Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 14
THE "OMAHA SUNtJAT BEE : OCTOBER 5, 1919, What's asaa's mtHi mutt hurry mora, that's ail Crass i k day what hi youth took year U hold; vVbsw salad labor, then only, we're too M.' - Ay, but the untnvied U set the much valuedl This first lib claim second, alaal count lts.eed taw faia. , . . . .., ......... Wa shing t on S 6 c i e t y F o 1 k - Prepare to Entertain ; Belgian Rulers W ' Bee Bureau, - WMhtafton, Oct 4. : ASHINGT.OKS "little sea- ion" has opened, some weeks earlier than ever" be- ' fore. Th winter will go down in' the social history 'of the country probably as Washington's "royal ' season. For the first time the ' United States will. . entertain an ""European king, queen and crown . prince, to be followed . in a. . few. weeks by the British crown prince, and then by several crown princes, and possibly ' one or two other crowned heads. " ' , ' " ' Just about, the time Washington society was prepared to see and meet the king and queen of Bel gium this week-end, the announce ment was made that instead of com ing directly to Washington today, , they , would go over the country, anf postpone, their visit her tohe y.end pf their 'Stay -. in, the . United ' States, because of the sudden and unfortunate illness of the president This illness has probably saved hhe ..' president a much longer and more . serious one, for had he kept on, as was his desire, he would no doubt have " had a complete breakdown much harder to cure. Since his re turn to 'the White House on Sun day he has , greatly . improved. He has been fQr.a. motor ride with Mrs. Wilson and Miss Margaret Wilson (who arrived at the White House a few hours before the presidential train pulled in), each day, including Sunday attenoonj i . k . s During his, rest period-the president- has. been -invited by former Representative Jefferson Levy - of New York, to mccupy the beautiful old estate of , Thomas Jefferson, "Monticello,"; a ew miles from the historic old Charlottesville, Va., and within a few miles of the University of Virginia. Mr. Levy has owned Monticellp for many years. He bought it in the most forlorn and dilapidated condition and has spent thousands of dollars., restoring it to Us Original bounty, installing mod era--luxuries and comforts. The grounds are much more beautiful than they were in the days of its more . famous and, distinguished master, v It is an ideal country home, ffic grounds of ' which, : and ii)WlliMII!!!iHi? oil' Eight Famous Victor Artists in Concert at the V . V AMtoriiirii, Oct. 8 I1 " , HENRY BURB BILLY MURRAY ALBERT CAMPBELL JOHN H, MEYERS FRANK CROXTON MONROE SILVER FRED VAN EPS -FRANK BANTA I-I The Sterling trio-Hhe Peerless Quartette The Victor Records Bring Their Yolces.Into Your Hpme Every Day. Come in and Get Tour Favorite Selection. at certain times, parts of the .man sion, are open to the public. Of course if the president accepts 'the owner's invitation all that will be closed during his occupancy. The prince .of Wales will not come to Washington until Novem ber 11 or 12. This wilt be in ad vance of the debutante season, for the buds are lingering late this year,, and few will blossom before December. . Miss' Nancy -Lane, daughter of the secretary of the in terior, the only cabinet bud will be the ranking debutante, and around her "dates," all other dates will hinge. She is still among her rela tives' in California, and will not re turn here until some time , net week. Her most intimate friend Miss Frances Hampson, daughter of the late Joseph Hampson, who lost his life about' two years ago in Mexico. Mrs. Hampson and her daughter have had an apartment here for several winters while Miss Hampson was finishing'her school. She and Miss Lane will be present ed at a joint tea to be given by their mothers in the Washington club. . The date will probably be December IS. Their little circle of particular friends will all be intro duced to society during that week. They have practically chartered the week, which begins the 14th. Mrs, Copley, wife of Representative Ira C. Copley of Aurora, 111., who has a special "penchant" for debutante, has- selected ''December ' 23 for a stunning big ball for Miss Lane and Miss Hampson. Otherwise very few dates have been settled. Cardinal