THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1919. II FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. IMPROVED and unlmrroved wheat farm, Kimball county. Nab. R. E. Holmao, Buaftnell. Neb. &ERRICK COUNTT." Improved "corn and alfalfa farma at the right price, M. A. LARSON, Central City. Neb. . WKi I r. mm pictures and priuea of my farma and ranehea In food old Dawea Co. Arab U Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. fwb good farma, one JGO, one 240 acrea; choice farma In the choice county of, Nilsson, 615 Paxton Bldg. Soutn Dakota Lands. FOR SALB for a abort time only, one of tbo beat sections in Aurora county. South Dakota, 1U mllea from Stickney; well Improved, fenced with wovan wire and teel poata all around; crossed fenced; must be asen to be appreciated. Ad drena owner, B, A. Wolff, Bagley. la. Miscellaneous. . For Iowa, Nebraaka and 8outl Dakota '' farma and ranehea. aeo 'ALEXANDER & G1PE, Doug 0(l - (22 Patton BIB. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. jfOR RkiNT a well improved 60-acres near Omaha, to a reaponalble party, or wilt quip the place on aharea; give full snmroiauon aa i ocowpatiuu, address, ages, etc., and how you are ' fixed to operate thla place. Box 6-73, Omaha Bee. FARM LANDS WANTED. NvB will aell your farm; timely aalea. quick ' returns. Held Land Co.. f(4 Brsndf'.s Bldg AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. HOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. , .i t ! McCaffrey motor COMPANY, (The Handy Ford Service Station) llth and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1504. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF IS CENTS PER MILE. TOU ARB COVERED B7 INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. , 10 NEW MODEL FORD CARS FORD LIVERY CO. COtTG. 2T 131 HOWARD BOR SALE Cheap, one H-ton model 10 Grant Track, never been used; only driven from Omaha, haa cab and 8 in 1 : body; aolld tlrea; one model G Grant touring, e-cyllnder; only uaed for dem onstrator; aell cheap; one Oldsmoblle,. model 87. 0-cyllnder, only driven little over 1,009 miles, will sell at right ftg- - urea to make room for new winter stock I coming In. Call or writ for demonstra- , tlon. Great Western Novelty Co., Beemer, Neb. Phone til. ' fcwO-TON Nash truck, on year old; good tires; good condition, 8850. Hi-ton Re- public truck, one year old, newly painted and rebuilt; bargain at 81,050 1-ton Studebaker truck, good condition, good tlrea, 8460. 1-ton Ford iruck, uaed only ' five months, with body and cab, at real bargain. Andrew Murphy & Son, 14th and Jackson Streets. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, aold and exchanged. Wa buy for cash and aell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 8026-8 Farnam St Doug. 4101. USED cars or exceptional value. t-ROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS fEBRASKA WHITE CU JTRED C ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1767 1407-31 Capitol Av. RELIABLE automobile school; beet elec trical and self-starter courses; day and night acbool; coma now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha . SNAP IT Bulefr (4), 5-paas like now, It8. Twenty other bargains. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 3810 Farnam, 1&1S Oldamoblle sedan, almost Ilka new, 81.380 cash. Buying larger car. Call evenings. George Donaldson, 107 S. 62a at iU PI. tjSED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 8568 Farnam St Doug. 1870. "WINTON-SIX ROBERTS MOTOR CO. 40th and Farnam. Harney 8500. ' USED CAR AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 080 Farnam St Omaha. Neb, LATH model OJds-8. perfect condition, win tell right, or trade, for late model light sedan. In good condition. Wal. 33 Fords itricks. dodge, new and USED" CARS. FORD BODIES O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO. 8701 80UTH 84TH ST SOUTH s 1701 tHJUifi in ai $100 Reward tor any magneto wo can't re pair. Bole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af- unity spars uiw ptjrMw,i. - NEB. BUICK AUTO Qu., 88th and Howard Sts. Tyler 1760. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red eoat on wind shield. " BARGAINS IN USED CARS." nir.Caffrev Motor Co. Ktti .Tarkson. Ford Agenta D. 8800. . v.i,-r trrn Snf riSH. 100 USED rlD9 ilb Hnn ha d.lav. AutO Ex- changi Co.. 8058 Farnam St, D. 03- tWdIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. z&zo rarnamofc. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO.. 2032 Farnam. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 8300 Farnam St. tiUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: service station tor Rayfleld -carburetors and Columbia storage batteries Edwards. " " FORD MARKET. . 9930 Farnam. Caen. Time. Liberty Bonds. iDVERLAND coupe, fully equipped and In first-class condition; for sale or trade. Box B 84, Bee GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. , BTUDEBAKER 8550; best buy In Omaha; vnrth 81.000. Walnut 3010. 6nB two-ton Reo with farm body, cheap. Blackstone Garage No. z, uougm.. Tires and Supplies. HEW TIRES PRICE rilc. Gnndrirh. Bull tires. Le. Firestone. CAIMAN TIRE JUHiiKKa. ZU19 garnam. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drlv youraelf. at very reasonable prlcea; no extra to pay. Nebraaka Service Garage. 18th and Farnam. Doug la 7380. . BRINGING UP FATHER- Sea Jiggs and Maggie in Full Page of Colors in The Sunday Bee. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright. 