THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 28, 1919. 9 D HELP WANTED MALB Boy. WlVTtD-Brig.t boy. over It, te M. for rnl -traveling poeltloa, Osaka dis trict; $9 and expos; promotion: no lolling oxporUnoo necessary, write Kmu toL station c, Dopt it, u m Angel. Cal Hotels and Restaurants. MAN FOR NIGHT CHECKER AND CASHIER. Hotel Rome Cafeteria Miscellaneous. .WANTED 75 men for yarding live stock, j un loading hay and dipping sheep. Apply to time keeper, Union Stock Yards Co. WANTED Wlde-awake hoy with wheel; good opportunity. Awdy 2034 Farnam, Mr. Collin. WANTED BrllVERS, WAGON AND TRUCK HELPERS. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY BX- . PRESS CO.. UNION DEPOT. RETURNED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS , Staking tmploymont should call at one at the Soldier' Free Employment . Bureau of the OmahaCbamber of Com merce. Tyler 1234. AN If PERSON WANTING A JOB APPLY AT 190T HARNEY STREET. Laborer, teamster, lumber and coal handler, mechanics, carpenter, tinner, bricklayer, cook, factory halp, etc. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU BRAKEMEN-FIREMEN Age 18 to 25; ltO to 1225 monthly; experieno un necessary; no strike; permanent posi tions. Full particular and application blank free. RAILWAY. 127 Fresno. Cal. MEN Age 17 to 65: experience unnec Msary; travel; make secret Investiga tions, reports; salaries, xpenek, Amer ican Foreign Detective Agency. 612 St. L.OU1S. WANTED Man and woman, no children, to work on farm, to take cars of stock; moit give references. William Dory. inerriman, iseo. hox ZQ7. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors oentiiM, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. T. V. Kniesr, 212 Be Bids.. Omaha, Neb. WANTEDMEN FOR ALL KINDS "OF WORK, THE BIO 4 LABOR AGEN CIES, SIS S. ELEVENTH ST. D. 8461. WANTED Experienced janitor: good hours arid good wages. Apply 401 Eleo trlc Building. .WANTED Janitor for flv apartments. Apply Geo. T. Ramsey. 2214 North Nine- ' leenxn. enth WANTED An errand boy. L A. Medt oier uOt ib a. ntn nt, DELIVERY boy with wheel. . John A'. . . Bath, florist. 180 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. Stenographer iioo-lno; very good lirra. STENOGRAPHER, office clerk, Jnov lng pictures, 175. STENOGRAPHER, Wholesale, 150-184. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $60; uptown. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale, small aepartment, su-ss. SALES, refined and well educated, ex optionally neat, best of reference, for retail jewelry, salary open. ' .' TYPIST, beblinner. .260.161. ' A.urior, wnoiesaie, sou-f; some . rtady lor work. COMPTOMETER operator, uptown. probably the best firm In Omaha to . work for, 160-165, beginner. CLERKS, file olerka and office girl, uptown and wholesale, 50-$60-$66; six . different position. . . ... i. u. jii.. ,,u,vu Bun wuu- ' eattd young woman. It or It, start at : ISO. DRESSMAKER to take chart of (nop, designing, fitting, tc; must be capable; salary open: out of town. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE COMPANY. Open until 6:30 p. m. 1 City Nat, Bk. Bldg. Douglas 8331, I WANT 5 YOUNG LADIES fO WARN LONG DISTANCB TELE THONS! WORK. THIS AFFORDS A BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS ?0 GET INTO EXECUTIVE POSITIONS HAN ANY OTHER BUSINE8S 1 KNOW. YOU DON'T NEED EXPERI ENCE! I WILL TRAIN YOU IN A GOOD SCHOOL AND YOU WILL BE PAID WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING COMA AND SEE ME DAYS BETWEEN I A. 1L AND P. MT GERALDINE BELL. (11 TELEPHONE BLDO. YOUNG LADIES WE OFFER YOU A WELL-PAID POSITION. PAT TOTJ WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK ! RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OFERAT6R8' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 111 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING ltTH DOUGLAS STREETS. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. Bookkeeper, auto Co.. 110 to 115 wek. Assistant bookkeeper. 170 to HI. . Fil clerk, uptown office, (l to III. General offio clerk and typtrt. 175 JU 185. Tyrjlrt to writ pollla for laeurue Office eler. good future. 111 wee. Stenographer, 1100, o and III. 1 Beginner taogrmphr, 115 to 111 week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE A8&N. 17-11 Woodmen of th World Bldg. ANY GIRL coming to. or now Uvlng In Omaha, who wlhea to cur employ, ment, board and room, or a circle of congenial friends, should Introduo her aelf to th secretary of th "Big Sla ter." Thl Is an organisation of Omaha basin woman formed to promot th happiness and Interests of their "little sUters." RUTH T. CAMERON. Sec'y. 220 Omaha National Bank Building, Doug la 5814. STENOGRAPHERS Telegraph office, $91 1100; wholesale, 1100; Imuranc offlc, 185-110; grain office, 75-I5; automo. mlleaM $86-$90; temporary atenoa, 14 to 16 per day. Typist, retail tp., 175-150; comptom eter operator, 180-185; posting machine operator, $S0-$6; P. B. X. operator, $64- THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O, W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, 1110-1100-190-186-180- 7-t; ledger clem, fgv-isu; typi', 186-180-175-166; diet, opr., 1100; mult opr., $100; mult and addressograph opr., 1115; mult opr., small office, 180; typist and clerk, 860; fil clerk, 160; file clerk, 150-155; cashier, $50 160; compt opr., 170; Burroughs opr., ISO; bookkeeper and typlat, 195. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Young lady for label writing. Apply to Mr. GasklU, Sherman s mc Connell Drug Co., Sixteenth and Dodge treat tore. WANTED Girl In ruling department; good wage to start Carpenter Paper (jo., rvintn ana Harney. STENOGRAPHERS, $75 to 1100; typist, 165. watts Ret. Co., 1138 Jnrsi nn. Bank. WANTED Stenographer for our mall order department Nebraska Army ec Navy Supply Co., 161 Howard. SHORTHAND and typewriting taught In 12 week. For particular call weoaier 5405. FILE CLERK, no experience necessary. 240. Employer Kererence to., a Beo. DEMONSTRATOR, food products, alary open. Employer' Reference Co., 224 Bee. BRIGHT young lady to learn filing. No ex perience necessary. Good future. Em ployer's Reference Co., 224 Bee Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, downtown offices and wholesale office, experienced and be ginner, 170-890. Employer's Reference Co., 224 Bee Bldg. TYPISTS, downtown office and whole, of fices, experienced and beginners, 150- 170. Employer's Ref. Co.. 224 Bee Bldg. BURROUGHS posting machine operator, 190. Emp. Ref. Co., 224 Bee. OFFICE clerk, wholesale, 166. Emp. Ref. Co., 214 Be Bldg. . . BOOKKEEPER, little stenography. 