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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1919)
THE BEE : ' OMAHA, MONDAY.- OCTOBER 6, 1919. WANT AD RATES .Cash With Order e per ward ... , , , . , , , one day Se per ..word two consecutive dayi 40 per word thri-a cont?cutiv iluws j " per word...... .four consecutive days I (c per word rive consecutive days iTo per word ...six consecutive daye 1 to per wotd seven ronsucutlv days . "id one cent per word-each additional. I No ada taken for icaa than a total of JSoo nrleea than 10c per day. r .', CHARtiE ' ' file per Hue (count worsd to line) 1 day 22o per line .two consecutive days ,19c per line .three consecutive daye .136 per line consecutive daya '1140 per line.... thirty consecutive daya . C .KtS OF THANKS AND t Itneral NOTICES. ,100 par line ....each Insertion I Minimum charge. 60 cents. These rates apply either to the Dally tar Sunday Bee. All advertlp.ment, ap ! fear In both morning and evening dally iaapers for the one charge, i Contract Bates on Application. ? For convenience ol advertisers, want tads will ba accepted at the following of i floes: VAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ami Office ....4410 North 20th St. Park Office 2615 Leavenworth St. South Side 2318 N St. Walnut Office 119 North 40th St. .Co Bluffs Office 15 Scott St. 1 THE BBB will not be responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one time. PHONE TILER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Horning Editions 10:30 P. M Sunday Kditlons 10 P. M. .Saturday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mat tresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter aides. 1J07 Cuming. D. 2467. WANTED TO BUY. . LIBERTY BONDS. We pay the highest pricea for your bonds and partly paid receipts. See ns before you sell. DELAPLANE LEONARD CO. 642 Securities Bide Tyler 4037. LIBERTY BONDS"'- Coupon and registered: full N. T. market and accrued Interest to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE, Investment Securities. 1421 First Nat. .Bk Bldg. Tyler 1644 Highest Cash Pricea Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. ' NATIONAL BOND CO., 810 World-Herald Bide. Douglas 1013. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts, bought for cash: Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall. LEWIS & CO.. Brokers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES KELLY Mrs. Marv A.. September 30 aged 92 years, at Orvllle, Colo. Remains will arrive Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Bur llncton. Funeral from depot. Interment Holy epulcher. Deceased Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Kate Orvllle, Orvllle, Colo;. one son, Joseph Kelly, Omaha. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE, Thirty-third and Farnam. Har. 84, FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. IJd and Cuming Ste. Phone Douglas 177. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, I t Undertaker and Embalmere, f Phone H. 266. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors, T01 South 16th St. Phone Doug. 1226. TAGGARTJc SON, t ' UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2213 Cuming 8t. DUFFY & JOHNSTON J UNDERTAKERS. 717 S, 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. imp T t AT3MnVr Fontenelle JAt--l XJ. UAlUUUll Florists. 1814 Douglas St Douglas 244. h. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglaa 1243. IQHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. i MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments in trie united states. Fftana owe1---, 1311 S. 13th. Phone Douglaa 1872-5216, LOST FOUNDREWARDS. (25 REWARD For retura with evidence for conviction, party who stole follow- '. lng described dog etween No. Slst and Davenport: Fox terrier, black and tan, body black, equally marked with tan, tan apot over each eye, tan feet, white and tan stripe underneath. Answera to name of Teddy; had on two 1919 tags, '196. Dr. O. F. Eades, office phone, r Douglas 5728; residence phone, Harney 944. FOR ARTICLES L6ST on atreet cars tele phone Tvler 800. We are anxious to re store tvst articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. CO. TWO leather bag lost at 609 Park Ave.1 Papers valuable to owner only. Phone Harney 2112; receive reward; no quea- LOST Bank book and other papers. Find er phone Black 62, Papllllon, Neb., Aug. Relnklng, and receive reward. WlLL party who called Douglas 2938, 308 i.So. 15th St., Friday, about John Peter son certificate book, call again? FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS ATTENTION! . We wish to call the attention of the ' Ak-Sar-Ben visitors to our big discount in furniture. Dining room chairs, all styles or finishes, greatly reduced. We . are showing them at 11.75, $2.25 and 83.00. Large variety of odd rocking chain, good styles and finishes, at 14.60, STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th & Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg. . Better Values Better Mercbandlae. Better Service- SPECIAL NOTICE. Hand-made Japanese rugs and art squares, velvet Axmlnster and Royal Chlnelle art squares, lace curtains, bed spreads, blanketa and comforts, silver ware, table linen and other things too ' umerous to mention. A small pay ' tticnt down and a little each week. Courteous theatment and a square deal to everyone Is our motto. W. S. Buck Mercantile Co., 603 South 13th St. L. L. Bennett, Mgr. . 126.000' STOCK of furniture to be sold; 800 ; stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon : ographs, duofolds, tables, chaira, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon lers, beds, springs, mattressea, trunks, , suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till p. m. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th St. Web. 1B07. FPR SALE Household goods, consisting of of dining room and bedroom suites, almost new; Chambers' tireless gaa range, Ice box, etc. Apply mornings, 8870 Dodge St H. 6926. HEW RUGS mfg. from OLD CARPETS. RUO CLEANING. RAO RUG WEAVING. CUMING RUG CLEANING A MFG. CO.. 2419 Cuming St Red 4122. Omaha. ELLUU"G out entire stock of furniture and household furnishings regardless of value; act quick. Douglas 4958. 2421 .uming SI- LEAVING for California. Mrs. Balrd will sell the furniture of her Dundee home Tuesday and Wednesday at Omaha storage Co., E06 soutn sixieenin street. WE Sell new and near-tiew furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; casn or payments. .Amer. Furn. Co., 605 N. 16. fOR SALE Base burner. Tel. South 4685. