-unii- .ij ri mini h THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: Si.r'TiMvi.BttK 28, 1919. Sha'a baautiful, and taerefere to b woo'd She U woman, thsnfore to be won. ... Shakaapeare. 9 O, that 1 wart a (leva upon that hand, ' That I might touch that chaakt ' Shahpara. Lillian FitcH Wrote the Ak-Sar-Ben Pageant A Pageant of most elaborate de sign and setting is a surprise in store for the guests, who will attend the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, which will be held Friday evening, October 2, at the Den. , The Pageant, including the Pro logue, was written by Miss Lillian Fitch of Chicago especially for the ball. Miss Fitch has had great suc cess as an author in this line of work and her pageant "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" was staged by her for Mrs. Odgen Armour in Chicago in June. It is to be repeat ed at the Chicago Auditorium in October. Miss Fitch remains in Omaha, just long enough to stage the ball Pageant, and then returns to Chicago to stage, "East of ihe Sun and West of the Moon." The Pageant is to have as a set ting, a magnificent scheme of Hin- dou decoration, designed by Mr. W. G Colling. 1 . A ballet is included, and daily re hearsals for it are being held in the ball rocm of the Hotel Fontenelle. Premiere dancers in the ballet are: Misses Portia Swett, Frances Eren- flght, Leyta Geral, And Pleasant Holyoke. v Othersin the ballet include the Misses Elinor Kountze, Katherine Porter, 'Katherine Baxter, Mary Catherine Parmalee of Plattsmouth, Slavia Walters of Lincoln, Donna ; Gustin of Lincoln, Marjorie Bars low of Lincoln, Virginia White head of Lincoln, Ruth Gaines, Eld Beeson, Martha Dox, Polly Rob bins, Janet Nolan and Lucy Garvin. Mr. Van Rensselaer Weds Miss Josephine Randol SJ of Colorado. Tuesday evening at ? o'clock, the Church' of the Ascension af Salida, Colo., was the scene of a very pretty weddfng when Miss Jose phine Ruth Randol and Mr. Beverly Van Rensselaer of Omaha were united in marriage.' The Rev. Den zil C. Lees officiated and the beau tiful ring ceremony pf the Episcopal church ritual was followed. As the -bridal party approached the altar the Lohengrin wedding march was played by Miss Esther DeWeese, at cousin of the bride. The church was' -artistically decorated in rich autumn leaves, asters and ferns intertwined about the Venetian Gothic arches. A hell of fern and sweetpeas hung from the center arch where the bride on the arm of her father, at tended by Miss Alta Clarke, maid of honor: Miss Beulah Wilson, brides maid, was joined by the. bridegroom, attended by his best man, Mr. Vic tor Hermansen of Omaha. The bride was beautifully attired in a gown of chantilly lace over georgette crepe and wore a hat of white tulle with white satin stream ers looped with tulle and French rose buds. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia rows and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore a gown of orchid satin and sil ver with tulle hat to match and car ried a shower bouquet of Mrs. Ward's roses. The bridesmaid wore a gown of peach blow satin and sil ver with tulle Hat to match and car ried a shower bouquet of Lady Rus sel roses. The mother of the bride was attired in black net over satin and wore a bouquet of Lady Russell roses. The mother, of the bride groom wore a gown of black net over black charmeuse embroidered in turquoise and gold and edged with blue fcoc. A large bouquet of American : Beauty roses completed her attire. , Following the ceremony, the bridal party proceeded to the home of the bride's parents where a re ception was given, after which a wedding supper was served. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a dainty wrist watch. H pre sented his best man with a hand some gold watch and each of his ushers with a set of platinum and pearl studs and cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Van Rensselaer de parted the same evening for a three weeks' honeymoon in California. The bride wore a traveling suit of iuede velour and a hat. of Lyonn beaver. Mrs. Van Rensselaer was a popu lar member of the younger social set of Salida, and 'is greatly loved Twelve of Omaha:s Most Beautiful Girls Have Been Chosen as Maids to1 the Queen of .Ak-Sar-Ben . I Fraternity Party. I The Phi Sigma Phi fraternity en tertained at a theater party Friday evening, which was followed by sup per at the Jorgenson cottage. .' Holy Name Parish. The Holy Name parish will give a card party at their ball, Forty fifth and Wirt streets, Tuesday eve ining at 8 o'clock. t . Holy Angels Parish. Holy Angels Parish will give a card party Tuesday afternoon at the