THE v OMAHA SUNDAY BEE t OCTOBER 5,1919. 9 C FINANCIAL. Miscellaneous. HAimiTvvTr.aTViB!Vr ' Wanted 11,00 loan en t,00 frater nal Insurance policy. Hen wUhlnf te make lou Is beneficiary. Face of policy will con to ben.ttclarv upon death of tfcsured, woo la (T yean old and In poor .health. WU1 arranc mattara a that entire, 11,000. wUl ba paid to not boldar poo death of tnsurtHl. and will kaap up pramluma on Insurance. Cnanoa to maka from 1500 to 11.000 la abort timet FARM AND RANCH LANDS Acreage. ' - ACREAGE WEST 10 acres, 14 mllea out. wall Improved. , ., mtla to Qodce street.' IS acres, new hlth class Improve ments. I mllea west of !4th 8t 0 acres, good lmprovementa. 4 mllea v ...... i . , . . , . , . 40 acrea. rulla oft Dodia St. near peon farm. . , v O'Keefe Real testate Co., . Realtors. ....... 101S Omaha National Bank Bldf. Douglas 8715. 120 ACRES Hlj-oly Improved, located on Loup mad north of Florence, 1 mllea to city y limits. Price 1362.60 per acre. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 1011 .Omaha National Bank Bids, i Douglas 271 i. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. IN ORDER to cloae a partnership, wa of fer the best mixed farming and stock ranch In Northwest Nebraska, consist In of ,6 across Located 1 ml lev to railroad town, one-halt mile t school and poatofflce, also on. rood automobile highway, M mllea ta Gordon, a good town with 1,(00 people. This ranch is highly Improved and .well fenced. It Is the finest watered ranch you aver Inspected; 110 acres al falfa, 200 acrea finest meadow bay, 18 acrea now In crop; 2100 acrea of this ranch ta good orop or alfalfa land, bal ance In fine pasture. This la a won derful place for raising hogs at small cost. Priced for quick sale, !2.0O per acre. Will carry sixty thousand dollars back on this ranch for S and 10 years, ( and per cent Interest. Deal direct with owners. RKE NORTON, Burlington Junction. Mo. Colorado Lands. COLORADO L.UU. 40 acres. 2:40 acres perfect farm lalid In cultivation and more Is good which can be put In cultlvstlon; por tiou rolling pasture land with about seven springs for stock water; fair im provements: prlog 1I7.60 per acre, half cash by March 1, located about 1 miles1 from a live town on the main !lne-of, the Union Paclflo from Denver to Kansas City; I consider this ss choice as anything that 1 have had to offer In my many years In the land buptnesit. Would be pleased to furnish further Information. Have a good half section farrv Im proved, In Keith county;' Nebraska, at oo per acre. . C. K. DAVIES, Kearney. Neb. KIMBALL COUNTT LAND AT AUCTION October 7, Tuesday, t:30 P.' M. On the above date at Kimball, Neb., we- will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardless of price the following described real estate: The northwest quarter of aectlon 18, town ship 13, range S3, Kimball county, Ne braska. Located miles .south of- Dix, Neb. Terms of sale: 30 per cent of the purchase price cash-day. of sale; 30 per cent February 1, mo when possession will be given. OwneA will carry re mainder of purchase prtoe on the above described real estate for a period of three aim hvp years bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent payable annually. Good and suffioent abstract of title together with warranty deed delivered to pur chaser day. of settlement. Good black loam soil; land lies level. For further iiiKiion auuress Nebraska Realty Auction Co,, Central City, Neb. Mark Auctioneer. M. A.' Larson, owner. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. ANT MAN CAN OWN A CAR. THERE'S A 8IZE AND HAKE TO FIT TOUR POCKKTBOOK AND TOUR NEED. AN HONEST CREDIT STAND IN IS JJETTER THAN A LIMITED CASH REPUTATION. , 1125.00 ..,'676.00 150.00 00 Chevrolet Rds. ... Dodge Rds., new top ...... i Oakland Rda 111 model . Chalmers Rds. () 40 Chalmers Rds.. light six. paint Job 750.00 Buick (I) Touring, new tires, HIT mode! 160.00 Buick () Touring D-4S. newly , ,. ca. special ' painted , FARM IN COLORADO . .WHERE YOU'LL EN- JOY THE WINTERS 230-acre Irrigated ranch highly Im proved, 14 miles from Denver. 3 miles from railroad. Six miles from town of Littleton and street car to Denver. 100 acrea alfalfa; 100 acres wheat, corn and .. .miscellaneous crops. Good modern Im provements and silo. Excellent dairy and bog ranch. 40-acrs lalpr on plac Will sacrifice on account old age. If Bold by November 16. Address, Owner, SWT rtarr street, Littleton, coto. COLORADO LANDS Mr. Investor; ate you looking for landT I can deliver up to 40 or 60 quarters in a 'township, in one of the best oo unties In eastern Colorado,. 113.60 to 115,000' per acre. This land Is' all lerel, sandy loam, now In cultivation, ' mostly all fenced, half dozen good wells, ' fair dwellings and out buildings; 16 to 30: miles- from a good . town of 1,(00 population.- , For further partloulara wrlta R; R. A PPBL. Eckley. Colorado. fd TOO FOLKS LOOKJNO FOR CHEAP LAND WITH NO -COMMISSION TO' PAY. Hi sec. Cheyenne Co. Cole., W mile . fly. station, a dandy stock and grain proposition. Plenty of water, 100 A. ' cultivated (most all could be, lays fine); 1C .under pump Irrigation. Barn 40x SO: smalt house. All fenced and cross fenced, 122.60 per A.; one-sixth cash. ' one-sixth March 1, bal, 4 years t per cent: W. E. Campbell, Arova, Colo. rOTFMRGAINS IN : IRRIGATED LANDS" . Small- or larger tracts available at low prices. Excellent sollt plenty of water .assured, a- real snap for settlers or in vestors. By all- jneane Investigate. Writs, at .once. The Aplshapa Consoli date, irrigation Op. - H. H. Knowltoti, ' Scc'y-TreaM.. pox 1I37-0. Fowler, Colo. .. COLORADO LAND. .i - MS acres; SOB acres seeded" to fall .wheat which is new