Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Senator Opens Campaign
- Against League of Na
tions Covenant in
v California.
San Francisco, Sept. 30. Senator
Hiram Johnson was acclaimed vo
ciferously by hundreds of his towns
people who met him as he arrived
in Sin Francisco to combat the
' league of nations covenant in his
home city and native state.
Senator Johnson's train was more
than three hours latebut notwith
standing this the Ferry building and
the Embarcadert) surrounding it was
black with friends and townspeople
who had waited to receive him.
As he passed through an aisle of
people to a stand erected outside
the-ferry building for him to be of
ficially .welcomed by Mayor James
Rolph, the senator repeatedly shook
; hands with old friends and acquaint
ances. Many others shook his hand
eagerly. Scores1' of times he was
saluted by persons he knew and
-called by their first names, and who,
in turn, greeted hint with "Hello,
Hiram," and like terms of saluta
tion. As he progressed, cheers
went up, and many persons called
"Hurrah for our next president I"
At the reception stand Senator
Johnson again was greeted with
long cheering from those who had
waited outside the building. Here
he thanked the crowd for its wel
come and expressed his pleasure at
being home and briefly - told the
object of his visit. '
, "I am here, my friends," said the
senator, "to preach tq you the doc
trine that this country of ours is
for -Americans and to ask you to
unite with me and with the other
men in Washington who are mak
ing the good fight there with us that
there shall be no khaki-clad boys of
ours sent to fight on foreign lands
wars that are no concern of ours."
Wood Noncommittal
On Subject of Boom
r .1 r l
ror tne rresiaency
Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, at
present'; serving as military com
mander here, yesterday stated that
he was not ready to commit him
self on the subject of his presiden
tial boom.
In the pesence of Governor Mc
Kelvie, he was asked what he
thought of the organization of a
"Wood for President" club at Lin
coln. '. "
"There "are many silly folks, it
seems, but you hadn't better start
mything like that in Omaha while
I am here," the general replied, smil
ingly. Some of the general's friends-yen-tured
the opinion that he is m the
position which might be described by
the familiar phrase, "in the hands
of his friends."
mOM MIX in "Rough Riding Ro-
i mance, at the Kialto, has
provea to be all that is
claimed for it A love story of the
most admirable sort, it yet has thrills
with hair-raisins: stunts oerformed
by Mix in his self-imposed task of
aiuiug a princess in distress, mis is
the best picture that Mix has been
seen in; no comedy sosimple, no ro
mance more wholesome, no action
more thrilling. It is a play thati
haunts one with delightful memories.
The orchestra at the Rialto should
be praised for the music they have
been playing lately, as they have to
meet any picture that comes along;
they were in harmony with every
thing that was done in "The Miracle
Man," and now this entirely differ
ent picture gives them opportunities
to show how versatile they are, as
the music for "Rough Riding Ro
mance" was very well chosen.
Strand "The Valley of the Gi
ants," with Wallace Reid in the part
of a young lumberman. Peter B.
Kyne, author of this well known
novel, was once a lumber clerk in
the redwood country of California,
where the scenes of this story are
jaid. The actual locations described
in the novel were utilized in filming
tne story, borne of the most won
derful photography ever secured.
The cast, that is in support of Reid,
particularly the male members, give
striking performances, and they help
to make this picture one of the best
of this seasons' offerings. Jim Cruze
as the director has made good, and
will look for other pictures that he
will direct in the future.
, Moon "The Price She Paid,"
with Bessie Barriscale. The story
has as its central figure Sheka, a
beautiful girl, reared by Hamid Ali,
a desert pirate, who carries her to
the slave market in' order to reap
financial reward by selling her into
slavery. Sir Derek, the Englishman,
pays Hamid a big price and marries
Sheka. He takes her to England
and he loses his money. This faith
ful wife stands by, but, with the
wrong idea, she wants to sell her
self to a wealthy duke to pay off her
husband's debts.
A t Neighborhood Homes
COMFORT, S4th and Vinton BES
APOLLO, !9tta aad Leavenworth
HAMILTON. 40th and Hamilton
GRAND, 16th and Btnnejr GLADYS
also "ELMO THE MIGHTY," Chapter I.