hall, Fowler and Twenty-eighth streets. Mrs. Denise Barkalow. of Denver is the guest at the E. P. Peck home. GET MQRE EGGS With the Miracle Egg Maker. It makes hens lay when they don't want to; it helps in the moulting season, and they, moult quicker and lay quicker. ' 15 pounds for $2.50, F. OB. St Louis. ZIMMERMAN, 4604 South Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. SAVE THIS AD, YOU MAY WANT IT LATER , ., , . , ,-,...,. i,i.n. i ....... Jinan- '-'TT7-T1T Good Gracious! From Omaha's loveliest and fairest girls of the younger and school spts, the maids who shall attend the Ak-Sar-Ben queen of 1919 have been chosen. Charm and beauty distinguished them and a ho more unusual group has ever been chosen by the Board of Governors for this annual event. From left to right they arei Dorothy Kiplinger, Mildred Rhodes, Helen Hussie, Helen Walker, Katherine Lineburg, Louise Clarke, Elsie Storz, Dorothy Belt, Florence Russell, Marion Hamilton, Dorothy Judson and Marjorie Cavers. and admired for her daintiness and charming personality. , s. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer of Omaha. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Van J?ansselaer of Oma ha, Miss Martha Wilson of Denver, Louis Spra.tlin of Denver, Miss Gerard and Mr. Gerard of Calcite, Mrs. .Belle McGovern of Grand Junction, and Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Knox of Buena Vista. Mr, and Mrs. Van Rensselaer will be at home in Omaha, October 3. Phi Rho Sigma. Phi Rho Sigma fraternity, Univer- I V vrr - m N iwy Welcome to Ak-Sar-Ben! "Forewarned Is Forearmed" Have You Plenty of Advo Coffee Famous Brew? ' re You Prepared for Visi tors During the Festivities? IF NOT. Call up your grbcer right away Send Advo Coffee, no delay!" "After the ball" at half-pat two Drink Advo Coffee, Famous Brew'.' You won't know you're. tired it will taste so good sity of Nebraska Medical college, gave a party at the chapter house Saturday night in rionor of the pledges: W. H. Judd and W. H. Hil ligus of Rising City; R. H. Slocumb, Loup City; Chester Trimble of Oma ha; Donald Graham, Alliance; H. E. Stroy, Murdock; W. H. Eller and 'Roy Swanson of Lincoln. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. For Miss Bar dwell. Miss Josephine Congdon will entertain next week in honor of Miss Adele Bardwell of Minneapolis, Who is the guest of Mrs. R. W. Breckenridee. a ive fefa Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors mutt tea THE HOOVER in action to fully appreciate itt Beater, Duit Pan and Carpet Sweeper are all combined in this "housewife of perfection" to make it th.e most efficient piece of labor-saving mechaniim of the age. Hoover users are happy because they are free from the strain of household drudgery. , $5.00 and the Hoover Is in Your Home 7 A few dollars each month will repay you in hours of rest. The credit system is part 312 South 18th St. of Williams' Better Service. Tyler 1011 MiiMsa-anii-n 'iia'nn.'HT EVERYTHING IN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. AK-SAR-BEN visitors may see wonderful things We join King Ak-Sar-Ben and all Omaha inwei coming you to our city during this week; the great est of all our Ak-Sar-Beh festivities? Never have such wonderful parades been arranged as those you may see here nowhere were attractions so varied and interesting as the ones you' will have oppor tunity to see during your stay. McKenney Dentists with their most modern offices with their corps of efficient and skilled doctors representing every branch of scientific dentistry, have made ready to provide accommodation for those who will take advantage of their visit to Omaha. During the morning hours you can give time for proper care of your teeth without missing any of the entertain ing features which are scheduled for afternoon and evening. . : - Scientific Advice v will be given to all who are troubled with dental matters You will be advised just what is neces-1 sary for the proper care of your teeth and in every instance you will have the advantage of the care of an expert in every detail of dentistry. , , Have An X-Ray Examination The accurate knowledge of the condition ' of the teeth can be obtained in no . other way. ' Such an ex amination may show the cause of many systematic ail ments that are disastrous to health. We will X-ray your teeth and show you their con dition, and advise you how to correct the troubles. Finest guaranteed service at-moderate prices. Best Silver Filling Best 22K Gold Crown. Heaviest Bridge Work, per Tooth .... $5 Rubber Plates . $5 $10 and $15 McKenney Dentists 1324 Farnam St., Cor. 14th and Farnam. . Douglas 2872.