sT ' "" '"Kp-''"" 5nM u THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: -' SEPTEMBER 28, 1919. V-VANT ADV RATES ' tCash With Order.) ; per word on day ,- 1? per word ......two consecutive days -. tt pr word. ...... three consecutive days . per wprd.......four consecutive days 1 . -.j per word.....,,, .five oonsecatlve days a per word... ..tlx consecutive days ... ' P word (even consecutive days And one cent per word each additional j,.r, . .. , i No ada taken tor leas than a total ct :o or leaa than J do per day. CHARGE ,, i:per Una (eount I wored to line) 1 day ."'a per line. ...... .two consecutive days 'a per line...... three eonaecutlve daya "' per line seven consecutive days 2 40 per line.... thirty eonseeuttva daya CARD!) OF THANKS UU FUNEBAI NOTICES. a per line each Insertion ?' Minimum charge, CO cents. " " These rates afply either to the Dally r Sunday Bee. All advertlsmenta ap ' ,l,vr Id both moraine and evening daily lit pert for the one charge. " " Contract Bates on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want . l will be accepted at the following of- ' " ? A IN OFFICE. I,..'.. ...... .Bee Building nes Offlc 4410 North 20th St : irk Offlc MU Javeliworth Bt . 'uth Bide N 8t- almjt Office..... ...81 North 40th St. :'- Bluffs Office.... ...15 Scott St.' ' - THE BEE will not be responsible for ' "ore than one Incorrect insertion of an Ivertlsement ordered for mora than ons ,fm' PHONE TYLEB 1000. w ' l enlng Editions ;vi?:S 2 ' 1 ..rnlng Editions . ...... .,...10:30 P. M. ' Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. li EATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES T i! 11 D t- T I Tn..nh A DM fifl VASTS, at lO ' cal hoslptal of peritonitis; remains at Heafey and Heafey chapel awaiting word from his parents Newark, New .1 erscy, EJHaUjce notice. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS," , PIERCE-AR-ROW AMBULANCE SERVICE, Thirty-third and Farnam. Har. 84." FRED E.FER0, - , FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. 33d and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 877. Auto ambulance. . "HEAFEY. & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmera. Phone H. 25. Office $611 Farnam. 1 t. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors, 701 'South 16th Bt Phone Doug. 1228. " f AGGART & SON, I'NPERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. V 'ei.hone Douglas 714. 2313 Cuming St. ";(JFFY & JOHNSTON I lBRTAKER3. TIT S.17th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. 1 EE L. LARMON SS" 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. Y. Henderson, 1618 Farnam. Douglas 1243. j iHN BATR8andarnam.I MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. I :hk largest display of monuments In . the United States. . FRANK SVOBODA. '11 5 S. 13th, Phone Dpuglasm22jyj. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. "" Hirths Emll and Esther Bluhm, hos ntul. girl: Michael and Anna Egyed, :'i"5 S. 18th, boy: George and Mary v'unchrath, 2902 Pratt, boy; Matt and I'l'eresa Schwarz, 1721 Dorcas, boy; "inude and Anna Skinner, hospital; boy; 'fred and Emma Mammerstrom, 4111 ?.rby. girl; John and Mae Moller, 1712 -T'lrk, girl: Raymond and Grace John i iti, hospital, girl: Matt and Emily I 'deck, 1610 T, twins, two girls; Richard Ml Motia Hallgren, 1703 S. 17th. boy; M "arles and Lydia Savairc, 46th and Cum t boy: Harry and Minnie Whltebook, "V(i N. 23d, boy; Marty and Rose O'Toole, 1" 3 Tates-girl; Dan and Anna Roman, ' 03 N. 16th, girl; Chin and Kit Quey, KJ N. 12th, boy: Conlno and Maria I' ano, 618 N. 15th, - girl-: Mario and I'-incfsca, Lnslto, 1314 S. th, girl. ' Deaths Laura B. Huff. 70. 4630 S. 12th j I uise Scjimellng, 76, 4212 St 23d; Glen E. "i indgon, 48, hospital; John L. Scrlpps, 4, r ! S. 83d; George A. Farwell, 36, 2024 " -me: Cornelia Simmons, 60. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. t'S' I' he following couples have been Issued t-eaewJfi wea: , .amelnd Address. . Age. f"t SampSon, Omaha..... .........28 I -na Dixonl . Omaha . .IS , I -rt I Polsky. Lincoln, Neb., over.,.. 21 anche Bessel, Omah'av. Neb., over ..18 -I nut Slater, Lincoln. Netty 33 l'.lna Baker, Omaha ,............,....26 ? -(urlce M; Loomlt, Omaha'. , , -, , ... 25 'larlotte Bedwell. Omaha ,' ...24 -Iney F. Starbuck. Omaha ..23 . una lu Thorn, Staples, Minn ,...21 P nnls J. Mltchel!. Chicago. 111. 28 J ildred A. Pearson, Omaha. ..26 I. on W. Meeker, Omaha ,.28 I s ancea A. Stranbinger, Omaha .20 ) hn L. Gibson. Omaha ...... '. 25 innle Krpse, Omaha ....22 V'tlaer O. Tale, Omaha ................ 38 f Hhle F. RujgeJtmaha. .j39 fcUILDING PERMITS. The following building permits have I) -n Issued: . , VV. Johnson, 2921 Q. alterations. $1,200; ! A. Jacobberger, 6112 Chicago, frame rl veiling, 816.000; H. A. Jacobberger, 6112 " "itoago, frame cottage, 2,000; T. A. V -Ilf, 1001 N. 49th, frame dwelling, $5, "'O: T. A. Yallf, 1001 N. 49th, garage, 100; Eldrege Reynolds Co., ltth and ri'urnam, alterations, 82.000; Rasp Broth f . 2738 Vane, frame! dwelling, $2,600; .1 M. Harding. 116 N. 38th, addition, Si.OOO. - . SPECIAL NOTICES. r NEBRASKA ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO., 16lt Howard St. ' 1619'Howard St. SELLING V. S. GOVERNMENT ARMT SALVAGE , - - .GOODS. JUST RECEIVED A carload of U. S. army tents, 16x16, 3-foot wall, real heavy duck; Pyramid fcyle. These tents are Class "A" and . lu perfect condition. Vaflues from $90 to $100. We have put up one of these tonts In our store, for your approval. They are In white and khaki colors. The canvas alone is worth more' than the . sale price. Can be used for many pur poms; "Special offer at $28.00. U. S. army hospital cots. All cots brand new, Simmons sagless springs, gray tubular ends, special at 85.69. a army wool blankets, finest as sortment of colors . In light and dark grays, blues, browns, plaids, etc. Values up to $16.00. Remember, all these blankets have been renovated and dry rleaned and are In perfect condition. Special, while they last $5.98. IT. 8. army comforters. - These have been all renovated by the U. S. gov ernment renovating process. Special at - $1.23. U. S. army barbed wire, galvanized, -60 rods to the roll. 4 -point. C gauge, while it lasts, per roll, $3.47. U. S. army barbed wire, painted, 60 rods to the roll, 4 point, 6 gauge, while It lasts, $3.87. V. S. army leather O. D. wool lining vests. These are brand new and val ued up to $12.50. Special at $6.87. U. S. army leather holsters, special 89c U. S. army hip overalls, slightly vorn, but laundered. Our price, while they last. 98c. IT. 8. army wool worsted undershirts, a few left, while they last. $1.68. U. S. army overall jackets, slightly worn, but laundered, 98c. U. 8. army all-leather saddle bags. Special at $3,43. f , V. S. army wool gloves, mended, per , ralr, 29c. U. S. nrmy knapsacks. Just the thing for hunting and for hundreds of other purpose. $1.69. XI. S. army leather straps, per dozen. Sac. V. 8. army canteen covers. So. V. S. army leather pouches. . Spe cial. 47.-. t Bed ticks, can be used on U. S. army rots, 8ii- I.adleci' unlonalls, can be used around the house or yard, and for many other purposes. Special at 79c Brand new brooms, a real bargain, ' 4 Jr. . Tn out-of-town, buyers: We ship roods exactly as advertised. Make out vour orders plainly. Send money-order or draft. No C. O.