Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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vBuyer Also Says License In
spector Refused to 'Test
Measure to Ascertain
J. E. Rickerett, 2124 Davenport
street, claims that after his family
had been cheated out of three and
one-half pounds in weight on two
pecks of potatoes last Monday by
two peddlers, who had no license on
" their wagon, he called the police
station and was referred to the
weights and measures office in the
city hall. They referred him to the
license inspector, Samuel Fried, who
came out to his house and allowed
the peddlers to go free after refus
ing to be shown that Rickerett had
been swindled, he says.
The peddlers claimed that their li
cense was on another wagon, which
they had deft at home. Mr. Rick
erett says the peck sold to his wife
was two pounds short and the one
sold his daughter was one and a
half pounds short.
"I had my boy follow the peddlers
until Mr. Fried came out," said
RickerMt. "When he approached
the men, they spoke to him as if
they had known him all their lives.
I test my scales nearly every week,
and know they arc correct. When
Fried refused to go to my house
and be shown that I had been
cheated, I walked off. If a peddler
can say that his license is home on
another , wagon whenever he is
stopped, he can have all the wagons
he wants out on the streets with
out licenses."
License Inspector Fried says
Rickerett did not offer to take him
to his house to weigh the potatoes
or he would have gone and seen
to it that he received the correct
Victor Record Man v
Member, of Famous
Musical Societies
. Frank Croxton, one of the famous
cigW Victor artists who will appear
at the Auditorium Tuesday evening
in an instrumental and vocal con
cert, has appeared with success as a
soloist with the Boston Handel and
Haydn society, the Chicago Apollo
club, Philadelphia Choral society,
New York Oratorio, Boston Sym
phony, New York Philharmonic and
Other notable musical organizations.
; He will have two numbers on the
program, appearing also in the sing
ing by the Peerless quartet, the other
members of this being Henry Burr,
Albert Campbell and John H. Mey
ers. The concert is being given un
der the auspices of the Victor deal
ers of Omaha and Council Bluffs.
, Haley Chosen Head of
Creighton Mixers' Club
Edward Haley, captain of Creigh
ton basket ball team in 1918, was
elected president of the x Creighton
Mixers' club. Haley is a popular
student and a star forward in the
college quintet. He attends the law
school and has high standing in his
class. -
The club during the school year
gives a series of dances for students
. only. 'These dances are mainly to
bring the college students together.
The first dance of the season will be
. given October 7 at Kelpine Dancing
The executive committee consists
of the following students, represent
ing the different departments: J.
Mallov. Georee Corrisan and F.
Armstrong, medics; Edward Haley
and Charles Kearney, law; E. Slat
tery and Edward Cogan, dental, and
J. Escher. pharmacy; Harold Linne
han and Thomas Russell, art depart
ment. - 1
Fort Atkinson Centennial
... "
Celebration to Be Held At
Fort Calhoun Next Saturday
Omaha Business Men Co-operate in Perfecting Plans
For What Will Be One of the Most Important
Events, from a Historical Standpoint, Ever Held in
Nebraska Special" Train To Be Run from Here, i
All is in readiness for the Fort
Atkinson Centennial celebration to
be held at Fort Calhoun next Sat
urday. Complete arrangements for
the celebration, which is to be one
of the most important ever held in
the state from a historical stand
point, have been made under the
direction of A. E, Sheldon, of the
Nebraska' State Historical society.
A large number of Omaha business
men and business organizations have
co-operated in perfecting plans. ,
Troops from Fort Omaha and
Fort Crook will participate in the
celebration, as well as 100 Indians
from a neighboring reservation., A
special train -will leave for Fort Cal
houn at 9 Saturday morning.
Several States Represented.
The program for the day includes
a parade, exercises in the city park,
band music, and addresses by Col.
B. W. Atkinson of New York and
leaders of the state historical socie
ties of Nebraska, Wisconsin and
In the afternoon the Lewis and
Clark Memorial monument will be
dedicated under the auspices of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion. Other events scheduled for
the afternoon are a picnic dinner,
pageant representing trie urst a
rival of American troops on Ne
braska soil, and dancing.
A huge float has been prepared
by Gus Renze, artificer for Ak-Sar-Ben,
which will be used in the
pageant. Soldiers will erect a log
cabin, the replica of the first dwell
ing built on Nebraska soil, and In
dians will lend a picturesque and
realistic touch to the pageant.