Sun "The Pagan God," with H.
B. Warner, a story of the East, and
and the black spots of Mongolia. To
his sweetheart, Beryl Addison, and
to the American consul. Bruce Win
throp, seemed to be an idler and a
traitor to his country when he went
to Shantung, joining the revolution
ary "Tong of Freedom," and made
love to Tai Hing, the Oriental en
chantress. In time he saved so
many American lives that would
have beetr-lost had he not done some
of these seemingly dirty tricks, but
it was done out of loyalty, and then
he became quite the hero of the
Mine "Tnve nf Fate" ie tile sec
ond picture of Nazimova's at this
theater: it will be olaved for two
rlnvc 5she nlave a Gvnsv nrinresfi.
J w..w J i j r v --
The cup of love is placed at Azah s
lips, only to be snatcnea rougniy
away, and life seems to play at
cross-purpose with this true-hearted
daughter of the Romany race. Re
ward and recompense come to the
trrrcr urlien che Viae nffereH her life
SJfJ ....v. .
to save another, and destiny at last
gives her the tun measure 01 nappi-ness.
Empress Peggy Hyland's ability
to draw audiences never was better
demonstrated than this week at the
Empress theater, where her new pic
ture of circus lite, v the Merry-Oo
Round," has filled tne house at every
showing. Tomorrow, and for the
last three days of the week, Theda
Bara will be seen in "The Darling of
Paris," founded upon Victor Hugo's
famous tragic romance, J. lie
Hunchback of Notre Dame."
Woman Rushes to
Divorce Court In
Spite of Fire Wreck
The qnly new law suit filed in the
district court clerk's office Monday,
the first business day after the fire,
was the. divorce suit of Frances
Cooney against Thomas Cooney.
She charges her husband with ex
treme cruelty.
The marriage license business
suffered not at all. Marriage Li
cense Clerk Stubbendorf issued an
even dozen licenses to wed.
People are admitted to the court
house "only by passes. Soldiers
fuard all the doors and only em
ployes and those having urgent
: uisiness are allowed to enter.
Riot Shows National ,
Guards Needed Here,
Says Adj. Gen. Paul
Adj. Gen. H. J. Paul, who came
here with Governor McKelvie yes
terday, declared that the work of
the mob Sunday night is a timely
argument for the reorganization of
the Nebraska National guard.
"If you had had companies of na
tional guardsmen in Omaha they
could have been called together in
an hour Sunday afternoon and the
devastation would have been avoid
ed," he said. .
"The only reason you haven't yet
organized a company of guards here
is the lack of interest of Omaha
business men. The law allows it
and liberal appropriations are pro
vided for this purpose.
"No further delay should be al
lowed in the organization of a com-
pany or two in Omaha. The Audi
torium could be acquired at reason
able terms for use as an armory."
Maj. Harry C. Stein, who accom
panied the adjutant general, also de
clared that organization of national
guard companies is imperative.
Denies He Left Gas Jet
Open in Suicide Attempt
E. Randall, 47S8 North Twenty
fourth street ,an employe of the
street car company, who was recent
ly reported to have attempted sui
cide by leaving a gas jet open in his
rooms, denies that he had any such
Randall says he opened the gas
jet and went into the next room for
a match. When he came back, he
says, he lighted his gas stove to
heat some coffee and forgot about
the open light get. He then went
to sleep. His wife found him in an
unconscious condition a short time
later. (A report that he was having
domestic troubles is untrue, Randall
Introduced by "Bayer to Physicians in 1900
You want genuine Aiplrln the
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Always say "Bayer" when buy- )
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Handy tin boxes of twelve tab- X
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Aspirin is trade msrk of Bayer Manufacture Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid J
Against (Civil Commotion
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These Are Not Covered by Your Tin Insurance Policy.
