Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 21

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ffioEs Aire Englut for Ae UpEiaiSdSE
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If it is possible, we desire you to go out to the Skinner plant and look it over. You will
see the finest and largest independent packing plant that has ever been built in
the world. Packing house authorities that know will tell you this statement is a
fact. There are guides on the grounds to show you through at any hour of the day.
Is 95 Per Cent
A photograph of the completed building will be published within the next ten days or two weeks.
We have made a wonderful record in building this plant. Construction started on the plant one year ago, the
12th of November, ,1918. . The machinery is now being installed and the outside of the plant shaped up for business.
V.-'i?' v
Wholesale Grocers' Support
' If it was generally known by the investing public of
the real, honest and practical support the Skinner Packing
Company is receiving from the wholesale grocers of the
United States, there would not be a dollar's worth of this
participating stock left at this date.
There are ; approximately thirty-eighl hundred wholesale
grocers in the United States. Without a doubt, 90 per cent of
these wholesale grocers are waiting for Skinner's Meat Products
to get on the market. . ,
Wholesale grocers have not only invested in this Company,
but have indicated their desire to make permanent investments
in warehouses and distributing branches, in order to handle
our products. . .
Some of these wholesalers will do a business with us of at
least $100,000 a year. We will say the average with them is
$10,000 a year. That alone is an annual volume of $38,000,000.
- The force of salesmen of the Skinner Manufacturing Company
report these actual conditions to us.
The Skinner name is nationally known to housewives and
the conditions are right for the wholesale grocers to distribute
our goods and they want to center on the Skinner Packing
Company, -j , jJ&U. . j i . .. , ... '
V Ask any wholesale grocer and he will tell you the above
is a fact - ' ' - ; .' ' .1 J . . !
The Produce Department
The management of the Skinner Packing Company realized
when this Company organized that it would take at least a year
to build, finance and get the packing plant into operation and
for that reason, as soon as the company was organized, they im
mediately engaged in the produce business, dealing in POUL
TRY, BUTTER AND EGGS, a business in this section of the
country which runs into MILLIONS and in direct line with the
packing business.
This department has been established over a year and has
been exceedingly successful. It is now located at li)9 Howard
Street, in the old Kirschbraun Creamery Building while we are
erecting our new cold storage and produce building at 12th and .
Douglas Streets.
While we are doing a large business at this time, as soon
as our 12th and Douglas Streets property is completed, we will
have one of the finest produce departments in the country.
This building will have five floors for cold storage,two floors
for chicken picking, chicken feeding and candling eggs, base
ment for dry storage and the first floor will be occupied by the
branch house of the Skinner Packing Company, in order to serve
the local trade, and the offices of the Produce Department.
The location is the-best. This property is owned by the
Skinner Packing Company and also the Produce Department. -
The building will be nine floors, 132x99, with both Burling
ton and Union Pacific trackage.
ort Business
The management wishes to say with all the emphasis at
their command that during the next two to three years, at least,
the entire output of the Skinner Packing Plant can be sold to the
export trade, in fact, we have had definite offers from the con
tinent to contract for this business.. '.
Herbert Hoover, in a recent public statement, made the assertion that
the United States would have to supply 0 per cent of the fqod products for
the next few years to Europe, and this can be verified, by anyone who is
familiar with and knows conditions. '
This condition is a very favorable one and leaving out all our other
sources of distribution, will mean great things for the company from a
profit-making standpoint , )
For illustration, here is one of many letters we have received from im
porters and exporters:
Importers tk Exporters '
Cable Address,. "TAYWILL" . -
Omaha, Nebraska, , ' .
Gentlemen: ;
If you can quote us for export F. A. S. steamer New York for the
following;: ' 1
50,000 Cases meats and vegetables, ' . V . , '
1,000 Pails of American Fat,
100 tons Salted and Neutral Lards, '
do so by return mail, letting us know what option you can give us so that we
may be able to cable our people abroad.
'- Trusting to receive same by return mail, w remain, ' ' 'v ' " ? '
"j " Yours truly, -
P. S. Can you also W. A. TAYLOR & COMPANY,
quote us on 90,000 1-lfe tins Bunard B. Dorf,
Larded Beans? ' EXPORT DEPT.
29 Broadway,
New York, Sept. 15th, 1919.