Mercier, the Belgian prelate, who was so handsomely entertained last week in Washing ton, spent a couple of days in Vir gina as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan of New York. Cardinal Gibbons and the Belgian ambassador, Baron de artier, were among the party. Un his return here he came -in unexpectedly, en- route to Baltimore. He stayed over night in an'; unpretentious hotel near the station and in the morn- ng' asked for the nearest Catholic church. He was directed to St. Joseph's, up the street, and on ar riving at the priest s house he cre ated some: little stir and was, of course, given the place of honor in the sanctuary. He conducted the mass and blessed indivdually the little gathering of early morning worshippers in the church.- He re mained and said the second mass and again blessed individually the surprised and delighted faithfuls. Scarcely a person in the church, at .either service, .failed to recognize the tall, saintly-looking . person in the red cap. After the masses and the blessings he. returned, democrat- lcally to his hotel and went on to iii i . . I AttpnrtaH the Queen ( ?r V ' V ! ( fTTV 4 mf&K3 4 irk- j i Beautiful Ballet Dancer "AidaV . to Have Dances . Interpreted in a . ' Modern Way. 3 if ir 1 m j I I I J 1 - V -'- , !.' V- t " BURR", . CROXTOJT . - MBTEHS t P I Andmy be InatsnMr relwrad nd cnriekly hiM I bf CRANCMJINE. dia CmdMrr Cnam Treat. I Bent. Undtr the fkto th ti arable cnnberiT, nstaia be eMnd u MM-HIn joiee which Menu to dtro tb tiny gnaw thet ewtn EeiaM. Tail juice, barmlexs, except to these ferine, hae I now oeen ecie&tineeiiy exrrmetea no oienoea with well-known Ik'"-! oilt: end the remit ii CfMNQUNB, elijily Heeling Creea that kills the genni and heale the aoree. Now that roD hare tried arerrthint for yaor Bezenm, and yoa etitl ealler from itt hnrntaef, itching- diingorements. yoa owa It to yocneii to boy one jer of CMNOUNC 8oId by drag gifts nery when for toe and tl per jar, en a Dealing yonr positive written guarantee of croaoia ana reeconng tne eicg evil health and color. If yoa ant dial mar have von mane heck eritl No ian ttt rernrnwno etetefMnte to make v iort yonr word to the druggie t, who jn cue of a reruDa re eompenaatea oy tne nwiTere cor sue for) amount ox the eale, eo that he dose not Mf - '-"-. .7:.'. . TlflBllrnffllrrrWleel lose hie profit. No other Eciema remedy a) eold on such liberal terms. If yonr drnggftt does not eeO CrUNOUNI write for free test treatment, and ask for our l pian unaer wrilcn yon pay na bo money nnni I yoo can say you are oared. Address: CMNO- j UWi Dept. B, Girerd. Kes. fiBMB&MsmiteasTtewdeTjsBw SHERMAN 4 M'CONNELL DRUG CO., 16th and Dodgo. Miss Elsie Storz is one of Oma ha's most charming and attractive girls. She is a petfite brunette and is most enthusiastic in all the activ ities of the younger set. An inter ested workers in all things, she is particularly devoted to the Junior league. Miss Store attended Miss Finch's school in New York. She was one of the 12 girls chosen to attend Miss Helen Murphy at the Coronation ball. . The Chicago Opera association has announced that the time-honored ballet is to be given in. a way entirely new to America, when "Aida" is presented'in Omaha Octo ber 21. Mile. Ludmila will appear as Premiere Danseuse with-the en tire opera corps de ballet, but the dancing and the arrangement of the ballet is to be more oriental in char acter than the usual toe dancing of the past. . -- ; - Andreas Pavley and 'Serge Ouk rainsky, premiers danseurs etoiles, who have been made ballet masters of the Chicago opera,, explained re cently in an interview-what novel ties have been introduced into the 'Aida" ballet. A "In the first place," they .said, we pride ourselves on the fact that j lie opera corps de ballet has a lot f lovely young girls.. Most of hem have been -our pupils during he last three and four -years and . iave -been chosen for their youth tnd natural grace and beauty. "In the second place, we have 'Vroken away, in "Adia" as in all our allets, from the formalistic tradi- ions. - i , ' . "In general, 'the priestesses in 'Aida" enter like a, lot of courte ans, dancing gaily on first one toe nid then the other. Bnt this dance if the first act is really very re igious. Our, dancers, therefore, xecute