Important Historical Spot.
Washington county, where Fort
Calhoun is situated, is one of the
most 'important historical spots in
the state. In 1802 a French trading
post was founded there; in 1804
Lewis and Clark invaded the coun
ty, and in 1819 old Fort Atkinson
was founded.
The first white children born in
Nebraska were born in Washington
county. Among the first were Mrs.
Anna Elizabeth Ruff, in 1824; Clark
Kennedy, in November, 1824. It
Less Than Half of
S. A. Fund In Hand;
Drive Ends Tuesday
The Salvation Army home service
fund drive for $203,000 in Omaha.
which began two weeks ago, will end
officially Tuesday evening. Almost
nothing was done last week because
of the riot excitement.
Many letters have been received
from persons who say they want to
subscribe, but have not been called
AH persons who have not sub
scribed are urged to send cash or
checks to John L. Kennedy, treas
urer ot the tund, 204 Kennedy build
ing, or to the drive headquarters in
the court house. Checks should be
made payable to the Salvation Army
Home Service fund. Less than half
the quota of the city has been raised.
A meeting of chairmen of commit
tees will be held Monday noon at
the Chamber of Commerce.
Want One Woman, at
Least on Wilson's Board
New York, Oct. 4. Prominent
New York suffragists and welfare
workers are decidedly peeved be
cause President Wilson did not ap-
Doint one woman to the commit
tee he has called to Washington to
tepresent the interests of the peo
ple at tne laDor conierence in ine
raoital this month.
''Labor problems in the United
States and in the ' world at large
cannot be properly adjusted until
the men and women get together
on them." declared Miss Mary Oar
rett Hav. former president of the
New York Federation of Women's
Clubs, Others echoed this opinion,
Dennison Replaces Gay at
- Industrial Conference
Washington. Oct. 4. Henry , S,
Dennison of Farrningham, -Mass.
wat named todav bv the Depart
ment of Labor as representative of
the general public at the industrial
conference, which opens here Mon
day. He takes the place' of Edwin
F. Gay of Cambridge. Mass., who is
in Eurooe. ;
The national industrial conference
hoard announced- its delegates as
follows: Frederick P. Fish and Ed
ward Farnham Greene, Boston; J.
W. O'Leary, Chicago, and H. Pem-
berton Hutchinson, rhiladeipnia.
Pearl Memorial Trustees
Discuss New Church Plans
The board of trustees of the Pearl
Memoriat church was entertained at
a 6 o'clock dinner -Friday evening
at the home of the pastor, W. L.
Austin' w 2602 Templcton street
Plates were laid for 12 persons.
Plans for the completion of the
new $75,000 church at .twenty-
fourth and Ogden streets, were dis
cussed during a business session,
which followed the dinner.
Negro Has 33 Children;
12 Sons Served In War
Talequah, Okla.. Oct.4. The 12
sons of Manny Bruner, a 74-year
ria- negro, wno went to tne war
coming home. "Manny is the
ot 3S living children, 12 of
. xivcrc in inc imiiiarv sprv
I t 10 1A T .
Tli HllkV "ultt " lo iwenty
Zt u:- -feiiHrfcn are boys and 13 girls,
S s?fcof twins. He was
: in the old radian terrtory.
was in Washington county that the
tirst white settlement was tounded.
Ten miles west of the present Fort
Calhoun was the winter quarters of
the Mormons on the way to Salt
Lake City,, who raised 300 soldiers
for the Mexican war. Brigham
Young and Oscar spent one long
winter four miles northwest of
Fort Calhoun. Brigham Young's
cabin still remained in 1871. '
Expect 5,000 to Attend.
The celebration Saturday is
looked forward to with interest by
every historical society In the coun
try. More than 5,000 people are ex
pected to attend.
The complete program for the day
10 A. M. Parade around site of
old fort, soldiers, Indians, bands,
old settlers, school children and the
public taking part.
11 A. M. Exercises in city park:
Choral singing. ;
Address by Governor McKelvie.
Address by Albert Watkins, His
torical society.
Address by M. M. Quaife, Wis
consin Historical society.