1919 International News Service. TO errTei, LEAVE TVO'b CORNEO tEEF OOT MERE UNTIL I 0 N TO tEE T WHEN HE EHOi flE TO Tnt TORE V I WANNA TAKE tT II WEU.r-iASOE ) V yeaihO ) k NOW FOR THE I I f 1?! itfjA J ovE to OU4SAN-, want he corncob: - hi. : MlL?A h C HOObE AN HAVE. U rr. t AQOOT .T. NSV V y --W' VWf Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock Market. Omaha, Oct. 7, 1919. Recelots wars; Cattle Hoge Sheep Official Monday 21.73s 3,488 23,978 Estimate Tuesday. . .17,000 4,700 29.000 Two days this weeh, ,38,738 8,188 Sama day last week. .36,873 7,447 Same 2 weeks ago. .34.122 10,000 Same 8 weeks ago.. 40,502 6,915 Same year ago 27.640 12,253 62,978 70,862 70,949 96,438 64,801 Cattlo There was another real liberal run of cattle on hand this morning, soma 17,000 bead showing up. western beef wa In plentiful supply, but demand waa pretty broad and desirable kinds at least sold on a good, steady basis. Western Nebraska ateers at 116.60 was the highest sold here In some time. Butcher stock was Just a little bit draggy, but prices on the whole looked generally steady with yesterday. It waa another uneven deal In stockera and feeders, some early sales being higher If anything while the later trades was more auet, but under the In fluence of a broad demand tbe general run of values was fully steady with yes terday. CALVES. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 323 $6 00 6 266 11 00 9 436 1 9 00 2 10S II 00 WESTERN CATTLE IDAHO. 11 elvs. 417 9 76 steers 815 I 76 1 calf ..290 I 00 39 steers 901 10 25 10 cows 784 8 90 COLORADO. 6 fdrs... 671 7 00 8 civs. 413 9 00 22 cows 1004 1 25 31 fdrs. 929 10 40 WYOMING. atkrs 836 9 90 19 cows 956 8 40 hfrs. 436 10 00 16 fdrs. 1109 10 25 T50 .5 50 6 atrs. 1176 I 25 719 9 35 SOUTH DAKOTA. 808 8 25 15 cows 796 t 00 778 9 00 29 civs. 325 10 25 750 9 00 9 hfrs. 754 8 25 NEBRASKA. 4 cow 1385 11 00 25 cows 986 9 00 9 25 30c. & h. 860 9 65 7 75 10 hfrs. 695 8 25 11 60 22 cows 797 9 00 9 50 94 fdrs. 1022 10 75 10 50 11 civs. 303 10 60 Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, J16.0017.50; good to choice beeves. $14.5016.00; fair to good beeves, 13.00ai4.60: common to fair beeves. 311.00 13.00; choice to prime yearlings. 616.6016) 18.00; good to choice yearlings, jl5.0016.50; fair to good yearlings, $12.00 GK14.60; common to fair yearlings, jio.oo 12.00; good to prime heifers, $8.D0 10.60: choice to prime cows, $9.600)11. 00; good to choice cows. $8.00$9.00; fair to good cows, $A.6067.75; common to fair cows. $5.006.60; choice to prim heavy feeders, $12.001S.00; good to choice feeders, $10.0011.75; medium to good feeders. 39.0010.00: common to ' fair feeders, $7.flOS.50; good to choice stock- ers, iio.ooii.oo: fair to gooa stocKers, 25 15 14 cows 72 fdrs. 10 cows 10 stkrs. 6 fdrs. 6 cows 875 37 hfrs. 673 60 fdrs. 980 47 fdrs. 872 61 fdrs. 1005 PERSONAL. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by Bessie Goulder after this date. W. H. Goulder. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40 ( mo.. H. goods, total. $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 43J Security Bldg. 16th ft Farnam. Ty. 6. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Es. 1894 FARMS and city loans. E. H. LOUGBB. INC 628 Keelln Bldg. Thomas Co., Kansas WHEATLAND EAL Read the article On Thomas County in the Country Gentleman for Octo ber 4th. Then come in and let us tell you why this land is the finest farm investment in America Buy a half section seeded to winter wheat on easy terms and take the crop profit plus increased valuation for next year's sale. Watson & Brenan "Real Reliable Realty" Tyler 4505. 644 World-Herald Bids. Short Term Notes Issue Bid. Asked American Tel. Tel. 6s, 1934. 99 H American Tel. A TeL 6s, 1925.101 American Thread 6s. 1928 100 American Tobacco 7a, 1919. ...100 American Tobacco 7s, 1920. ...101 American Tobacco 7s, 1921.... 102 American Tobacco 7s, 1922. ,. .10211 American iodsoco in, JZ3. . ..jus1 Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929.... 98 10H4 101V4 100 1024 lOZtt 10SH 103 Anglo-French Ext. (s. 1920... 974 97 5-16 jvrmour e o, Ki. veo. es, itfzu. jua Armour ft Co. C. Deb. 6s, 121.102 Armour & Co. C. Deb. 6s, 1922.102 Armour Co. C, Deb. 6s, 1923.102 Armour Y Co. C. Deb. 6s, 1924.102 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s. 1922.. 102 Bethlehem Steal Co. 7s. 1923.. 101 British 64s, 1921 93 Canada 6s, 1921 98 Canadian Pacific 6s, 1924 99 i C, B. & Q. 4s, 1921 95t C. R. I. r. s, 1922 97 Cuban Amar. Sugar 6s, 1921.. 100 Cudahy Packing Co. 7s, 1923.. 101 General Electric Deb. 6s, 1930. 100 'A Great Northern Ry. 6s. 1920.. 99 H Inter. Rapid Tranalt 6s. 1921.. 80 Kansaa City Terminal 6s, 1923. 99 Lehigh Valley 6s, 1923 101- Liggett ft Meyers 6s. 1921 100 H Philadelphia Elec. 6s, 1920... 991, Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1920. ...100 Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1921.... 101 Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1922.... 103 Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1923..,. 103 Southern Ry. 6s, 1922 98 4 Swift A Co. 6s, 1921 99T4 Union Pacific 6e, 1928 ,..102 U. 8. Rubber 7s, 1923 103V4 W'ghouae E. V M. 6s, 1920. ..100 Wilson Conver. 6a. 1928 96 First Liberty 8s 100.00 First Liberty 4s 95.20 Second Liberty 4s 94.24 First Liberty 4Us 95.46 Second Liberty 4 s...i 94.40 Third Liberty 4Ks 95.90 Fourth Liberty 4s 94.28 Fifth Liberty 4 99.90 103 VI 103 103 103 103 102 102 98 98 100 95 98 100 101 100 99 81 100 101 100 100 101 101 k 102 103 100 103 104 100 97 No. Av. 20. .329 49. .327 63. .338 58. .297 22. .276 65. .305 8h. 70 80 40 40 $8.5009.50; common to fair etockers, iti.buco's.uu; stocK neuera, 9o.gaiaJs.oui stock cows, $6.7507.25; stock calves. $7.0011.00; veal calves, $7.oopi4.ou; bulls, stags, 'etc., $6.00 7. 