steps, almost as if in pray er, with gestures , that, are invoca ions. After that, they execute a -emendously difficult dance, begin uiig with all the women lying in, concentric -circles, one within the tither. - . - : The striking dance of the second act is that of the negro slaves. It is very distinctive and savage and is performed by the first quadrille of dancers. Miles. Bender, Bode, Morrison and Staff. Its tempo is very quick and requires tremendous agility,, and great skill in ensemble work. Each of the slave girls must Buy LITTLE WAGONS for the Children at . HARPER'S Flatiron Bldg., 17th and Howard w.)M.,wm eMO&OO Liberty Bon'rtt at fries 00." re- Baltimore without anyone knowing of his presence except the hotel men and the good people who were rewarded for their regular churchly duties in attending mass. He will return - to .Washington later on, when the president will be able' to receive him. At that time his visit will be really official. - The entertainments arranged for King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium will include a dinner at the White House, and probably a small and very exclusive reception; a dinner at the Belgian embassy, and one in the, British embassy, possibly a reception in the Pan American Union building, which will be perhaps the largest function. Mr. and Mrs. jLarz Anderson, 'and perhaps one or two other private ' citizefts? will give V entertainments for them and their suite, on the side. The opening of the new building ' of the Young Women's Christian association on Thursday , evening ; was of . great importance in official i and resident society, as well as to the innumerable young women who will be the beneficiaries. It is a commodious and comfortable build- 'ing on F street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, . and has been splendidly fitted up with large dining rooms, lounging rooms, class rooms, offices and other necessary apartments. ' It is owned by the association. Mrs." William Hamil ' ton Bayly, formerly of Canton, 0.. but for 'many years a resident of Washington, as president of the Washington association, received the guests on Thursday night, as sisted by Mrs. Lansing, wife of the secretary of state, who is one of the national officers; . Mrs. Wads- Satisfying Furn t&recn Amu" Bed Room Suit, $97.50 iture , Satisfying in Price-Qaality.-A ppearance ' - . ;Vrei .vrlmit that we haven't the most beautiful store, but this store's l& Tent location puts the price of Good Furniture down to where people with a limited amount of money can afford to buy it. We emphasize good furniture, good in style, good in workmanship and built for service. We, at all times, serve, -the wants of our customers. Our policy is making many more friends for us daily. t We invite, you to come in and see us inspect our furniture, compare our prices, and you, too, . will become one of our ' "friend curston!.' .' .'. - " V; I Living Room Furniture tasao Ovwrttutfed Tapestry Davenport Of exceptional quality, completely constructed with high grade steel coll springs. Priced r TO 8197.50 1145X0 OvwrstotYed Tapestry Chair or Rocker to Match Priced our way . .-.....-S)fi. 00 .' Great bte handsome overstuffed chairs that hold out an lr reaistible invitation. Some upholstered in ; warm toned tapestry others in cretonne or damask every one pleasing to the eye and sense of comfort, , ; While you are about it, why not figure on a complete suite? It will be a good investment and one that will return much in the many pleasing hours it will give you. Chairs or Rockers,- worth, 60; will be sold for 44.50 jThers are others at S7.50 $10.50 $18.50 nd up .pSTwnpotts to match halrs. . .