1100 and up. Emp. Ret. Co., 224 nee. CLERK and typist, Dr.'s offlcs, 45. Emp. iter, tjo., z at aen mag. OFFICE clerk downtown, 165. Employ er's Reference Co.. 224 Bee Bldg. OFFICE clerk, some experience, 113.60 wk. Emp. Ref, Co., 224 Bee. OFFICE girl, no experience necessary, 155. Emp. Ref. Co.. 124 Bee. , , ADDRESSOGRAFH and multi graph oper ator. Emp. Ker. Co., Z24 Bee. CASHIER, cafe, uptown, 12 and meals. Employers Ker. co,,. 224 Bee. p7"b. X. OPERATOR and clerk, $60. Em ployer's Reference Co., 224 Bee. Professions and Trades. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. WRITE photoplays: 116 to 1300 paid anyon for suitable ideas; experience unnecessary; complete outline free. r-roaucer league 140. St Louis, WANTED Colored girl. Omaha Paper Stock Co., Eighteenth and Marcy, Doug. 1818, HELP WANTED. Male and Female. AGENTS 11 to II an hear during spar time; men and women to take order for Liberty Raincoat; every coat sold under guarantee; McCana made 1601 tn 11 day working five hour dally) Georgia man, 114 tint week spare time only; thousands of order la your home town; big ooramtsstona la advance; we , deliver and collect; complete outfit free: write today. Tie Liberty Raincoat company, uept. jj-ss, juayton, u WOMEN or man wanted, alary 124 full time, 14 cant an hour spar time, sell, lng guaranteed hosiery to wearer; ex pertence unnecessary. International Mills, Norrfstown, Pa. . WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand) wage while learning; atrlotly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodg St Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYliES COLLEGE. Student ar admitted at any time. Complete course tn accountsncy, ma chine bookkeeping, eoniptometry, short, hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail, road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas ' 1565 tor larg Illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading, also all vulcanising of tubea and rubber goods, la one of th most up-to-date chools. Thre week' tuition, 125.00. Write or Call National Tire Shop, 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School of Buuslness. Day and Evening School. 114 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas .5190. MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly in school or by "home study." Omaha Business College. 306 Lyrlo Bldg., llith and Farnam. P. 6528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 185. 209 Snuth 18th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms FOR RENT 130; 383 Charle St.; first floor, five large rooms, partly furnished. Adults only. Phone Walnut 1101. ROACHES, etc., exterminated with one application, by contract or sold outright B. B. B. EXTERMINATING COM PANY, OMAHA, 307 Brandei Theater Bldg Douglas 1370. LARGE front room, first floor, mahogany furniture, piano. Ak-Sar-Ben. 2216 Douglas St. ROOM In private home cheap to gentle man who does not smoke. Phone Tyler 10H-J. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms tor rem ai nil arnam. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO rooms furnished complete for house keeping. Call before 10 a. m. Douglas 9342. 1 large modern front room, complete for housekeeping. V- r W. 402f. Board and Room FRONT room and board; private home; rate reasonable. Colfax 4468. WANTED Girls for LABELING BUTTERNUT COFFEE. Apply PAXTON-GALLAGHER CO., Offloe on 10th St. Viaduct. UNFURNISHED basement for rent cheap. JZ16 Douglas street WOMEN AND GIRLS WORK EVENINGS Labeling and Packing Macaroni EARN MORE MONEY FOR THE FAMILY PHONE OR APPLY SUPERINTENDENT SKINNER MFG. CO. TYLER 1626. 14TH AND JACKSON 6TS. WANTED. S GIRLS TO W6RK IN OUR MOD ERN DAYLIGHT FACTORY. GORDON-RAINALTER CO., 8th and Douglas. WANTED SEVERAL GIRLS ABOVE 16 YEARS TO SELL ICE CREAM AND LIGHT LUNCH. SHORT HOURS. NO SUNDAY WORK. GOOD PAY. APPLY 86DA FOUNTAIN. CASHIER, POMPEIAN ROOM, BRANDEIS STORES TEACHERS We need now for college, high schools, elementary and rural schools hundreds of teachers; write qualifications' enroll free. Cline Teach ers Agency Columbia, Mo. YOUNG people Interested In Joining pri vate amusement club, write M. Green, 2011 Emmet St. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk wanted for films. Box 8-51, Omaha Bee. WANTED. WOMEN OPERATORS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Wanted at Los Angeles, experienced rnacbtn Operator for overall, shirt waist shirt and women's dress fac tories from 118.04 to 135.04 per week; steady work. Writ for free Illustrated booklet Bo sure to state your occupa tion. Address Merchants and Manufac turers Association, Loa Angeles, Cal. WANTED Limited number of young la dlea to enroll in our short courses in stenography and comptometry. By our metnoa or individual instruction in these oourses. yon can auallfy for high- class position In from two to four months. If you ar interested In bet tering your position In the shortest pos sible time, this Is your opportunity. Call and see us for further Information, or telephone Douglas 7416. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. 2nd Floor Weed Building, 18th and Farnam Sts. U. S. GOVERNMENT needs hundreds of women. 13 ud. Census work. 11.000 IM0 year; pleatant office work: list positions free. Write Immediately Franklin Institute, Dit 16 8. aoch . SSter, N. Y, Saleswomen and Solicitors. EARN 13 TO 17 DAILY demonstrating Gem-Gola, the wonder ful new cleaner for gold and platinum Jewelry, diamonds, etc. Salary or com mission. Call at Gem-Gola Booth, Ak-Snr-Ben. CHURCH, CLUB, SOCIETY Would you earn 1100 this wssk demon strating Gem-Gola, high class article. Call Gem-Gola Booth, Ak-Sar-Ben grounds. WANTED Experienced help In ready-to- wear, nunnery, nosiery, underwear, do mestic and house furnishing department Permanent position and good salary. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. SOCIETY LADIES Free demonstration of Gem-Gola. the new cleaner for gold and platinum jewelry, diamonds, etc., at Gem-Gola pootn. An-gar-Ben grounds. YOUNG ladle (Catholic), we will train you in our work that win pay yon 30 weeaiy. tail to , to 6, ratlirson block. WANTED Salesladies for permanent no smonB. w. wooiwortn co., istn ana uougiss. Household, and Domestic WANTED An experienced second irl. References required. Mrs. T. T. Hamil ton, iiv ao. gzd Ave. EXPERIENCED cook wanted: good wages. Mr a T. Koantze, 1925 Dewey avenue, rtarney zih. GIRL for general housework; no wsshlng or ironing; ?46 per month, board and room. . dsjs uass. flTHT. rm wnM iw tl-a 1 T c t-. . i..,... good wages. Colfax 819. 4823 Florence "T I . CAPABLE white girl for general house- .ft lr n n wn.f.1nB U.... ,4ft- WANTED A good housekeeper on farm. .iseh xianaen, nerman, XNep. it. 1 WANTED A second girl, 12 a week. lei, wainut cz8, airs, jonn u. nenneay. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Food checker; 164 per month and meals; apply to Manager Black- scons notei. WANTED White chambermaid. The Creche, 1235 B. Tth St, Douglas 1111. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Special rate and Inducement Miscellaneous. WB WISH to hear from lady Interested In literary work. Send u a ttory. article or poem for examination, typed or hand written. If acceptable we will pay you cash: If appointed on Our staff will pay salary. submit your MS to Editor, Woman' National Magasine. Desk 1424, Washington, P. U. GIRLS WANTED To work In paper box plant Good wage to start; bonuses paid. Eggerss-o Flying Co., I6tn and Leavnwortn Hts. EARN 12 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magastnes; experience unnecessary, details free. Pre Syndi cate 171. SI Louis, MO, Rocms Wa ted. WANTED By oouple with one 2-year- old child, 2 heated rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Walnut 1866. 1 Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET, Two snd three-room apartments, com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4201). WOMAN employed will rent good room In new downtown apartment to woman employed. Address Box S-42, Bee. 825 per month) WILL sublease my 3-room furnished apartment for one month, walking dis tance. Must furnish reference. Phone Tyler 8662-J. WOMAN employed will rent Sood room tn new downtown apartment to woman employed. Address. Box S-42. Bee. Houses. WOULD SHAR13 my beautifully furnished home with refined couple; only 2 In fam lly: husband traveling. Colfax 4669. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. WANTED TO RENT. Miscellaneous. WANTED By elderly lady and daughter, two heated room furnished for light housekeeping. .Wrl,tl,filfr,0tnan "'j MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVING MADE EASY FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY Thl big organisation take th grief out of moving. Skilled men assume your re sponsibility no further worry no Inefficient employe to damage furniture. PACKING . Again, expert men required and we have them. Year of experieno packing furniture insure you satisfaction at lowest price. STORAGE You can atoro your furniture with the assurance of perfect safety and care In our large spaolous warehouse. Charge reasonable. Why sell your . furniture? DOUGLAS 288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY, 15th and Jackson Sts. FIDELITY a'ndvan CO- 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 281. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICH COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage Call Tyler 234 or Doug. 4318, auto or wagon service. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. n,n vv-ira , . w t r r- -1 - m Separate looked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STOftAOH CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 1401. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. BROWN TRANSFER CO. Prompt Service . Tyler 166-W. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. AN UNUSUAL PROPOSITION We have a client Who owns four lots, two located near Fort Omaha, near 30th St., and two located on 32d Ave., near Leavenworth; both good locations. The owner will build on these lots houses suitable for the locations, putting the lots in at cost and the houses In at cost, building to suit your plan, or you can select your own contractor. There will be no profit charged to th .owner on the building or the lots above actual cost, and the only expense above actual cost Items that you would be to would be our commission based upon the fin ished property, at the regular real es tate exchange rates, and we will assist you In the overseeing and management of the construction. The beauty of this proposition is the terms, getting the property at cost, with only 800 cash required on either of tho 30th St. lots, and only 11,000 or more on tho 32d Ave. lots. Here is a chance to eliminate the usual builder's profit In houses built on easy terms for sale. If interested, let us go into further details with you. D. V. SHOLES CO., Douglas 46. REALTORS. 915 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR Immediate occupancy; beautiful. thoroughly modern seven-room brick house, including sunroom, with garage. Hot water -heat. Price 1100.00 pet month. Call Mr. Heyn, 424 Omaha Nat')Bank Bldg. Douglas 746. Miscellaneous. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RENT ? Choice residence lot. East front, In West Fafnam district, only 11,250.00. See Owner, 408 North 43d St., further part ticulars. 8-KOOM brick, with two baths, at 316 N. 38tn Ave., to lease- for rive years at 76 per month to responsible tenant, with option to purchase tor on year at 17,000. Douglas 2947. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. "PETERS TRUST C07 Specialists In Apartment management. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. Miscellaneous. RENTALS $2,150 PRICE $12,500 Th location ia excellent. Th prop erty consists of brick building com prising four separate apartments of five rooms and bath eaoh. Oak floors throughout We will be glad to show you through this or other similar crackerjack Investments. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1536. 33JlScurjtjeg Bldg. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FARNAM ST. STORE. Fine extra deep store, with extension to alley; suitable for high-class auto or other business. See 2063 Farnam street H. A. WOLF CO., agents, 512 Electric Bldg. ARE you seeking location for restaurant, cafs, drug store, shoe shop, or bakery 7 Location central. Tile floors and windows. Nothing for rent as good In city. See Richard Tlsard, 220H .N. 23d. GOOD store rooms, 15th and Dauglt. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY, 'PhOne Douglas 6342. OFFICES FOR RENT. Nice private office furnished complete. Use of reception room. 511 Keellne Hllig. U. 7566 Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT Desk room; First National Bank Bldg.; phone Smith, Douglas 5412 Sunday, or Tyler 6025 Monday a. m. WANTED TO RENT. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT This nine-room house on a corner lot is a real buy at the present price and It's a location that is sure to grow rapidly In value; the house Is not new but Is in very good Condition and the lot is extra large; possession can be obtained on a reasonable notice; price Is 814,000 and wa; consider this the best buy in this district; will show house on request. Another West Farnam house of nine rooms, strictly modern house in this district that would make you a fine home; within easy walking distance of car, school and park; a real buy at 111.500; will show on request; posses sion In reasonable time. Another 69ven-rooin house in this dis trict at the very reasonable price of 15,000; is located on Thirty-third street, just north of Davenport) this Is worth uoein 9 Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. WEST SIDE Near S2d and Webster Beautiful (-room house, built over in first-class condition; hat water plant costing 1460, but would cost more now; hardwood finish; fruit trees; pavement paid; neaf Harney car line; 2Vi blocks to public school, 6 blocks to St John's school. Price 14, 800. Convenient terms. Five-room modern bungalow, 24x40; built-in features in kitchen; Rogers hot air furnace; pavement paid; nice yard; handy to the Harney car line; 2 blocks to public school and 4 blocks to St. John's school. Price 4,800. Very con venient terms. These two homes are 10 minutes' ride to the heart of the city. Theo. E.-Peterson Co., 457-68 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7024 . "ATTENTION MR. HOME HUNTER The former horn of Mr. Gv Storz at th northeast corner of Sherman avenue and Grace street, will be sold next Wednesday, September 80, to the. party who will make the highest bid; terms reasonable) beautiful ground 82x132; the 10-room residence, strictly modern, has two bath rooms, full ce ment basement, laundry and toilet room; new hot water heating plant; the house will be open for Inspection between I and 12 and 2 and 6 p. m.; don't fall to attend if you wish to buy a home at your Own price; for sale by Otto Slemssen, 1044 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg., Phone Doug. 3519. Unfurnished Apartments ft Houses WANTED TO RENT Strictly modern fur nished or unfurnished 6 or t-room apartment or house in Dundee, Field club or west Farnam distriots, Oot 15. Call Har. 1529. THREE or tour unfurnished rooms or house with heat; not over 125. Writ box B-39, Bee. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED November 1, by woman with J-months-old baby, furnished apt., 1 or 1 rooms, kitchenette and battr. South ex posure or sun room preferred. Phone H. L. Garner. Room 842, Fontenelle hotel. WANTED TO RENT Three rooms, fur. nlshed for light housekeeping, by couple with two small children. Writ W. A. Anton, Flomar Hotet YOUNG man desires room with private family; prefer north side, near car Una and garage. 8-64. Omaha Be. MAN and wife will care for home for the winter In absence of owner. No chil dren. Address Y-694, Omaha Bee. Board and Room - WANTED By two young men, board and room In private family. Box 8-46, Bee. Miscellaneous COMFORTABLE sleeping room In private home. Must have garage room tor one I car. Box 8-6, Bee, NEAR BlMIS PARK A full two-story, six-room house, fin ished In golden oak throughout, with a full oement basement, floor drain, fruit cellar and eleotrlo washer piping Installed; very beautifully deoorated; round oak hot air furnace, large re ception hall and living room; paving paid; screened porches, front and rear; roomy clothes closets; toilet In base ment; located at 160S North Thirty fifth street and priced at 16,260, about half cash. Call us for inspection. WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tyler 4506. 644 World-Herald Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME. This Is a very desirable eight-room home built for oomfort. First floor con sists of living room, dining room, music room and kitchen. Living room has fireplace and door to screened porch, with fin east and south exposure. Oak floors, pretty fixtures and tasty decora tions. Four bedrooms and bath upstairs, with oak floors. One block to Farnam car, In the heart of the West Farnam district, surrounded by the prettiest homes In the city. Good garage and driveway. 17,500, 14,000 cash required. Shown by appointment only. i ATirnren thdmas. 604 First National Bank. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Seven-room, all modern bouse, half block from Farnam car line, on block froiri Blackatone 'hotel; full lot, east front; four bedrooms, larg right bath room; right roomy living room and dining room; ail in good repair; price 16,600. half cash, balance terms; call Fred L. Heyn, 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Doug. T48 NEW HOME NEAR HARNEY CAR LINE (-room and bath, full cemented base ment furnace heat oak finish and oak floor below, white enamel with birch mahogany door upstair, all modern conveniences, book case and cupboard built-in; full lot In Montolair Addition on block from Harney car line. Price, 16,600; reasonable terms. Thl house will be ready November 1. ' DUMONT CO., REALTORS. 418-H Keellne Bldg. Phone. D. 694. FARNAiyTSTREET 44x132 $27,000 v Three-story brick building, 12x100 on th ground. Rented for 11,800 per year. One of th best close in buys In Omaha. Let us tell you about It WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1636. 833 Securities Bl dg. ""NOT ADVERTISED i BEFORE T-room brick house with all modern conveniences, full lot, two block from FaVnara car line; price 114,000. Easy terms. Possession In 30, days. Ask us for full Information. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 418-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. CASS STREET HOME Beautiful modern home of 5 rooms. East front, overlooking city to the east. Adjoining Omaha's moBt exclusive resi dential section. Can finish two more rooms at a very nominal cost. Located at 17th and Cass streets. Fifty-foot lot, priced 16,000. This price only hlods good for 10 days. Built In 1915: oak trim. HARR? M. CHRISTIE, 1S20 Farnam St. Doug. 664. BEAUTIFUL HOMES I have four good houses for sale that you cannot afford to overlook. These houses are all modern and from five to seven rooms. Priced for Immediate sale and can be bought on reasonable terms. If you are looking for a real tinmA. sen TnA at once. W. NATHAN WATTS, 818-14 Paxton Block. Doug. 9008. 6 Rooms Near Blackstone 12,000 CASH, OR 15,250135 MO. . South front. A good buy. Splendid lo cation. Strictly modern. Large porch, re ception room, large living and dining room, full cemented basement, 1 fine bedrooms and bath on second floor. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. WEST SIDE Five-room bungalow, all modern, maple floors, 88x16a, lot, 931 South Thirty-eighth avenue; priced at 14,750, about half cash; shown by appointment WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tyler 4506. 644 World-Herald Bldg. 29TH AND FARNAM 4-room house and lot, 40x115. less than one block from Farnam street. Big snap at 84.S50. Lot alono worth 16,000 and for entire property, 14,860 Is sure a bargain. Bedford-Johnston Co., REALTORS. 612 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 1734. A BARGAIN; I's'o'no'; SEVEN ROOMS. MODERN, CLOSE IN. BARGAIN, 16,500; EIGHT ROOMS, WATER HEAT. BARGAIN, 18,000; HOUSE AND LOT 66x132, NEAR P. O. J. P. STEBBINS, 1610 CHICAGO. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I rooms, all modern, hot water heat, electrio lights, all rooms nicely deco rated. Lot 60x135, south front, all jpaving pald Call at 2882 Capitol Ave. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Block. Phone Tyler 4880. OMAHA real estate and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theat. Doug. J. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shtiler & Cary. NEAR Fontenelle park; small house) barn, chicken house and 10 lots, on Ames avenue; near paved road, 82,250, terms. Call Wal. 3007 today North. BEAUTIFUL HOME WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A very handsome, strictly modern residence built by owner for personal home; eight rooms besides third floor, which Is unfinished, would matte three rooms; east front, fine fruit and shade trees; owner leaving the city. 124 North Thirty-third. Har. 1793. MISS LINA E. ZEISS, Inspection by appointment only. WPOT IT A PM 1 W WnMlT. This la a very desirable eight-room home built for comfort) first floor con sists of living room, dining room, music room and kitchen; living room ha fireplace and door to screened porch, with tine east and south exposure; oak floors, pretty fixtures and tasty decora tions; four bedrooms and bath upstairs, with oak. floors; one block to Farnam car. In tho heart of the West Farnam district, surrounded by the prettiest homes In the city; good garage and driveway: 17,600, 14,000 cash required. Shawn by appointment only. 604 First National Bank. rTRooms Near Blackstone 12 000 CASH PRICE 5,I60 135 MO. So front, a good buy. splendid loca tion" strictly modern; large porch, recep tion room, large living and dining roo n, fin kitchen, full cemented basement 3 fine bedroom and bath on 2d floor. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNS REALTY CO,, 430 Be Sldf., CARPENTERS BUILDERS MECHANICS You overlook a great opportunity to beat high building costs if you full to buy one or all of these partially completed houses at the southeast corner of Twenty-ninth and Seward streets, this Is the opportunity of a lifetime to get a real bargain: buy one of these places and finish' as you want it finished; we will help you fi nance the completion of the house and are willing to carry part of the pur chase price as a second mortgage; be sure to see these places today. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 508 Bee mag. EIGHT rooms, modern, oak finish down stairs; near 24th and Fort; terms. Six rooms, modern, hard pine finish; near 24th and Fort; terms. Seven rooms, modern, sleeping porch; 20th and Snrncue: 12.500 cash. Five rooms, modern, dak- finish; near 74th and Ames: 21.800 cash. Five rooms, modern, oak floors; near 24th and Ames; 1500 casii, au per mo, lTiw, room, modern, hot water heat. hard pins finish, beautiful lot, lots of shade, south front lot; near 21th and Ames. Haven rooms, modern, double garage, lot 60x130; good home; near 30th and Ames. . JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blnrk. Phone Tyler 4880, "CLASSY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW I? ADA DOWN PRICE 15.250135 MO. Strictlv up to the last minute with all ' built-in foatures, splendidly built, beau tiful lawn; lot 76x126 ft; ha fin norch: floors all choice oak se lected oak finish, vestibule, larg living room, built-in ..bookcases, large dining room, built-in buffet, 2 large bedrooms, fine bath, linen ciosec, etc, A .Diendid basement. This place can not be duplicated for $6,500. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Two-Apartment Home $6,000 Located neaf 19th and W'lrt, handy to school and car line. Buildings In aood repair and Income now 160.00 monthly. This property will net close to iv per cent and Dears ins iuiiesi investigation. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1538. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. , GOOD HOMES Minne Lusa Owner leaving city at one, offer hi T-room new horn on Redlek Ave., fac ing Miller park, for Immediate sal. Ha extra large sun room overlooking park) extra large living room with beam cell ing: fireplace and built-in bookcases; dining room ha built-in buffet These rooms all finished In best ef oak. Kitch en has butlt-tn conveniences: I extra Urge bedroom an second floor finished in white enamel, birch and oak; tile bathroom with shower bath; full base ment, best of furnace; full-slsed south front lot with garage. Thl I on of th best homes tn Min ns Lusa, and th location could not be better. Minne Lusa Bungalow On touth front lot, block and a half to car, new 6 -room bungalow with oak finish In living room and dining room; kitchen with built-in convenience; bed room finished In whit enamel; oak floor throughout; best of plumbing; full basement) large attic. Price 15,400; $400 cash, balance monthly payments. Miller Park District l-room bungalow on Crown Point Ave., I blocks from 24th St. car line; large living room with fireplace and dining 'room finished in oak) two large bed rooms finished In white enamel; kitchen with bullt-ln conveniences; extra larg attic; full basement and south front corner lot. An excellent neighborhood, only one block from Miller park, and a bargain at $5,100. Easy terms. 