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. art and music. Pianos for rent, 84.00 per munth. ; STANDARD upright piano, mahogany - case, fine condition. 6809 No. 30th St. Lumber and Building Materials. ; TRY H. M. KEVAN, 544 8. 30th St. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING V KAl'UI.MiS. NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewriter .1 Uankin.. Y--fc tlf ChlCSS'O. Ite:. Can furnish any make at most any PiV price you desire to pay. We rent and v repair ail manes ana win j " for1 your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. I Established over 15 years.) ' "Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon p paper, ribbons ana supplies. oemt. Pay guaranteed. Try us. Phone 6081. loo norm -jm 01. TYPEWRITERS, all make, sold, rented THE W N. LONG COMPANY. 101 -S. 18th St. Tel. Ty. 2414. Urn asMorhtlv II Marl UTlA P """'.-.." rtV tut. Mid- -. a -.- 4B..nlw Ta Will TtAtrm. miivi o'Jtytyij w- RBNxNan Oliver Typewriter, three months at., city. Sewing Machines. -SEWING MACHINES h - Wa eht. repah sell needle! -and aorta. v , . MICKEL'S 1 - " ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. ' Apples. TWENTYcar Ben Davis and Gano ap- , pies for sale. C. M. Phillips, , Sprlng dale. Ark. ' . - Miscellaneons. i , AUCTION : - AUCTION ' Union Pacific unclaimed baggage sale, about 1.200 trunks and grips with con tents will be sold one at a time to the ; highest bidder. Tuesday and Wednesday. I October 7 and 8, at th East End of umon rassnger Station, Omaha. Neb. ' Sale starta at 10 each forenoon and 4T. and at 7:30 evenings and runs till 11. ;' tVmi-o ,v?P.r,a B"!Hf Agent. IJ and make desks, safes, show 5ft .ll.l.inK., .TR. ,lmnh. ffl.ti.H M. SupJtlyCo.. llth snd Douglas. D. 2724. ;in(WBfr daUvered at 8.50 load." WeoT 461. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4tn and bth issuea. oet them before selling or you will lose n.oney. We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 273. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg ORAGANIZED 1909. ASSETS 8400,000. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED. OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST. STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN 816 . 17TH ST.; OPP. COURT HOUSE. LIBERTY BONDS. We pay the highest market price with accrued Interest, less nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BONDS. EDWIN T. SWOBB A CO., INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. Liberty Bonds Wanted Wa will pay .you spot cash for your Liberty Bond or partial payment re ceipt Room 300 McCague Bldg., N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1201 Farnam. D 614. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS OR OFFICE EQUIP- MKNT FOR BALE. WE PAY MORE. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes aim lurniiura, lyier SDe. A. avei, 706 North16th St ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. AdCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pieaung, coverea buttons, an sizes and styles; hemstitching, picot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, nasnanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 800-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. . U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paton Blk, Phone Doug. 3109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way", R. R. Ticket Offloa D. 296. Omaha Transfer! Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587 Dancing Academies. WITT PT'MTh1 School for Dancing, IVUlU-lXlX SU 2424 Farnam. D. 7860. Learn to dance for- $4. Class at 8 and dan cing- at 9 p. m., every Monday, Thursday, Saturday. Music by Desdunes' orchestra, Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C 812 Bee Bldg. D. 2072. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Detectives. JAMES ALLAN gL8 dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall order, so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC , heaters, $10.50; vacuum cleaners. $37.60:1 Mola washing machine. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co., 1307 Farnam. TlTTT? TTM Electric waahlng machine JJUIVIVAIN electrlo Irons and reading lamps, 2223 Cuming St, Doug. 2519. jeweiry. DIAMONDS ZXnlX back at trniall profit GROSS tJU., UZ IN. iPin BU rveu tjvqa. TX7 r ITT. A T ATT dCWCiri -uaio uiiouvu w Sixth Floor. Securities JBldg. w ftWU Art- A aJW . SEE CRONK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. nstpooaths. DR. MABEL WESSON.' fl.n Maville Bide. T. 2960. II. 4741. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In- ternationai raieui D. 6691. Plating EAGLE ELECTRO "PLATING WORKS. We have Just opened a new plating plant tn Omaha and ready for bualnesa. We plate and replateall finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone uougias loaa Potatoes. COUNTRY merchants wanting car loads ol potatoes write ine rergusuu at Scott8bluff, Neb., for prices. Printing. Wedding Stationery U. 8. Printing Co.. 4S2 8. 15th St Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. llth. P. 8291. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. 528. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes O A "PtrC! BARGAINS, 121 Farnam. Onr uu j j. perlght Sate Co. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Tailors. Dtedrlck, P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432, Wedding Stationery. WEDD'lNG announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Miscellaneous. B w w. DAVIS Metallic sign letters. Furniture repaired. Webster 4919. 3214 iNortn 2am. M. REISER, 306 South 18th. P. 1187. BUSINESS CHANCES. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Are yoa able to Judge an extra good proposition when you sea It? If you are and have $10,000 or over, a well eatablished manufacturing company can show you where its "trade mark alone will be worth $l,000.oii -with three year, of hustle and pus!T"besides the annual Income. The high cost of living haa created a demand for our goods. Every man, woman, child and baby la a user. The human race is the only limit to the field to be worked. W. have the manufacturing facilitlea and material on hand for $400,000 re tail businesa This proposition will atand the most rigid Investigation. Can be handled by a silent or active part ner. This la our harvest time and re quire, action, so do not answer this unless you have the money and mean oust nfsa. fluuitw ..