Address by Col. B. W. Atkinson,
New York, grandson of General
Atkinson, founder of old Fort Cal
houn. Address by Floyd C. Shoemaker,
Missouri Historical society. ,
Address by colonel of Sixth
United States infantry.
Original poem, J. G. Neihardt.
Dedication of Lewis and Clark
memorial monument. Daughters of
American Revolution and Daughters
of War of 1812 participating.
1:15 to 2:12 P. M. Picnic dinner
in park.
1:30 to 5:30 P. M. Dancing in
pavilion in park.
2:15 to 3 P. M. Pageant of 1819.
3 to , 4 P. M. Joint Meeting of
Washington and Douglas county
5 P. M. Military balloon ascension.
Don't Suffer
From Piles
Sample Package of the Famous
Pyramid Pile Treatment Now
Offered Free to Prove What
It Will Do for lou.
Pyramid Pile Treatment glyes
fiuick relief from itching, bleeding
or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and
Liberty Fire Insurance Co.
Now Located in New Quarters
The Liberty Fire Insurance, com
pany is now located in its new quar
ters on the second floor of the
Finance building, 1817 Douglas
street. P. F. Zimmer, secretary and
general manager of the Nebraska
National insurance company, is
also president of the Liberty, the
latter being an old line stock com
pany, with capital and surplus of
$1,500,000. Every policy is protect
ed by $1,000 in Liberty bonds de
posited with the Nebraska state in
surance department, the Liberty
tire Insurance company writes all
kinds of fire and tornado insurance.
Big Insurance Co. Moves
General Offices to Omaha
Omaha has become the home of
the Nebraska National Insurance
company, writing fire, tornado and
hail insurance, which after 21 years
of successful business with 500
agents in Nebraska and having an
annual premium income of nearly
$1,000,000, has removed its home of
fices from Lincoln to this city, tak
ing the entire second floor of the
Finance building, 1817 Douglas
street The company brought with
it several families and its office
force, consisting of about 16 people.
Buy Heating Stoves at
Flatiron Bldg., 17th and Howard
Pyramid Is Certainly Fine and W ork
Such Wonders So Quickly.
such rectal troubles, In the privacy
of your home. 60 cents a box at all
druggists. Take no substitute. A
single box often relieves. Free sam
ple for Trial mailed in plain wrap
per, if you send coupon below.
675 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly fiend ne a Free sample of
Pyramid File Treatment, to plain wrapper.
City State
Your Winter
Clothes Need More
Than Cleaning and
Most likely they also need
to be relined. Perhaps
they need new velvet
collars, etc. '
Let's make a complete
job of it while the gar
ments are in our shop.
Dyer, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers,
Tailors, Rug Cleaners,
Shoe Repairers.
Main Office and Plant,
2211-13-17 Farnam St.
Branch Offices:
Dreaher, The Tailor, 1515 Farnam
St.; Pompeian Room of Brandeis
Stores, West End of Main Floor of
Burgess-Nash Co.
Stock Salesmen
We have some good open territory in Nebraska
and Iowa for. good, live, producers to sell our
guaranteed 8, fully participating, preferred
stock. Plenty of leads and satisfied stockhold
ers to work on. This is a live, going, dividend
paying, company. Call or address 600 Bee Bldg.,
Crow Tire & Rubber Company.'
Low Cash Prices Here Make the OCTOBER SALES of Intense Economical Interest
NEVER were the stocks of Fall and
Winter merchandise more attrac
tive, 6r varied, and our. 'cash prices.,
make every item a superior value.
' , Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.-
T1TE accept Liberty Bonds of any
issue at their market value
in payment for merchandise pur
chased here. Inquire at office, 3d floor.
Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
I'll U J II
A Remarkable After Ak-Sar-Ben Sale- "
Suits. Coats and Dresses
Hundreds of Beautiful Ready -to-Wear Garments, Made to Sell at a Great Deal
More, All at Our Low Cash Price.