5-Room Bungalow At 29th and Ames Ave., corner lot, 64 feet frontage; has three large rooms on first floor and two rooms and bath on second. This Is a nearly new house and in excellent condition, and a bargain at $4,500. Poppleton Avenue Near !6th St., 8-room story and a half house with 8 bedrooms; paving all paid. This la a close-in bargain at $3,600. For convenience on Sunday call E. A. Holslngton, Colfax 3472. M. O. Headley, Colfax 3482, or Jos. Lane-fellner. Colfax 2832. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS, T42 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 187. WE will sell your horn within 30 day. Colfax 175. . . FOR SALE GOOD BARGAINS A T-room all modern house right near Crelghton college, two storle. A fine lot Price only $4,200; one-third cash. Balance less than rent. House No. 2009 California St J. B. ROBINSON, REALTOR. DOUG. 8097. 442 BEE BLDG. $5,500 S rooms, hot water heat, strictly modern, 2 bath rooms. Could be used for 2 families) $1,600 down, balance 6 per cent. Located 1 block to 24th St. car; near arhool, O'Keefe Ileal Estate Company, Realtor. 1018 Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. Douglas ziii. MILLERPARK . DISTRICT Have a beautiful flve-rom, strictly modern bungalow just west of Miller Park that Is almost completed. It Is finished in oak except bed rooms, which are white enameled; tile floors in bath rooms and kitchen; Nil porch; outside finish Is kellastonS stucco; close to car line; will sell for $750 down and bal ance monthly. Call Douglas 7412 days, or Webster 6345 Sunday, and ask for Mr. Cole. DESIRABlEHOME 3210 North 25th Avenue 6-room, strictly modern, in splendid repair, frontage on two streets. Price $3,500. 906 Francis St. 8 rooms, good neighborhood, paving all paid. Price 13.000. ' World Realty Company, 6432. . Sun Theater Bldg. Going to Portland Must Sell Jdst a Splendid, almost new and en tirely modern seven-room house with screened porch, full basement and large east front lot; northwest part of city near Overland Tire and Douglas Motor Corp.: 11,500 rash. EDWARD F. .WILLIAMS CO., ) ina-4 Omaha Ntit. Bk. Bldg. P. 420. REALTORS. FOR COLORED Six rooms, with sewer, gas, water and stove heat; large cellar, paving paid; storm windows and screens throughout; In excellent condition; for Immediate possession; -12,200; a few hundred down and balance like rent; located at 2821 Seward street; owner will .how von thrnueh WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tyler 4505. . 644 World-Herald Bldg. 6220 No. 31st. Strictly Modern East Front Good story and A . half, five room home, now vacant and ready for Imme diate possession. Newly painted and papered throughout. One block from car and Miller parkj Full basement. Good large lot, with fruit trees, etc, Price 14,750, on easy terms. Call Col fax 3917. MILLER PARK 6-room modern home with oak floors throughout; high and sightly with east front and fine lot; this nice home com pletely modern and In dandy shape. Im mediate possession as Is now vacant Snap at 14,750. Terms, $750 cash and 40 per month. v Bedford-Johnston Co., REALTORS. 612 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 1734. $3,700 A very good five-room house, located In the northwest part of the city, near 39th and Grand Ave., convenient to car and school; five big rooms, well ar ranged; house In good condition, mod em except heat; full lot. This place Is worth tne money. Let us show you. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. Douglas 48 916 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 2920 NORTH 25TH. Nine rooms, hot water heat. trictly modern, 2 bathrooms. Could be used for 2 families. 11,600 down, balance 6 per cent O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. .Doughs 2716. BEAUTIFUL stucco house, five rooms. just completed; large rooms, oak fin ish, built-in china closet; linen closet, clothes chute rrom bath room to base ment: very complete kitchen and pantry, full cemented basement; lot 48x122, large shade trees, most sightly loca tion overlooking Miller park and val ley: close to car and school; see it. 6331 North Thirty-first avenue, phone Colfax 8881. FOR SALE Full size north front lot and house 26x31 ft Located 2V4 miles from post office and 2H block to car and school. Hera Is a chance to cut your high rent and mane a real home at a small cost. Only $1,500 asked. Term If desired, A. R. KELLEY, 801 Paxton Building. . Douglas 1411. $3,650 BARGAIN Seven rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, except elec. light: double garage: south front, close to 24th St. car arid Lothrop scnooi. This nanny bargain can be handled with $1,000 cash and balance 830 monthly. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 4S0 Bee Bldg. Tyler 496. BEAUTIFUL new six-room bungalow on a splendid corner, with garage and drive way, at 2551 Bauman St One block north of Prettiest Mile club. This Is just one of the nicest and moat complete homes on the mnrket and I can deliver at once at fair price and terms. Joseph Pick, 1502 Dodge St, Douglas 4270,. Sun day, WvBstW UiSt ' Immediate Possession 3403 Brown afreet, beautiful l-room semi-bungalow, absolutely modern, now vacant Priced right. Only 15,000.00. $1,000.00 cash will handle. Key at of fice. R. J. CLARY CO., 3404-4 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. 8 ROOMS, hard finish throughout, steam heat, finished basement, large lot. ga rage. This house Is mostly new. 15.000. Good term. Call Colfax 1812. NoUU of Ames. North. SElPfHESE' ,TUraY" SJ1T Charle. l-r. new bung., 11,600. 3005 N. 30th, 6-r, new bung., $3.60. 1708 Fort, l-r. mod.. 1 bath. See. 18th snd Manderson, -r. mod., 106x144 ft 6203 N. 14th. l-r. bung., 1 lot. $2,100. 1618 Ohio, 7-r., mod. ex. ht, $2,400. CHAPKK. Brandei Theater Bldf; D. 6584. NOW VACANT BUT TODAY MOVE TOMORROW. Nearly new 8-r. bungalow, elc light. I big lot. (208 N. 14th. Snap, $2,200. CHAPBK. Brandei Theater J31dg. D. 1114, L-:fr"- BUNGALOWS. Some good ones, new and nearly nw. Some on terms; om for cash. Lt me show you. JOHN T. BOHAN, 111 Paxton Block. Phone TylT 481 EIGHT room, modern, hot water heat. oak finish down stairs, corner, souin front, garage. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Block. Phon Tyler 4884. 8IX room, toilet, ga. water, etc., close In, good whit neighborhood, one oiock to car line, price $1,160, only $360 down payment. . , DAY A MAYNE, 605 Keellne Bldg. Dougla 914. BUY FROM OWNER Eight-room modern house, two full lots, screened sleeping porch, mulberry hedge, garage and chicken hous. COLFAX 2681. 1122 NO. 46TH ST. 6-R. CORNER LOT. NOT MODERN. 1160 CASH. CKBilun SONS A CO.. 608 BEE BLDG. D. 200. FIVE-room cottage, partly modrn. 1011 North Nineteentn street; see owner, 1310 South Ninth. MINNE LUSA home and lot offer th beat opportunity to inven yonr money Phone Tyler 187. GOING to Calif. My modern 7-room horn with or without turnuure; garag. vis N. 14th Ave. E. A. Clark. A FEW homes and lols for sale in Park- wood Addition, a sate place lor invest ment. Norrls ft Norrls, Doug. nv. COLORED Five-room, pattly modern cottage, near car large 101. i,ivi, mu cash, balance it. wen. siou. TWO five-room ootTages, " possession at once. Numoers 4tza anq sna nrown oi. South. $5,750 " l-fo6m. strictly all modern, with sleeping porch. Lot $0x127, paved street, paving all paid. Term, $1,600 cash, balance monthly payments; lo cated within 4 block of Haneconl park, near 2 car line. O'Keefe Real Estate Company, Realtor. 1018 Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. Douglas 2715. $5,500 BARGAIN POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1. Quarter-sawed white oak finish on first floor; tiled vestibule; nice den, etc.: three bedrooms and sewing room and bath on second floor) floored attic; full brick foundation, cemented basement with brick partitions between laundry, fruit and furnace rooms; garage, snaue; 50xl60-ft. lot Don't let thl so by. Call Tyler 498. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Dandy 7-R. Field Club PRICE $8,260 PART CASH. Choicest part of Field club: east front. fine shade. Built for a home; choicest quarter-sawed oak floors and finish, first floor. Has reception room, large living room and dining room; nutiera pantry, kitchen, refrigerator room, splendid basement; 4 nice rooms and bath on second floor; full floored attic. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., au gee i5iag, 5-ROOM COTTAGE 4t 1712 Van Camp Ave., city water, ga and electric light Price $1,100. Easy term to reliable purchaser. 0, C. OLSEN, 106 MoCagu Bldg Hanscom Park District FIVe-room. all modern, new bunra. low; bullt-ln featm-es; south front; corner lot Price $6,704; $1,00$ cash, balance terms. C. C. BEAVERS, Douglas 2450. 760 Omaha Nat, 0k. Bldg. $4,500 4 five-room cottages, city water, sewer and gas. Owner leaving for old country. W can arrange terms to good party: a, vp good investment. BIRKETT & CO., REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. LIST your house and lot for quick sal witn Hitting nvan, realtor. in Harney itrtat Phon Tyler 14, W Have Property for Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECUR1TT CO, 101 South 17th St Doug. 1411. 'if ! t t t f habViaivs in home Investment Prop ertlee and acreage near omana. narri j ,nn a, Morton tl Omaha Nat Bk. B trl : , SOME GOOD HOMES $1,750 Slg-room tfeu. at 4111 Burdclt i ;, treat, with a south front lot 44x 113, on small payments. 1,004 Seven-room house, modern xept heat, arranged for two families; ha two complete bathrooms; . three room upstair and tour down; should rent for $44 per month, with torn Utile repair. 1,114 Six-room modern house, at 1101 North 18th tret. thre rooms and reception ball on the first floor) three leaping rooms and bath on the oond floors ease front lot 41x130. 1,860 Six-room house, fully modsrn, at 2871 Binney. trt) Oak floor; couth front lot. 44x112. 1,160 Nine-room modern - hous In Kountie Place, on Plnkney street . large porch j ha nw root and, new furnac. and Is In good order. 4,104 Ten-room modern house, at 841 Manderson atrcet, hot water heat; larg basement with laundry: two fireplace; larg cement porch-; south front lot $1x128. with A ittf w.ll lni.,1.4. ntif untvr!ty, not far from Presby. terian Theological Seminary. W. H. GATES. . ' V 447 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. D. 1294. Realtor. Web. I68. 7-r.. mod. lot 60x140. carac. 41st and A Page 14,600. i -r., mod., 37tn and California le.nou. : 8-r., mod., 17th and California $4,800. 8-r., mod., 87th and Seward 15,600, 8-r., mod., 20th and Lindsay $$,441. ' 8-r., mod., 13d and Wirt $5,600. 6-r., mod., 251h and Maple 14,264. 6-r., mod., 29th and Indiana $4,400. $900 cash. 6-r., mod., 17th and Chart $1,104. Double house. Ith A Bancroft 17,000, 6- r., mod., 81st and Marcy 18,714. l-r., mod., 8911 So. 28th 13.154. 8-r., mod., 19th and Elm 14.644. 8-r., mod., 28th and Bristol $8,104. 10-r., mod., SOth and Pacific 17,100. Two 6-r., mod., 13d and N 11,800. 7- r, mod., 4711 No. 40th St $1,444 MOREARTY & CONBOY. BEE BLDG., D. 1841. Evening, Tyler 4ITT-W. REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property. 26,000 Sq. Ft. Brick ' Warehouse for Sale or for Rent. We offer for tale or will rnt on a long time leas, a brick warehouse con sisting of four floors, on trackage, con- -talnlng approximately 24,044 q. ft. of space, Possession within 44 day. Thl I a desirable warehouse and If you r Interested will advise you to get la touch with u Immediately. H. A. WOLFE CO., Ill Electrio Bldg. Tylr It. The Biggest Return in -Omaha for Your, Money I Seven store and tit flat On one of th arteries of Omaha' ever in creasing traffic. Present rentals I1.86S per annum, which by remodeling one of th building now on the property, can be increased to 13,714, We have a price for a short while of $14,0004 How long the owner will b In th no-, tlon of telling w do not know, o WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh CoJ Tyler J 634. - 83$ Securities Bldg. 250 Beo Bldg.. Doug. 633. HANSCOM park residence, 10 rooms, well arranged lor large lamuy or roomers; well located: fine furnace; oak floors; must be seen to be appreciated. 1326 South Thirtieth avenue. Phone Harney 635. . . A real bargain for a working man; a seven-room nouae In good condition. Twenty-eighth and B Streets, can be bought for $1,300, triws $300 down, $13 a month, Including Interest. Call South 4549. FOR SALE. 542 South 30th street. T-room all modern house. Price $4,600. ROBERT S. TRUMBULL. Tyler 786. 