- D.'s shipped. If ordered by parcel post. Include post rge. , Tou are assured of prompt and satisfactory shipment. Reference: State Bank of Omaha. fake money-order payable to : NEBRASKA ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO.. Omaha.. Nebraska. ATTRACTIONS. . I R SALE All kinds novelties, , dolls, bulldogs with diamond eyes. Glvs away S um flash goods etc VINNICK'S NOVELTY HOUSE. liO No. 15th St. Douglas T5T. LOST FOUNP--REWARDS. LST Blak nocket book containing $35 ; , with K. nf'C. Omah Field club travel v log carda. Reward. Phone U. 789, ' LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST In dining room or 'parlor of Fon tenelle hotel, gold vanity box. set with two diamonds and two sapphires. Lib eral reward if returned to Colonel G. 8. Bingham, Army Building. Omaha, Neb. LOST Lady's diamond ring. Tiffany set ting, white stone, registered. In Bran- dels,' Central Market or between the two places on 16th. Return to Brandela Jewelry Dept. or call Wal. 1360. Reward, FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. Ws ars anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. CO. LOST JULY 30, LOCKET AND CHAIN. MONOGRAM B. E. B NEAR ELM WOOD PARK SPRING OR EKAKD COURT APT. ; REWARD. PHONE HARNEY 6693. , LOST Black traveling bag containing toilet articles, ladles' wearing apparel and two quilt tops, near Forty-fifth and . Military avenue, Saturday afternoon. Return to Omaha Bee for reward. LOST Lady's black- patent leather pocketbook on Crosstown car Thursday t noon. Mrs. Haxel Reynolds; reward. .Douglas 4698. " FOUND At 16th and farnam, pair of ? lasses ana sireec car iickbi. tror ln ormation phons Tyler 1000, classified adv. mgr. LOST A platlum diamond bar pin with five large pearls, will reward liberally. Mrs. E. K. Wallace. Call .Walnut 2419. LOST Ladles' gold wrist watch In or near f onieneue notei. suitable reward. Phone Douglas 203. LOST Airedale dog; spiked collar. Last seen on r-ort croon iJiva. .Liberal re ward. Phone South 21. LOST on Seventeenth street, a brlndle and wnite remale bull dog, witlt tag No. 300. Liberal reward. D. 4514. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS - ATTENTION! - We wish to call the attention of the Ak-Sar-Ben visitors to our big discount In furniture. Dining room chairs, all styles or finishes, greatly reduced. We are showing them at 11.75. $2.25 and $8.00. Large variety of odd rocking chairs, good styles and finishes, at $4.50. " r . STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th & Dodge 8ta. Opp. U. P. Bldg. .Better values Better Merchandise. Better Service. . $25,000 STOCK of furniture to be sold: 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum,, phon ographs, duofolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till 9 p. m. Credit if you wish. 1839-47 N. Z4th St. veb. 1607. FOR SALE Household goods, consisting of of dining room and bedroom suites, almost new; .. Chambers' tireless gas range, Ice box, etc. Apply mornings, 3870 Dodge St. H. 6926., J DINING table, library table, 2 dresser commoaes, pea spring ana mattress, 4 straight chairs, 2 wash bowls and pitch ers, stand, 3 rockers. Ice box, 2 rugs , 9x12, hard coal stove. 2709 Ruggles St. BIG SALE will begin Monday - of rugs. au sizes ana or all quality; also lineo leum, congoleum, rugs and furniture of all kinds will be sold at one-half price. -1113 Harney Street. D.- 7802. SELLING out entire stock of furniture and household furnishings regardless of value: act quick. Douglas 4959. 2421 Cuming St. NEW RUGS mfg. from OLD CARPETS. HUB CLEANING, RAG RUG WEAVING, CUMING RUG CLEANING & MFG. CO.. 2419 Cuming St. Red 4122. Omaha. PARTIES leaving city will sell mahogany iurnnure, curtains, rugs.. 405 St. Regis Apartments, 87th and Jones. Phone Harney 6907 or 626. MAHOGANY four-post bed and dresser. .inrary taDie. nand carved divan and other household goods. Mrs. Glasgow, 4857 Cuming street, phone Wal.- 2787. SIX fine oak dining room chairs and lounge, all upholstered In leather, very cheap. Call at 410 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Dining room, sua room and oearoom rurnlture. Phone Walnut 81. make appointment. WE sell new and near-kew furniture. moves ana ' rugs ai lowest prices; asn or payments. Amer. FUrnf Co., 606 N. 16. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE One Fuller Johnson gas en gine, iva norse power, lor pumps, with pump Jacks. A. N. McGee, 701 Ssuth Fifty-first avenue, Walnut 5105. A. HOSPE CO. i d Pianos for rent. 94.00 per month. : STORY & CLARK cabinet grand piano; good as new. 3250. Call South 3504. Typewriters and Supplies. , TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes rfnd will buy) or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, riDDons ana supplies. service guaranteed. Try us. Phone 603L OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 106 North 16th St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented . and repaired. . . ' TUB, W. W. LUNG WM1"HI, 205 S. 18th St. Tel. Ty. 2414. BIG reduction in slightly used and re built typewriters. ' Write lor list. Mio land Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months lor J6.UU. unver Agency, lauo carnam St., City. . Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repar, sell needles and parts. T MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 644 S. 3ljth St. Books and Periodicals. LAW BOOKS FOR SALE. My library consisting of various state reports, annotated sets of reports. U. S. supreme court digests and textbooks, all In fine condition. If interested write ' me and I will send you a printed list of what I have. J. B. Rocka fellow, A t lantlc, la. - Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE Army O. D., also gay shirts usea, oougnc rrom government salvage department; thoroughly renovated and In serviceable condition, $1.50 each; O. D. wool breeches $3.00 pair; money order with order. Rlghtway Klothes Kleanlng Co., 8partanburg, S. C. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE ' ATTENTION HOTEL. RE ; TAURANT. CAFE. CONFEC TIONERY OR DRUG , STORE PEOPLE. We have for Immediate sale the fol lowing described articles, all high class and In good condition. One 10-foot soda fountain and back bar complete 111 every detail. One Japanese tea room with remov able walk decorations, lamps, chairs, tables all decorated. One palm room, tables, chairs, flower stands, boxes. : - One lot of porch furniture, chairs, rockers, stands. One small soda fountain complete. One pool table, wall racks,- chairs. Two billiard tables. One hundred pound refrigerator. ' One large hotel refrigerator. One hotel kitchen equipment One sanitary barber shop chair, wall mirror, stand complete, i For Insnectfon. nrices. etc. apply NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL COMPANY, 101 Bee Building. ATTENTION ' i LAUNDRYMEN For sale, Morehead tray, one; No. 19 Cookson steam trap; one Knowies No. 0 steam pump; one six-horsepower upright steam engine; one Troy -inch steam trap; one 36-lnch steam body ironer; one washing machine 26x48; some 1 Lewis baskets. Jensen Wet Wash Laundry, 2316-18 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. 5xT AUTO GRAFLEX, MAGAZINE, ADAPTER AND PLATE HOLDERS; OTHER ACCESSORIES IF DESIRED; PERFECT CONDITION; ACCEPT LIB ERTY BOND. APT. 2. CHIODO, 820 SOUTH 25TH AVE., TYLER 8283. LARGE bath tubs, barber poles, gas stoves, restaurant stools, counters, shelves, type racks. , JOHN N. FRENZER Room 22. Frensser Block. FOR SALE 13. 16. 20, 25, 30-pound new and relaying steel rails; write or wire us for any quantity quotations. - Hy-man-Mlchaels Co.. 531 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE Most famous painting of President Wilson; size 60x80 tn frame; value $100,000; at your own price. The Belrose. 