land; extra good i fence, but ne butldtngc, located half mile from Deer Trail, Colo.: consider ing soil, lay of land and location, this Is about' as near a perfect section as ran bo found anywhere: price $43 per ffrre, terms. ' C. K. Davles, Kearney, Nb. 2D AC'KKi 3 miles east and 3 miles north of ..JYaptun. Polo;, five-roomed'-' house, njnv largo barn for 24 horses and cows w ith, large hay' mow and fork, 260 acres , In cultivation, all level and tillable, all fenced; price, 1125 an acre, half cash, balance 6 years, per cent; can use 7 passenger car or a 3Vj-ron truck, Henry Korgan, Hastings. Neb. f"OR SALE 320 A. farm and dairy ranch; 6 -room house, good barn, 3 wells, 65 A. fart grain, 25 A. spring crops. Terls. If Interested write Box 4. Hill Top, Colo. ift.000 acres choice raw or improved Lin coln, Co., Colo., lands. Bargains. Easy terms. See J.-L. -Maurer. Arriba, Colo. Florida Lands. TEN aores of land near Miami. Fla.,' to , trade together with small amount of canh.' for borne In North Omaha. Col fa 2464. r Iowa Lands. REAL HOG. FARM - ISC-acre Iowa farm, good soil, upland, well Improved, 80 acres tillable. balance dandy pasture, 19 acres of oak timber; . good buildings, newly painted, good re- pair, complete water system, piped to house end barn, well, windmill and cis tern. Phone In house. Price only $175 per acre: terms to suit. If you want to , buy right see nie or write today. ... D. E". BUCK, Owner,.- , fit' Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.,' Omaha. : TFOft SALE ' ' Th SH of NWii and NWH of SWH of sec. J7. T 77. R 41. West of 6th Principal Meridian. Near Neola, Pottawottamle Co. Ibwa. Ifake offer. I: H. JACKSON. Owner. 4824 Kenmore Ave. Chicago, III. Kansas Lands. PGR SALE A bargain; 480 acres good. level land. mile, and a half from Good JanoV Kansas; $45 per acre; terms. Plln ' Rothhammeir, Colorado Springs, "Colo.' . ' " Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 280-acre farm In Todd coun ty, Minn.; buildings consist of seven room house, bam, , granary, cornorlb, windmill, eto.; 130 acrea under cultlva tlon. balance used for meadow and pasture; no waste land) this farm will produce good frops of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc.; located only a mile from -v railroad town; good soli; would maka W good grain or stock farm; price $22.50 per acre.. SCHWAB BROS.. -1021 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY ,FOR COLONIZATION OMPANT-For ' sale, -10,000 acres of choice Minnesota- farm viand In Red River valley and all op tions, lists, holdings and good will of an old established land company are T offered for aale en-lot. Central loca tlon. large-territory, sale agencies. A, prosperous business to bs sold entire ae a going concern. We .solicit attention of active land men and . colonisation -airents. , Investigate promptly, lne -First-mate Bank. Warren. Minn. Missouri Lands. LISTEN, 40 acres at town, fine bunga Wlow; $4,000; terms; other McGrath, Montatn View. Mo. Nebraska Lands. i SELECTED RANCH t.S0 A. well improved, best bal- anced ranch In state. Snap, $45 per acre, Including 83 head of cattle, 21 horses, .100 ton hay, all farm and Kay tools. - ' 4,000 A. 4 m. Basaett, 14 m. to load- Ing KUttlonri.ZOO A. hay, 300 A. clover, hlgblv Improved, best In state, $45. 3,60(1 A. near Emmet, Improved. 1,400 A. tame hay, running water. $35 ptr. 44i,000 A. adjoin western town, big gest and best anap at $20. "'t MOO A-4 m. Keystonei Improved, '1,00ft A. bottom bay, $25 per. 809 A. near Long Pine, cuts 400 T. nay. lmpr., $25 per. . 800 A. near O'Neill, level, running water, 300 A. alf., highly lmpr., noth ing better at $85. . 800 A. near Stuart, highly lmpr., -running water, 200 A. alf., $05 per. . S.800 A, well balanced, near town, ..Improved, snap at $38. ' 040 A, lmpr.. 4 m. Basaett, snap at '$4S per. ;CHAPEK, LAND MAN, "' Brand. Thea. Bldg., Omaha. foR SALE BY THE OWNER Good Cus ter county. Nebraska, farm of 830 acres, good black soil, no sand: about 260 -aorea In cultivation, balanoa- hay and pasture land, all fenced and cross fenced; good well, windmill and els- tarn; good (-room frame house, com- -btaed coracrib and granary, horse barn and sow barn and other neceseary . X buildings. This farm will produce) aa r good crops aa the bast farms in the a. county and is si tasted 11. mllea west of Broken, Bow and Stt mllea southwest of .tCema. For niiee and terms wrlta Mrs. HENRIETTA LAMBRECHT. (21 Olive 1 . - eVZW a84V IMsV SsM(. J STOCK AND FEEDING FARM nI!ta,1lne. 338 acree- 9 m,Ie to' South " n. J'i j0lj,,nf ,? town wUn two main ine raUroads: 120 acres of pasture, about w acres seeden to new alfalfa, balance v.i. ,. lnis place has been run ss a. feeding fnrrn. A fair set of buildings; " .Vf.' h!,f of farm (a rnced hog tight, nothing cheap about this farm only the price, whlca is $190 per acre; good terms 22 res close to a good town good terms! markeU at " Per acrB 0 1 80 acres Improved 6 mllea from Omaha mat appeals to us as a good buy at 1320 per acre; carry $13,000 at 6 per cent GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. 829 Omaha Nat. Bank Wldg. Omaha, Neb. - AT AUCTION rour Choice Farms OCTOBER 22, WEDNESDAY, 1 P. M. On the above date in Opera House, Havens, Neb., we will sell at public auction regardless of price, 720 acres of rich Platto Valley land which will be divided Into four farms, improved and unimproved; all located within five miles of the new town of Havens, on tho main line of the U. P. railroad: write for full description. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central Cltv, Neb. JKl'KhRSON county, Nebraska, farms, write mo IT ln4be market. I have list of real farms. Price, from $130 to $200 per acre. Write Thos. J. NesteW Land Man, Falrbury. Neb. WILL GIVRSOME ONE A BARGAIN. Sec. 2, T. 2R, R. 28, Cherry Co., Neb., raw land 13 miles N. of Thedfnrd. Must sell. Wants offer. Address 115 So. 16th St., Omaha. WELL-IMPROVED, corn, wheats alfalfa "farms; all sties: close to Knnsas City; $75 por acre and up. Write for de scriptions, state map and literature. Walt &. Wilson, Lawrence, Kau. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO.. 664 Brandele Bldg. PRICE and terms right on northeast Ne- orasaa improved corn and alfalfa farms, C. V. Nelson. 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE 301 Karbach Blk. A. A. PATZMAN. Tyler 684. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball icounty, -Jteb. R. E. Holman, Bushnell, Neb. t MF.RRTCK""cOUNTY, lmpTOvedcorn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. uAnoun, uentrai city, neb. WRITE me for pictures and prtcea of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. TWO good farms, one 160, one 240 acrea; choice farms In the choice county of Saunders: NHnson, OlSPaxton Bldg. South Dakota Lands, Buick (4) Touring C-25 WIllys-Knlght Touring, 1917 Hupmobile 1117 .... Touring, model "N, 850.00 450.00 750.00 850.00 '650.00 Hupmobile Touring, model Allen Touring, model 27, KIT ..... 550.00 Oakland Touring, Sensible Six ..... 550.00 Studebaker Touring, lights and starter u 250.00 Studebaker (4) Touring, newly painted 400.00 Studebaker (4) Touring, 111$ ..... 500.00 Vefle (() Touring, newly painted... 650.00 Cadillac Sedan, 1114 850.00 Scrlppa-Booth Coupe; like new, HIT 860t00 3 Hudson Super .Six Tourings, 1117, Bargain. IF YOU ARB DISSATISFIED WITH TOUR OLD CAR TRADE If TO US - FOR ONE YOU CAN USE. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE. . OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL I. 1UT0 ExdHANGE CO. Jinsl FARNAM ST! 35,000 ACRES in Brown and Edmunds counties, H. D. , Selected early. Terms as good as can be secured. Good automo biles with careful drivers. M. A. CLARK LAND CORPORATION, 9 Hagerty Block. Aberdeen, S. D. FOR SALE For a short time only, one of ine oest sections in Aurora county, aonta Dakota, Its mllea from Stlckney; well Improved, fenced with woven wire and steel posts all around: crossed fenced; must be seen to be appreciated. Ad dress owner, W. A. Wolff, Bagley. la. Texas Lands.' BIO CROPS IN NORTHWEST TEXAll ON THE . NEW LINE OF THE SANTA FB The federal railroad administration has authorized the completion of the new Shattuck branch of the Santa Fe railroad to take care of this year's big crops; wheat, oats and sorghums. This will open for Immediate settlement and development a large block of xny land in a wheat and stook farming section of Ochiltree and Hansford counties In northwest Texas near Oklahoma state line, where the first crop has in a num ber of casea paid for the land, and where cattle and hogs can be raised at a low cost. Land Is of a prairie char acter ready for the plow, no atone, stumps, no brush' to be oieared, at at tractive prices on easy terms. Climate healthful, rain falls during growing season, Write for free Illustrated folder, giving experience- and results settlers have secured In ahort time on small capital. T. C. Spearman, $50 Railway Exchange, Chicago, III. WANTED TO BUT OR RENT Rio GRANDE Valley Irrigated land; give legal description, best terms with lowest prlce L. o. Lersen. MoAllen. Tex. Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota farms and ranches, sea ALEXANDER & GIPE, Dong. S008. (23 Paxton Blk. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Southern . farms-, both stock and agricultural. . .- - Any size, $15.00 per acre pp. Miller. Memphis. , Tenn. a a 140-ACRE dairy farm on West Center street road, two miles from city. For further information, call Walnut 1535-Q. PARM LANDS WANTED. FARM WANTED To hear from owner of farm or un'.n. proved land lor sale. Bona price and "art'culars. Write, H. Jones, Box 338. b.wurn, in. WB will sell your farm: quick returns. Beld Land Brandele Bldg. timely sales; AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. i SOME REAL ' BARGAINS WB HAVE AT PRESENT A FEW USED CARS THAT' ARE MECHANICALLY R I G H T. GOOD TIRES AND NEWLY PAINTED. A GOOD USED CAR IS BETTER THAN ANY CHEAP NEW CAR. BUY FROM A RESPONSIBLE DEALER. , , 1911- Light Six Studebaker. 1918 (-cylinder Studebaker Roadster. 191T 6-cylinder Studebaker Touring. 191T 4-cyllnder Studebaker Touring. 1916 l-cyllnder Studebaker Touring. 1916 4-cyllnder Studebaker Touring. 83" Overland. 1910 Ford Touring. 1918 Ford Roadster. Packard Touring. THE BONN BY-YAGER AUTO CO., 2550 FARNAM ST. STUDEBAKER DEALERS. HARNEY 676. SOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey motor COMPANY, (Tho Handy Ford Service Station) 15th and Jaokson Sts. Doug. 1500. Wr re ' Offering a Few EXCHANGED CARS of Exceptional Value and Quality, Overhauled and Renewed, at Bottom Prices, HUDSON SUPER "SIX Touring Care Sedan .of Late Model and Design. HUDSON "6-54" . Touring Car. ' ESSEX TOURING CAR and Others: i ' Faekard Touring Car. , Crow Elkhart Sedan. -'GUY L. SMITH S, H. Cor. 26th. Service- First." 2563 Famam street. Doug. 1979. GOOD USED CARS 1920 OLDSMOBILE SIX, 8 PASS., NEW. 1920 ESSEX 6 PASS., USED, LIKE NEW. 1920 FORD COUPE, NEW. STUTZ BEARCAT ROADSTER. 1919 OLDSMOBILE EIGHT, 7 PASS. 191S COLE EIGHT, 7 PASS; 19l ALLEN, 6 PASS. t91g SAXON, 5 PASS. 1918 MAXWELL, 5 PASS, WINTER 191 STUDEBAKER, 1 PASS. 191 STUTZ, 6 PASS. 191 BUICK 35, 5 PA'S 1918 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. 1918 OAKLAND ROADSTER. 191S OAKLAND, 5 PASS. 1918- OAKLAND, 5 PASS., CLOSED CAR. 191 SAXON, 5 PASS. 1918 OVERLAND, MODEL 90, 6 PASS. 1917 PAIGE LIGHT SIX. 191T OVERLAND 76-B. 191T CHEVROLET. 