Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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    '12 .
Edward Casey, a Retired
Farmer,- Suffocated While
Asleep In Rooming House
Others Recover.
Edward Casey, 70 years old, re
tired farmer, was asphyxiated and
. three others made unconscious by
escaping gas late Monday afternoon
in a roomiiiff house at 807 South
Eighteenth street, conducted by
frs. May Nelson.
The unconscious forms of Mrs.
Nelson and Mr. ?nd Mrs. S. H.
Grim were found in their rooms
on the second floor by H. E. Doles
of the same address when he re
turned home from work. Police
Surgeon .Edstrom revived the trio.
The body of Edward Casey was
found in bed in his room on the
third floor of the building. All the
windows in the room were closed.
When the police responded to a
call from the place they detected
gas escaping from a leaky pipe in
the basement. The entire interior
of the three-story building was filled
with the escaping gas. The" base
ment was also found to be flooded
with four feet of water. An em
ploye of the gas company had to be
called to shut off the gas.
The body of Casey was taken to
the Gentleman undertaking parlors,
Pershing's First Campaign Against Moros
Through Swamps and Neck Deep in Water
The Heavens In October
William F. Rigge"
During the night following Satur
day, the 25th of- this month legally
and strictly at 2 a. m. on Sunday,
the 26th the clocks will be set
back one hour. This we hope will
be the last time that we will have
to tamper with our timepieces. For
although setting the clock ahead
an hour during the summer months
had many undeniable advantages,
it had, however, as is the case with
all human affairs, some disadvan
tages also. On account of these
latter many places did not advance
their timepieces as the law ordained.
The consequence was much con
fusion and misunderstanding. By
having all our clocks agreeing,
we hope to come back to that union
that existed before this law was
made. -
To set the clock back one hour
the simplest way is to turn the
minute hand on complete turn
backward. This can readily be
done with all watches and also with
all clocks that have no striking
tnenhanism. When, however, the
clock has a striking mechanism, or
an alarm or other such contrivance,
we should be very careful never to
turn the minute hand backward
past the time that this mechanism
is to operate. If we disregard this
advice we shall certainly ruin the
clock. The best thing to do in this
case is to stop the clock a whole
hour by comparing it with another
that is kept running in the interim.
There are, unfortunately, no
olanets visible in the evening dur
ing the month. They are now all
morning stars. Venus attains its
ctrcatest brilliancy on the 19th and
is easiest to identify in the morning
' sky. On the 15th Jupiter rises at
1:55. Mars at 3:32, Saturn at 3:53
and Venus at 4:32 a. m. The moon
is in conjunction with Jupiter on
the 17th, and, with Venus. Mars
and Saturn on the 19th. On the
,J 24th there is a very close conjunc
""""fion between Saturn and Mars, the
distance between them being only
about one-sixth the diameter of the
, moon.
The days diminish in length one
hour 17 minutes during the month,
.being 11 hours 46 minutes long on
the 1st, 11 hours 8 minutes on the
15th and 10 hours 29 minutes on the
3l3t. On the 24th the sun enters
hl'aelN'onlSet OCTOBER Rlaefs'thl Set
1 ,
7 51
7 23
7 23
7 !4
7 So
7 !S
7 S7I
1 S!
7 591
7 311
7 as!
7 53
7 M
7 3(1
? Ml
7 S9j
7 41 1
T 41
7 44
7 49
- 7 41
7 47
1 'Wed.
2 Thu.
3 Frl.
4 Sat.
7 Tue.
5 Wed.
53H0 Frl.
61111 Sat.
f. J.
M0 7.01111.54
S.S2I 7.601midn
3.31 I.39:i2 61
4.06! t.27 1 52
I .15Mldll!
S0I1S Sun.
481S Mon.
414 Tue.
44)16 Wed.
431 Thu.
4ll7 Frl.
40113 Sat.
I. Q
6 4il2.
6 61113.
6 65H5.
4 63115.
t 58)13.
