden Co.
Allen, Coolldge Co., 721' 1st Na
tional bank. Tyler 3300. Public Ac
countants and Federal Tax Experts.
Wins Jersey Bride Miss Kath
arine A. Yetman of Asbury Park, N.
J., and Edward J. Wehrer were mar
ried by Rev. Charles W. Eavldge.
Enters Engineering Class Alli
son W. Merrlam of Omaha, an ex
service man. has enrolled in the
School of Engineering of Milwau
kee, under the Nye educational bill.
Hold School Election Election of
officers for the February graduating
class of the Central High school re
sulted as follows: Ed Willmarth,
president; Clara BernSteln, vice
president; Frank Drdlic, treasurer;
Ruth Parker, secretary; Mike Huller
and Rose Smeale, sergeant-at-arms.
Kntghta of Pythias to Meet Ne
braska lodge. No. 1, Knights of Py
thias, will confer the rank of page
at its castle in the W. O. W. hall,
Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue,
Thursday evening. AH knights, es
pecially those visiting in the city,
are cordially invited to attend.
Di vorce
Walter Goulder says in a petition
for annulment of marriage filed in
district court that he has just dis
covered that his wife, Bessie, has
another husband living. When they
were married, January 10, 1919, he
says she told him her first husband
was dead.
Mildred Themanson charges that
her husband, John, has been cruel to
her ever since their marriage in 1905
and she asked the district court for
a divorce from him and custody of
their child.
Armanda Pedigro sued Wilford
Pedigo for a divorce in district
court, charging that he has beaten
her. An order was granted restrain-,
ing him from molesting her or com
ing to their home, 4433 South Thir
teenth street. He is a chauffeur.
Leslie Kaiser states in a petition
for divorce field in district court that
his wife, Thelmak deserted him in
June, 1917, five months after their
' Three divorces were granted by
Judge Troup in divorce court. On
the ground of desertion he gave a
divorce to Mary Protoluck from
John Protoluck. Laura Miller was
granted a divorce from Charles on
allegations of nonsupport. Effie Al
len was given a divorce from Leon
ard and restored to her maiden
name, Addleman, on charges of
Declares War on Dcnikine.
London, Oct. 8. Confirmation of
recent reports that Gen. Simon Pet
lura, the Ukrainian military leader,
had declared war on General Deni
kine, the Cossack anti-bolshevik
commander in south Russia, was
given today bythe Ukrainian diplo
matic mission in London.
Taken to Bluffs Hospital Sun
day 4from Omaha
w Hotel.
Louise Metz HmK, 40 years old,
divorced wife of Arthur C. Funk,
wealthy farmer of Bloomington, III.,
and daughter of Fred Metz, sr., for
mer Omaha brewer, died Monday
night at St. Bernard's hospital,
Council Eluffs. Death was due to
double pneumonia, according to Dr.
F. M. Conlin, who attended her.
She had been ill for three months
in her room at the Paxton hotel, an,d
was under the constant care of a
trained nurse. She was taken to St.
Bernard's hospital Sunday after
noon. Mrs. Louise Metz Funk was a half
sister of the Metz brothers, Charles,
living at 3708 Dewey avenue, Ar
thur, 3625 Qewey avenue, and Fred,
115 North Fifty-third street, and
T. W. Baumer, 1708 Sprague
street, and Mrs. C. H. Lehmann,
613 North Forty-first street, brother
and sister of Mrs. Funk, were at
her bedside at the time ol her death.
The body was taken to Heafey &
Heafey undertaking parlors, Twenty-sixth
and Farnam streets.
Her former husband, Arthur C
Funk, who has remarried since the
divorce in 1916, arrived in Omaha
last night to attend the funeral.
Two sons, Isaac G, 13 years old,
and Raymond, 12 years old, came
with the father. The eldest son,
Arthur C. Funk, 17 years old, was
unable to come.
Mrs. Funk obtained a divorce
May 9, 1916, on grounds of extreme
cruelty. They were married Janu
ary 9, 1902. s -
She was a daughter of Fred Metz.
Tells How to Darken Gray Hair
With a Home-Made Mixture.
Joicey Williams, the well-known
actress, who was recently playing at
the Imperial Theater in St. Louis,
made the following statement about
gray hair and how to darken, it:
"Anyone can prepare a simple
mixture at home that will darken
gray, streaked or faded hair, and
make it soft and glossy. To a half
pint of water add 1 ounce of bay
rum, a small box of Barbo Com
pound, and V. ounce of glycerine.
These ingredients can be bought
at any drug store at very little post.
Apply to the hair twice a week until
the desired shade is obtained. This
will make a gray-haired person look
twenty years younger. It does not
color, the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy and does not rub off.