60; choice to prime grass beeves, $13.00g)15.60; good to choice grass beeves, $11. 00S 13.50; fair to good grass beeves, $9.6010.75; com mon to fair grass beeves, $7.00 8.00; Mexican beeves, $6.(09.00. Hogs Receipts were a little more lib eral today, 70 load estimated at 4,700 head. There was a decidedly weak un dertone to the trade and alow and draggy. The market was very uneven and fully 2540c lower wltn spots on uie close Innkinar nloKe to K0a lower. One load Of real choice lightweight hogs topped the market at $16.60. Although occasional sales were reported under $16.00, bulk of the hoa-s aold from l6.ooiai6.60 witn a few scattering sales of butchers and lights scattered up to $16.00. HOGS. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 15 00 49. .308 ... 16 35 15 10 68. .281 ... 16 40 15 15 70... 232 ... 16 60 15 20 24. .230 ... 15 65 15 26 71. .223 ... 15 76 15 30 55. .303 200 16 00 SheeD Receipts of sheep and Iambs were estimated at 29,000 head, the run ahowing a big decrease aa compared with a week ago ar.d a year ago. a lew warmed-up offerings were included In to day's supply but bulk consisted of west erns. Good fat a-rades were scarce. In quiry from packer Was rather backward from the start out prices in mis Drancn of the trade was generally steady. Best fat lambs sold up to $16.75 with fair kinds of killers landing around 115.00(g) 15.25. Fat ewes are still quotable up to $7.25. Best wethers would likely bring $9.25 or better. Feeder trade closed fully half dollar higher yesterday and today's market ruled fully steady to perhaps a little stronger than the close. Good close-wooled feeder lambs ar now selling up to $13.60 with medium to good grades bringing $12.60(5) 13.00. Common and light feeders at $11.00 12.25. Good feeding ewe are going to the country at $j.257.00. FAT EWES. 19 Ida.. 107 7 25 21 cull 11 4 00 FEEDING EWES. 101 Utah 108 5 00 172 Utah 104 T 00 87 Utah 118 ' 7 30 FAT WETHERS AND YEARLINGS. II Ida. 83 10 00 56 Utah 107 9 00 EWES, ONE-YEAR BREEDERS. 850 Utah 107 7 60 BREEDING EWES. 103 11 00 FAT LAMBS. 73 15 26 163 T4 14 75 67 16 fO FEEDING LAMBS. 59 11 60 1019 Ida 55 IS 10 1270 Utah 66 12 85 Quotation on cheep: Lambs, good to choice. $16.25015.76; iambs, fair to good. $14.7515.25; choice feeder lambs, $13.00 13.60; medium to good feeders, $12.50 13.00; common and light feeders. $11.00 12.25; cull and canners, $7.0010.00; year lings, $9.50g10.25; wethers, $8.509.25; ewes, (rood to choice. J6. 76387. 26: owes. fair to good, $6. 00 6.75; good feeding ewes, $5.766.50; ewe culls and canners. $2.oo4.uv; Dreeaing ewes, i.ui)(a"ij.uu. $36 la. 46 Ida. 92 Utah 25 Ida.. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv tee. for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed: new fenders mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St Tyler 17. t. P. BARNUM CO., 2192 Cuming. Doug- Jrlas S044. High grade automobile palnt-ng. Motorcycles and Bicycles. bARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES -Bargains In used machines. Victor H Boos, the motorcycle man. 37tb and Leavenworth Sts M , M , Horses Live Stock Vehicles. 7 109 8ETS of war harness, mad by the Studebaker Mfg. Co. of South Bend. Ind., for experimental tryout; number on grade and will be sold at a dis count of 30 per cent at the MM -West Karnes Co., 701 N. 16th Et. "rmalta. Neb. BROOD SOWS. Boy on Birdhaven Profit Sharing Plan Phone Web. 24S4 O. S. Pettla. aa-ent. UPLAND hay, $20 per ton Wagner. 801 ixnrtn 16th St YEARLl.Ny mule, driving mare for sale or trade for cow. Walnut 4583-3. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WANTED to buy one or two young rat dogs. Wagner Feed Btcr. 801 N. 16th. YOUNG LADIES We offer you a wsll paid position. Pay vou whil.o in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. -Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. LEGAL NOTICES PERSONAL. fcHE SALVATION Army Industrial bom solicit your old clothing, furniture, magaslnea We collect. W diatrlbute. Phone Dour 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new boms, 1110-1112-1114 Dudg SL NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals are Invited and will be received at the Office of the City En gineer, Room 511, City Hall, Omaha, Ne braska, up to two o'clock on Thursday, October 16th, 1919, for the conatructton of sewers as follows: SEWER DISTRICT No. 661 In confor mity with Ordinance No. 10391, being In Sixtieth St. from Evan SL to Manhole 38 feet Scuth of Pratt Street, the approx imate quantities being aa follows: 267 ltn. ft. eight-Inch pipe. SEWER DISTRICT No. 662 in confor mity with Ordinance No. 10392 being In Franklin Street from Thirty-second Street to Thirty-third Street, the approximate quantities being as follows: 375 lin. ft. eight-Inch pip. The proposal are to be mad upon printed blanks which will, upon applica tion be furbished by the City Engineer and all work must be done In accordance with the plana, profiles and specifications for said work on file in his office. As evidence of good faith, each proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check on some Omaha bank payable to the City of Omaha in an amount not less than 6 per cent of the total of bid and In no case to be less than $100. which amount shall be held by the City as liquidated damages If the successful bidder falls to enter Into contract with good and sufficient sureties within 10 dy after award ha been made. Proposals shall be addressed to City Engineer, Omaha, Nebraska, and marked, "Proposals for Sewer Construction". The City reserves th right to reject any and all bids. JOHN A. BRUCE. City Engineer. Omaha, October 7, 1919, Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. 