$9X50 $115.50 an $165.00 CZTTER VALUES" STOVES Now is the time to buy that stove you, are going to need. Our stock is complete and prices are no higher than last year. Stoves for every use, combination coal and gas heat ers and ranges and wood burners. Buy now before we renew our stock for these stoves we purchased at last year's prices; The next ship ment will cost more money. I ' M state goMpnnY Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Opposite U. P. Building, OMAHA "BETTER MERCHANDISE" "BETTER SERVICE" winter. Mrs. Greene spent last winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs Dan C. Stapleton and their adorable little 4-year-old daughter, v returned Wednesday morning to their home on Massa chusetts avenue for the winter. They were west all the summer, spending some time in Phoenix, Ariz., with . Mrs. Stapleton's bro'th-er-in-law and sister, motoring from there to California. They spent 10 cays in Omaha on their way back to Washigton, visiting among old friends and relatives. They left aj the end of last week. For Visitors. , , -Miss Esther Wilhelm entertained at a luncheon at the Athletic club Saturday in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Cooper of Pittsburgh, , and Miss Edith Conant of Boston.-who is visiting Miss Erna Reed. Covers were laid for 10 guests. Flowers in the autumn shades were used to form the center piece Miss Wilhelm and Miss Cooper, accompanied by Mr, Samuel Cooper, brother of Miss Cooper, leave Sun day for Pittsburgh. ' Mr. Fritz Koenig entertained at a dinner of 20' covers at the Athletic club Saturday evening, the honor guest was Miss Conant A motor picnic party is to be given Sunday for Miss Conant and Mrs. W. ; A., Fraser will entertain at luncheon Monday at the Athletic club for her. flic 'ntiri -Virffinia Kwpft mil ficc worth, jr., wife of the senator IrorrrlElizabeth Nicholsen, who are the New York state; and Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, also a national officer, who has been more active than any of the official women in promoting the Washington association. Senator and Mrs. Norris . enter tained a little company at dinner on Thursday evening of peculiar in terest It was Mrs. J. A. Garrow of Omaha and her sister, Mrs. N, G. Ensey, of Lincoln, who are vis iting Mrs. Garrow's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grant, who now make their home - in Washington, at Cavanaugh ': Courts. Mrs. narrow, Mrs. i Ensey and Mrs. Norris were schoolmates as little girls, and trudged their way to the school together, in the coun try near Lincoln, every morning for many a winter,. until they all en tered high school, when they" scat tered, then married and lost track of each other.- This-is their first meeting since those days, in the country. They were then Miss Clara Brown, Miss Addie Brown and Miss Ella Leonard, who is now Mrsv Norris. There was a fourth girl in their little group. Miss Alida Nelson, who is now Mrs. lohn.on f Chicago, whom Mrs. Garrow and Mrs. Ensey are going to visit on their way home next week. On Tuesday . Mrs. Norris took . her schoolmates to Mount Vernon, where they had a. resrular oicnic day. .Mrs. Garrow and Mrs. Ensey will leave about Wednesday of next week for Chicago, and after a visit to, Mrs. Johnson, they will return to their homes. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith . and her daughter,! Miss Frances Smith of Chadron, Neb.,- arrived here on Tuesday and are at the Powh'attan tor a week before tne latter enters the Colonial School- for Girls, in which she has the D. A. R. scholar ship. They spent this week sight seeing. ... Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock and Miss Ruth Hitchcock have returned to their Washington home from their cottage at Swampscot, Mass., where they spent the summer. Mrs. Joseph Lewis of Columbus, Neb., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith, at 141 Uhland Terrace, northeast Mrs.-Charles J. Greene gave up her apartment in the Farragut this week and left for Omaha, where she will visit among old friends and relatives lor a month or more, and then go on to California for the - . ' t I' "' Dinner . Party. Mr.' Joseph Barker entertained a large party at the Athletic club dinner-dance Saturday evening. The honofees included the Misses Ber guests of Mrs. C. T. Kountze. An- "SYRUP OF FIGS" CIIILD'SJLAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove pois ons from stomach, liver - and bowels. T Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name Cali fornia on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowls. Children love its delici ous fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Gire it without fear. Mother! You must say "Califor- nia." EAT ,f mm THE BEST (READ SKINNCR BAWNO COMPANY oouoLAs-ieea ersT SrVM eeua eaesw be an artist, as the dance is very difficult from the point of view of respiration. "In fact, the success