Flatiron BIdg., 17th and Howard
A Tremendous Sale of
Fall and Winter
We are anticipating a great response to
this great sale of
More Than 2,000 Fine
Sample Union Suits
for the values are so extreme
that men will want to lay in a
supply for future as well as
present needs. , .
All suits are strictly first
quality garments perfect uT
workmanship and fit and sold
At a Saving of
About y
At $1.45
Lot No. l-This lot is composed of a big assortment
of heavy fleece lined union suits.
Heavy medium and light weight
nr- qualities .in fine ribbed union
f K snits. nlors and pern and silver.
At $2.45
Lot No. 2 Comprises a great,
group of wool mixed union suits
in light, medium or heavy
weight qualities. All sizes 34 to
At $3.45
Lot No. 3 Consists of all
wool, silk and wool, and wool
mixed union suits in all colors,
all weight and all sizes, 34 to 54.
At $1.00
A great lot of fall weight
Union Suits In white and ecru.
All sizes, 34 to 40. These gar
ments formerly sold at two and
three times the price now asked.
Burgess-Wash Company
everybodyS store
sr., by a second marriage. She was
a sister of Herman Metz, real estate
Funeral services will be held at 2
this afternoon at Heafey' &
Heafey undertaking parlors. Rev.
T. J. Macky, pastor of All Saints'
church, will officiate. Burial will
be in Forest Lawn cemetery.
SaW His 200-Pound Wife
Assaulted Him; Asks Divorce
William Clites complains to the
district court, in a petition for di
vorce filed yesterday that his wife,
Florence, browbeats, abuses and as
saults him. She is a powerful wom
an, weighing about 200 pounds, he
says. She has had him arrested for
assault and battery when, as a mat
ter of fact, he declares, she was the
one who did the assaulting and bat
tering. General Harries Expected
In Omaha Last of Month
Brig. Gen. George H. Harries.
former president of the Nebraska
Power company, who has recently
returned from overseas and is now
in Washington, D. C, will arrive in
Omaha for a visit the latter part of
this month.
General Harries and his staff
were the first American officers sent
to Berlin after the signing of the
Cnticura Soap
Ideal for the
Pitmnl ii ATI
dnmteM: Soap 26. Olntmant S and W. Talma S.
Banal aaeo fraa ot "0Hra, P- . aw."
Pay your telephone bill to
morrow at our information desk.
lESS-fcSI CffiMl
Chicago Grand Opera, Oct. 20
and 21. Tickets now on sale.
THngs You Will
- Want -
Feather Fans
Right into the heart of femininity flut
ter these ' beautiful new fall feather fans.
They are proving most popular with the
dancing gown and are priced at $1.00 to
$21.80. .
1 Halnna.
Beaded Bags ,
Most gorgeous in, coloring and design is
this new selection of beaded bags. Rich pur
ples, blues and rich yellows, browns and
tans. You will enjoy just .looking them
over. They are priced from $13.00 to $136.75.
Main Floor.
Painty dancing pumps and party slippers.
These come in the silver, patent leath
er, dull kid; black and the pale satin colors.
They are priced from $10.00 to $15.00.
Second Floor
Beautiful soft negligees in wash satins,
crepe de chine and georgettes. Ribbon and
lace trimmed and come in orchid, pink,
green, blue, yellow and flesh colors. They
are priced at $15.00 up.
Second Floa.
The Black and Ophite Room
on the Fourth Floor
Hair dressing, marcel waving, mani
curing, hair bobbing, etc., done by expert
attendants. '
Distinctive New Fall Apparel
OUR whole store is brimful of all the correct fashions in suits, coats, frocks, evening gowns,
furs, blouses and all the accessories of dress, all of which come under the influence of the
dictators of fashion. '
Suits Are Exbemely Popular
Fascinating models of beautiful materials, with graceful, flowing lines, flattering to every
individual. Every taste, every desire, every occasion and service is provided for in this dis-1
tinctive display of women's new fall suits. ..
Interesting to note are the many new materials and colors. " T
Peach Bloom
Chameleon Cord
Triumph Velours
( Silcerlom
' Bokhara
Tolacco Mahogany
Madura Dragon Fly
Beater Infantry Blue
Copper Marine
Pershing Brown NaDy
Reindeer Rose Taupe
Everyone Always Needs
Lots of
. 1. T r i rni i
l extraordinary v alues 1 hursdau at
MEN'S and women's novelty handkerchiefs in a wide
range of pretty patterns. A splendid assortment that
have been priced very special at 17c each.
"Prairie Blossom" Handkerchiefs, lie
You will want to lay in a big supply of these dainty
handkerchiefs when you see them. Bits of whiteness with
borders that are barred with heavier threads. Prices at lie
each for Thursday. .
Borseu-Nuah Ooj Main Floor.
Notions, Notions and More Notions
Specially Priced
i Dr. Parker's waists for children,
at 39c.
Hickory or velvet grip support
ers, 19e and 29c,
Gilt Edga , darning cotton, 2
for 5c.