I '
0815. S3
19 Sun.
120 Mon.
21 Tue.
22 Wed.
23 Th. n. m.
24 Frl.
35 Sat.
3 Sun.
37 Mon.
28 Tue.
9 Wed.
30 Thu. -
31 Frl. f. q
1 Sat.
5 Sun.
t Mon.
13 18
1 26
I 30
3 34
4 37
6 38
T S6
8 36
9 31
9 55
10 18
11 06
11 48
12 49
1 44
2 45
2 64
4 01
5 OS
7 33
8 45
10 01
S 43!11 1!
4 43113.18
6 44 1.16
7 36'
8 28
9 16
10 93
10 48
11 33
1.36! 7.06!Mldti
12 29
1 32
First quarter. October 2. 3:87 a. m.
Full moon, October 9. 8:30 a. in.
tast quarter, October 18, 12:06 a. m.
New moon, October 23, 3:40 p. m.
First quarter. October 81, 7:43 p. m.
, Gossip Ends in Suicide.
Henry James Stuart, 61, a carpen
ter at Enfield small arms factory,
cut bis throat, and left a note stat
ing that since he reported ad
versely on' the work of one of the
girl employes he had been "talked
about, and could not stand it any
The Pass Word
We re efficient in all
our wortVand our em
ployes are trained to be
efficient so that when we
do any moving, storaging
or packing for you, or
anybody, you may know
that you are getting the
best at a minimum cost.
Phone Douglas 4163 "
806 South 16th St.
Long Range Guns Demolished
Forts and Scared Savages
Eight Cottas
Pershing was placed in command
of Camp Vicars shortly before the
Fourth of July. On that day, in the
hope of impressing the natives more
profoundly with the power of the
United States and with the desire
of further amelioration, Pershing in
vited the tribal leaders to participate
in a celebration at the camp. About
700 dattos and sultans accepted the
invitation. Despite the apparent
friendship of these leaders, there
was an undercurrent of hostility,
and Pershing knew that while many
of the Moros might be won by
diplomacy while many had been
won the subjugation of the tribes
could only be accomplished by force
of arms.
Ventures First Campaign.
August 31, the most severe earth
quake within the memory of the old
est natives of Mindanao shook the
lake region. Rancherias were shal
lowed by the earth and many lives
were lost. This seemed to increase
the unrest of the Moros. Ignorant
savaees. there were those among
I them who believed that the troops
at Camp Vicars were responsible tor
the phenomena and had harnessed
the powers of the unseen to wreak
destruction. More Moros took the
offensive against the camp. Failure
to punish the offenders was miscon
strued as cowardice. It was decided
at last to attack the Moros. On
September 18 Pershing , set out on
the first of his four memorable ex
peditions. What was accomplised by the ex
pedition is best told in Pershing's
own words, contained in a report
submitted by him. It follows:
"The column left Camp Vicars at
1:30 a. m. the 18th instant and ar
hived at Pantauan, about 10 miles to
the southeast, at 6 a. m.
Two Sultans Resist
"At Pantauan, a base camp was
established and the operations of the
expeditior were conducted from
there. 1 was informed here by Amat
Pasandalan that Sultan Uli of Gauan,
and the st.'ltan of Bayaboo would not
treat with me, but resist our march
toward their rancherias.
"I proceeded at once in the direc
tion of Gauan, on Lake Butig. On
leaving Pantauan several- armed
Moros were seen at a distance, but
no shots were fired on either side.
The trail followed a narrow, wooded
ridge, over which we cautiously pro
ceeded, reaching Gauan, some three
miles away, at about 8:30 a. m. The
end of this ridge projected into a
swamp, with Lake But'g on the
south and southwest. The stronger
of the two forts in sight was situated
directly in our front, at the narrow
est part of the ridge, completely
closing the trail, and some 200
yards from the end of the ridge. This
tort was first sighted as we de
bouched from the woods some 300
vards from it.
How Battle Was Waged.
"The two guns of McNair's bat
tery were unlimbered and posted on
the ritiht of Company t. Companies
G and M remained in column of files
on the trail, hidden from view to the
front, but in a position to face the
ridge on our left.