7. Cattle Receipt 14, 000; estimated tomorow 12,000; beef teen, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime. $16,756)18.76; medium ana good, $11.2516.75; common, $8.75 11.25; ughtweignt, gooa ana cnotce, $16. 00918. 25; common and medium, $8.26(816.00: butcher cattle. heifers, $t.5014.75; cows. $6.2613.50; canners and cutters, $5.2506.25; veal calves, 118. 0019. 00; feeder steers, 17. 25012. 60; stockers steers, $6.50 10.25; western range steers, jx.tiuau&.ui); cows and heifers, $6.&onu3.uo. Hogs Receipts 30,000,: estimated to morrow 17,000; market closed 75c to $1 lower. Heavy, $14.7515.76: medium. $15. 0 0 99 1 6.25: light. S16.60SPIS.Z6: light llrht. S15.00W15.75: packing sows, smooth. J 14.0014.50; packing sows, rough, $13.60 14.00; pigS, -Slt.lDIOiID.DU. Sheep Receipts 41,000; estimated to morrow 30,000; market weak; lamos. $13.2515.90; culls and common, $h.7! 13.00; ewes, medium, good and choice, $6.5007.76: culls and common, $3.00 5.00; breeding, $7.0013.00. St. Louis live Stock. Eat St. Louis, OcL 7. Cattle Re ceipts 8,000; market steady to higher; beef steers, medium and heavyweight. choice and prime, $16.00 17.60; medium and good, $10.76(6)16.00; common, $8.75 10.76; ngntweignt, gooa ana cnoica, $14.00 17.25; common and medium, IS. 00(914.00; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.25 16.00; cows, $6.5011.00; canners and cutter, $5.256.66; veal calve, light and handy weight, $15.00 18.50; feeder steer, $7.6011.00; stockers, $6.60 9.76. Hogs Receipts 10,000; $1 lower. Top, $16.60; bulk, $16.5016.25; heavyweight, S15. 00 16.76: medium weight, $15.76 16.60; lightweight, $1.15I6.60 light weight, $14.00015.26; heavy, packing sows. smooth, $13.60014.00; packing sows, rough, $ll.2613.50; pigs, $13.00 gheep Receipt 4.006; market steady to higher; lambs, $13.(0 16.60; cull and common, $6.0011.60; springs, yearling wether, $9.5011.50; ewes, medium and choice, $5.0007.00; cull and common, $3.004.50. . Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Oct 7. Cattle Re ceipts, 23,000 head; market ateady to Hog Receipts, 9.000 head; market generally 26o to 60c lower. Sheep Receipt, 10,000 head; market steady to 16 cent higher. Hew York Produce. New York, Oct T. Butter Steady; un changed. Eggs Unsettled; fresh gathered extras, (667c; sxtra firsts. 62 S 66c; firsts, 49 62c. GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain. Omaha, Oct T, 1919. uiutu ui,i, luuajr were nuiueraiB lor wheat and light for corn and oats. Wheat vs auuui uui;iiaijou. orn sutiereu n decline of 1 to 3 cents. The bulk of the oat were V, cent lower. Rye was steady. Cash sales today were: Wheat No. 2 hard, 1 car, $2.23, (ship per's weights); 1 car, $2.22. (smutty); 1 car, $2.21, (smutty); 3 cars, $2.20; 1 car, $2.19; 1 car, $2.18, (smutty); 1 car, $2.17; 1 cat, $2.16, (smutty); 1 car, $2.15; 1 car. $2.14, (smutty); l car, $2.10. (smut ty); 2 cars, $2.09, (smutty); No. 3 hard, 1 car. $2.16; 2 cars, $2.16; S cars, $2.14; 2 cars, $2.13; 1 car, $2.11; 2 cars, $2.07, (smutty); 1 car, $2.06, (smutty); No. 4 hard, 1 car, $2.12; 3 cars, $2.11; 2 cars, $2.10; 1 car, $2.10, (yellow); 1 car, $2.04, (yellow); 1 car, $2.04, (smutty); No. 6 hard, 1 car, $2.05; 1 car, $2.02; sample hard, 1 ear, $1.60 (yellow heating); No. 1 northern spring, 1 car, $2.70 (dark): No. 3 northern spring, 2 cars, $2.30; No. 4 northern spring, 1 oar, $2.24; 1 car, $2.20; No. 6 northern spring, 1 car, $2.12; 1 car, J2.ll; sample spring, 1 car, $2.02; No. 2 durum, 1 car, $2.15; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $2.14; 1 car, $2.13; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $2.10; No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $2.08. Corn No. 2 white, 2 car, $1.44; No. white, J car, $1.40; No. 2 yellow, 9 cars, $1.40; No S yellow, 2 ears. $1.39; No 4 yellow, 2 cars, $1.36; No. 2 nlxed( 4 cars, $1.37; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $1.37; 4 cars, $1.36; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.35; No. 5 mixed, 1 car, $1.36; No. 6 mixed. 1 car. $1.65. , Ho t u "ST. o nhU. , . n . i- A ? ' . Car 67- heavy: 2 ar, 67c, w.v...j,, v .a,D, voy:; i car, oic; rjo. a mixed, 1 car, 66c. Rve Nn S 1 far tl tt , $1.30; No. 4, S cars,' $1.29;' sample, 1 car! J:rley No. 4, 1 cars, $1.25. OMAHai GRAIN MOVEMENT. lVlr TotlRy. A so. .in Year Ago. 25 WhAAt 1Q lift - iiiiiiiui 410 -orn II 17 84 Oats 17 i 3g Rye 7 3 1 Barley 1 2 35 Shinmanto Wheat 4 . 84 135 7 Corn 11 11 js Oats 6 a 91 Rye J l Barley ,, .. 7 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Whan, f'rrw n0tt Chicago 454 132 238 Kansas City 167 13 24 St. Louis 117 22 28 Aflnnennnlla .ir.K Duluth 79 '.. ' Winnipeg 532 Omaha Grain Inspection. 1 The number of ears of grain of the several grades Inspected "In" here dur ing the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 8: No. 2 hard, 81; No. 3 hard, 36; No. 4 hard, 32; No. 5 hard, 15; sample hard, 6; No. 1 mixed, 4; No. 2, mixed, 8; No. 3 mixed, S; No. 4 mixed, 9; No. 6 mixed, 1; No. 1 spring, 4; No. 2 spring, 2; No. 3 spring. 