6 M THE "OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:' SEPTEMBER 28, 1919. LONDON SUBURBS TO BE CITIES OF FLOWER GARDENS Esst City Will House 40,000 People and Will Be Self Supporting in . Food. - By, FLOYD MACCRIFF, Intmurtlonal ?fw Bnrle Staff i rorrropondrat. , London, Sept. 27. London is to have new garden city suburb, to ' be the first of a series of such satel iitet to suck away London's Over- population.. - ' This garden city will house 40, 600 persons, be independent and self-supporting so far as food is con cerned and be an acfuality in jsome four years. ' Backed By Government. The propect is backed by the gov- ' eminent. Ultimately it is hoped to i have a ring of such cities around London, say. within 25 minqtes' train service. .- " Building operations will begin - next year. Some 4,000 acres will be required for the new community, 2,500 of which will be devoted to in tensive agriculture within the suburb's limits. Small industries will be fostered. . v The whole idea is to prevent Lon don from growing larger. London today is top-heavy, from whatever, angle the matter is viewed trans portation food supply, housing, congestion, etc. The idea is to build up farm citieswhich will allow the worker. to live under 'more healthful conditions, doing away with the transit problem altogether. The future development of the city will be strictly limited. Streets Lined With Trees. All the Streets in this model city will be lined with trees and grade? plotted, like they are in so many American cities. That idea has never been given a chance here. There will he no rows of houses, nor blocks of houses. The town planner will be i" all his glory. There will be a I usiness center, a social center, a municipal center nd most of the low-rent, cottages will each have a plot of. ground to help out the breadwinner so that he'll never want to go back to , smoky London town. ' ,The city will have its own electric light, water and power plant. Care will be taken to prevent the city re trograding into an unhealthful, purely industrial place. - Alaska Snow Motors. o Ketchikan. Alaska, Seph 27. Dog teams, which for years have pulled the mail sleds over wintry Alaska snow trails, may be replaced by motors. A Seattle firm is reported building motor sleds designed to - pull trailers. Mail will be earned aver some of the Alaska routes by Hfutotor leds this year, Who Would Want to Go to a Carnival and Not Hear- the Ballyhoos Tell Their Stories? 0 U i!Ls p I ft . ri J $f yy. v$::::-&;:: A'::-::1: w:?? " ?g;t II' iri v4 fl .. . '- - -- ' The Crowds Stop to Kear the Respective Attractions. Ballyhoo, Who Relate In Their Interesting Way the Wonders of Their ' Once Valuable Mine Now Worth $20,000 Grass Alley, Cal.,Sept. 27. The famous f'Paddy" Campbell mine, known as1 the Blue Point and lo cated near Smartsville, one time es timated to be worth ; in excess of $1,000,000, is to be sold for $20,000. This has just been revealed here by the filing of a suit by E. P. Fitz simmons asking for the appointment of a receiver and an accounting. Fitzsimmons alleges that $1,000 has been owing to him for Service since 1902, and that the property is about to be transferred without the debt being liquidated. Sidney B. Wood, to whom the property is about to be transferred, has been operating the mine , in a small way; for several months. The mine is one of the many large hy draulic properties greatly damaged by the passage . of the anti-debris legislation 35 years ago. Study Anatomical Form With Motion Pictures Inspired by the .success of motion pictures as teachers of airplane and engine constructi6n, a British army surgeon has prepared a stries of an atomical films which have proved highly valuable in classroom work. In the pictures a complete skeleton is first displayed at all angle's, and then begins to disintegrate, the process bdng slowly continued until the backbone alone is left. The skele ton is then reassembled each bone being clearly indicated before it takes its place, to impress its form and purpose firmly upon the minds of the spectators. Tobacco Chew for Life. Venice, Cal., Sept 27. A fat man rescued from drowning in the surf here by James Kirby and George Townsend, lifeguards, offered his rescuers a chew of tobacco as a re ward. They refused He calmly took it himself and departed. Opened September 15th, '1918 HOTEL CONANT t I 11 Hi "'IB Wirt fp r 2 rEE Q a nrf-ElKI S3 J J3333J111B BEESltSl 33 3 3 J33Jll3Ja OMAHA WELCOMES YOU . r Newest Most Con veniently Located 250 ROOMS-250 BATHS Rates, $2.50 and Down $2.SO-S2.2S-$2. 