From the hills on the opposite
side of the lake the Moros kept up
a desultory fire with Krags and
Remingtons. At a distance of some
500 yards to the west of the small
fort and across the lake several
armed Moros were observed, no
doubt thinking they were beyond
the range of our rifles; but a few
well directed volleys by Lieutenant
Hawkins' scouts either destroyed or
dispersed them.
At 7 o clock the next mornine,
with all of the command (except
Company b, which, with the mortar
i J -
I 'A j , - " T"
1 These are the kind of men that
caused Uncle Sim so much trouble
in Mindanao.
detachment of the battery, was left
as a camp guard), I started out to
Bayaboa, with Captain Kirkpatrick's
Troop L in advance. At about two
miles from camp, on an open ridge
covered with tall grass, the advance
guard was attacked by a party of
40 Moros with firearms. Captain
Kirkpatrick dismounted his troop
and vigorously repelled the attack
without any casualties, and, moving
forward at a double time, he con
tinued firing at the retreating Moros,
several of whom ran into a wooded
ravine on our right, the rest retir
ing into a cotta about a mile away.
Prevents, All Escape.
"Approaching this cotta, from
which a few shots were fired, the
battery was placed in position at a
range of about 400 yards, and Lieu
tenant Gracie, with Company M,
was sent to the left to cut off any
avenue of escape from that direc-4
tion. Captain Kirkpatrick, with
Troop L, dismounted, and Lieuten
ant Bickham, with Company F,
were sent to the right, both wings
being directed to cover as far as
possible any escape to the rear. In
taking position, the right wing en
countered several Moros attempting
to escape, all of whom were either
killed or wounded.
"The infantry being in position,
fire was opened on the cotta with
the battery. Lieutenant Gracie soon
after entered the cotta and found it
abandoned. This cotta was a very
strong one, about ISO feet square,
with walls of earth 10 feet thick,
surrounded by a deep trench, with
bamboos stakes protecting all ap
proaches. It contained a large quan
tity of rice, in a large, substantial
building. This building and con
tents of cotta were destroyed, as was
another small cotta some 400 yards
to the west.
Long Range Scares Moros.
"I had had difficulty in obtaining
any accurate information about
trails and roads as well as about
the location of cottas, but it was
evident that the Moros from Ma
cui had a fort somewhere nearby
on the south side of the arm of the
lake, as many Moros were seen
hurriedly crossing to this side in
vintas. I directed Captain Mc
Nair to try his guns on them, and,
if possible, stop reinforcements
coming to this side. After three
or four trial shots, a vinta was
struck and sunk, and seven Moros
are said to have been killed or
drowned. The distance at which
the shot was tired was about 1,800
yards, and it made such an im
pression on the Moros that no
further attempts were made by
them to cross, and during the en.
tire time thereafter vintas kept
their distance.
Up To Necks in Water.
"Upon our "arrival at Sauir, I
sent a messenger to Sultans . Gan
dauli and Tauagan, requesting them
to visit camp and confer with me
or to meet me at some point to be
designated by them. The Moro
messenger returned with a verbal
message that they declined my in
vitation, but would meet me when
we arrived at Macui, and directed
the messenger not to return with any
more messages.
"With the rafts an effort was
made to cross the arm of the
lake, and Lieutenant Pepper, who
made the first attempt, succeeded
with about 20 men in reaching a
landing on the other side, some 800
yards distant from our side and
some 400 yards from the farthest
point he was able to reach with the
"In the afternoon an attempt was
made by a fresh detachment under
these two officers. During most
of the afternoon the party at work
with the raft was under fire from
Moros on the other side, hidden in
the grass, but scouts from our side
prevented any close range firing on
the part of the Moros. Both the
officers and men on this duty were
most of the time in water and
mud. oftentimes to their necks.
"Otf Septeinbcr 22 it was deter
mined to return to Camp Vicars.