The Dresses The Coats
Include over 20 destinctivc
styles in the season's popular
cloths and plushes. Many with
fur collars. All sizes from 16 to
46 and most wanted colors. '
Include hundreds of smart styles
for street and afternoon wear, in
6atins, georgettes, combinations,
tricotine's and serges. All'sizes
and the most wanted new7 colors.
m m a 1 1 - - -mm
TLa Si life Come in a splendid assortment of new styles in silvertones,
1 lie kJUllo serges, gabardines, tricotiries and poplins, in navy, taupe,
oxfords, browns, black and a few novelties. Nearly all one or two of a kind. Made
to sell regularly to $50. Values you cannot begin to duplicate. (
Many Other Interesting Specials Displayed
as r V
A Wonderfully Complete Showing of
New Wool Dress Fabrics
Not withstanding the scarcity we have by constant
effort and ready cash been enabled to offer you this
season one of the most complete lines of attractive
values in the popular wool dress goods weaves we
have ever shown.
Here's Five Interesting Specials That Means Big
Selling This Week.
Have Your Skirt Made to Measure by expert man tailor, in all
the new fall styles, fit and workmanship guaranteed. Inquire
Dress Goods Dept., Main Floor; for the making .$3.00
yard quality. Our Cash Price,
per yard $3.98
49-inch AU Pure Wool Trico-tine-i-Very
fine quality, with
that fine, soft finish, which is
in such great demand, in all
colors; worth regularly $5.00.
Our Cash Price $3.98
53-inch Broadcloth Of beau
tiful, rich, silky finish that is
certain to attract attention;
broadcloths are scarce and
highest in favor, in all colors
and black. Our Cash Price,
at, per yard ......... $5.98
56-inch Crystal Cloth All
pure wool, with a silk mixture,
the leading material for coats
and suits, in all colors; would
be a bargain for one dollar
more. Our Cash Price, at,
per yard .$5.98
56-inch All Pure Wool Chiffon
Poplin The fabric that is in
such demand, in all colors,
plenty of navy ; a regular $5.00
50-inch All Pure Wool Serge
In all colors; would be a bar
gain at $2.50. Our Cash Price,
per yard $1.SS
50-inch All Pure Wool Plaids
In a great array of the new
colorings; be wise and buy
them now and save money.
Our Cash Price, yard. . $2.50
Lace Curtains,
Drapery and
Curtain Fabrics
An Opportune Time to
Supply Your Drapery Needs.
White Scum Curtains (2y2
yds.), finished with neat lace
edging. Our Cash Price, per
pair $1.95
Ecru Nottingham Lace Cur
tains (2V-J yds.), made of
extra heavy thread, special
construction for hotel and
rooming house purposes. Our
Cash Price, pair. . . . .$2.00
Scotch Madras Curtains
Soft finish, natural color
(2i2 yds.) Our Cash Price,
per pair '...$2.50
Marquisette Cross Bar Pat
ternFull 40-inch width,
strongest of all sheer curtain
fabrics, white, ivory or ecru.
Cash Price, yard 5Q
Grenadene For bed room
curtains, special designs, full
36-inch material (in white
only). Cash Price, yd.. .500
Bine Bird Marquisette For cur
tain drapes or overhanging, 36
inch material,' white grounds,
.all-over printed pattern. Our
Cash Price, yard (JOi
Marquisette In dark color ef
fects, for side draperies, 36
in. wide, new designs, all fast
colors. Cash Price, yd 50t
Sun-fast Madras 36 in. wide,
rose, green, gold, etc.; very lat
est patterns; bright, mercerized
finish. Cash Price, yd 05d
You'll Find Two Advantages in Buying
New Silks Here
1st. Almost unlimited assortment, including
all the season's richest new weaves and color
ings. v
2nd. A pleasingly broad range of priqes and
at every price we're confident you'll vote the
quality superior.
Don't Miss These October Sale Specials
Beginning Monday.
$3.50 Satin Majestic, 40-in.. .$4.50
$3.50 Satin Imperial, 40-in.. .$2.98
$3.50 Satin Meteor, 40-lnch. .$2.98
$3.98 Satin Goetz, 36-in $3.45
$3.00 Satin de Chine, 36-in.. .$2.25
$2.50 Satin Messaline, 36-in.. .$1.98
$2.25 Satin Messaline, 36-in...$U9
$2.00 Satin Messaline, 36-in.. .$1.59
$2.50 Chiffon Taffeta, 36-in.. .11.98
$200 Striped Taffeta, 36-in.. .$U9
$3.00 Fancy Silk Linings, 36-in.
at ...$2.45
$2.00 Fancy Silk Poplin, 36-inch,
at .$1.49
$2.25 Silk Gingham, 36-in.... $1.45
$2.00 Crepe de Chine, 40-ln.. .$1.45
$9.00 Black Chiffon Velvet, 40-ln.
at $8.45
$8.00 Black Criffon Velvet, 38-ln..
at $7.45
$5.00 Costume Velveteen, 44-lnch,
at ........$4.75
$3.50 Costume Velveteen, 33-inch,
at $335
$1.50 Costume Velveteen, 22-inch,
at $1.15
$7.00 Black Satin Majestic, 54-Inch.
at $635
$7.00 Black Tricolette, 36-in.. $635
40-inch Crepe de Chine
$235. $2.50, $2.75.