of our mod ern ballets depends on the general merit of the ensemble, quite as much as upon the individual skill of a single artist. That in itself is a novelty. "In past years the 'Aida' ballet has been arranged for purely toe danc ing. In the third act, the premiere danseuse usually enters brilliantly on her toes. But our arrangement is more oriental in character. Mile. Ludmila will be carried with cere mony onto the scene, wrapped in an Egyptian veil. Then with the girls of the ballet holding the long veil as a background, she will pre sent her beautiful solo in an oriental manner, on half toes-'sur les demi pointes,' as the French would call it. -Her dress will be very loose, a kind of a drapery held to her shoul ders with bands. Finally will come the big ensemble in which the ne gro slaves join with the premiere danseuse in a riot. of music, color and movement." It may be added that Mile. Lud- mila, though only 17, has made her mark in both New York and Chi cago in her appearances with An dreas Pavley and Serge Oukrainsky, noted for the originality of their dancing. Youngsters in Pageant Two attractive figures at Ak-Sar-Ben Den the night of the ball and pageant, were young Misses Eleanor Baxter and Eliabeth Robin son, who took the part of slaves in the coronation ceremonies. They led the procession which headed the queen in her march to the throne. The smoothness and dignity of their act is especially, commendable for the fact that they had only .a few days notice for preparation. u : : tumn flowers were used to form the centerpiece. The guests included the members of the younger set. All's Fair. Movie Magnate Why, even your grand opera stars are now playing in our silent dramas. v; Grand Opera Magnate But I am going to get even with you. . I'm having a grand opera composed for Charles Chaplin; it's called "Wrig galetto." .'"'. - : ' Utilizing Double Boiler. . By using both parts of your dou ble boiler while cooking a cereal you can save fuel. For instance, while cooking your dinner put beets in the lower part and oatmeal in the upper, thus cooking Both - witli- but one light. ; : .' tyxs. Gustave Hahn' and. daugh ter. Miss Louise. Hahn, have return ed from three months at Elkhart Lake, Wis., arid are in their apart ment at the Clarinda.v 1 ' ' , - -' , '-"' ' ' ' If you would put as much common sense into the wash tub problem as you do into your business you would have a Vpss Laundry put into your home at once and save the hours of useless labor and effort. , ' . ' . . ' ' i - '. IT IS the greatest development that has yet been made in the v building of washing machines-a washer that not only washes and wrings the clothes; but also relieves you of all work of lifting water or tilting tubs. ,'".' The Voss Triple-Tub Washer Is Self-Draining - '''''.." - 1 All three tubs, drain through a common drain, carrying the water direct to the floor drain. The housewife who is fortunate enough to possess one of these most complete outfits is to be envied. Wash-day is just the same as any other day when a Vo Triple Tub Washer is in the home. V ' ' The Voss Double Wringer Control allows the operator to con trol the speed and movement of the wringer by foot pressure, leav ing both hands free to- arrange clothes for the wringer guaran tee against broken or torn off buttons. - Call or phone for book, "Practical Information for the Wash ing Machine Buyer." Demonstrations Daily in Our Downstairs Dept. Sixteenth and Howard Streets. - '.' '- DON'T NEGLECT YOUR BREAKFAST The Fear of Indigestion Often Prompts One to Start the Day Wrong. Eat What You Like, Take a Stuart's Dyspepsia ." Tablet and You're ,' , ' Safe. ; , , Breakfast offers many of the most savory dishes of all the things we eat. And yet more people than otherwise go without breakfast save a roll and cup of coffee for fear of indigestion. . If you like a fried egg, or some buckwheat or sausage for breakfast, go to it and follow with a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. . You'll have no trouble. The average per son who neglects-breakfast will be hungry before noon. Most - men smoke. to kill the'appetite, or munch on something to carry on. till lunch time. An empty stomach under these conditions is not storing up energy, but on the contrary, is sus ceptible to