Lieutenant Comstock, 1 with 50 men
of Company M was sent as an es
cort to Lieutenant Fries, Engineer
corps, to ascertain if there was a
trail farther up the Malaig river than
any party had yet been. As the
command moved out to camp at
Sauir the Macui Moros began to
take courage, and congregated near
the cottas of Tauagan and Gandauli,
firing rifles and lantacas. As we
came to the first bench of platiar
above Sauir these Macui forts were
plainly visible at a distance of about
3,000 yards. As much for practice
as for results against the person
nel of our opponents Captain Mc
Nair was directed to try his guns
and the mortar on them. The range
proved too great for accurate firing,
but it had the effect of dispersing
all Moro gatherings in the vicinity,
and sent them hurrying toward the
north end of the peninsula. Sev
eral shots, however, apparently land
ed within one of the cottas. At 10
a. m. the return march was resumed
and Camp Vicars was reached at 7
p. m.
"During this expedition, as learned
since from friendly Moro sources.
30 Moros were killed and as many
more were wounded. Light cottas
were captured and with their con
tents destroyed. No other property
was destroyed."
(Continued tomorrow.)
Man Says Negroes On
24th Street Shot
Him In Head Sunday
Another victim of the riots Sun
day night. was brought to light yes
terday when a man, who says he is
Dean Fannie, 4004 Grand avenue,
reported that he was shot in the
head while driving an automobile
north on Twenty-fourth street. Ran
nie declares three different groups
of negroes fired at him and his com
panions in the automobile.
The Tours Club of Members of the
Gross Travel Bureau, want representa
tive in every town and City in the United
States, a Clean. Honorable position, and
(rood money to the right persons. Refer
ence required An opportunity for Free
1 ravel.
600 Hohman St., Hammond, Indiana.
feed Crown Service
The man at the Red Crown Service
Station is there to serve you to serve
you quickly, intelligently, courteously.
This service coupled with the recognized
high quality of Red Crown products ex-
plains why an increasing number of motor- -
ists stop only at Red Crown Filling
Stations. Located handily, they are
equipped to fill your every motoring need.
Look for the Red Crown Sign. There
you get the ; clean-burning, quick-fire
power-full motor fuel Red Crown Gas
oline Used with Polarine, the correct
lubricant for every car, your motoring
comfort is assured.
Stop at the Red Crown Sign.
18th and Cass
18th and Cuming
18th and Howard
12th and Jackson
29th and Harney
39th and Farnam
20th and Ames
45th and Grant
50th and Dodge
24th and I South Side
24th and O South Side
30th and Tucker-
sriweaw en, tasaauri
I ,1
Riot Fear Subsides and All
Hasten to Resume
Negro employes throughout the
city were nearly all back at their
regular jobs yesterday. A great
many of them refused to go to work
Monday and remained at home all
day because of the riot feeling
which they thought made it dan
gerous for them to appear on the
Hundreds of them remained at
home Monday at the request of the
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, which sent out re
quests by telephone and special
The cooks and waiters at the
Chamber of Commerce were among
those asked not to go to work Mon
day. The Chamber of Comerce
employs the largest number of col
ored cooks and waiters in the city.
They called up Assistant Commis
sioner Ellis in the morning and told
him ihey had been asked to remain
at home. He acquiesced and no
luncheon was served at the cham
ber Monday. Yesterday the entire
force was at work as usual.
The colored employes at the Ath
letic club and Omaha club were
fiven sleeping space at those clubs
unday night and were on duty as
usual Monday.
At the packing houses scores of
colored employes were absent from
work Monday, but yesterday nearly
all were back at work.
Large Number of
Negroes Leave City,
Report Officials
E. L. McDowell, manager of the
ticket office at the Burlington sta
tion, estimates that approximately
2,000 negroes have left Omaha since
Sunday night.
Toll collectors report that all
night Sunday a constant stream
flowed' across the Douglas street
bridge in Iowa. What has become
of them is mostly a matter of con
jecture, as very few have returned.
Ticket sellers in both the Burling
ton and Union stations report ne
groes in bunches as high as 15 or
20 buvinor tickets for Kansas Citv
and St. Joseph, and some for St. I
louis ana otner points souin.