$2.50 Chiffon Taffeta, 36-in.. .$1.98
$4.00 Chiffon Taffeta. 36-ln.. .$3.45
36-inch Black Messaline
$1.45, $1.79, $1.98, $235.
Ivory Dressing Table; a value for $32.00,
reduced to $28.50
Ivory Chiffonier; a value for $27.00, re
duced to $21.00
Ivory Bed; a value for $39.75, reduced
to only ...$29.50
Ivory Vanity Dresser; a value for $76.00,
reduced to $65.00
Metal Duofold and Pad; a value for
$35.00, reduced to $23.75
Mahogany and Walnut Toilet Tables,
from broken suites; $50.00 and $60.00
values, reduced to $35.00
45-inch Golden and Fumed Oak Buffets;
$38.50 values, reduced to $33.75
6-foot Golden and Fumed Oak Exten
sion Tables to match; $25.50 values, re
duced to $19.75
A Visit to Our
Furniture Department
Will reveal the finest type of Home
Furnishings, in full and complete
variety. Furniture for every room
in the house a single piece or
enough for the whole house. Take
advantage of the special prices in ef
fect now. Compare this furniture
with other furniture and you will be
well satisfied in buying here.
Golden and Fumed Oak Dinner Chairs
to match; $5.50 values, reduced to
only $3.75
Serving Tables, in Jacobean Oak ; $32.50
values, reduced to $23.50
China Cabinets, in Jacobean Oak ; $50.00
values, reduced to : $34.50
Mahogany Cane Back Davenport Suites,
in velour, upholstered; $250.00 value, re
duced to $195.60
Mahogany Over-Stuffed Davenport '
Suites, in tapestries and velours, remov
able cushions, $1S5 to $600
Beautifully Upholstered Chairs; $50.00
values, reduced to $30.50
We carry a full line of Simmons Beds
and Springs. All goods marked In plain
figures and one price to all.
October Sale
Rugs and
New, clean and up
t o-d ate patterns
now on sale at present factory prices. An . exceptionally
choice line now on display for your selection.
-The last chance to get Rugs and Un
oleura at factory price. We have a fine
selection of all the latest patterns in
oriental patterns, in all colors.
9x12 Smitns Axminster, Kugs; worth
$52.00. Cash Price $40.00
9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs; worth $58.00.
Our Cash Price.. $44.00
9x12 Smith's Velvet Rugs; worth $37.50.
Our Cash Price $29.98
8-3x10-6 Smith's Axminster Rugs; worth
$45.00. Cash Price $37.00
9x12 Smith's Best Tapestry Rugs; worth
$35.00. Our Cash Price $26.00
9x12 Grass Rugs; worth $17.00. Our
Cash Price $12.00
8x10 Grass Rugs; worth $14.50. Our
Cash Price $10.00
Small Rugs, in all sizes and colors, up
from $2.75
Just received our shipment of Inlaid
Linoleums, all patterns, in small blue
toil patterns. Special, sq. yd $1.75
Nepanset Floor Covering, better than
printed linoleums. Special, sq. yd.75d
Now is the time to buy Coca Mats, in all
sizes, 95d and up to $6.75
Special on good Carpet Sweepers, at,
each $2.50
October Clearance Sale
Wall Paper
High grade Wall Papers, selected from our
regular stock, priced right, for carl; clear
ance. Papers worth 90ra roll in this sale.
Note These Bargains:
Tapestries, Tiffany Blends and Grass Cloths.