---. -- EXCEPTIONAL businesa opportunity. Man- utaciurer oi iuu w vice for homes, retails at $5.50 now being nationally advertised and "pi in every large city throughout the Uplted States, desires party . or parties with sufficient capital and ability to finance and handle city and etate agencies in a wholesale and retail way; $500 and up will be sufficient to purchase enough -f our ' product to warrant our granting " agenciea. - Large profits and quick sales . guaranteeed. .r Do not reply unless you --can qualify with abova requirements. Act quickly. We Invite closest scrutiny. Mr. Ford. 309 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. VARIETY sicre for sale: good territory; gooa ousinese; cuiiiyieiw v. making tools for sale also; good reason for selling. Call or write Oscar Samuel- sJi, Newman urovt! ieo 4k FOR SALE 25-room hotel, brick building, an'j an equipiiitwi m a uikku " at once. If Interested, call or address uox H2, Johnson. Neb. PLUMBING and "tin shop for sale: town of 1.5011; large territory; good business; In northwest Nebraska. Write to Coas. Hudlc, Walthlll, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. Rooming Houses. FOR SALE Fine" two-story brick room ing house, with 20 rooms nicely equip ped. Will stand Al Inspection. J. E. Bets. Red Cloud, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED Male THE BEE will publish tree a situation wanted ad under tbia classification for soldiers and sailor, and marines who will show their discharge papera at our office In the lobby of The Be, building. Seventeenth and Farnam. YOUNQ man, age 28, desires position as shipping foreman; 8 years' experience; capable of handling position of .reapon slblllty; rets, furnished. Box S-56, Bee. BY DISCHARGED soldier, place aa truck driver, preferably with oil company. G. L. Heger, uioae hotel. A good man wants position on farm, dairv or any other farm work. Expects permanent place; 30 year, old. Address John Magyar, 2325 P St.,' Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Position aa auditor or credit manager; ten years experience; ran give good reference,. Address B-18, Omaha Bee. ' DISCHARGED soldier wanta job a, com mon laborer. Call Douglas 6787, Female. WANTED Position on farm a, house keeper by 4, refined lady with 14-year-old niece. Address Sarah C, Nash, Kimball, 8. D. RELIABLE colored women Would like day work, Ironing or cleaning. Call Webster 5143. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors EXPERIENCED BUTTERINB SALESMAN. BOX S-61, OMAHA. BEE. EXPERIENCED FURNISHING GOODS MAN. BEST OF WAGES. APPLY MR. O'HERREX SUPT., BURGESS-NASH CO. I WANT three clean-cut energetic young - men to complete my sales for us on a house-to-house proposition that sells like hot cakes. Can make from $35.00 to $60.00 a week. See Kramer, Circulation Department, Bee. Laundry and Day Worn. RELIABLE colored lady wants day work ironing and cleaning. Webster 2612. BUNDLES, curtains, blanketa laundered. Webster 4281. EXPERIENCED colored lady wishes day work. Douglaa 7094. . BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Young men who desire to be come bookkeepers, expert accountants and auditors, to enroll In our evening classes of higher accounting and book keeping. With two evenings a week during the fall and winter months you can equip yourself with a thorough knowledge of modern accounting and bookkeeping. If you cannot attend our evening classes, you can study at home by our modorn correspondence method. Our training will help you to aecure a bet ter paying position. Tuition 1, reason able and payable monthly. Call and aee us, or write for further Information. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 18th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. CENSUS CLERKS 4,000 needed; $95 month. Age 18-50. Experience un necessary. Examinations Omaha, Oct 18 and Nov, 16. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (former government examiner). 918 Equitable Bldg., Washington. CREDIT and collection man. Salary de pends. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. CARPENTERS WANTED Lord Lister Hospital, 26th and Dewey. N Monticello Apart ment, Slst and Dewey. Sinclair Refining Co., llth and Seward. These jobs will be fin ished this winter. Get your inside job now. Apply to Superin tendent on job. SELDON BRECK CONSTRUCTION CO. F. W. Currey, Resident Manager. WANTED SEVERAL SEN AND BOYS TO WORK IN MACARONI FACTORY APPLY SUPERINTENDENT SKINNER MANUFACTURING CO., 14TH AND JACKSON. TYLER 1625. WANTED Several ltve-wlre men for ape clal newspaper work; men with contest experience preferred; good salary to start, with Increases to real result pro ducers. Applicants give past experience, references and state salary expected. Address Victor Lattanner, cara State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Open shop plasterer,, latfcere and nod carriers. Wages $9, $3 and $7 per day, eight hours. Apply Master Plaster ers' Association, 4184 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, wash. WANTED Married man, not over two children to work on farm; Inquire at Rome hotel for Mr. Lee at 2 o'clock Sunday. October 6. CABINET MAKERS WANTED. At once. Extra good pay. Steady Job. OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO., Southwest Corner llth and DouglaiL TAILOR wanted to bushel"; $35Y "steady work. Wire W. 8. McLoud, Scottsbluff, Neb. WANTED Clgarmakers; out and out or team work. T. E. Snowden & Co., At chison, Kan. WANTED First class cabinet maker and interior finisher. Telephone .Walnut 3245. ' LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanizing. Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto School. WANTED Experienced coatmaker; ladies' tailoring. N. M. HARTELL. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMEN WANTED. Would you change your present po sition if we can show ' you that you can make from $500 to $800 per month on a straight legitimate proposition that you can call on the same customer three times a year? This proposition is selling direct to the farmer, handling a complete line of groceries, hardware, paints, oil and automobile accessories. We have 35 men now making the above amount and can handle a few more live salesmen representing a firm backed by a good many years of past business tn Omaha. You have no money to Invest, only your time while we teach you how and at the aame time will convince you this Job 1, Just as represented. We have some good territory. Including Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming, so act WASHINGTON MARKET. 