Fine Mute Bookmaker.
Southhampton. Both deaf and
dumb, Thomas Derham and his wife
were each fined $25 for receiving
betting slips in public.
Homecoming Dinner
For Masons Here Who
Served With Colors
Capitol lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A.
M., had a home-coming dinner in
honor of its members who served
with the colors on Monday night.
More than 300-members of the lodge
assembled at the Masonic temple
during the afternoon and witnessed
the conferring of the Master Ma
son's degree, and at 6:30 went to
the banquet room, where dinner was
B. N. Robertson, master of the
lodge, presided. The speaking pro
gram, which included addreses by
Kcv. T. J. Mackay, Rev. Robert L.
Wheeler, Rev. Edward Hart Jenks
and Lieut. CoL A. S. Pinto, was
abandoned because of the disturbed
condition of civic affairs. The long
head table was filled by members of
the lodge who had been in the serv
ice, more than 125 stars being in
the service flag of Capitol lodge.
These boys were given an ovation
by their eWer brethern. "America"
was sung by all, and adjournment
was had at an early hour.
1,300 Strike for Man.
Wolverhampton Because the
management would not accept a
clerk weighman, Daniel Cartwright,
on the men's deputation, 1,300 min
ers struck at the Hollybank colliery.
Get Back
Your Grip
Nuxated Iron
Master Strength-Builder
Of The Blood
Helps Make
Strong, Sturdy Men
and Healthy, Beautiful Women
3,000,000 People Ust ft Annually
- - - - - - - -
ReduceWeight Happily
Uh fsmoui OIL OR kokein. muow dirae
iiouf of Korein system therewith:- beeofn
slender, healthier, attrai'tlts. efficient; LIVE
MINtiKR; Sold by buiy druggists, Incllldlni:
Sherman 4 MoCotiHell, Merrlrt's Pharmaelsi:
Beatoa Drug Co.: Unlit t Docskal. I6.'5 Far
nam, and othsrs In Omaha. And by geod
druggists everywhere ltn nut supply you with
genuine Oil, OK XOHEIN.
Skinner's the Best
Macaroni and Spaghetti
Recipe Book Free Omaha
Bee Wants Ads Produce Results.
"Is This Good Business?"
We're Asking Business Men
jIGHT now the stocks we bought for fall
are worth a lot more than we paid for
them. Market prices have gone up. Should
we take advantage of that aud charge more?
.We think not.
- We haven'i raised prices; we're selling at
old figures; we're giving you the benefit. It's
good business for you any way.
Why We Say to You
"Hart Schaffner & Marx"
One of the reasons for our making so fre
quent and so emphatic an argument about
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes is that thev
represent the quality idea in merchandise
which business men everywhere recognize as
the thing people want.
Good quality in all-wool fabrics, good tai
loring, good style, right fit; what more does a
man want in clothes? JThe only point to be
particular about is that when you pay for
these things you get them.
As for that, Hart Schaffner and Marx
guarantee it; we guarantee it; we promise
more than quality material and work; we
guarantee your satisfaction
You ought to think of
them as your clothes
The Omaha Store"
For Men
Second Floor
Men's Store
In Matters of Full Dress Suits by Hart Schaffner & Marx
THERE'S a favorable impression to
be gained, indeed, from this fine
display of Dress Suits.
PRODUCTS of the famous house of
Hart Scl.affner and Marx, that
tells truly of the positive correctness.
An Impressive Display of Full Dress Accessories
Featuring Full Lines of Dependable Merchandise
Our great men'o furnishings store is in a
splendid portion -to u:'c' every demand
in tl.e ivay of Dress Accessories for formal
Full Dress Shins $3 and 3.50
Full Dress Ties 50c to $1
Full Dress Gloves J. 50 to $3
Correct to the very latest detail. Faultless
workmanship in every article, direct from
makers who have made theriselves prominent
for their particularity of construction.
Full Dress Shoes at $10
Silk Hats for Full Dress $6
Full Dress Collars 25c