1917 CADILLAC,. 7 PASS. 1917 HUPMOBILE, 5 PASS. 191T BUICK C-25. 191T COLE BIGHT1 ROADSTER. 1917 APPERBONj PASS. 191T SAXON, 5 PASa THESE CARS ARE ALL IN A-l CONDITION. YOU CAN SEE THE OUTSIDE. I WILL GUARANTEE THE REST. OVERHAULED AND REFIN- IF NECESSARY. RESPONSIBLE ISHED - TERMS TO PARTIES. , MEEKS AUTO CO. V POUGCAS 6439. 2028 FARNAM. Auto Clearing House Omaha's Largest Used Car Store. THE ONE PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY A U8ED CAR WITH A THREE DAY' MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE OF FERS THE FOLLOWINO HIGH-GRADE CARS FOR YOUR INSPECTION: , 1917 Marmon. ' 1917 Hudson Super Six. 1919 Hudson Super Six. 1918 Willys-Knight Sedan. 1918 Dodge Sedan. 1918- Paige Coupe. 1917 Buicle Touring. -v 1917 Buick Roadster. 1917 Oakland Touring. -1916 Haynes Touring. 1917 Baby Grand Chevrolet, 1915 Dodge Touring. 2 83 Overlands. 1917 Saxon Six. 1918 Ford Coupe. 1918 Ford Roadster. 1917 Ford Touring. 1917 Haynes Touring. 1918 Little (4) Buick Touring. 1916 Maxwell Roadster. 1915 Grant Six. ' $ good Ford delivery bodies. Every Car Sold with a Three-Day Guarantee. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 1912-14-16 Farnam. Doug. 5383; A Few of Our Good Ones 65 Cadillac (8)7-Pas. . 19 Buick H-46 , 19 Overland (90) Tour. 18 Franklin, 4-Pas. ..... 19 Oakland (6) Rds. . 18 Lexington - (6) Tour. IT Buick (S) Tour. ..... 17 Buick (6) Rds. ..... IT Grant (6) Tour. 17 Studebaker (4) ..... IT Maxwell Tour. ...... 16 Haynes (6) .$2,000 . 1,400 . 600 . 1,600 . 760 . 700 750 T75 V 4'jU 326 800 750 Several Fords worth the money, Every "car guaranteed. Money, back if not satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO., AUTOMOBILES AS GOOD A LINE OF -USED CARS WITH HONEST VALUES AS THERE ARE IN OMAHA S 1119 Buick Roadsters... I...,.. $1,350 1919 H-45 Touring 1,375 Hudson Speedster, model J....... 1,650 Hudson Super-Touring, model J.. 1,250 1918 Dodge Sedan 1,375 2 1918 Ford Coupes ............ .600 191J Ford Sedan ,... 650 -1917 Chevrolet , 1918 Chevrolet 3 Oldsmoblle Touring , 1917 Ford Touring , 1918 Scrlpps-Booth Touring. J. 1917 Haynes Touring-.,.,,,.,,, Buick "25" Roadster REMEMBER, IF YOU ARE NOT SATIS FIED AT THE END OF THE THIRD DAY, YOUR MONEY WILL BE RE FUNDED. United Auto Parts Co. 2032 FARNAM. ' "REFT A NEW FORD" DRIVE YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE, YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 191 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 3623. 1314 HOWARD. 300 875 850 225 676 700 300 FOR SALE Cheap, one Hi -ton model 10 Grant Truck, never been used; only driven from Omaha, has cab and 8 In 1 body; solid tires; one model G Grant touring, 6-cyllnder; only used for, dem onstrator; sell cheap; one Oldsmoblle, model 37, 6-cyllnder, only driven little over 1,000 miles, will sell at right fig ures to make room for new winter stock coming in. Call or write for demonstra tion. Great Western Novelty Co., Beemer, Neb. Phone 541. TWO-TON Nash truck, one year old;, good tires; good condition, is;0. i ft -ton e publlo truck, one year old, newly painted and rebuilt; bargain at $1,060 1-ton Studebaker truck, good condition, good tires, $450. 1-ton Ford truck, used only five months, with body and cab, at real bargain. Andrew Murphy St Son, 14th and Jackson Streets. . , MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. Ws buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage-; 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. USED cars of excentional value. FOR SALE .1914 model Buick: Just over hauled. In first class condition; new battery, new carburetor, new non-leak-able rings, etc. Cheap, $360.00, or will trade tor desirable lot. Call 4824 Fon tenelle Boulevard, or tel. Col. 1683. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FALL. EGGS BIO PROFITS. Tou can get both, by using Pratta Poultry Regu. ' lator, the guaranteed' poultry tonlo and conditioner. Strengthens and, Invig orates poultry of all kinds. Hurries the pullets to early maturity. Protects molting hens and gets them laying weeks earlier. . Little la cost big In re sult Test- It at Pratts risk. COLDS AND ROUP OVERCOME. The use of Pratts Roup Remedy- In the drinking water, especially during weather changes, will prevent colds and roup In your poultry- flock. It will over come these diseases It they appear. Simple, Inexpensive, sate, efficient. "Your money back if YOU are not sat isfied." Sold by first-class dealers everywnere. PERSONAL. NOTICE Anyone knowing whereabouts of HARRY HAMMOND, Communicate with Mrs. Procter, 2102 Chicago Street, THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaslnes. We collect Ws distribute. Phone Doug. 413&-and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Dodge St. NOTICE hereafter that all bills contracted by Mrs. William Kadan, at 2620. B St., South Side, Omaha, or by any party contracting bills for Mrs. Wnllam Ka dan, will not be paid by me. William Kavan, ziiuz a St., South. WRITE a song, love, mother, home, cnild . hood, patriotic or any subject; I com pose musio and guarantee publication; . send words today. Thomas Merlin, 1242 RjspjrfcJoclli Chic ago, MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha, FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security, $40 6 mo., H. goods, total. $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 432 Security Bldg. 16th A Farnam. Ty. 568. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ETC. RAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates; Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Ea. 1884 FARMS and city loans. B. Ry LOUGEE. INC. St9 Keellne Bldg. RELIABLE automobile, school; best elec trical and self-starter courses; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO FRED C. ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1767. 14U7-Z1 Capitol AV. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af finity spark pi UK. Biyidorfpr. 210 N. 18th. STEVENS DURYEA touring car, six cyl inder, starter and electrlo light, at a bargain. -Owner leaving city. Pbona Tyler 1 4 19. , USED cars of exceptional value, GUY L. SMITH, 2668 Farnam St Doug. 1370. WINTQN-SIX ROBERTS MOTOR CO. 40th and Farnam. Harney 8600. USED CARS AND. TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. FOR' TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. FORDS. BUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS, FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO. 8701 SOUTH 24TH ST. SOUTH 399. 1 HAVE two Ford touring cars; one nearly new, the other one a- year old. Must sell one of 'them. Price right. 1819. Wirt street. . - LATH model Xllds-8, perfect condition, will sell right, or trade, for late model lignt sedan, In good condition. Wal. 2342. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO, 19th and Howard Sts. Tyler 176. BARGAINS fN USED CARS.' McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th A Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8600 WANTED FOR , SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex chang? Co.. 2059 Farnam St., D. 6036. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 3620 Farnam 8t GAIN more miles; have your tires r treaded by O. a O. Tire Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. OAKLAND -Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station iop Kayneio. caroureiors idu Columbia s torage tiatte rles. Edwards. FORD MARKET. 3230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. Bee Want Ads offer rare bargains to persistent readers. COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising ANDERSON &' BENNETT, 14 Bee Bldg., Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power pm.ts. Engineers and draftsmen. Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VUfcCANlZINdcO., 161 Davenport St. Douglas- 2914. Banks. AMERICAN STATE BANK, 18th and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY "THE OfLY WAY." Telephone Doug. 296. 14th and Jarkson. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE, $07 809 S. Seventeenth, Douglas 805. Office, typewriter, architects' and engineers' supplies. Loose-leaf devices. South Side REVIVE REUNIONS OF PIONEERS OF SO OMAHA Were Discontinued During War May Ask Use of South Side City Hall. fashioned, fiddler's contest has been arranged. ... This party it the first function of the club since the reorganization effected on the return rnany members from, overseas duty with the army. ' , , ' . Five Auto Tires Stolen Tiheft of five automobile tires' from their establishment at Thirty-first and L jtreets. A meeting of the South Omaha Pioneer Historical society will be held Tuesday, evening at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Emma. Tal-bot,f,Twenty-second and J streets. ' The meeting is called to elect of ficers for the ensuing year, and to prepare plans for a reunion to be held some time during November. People who were in South Oma ha in the spring of 1916 will remem ber the reunion and festival held then in McCann hall, which was at tended by many of the pioneers of Douglas county. Features of the affairs the old-time square dances and household games. No reunions were held during the war, due partially to lack of proper facilities for caring for the crowds. It is anticipated that the city com- miccinner will hp asked lot DtT- mission to use the top floor of the city hall, bouth .bide, tnis year. The society has a record reaching I...I. .,... jore T T RrjAn. nrftsi- ua.h mciiir rfi j. j. , r dent; N. f. Mann, formerly a baker here; Dr. flabaugn, ana tne weii Wnnwn late' David Anderson were charter members. It was at one time customary to serve a sumptu ous' banquet a.t the annual festival, and siicrcr-stinti for a renewal of this custom have been made. South Side Brevities Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 886. Cash Registers. MORRIL CASH AND CREDIT REOIS ISTER CO.. 219-311 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Dour 4403. E. W, Hart. Pres. . Butter (Wholesale), ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N;i 11th St. Doug. 3909. W. W. Richardson, Pres. BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., ath and Howard Sts. Douglas 20. Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; an kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Foundries (Iron and Brass). P AXTON-MITCHELL CO., 2614 Martha at Harney 166L Machine, gray Iron, brass bronze and aluminum castings. . OLSEN & SCHLINGER, 1407 Jackson. D. 749L Ings. Brass, bronze and aluminum cast- Attorneys. USHER, H 1418 First Nat. Bsnk Bldg. D. 1966. Attorney and counsellor at law. GRAY A BRUMBAUGH, 213-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Red 3167. General prac tlce In state and federal courts. FORD TRANSFER CO 817 Douglas 6t Tyler 3. "Always at your service." Electrolysis. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed, electricity, needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 4908 Callfomit. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Ih ternt'l. Patent Co. 688randels. D. 6691. Hardware FORD Sedan, late 1918 model; newly painted; perfect conaiuon; price rea sonable. Wal. 431X GOOD USED CARS. OUY L. SMITH. FOR-SALE Douglas in A-No. 1 condi tion, fnone wensier nam. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES i2 PRICE i. K ire if Fa Vlsk, Goodrich. Bull tires. Lee. Firestone. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 80Ifi Farnam. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRES. Drive yourself, at - very reasonable prices; no extra to pay.. Nebraska Service Garage, 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7390. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED, Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice, for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender : repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler I1T. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man, 17th and LeavenworthSts. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T forget the special horse auction at stock yardh next Monday, Ootober 6. ' Four carloads western horses from North Dakota, nearly all broke and extra good stuff. From to 7 year old. t Arrived too late for this week'a auction. Must be sold next week Monday regarduess of pries. I. C. GALLUP HORSE AND MULE CO. 800 SETS of war harness, mads by the Studebaker Mfg. Co. of South Bend, Ind., for experimental- tryout; number one grade and will be sold at ' a dis count of SO per cent at the Mid-West Harness Co., 708 N. 16th St, Omaha. Neb. BROOD SOWS. Buy on Btrdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. S. Pettis, agent. TEAM, harness and wagon, Seven-Oaks Farm, three blocks west of Florence car, FOR SALE! Ten sows and pigs; will sell one or all. W. E. Barnam. Tel., Col fax 4353. FOR SALE Three young cows, all milk ing. Walnut 1816. UPLAND hay, 820 per ton, Wagner, 801 North 16th St POULTRY ND PET STOCK. GOT 1 1 7 EGGS INSTEAD OF 3 SAYS ONE SUBSCRIBER. Any poultry raiser can easily double his profits by doubling the egg produc tion nf his hens.. A scientific tonic has been discovered that revitalizes the flock and makes hens work , all the time. The tonlo Is called "More Eggs." ' Give your hens a few cents' worth of "More Eggs" and you will be amazed and delighted with results. A dollar's worth of "More Eggs" will double this year's produotion of eggs, so If you wish to try thia great profit maker, write B. J. Reefer, poultry expert,,- 6th floor Reefer Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., who will send you a season's supply of "More Eggs" Tonlo for II (prepaid). So con fident Is Mr. Reefer of the remits that ' a million dollar bank guarantees If you are not absolutely satisfied your dol lar will be returned on request and the "More Eggs" cost you nothing. Send a dollar today. WE want reliable people to raise fur bearing rabbits for us 111 their back yards, spare time; we furnish stock and pay 13.50 to 17.60 each for all you raise. Sunset Fur Co., 407 Lanker- snnn mag., uo9 Angeiee, tel. WANTED to buy one or' two young r4 dogs. Wagner Feed Store., 301 N. 16th, Douglas 1143. ' , FOR KALE Canary hlrda;,- fine roller PETERSON & M1CHELSON HARDWARE Co., 4910-18 S. 24th St. South Side. Phone South 171. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental Blk.; new location, 494-498 Brandele Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter. D. 8381. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA A IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301' Williams Ave. Webster 278. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS.. 138 Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stockera and feeders our specialty. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO. Douglas 6625. I61 Cuming St. Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS, PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO;, D. 3109. Rms. 418-17 Paxton Blk.. id fluor. Printers' Supplies. BARNH 4RT BROS. & SPINDLER, 1114 Howard St. Douglas 1076. Printers' supplies OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and Far nam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and office 'urnlture. Paints. Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO, 4750. 1609 '4 Farnam 8t Douglas -v. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St. Douglas 1911. Everything for scnoois.' DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 108-11 N. 18th. EDDY PRINTING CO., 322 Bee Bldg., Douglas 8647. Fine commerolal printing. Undertakers. , HULSE & RIEPEN. 701 & 16th. D. 1226. Undertakers and embalmera, Personal attention given to all calls and funerals, HEAFEY A HEAFET. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 266. Undertakers and embalmera. CROSBY WILLIS C 3511-13 N. 3iltt St. Phone Webster 47. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-11 ' 8. 10th St. Douglas 602. Skylights, Steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. Phone 2860. Caterers to heat and oold. -Doctors. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M.. Physician and Surgeon. 1804 Farnam St Douglas 1220. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO., South 2340. South Omaha. Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com. pany In the middle weat. Automobiles M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., 10th and How ard. Doug. 3500. Ford cars and repair Authorised agents for Ford cara, Auto Painting. ROES3IG, W. P., 144 S. 40th. Bar. 144". We make old aotos look like new ones. BERTSCHY MFG. A ENGINEERING CO. S. E. CorN30th and H.irney Sts., old parts made new, new parts made, too. D. 8663. Auto Repairs. AMERICAN machine Works. 110 8. 11th St Douglaa 4881. Patenta developed. Models, tools and dies made. ' Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 23d .and Hickory. D. 1041. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks. OTV-acetvlene weld. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J. L Balier. Pres. Progressive Women Use The Omaha Bee Advertising Col umns Txtfir Shoooing . Omaha Yards Lead The Middle West In Hogs by Good Margin The Omaha stock yards lead the middle western -yards in hog re ceipts Saturday Dy an appreciate margin. Receipts here were 4,000 head;- Chicago was second, with 3,000 head, and' Kansas City follow ed', with 2,500 head. Sales" were slow to start, but prices wereup1 13 to 25 cents from Friday. Friday's average on hogs was$14.95. Top reached was $16, serM to shippers. 1 Shipments of cattle and sheep have fallen considerably, due large ly to decline in prices,, and to lack of activity among buyers. However, the week's salips compare fayoraDly with last week, and with the corre sponding week of 1918. South Side, Man Marries ' "Oklahoma Business Woman Willian G. Vail Ness, for eighi years a resident of Omaha, was marr rietf to Miss Rosins Hastings' of Oklahoma City, Okl., September 30. The wedding took place at Joplin Mo. Mr. Van Ness has been identifier! withr the management of an Omaha laundry and is the owner of large" racts of Nebraska and Oklahoma lands. v The bride has large interests in mining projects in Oklahoma and Texas. MY. and Mrs. Van Ness will be at home in Oklahoma City after December 1. ' The. N. L. club will entertain at a dance and card party Tuesday evening1 at Eagle hall. Twenty-third and N streets. The literature department of the South Omaha- Ladles elub- will be entertained Tnesday by Mra. Brace McCulloch, 412S South.- Twenty-second street The Ladlea Aid society of the Hills aale Baptist church -will meet at the home of Mra Gabriel, 4643 L street, Thursday, Oct. 9. Miss Anstey will speak. Card or Thanks. ' - r desire to thank friends and neighbors for kindness shown and floral offerings In the sickness and death of my mother. HENRY C. SCHMELINO. Peter James, address unknown, who was dratted into the United States army through local board No. 3. Is requested to call at the office of J. f. Breen, South Omaha,, for an insurance certificate due him. A No session of tb South Side police court was called Saturday morning, due to lack of prisoners- for trial. Friday saw but one arrest, that on the charge of drunkenness; and the prisoner was In no condition to be brought before a magistrate. Don't forget that when, you buy that Cole's Hot Blast Heater from us we give you a linoleum square to put underneath it free of charire. bls offer is only far a short time. So be sure and make your selection early. Koutsky Pavllk Co. : Eddie Murray, 4121 South Twenty-second street, will have to walk to school tram now on. Against the wishes and advise of his mother, Eddie persisted In riding his new blcyels to school and leav ing it outside while classes were In ses sion. He reported to police Saturday someone else wanted his bicycle, which was taken yesterday from In front of the St. Bridget school building. "Hard Times" Dance to Returned Overseas Men The Centurion club of St Bridgets parislv will give a "hard times"- dance at the club, rooms, Twenty-sixth and F streets Friday evening, October 10. The hall' will be decorated' appropriately, and everyone requested to appear in costume; ' Frires will- be awarded! for- the best outfits,, and anvold- GOVERNMENT NOTICE. "auction sale op GOVERNMENT 1 CATTLE. Blackfeet Agency, Browning; Montana. ' September. 2S, 131. The publlo Is- hereby notified that there will bo an auction' sale of tire Government tribal herd cattle on the Blackttet Indian Reservation sale to bs held at 3:00 o'clock p. m., October ; 191 , at the of nee. of the Officer In Charge of the Blackfeet Reser vation at Browning, Montana. ' The tribal herd to be sold numbers ap proximately ' twenty-one hundred head, composed of eight hundred calves of weaning size; sis hundred fifty- yearling 'heifers, and sts hundred fifty yearling steers. Hereford range cattle. Prospective purchasers , are advised to- come- to the Blackreet. Reservation ana. visw ine sioc to' be so1dy before' data- of sale. The cattle are- now la tbe Heart Butts District about thirty mllea south of- Browning. TERMS OS? SALE: On any cattle sold: ta remain In the Stats of Montana, the tribal herd brand will be- vented- at th time of delivery of the cattle. All cattle sold must be taken possession of- by the successful bidder within ten daj'seftor. date of sale. Successful .bidders, will be required- to deposit Na certified obeck or bank draft amounting to one-fourth of" the. purchase' PMc at time or sale. Balance to n paid: by certified check or bank draft at, time of delivery ot the cattle; The Govern ment reserves the right to reject any or all bids, if deemed tDr the best Interests of the service, HORACE CR WtL80If, Supervisor In Charge S-30. Oct-l-3-3-4-5--7-8. x Greatest Menace to American Business Removed, Says Palmer Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 4. The greatest menace to American busi ness German industrial invasion was removed and its recurrence made impossible by the great war, declared A. Mitchell Palmer, United States attorney general, speaking before the Missouri State-Bar association.