4; No. 4 spring, 4; No. 6 spring, 2; sample spring, 8; No. 3 durum, 1; total, 123 cars. Corn No. 2 white, 3; No. t white, 1; No. 1 yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 14; No. 3 yellow, 7; No. 4 yellow, 2; No. 6 yellow, 1; No. 2 mixed, 9; No. 3 mixed, 10; No. 4 mixed, 4: No. 6 mixed, 2; total, 64 cars. Oats No. 2 white, 1; No. 3 white, 37; No. 4 white, 7; sample white, i; No, 3 mixed, 1: total, 48 cars. Rye No. 2, l; No. 3, 5 ; No. 4, 3; total, s cars. Barley Rejected, 1 car. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Receipts Today. Today. Wheat ....1.993,000 3,886.000 Corn 286,000 "77,000 Oats . 692,000 972,000 Shipments Wheat 1 778,000 679,000 Corn 192,000 666,000 Oats 446,000 695,000 - EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat and flour.. 234,000 630,000 Oats 194,000 155,000 Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Oct. 7. New declines took place In the corn market today, chiefly as a result of Ideal weather and owing to a sharp break In the value of hogs. Corn cloaed heavy, c to IVic net lower, with December $1.22 to $1.22 and May $1.21 to $1.21 '4. Oats finished unchanged to ttc off, and provisions down 55c to $1.60. Weakness which showed Itself in the corn market was especially manifest Just after the opening and around th close. Talk of larger receipts next week received fresh Impetus from the fact that the pre vailing weather could hardly be better for conditioning and moving corn. Besides, bearish sentiment was increased by pros pects that a good fall pasture season would greatly reduce feeding of heavy grain. Slowness of eastern shipping de mand was also a depressing factor. Per sistent buying of December forced a re covery about the middle of the session, but the effect failed to last. Considerable notice was taken of an expected huge grant of credit from Argentina to Eng land. France and Italy. Oats were relatively firm, owing more or less to a substantial falling off In the visible supply total. German Inquiries for oats were reported. Provisions dropped In sympathy with hogs. There was no aggressive support. Cotton Futures. New York, Oct. t. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, 31.90c; December, 32 30c: Jnnuary, 82.40c: March, 32.40c; .May. 32.1&C. Art. I Open.l High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn j I , Dec. 1.28 1.34 1.22 1.22 1.24 May 1.22 1.22 4 1.21 1.211. 1.22ft Oats. I Dec. I .T0SI .71 I 70 .10 .70i May .72H ,73H .72 .72 .72 Pork. Oct. 36.25 36.26 36.00 36.00 37.00 Jan. 32.60 32.70 32.37 32.37 33.35 Lard. I Oct. 28.85 38.86 26.76 26.75 28.85 Jan. 23.80 23.86 23.16 23.17 23.82 Rlba. I Oct. J19.00 18.00 18.70 18.70 19.36 Jan. 118.10 18.10 17.67 17.67 18.25 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct 7. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.051.32. Rye No. 2, $1.401.40tt. Bran $36.00. Corn $1.4301.44. Oats 65H68He. Flax Seed $4.454.60. Visible Grain Supply. New York, Oct. 7. The visible supply of American and bonded grains shows the following changes: Wheat, Increased 3,217,000 buahels. Corn, increased 113,000 bushels. Oats, decreased 648,000 bushels. Rye, Increased 258.000 bushels. Barley, decreased 614.000 bushels. Dry Goods. New York, Oct. 7 Cotton goods mar kets were strong end yarn firm. Staple hosiery, spring, was on a higher bails. Raw silk was steady. Silks were In good demand, but the supply was short In con sequence of Interrupted production. - I Bar Silver. New York, Oct 7. Silver Bar, $1.18. Mexican dollar. 91c. ., New York Metal. New York, Oct 7. All ; metal changed. Buy FRESH MEAT at HARPER'S Flatiion Bldg., 17th and Howard FINANCIAL New York, Oct T. Specialties dominated today' very lively stock market for a time, the movement comprehending a variety of Issue whose technical position and high-price levels restricted dealings to limited proportions. Activity centered In the oil motor, equip ment, leather, food and miscellaneous groups, where new high records were made by Texas company, Mexican Petro leum, General Motors, Kelly-Springfield tire, Endlcott-Johnson and Worthlngton Pump. These stocks made gross gains of 3 to 10 points, while National Biscuit ad vanced 14 points. Some of these gains were severely Im paired or entirely forfeited in the reaction of the last half hour, when call money rose to 12 per cent, after the customary opening; rate of 6 per cent. Unltfd States steel was conspicuous throughout the session for its backward ness. At ho time did Ir advance more than a fraction, reacting point. It closed at a slight loss, as did a few af filiated shares. Harvester, Baldwin Locomotive, General Electric and Westinghouse led the strong equipments; Hide and Leather preferred, Central Leather, American Wolen, Indus trial Alcohol, Sears-Roebuck. May Depart ment Stores, Woolworth Associated Dry Goods and National Lead being Included among the other stronger stocks. Demand for riifs waa again limited to minor or secondary shares, and shippings were prominent during the early and Intermediate stages of the session, but fell back later, when Atlantic Gulf temporarily lost most of its advance. Sales amounted to 1.450,000 shares. Investments contributed to the strength of the bond list with tractions, Inter rationals also tending higher, but Liberty issues were barely steady, . Total sales (par value), 411,875,000. Old registered twos declined per cent on call. , Sales. High. Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar. 2.500 96 95 95 American Can .... 