On account of the fact that the Skinner Packing Com
pany has a plant that is a credit to any packing concern, a
business reputation and sufficient capital to finance the
company, there has been attracted to the company men of
life-long experience in the packing business. s ,
. The ones that the company can use at this time are
now in their employ and we' have under contract prac
tically pur complete organization for heads of departments,
and they will take up their duties as soon as the plant is
actually opened for operation. ... , ;
- We could not attract these men to us, unless there Was
a spirit to make good and an absolute knowledge that we
are equipped to do an enormous and profitable business. -
The organization from the general manager down is
composed of thoroughly experienced and practical packing
housemen. 1
Minimum Expense and
Maximum Efficiency
There has never been a company organized in the Middle
West that has met with such favorable support of farmers, stock
men and bankers as that of the Skinner Packing Company. The
reason for this is very simple The Company's stock has been
sold direct by the officers and directors at the least possible
expense. The aim of the management is to build up a company
that is successful and the expenditure of every dollar has been
guarded with only one thought in mind and that to further the
interests of the company. " ; -
On account of the very favorable contracts and purchases
that have been made and the fact that we were able to include
a sub-basement (at practically the same cost of a cement floor,
on accffunt of the lay of the land) we have gained enough addi
tional square feet of floor space that, taking the plant as a whole,
the building cost will be no more, regardless of the increased
price of labor per square foot, than if the plant was built in nor
mal times.
Location of Plant
The plant is located on our forty-acre tract on the South
Side. Ask any experienced packing man and he will tell
you that' this plant, located, at South Omaha-, is worth at
least 50 per cent more than the same plant built at any
other point in the United States, because this is a supply
market. ' , i
Our driving chute from the Union Stock Yards is now
, being constructed. . , " f
We have Union Pacific, Rock Island and Union Stock
Yards railroad connections, and a six-foot sewer running
through the property connects with the sixteen-foot South
Side trunk sewer. ' :
In addition to the forty acres, the company owns lots
and houses adjoining the property, which makes the total
holdings over fifty acres. The plant occupies over eleven
acres of floor space. , '
Stock to Be
As practically everyone knows, millions of dollars have been paid
in dividends to people owning stock in packing companies, and we want
to say to you as forcefully as we possibly can, that it is the opinion of
the management that the 8 per cent Guaranteed, Preferred, Fully Par
ticipating Stock now being offered in this Company, in a few years will
be worth several hundred dollars per share. ' .
The point to consider is that
this is a fully participating
stock and participates in the
s entire profits of the company
and is guaranteed and pre
ferred as to the first 8 per cent.
to $1S0 Per
Never again, and under no conditions whatsoever, will we ever issue
a participating stock in this company. We are far enough along that
we can get 6 per cent money the same as the other old-line packers use
in case we do need additional capital at any time to come. Therefore,
this is the real basis of the value of this stock, and by using this cheap
money in the future is what will make it possible for us to pay large
dividends on this participating stock and have it greatly increase in.
value. . '
We can show you what has been done in the packing business , and
it is no idle dream when, we state that this stock will increase in value
to $500 per share in a reasonable length of time!
The present price of this stock is $125 per share, and the issue will
be oversold without' question. We are going to advance the price on
the last part to $150 per share and if you want to investigate our propo
sition, send in the coupon on this page today. We will be glad to
forward you full information without any obligation whatsoever on your
part. Do yourself the justice to investigate and get in on this stock
while you can, at the present price.
Our recommendations are the fact that the management of the
Skinner Packing Company has never lost a dollar, either dividends or
principal, in any of their enterprises, and we court the fullest investiga
tion as to our method of doing business and the profits that have been
made b those who are interested with us. Consider this from a strictly
opportunity standpoint. References:1 Any bank or business man of
Omaha and Council Bluffs, and any member of the Omaha Live Stock
Exchange. Mail the coupon today.
fnde Mvk Rtiutrni
V. S. Patent Office
Complete Line of Packing House Products
0 1 1400 First Nat'I Bank BIdg., , V .
2 Omaha, U.S. A. , ,
J Without any obligation on my part, I would like to
have you send me further information on your Company,
ai "-'-': .'' ;
? . "mc .! . . .
" ' Business .'.....,.. "
' . Address
. . ' . , ' " ; ' ,' y ' ' ' i;- - ' v ' ; ' ' ' .. ''"V.. .. "