230 West 113th street. Dr. Freed man. New York. NINETEEN sixteen Harley-Davldaon motorcycle with side car; three speed electrically equfpped; must sell. Write E. Edman, 2602 Bristol, Omaha. - OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mat tresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter sides 1907 Cuming. T 2467. r r . WE buy. sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc- Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 11th and Douglas. l. 2724. I , i. . ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miacellaneous, FOUR sample trunks, 209 South Twelfth street. ' ' Kindling delivered at $3.60 load. Web. 459. Apples. APPLES Many varieties; will sell or. chard (eight acres) or by bushel; eight miles west Millard on Babbitt place. Telephone Gretna. W. B. Dickinson. , TWENTY cars Ben Davis and Oano ap ples tor sals. C -M. Phillips, Spring, dale. Ark.- WANTED TO BUY., , , LIBERTY BONDS ' Ws pay the highest , prices tor your bonds and partly paid receipts. See us before you sell. DELAPLANE LEONARD INV. ' - . COMPANY, - 642 Securities Bldg. ' Tyler 408T. LIBERTY BONDS. Coupon and ' registered; full N.- T. market and accrued Interest to date. MACK?S BOND HOUSE, Investment Securities! 1421 First Nat Bk Bldg. Tyler 8844. Liberty Bonds, Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST. STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. GROUND FLOOR KEELINB ' BLDO. , OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, Highest Cash Prices . , rain lor LIBERTY BONDS- , and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts, bought for cash; Immediate remittance ' made for' bonds sent by mall. J . LEWIS & CO., Brokers. 411 M'C AGUE BLDG. -.. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4tn and 6th Issues. Get them before selling or you will lose , money. We must have bonds of these ' issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. - SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. Tyler 2736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg - LIBERTY BONDS. We pay the highest market price with accrued Interest, lees nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BONDS. EDWIN T. SWOBE & CO., INVESTMENT SECURITIES r r inn Tir r xxt niri. Liberty Bonds Wanted r We will pay you spot cash for your Liberty Bond or partial payment re ceipt Room 300 McCague Bldg.,' N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. . STORIES, articles, poems wanted for pub lication in new magazine; we pay cash on acceptance: hand written manu script acceptable: submit manuscript to National Stdry Magazine, Desk.268, Van- derbllt Bldg., New York. DESKS . DESKS, DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D 6146. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 705 North 16th St Kelser buys and , sells furniture. Ty. 4341-W. WANTED to buy, two show cases, 8x3, 6x3 Ptione J . ibu. WANTED to buy, two second-hand white bedspreads. Call W. 4912. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating.- ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308. Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1! HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 8109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" 0DT1 Omaha Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Brass and Iron Foundries. 4 - PAX TON-MITCH ELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4687 Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE 40Fararm.DDan?: Learn to dauce for $4. Class at 8 and dan cing at 9 p. m., every Monday, Thursday, Saturday. Music by D'esdunes' orchestra. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, P. C, 31 2 Bee Bldg. D. 3072. Dentists. Dr. Secor. 1017 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Detectives. JAMES ALLAN IockNee dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 FORMER U S. revenue officer, vice free. Tyler 2736. Legal ad- Electrical Utilities. TATTT T'T VT Electrio washing machines LU1VA11I electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 2519. ELECTRIC fans. $8.60 & up; washing ma chines, $59.50; vacuum cleaners, $37.60. Lalley-Wilson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Jewelry. HT A MONTIS We "ay the beat prlce UX XaX.Jl UiJ Wth privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 403 N. 16th St Red 6081. W .C. FLATAU. -; Jeweler Established 1898. ' i Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. PT AQQIPQ THAT FIT Ij-LUlDOjEiD ACCURATELY. SEE CRONK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. Osteopaths. - DR. MABEL WESSON. 820 Neville Bldg. ' T. 2960." H. 4741 Patents. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a pe riod of 74 years. All communications strictly confidential. Prompt, efficient conscientious service. Handbook free on reauest. MUNN & CO., PATENT ATTORNEYS. Room '807, Tower Bldg., Chicago. Washington Office: 626 F Street. New York Office: vvooiworcn tsiag. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent km.. o rsranaeis. D. 6691. . 1 Plating. EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have just .opened a new plating plant In Omahand ready for buslnees. We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St Phone Douglas 7532. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Toliver Printing Co Dg. 2831. Commercial Printers. 1816 St. Mary's Ave. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes. QAFFQ BARGAINS, 121 Fart DAI X!iD j. j. perlght Safe Co. Farnam. Statienery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Tailors. M. REISER. 306 South 18th. P. 1187. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. - Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 a 11th. D. 629 Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas. 644. Miscellaneous. NOW Is the time to fight the Flu.; send $5 order and I will send you my wonder ful Flu. cure and preventative.. Mrs. T. F. Collins Cooper, 7S4 North Twenty first street, Omaha. . BUSINESS CHANCES. BARBER SHOP With shewer and tub baths. In. the best of flcf building in city; the fixtures are of the finest See us about this. LEWIS & CO., 411 JicCagus Bldg. . tl.-- BUSINESS CHANCES. DON'T INVEST . A DOLLAR befor making a thorough Investiga tion. Opportunities now to make big . money with little are many 'particularly In the oil fields, but be sure you are right: let the "Oil Press," an authority on oil Investments, aid you In making a profitable investment; each Issue brimful of authentic Information en re cent and sensational developments In the great Mid-Continent and Texas oil fields; the prospects of different com panies, as well as analytical reports concerning scores of companies, some good, bad and Indifferent; the "Oil ' Press" together with a late copy of the "Markets," containing quotations of Hated and unlisted, active and Inactive oil stocks will be sent free on request also while they last a. new, accurate colored map of Kansas, Oklahoma and i Texas Just out, featuring the oil fields in red. Address OH Press, 708 Repub lic Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Are you able to Judge an extra good proposition when you sea It? It you are and have $10,000 or over, a well established manufacturing company can show you where Its "'trade mark" alone will be worth $1,000,000 with three, years of hustle and push besides the annual Income. The high cost of living has created a demand for our goods. Every man, woman, child and baby Is a user. The human race Is the only limit to the field to bs worked. Ws have the manufacturing facilities and material - on hand for $400,000 