9,100 66 65 65 Am. Car and Fdry 4,400 136 134 134 Am. H. & L., pfd. 7,900 136 130 135 Amer. Loco 39,900 117 114 116 Am. 8. & R 2,400 74 72 72Ts Am. Suear Ref...22.400 145 140 142 Am. Sum. Tobacco.13.000 112 109 110 Amer. Tel. & Tel.. 2.200 88 88 ssft Am. Z.. L. & S.. 300 23 23 23 Anaconda Copper. 1,600 6SU 67 67 Atchison 1,400 92 92 92 A., G. & W. I. S. S.13,700 184 177 183 Baldwin Loco. ...87,800 145 141 143 Baltimore, & Ohio 800 43 42 42 Beth. Steel "B". ..23.000 107 106 106 California Pet. ... 7,100 63 61 63 Canadian Pacific. 1,200 152 161 151 Central Leather ..19,200 109 105 109 Chesapeake & O.. 400 60 69 59 Chi., Mil. St. P. 1,800 46 45 45 Chi. N. W 700 92 92 92 Chi.. R. I. & P... 1.700 29 29 29 Chlno Copper 400 43 42 42 4:010. Fuel & iron, l.zuo 41) tuy, tn Corn Products ...15.100 89 88 89 Crucible Steel ... 6,100 246 238 240 Cuba Cane Sugar. 15,800 44 43 44 Dlst. Sea. Corp 87 Erie 400 16 16 16 Gen. Electric 167 General Motors ...14,800 288 283 283 Ot. North., pfd... 14.300 87 86 86 Gt. Nthn. Ore Ctfs. 1,600 46 45 45 Illinois Central 92 Inaplratlon Copper 2,000 61 21 21 Int. Mer. Mar., pfd 6,400 120 118 119 Internat. Nickel... 3,000 27 27 27 5,100 64 63 63 8,200 86 35 36 100 109 109 109 27,000 240 234 236 ,. 800,26 26 26 5.000 62 51 51 6,800 31 30 30 700 76 74 74 N. Y.. N. H. ft H. 4,700 35 34 34 Norf. West 300 103 103 103 No. Pac 1,500 88 87 87 Pac. Mail , .. 39 Pan-Am. Petrol.. .17.000 123 121 121 Pennsylvania .... 3,600 43 43 ; 43 Pitts. & W. Va... 600 34 34 84 Pitts. Coal 1,300 64 64 64 Ray Con Cop 200 23 23 23 Reading 6.100 84 84 83 Rep. Iron & Steel. 2,500 96 95 95 Shut Art. Cnn... 200 14 14 14 Sin. Oil & Ref... .37,300 61 60 60 .20,800 107 105 1U5 . 4.300 27 26 26 .23.100 120 118 119 .21,500 293 281 285 . 6,700 105 104 104 . 600 126 125 125 .10,600 114 111 111 .17.300 146 139 146 106 IVi 114 115 Internat. Paper Ken. cop L. A N Mex. Petrol. . . . Miami Cop. . ,. Mid. Steel Mo. Pao N. Y. C. So. Pac. So. Ry Stude. Corp. . . . Texas Co Tob. Prod Union Pac Un. Clg. Stores. U. S. Ind. Alco. U. 8. Steel 77,700 108 TJ. S. Steel pfd... 600 115 Utah Copper .... 1.100 83 82 83 West. Union 200 83 83 83 West. Elec 8.100 66 64 56 Willys-Over. 17.100 34 38 34 Nat. Lead 6.700 89 86 87 Ohio Cities 67,400 66 63 66 Roy. Dutch, N. Y.29,500 105 103 103 Bid. Total sale for ths day, 1,460,000 shares. New York Bond List. 17. S. 2, reg..l00 U. S. 2. cou..l00 U. S. cv. 8s, registered .. 89 U. 8. cv. Is, - coupon 69 TJ. S. 4s, reg..l06 U. S. 4s, cou.,106 Am. Tel. & Tel. cv. 6s 100 Anglo-French 6s 97 Armour & Co. 4s 84 Atch. gen. 4s. 80. B. & O. cv. 48 75 Bethlehem Steel ref. 5s 89 Can. Lea. 5s.. 97 Cen. Pac. 1st. 78 Chesa. & Ohio ov. 6s 85 C, B. A Q., joint 4s 45 C, M. 4 St. P. cv. 4s .... 75 C, R. I. P. Ry. ref. 4s.. 69 C. S. ref. 4 97 Chill Copper 83l . 81 78 Dominion of Can. 6s (1931) ... 95 Erie gen. 4s. . .1 49 Gen. Eleo. 5s. 87 Gt. North. 1st 4s ofrd. .. t. C. ref. 4s.. Int. Mer. Marine 6s . . . K. C. So. ref-6a L. N. un. 4s 84 MV, K. A T. 1st 4s 64 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 68 Mon. Pow. 5s.. 89 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 96 No. Pac. 4s.... 80 No. Pac. 3s.... 58 Oregon Short Line ref. 4s.. 84 "A Pac. Tel. A Tel. 5s 89 Penn. con. 4s 92 Penn. gen. 6s.. 94 Reading gen. 5s 82 St. L. A San Fran. adj. 6s. 60 So. Pac. cv. 5s. 107 So. Ry. 5s 64 Tex. Co. cv. 6s. 103 T. A P. 1st.... 90 cv. 7s 117!TTn. Pac. 4s 87 City of Paris 6 97U. 8. Rubber 5s 87 D. A R. G. TT. S. Steel 6s.. 100 ref. 6a 58 Wabash 1st ... 94 Bid. Liberty Bond Price. New York, Oct 7. Flnsl prices were: 8s, 100.08; first 4s, 96.20; second 4s. 94.18; first 4s, 95.60; second 4s, 94 94 third 4s, 95.96; fourth 4s, 94.26; Vic tory 1, 99.86; Victory 4, 99.81. London Money. London, Oct 7. Sliver Bar. (3d per ounce. Money 3 per cent Dtscount Rates Short bills, 4 per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS All Makes Special rates to students. CENTRAL TYPEIVIUTER EXCHANGE . D.4121. 1905 Farnam St. OMAHA PRODUCE Oysters King Cole northern standards, $3.90 per gal., 60a large cans, 40c small cans; King Cole northern selects, $3.25 per gal., 65c large cans, 45c small cans; King Cole New York counts, $3.60 per gal., 70s large cans, 50c small cans;; King Cole Chesapeake standards, $2.35 per gal., 60c large cans, 20c small cans; King Colo Chesapeake selects, $2.76 per gal., 65c large cans; Sue small cans; shell oysters, per 100, $3.75 large, $1.60 medium: clams, per 100 (little necks, cherry stones) $1.75. (quohogs, large) $3. Fancy mammoth western celery, per doz., $1. Fresh Fish Catfish, large, 28c; to 1 lb. medium, 22c; fancy fresh bullheads, Isrge blood-red northern stock. 20c; fancy fresh halibut, medium, 2Se; chicken, 26c; fancy black cod, 16c; fancy fresh Chinook salmon. 27c; red, 25c; pink, 22c; fancy fresh trout, 27c; fancy fresh whlteflsh, jumbo. 80c; medium, 24c; fancy fresh yel low pike, 23c; fancy fresh pickerel. 16c; black bass. O. S., 35c; medium, 26c; large, 20c; croppies. to 1 lb., frozen, 18c, fancy white perch, fresh, 12c; fancy red silver salmon, round frozen, 13c; fancy frtsh roe shad, 26c; fancy frozen white fish, good quality, 12c; fancy frozen west ern, red snapper, 7c; fancy frozen steak ling cod, 7c; whalemeat, 10c; fancy frozen tulllbee whlteflsh, average lb. each, 60; fancy frozen barracuda, 10c; steak pol lock, '4 to 7 lbs. each, per lb., 7c; fancy frozen native mackerel, 12c; finnan had dtes, 25-lb. box, per lb., 18c; fancy frozen flounders, 10c; markot cod, 3 to 6 lbs. each, per lb.. 7c; kippered salmon, 10-lb. box, par lb., 30c; smoked whlteflsh, 10-lb. basket. Ib., 22c. Wholesale prices ot beer out: No. 1 loin, 42c; No. 2 loins. I2e; No. I loins, 19c No. 1 ribs, 81 c; No. 3 ribs 20c: No. 3 ribs, 13c. No. 1 rounds, 28c; No. 3 rounds, 22 e: No. t rounds. 