Beautiful borders or 1 auds for each patter i,
at, per roll 19
Genuine Oatmeal Wall Paper, 30 in. wide, with
artistic cut-out borders. Very special, roll. .10
Pretty designs in bed room papers, with cut-out
borders, at, per roll 10
A fine line of Wall Papers in light and dark ef
fect. A pretty border for each, at, roll. 5
Yff Furnish First-Class Decorators.
Read Monday's Cash Price
Cutting Grocery Sale
Hirhmt Quality, Largest fctotks and
Freahmt lioods to Select From.
48-lb. Sackt Bett High Grade Diamond
H Hoar $3.75
24-lb. sack Fur Rye Flour $1.40
Choice Broken Japan Rice, lb....81-3o
Ne. 1 hand-picked Navy Beans, Ih..l0e
No. 1 California Brown Beans, lb... Be
No. 1 Lima Beans. Ib ISc
-Tft beet White or Yellow Corn Meal.
per lb. 6c
The best Rolled White Breakfast Oat
meal, per lb 6c
The best Domestic Macaroni, Spaghet
ti or Ess Noodles, pltg 7c
Nunso Evaporated Sweet Corn, pkg. .Sc
Qulcknerv Tomato, Sauce, can 5c
Pure Tomato Catsup, bottle. 10c
Large bottle Fancy Olives 30c
No. 2 cana Golden Pumpkin 5c
No. t cans Early June Pears, Fancy
Sweet Sugar Corn or Fancy Itlne
Tomatoes ll'ie
No. 3 cans Pork and Beans ,.I5e
No. 1 cans Pork and Beam 5c
Tall cans Fresh Mackerel 19c
Tall cans Pink Salmon ..2r
Tall cans Carnation or Pet Milk.... lie
Tall cans Wilson Milk 15c
Advo Jell, for dessert, pkg He
The best Domestic Macaroni, Spaghet
ti or Egg Noodles, pkg 7"Ae
Gallon cana White Table Syrup... 9V
Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup.... 85c
'4-gallon cans Golden Table Syruu..45e
854-lb. cans Golden Table Syrup.. ..J5c
Corn Flakes, pkg li,it
The best Soda Crackers, lb. 17'4e
Grape-Nuts, pkg , 1JC
Yeast Foam, pkg. 4
Diamond H Cereal and Coffee: trr It:
per lb. !5e
Our fHmous Golden Santos
Coffee, lb ZHc
H. B. a Special Blend, lb 42c
Our famous M. & J. Blend, per lb.. 45c
The best Tea Sittings, lb j;c
vnuK'v bun-uricd or Basket Fried
Japan Tea. lb. 48c
Fancy Spider Leg Japan, Oolong, Ceylon
or Uuu Powder Tea, per lb 58c
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 3l(c
Fancy (Solid Cabbage for Kraut, lb... 3c
ia ids. nest no. l cooking Potatoes. .5uc
'.arge Egfr Plant, each i.VM
Large Soup Bunches, each 5c
Hresh Parsnips, Ib 5c
wax or Ureen Beans, Ib 15c
3 numnes Kadlshes Inc
Fresh Cauliflower, lb.. lj
Large market basket Green
Tomatoes - S5c
Large Imarket hsekeK Ripe Tninatoee.SISc
Large market basket Green Pepper . ?5f
Money Saving Cash Prices
8-qt Aluminum Tea JCettle. Cash Price.. S3.C0
6-cup Aluminum Fercolator. Cash Price.. S1.79
3-qt. Aluminum Sauce Pan. Cash Price "7S
Large size Clothes-Hamper Splint for.... 82.73
fciectnc Iron; 7.00 value. Cash Price.. SK .ft
Nickel-plated Copper Tea K .tie, size 8..S2.2r
O'Cedar Oil Mop, large size. Car't Price. .81.25
Zic value Oil c Polish. Special for Monday.. 19
toidms irening Board. Cash Price S1.65
Universal Lunch Kits. Cash Price $P65
Hard Coal Heating Stoves, up from. ...S40.03
Soft C3al Healing -Cloves, ap from S18.r0
Heavy Galvanized Boiler, size 9. Special.. S2.7K
No. 523 Perfection Oil Heaters, f - "il at.S4.75
Furnace Scoops. Special Cash Price 98t
A-l Four-tie Br Hayd.-n's Special ...51.00
3 large Mis Toilet fa;:- for 25
lit Pay TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Payii!awjiijiijii!iiii mi! iib ire