Elastic, Be yard.
Jiffy pants, 49c
Ironing board pads, $1.00.
Steel pins, 3 packages, 10c.
Shirred -ribbon elastic, three
fourth yard lengths, 45c each.
, Bttnon Kateh Co,
Metal shoe trees, 15c pair.
Stlckerie edges, 5c bolt
Sanitary aprons, 39c
Slip-on shields, 39c.
Nickel plated safety pms, 4c
card. ,
Machine thread, 2 for Be
Stocking dryers, 35c pair.
Sew on supporters, 25c.
Lingerie tape, 1le, 8-yard bolt
Hooks and eye tape, 25c yard.
Sample buttons, 5c card.
Belting, 10c yard.
. M ln Floor.
The New Hy Art Silk Petticoats
Are Here at $4.65
OUR October shipment of Hy Art silk petticoats have just
arrived and are pictured above. Made of beautiful
quality fine soft taffeta in the latest fall colors.
The "Justo Top," which can be instantly adjusted
to fit any figure and hang evenly is "one of tljje fea
tures. .
"We have received all the factory can let us have, so make
your selection early. 1 '
J3urg:a-Nah Co. Downstair! Floor.
Women's Lambskin
Gloves $1 .75
A WOMAN must have plenty of
gloves, for nothing adds as
much to a perfect costume than to
have the hands well dressed. Here
is the opportunity to purchase at a
great saving. Lambskin gloves of
good quality in all the new shades,
at $1.75 a pair.
Bnnreae-NMh Co. Main Floor.
Free Instruction on
Knitting and
Mrs. Hern, representative from
the Fleisher yarn factory In
Philadelphia, is In our Art Em
broidery Section and will be
pleased to show you the new fall
and winter models and teach
you the newest stitches required
in making them.
Third Floor. t
Sewing Machine
IN OUR sewing machine depart
ment on the Fourth Floor we
will offer special values to the
home sewer Thursday. Here are
a few of them: 4
Needles, 25c a dozen
Belts, 27c each
Oil, 10c and 15c bottle
Oil cans at 5c each
Special Values in
Sewing Machines
Four-drawer, drop-head (ease is
slightly marred), $21.50.
Auto drop-head (case is slightly
marred), $28.75.
Standard (slightly marred), very
special, $48,00.
Singer (slightly marred), special
value, at $50.00.
Borgeee-ITaali Co. Fourth Floor.
Thursday on the Main, Floor Square
Boys' Jerseys and Sweaters
Wonderful Values , r
At $1.95
The kind of a Jersey that the boy will
like, made of all wool, in blue and crlmson.
Very specially priced. .
At $5.95
i An all-wool "V" neck Shaker sweater that
will give good satisfaction and be good and
warm. Sizes 30 to 36.
Barfeaa-Kaih Co. Main Floor.
A Lamp Gives a Decorative
Touch to the Room i
Equaled by no other single article of furniture.
THE cozmess of a room is its main
attraction and nothing adds the
same touch as a beautifully shaded
lamp, j It casts a warm glow over the
entire room, softening the lines of the
furniture as no wall light could.
Beautiful Lamps
Our selection of lamps is extremely beau
tiful, nowhere can they be duplicated.
Mahogany standard floor lamps, 2 lights,
6-foot silk light cord, from $12.50, $14.50
and up. i
Silk shades, in rose, gold, and blue, ftO.OO
and $13.50 each. ' ,
Other beautifully decorated shades from
$16.00 up.
Frame That Photograph in a Gold
Standard Frame x
We have Just received a large assortment of handsome gold stan
dard frames. Priced from $1.00 to $7.50. The frame you want is here.
BavreM-Kaeh Co. Fourth Floor.
We Feature "Bucks9 All Cast Iron Ranges
and Combination Stoves
BUCK'S stoves have been made for seventy years and are
recognized the country over as the best on the market today.
The stove of certain satisfaction.
Uses less fuel, lasts longer and are
sanitary as well as economical
"Buck's" combination range, for gas coal or wood, made of cast
iron change from one fuel to another can be made in a few minutes.
Complete with sanitary white enameled back, hish closet We guar
antee this stove to give SATISFACTION. $110.00.
"Buck's master cast iron range, for coal or , wood, with high
closet, 18-inch oven, $65.00.
"Buck's"-cast iron range, for coal or wood, square with tea shelf,
16-inch oven, $55.00.
.-. "Buck's" "Vienna" cast iron range. Sanitary white enameled
splasher back, in high closet, sanitary white enameled oven doors,
full nickel trimmed, polished top; 18-inch oven, at $85.00.
PERFECTION OIL HEATERS, smokeless and odorless, $4.79.
MAJESTIC ELECTRIC HEATERS, throw very intense Wtot
Complete with cord. $10.00. DownotoJ store