1307 Howard St -SALESMEN. Ambitious and determined men, with or without selling experience, who qual ify for ua are trained to sell the secu rities f an established industrial insti tution over thirty years In business, pay ing dividends of eleven per cent on par, besides adding to a healthy surplus, Our salesmen are doing exceptionally well. You can do it Call 421 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED. Can use three or four salesmen whose past records will show whnt they are; splendid opportunity to make good money for high class, honorable men; leads and co -operation will bo fur nlshed If Instructions nr. followed. BOOM 800. FINANCE BLDG.. 1811 Douglaa St WANTED YOUNG MAN FAIRLY CON VERSANT WITH THE HANDLING OF " CANNED GOODS. BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS AND POULTRY. 8TATE AGE, EXPERI ENCE AND SALARY DESIRED. BOX S-66, OMAHA BEE. IF YOU can sell Insurance ana can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full Itne of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition Addreu Lock Bos 922 Omaha. Neb MEN of neat appearance and good habits, to leave city at once to travel; experi ence not necessary; want men who are not afraid to work; permanent posi tion; salary or commission. See Mr. Thomas, Hotel Castle. WANTED Two stock salesmen on big manufactur ing proposition located at Norfolk, Neb. Write Square Turn Tractor Co., Box 111, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED First-class bond salesmen for Omana AT ONCE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, Third Floor Wilkensen Bldg. RETURNED soldiers who are willing to start at $39.00 weekly. Apply W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co., 1814 St. Mary', Ave., Omaha. Agents and Canvassers. AMERICAN HEATING CO., 630 East 3d. Oklahoma City, Okl manufacture of Patrlck'a OH Burners for cook stoves, heaters, hot air, water and steam fur naces. Sold through dealers and agents. Boys. SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER MONTH GUARANTEED. BOYS: IF YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE MONEY. JUMP ON YOUR WHEELS AND COME DOWN AND SEE MR. NELSON AT 807 SOUTH 14TH ST. HE HAS A PROPOSITION THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. SOME OF OUR BOYS ARE MAKING AS HIGH AS $140 PER MONTH. YOU HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY AND A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent maid for cooking and general housework. Small family. Good wages. No washing. 131 So. 38th St Harneyil63. WOMAN wanted for two days' work each week, one living In or near Florence preferred. Call evenings. Colfax 4498, wiNTED An experienced second girl. Good references required. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton, pp. aza Ave. GOOD girl for general housework. Small family, god wages. 3331 Harney. TeL Walnut S54; WANTED A cook and housemaid; white preferred. Apply 206 S. 32d Ave. Har ney Vvv WANTED Competent cook, small family excllent wages. - Apply to Mm. G. Stors. 3708 Farnam St. ' , Miscellaneous. WANTED. 28 experienced power machine opera tor, en Co-Zee overalls. Experlerced operator can mak, $20 per week. Can uss a few that are not experi enced. Wa give a guarantee while learning. Apply for lady. ' OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., , 709 S. 16th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; two In family. Mrs. D. V. Davis. 1502 S. 82d Ave. Harney 717. WANTED Colored glris. Omaha Paper Stock Co., Eighteenth and Marcy. Douglaa 159 HELP WANTED. Male and Female. AGENTS WANTED Men and women make 100 per cent profit: new washing tablet; sure repeater; now a big suc cess. Send lOo for a 25c trial package. The Excello Company, Ottumwa, Iowa. W ANTED Men. ladies, and boye to learn barber trade; big demand: wage, while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 14Q2 Pod ge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. NOVEMBER 15, Census Examinations everywhere. Thousands needed. Sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Z3I-T, itocnester. a. i WANTED A counter woman, experienced meat cook and pan washer, man or woman. Apply Y. W. C. A. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahort hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Buuelness. Day and Evening School,. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890; WANTED Bright neat appearing boy to deliver proofs. See advertising manager, Omaha Bee. WANTED A messenger boy. Apply Ne braska Power Company, room 401. Miscellaneous. COMMON Laborers, Union Pacific Shops; white or colored; steady work at good wages. Chance for promotion. Apply Cass St. gate; ask for Storekeeper. POSITIONS, iocatlons, etc., for doctor, dentist,, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V. Kniest 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED MEN FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. THE BIG 4 LABOR AGEN CIES. 323 S. ELEVENTH ST. D. 34tf2. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Stores and Offices. I WANT 5 YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE WORK. THIS AFFORDS A BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS" TO GET INTO EXECUTIVE POSITIONS THAN ANY OTHER BUSINESS I KNOW. YOU DON'T NEED EXPERI ENCE. 1 WILL TRAIN YOU IN A GOOD SCHOOL AND YOU WILL BE PAID WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING COME AND SEE ME DAYS BETWEEN 9 A. M. AND 6 P. M. GERALD1NE BELL. 911 .TELEPHONE BLDG. YOUNG LADIES WE OFFER YOU A WELL-PAID POSITION. PAY YOU WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OPERATORS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 613 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING UTH St DOUGLAS STREETS. WANTED Young ladles who desire to become bookkeepers, expert accountants and auditors to enroll In our evening classes of Higher Accounting and Book keeping. With two evenings a week dur ing the fll and winter months you can equip yourself with a thorough knowl edge of modern accounting and book keeping. If you cannot attend our evening classes you can study at home by our modern correspondence method. Our training' will help you to secure a bet ter paying position. Tuition la reason able and payable monthly. Call and see us or write for further Information. DWORAK SCHOOL OF WANTED Lady cashier; steady employ ment ana gooa wages, ttartman f ur niture and Carpet Co., Sixteenth and Howard streets. WANTED A messenger girl. Good wages ana tiuuu ' i.uuis. Apply euituna Power Co. Room 401. TWO stenographers wanted, $18 to $26. Apply today, w. A. Hlxenbaugh, 1814 St. Mary's Ave. STENOGRAPHER, uptown, $90-$95. Billing clerk and comp. opr., $70-$76. THE MARTI CO., 1156 W. O. W. Bldg. ELLIOTT Fischer oper., 385. Emp. Ref. Co. Professions and Trades. GIRLS WANTED NOW FOR STEADY WORK A In various departments -of the Snow White Bakery. Good pay to good work ers. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at once. IT EN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES,- Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. ., Office Entrance Middle of Block. EXPERIENCED film Inspector wanted. Fox Film Co , 315 S. 16th St EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Washing ton Market. 1407 Douglas St. LADY preswr wanted. Royal Dry Clean ers, 944 N.. I4th St. lice Want Ads offer rare bareains to persistent readers, MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly in school or by "home study." Omaha - Business College. 308 Lyric Bldg.. lth and Farnam. P. 6628. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbaph Blk. Studio phone Red 186 2H9 South 15th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in mod ern private home; walking distance; near car. Harney 1913. Housekeeping Rooms FOR Rent Sleeping and house-keeping rooms. 90S no. ltstn st. -ryier dvos. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for1 rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists in Apartment mana gement FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two and three-room apartments, com pletely furniahed. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. ROACHES, etc., exterminated with one ap plication, by contract or sold outright. B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA. 307 Brand. Thea. Bldg. Doug. 1370. WOMAN employed will rent good room In new downtown apartment to woman " employed. Address Box S-42. Bee. $2t per month. ' FOUR-room' furnished apartment, all FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FARNAM ST. STORE. Fine extra deep store, with extension to alley; suitable for high-class auto or other business. See 2063 Farnam street. H. A. WOLF CO., agents, 612 Electric Bids. , lOOD store rooms. 15th and Dauglts. Inquire "WOULD REALTY COMPANY, i 'Phone Douglas 5342 Miscellaneous. FOR Rent Garage and repair shop, 910- 912 No. 16th St. Apply 908 North ltstn. St. . MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY atndkvan CO. 16TH AND JACKSON., DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APART-MENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For. real service tn hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. auto or wafron service. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. Separate locked rooms for household roods and pianos: moving. packing ?1 A urtfil AND STORAGE CO.." 806 South lSth Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 8409. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage, isua i-tavenpon. juug. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West WHY be without a home when a five room cottage can be bought for $1,500, $500 cash, $16 per month: close to school, church and two car lines; mod ern except furnace, yard fenced, shade and fruit See owner, 4552 Seward today or F. H. Drake, Brandels Bldg. Omaha Real Estate and Investment,, JOHN T. BOHAN, o Dn.4nn TllAtlr Prion Tvler 4180. ASAFE INVESTMENT $6,700.00 mortgage on 173 acres m Washington Co. Will discount W. NATHAN WATTS, 518-19 Paxton Block OMAHA real estate and tn vestments. - J.- J. MULVllilLL, 200 Brsndels Theat Doug, tl. WE have cash buyer, for We,t Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglaa 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler t;ary 7-ROOM all-modern house, good neigh- oornooa. jrrice k. & E. E. Austin, 1305 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 786. North. Mod. 6-R. all oak finish. Bemls Park. $5,260 ' Mod. 8-R. Splendid home, 22d and Wirt. $5,500. Mod. 6-R., nearly new. 29th and In diana, $4,400. $800 cash will handle. MGREARTY A CONBOY. Bee Bide. D. 3841. Tyler 4677-W. $3,300, $760 cash, balance monthly 6 per cent; now vacant; b rooms, strictly moa em; 2 rooms and bath upstairs; beau tiful Interior finish: full cement base ment with furnace heat; big south front lot, Bhade treea; two blocks to ear and school. Call owner. Colfa 389. MINNE LUSA home, and lota offer the best opportunity to Invert vour money pnone Tyler 1K7 WE will sell your home within 30 dayi R. F. Clary Co., 2404-06 Ames avenue. Colfn 175. IU'2 NO 4tiTH ST. 6-R. CORNER LOT. NOT MODERN $160 CASH. CREIGH SONS & CO., 08 BEE BLDG. D. 200, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood Addition, a safe place for Invest- ment Norrl, Norrls, Doug. 4Z7Q. GOING to Calif. My modem 7-room home with or without furniture; garage. 301$ N 14th Ave. E. A. Clark. YOUNG A DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 332 BRANDE1S THEATER. D 171 South. A BIG BARGAIN MUST SELL AND WANT AN OFFER Eight-room house with two sleeping porches, all modern, two full-slsed lots with a large barn; the property now rents for $50 per month; located at Twentieth and Spring atreet,. Owner, 116 South Sixteenth street. Tel. 8. 2914; Sunday. Tel. H. 6786. Miscellaneous. . DO NOT WAIT until winter befor, buying a homa when you can own a brand new, strictly modern 6-room bungalow for a arnall tlown" payment and easy terms. This house has never been occupied and Is a good one. Has full basement, guaran teed furnace, oak floors throughout the ontlre house, oak woodwork in living and dining rooms, built-in book cases, colonnades. $300 to $500 down will handle It Phone, Douglas 7412 days or Web ster 3346 evenings and ask for Mr. cole. "FTNF, NEW HOME Dandy, Vrand new, five-room, strictly modern and up-to-date bungalow, fin ished with oak floors throughout, lo cated In good restricted residence neigh borhood. Good sized rooms, well ar ranged. Pleasing built-in featurea. Full cemented basement with guaranteed furnace, hot and cold water, floor drain, etc. Good large lot. Immediate pos session. Small cash payment, balance montnty. i:ouax ogn CLOSE IN. Have some beautiful houses to sell, cash or terms. Owners live out of town and say "sell." W. NATHAN WATTS, 618-19 Paxton Block. SIX-ROOM modern but heat, good lo cation, price $2,600; $500 cash, balance $22.00 Including Interest. Call Douglas 3576 and ask for A. W. TOLAND, 410 Bee mag. ti-KOOM partly modern house, nicely lo cated, near car and school. Price $1,700. Terms. Trumbull & Austin, 13UD First ittat. PH. JIUS. xjirri 10,. DTnTprnrp o n( sell, Rent D1IVIV.CJ A A SjO JJ. Real Estate ano Insure. 