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READERS of Helen R. Martin's
quaint story of the Pennsyl
vania Dutch, "Tillie, a Menno
r.ite Maid," cannot fail to remember
the delightfully sympathetic "Aunty
Em," whose loyalty to Tillie saved
her much abime from her stern fath
er, atid who pleads with her not to
let the little curls show beneath her
white cap. so that she will not be
"set back" in the Mennonite faith,
nor Tillie herself, the girl heroine,
whose struggle to attain her ambi
tion an education whose uncom
plaining suffering and whose ro
mance made her a particularly inter
esting character. It is the role' of
"Tillie" that dainty Patricia Collinge
is playing this season, and the play,
a comedy in four acts entitled "Til
lie," will be presented at the Bran
deis for three days, starting next
Miss Racflte, who walks in her
sleep at the Boyd this afternoon, and
evening, gives not only a lifelike pic
ture of a real somnambulist, but
shows how well a beautiful girl can
look in a simple frock, although her
night robes may arouse wonder and
maybe envy among those who know
most about such things. "She
Walked in Her Sleep" is one of the
brightest, cleanest farces ever writ
ten, and is very well played by the
company having it in hand. The
engagement ends tonight.
Fiske O'Hara is playing at the
Brandeis theater in his new roman
tic comedy, "Down Limerick Way,"
in which he has the part of an Irish
nobleman whose family, are trying
to get him married. He is f?ft, in
the will of a departed friend, the le
gacy of a beautiful girl, and the
amusing complications arising from
this situation causes mirthful inter
ludes. Mr. O'Hara sings a num
ber of new song selections, fresh
with the fragrance of the Erin Isle.
Harry Watson, jr., the stellar at
traction this week at the Orpheuin,
does not have to depend on humor
ous lines to create hearty laughter.
Some of his best best comedy is the
result of facial play and pantomime.
The most novel feature of the cur
rent bill is a band of 19 instrumen
talists, all of whom are Chinese per
formers. Their repertory includes
descriptive selections, marches and
jazz music.
The Roseland Girls, now playing
at the Gayety theater, is one of the
newest kind of burlesque entertain
ments, and not only includes good
comedians, but lots of real live com
edy that tickles. The musical part
of the show is absolutely enjoyable,
and so are the pretty show girls,
who form a handsome chorus and
assist in the attractive ensemble
work. J
NManager Ledoux of the Empress
theater announces two special feat
ure acts in addition to his regular
program of four acts of vaudeville
as special Ak-Sar-iBen attractions.
One of these is a novelty singing
and talking act, featuring Janis and
Gaddney, entertainers who have met
with success throughout the circuit.
The other is an aerial act in which
Howard and Howard perform dar
ing and sensational feats. An act
of merit is the pretentious singing
and instrumental novelty, "A Night
in Venice," presented by a quartet
bf talented musical artists. A de
lightful little skit is "What is It All
About?" which affords Howard
Mack and Henrietta opportunities to
introduce a number of splendid
specialties in song, dance and story.
The comedy playlet offered by Ar
thur De Voy and his company of
players is worth while.
Court Asked to Protect
Moving Picture Place
Almyr Pramer applied to the dis
trict court yesterday for an order re
straining a crowd from creating a
disturbance in his moving picture
place, 1814 North Twenty-fourth
street. He says they have placed
"stink bombs" in his place and interr
fered with,' the shows in other ways.
To pet. in or out of busintsi try
Governor to Call Special
Session of Legislature as
Result of Sunday Disorder
Solons to Be Called Upon to Pass Law Enabling
Douglas County to Raise Money for Repair of
Court House, Damaged to Extent of '$1,000,000,
by Fire Started by Rioting Mob.
"I shall call a special session of
the legislature at once to pass an
act to enable Douglas county to
raise money fior rebuilding the court
house, provided the attorney gen
eral decides that this money cannot
be raised in any other way," said
Governor McKelvie yesterday at the
Hotel Fontenelle. after a conference
with the board of county commissioners.
He arrived here at 3:40 a. m., yes
terday from North Platte. He de
clared that the work of the mob last
Sunday night was shocking and
horrifying beyond his imagination.
He met with the city commission
ers and General Wood in the coun
cil chamber vesterday morning and
with a Chamber of Commerce com
mittee at noon. "
Governor McKelvie issued a
statement as follows:
Statement of Governor.