re tall business. This proposition will stand the most rigid Investigation. Can be handled by a silent or active part ner. This Is our harvest time and re , quires action, so do not answer this unless you have the money and mean business. Address box M-99. Bee. SALESMAN AGER wanted; make $500 to $1,000 per week and upwards; some thing entirely new; after 10 years ex perimenting The Standard Coal Oil Burner has Just been perfected; burns common kerosene, cheapest of all fuel; made for cooking and heating stoves; so simple a child can operate It; turn the valve and you have the fire; no , fires to make or go out; no ashes; no dust; no clinkers; just good steady heat; one In the neighborhood sells the rest; sells on Its merits; no coal oil burner ever before to compare with It; a whale of a money maker; exclusive territory to managers able to finance themselves; write for full particulars now; territory going rapidly. Standard Coal Oil Burner Co., Room 334-29 South LaSalle street. Chicago. TRACTOR DEALER WANTED THE FITCH FOUR-DRIVE TRACTOR. WILL APPOINT DISTRIBUTOR, ALSO DEALERS FOR NEBRASKA. BEST REPRESENTATIVES ONLY NEED. APPLY. ENERGY AND PUSH DESIRED. SUNDAY, MONDAY. -V. A. VAN HORN, SALES MGR., HOTEL CO NANT. Demonstration at Malvern, Iowa, Fri day, Oct. 3. 1 . ANOTHER BIG OIL FIELD IN TEXAS Buy a lease now at $5 per acre; 11 wells started drilling within four months; big companies hold large leases and drilling all sides; produc tion expected surpass Ranger Fields; our leases will be raised to $10 October 15; fortunes were made In Burk & Ranger by buying early at $1 to $5; same acreage now selling up to $60,000 per acre; until October 16, $200 buys a 40-acre lease: $100 a 20-acre; $50 a410-acre; write for free colored map add booklet. J. R. Sutherlln & 0., 106T Scollard Bldg., Dallas. Tex BUY and sell oil leases In Texas around .- drilling oil wells-; quick sales; big money; buy is Worth the money; no capital required, nor experience neces sary; we direct you; Texas oil leasee in path of production have proven gold mines for agents and Investors; every body wants chance for fortune: write quick for full details, our offer to agents; great demands for our leases; have sold thousands of acres; big ex citement; send name for free map and agents proposition. Pecos Valley Co., 1144 North Robinson street, Oklahoma, Okla. - i LIGHT GROCERY, NOTIONS AND SOFT DRINKS ' Tn a small Nebraska towu; clearing $250 a month; rent only $5 a month. Price $1,200.00. See us. LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg. MANUFACTURE a mechanical device that will start any Ford In the cold- 1 est weather; removes all carbon In 10 minutes; cost 30 cents to manufacture, sells for $2.60; the best seller ever in vented: blue print 60 cents, sample and complete Instructions for manufacturing, $2.50; if you want to make $300 or ,, $400 in the next 30 days, send today. F. Herrlck, 3125 O street, Lincoln, reo. GROCERY AND MEATS Doing a monthly business of $2,000 cash, rent $85 month, including 6 living rooms; -takes about $2,700 to handle. K See us. LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Building. LARGE corporation wants live district salesmanager; wonderful new rapid sell- ing patented auto necessity; no compe tition: thousands purchased by United States government; will stand most scrutinizing investigation; should easily net $10,000 to $20,000 annually; re quires from $2,000 to $5,000 capital. Scott Corporation, 72 West Washington street, Chicago. j MANAGER wanted for distributing depot of recently patented article required In every home; records of nine states' man agers and over 100 sub-agents Is proof positive that we have sound, clean-cut, money making proposition; references and $1,000 cash essential; please don't answer unless you mean business. Box S-39, Bee. TKXAS oil leases; more fortunes made i buying oil leases than stocks; we own leases in nearly every Texas county, where deep test wells are going down; prices advancing; buy ahead of drill; also producing property; new develop ment necessitates quick action. J. P. Fitzgerald & Co., Boatmens Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ' AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION wants local man as salesmanager for now patented auto necessity; to handle sales force and establish himself local ly; an exceptional article of exceptional merit; required by legislation; possi bilities unlimited; $750 to $2,000 capital necessary. Dick Corporation, 20 E. Jackson, Chicago. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $300 to $1,600 necessary;, you handle own money; will allow expenses to Balti more If you will qualify. For particu lars, address SECRETARY. 416 N. HOWARD ST, BALTIMORE. MP, TREMENDOUS FORTUNES. In CATTLE AND SHEEP Small Investment gives liberal share In one of the greatest money making industries of America; write today. Guaranty Mortgage & Securities Co., 705 Wilson Bldg.. Flagstaff, Ariz. MANUFACTURERS representative want ed; open olllce and manage salesmen; wonderful opportunity; meritorious proposition; sold to merchants, whole salers and retailers; should net $10,000 annually; $400 to $1,000 capital re quired. Sales Manager, 822 Reaper Mlock, cnicago. ClQAR store, best transient location In the city; rent $75 month, with water and heat furnished: five-year (lease; takes about $1,600 to handle. See us. , LEWIS & CO., f 411 McCAGUE BLDG. BE independent. Chiropractic doctors earn 13.0UU lo ib.ouo yearly; work lor your self; this good paying profession quickly learned by correspondence; low rates; easy terms; Illustrated books and charts free. American University, 157 Manierre Bldg.. Chicago. IF you have business ability and $2,000 to $3,000 capital, we can establish you In an entirely new line, of business In your locality which should net you $8,000 to $10,000 first year. Mechani cal Machine and Tool Works, 20 East Jackson, Chicago. A desirable connection; western territory i open; Opco products extensively mar - keted throughout eastern automobile trade; require live representation; quick action necessary. World OH Products Co., Inc., 309 Lafayette street. New York. EXPERIENCED hotel people having own furniture wish to rent hotel building or large house In good location. FULLY describe and state rent. How many HOTELS In your town? Would sell or trade furniture. Lock Box 504, Tekamah, Neb. BROKER'S OPPORTUNITY. Wanted, responsible broker to handle dividend paying stock of Texas oil and refining company; state how much stock you can place within month, giving terms and references. 702 World Bldg., Now York City. WE buy and sell listed and unlisted stocks; mining, oil, industrials; quota tions on any stoeks you are In market for; get our quotations before buying; save money; leased wire connections, all markets. J. P. Fitzgerald & Co., Boatmana Bank Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. YOUR name brings copy Money Making Ideas; the great 32-page agent's and rRll dealer's magazine. A. H. Kraus, Kraus Bldg.. Milwaukee, Wis BUSINESS CHANCES. AGENCY wanted; reputable concern em ploying several hundred canvassers de sires exclusive eastern territory, patented article, or meritorious novelty; reptles . only to those sending samples and full particulars. - Address P, & Co., Suite 104, 41 Park Bow. N. Y. ' GARAGE Boom for- 100 cars) doing a eapaolty business; rent only $30o a month, with a 6-year lease. 