- . ) "As alien property custodian,'' said Mr. Palmer, "I took- over $750,000,000 of German property in the United States. A considerable portion of this had been invested in America by interests who were either subsidized by the German government or the great banks of. Germany."1 "The treaty of peace,' 'he said, "protects the American business man against the hostile invasion of commercial interests. I doubt if these men sufficiently realize this fact." Referring to some of the wartime incidents that occurred during his time as custodian of aVien property; Mr. Palmer related the following one: "A school teacher in Colorado died- durinir the war and bequeathed $10,000-to General von Hindenburg, but instead of following the usual channels, we converted her gift into shrapnel and powder and delivered it to the German general's! home ad dress by " the well-directed shots from American batteries'." Beds Didn't Kill American. Washington, Oct, 4 Brig. Gen. Edwin Jadwin of th American mis sion in southern Russia, who was reported to have been executed by the bolsheviki; is well and on his way home, according. ro a dispatch to the war department from United States Minister Gibson at Warsaw. CLEf.lEfJCEADIS URGING LEAGUE QETIMIM Premier Declares Organiza tion, Which Now Exists On Paper. Should Be Per fected at Once. Paris, Oct. 4. Premier Clemen ceau has written Col. E. M. House. member of the American peace dele gation, urging thaf a meeting of the league of nations be held in Wash ington under the chairmanship of President Wilson early in Novem gcr. The premier's letter, which out lines his reason forthe calling- of such a meeting, was officially pub lished today. It was written Sep tember 4, 1919, and follows in part: "It seems to me that the first meeting of the society of nations in Washineton under the presidency of. LXIr. Wilson should be urgently called at the earliest possinie mom ent. Owing to the hopes this society has caused to be born and to facili ate the solution of international problems facing all nations, I would suggest the meeting be held the first week of the coming November and would propose the invitation bf the greatest possible number of States men whose names were associated with the creation of the society of nations. Undoubtedly there would be only a small amount of current business to transact, but . the pro gram would have this capital ad vantage: It would put in aqtion ths , society, which still exists only on paper. , "Finally, don't you think tt would bn a great advantage for the ex-officio members of the society of nations to be enabled to exchangr views on the 'general direction o the line to be pursued? No man it better qualified than President Wik son to remind the peoples at th opening of the first assembly 'thai the society of nations will have presv tige and influence in times ,of peact only if it succeeds in maintaining, and developing the feeling of- inter national sclidarity from which it wat born during the war at the call' of Mr. Wilson. I myself shall be happy to second him in this" taste "GEORGES CLEMENCEAU. "P. S. I-have written-a similaf letter to Premier Lloyd George." Three Shot, Two More Hurt When Street Car Men Rio OakiancV Ca!., ) Oct; 4Threi men were shot, none fatally,' ant two mor& injured as the- result attemptr- to prevent" the- operation of a street-car on the lines? of tb; ' San Francisco-Oakland . Termini railways; The platform men of th. company struck Wednesday YOUNG LADIES - We offer you a well paid position. Pay you while in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our - "wtrrfcing conditions. 1 . Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th' and Douglaa Streets. - The Bee Ownership and Circulation ' aesSBJSBBBBBBBB eSBJBBJBBJSJJBM fHSJSJSBBWBMBSBSSSBjjBBSBMSJSBSajJBBjS , ejJSjSBMSsMSjSt S SjBSjBejJJBJHaWSJJJJBjmeniSJJaBj eNSjJJJJSSBBBB) SWORN STATEMENT. ' FURNISHED. THE POSTOFFICE: DEPARTMENT . , : October 1, 1919. Statement of the ownership; management, circulation, etc., required by the act of eongrwa of August 24. 192, of The Daily,. Evening! and) Sunday Besi publiahed' at Omaha, Nebraska, for six months' endinf? -September 30, 1919.- V'V; Owner Th Be Publishing Company. Editor end Publisher Victor Rotewater. .. r.. Managing- Editor Taylor Kennorly, ,'. . , Business; Manager N. P.. Foil. STOCKHOLDERS' , - , (Owning One Per Cent or more of the stock.) Victor Hosewater, Omaha . ........ ..19 i Blanche R Newman. Omaha Vieter Rosewater, trustee for' Nellie E. Fil 13 Chas. C Bosawater, Kansas- City. . 73 N. P. Fell, Omaha, 10 Stella R. FXrOmsha' ............. 12 M. B. Newman, Omaha- ........... ; ' ' Estate J. Sosewaten Cleveland. 1 Ida Rosenwaasetv Cleveland .... . .', . tl Paul M. Rosenwasser, Cleveland- . . , 10 Herman B. Rosenwasser, Cleveland. 1 - Alice R. Cohn, Cleveland. Bondholders', mortsraeees and other security holders owning or hold ing 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages- or other securities, are: i : - None. . Average number of copies of each issue sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise to paid subscribers during the six months' pre ceding the date shown above is: i - ' Paid Daily Bee .... ; . .42,949 Unpaid Daily Bee, including1 office copies; and advertisers. . . SIS Paid Evening Bs , . . 18,583 Unpaid Evening Bee, including office copies and advertiser. fill Total . ..................a,92 Paul Sunday Bee SSOS" Unpaid Sunday Bee, including office copies and advertisers'. . 68Sr Total 60,190 N. P. FEIL, Business Manages. .- Sworn to arid subscribed before merthis second day of dctoberf, 1319 SEAL): ! W.'H. QUIVET. Notary Public ' A HOME FREE ! F'i v&S fU'.--:--' , - r We give you free of cost the 8-room, modern, oak finished house on the corner lot provided you buy this 9 interest investment A 9-room, hot water heated house with oil burner, laundry, tubs, basement- screened porch, bnex partitioned and large Darn and auto bouse, ground. luuxl4z. , 9-room house rent for $4Q per month, annual income .' $756.00 Auto house and barn rents for $23 per mouth,, annual expense "57.67 J Net annual income ... . , , . race f7,o00 reasonable Terms. -f V O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Realtors rV X' 5 i