The events incident to the riot in
Omaha are the most shocking and
deplorable I have ever known in a
community like this. I could hardly
have believed that anywhere in Ne
braska mob violence would have
been exerted to the extent of per
petrating a public lynching, but even
worse than this is the common dis
regard for the law and the assault
that was committed upon so honor
able and respectable an official as
Mayor Smith, 1
It is not necessary now to moral
ize upon what might have been.. It
is far more important that the peo
ple of this community should view
the situation without prejudice and
determine upon processes of action
that will prevent such a thing ever
occurring again. ,
In this connection, the thing of
first importance is a respect for the
law. No amount of police protec
tion will prevent such occurrences
unless the people themselves are de
termined that those who are placed
in positions of authority shall be re
spected and given the support that
ccmes from an intelligent and un
prejudiced public sentiment.
Scores City Administration.
One who is acquainted -with con
ditions in Omaha during the past
few months could not be very much
surprised at what has happened. It
has been a matter of every day oc
currence that those who have most
to dowith the moulding of public
opinion have constantly engaged in
petty bickerings and a criticism of
the local officials which could not
result in anything but an utter dis
respect for those who are charged
with the responsibility of enforcing
the law.
I deem it of utmost importance
that the good people of Omaha
should at once organize their minds
to discourage the activities of those
who are constantly attempting to
bring reproach upon public officials
and join in a common support of
those who have been duly elected
to responsible public positions.
One of the most alarming features
of the situation is the extent to
which young boys were engaged in
the destruction of property and the
violence that characterized the riot
We can have little hope for the fu
ture if such acts reflect a condition
which is common in any community.
People of mature judgment realize
that when such youthtul law violat
ors are encouraged, there is no as
surance of protection of eitherjjife or
property, and these boys of today
are to be the dependable citizens of
tomorrow, so unless something is
done to direct their thoughts in the
right channels, we may expect a
worse condition in years to come.
Urges Respect for Law.
The correction of these misguid
ed youths must begin in the home
and should be carried on through
our entire educational system. I
have constantly urged the people of
our state to cultivate a respect for
the law, and this applies perhaps
most particularly to the younger
I shall not attempt to fix the
blame for all that has happened. . I
think it would perhaps be as fair to
criticise the one who applauded the
acts of the rioters as to criticise
those who actually did the work,
but there can be no doubt that this
should stand as an everlasting les
son to the people of the state that
it is their duty to co-operate with
public officials in the enforcement
of the laws.
I hardly think that any one could
have anticipated the developments
of the riot. However, when I was
in Omaha last Friday, I observed
conditions here and instructed Chief
Hyers to come at once to Omaha
and offer the assistance of the state
law enforcement division to the of
ficials of the city. I find also that
as soon as assistance-was called for
by the city at the time when the
riot was in progress, immediate ac
tion was taken by those who were in
charge in my absence, and as a re
sult of it quite prompt relief was
brought through federal sources.
Should Have Constabalary. j
The state has no national guard
at the present time, hbugh several
companies are being organized. The
delay was occasioned by the pro
visions of the legislative act which
made appropriation for the support
of a guard, this being made con
tingent upon the customary support
being provided by the federal gov
ernment. The national guard act
was not passed by congress until re
cently and since that time Adjutant
General Paul has been very active in
trying to get militia companies or
However, with a state militia, I
am not convinced that this is the
better method of handling such sit
uations. In my message to the leg
islature, I recommend a state con
stabulary, and I fully believe that
75 or 100 men from siich an organi
zation, had they been called at al
most any time during the progress
of the riot, could have brought order
without delay. '
It shall not be the purpose of the
state to inject itself into the situa
tion more than to co-operate with
this stricken community in develop
ing an improved condition here. I
have confidence in the people of
Omaha and Douglas county and I
believe that they will, as a result of
this sad experience, see to it that
proper steps are taken to prevent a
recurrence of such a disgraceful
thing, and, incidentally, I would
leave the thought that it is better
for Omaha to do its washing in its
own back yard than to give to the
world the impression that Nebraska
is still hi the primitive staees of
Oil Company Start Drilling.