many influences that may work hardship for the next meal, -r It is advisable to eat three good meals , a day and digest them. ... If the stomach seems to be weak, to help it or give it assistance is the rational thing to do. Try a good breakfast and follow it with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and you'll soon learn that regularity of meals-fok lows a natural tendency, not an ac nuired one. You will find Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets-n sale in al most all drug stores throughout, tne United States and Canada. - Piles-Fistula-GuredWith- out the Use of the Knife No Chloroform. No Ether. Examination free to all. DOCTOR F. N. HAHN 401 Paxton Block. Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., Dally. Evenings, 7 te 8 P. M. . . Sundays, 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Only Buy Wallpaper at HARPER'S Flatiron Bldg., 17th and Howard SCIATIC PAINS ; , QUICKLY RELIEVED Keep Sloan's, the World'. Uni . merit, handy to allay echo " THOUSANDS of men and women, when the least little rheumatie "crick" assails them, have Sloan's Liniment handy to knock -it out. Popular a third of a century ago far more popular today. .',-' That's because it is so wonderful ly helpful in relieving all external aches and pains sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, overstrained muscles, stiff joints, weather exposure results. A little is all that is necessary, for it soon "penetrates without rubbing to the sore spot. Leaves no muss, stained skin, clogged pores. A bottle today is a wise precaution; Keep' it handy. All druggists 35c.. 70c., $1.40. Curious About M it Standi for :. the Best Cold, Cough and 'Catarrh Medicine Eyer Discovered, Which Is ?' Mentho Laxene Mentho-Laxene has been cm, the market eight years. It is a concen trated compound of healing,( sooth ing, curative extracts to be mixed at nome witn granuiaiea sugar syrup a full Dint or it may be taken in doses of ten drops in the "raw" state by those who do not like sweet syrup. The ery first dose brings won derful relief in head or chest colds of children or adults. Every bottle ii i . i mnnaw Vvnplr Viw fVio Rlnplchurn Prnil. ucts Co., Dayton, Ohio. It is economy to make a full pint' Much cheaper than buying ready made cough or cold remedies be sides, you cannot buy a more ef fective medicine anywhere. .One bottle will last a season for most families, and it checks or absorbs a hail if alran nFnmntliT ITirekrtr well stocked druggist supplies Men-' tho-Laxene. Don't take a substitute ' for your sake. Adv. To Have Curl, Wavy Hair Like ''Natures Own" .Women who have -trouble koeplnt their hair .in curl, or of curing the deiired wavy effect and esDecielly those - who realize the harm that the hot iron does to the hail- will do well to try plain liquid eilmerine. In no other way can they ac quire such pretty wavei and curls, having; all the appearance of , "Nature' own." And the hair, instead of - being- elnced. ragged or dead looking, has such a lively lustre and wholesome beauty. If one will get a bottle -. liquid eilmer. ine at any drug store ant. follow the ac companying directions, she will be simply delighted with the result. This product is of course perfectly harmless and there la nothing sticky, greasy or unpleasant about it. - The hair will be quite manageable. no matter in what fashion It la done up. New Method Removes Superfluous Hair Roots!' Rave you "tried everytbiag" for that annoying hairy or fuziy growth and about given up in despair 7 Well, there a ;us one thing more to try, and you must try it, because it is the one home treatment that reaches the very root of such troubles. The new nrocess le not to be eomnaretfl at aU with depilatory, electrical or any other . method you ve ever heard of. it Is differ ent because it actually removes roots and all you see the roots with your own eyes.. Just get n stick ot pnelactise from your druggist, follow the simple instructions. snd you will be delighted with the result. Fhelactine Is odorless, non-lrrttatrae. and can be used with entire safety yon could even eat it with impunity. It is an in. Stan tan sous method. . n wmy to n (DilL a I Particulars madod hoe to an addiese. -V. Hall CW Co Dew B9 Vti. Bee Want Ads offer rare bargains to persistent readers.