1305 First National Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE A fine modern nine-room home at 4220 South Twenty-fifth; priced at $6,500, $1,000 cash will handle this. Call South 4549. FOR SALE A six-room stucco house In good location: all modern except toilet and bath: priced for quiok sale, $2,650. Call South 4649. .. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW Brand new oak bungalow, fin east front lot on paved street and paving nearly all paid; in neighborhood of new homes; completely modern In every do tall; full cemented btsement and stairs to large attic; snap at $4,754 on very easy terms. Bedford-Johnston Co., REALTORS, ill Wurld-Her.-ild Bldg. Douglas 1734. Beautiful New 5-Room Bungalow $4,450 $450 Down A brand new, five-room, all-modern bungalow, just finished; full basement, with laundry conveniences; oak floors throughout; nice high ceilings; near car line and school. This house Is situated In a very pleasant neighborhood. Can sell on essy terms. Call Douglas 7412 days, or Webster 2345 evenings, and ask for Mr. Cole. A Splendid Small Home $1,600 Four rooms and bath. Good location. Modern except furnace. Very reason able terms. Why pay rent, when you can crawl under your own roof7 WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1636. 833 Securities Bldg. JUST COMPLETED Ready to move In. nifty five-room bungalow, strictly modern, best grade of oaK, nearooma wnite enamel, lull base ment, furnace heat; rooms decorated, stair to attic; south front lot, (creenes, window shades; paved street, close to school and car; price $4,700; $1,500 cash. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. 4534 North Fortieth street, six rooms, partly modern. $12.64. 1315 South Twenty-ninth etreet, up, four rooms, partly modern, $7.00. CREIGH, SONS 4t COMPANY, Douglas 200. 608 Be Bldg. WE HAVE buyers who can pay ail cash for West Farnam. Dundee and HAriscom Park homos. Phone Tyler 6025 and we will Inspect your property promptly. Fin eon Investment Company, 538 First Na tional Bank Bldg; Phone Tyler 6025. SIX-ROOM modern but heat good lo cation, price $1,600; $504 cash, balance 122.00 including Interest Call Douglas 3675 and ask fir A. W. TOLAND, 414 Bee Bldg. A REAL BARGAIN In S flv-room modern home, with fur niture and furnishings or without. Must be seen to be appreciated. 4004 Grand Ave. Term. FOR SALE Five-room house all modern, nearly new. Terms. Price $8,750. ROBERT 8. TRUMBULL. ' Tyler 786. 1806 First Natl. Bank Bid. BRAND new oak bungalow, $4,760; fin location, paved street, east front; very essy terms, uan gays, uougias 174. FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on boulevard. $1,500. C. I. Arm strong. 115-8 Securities Bldg. . L&e The Bee Want Ad columns te sent .that vacant toortL. v flARAtTR OR FACTORY SIXE We have just listed X very detlrableV site for a garage or fs'Aory on 18th Stv between lark. Lot 1 0x? 100 hiving a double frontage an lltH and 17th Sts. All special taxee paldj Owner l anxious t make a quick turn and fca cut price to $4,364 for quick: sal. If interested tn a real ahsp call J. L. HIATT CO.. Qfin FIRST NATIONAL) vW bank buildino. PHONH CO TYLER OO FOR Sale of Trade Good l-tory brick building in the best city in Nebraska. Will sell for cash or trade for good Ira proved farm. Address letters to Lock; box 88. Kearney, , Neb. BUSINESS property and Investment. A. F. TUKEY ft SON, 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BUSINESS PROPERTY On Dougla street Bear llth, a three story, brick building, 11x54, with store room on first floor and flats above, bringing In $1,111 rental. Owner wants offer, Harney Street Between llth and llth, llxitl feet, with a four-story and basement Brick building, good condition, Well built with electrio elevator, prlnklr ayttcra, steam heating plant, least expiring In . about one year. A good proposition Snd can be bought right Price, term and exact location on request. Trackage Lot The best trackage corner in Omaha, southwest corner of 4th and Howard, 66x132 feet, good solid ground, excellent location- price $28,000. St. Louis Flat An exceptionally well built, brick and tile St, Louis flat, brick With stucco ex terior, two apartment five and six rooms each, finished throughout In oak. excellent arrangements. In a location that will always rant Everything In . first-class condition. Will pay S per cent on purchase price, $10,600. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. 813 City National. Dougla 4$. INVESTMENT PRICE $15,000 . INCOME $1,650 Four St. Louis brick flats, two up and two down: thre with five rooms, bath and sleeping porch each, one with four' rooms, bath and sleeping porch; eparate -heating plants; price, $15,004; income, $1,650. The rents have not Been ad vanced and are 28 per cent below pres ent real values. Leases expire next April. A first-class property, almost new; located near Turner Park and Yates School; a desirable and aate In vestment. DUMONT & CO., RlCAt.TnTJB 418-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone. Doug. 190.' APARTMENT INVESTMENT One of the finest apartment build ings in Omaha, practically new, in ex cellent condition, and located In beau tiful neighborhood within on minute . Walk from Farnam car line) Income over $10,004 per year) price $74,104, half cash, balance terms; building alone would cost oVer $80,004 to duplicate today) this Is one of the beet Invest ment propositions In Omaha, and will bear careful Investigation. FREDERIC L. HEYN, 424 Omaha Nat Bank. Bldg. P. T48. INVESTMENT Apartment house in th West Fa , nam district; t apartment leased fd . the coming year and one available fo the owner if bought soon. Thl Is a goo4 " paying proposition. In perfect condition. Rent are reasonable and the tenant are satisfied. Price $40,004. See us at once If you want to consider this. DUMONTv& CO., REAlVrOflR. 416-18 KegHne Bldy. Phone Pong. -j 15 INVESTMENT Two all modern 8-room house, X hot water heated; large barn and ga rage) corner lot 100x143. Big specu lation In ground value. One-half block -to car. Prlc $7,504. Reasonable terms. O'Keefe Real Estate ' Company, Realtor. 1411 Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. j Dougla 2716. BARGAIN, $15,400. Two houar, lot lllxllt feet, block P. O. . J. P. STEBBINS. V 1U CWcV four