8c us, j LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg. STOCK of general .merchandise, located tn Lawrence,- .neo.; iduq ruuiu - u corner: 26 feet by 80 feet; best loca tion In town; owner In mining busi ness, will sell stoclt and fixtures; rent cheap; stock can be reduced to suit. Manatrer. Jones & Co.. Lawrence. Neb. WONDERFUL money making opportunl- . . . , l,Tl ..1 . .'I .1 .. t -I .. . A. HCS in luo arel - ilvmo uwuiu, v Nevada; can give reliable Information and render you - valuable assistance. Write ajmes A. Patterson, box 1031, lonopan. ngv. TIRE SHOP, Lebron, $400 five- h. p. buffer and air compressor, Zivlball and western retreaders. Good building lot taken In part trade. Call Sunday after . noon or Monday, 2555 Leavenworth, or phone Tyler 2078. WE HAVE any kind of business that you . want at most any price. Corns In and look over our list. LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg.' WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS. STOCK salesmen wanted for million dol lar oil and refining company composed of some Texas leading business men. Corslcana Oil A Refining Co., Corsl cana, Tex. INVESTMENTS If 10 to 20 per cent ln- terests you, write us; we handle gilt edge oil securities. Northern Texas Se curities Co., 217 Oil' Operators Bldg., Ft Worth. Tex. ' THERE Is offered now to man with ref erences and $500 cash, chance to get Into nice business with great posslblll ' ties; call Immediately at 320 South Fif teenth avenue. MANAGERS to represent us In every lo cality; opportunity to make Dig money; establish business of your own; write today for particulars, 82$ State-Lake Bldg., Chicago. ' f FOR SALE 25-room hotel, brick building, and all equipment at a bargain If sold at once. 1 Interested, call or address pox 83, Johnson, Neb. - KEEP posted; Texas weekly Oil News sent rree on application, united e curitles Company, 10914 Main street, Ft. Worthr Tex. Rooming Houses. FOR SALE Fine two-story brick room ing house, with 20 rooms nicely equip ped. Will stand Al Inspection. J. E. Betz. Red Cloud, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED Male THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of TheJBee building, Seventeenth and Farnam. WANTED Position as auditor or credit manager; ten years experience; can give good references. Address S-38, Omaha Bee. i EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires posi tion in private family. Douglas 6013. A. J. Rock. REFINED teacher wishes office work. Answer by Tuesday evening. Write Box S-3, Bee. RELIABLE colored woman. Ironing by day. Webster 2835. Female. NEAT, middle-aged lady, with boy 5, wishes position as nousekeeper; not afraid of responsibility. Helen G. Mc Comas, Brownville, Neb., care of Frank Roy. Laundry and Day WorK. BUNDLES, curtains, blankets laundered. Webster 4283. LAUNDRY and day work. Call Webster EXPERIENCED white lady wants day work. 32.60 day. Douglas 6071. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269. WORK by the hour. Call Webster 4555. WANTED Man with some experience In operating fachinery, for permanent po sition, with good future. Excellent op portunity for right man. Give tele phone number when answering. Box S-17, Omaha Bee. AVANTED Two competent pharmacists. One tor sales room work, the other tor prescription compounding and manufac turing. Apply general office, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 19th and Far nam St. WANTED Agents to sell leases In new Texas on Hem; surest winners ever offered; everyone buys: biggest com missions; write for particulars. Toyah Oil Co., 1063 Southwestern Life Bldg., Dallas, ' Tex. WANTED Young man. for window deco rating at 6c, loo and 2&o store lrr pro gressive Nebraska town; also to assist as floor walker; must be reliable; state salary required and experience. Address Y-688,, Omaha Bee. BARBER Wanted Must be first-class and steady, $25 and 70 per cent over 36, or 70 per cent straight. Steady job and good over money; electric clippers and good ho jrs. H. F. Hansen, Danbury, la. SHOE and" harness repair man; will pay good wages If you can nit tne Dan; percent If preferred; work in fast grow ing town, prosperous country. Write W. V. Young, St. Francis. Karu PRINTER WANTED Capable ad and Job man; first class shop; 60 hour week; good wages. Newspaper; town of 6,000; good schools fine home town. Express Publishing Co.. Red Oak, la. Experienced saddlery man In stock room; state experience and salary wanted. Des Moines Saddlery Co., Dcs Moines. la. ; WANTEp Two order packers, wholesale department; state age, experience and salary expected. Address, Y-695, Oma ha Bee. MAN to work this city refinlshlng chan deliers, brass beds, automomies, Dy new method, $10 dally without capital or . experience. Write Gunmetal Co., 294 Elm, Decatur, UK PRINTER wanted for advertising foreman on country weekly In up-to-date county seat town of 4,500. Six quarto, 10 to 16 pages. Advance, Algona, la. ' MARRIED man with small family to work on farm. Call at Rome Hotel Be tween 6 and 8 o'clock Sunday evening and ask foj R. J. Lee, LEARN MACHINE SHOP-LOS ANGELES Y. M. C A. AUTO SCHOOL. WANTED First-class meat cutter; steady work; good wages. Wire or phone at my expense. Fred Blake, Jr., Hastings, Neb. . WANTED Names ambitious men, 18-35, wishing railway man cierk positions. Beginner's Ba,lary, $1,100 year. Answer FIREMEN, brakeraen, baggagemen, $140, $200; colored porters, ny raiiroaas everywhere; experience unnecessary. Ry. Bureau, Kast Bt. iioms. iws. PRINTERS Wanted Hand compositors. union oince, steady worn. juuicoo rlugft. atepnena uo., jexterson wiy. EXPERIENCED cabinet makers wanted at once: steady work, goon vny. Omaha Fixture Co.. 11th and Douglas. BARBER wanted. First class, $20 guar antee '65 per cent, a nice work, ijouie uinuanq, rnny"1' WANTED A-l presser and bushelman. Bteauy position; goou wb". ..., Clark Tne Cleaner, uneroaee, m WANTED An all around butcher; steady job the year around. Aaureas riai. Habel, Colome, Dan, WANTED Ten good carpenters; wages 8ic an nour. w. xi. Laramie, wyo BOYS over 16 to learn electro plating trade. Burgess-uranden to., -ion tow ard St. . WANTED Meat wrappers. The Wash- lngton Market. 1407 uougiastt; WANTED Two auto painters. Brigga, 1403 Jackson HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. Salesman, city route, a No. 1 concern, $150 up. Bookkeeper, North Platte, $35 week. Ledger Clerk, good future. $110 to $115. General office clerks, $100, $80 and $76. Adding Machine operator, bank, $80 to $90. Stenographer, railroad office, $115. Clerk in shipping department of auto concern, $90. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 Woodmen of the World Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, up town office, $160 $176; Stenographers, 1 25-81 1 0-8 1 00 : Burroughs Posting Mch. Opr, $100; Good penman, fins office, $110-1125; Ledger clerk, $90; Ledger clerk, $75; Boy tor general office work, $60, WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. ACCOUNTANT, correspondent and assist ant office manager. Must be experi enced in commercial 'accounting and correspondence. $200. Position offers big future. Employer's Reference Co.. 224 Bee Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, little bookkeeping, tractors; eventually take -charge of de , partment to go on the road; salary de pends on you. Commercial Reference Co.. 1618 City Nat. Bank. CITY shipping clerk, must know city thor oughly and have some experience tn .' shipping, $25-127.50 per week. Em plover's Ref. Co.. 224 Bee ' CLERK, young man as junior cierk; to the right party opportunity Is unlim ited; $60. Commercial Reference Co., 1616 City Nat. Bank YOUNG man for South Side bank; prefer a boy living In South Omaha; $60. Commercial Reference Co., 1616 City Nat Bank. ASS'T BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Jewelry, $100-$125 to start Fine op portunity. Employer's Reference Co 224 Bee Bldg. . DOUBLE entry bookkeeper, central Ne braska. Salary ojen. Fins opportuni ty for competent man. Employer's Reference Co., 224 Bee Bldg. YOUNG people interested in Joining prt , VRte amusement club, write M. Green, 2016 Emmet St. DRAFTSMAN Young man as detaller. Commercial Reference Co., 1516 City Na tional Bank Bldg.' BOOKKEEPER and typist, $100. Big fu ture. Employer's Reference Co., 224 Bee. . RETAIL Jewelry salesman, experienced, $160. Employer's Reference Co., 224 Beo Bldg. ' TYPIST, wholesale house, splendid future. - $80. Employer's Reference Co., 224 Bee. STOCK CLERK, order department. $70. Employer's Reference Co.. 224 Bee. GENERAL office clerk, wholesale, $70. Employer's Ref. Co.. 224 Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WERE YOU EVER OFFERED A GRO CERY STORE? You-, can handle sugar, flour, canned goods, dried fruit, coffee and entire . line of groceries, as well as paints, roof Ing, aluminum wars and automobile oils, with no rent to pay; no money Invested; take large orders from samples; goods are guaranteed and proven quality ; selling experience not necessary; steady, profitable work for "workers." Address Hltcheock-Hlll Co.. Dept 108. Chicago. HI, Reference: ny .naiii. ur r.xpress to SALES MJSN Representative of Detroit Mfg. Co. Is placing salesmen to market a device which saves 100 per cent in cost of an article used by every team-to-. e.; fmer and merchant. Hits article is simple and sells rapidly on demonstration. Salesmen protected on territory assigned. Nothing on the market similar. It is a real money mak er and not a "graft." Good references required. Call for demonstralon at Ho tel Carlton, 15th and Howard. Mr. Plckerlll. SALESMAN WANTED Men of good standing that have their own -car, for Iowa or Nebraska, selling a staple article that every farmer must use. This commodity Is an absolute necessity and that Is one reason why 36 iS!!ow employed, y us. are making $500.00 a month and better. We teach you how and ask no money In advance by you. This Is a straight, legitimate proposition and the' house bears the closest Investigation. S-63. Omaha Bee. SALESMEN High-class educated men, qualified to present a proposition in a business-like manner and who have the proper ini tiative and aggreslveness, can secure a position whloh will pay them excep. tlonally well.t Selling experience desir able, but not necessary. Call 421-26 City National Bank Build- in, flmaha BILLING clerk, automobile row, good op- Prtunlty, $75. Emp. Ref. Co. SHOE salesman, ladies' shoes, $100-1125. rjmp. Ker. uo., z4 Bee. ASST. shipping clerk, furniture exp $100. Emn. Ref. Co.. 224 Bee. STOCK clerk, draperies and dry goods. .fu. amp, neierence to., z. jjee qg. STOCK clerk, electric supplies. $65. amp, ner. to., uee mae PRICE clerk, order department, groceries, $110. Emp. Ref. Co.. 224 Bee Bid g" STENOGRAPHER, railroad. 895. Em- Professions and Trades. SALESMEN Grocery specialty; food prod ucts; rurnlture. spienaia prupusnion ; mill work; implements. BOOKKEEPERS Grain. $160; whole sale, $86-$90; bank, Nebraska, $100 $125; retail department, $100; grain of--flce, $66-$70. , JUNIOR CLERKS. OFFICE BOYS for various positions, $C0-$70-$75. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. BWgj RAILWAY TRAFFIC inspectors wanted; $110 a month and expenses to start; short hours; travel; three months home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-143. Standard Business Training In stitute, Buffalo, N. Y. STENOGRAPHER, tire company, $loo. Einp. Ret Co., 221 Bee. WANTED BRICKLAY": ERS AT' ATLANTIC, IA- LONG JOB. WAGES, $1.10 PER HOUR. CAR FARE PAID. PHONE ATLANTIC AUTOMO BILE COMPANY, AT LANTIC, IA. WANTED MECHANICS, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Wanted at Los Angeles, mechanics in all lines of the building and metal trades at good wages (8-hour day). Tailors, bakers, electricians, experienced clerks, climatic conditions In southern California make It osslble to work the year round. Open shop; no labor trou bles; most wage earners own their homes: Los Angeles growing rapidly; great industrial development. Write for free Illustrated booklet Be sure to state your occupation. .Address Mer chants and Manufacturers Association, Los Angeles, Cal, WANTED Several men to work in maca roni factory. Bonus for production. Also boys for shipping floor and factory. Apply superintendent Skinner Mfg., 14th . and Jackson Sts. ' WANTED By a large middle west man ufacturer of gasoline engines and farm light plants, high grade salesman In the following territory: Northeastern Nebraska. Only applications from men of experience and proven ability In these ' ' ,,e,3 vlth "tensive trade acquaintance will be considered. A splendid, per manent, profitable position to men who caquaH:y.dnsJ68JmahaBee. WANTED High class salesmenTTo open branch office In every city; most needed article ever placed on market; make $10,000 to $25,000 annually, just out; must carry stock according to popula tion, $200 to $1,600: nationally adver tised, -unlimited demand. Ventalite Shade Regulator Co., 4189 Washington Blvd.,. St. i Louis. Mo. SALESMEN calling on furniture, phono graph and sporting goods dealers; port able phonograph;' brand new arrange ment; big winner; Harry Herman mak ing $100 week on It as side-line propo sition; sell dealers only; want few more hustlers; write quick for territory and full particulars. The Ar-Era Mfg. Co., 778 E. Fifth. Dayton, O. SALESMEN WANTED. Good live salesman to sell the "Day ton" Electric Starting. Lighting and Ignition System for Ford cars. The most efficient starter ever manufac , tured. If you can provide a Ford car for demonstrating purposes, write us for our agent's proposition. The Day ton Electrical Mfg. Co., Dayton, Ohio. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED. Can use three or four salesmen whose past records will show what they are: splendid opportunity toi make good money for high class, honorable men; leads and co-operation will be fur- nisnea ir instructions are followed. ROOM 300, FINANCE BLDG., 1817 Douglas 8t ' HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN, advertising specialty, salary, . expenses and commissions. Employer's Kererenes Co., 126 Bes Bldg. AUTO accessory salesman, experienced, . $121 and expenses. Employer's Reference to., i;t gee iag. Agents and Canvassers. tOO AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE FOR MITCHELL'S MAGIC MARVEL WA8HINO COMPOUND. 800 PER . CNT PROFIT. ENORM- OUS REPEATER. Washes clothes spotlessly clean In It to 18 minutes. On thousand other uses In every home. Astounds and delights every woman; nothing else like It; na. ture's mightiest cleanser, contslns no lye. lima, acid or wax; free samples furnished to boost sales; ws positively; guarantee the sals of every package; exclusive territory; own your own busi ness; you cannot fail to make big money; Barber, Ohio, mads $600 last month; send for free sample and proof.' Hurry, hustle, grab this chance. L. Mitchell & Co., Desk 43, 1312-1314 Kasl aixty-iirst street, tnicago. i BIGGEST money maker In America: I ' want 106 men and ' women quick to take orders for ratnedats, ralncapes and waterproof aprons; thousands of orders waiting for you; $1 an hour for spars time; Maher mads $897.