17c. No. 1 chucks, 19c; No. 1 chucks. 14c; No. S chucks. 10c. No. 1 plates. 16c; No. I plates, 12 o; No. $ plate. 9c. Quotation furnished by th Gllnk Fruit Co Vegetables Potatoes, Northern White. 1.60; Colorsdo $2.60; Ohlos. 1.60: Texas New potatoes, 80 Cabbage: Texas and California crates. c; small lota, c Onion. California Red, 7c. California Head lettuce, $3 60 crate; California bead lettuce. $1 15 dozen: leaf lettuce. 4 dosen; H. G radish 25-85C dozen: H O onions, 25-35c dozen .egg plant t" 59 dozen spinach, market price, hot house cuke 12 69 dozen, bushel basket Texas cukes, $3 60 basket .market basket cukes (about 2 asparagus H G.. 60-75o dozen; Florid tomatoes (6 basket crates) 7 60 crate, wax and green bean, pea, market price Fruiu Oranges. Vaiwiaa. Sb-luo, tb 60 136. 36 00. 150-218-124 $6 60: 174. 100, 216 250. $7 00. Lemon: 8unH. $00-260 $5 76; Red Bill. 100-21. $5 15 Grap. trult: California (all ze) $6 25 Bananas ) to 8c. Strawberries Missouri, $7 60 Pineapple: 43-48, $5 60: 14-30-36. $6.00 Nuts English walnuts, ssck lots. 14c less 86c: No. 1 raw peanuts lie; Jumbo raw peanut. llo; roast No 1. 12c: roast Jumbo, 15c. Plate No. I...I60: No. 1, 14b: No. t. llc Local Stocks and Bonds Quotation furnished by Burns, and Company. Stocks ' Bid. Burgess-Nash Pfd. 1 pet... 99 Doiglas Motors Com 60 Gooch Food Pro. Pfd. Bonus 99 Gooch M. A E. 7 pet. Pfd. A... Harding cream 7 pet. Pfd. 99 Neb. Power Co. 7 pet. Pfd Nicholas Oil Pfd. W. bonus. 85 O. A C. B. St. R. A Br. Pfd. 49 Omaha Flour Mills Com. . . 85 Orchard A Wllh. 7 pet. Pfd. 99 J. C. Penney Co. 7 pet. Pfd. 97 M. E. Smith 7 PC Pfd. 1933.101 Swift A Co 131 ' Tho'n-Bel. A Co. 7 pet. Pfd. ,99 Union Pow. A Lt. 7 pet. Pfd. 99 Union Stock Yds., Om 99 Bonds Booth St. Louis 6s 1931 Douglas Co. H'y 6s, 1932-36... Iowa Port. Cement 6s 98 Maytag Co. 6s, 1920-29 Neb. Pow. Co. 6s, 1949 .... 88 O. A C. B. St. R. 6s, 1928.. 80 Omaha Athletic 6s 9$ Onah, 3. D., 6s, 1923 Un. S. Yds. Om. 1st 5s, 1931. 95 Brlnker Asked. 100 99 , 101 98 'si 98 131 100 100 100 4.66 pet 100 8.60 pet. 90 83 100 4.75 pet 97 New York Coffee, New York, Oct 7. There wa a further sharp advance In th' market for coffee futures during today's early trading, owing to the continued firmness of Brazil and renewed covering. The opening was 17 to 25 points higher, and active months sold 40 to 45 points above last night's closing figures before the end of the morning, with December and March touching $16.10. This price, showing a recovery of about 2c per pound from the low levels of last month attracted considerable profit taking. The realizing became more active after receipt of a special cable reporting reactions of 100 to 226 reis In Santos futures with December selling off to $16.73 and March to $16.70. The close was net 4 points higher to 1 point lower. October, $16.87; December, $15.73: Janu ary, March, May, July- and September, S16.69. Spot Coffee Quiet, but firm. Rio 7's, 1616c; Santoa 4's, 2526c. New York Money. New York, Oct. 7. Mercantile Paper 5 to 5 per cent. Time Loans Strong; 60 days, 10 days and sir months, 6 per cent bid. Call MoneyStrong; high, 12 per cent; low, H per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; closing bid 11 per cent; offered at 12 per cent: last loan.,12 per cent; bank accept ances, 4 per cent. New York General. New York. Oct. 7. Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red, $2.35 track New York, export billed. Corn Spot easy: No. 2 yellow, $1.62; No. 2 white, $1.61 c. 1. f. New York. Oats Spot steady: No. 1 white, 81c. Lard Weak; middle west $27.3027.40. Other articles unchanged. Mayor Sits in Chair for First Time Since Mob Attacked Him Mayor Smith sat in a chair for the first time since he was taken to Ford hospital.on the Sunday night when he was attacked by a mob. The tru.yor expects to leave the hospital tomorrow morning to goto ExcekiOr Springs, Mo., for several weeks. He intends to make a public statement this morning. (Vheat and Flour Figures From U. S. Grain Bureau Complete figures covering wheat and wheat flour movement through out the United States for the week ending September 26, in comparison with figures for the previous week and the same two weeks a year ago, were issued yesterday by Charles T. Neal, second vice president of the United States Grain corporation. The figures follow: Exports of wheat and wheat flour: Exports of wheat and wheat flour from July 1 to September 26 amount to 41,607,000 bushels of wheat and 4,219,000 barrels of flour, making a total equal to 60,591,000 bushels, compared with 39,221,000 bushels of wheat and 4,641,000 barrels of flour last year, September figures being prorated to September 26, making a total equal to 50,107,000 bushels. Last year's official figures are sup plemented by the army and Red Cross shipments. BUSHELS. 1919. 1911. Wheat receipts .... 