00-fl. 75-St.BO 16th and Harney Streets TN the very center of the shop- ping and thearr district on direct car lines from all depots. Thoroughly fireproof appeal ing in appointments and service. Makt Hottt Conant Yam Ommha Horn 50 Room with Bath 12.50 100 with Bath $2.00 & S2.25 1UO witb Bath 91.50 ft 91 75 Conant Hotel Co. V HOTEL 1 1 JLLJLL 1 i Omaha's Newest and Most Modern Hotel Embodying All the Latest and Newest Equipment' Opens Early in Spring 1920 Now Being Constructed at 16th and Howard Streets by John W. and Lent H. Hill On damp, chiily summer days; frosty, cold days of spring and fall; during periods of severe winter we have all wished for a con venient and effective way of bringing up the house temperature quickly. ... " ' ; : "' This is now provided in the Humphrey Radian tf ire which al most instantly throws out heat of the sort you have only known before as coming from heavy beds of glowing coals. r This marvelous new source of heat is at your immediate call any time, any place that gas is obtainable. ; Localize your heating to the rooms where you spend your time and save a ton of coal a month, and the Humphrey Radiantfirc makes it a pleasure. y ; Costs on the average 2 to 3 cents per hour. Radiantfire Type De Luxe No. 102. The glowing radiant incandescence of the Radiantfire will bring cheer and , comfort to your hearth. It solves the problem of the unused fireplace. It is an ornament and an economy to any home. l . warn Radiantfire Heaters 4 r " The Advantage of Radiant Heat Radiant heat is heat derived from energy waves "projected through the atmosphere from an incandescent mass. It carries its warmth directly to that body upon which the radiating heat waves fall and is, therefore, very different from so-called "convected heat," which merely warms the air surrounding it. It is radiant heat that you enjoy whn seated in a sunny window on a winter's morning. This radiant sun-heat has traveled through the frigid temperature of outer space for 95,000,00 miles and yet bathes you in warmth upon a zero day. Again it is radiant heat that beats upon you through the car .window as the train rolls by a pile of burning ties. It is radiant heat you feel also when seated close up to. an open wood fire. And now at last for the first time, this living radiant heat is made available for general heating in the home with gas fuel. It is be yond comparison the most healthful, satisfying type of heat because it warms th body, yet leaves, the air in the room both cool and fresh for breathing, The room that is heated by the RADIANT! iRE will never feel "elbse" and "stuffy." ' The Radiantfire in the Living-Room. Tho Radiantfire is most ornamental in design and finish. There are different types from massive bronze to dainty white Colonial to harmonize with any style of furnishing and decora tion. .... f The Radiantfire in the Dining-Room. The Radiantfire is ideal for the dining-room a wanii toom and a cheerful, cozy, open blaze ready for every meal without wood to carry or a fire to watch afterwards- . The Radiantfire in the Bed-Room. The Radiantfire is a cheerful comfort in the bed-room. It gives warmth instantly .for dressing in the morning and nt the children's bed time. It is clean and absolutely safe. The Radiantfire in the Library. The Radiantfire ;glows and shimmers like a huge incandescent opal, with all the firelight effects that charm and fascinate. It is a cozy, comfortable fire to sit by in the library. : imiwimiMiiiiiuiiHiiimimiiitJlw Radiantfire Type De Luxe No-101. Radiantfire is absolutely noiseless absolutely odorless. There is no soot no deadening of the air. The Radiant fire lights quietly and easily. It turns down low. It is a perfect fireplace for the home. a 1509 Howard St. mpaiiy Phone Douglas 605 : J V It m I I llfljM ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliai it I i M"