(0 in June, Nlssen, $19 in three hours. Fur vlance $307 In seven days; $3,600 a year profit for four average order a day; no delivering or collecting; beau tiful coat free; no experience or capital required: write quirk for Information; Comer Mfg. Co., Dept., G-I4S, Day ton, O. . THE BEST FIRE EXTINGUISHER , ' ' MADE THE $1 Carbons Fire Extinguisher smoth ers In a second sny kind of firs; an absolute necessity In every home, store, office, factory, sohool, publlo building! the only extinguisher a child can work , as good In every way as any $10 . U $100 extinguisher; agents ars selling five to a dosen In every horns ana business place; write tor particulars a( once or send $1 for full slse outfit Carbona Products Co., 803 West Twenty, sixth street, New York City. y WANTED A general agent for Omahi and vicinity for the monthly premium . accident and health department of th largest company In the world wrltlni all forms of accident, health and i lift Insurance; requires a man capabls ol writing policies and adjusting claims! . commission contract only. Address C H. Boyer, manager casualty depart, ment, National Life Insurance Compan, of the U. S. of A., 29 South LaSallt ' street, Chicago. III. - AGENTS $10 to $25 a day sure; "Amer. lea s Part In the World War," Intro. " ductlon by General Pershing: only au thentic story; profusely illustrated greatest success ever known; Inexpert - enced salesmen making $100 a week and , more; men or women; whole or apart time; special terms; freight paid; credit given; outfit free. Universal House. rniiaaeipnia. CONNECT with real money makers; toi - specialty manufacturers advertise ll Specialty Salesman Magaslne; 300 saf propositions to select from; chuck full Inspirational selling talks by best sales, manship writers; exposes frauds, forces square deal; 132 pages; $2 yearly, three months' trial 25 cents. Specialty Sales man,, 1127 Coroo Bldg.. Chicago. WE need distributors In every section as retail .and wholesale representatives, of Rotastrop; thousands being sold; Oe- mana enormous; ltiu per cent profit exclusive territory to right man: per manent, profitable business; spare time or tun time. write quick tor details. Burke Mfg. Co., Dept. D-l, Dayton, O. OUR BOOK The distillation of alcohol from grain ana larm products, with government regulations. $1.00 prepaid. Agents wanieu. Kenaot ac to., 3U6 Barker Blk., Omaha. Neb!" DISTRICT managers; high powered stock salesmen, with successful record can make S500 to 31,000 weekly selling Tex as oil leases, by applying immediately for available choice territory; only pro ducers can qualify. J. S. Arthur, 1067 ocuiiaru jjiQg.,, uaiias. Mex. SALESMANAGER, $2.60 pocket check protector, perforates and Inks equal to high price machine; we want a few live wires to act as state, district and county managers; small working capi tal sufficient. Cockrell Co., 35 South jearoorn. tnicago. SALESMAN Side or main line, to sell low priced 6.000 mile guaranteed tires: 30x3.4 non-skid sells for $11.95; other sizes in proportion; good money mak ing proposition for live wires. Write consolidated Tire Co., 616 South Mlchl gan, Chicago. IF YOU can sell insurance and can corns cieen you can obtain a liberal contract in good territory with an established company offering a full line ef standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Aaaresa lock box 123 Omaha. Neb i WANTED. A FEW YOUNG MEN TO WORK IN OUR SHIPPING ROOM. GORDON-RAINALTER CO., 8th and Douglas. MEN WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTS MEN. Salary, $175, $260 month when com petent; chief draftsman will train you personally, also furnish free all tools and drawing table; training given until placed In position at above salary. Ad dress Chief Draftsman Dobe, 4001 Broadway, Ply. 38-A, Chicago. MECHANICIANS Men wanted as auto mobile and tractor experts; openings everywhere; big money for trained men; get Into this great field now; train at home In spare time: new easy meth od; send today for complete Informa tion. Chicago Technical College, 1855 Chicago Tech. Bldg., Chicago, 111. PRINTER WANTED Must be good at ad-setting; help on Job work, run news paper press, etc. County seat weekly, . 10 to 16 pages, 10 employes. Live town of 4,600. Ten miles city paving. County has voted 89-mlle paved main road sys tem. Top wages. - Advance, Algona, la. Salesmen and Solicitors" SALESMEN who have had experience In selling from house to house and who are accustomed to earning from $40 to $60 weekly wanted on a high-class news paper canvass of a household specialty that sells like hot cakes; commission and liberal drawing account to cover ex penses; must be sober; well dressed. See Mr. Ragan, Circulation Manager, Omaha Bee. MEN WANTED TO SELL GROCERIES SELLING EXPERIENCE NOT NECES SARY. One of world's largest grocers, (capi tal over $1,000,000) wants ambitious men in your locality to sell direct to consumer nationally known brands of an extensive line of groceries, paints, roofings, lubricating oils, .-stock foods, etc; hio !in. xalfiK1 VAhlPfl MJit r any competition; earn big money; no experience or capital required; complete sample outfit and free selling Instruc tions start you; long established reli able house; write today. John Sexton & Co., 352 West Illinois street, Chi cago, 111. SALESMEN who has his own horse and buggy or auto, to sell Avalon Farms Hog-Tone and their other veterinary specifics direct to farmers for retailers; this opportunity offers big returns and permanent employment: our line Is es tablished In the territory. Is backed by a national advertising campaign, and is the greatest selling proposition on the market; assures big money right from the start: can start you at once; state full particulars as to age and past occupation In first letter; experience unnecessary. Address W. .T. Llthall, sales manager, A. F. Co., 331 W. Ohio street, Chicago, III. RETURNED soldiers who sro willing to start at 839.00 weekly. Apply w. a, Hlgenbaugh A Co., 1814 St Marys Ave. Omaha, SALESMEN CALLING ON DRUG. CI GAR, CONFECTIONERY, GROCERY TRADE, TO SELL GUM VENDING MACHINES AND BALL GUM. LIBER ' AL COMMISSION. EXCLUSIVE TER RITORY. DUNWIN, 238 SOUTH FIGUEROA, LOS ANGELES. SALESMEN Side line men making small towns; new Idea; no sale; no collec tion; no Samples to carry; $5 commis sion paid on each trial order taken; state line carried and territory covered., Keeney & Sons Co., 2901 Indiana avenue, Chicago. YOUNG man of exceptional neatness and approach, good education, for retail jewelry sales; no jewelry experience required, although you should have sodie sales experience. Commercial Ref- erence Co.. 15.6 City Nat'I Bank Bldg. WAJTPn fit.. nltAn,nn , oc . cn '---' "-. llj Bg, A III PVj experienced or capable man considered only; goodjehanco for willing worker; salary $21- per week and bonus; see Mr. Gordon," 308 Balrd Bldg., Seven teenth and. Douglas. SALESMEN .WANTED $20 dally earned by "steady workers; write for letters from men who are doing It; new automobile article sells rapidly everywhere; experience unnec essary. Write Deco Co., Springfield, O. CANDY SALESMEN or broker with established trade to sell line of our goods to jobbers; write fully stating territory, facilities and experience. Champion Candy Co., 727 South Dearborn street, Chicago. III. SALESMEN We make a base ball trade board that sells to the cigar, restaur ant and confectionery trade; none, like it in any state; territory open; a fine '- side line for any salesman;, particulars. Dougherty Novelty Co., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Salesmen to call on automobile dealers and garage trade, with a well advertised and well known line of ac