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. FOR SALE Three-room cottage, lot on boulevard. $1,500. C. D. Full Arm strong. 325-6 Securities Bldg LIST your houses and lots for quick sale with Hastings A Heyden, realtors. 1614 Harney street. Phone Tyler 60 We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 5012. BARGAINS In homes. Investment prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harri son & Morton. 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg, MODERN 10-room house.-nice lot, walk ing distance; special this week, $3,200. 2606 Davenport street. H,arneV 29iO REAL ESTATE-Business Property. FOR SALE Good one-story brick build ing, 22x120; full cement basement, hot water heat; located in the main part of business district; building now leased at $720 per year; this will make you a safe and sure 10 per cent invest ment; price $7,500 cash. S. Debus, jxeter, rteo, BUSINESS property and Investment,, A. P TUKEY A SON, 420 First National Fank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, iic.a.r T.av.nwnrth nd Cum fail, am, "t'"ji ing Sts. Payne &. Slater Company. Doug. 1016. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER TIES AND WAREHOUSE SPACE, SEE t Ai'CD A. CPA lJ Realtors. Douglas 3962. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg GOOD trackage lot 113 feet front paved street; 3.5U0. D. P BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Bulldln REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, DON'T MISS THIS. I h'ave 40 acres of best Missouri land, all clean and good soil. Will accept au tomobile or rooming house on trade. What have you? - W. NATHAN WATTS, 518-19 Paxton Block. . Doug. 9006. mm MR FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed In naba. Owner wants land. S. 8. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. FOR SALE at a bargain, two good houses, well located. $3,S0O will take them both. Call South 4549 VACANT house at 319 N. 38th Ave. for $7.000 great bargain. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK buy, fine garden tract, 47x132; only 1 blocks from Weat Center car line and one block to paved atreet; high and sightly, black soil; prices $295 and $340 THE BYRON REED CO.. FOR SALE Two "full size lots "in beautl ful Overlook addition 4 block south of Elmwood park; act quick as these will not be on the market long. Address. Roi V-94. Omaha Bee Miscellaneous. FOR SALE To hlgrhest bidder to close an estate 3 44-100 acres bounded by Spra?ue, Boyd. 36th Ave., 37th St. T. Sogno, (executor), 1053 E. 20th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. 7-ROOM house, close to school; away from mud . and water. Terms. Call Red 654. Dundee. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., 9 1 2-14 City Na tlonal. Douglas 8787. South Side. IP' you want a real home, at a bargain, you should see Jas. H. Kopletz, real es tate Investments. 4733 South 24th st Miscellaneous, FIVE-ROOM modern oak finish bungalow and garage, 50 foot lot in :iairmont, 86.000; 8S.500 cash. Call Tyler 4316. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA 160 acres, located In best farming dis trict of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colome; all fenced and under cul tivation; two springe: six-room house and other buildings in good repair. Will v.sell or trade for city property, i A. B ALPIRN, 7th and Douglas Sts. Call Doug. 3424, SIX-ACRE PLACE. Two mllea of Council Bluffs with aev eral good road, to the cltyj good 8-rooro house, large barn; nice yard with large walnut trees, about one acre upland: balance creek bottom and very rich garden soil; heir, want to divide and offer for $3,000. , McGEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 108 Pearl St.. Council Bluff,. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE wfLL pay cash for your home, or we will sell It for you. Just phone us and Immediate inspection will be made. Prompt results assured. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. After 6:30 p. m. call Mr. Noar, Web ster 4413 or Mr. Johnson, Ijarney 6912, WANTED-HOUSES I am authorized to buy four good houses for parties coming here to live. Must be from five to eight rooms snd well worth the money. W. NATHAN WATTS. 518-19 Paxton Block. Dong. 9006. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results, list with ua O NEIL'S R. E. A INS. AGENCY. I 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. IF YOU have a house and to. sell It, list with me at once. I have buyers. W. NATHAN WATTS, 61819 Paxton Block. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It but the price must be right GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR. 928 City Nat. Bk Bldg Doug. 1948. WE want houses, large and small, cash or terms Telephone us. EDWARD F. yiLLIAMS. P. 420, WE have the customers snd can sell your property; list with John W. Bobbins. 581 Brandels Theater, D. 529. FOR quick sales list your property with W. O. SHRIVER. 1047-9 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg Doug. 16S8. FIVE or six room bungalow in Dundee. Phone Douglas 663i. REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL buy a few good contract, second mortgages, or mech. lien,. Cha, I Pease. Ill Brandels Theater Bldg, LIST your property tor Ml, with J. B. Robinson for quick salea. 441 Bee Bldg. Phone. Dongla, 8097 LIST your property for with C A. ORIMMEL. 249 Omaha National Bank BldSt FINANCIAL. Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. BUNGALOW Living room, dining room, kltohen and I bedroom,, all modern; corner and south front. $6,700. $2,000 cash. Bun day call Walnut 4680. C. C. BEAVERS, Douglas 2450. T80 Omaha Nat' I Bit. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. -, OTlt. tTRTlTS PA 1018 Om. Nat k, Bldg. Doug. 1711. CITY and farm loans; 6 H and ( per cant; no delay. J, H. Dumont Co- 411 Keellne Bldg. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estats Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. ' THOMAS & SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug- 4211. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D- Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. D. eTbPCK. Loans, 441 Omaha Natf Miscellaneous. ' SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $3,000 loan on $8,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to mak, loan 1, beneficiary. Face of polloy will come to beneficiary, upon death of Insured, who I, 67 year, old and In poor ' health. Will arrange matter, ,o that entire $1,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums .on Insurance. Chance to make from $600 to $1,000 In short time. Address Bee. Box M-3. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 60 Quarter Sections, $17.50-to $30 Per Acre. At Haswcll, Colo., and sjze tract,, terms about half cash, both raw and Improved 1 lands, all level, good rich soil and sub soil, "neither sand,' gumbo or alkali, ahundanco of soft water at 30 to 100 ft, fine climate, near schools and churches; corn making 30 to 50 bushels iper acre this year. We are working a large trac tor outfit out there right now. We llke,i it; g out with ua and look It over and you will like It, too. Write or call on Harrow & Gilchrist, 202 Crounsa Block, opposite pftstoffice, Omaha, Neb., or G. H. Gilchrist, Haswell, Colo. TO YOU FOLKS LOOKING FOR CHEAPl LAND WITH NO COMMISSION TO PAY. 1H Cheyenne Co. Colo., mile Ry. rtatlon, a dandy stock and grain proposition. Plenty of water, 100 A. cultivated (most all could bo, lays, tine); 35 under pump irrigation. Barn 40x 50; small house. All fenced and cross fenced, $22.50 per A.; one-sixth cash, one-sixth March 1, bal, 4 years 6 per cent. W. E. Campbell. Aroya, Colo. 320 ACRES 3 miles east and 3 miles north of Hartun, Colo., five-roomed house, new large barn for 24 horses and cows .with large hay mow and fork, 260 acres In cultivation, all level and tillable, all fenced; price, $125 an acre, half cash, balance 5 years, 4 per cent; can use 7-passenger car or a 2V4-ton truck. Henry Korgan, Hastings, Neb. 30.000 acres choice raw or Improved Lin coln, Co., Colo., lands Bargains. Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer Arriba, Colo. Florida Lands. TEN acres of land near Miami. Fla.. to trade together with small amount of cash, for home In North Omaha. Col fax 2464. Iowa Lands. REAL HOG FARM 120-acre Iowa farm, good soil, upland, well Improved, 80 acres tillable, balance dandy pasture, 18 acres of oak timber; good buildings, newly painted, good re pair, complete water system, piped to house and barn, well, windmill and cis tern. Phone in house. Price only $175 per acre; terms to suit. If you want to buy right see me or write today. D. E. BUCK. Owner, 442 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE The a4 of NWS and NW of 8W14 of Sec. 17, T 77, R 41. West of 6th Principal Meridian. Near Neola, Pottawottami, Co.. Iowa. Make offer. I. H. JACKSON. Owner. 4S24 Kenmore Ave. Chicago. 111. Kansas Lands. FOR SALE A bargain; 480 acres good, level land, mile and a half from Good land, Kansas; $45 per acre; terms. Plln Rotbhammer, Colorado Springs, Colo. Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 280-acre farm In Todd coun ty, Minn.; building, consist of seven room house, barn, granary, corncrlb, windmill, etc.; 130 acres under cultiva tion, balance used for meadow and pasture; no waste land; this farm will produce good crops of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc.; located only a mile from railroad town; irood soli; would make a good grain or stock farm; price $22.50 per acre. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands. , KIMBALL COUNTY LAND 1 AT AUCTION October 7, Tuesday, 2:30 P. M. On the above date at Kimball. Neb., we will sell at public auction to the ' r.ighvst bidder regardless of price the rollowing described real estate: The nortnwest quarter of section IS, town whip 13, range 53, Kimball county, Ne braska. Located 9 miles south of Dlxs Neb. Terms of sale: 20 per cent of the purchase price cash day of sale; 30 per cent February 1, 1920, when possession will be given. Owner will carry re mainder of purchase price on the above described real estate for a period of three and five years bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent payable annually. Good und sufficent abstract of title together with warranty deed delivered to pur chaser day of settlement. Good black loam soil; land lies level". For further Information address Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Neb. Mark Carraher, Auctioneer. Mi A. Larson, Owner. AT AUCTION Four Choice Farms OCTOBER 22, WEDNESDAY, 1 P. M. On the above date in Opera House, Havens, Neb., we will sell at nuhitr auction regardless of prKe, 720 acres of ricn riatie valley land which will be divided Into four farms. Improved and unimproved; all located within five miles of the new town of Havens, on the main line of the U. P. railroad; write for full description, Nebraska Retilty Auction Co.. Central City. Neb. AUTOMOBILES SOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD CAM. McCaffrey motor COMPANY, (The Handy Tort errlee Itmtloal llth and Jackson It JJouf. Hot. FOR SALE Cheap, on, m-ton model 10 Orant Truck, never been used; only driven from Omaha, ha, cab and 1 In 1 body; aolld tire,; one model O Orant touring, 8-cyllnder; only ued for dem onstrator; sell cheap; on Oldimoblle, model 17. (-cylinder, only driven little over 1,000 miles, will nil at right fig ure, to mak room for new winter stock coming In. Call or writ for demonstra tion. Great Western Novelty Co., Beemer. Neb. Phon, $41. TWO-TON Nash truck, one year old; good tires; good condition, $850. ltt-ton Re publto truck, one year old, newly painted and rebuilt; bargain at $1,050 1-ton Studebaker truck, good condition, good tire,, $460. 1-ton Ford truck, used only flv months, with body and cab, at real bargain. Andrew Murphy . Son, 14th and Jackson Streets. SACRIFICE NEARLY NEW '19 OVERLAND 0 TOURING: LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW. 270$ BINNEY ST. WEBSTER 6372. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cara bought sold and exchanged. W buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 2026-8 Farnam St Doug. 4101. USED car, of exceptional value. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter courses; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha. - PROM PTDELI VERY ON ALL MODEL. NEBRASKA WHITE CO FRED C ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1787. 1407-21 Capitol Av $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re nnl.. Role mnfra. of new self-SDSClng af- flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th. STEVENS DURYEA touring car. six cyl inder, starter and electric llghta, at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Phon Tvler 1419. IJStiD cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 556! Farnam St. Doug. 1170. WINTON-SIX ROBERTS MOTOR CO. 40th and Farnam. Harney 1500. USED CARS AND TRUCKS, AT bakuain jrmtjrJB STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Ifrt. HAVE Iwo Ford touring cats; on nearly' new," the pther one a year old. Must sell one of them. Price right 1810 Wirt street. LATE model QJds-8, perfect condition, will sell right, or trade, for lat mod! iigm seaan, in uuu tuiiuivivn, 2342 NEB. BUICK AUTO CO.. 19th and Howard Sts. Tylr 1760. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th A Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 1500 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Auto Es change Co.. 2009 Farriain St D. 6035 THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY 2.120 Farnam St GAIN more miles; have your tires rt treaded by G. & G. Tire Oo. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 12SI-W OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2S00 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: servl, station for Rayfield carburetors an. Columbia storage batteries Edwsrd, FORD MARKET. 2.30 Farnam. Cash. Tim. Liberty Bonds. FORD Sedan, late 1918 model; newl: painted; perfect condition; price rea sonable. Wal. 4219. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L SMITH FOR SALE Douglas 8 in A-Nq. 1 condi tion. Phone Webster 6397. . Tires and SuDplies1 NEW TIRES" ' PRICE Flsk, Goodrich. Bull tires. Lee. Flreatone. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. I'Olfi Farnam Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE Drive yourself, at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage. 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7390. . Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice, for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed: new fender, mttde. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917 Motorcycles and Bicycles. HAR LEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES -Bargains In used machines. Victor H Rous, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. WILL GIVE SOME ONE A BARGAIN. Sec. 26, T. 26, R. 28, Cherry Co., Neb.,' raw iana i i mites ft. or Thedtord. Must sell. Wants offer. Address 115 So. 16th St., Omaha. FOR Western NeDraska and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO., I 664 Brandels Bldg. PRICE and terms right on northeast Ne braska improved corn and alfalfa farms. C. V. Nelson. 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 201 Karbach Blk. . Tvler 684 IMPKOVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holman. Busline!!, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY7 lmprovedcorn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A LARSON, Central City. Neb. WRITE me for picture, and pricea of my farm, and ranches In good old Dawes Co. Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. South Dakota Lands. 25.000 ACRES In Brown and Edmunds counties, S. D. Selected early. Term, as good as can be Secured. Good automo biles with careful drivers. M. A. CLARK LAND CORPORATION, v nagerty Block. Aberdeen, S. D. FOR SALE For a short time only, on of the best sections In Aurora county. South Dakota, IV, mile, from Stlckney; well improved, fenced with woven wire and steel posts all around; crossed fenced; muat be seen to be appreciated. Ad dress owner. B. A. Wolff, Bagley. I. Miscellaneous. DON'T forget the special horse sMctlon at stock yards next Monday, October 8. Four carloads western horses from Njorth Dakota, nearly all broke and extra good stuff. From 3 to 7 y?rs old. Arrived too late for this week's auction. Musi be sold next week Monday rcgardneas of price. I. C. GAI,LUP HORSE AND MULE CO. SOO SETS of war harness, made by the Studebaker Mfg. Co. of South Bend, Ind., for experimental tryout; number one grade and will be sold at a dis count of 30 per cent at the Mid-West Harness Co.. 708 N. 16th St. Omaha Neb. - . BROOD SOWS. Buy on Blrdhaven Profit Sharing Plan Phone Web. 2884 O. S. Pettis, agent TEAM, harness and wagon. Seven-Oaks Farm, three blocks west of Florence csr. FOR SALE Ten sows and pigs; will sell one or all. W. E. Barnam. Tel., Col fax 4353. FOR SALE Three young cows, all milk ing. Walnut 1816. UPLAND hay. $20 per ton. Wagner. $01 North 16th St POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WANTED to buy one or two young rai dogs. Wagner Feed Store, 801 N. 16th. Douglas 1142. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect W distribute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge 6t NOT1CE hereafter that all bills contracted by Mrs.. William Kadan, at 2620 B St.. South Side, Omaha, or by any party contracting bills for Mrs. Wllllsm Ka dan, will not be paid by m. William Kjtvait 26H2 B St., South. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and note as security. 140 mo.. H. goods, total 13.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 432 Security Bldg. 16th A Farnam. Ty. 866 For Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota farm, and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Dong. 9008. ttt Paxton Blk. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; tlmly eales; quick returns. Held Land Co- (14 Brandels Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 50 NEW 110 MODEL FORD CARS FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ETC EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booth,. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 6611. Es. 184 FARMS and city loans. E. H. LOUOEE. INC 626 Keellne Bldg FORDS. BUICK8. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS. FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-COLPSTRflM AUTO CO. 1701 80UTH 14TH ST. SOUTH 111. YOUNG LADIES We offer you a well paid position. Pay you whilo in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. V