25,830,000 31,690,000 Wheat receipts, pre vious week 28,853,000 34,955,000 Wheat receipts, June 27 to Sept. 26 ...451.199,000 412,980,000 BARRELS. Flour during week.. 3.612,000 2.999,000 Flour previous week 3,270,000 3,834,000 Flour, June 27 to Sept 26 32,321,000 27,930,000 BUSHELS. Total wheat elevators and milla 271,862,000 243,329,000 Total wheat elevators and mills previous week 264,779,000 220,660,000 Change for week. In crease 7,073,000 22,769,000 MARKETS Proposed Garbage " Contract Taken Up By the City Council A proposed five-year garbage con ' tract in favor of Henry Pollock wa: taken up again yesterday by the city council and laid, over until nex Monday morning for further con sideration in committee of th whole. By the terms of the contract, i is proposed, to pay Mr. lJol!ock , $45,000 n year for five years, he to collect aud dispose of all garbage in 'Omaha according to such regula- -tions as may be prescribed by thv : city health department. i Commissioner Butler insisted that the contract should contain a clause .( which will provide for its termina- tion at the end of three years in the event that at that time the city shall have provided its own incineration plant or reduction system of gar bage disposal. Mr. Pollock has agreed to estab lish a hog-feeding yard beyond the , city limits, in a location to be ap proved by the city, and to abide by all reasonable regulations which may be imposed. Swears at Judge; Ten Days In Jail Changed to Hundred George Rigby. 2024 Parker street, charged with stealing a suitcase full of smoking tobacco from the auto mobile of J. C. Ruth, 511 Paxton , block, Monday was sentenced to 90 days in jail for vagrancy and 10 days additional for contempt of court, in police court yesterday by Acting Judge Holmes. After 1e testimony had been giv en Judge Holmes said,t "Well, I will give you 10 days in jail and " "I don't give a if you give me 100 years," said Rigby. Holmes then made the sentence 90 days and 10 days for contempt of court. Corpus Christi Appeals To Omaha for Assistance Clark Pease, chairman of the finance relief committee in Corpus , Christi, Tex., the scene of a recent devastation by wind and water, has appealed to the city council for financial aid. In a letter read yester day at the council meeting, Mr. Pease stated that more than 5,000 people are homeless, and that the financial loss amounted to $20,000,000. The appeal was referred to the acting mayor for recommendation. ' Denver Official Here W. B. Lowry, Denver city com missioner in charge of public im provement and park department, was visiting here esterday, on h way home from the east where he placed orders for park equipment. Chicago Frodnre. Chicago, Oct. 7. Butter Unchanged. Eggs TJnsettlei".: receipts, 9,984 cases; firsts, 6456er ordinary firsts, '46 47Hc; at mark, cases included, 47066c; storage) packed firsts, 6" H 9 68c Poultry Alive, unchanged. Thieves Get Three Sets Tools From Carpenter Tool thieves are again active in Omaha, three sets of carpenters' tools having been reported stolen during the early hours of Tuesday morning. 1 D. W. Vanderwarner, 323 South Fifteenth street, reported to the po lice that a complete set of tools was stolen from his woodshed. He -said the tools were practically new. A. Anderson, 2516 South Fitieth street, likewise lost a set of tools which he stated was taken from the rear porch of his home.- E. R. Guf fey, 201 South Twenty-fourth street, reported the third stolen set. An automobile trailer for baggage invented in England is supported by a single wheel, the other end of its frame being attached to the rear corner of a car. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 7. Turpentine Firm, fl. 42143; sales, 682 bhls. ; re ceipts, 451 bbls.; shipments 101 bbls.; stock, 9,773 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,101 bbls.; re ceipts, 1,602 bbls.; shipments, 3,075 bbls.; stock. 41,191 bbls. Quote: B, S15.0015.20; D, 115.20 15.26; E, S15.25I&15.60; F, 515.2515.65; C, fl5.3515.75; H, 15.6015.80; I, $17.25 17.45; K, 18.60; M. 19.2519.40; N, 920.00 20.25; Wg, 20.6021.00; Ww, $21.00 21.60. OIL DIGEST FREE Write ftr our Oil Digest, giving valu able up-to-date information about Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and other oil fields thai every investor should have. Tells where you can buy and sell any oil stock. Quotes prices. R. M SANFORD, 1 Republic Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. LANDS The Basis of so many Great Fortunes. Buy NOW on our Co-operative Syndicate Plan. Invest $100 or more. You get your deed immediately and share with a band of Live In vestors who invest on a whole sale basis and all pull to gether for the big profits. Write for details. Continental Land Co. 410 California Bldg., Denver, Colo. t -.1 Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Oct. 7. Potatoes Steady; ar rivals, 69 cars; Minnesota early Ohlos, sacked, $ 2.7 5 Ig 2. 90 ; Wisconsin and Minne sota long and round whites, sacked, $2.15 2.30; South Dakota kings, sacked, $2.25; Colorado brown beauty, sacked, $2.50. a-Vgff-.L SKBNNER PACKING COMPANY POULTRY : : BUTTER T WAIVE MAftK 1116-1118 -Douglas Sf. Tel-Douglas 1521 Does Your Money Work For You or Does It Work for the Other Fellow? $500 will buy 10 shares in thbeautiful new theater, stores and apartment building, to be erected at 24th and Ames avenue. No better time no better place. We are sure of divi dends from 18 to 25 . No watered or promotion stock. Write or Call AMES REALTY CORPORATION 2404-6 Ames Avenue ( Upstair ) . Phone Colfax 1 75. : t E. W. WAGNER & CO. MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade ETC., ETC. ANNOUNCE The opening of an additional Omaha of fice, October 10, 1919. SERVICE Private wires. New York Stock Exchange Ticker Service. - Quotations Furnished on All Listed and Unlisted Securities. RESIDENT MANAGER H. BRYAN OWSLEY ASSISTANT MANAGER E. M. DU RELL OFFICES FONTENELLE HOTEL A 5 5