cessories, which Is recognized; as the leader of its kind., .The J. P. Gordon Co., Columbus. O. ' CITY SALESMAN, no experience necessary, t but must have knowledge of automobile truck- engines. Good personality and ability to talk convincingly big essentials. Age 25 to 35. $125 to $160. Employer's Reference Co.. 224 Bee Bldg. SALESMAN Just out, our new Jewelry and knife sales boards; larger commis sions; guaranteed Bale. Write today. Iowa Novelty Co., 616-617-618 Mullin Bldg.. Cedar Rapids, la. CITY salesman to call principally on wholesalers and manufacturers. Estab lished line. Salary to start $150 -with good chance for advancement Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. . OIL lease salesmen wanted; exceptionally good contract to salesmen In each com munity; our plan of selling oil leases makes lease selling easy. Warren & Blackshear, Corslcana, Tex. STATE manager and 60 salesmen for Steward Automobile Vise Gasoline Filter Lock; salary and commission; wire or write. Automotive Material Co., 20 East Jackson, Chicago, III. SALESMEN to sell peanut and ball gum machines; $5 commission. Also pack age and ball gum, peanuts and candy. Address Sales Manager, Box 802, Mem ' phis, Tenn. SALESMAN WANTED. Clean cut pocket sample sideline; sell merchants only; nine minutes time pays you $9. Address Elwood Mfg. Com pa ny. Clarksdale, Miss. YOUNG man, clean cut, aggressive, for city work; na experience required, but determination to succeed essential; sal ary and commission. Commercial Ref. erence Co., 1616 City Nat'I Bank Bldg) REPRESENTATIVE wanted for the sale of our winter line of soft (hot) drinks; sell on sight: big pay to the right party. The Francis Cropper Co., 318 North Michigan, Chicago. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experi enced; city or traveling; write for list of openings and full particulars. Ad dress Nat. Salesmen's Tr, Assn. Dept 439, Chicago, III. SELL Banner Brand Oysters; good com mission; give references and territory. The National Packing Co., Baltimore, Mil. SPECIALTY salesman for Nebraska by Chicago firm; exclusive territory; big money for right man. Address Y-696, Omaha Bee. MINUTES pay dollars, demonstrating new .$10 Adding Machines; wonderful Inven tion; adds, subtracts, multiplies, di vides automatically; work equals $308 machine;,, five-year guarantee; sells everywhere write quick for liberal trial offer and exclusive proposition. Dept. 3t7 Calculator Corporation, Grand Rapids. Mich. AGENT and salesman to supply snd sell In your county an auto - specialty of unusual merit and In great demand by motorists; exclusive rights and no com- , petition! big money tor spare or whole time; permanent increasing business; ' get hls agency today. American Sales Agency Co.. Pueblo. Colo. . . LARGE monthly profits ss district dii trlbuter salable combination Safety Tlrs Gauge and Connector; saves tires, gaso line, repairs; permanent business can bs developed, starting with small stock; exclusive rights granted. Mead En gineering Co., 1133 Broadway, New York. BECOME a prosperous Davis agent; be ginners making $30, $50 weekly; crew managers doubling that; "lucky 11" pays you 208 per cent; 37 other big winners; big rush fseason from now until Christmas. Davis Products Co., pt. 64P, cnicago Dpp MARCH'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD i WAR. - 800 pages, profusely Illustrated; of ficial; sells every home; big money maker; best terms; credit freight paid; get big outfit Victory Publishing Co., 433 South Dearborn. Chicago. AGENTS If you want to average 111 dally, sell a high grade line ot lvorf combs, brushes, mirrors, etc., direct from factory to consumer; best seasol coming: enormous demand; particular) , free. Yanoco Ivory Co,,- Leominster, Aiass. $500 per month selling a new Patented Fuel Vaporizer, guaranteed to save u to 60 per cent In gasoline; 40 miles pel gallon made with Ford car; sold oi money back guarantee; one sample. (rest Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, So. AGENCY HOUSES AND CREW MAN! AGERS. -New, fast selling food specialty; llve( -article; packed your 'label; for full part ticulars write or wire. Federal' Pur Food Co., Chicago, 111. DON'T accept agency until you get pari ticulars regarding Bero tablets; oust tomers excited; agents coining raoney prohibition assures - quick sales; won. derful opportunity; write quick. "Ber1 Mfg. Co.. 643 North Dearborn. Chicago. - AGENTS Something new; fastest seller and quickest repeaters on earth; perma nent, easy, profitable business; good for $18 to $36 a week.- Address Ameri can "Products Co., 243 American Bldg-, Cincinnati, 'O. AGENTS-Newest Invention; "Inkspoon" makes every pen a fountain pen; fast office seller; big profit;1 demand Increas ing every where; exclusive territory of fered; sample free. H. Marul Co., Trl oune .piug., aew x ora. AGENTS Make big money with our new1 fall and holiday specialties; enormous demand: big profits; no experience necessary; samples, catalog free. Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell. Chicago. AGENTS $40 to $100 week; free samples; goia sign tetters anyone can put en store windows; big demand; liberal of. fer to general agents. Metallic Letts! r Co.. 435 North Clark, Chicago. AMERICAN HEATING CO., 630 East Id. Oklahoma City, OkL, manufacturers ol Patrick's Oil Burners for cook stoves, heaters, hot air, water and steam fur. naces. Sold through dealers and agents. SALESMEN WANTED. Experienced -magazine men; have tw . new up-to-date premiums never before handled in the city; first corns, first served. Collier's 812 Balrd Bldg. NEW, economical, invisible metal repalt ror sningie roots. jsasuy applied.. Ne ' nails. Tremendous demand. Big prof '' its to agents. Sample tree.. Q. R. B, i company, eta, ri-zu. Cincinnati, p. AGENTS are coining money selling Brus sels iiore nrooms; outlast six corn brooms: retail $1.75; sample postpaid $1.00; also sanitary brushes. Cramer Mfg. Co., Wichita, Kan. AGENTS $50 to $75 a week representing uui dpicuuiu iiue juea uuaranieeq Tailored Neckwear; particulars free. E. L. Kelser Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit Mich. AGENTS Quick seller; big profits; flow. er oeaas coining money -for ti us tiers new stuff; tremendous demand; cats, log free. Mission Bead Co., 138 Irola, xjos ymgeies, SELL Insyde Tyres, genuine Inner armof ror auto tires; double mileage; pre vents punctures and blow-outs; tre mendous demand. American Acces sories C-O. upjt it, Cincinnati, u. GREATEST seller out, biggest money matter; people who. aoout it; every cus tomer a booster; permanent; act quick Homo Mfg. Co., Dept 66, New Albany. Ind. W A NTED Agents to sell Oregon agati goia mountea rings ana jewelry. Qoot profit Send $3.00 for sample. Reynold! Agate jeweiry i;o., rtoseourg, ure. ADVERXISE Twenty-four -words In $1 SundaP papers, $6; In 100 magazines 91. nais tree. mamora Agency, -141 Shannon Bldg., Pittsburgh. Pa. PORTRAIT agents; why work on com. nussiun; zt-nour service - on nnlshed work; write for catalogue. E. H. Rob. erts, Kansas City. AGENTS making $5.00 per hour; gasoi nne i cents a gauon; money pack guax antes. Firestone Works. Gary. Ind. Boys. WANTED A bright, neat appearing Cfc fics boy to deliver proofs. Advertising manager, Omaha Bee. ' " SALESMEN Energetic, to visit schools: $100 salary and liberal commission. R. o. Evans & Co., 1100 Wabash avenue, Chicago. . WANTED Demonstrators and street cor ner man, big money. Phone Ash $11 or address Box 431. Blair, Neb, That surplus piece of furniturd can be turned into cash by a .Want Ad.. .; .V ,3 . '