Riverton. Neb.. Seot. 30. fSoe-
cial.) The Bethlehem Oil company
closed a deal with the Riverton Oil
and Gas company of this city tak
ing over 15,000 acres in oil leases.
They expect to begin active opera
tion drilling for oil at once and have
derrick material on the ground. The
first well will be put down on the
river bottom half, a mile southwest
of Riverton.
346,000 Men In Army
Washington, Sept. 30. The
strength of the army as reported for
September 23 showed 33,065 officers
and men in Europe, 8,400 in Siberia,
7,600 at sea en route home, and 304,
000 in the United States.
State Treasurer
Opens New Banking '
Guaranty Account
Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.)
The following is given out by Sec
retary J. E. Hart of the department
of trade and commerce:
A new account now appears on ths bookt
of the state treasurer known aa "Special
Reserve of th Depositor!' Guaranty i
Fund," being, the first contribution of f
bank In voluntary liquidation ri-iW the
recent -statute which requires IUUluutlii(
banks not consolidating with other statt
banks to pay to the state treasurer th
amount accumulated In Its depositor
guaranty fund. The state treasurer la re
quired to Invest thess funds In Unites ,
States bonds of any state or municipal
ity In the stats of Nebraska or bonds ol
federal land banks and lbs Interest de
rived from such Investments shall bo add
ed to this special reserve fund. The stats
treasurer Is required to report annually
to the department of trade and commerce
the amounts so received and how Invested.
These funds cannot be drawn against for
any purpose except the payment of de
posits In failed banks and Is not avail
able for that purpose until the regular -depositors'
guaranty fund shsll become de
pleted. The first bank to liquidate and
pay In Its accumulated funds under this
section was the Harrlxburg State bank of
Harrisburg and the amount paid In was
1259.70. Harrlxburg Is a small Inland town
In Banner county.
Apple Crop Estimated
at 23,072,000 Bushels
Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.) Ac
cording to an estimate made by the
United States bureau of agriculture,
now in the hands of Secretary We
ber of the state board of horticul
ture, there will be an estimated crop
of about 23,072,000 barrels of apples
from this year's crop. The price
should be $1.45 a bushel and $4.66 a
'Judge Parriott to Serve
In Court of Adjustment
Lincoln, Sept. 30. (Special.)
Judge W. Parriott, who for four
years ha been a member of the
state supreme court commission,
left Tuesday for Washington, D. C,
bavin? been appointed judge of the
court of adjustment there.
This i a court created to adjust
disputes between the government
and parties having war contracts.
Revised Scliedinle Net Prices
Standardized and Uniform Throughout the United States
!Bf " aSfjwisisisisMassMBjsajaBssalsaaBsMsasjjJjJ
BASED on raw materials, purchased at
comparatively low prices, Vacuum Cup
Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes-the choice of
a million motorists were, on July 19, and for
the second time during the current year, sub
stantially reduced in price.' " .
Now, a high and rising market on fabric
and other materials compels announcement
of revised schedule, effective October 1 as
.' VCuT Channel Tread 1 KEd".
Fabric Cord Cord Regular
1 .
30x3 18.45 3.00 3.75
30x3 23.70 38.55) 35.85) 6 3.50 4.40
32x3 27,90 42.95 39.95 3.80 4.75
31x4 37.30 5.20 6.50
32x4 37.95 54.45 49.05 5.25 6.55
33x4 40.05 56.00 50.45 5.50 6.90
34x4 40.85 57.40 51.65 5.65 7.05
32x4 52.75 61.35 53.75 6.80 8.50 1
33x4 54.90 63.00 55.20 6.95 8.70
34x4 155.35 64.65 58.20 7.00 8.75
35x4 57.60 66.15 , 59.60 7.10 8.90
36x4tf 58.20 67.80 61.00 7.30 9.15
33x5 67.40 76.60 68.95 8.05 10.05
35x5 70.95 80.35 72.35 8.50 10.65
37 x5 74.60 84.05 75.70 8.85 11.05
if .
Adjustment basis per warranty tag attached
each casing: '
Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires ' v 6,00Q4riiles
Vacuum Cup and Channel Tread Cord Tires, 000 Miles
Quality Service SafetyEconomy .
I 1