r THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919. IS REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. EXCELLENT TRADET ' Will trad ( lot In a very desirable part ( Omaha. North Bid, for a -' room bouse In Walnut Hill locality. Lots , valued at 4,00. Theo, E. Peterson Co., ISM Omaha Nafl. Bank Bldf.. Omaha. Paons four 7054. INCOME FOR LAND. . W Bve n houses llatad la Nnaha Owner wants land. 4 a A R E UONTQOMERT. MlClt National REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. . Colorado Lands. 10.000 acrea eholca raw or iraproeed Lin coln, Co., Colo lands Bargains, Easy terms. Bee J. L. Manrer Arriba. Colo. Council Bluffs. FOR GALE. 10 Iota located at tha corner of 17th . atreet and th avanua, with awr and water In atreet. Inquire of owner, Louts , Schneider, Wlekham Block, Council Bluffs, Iowa. ' l-ROOM house, close to school; away from mud and water. Terms. Call '" Red 664. Dundee. DUNDEE SPECIAL East front, excellent location, two . blocks from Farnam ear and near Dun dee school, new full two-story, Kella stone house, having reception hall, liv ing room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen on first floor, and four sleeping rooms and tiled bath with butlt-ln tub on second floor; oak floors throughout; fireplace In living room, built-in bookcases, refrigerator room, , full plastered basement; full sized lot; arge garage with cement drive. Price 119,600. Half cash required. Call B. F. drant, Douglas 1014, days Colfax 1017. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., OH-14 City National. Douglas 8787. DUNDEE. 5-R. BUNGALOW, $5,500. Largs S-room strictly modern bunga low, near 49th and Burt Sts. ; oak throughout; full light basement, floored attic; paving paid. Owner Is leaving city and can give possession on very abort notice. Price $5,600; about $2,000 cash. I J. L. HIATT CO., fVkA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE f0 fvU BANK BUILDING. TYLER uo I HAVE a pearly new bungalow in Dundee for 16.350. Mighty classy proposition. Can make terms of about $750 cash to good party. Call Colfax 1835 after ( p. m. - ' South Side. IB" you want a real home, at a bargain, you should sea Jas. H. Kopletz, real es tate Investments. 4783 South 24th at Miscellaneous. ' 18 ACRES. 10 miles N. W. of Omaha P. X room house, etc 115,000. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas (64. ; SEAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA ISO acres, located In best farming dis trict of Tripp county. Bouth Dakota. nea Colonic; all fenced and under cul tivation; two springs; six-room house and other buildings In good repair. Will sell or trade for city property. A. B ALPIRN. 7th and Douglas StsCall Doug. 1484. SIX-ACRE PLACE. Two miles of Council Bluffs with aev rai good roada to the city ; good 8 -room house, urge barn: nlcs yard with larga ' walnut trees, about ons acre upland; balance creek bottom and very rich - garden soli; heirs want to divide and offer for 18.000. MoOEB REAL ESTATE CO., ' 108 Pearly BtCouncH JBIuffs. VjtEAL ESTATE WANTED1 WE WILL pay cash for ' your home, or wa will sell it for you. Just phone us and immediate Inspection "U1 be made. Prompt results assured. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1638. 33S Securities Bldg. After 6:30 p. m. call IVfr. Noar. Web ater 4413 or Mr. Johnson. Harney 6913. - WE WANT HOUSES Customers have deposited money with us with which to buy homes in structing us to buy for them on our ' judgment. What have you to aell. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. Realtors. foi-4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 4il0. . ' BUNOALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyera for well-located bungalows and residencea worth the money. For quick results, list with us. f O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. . 32;Bjandels Theater Bldg. I 'kAVE a man who v. Ill buy "your lm- S roved property and pay cash for It, ut the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR. Ii6 CltyJNat Bk. Bldg. Doug 1S4. HAVE Inquiries for good homes In good locations. Do you want to sell your property t List it with C. A. Grlmmel 840 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. XjST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales. 442 Bee Bldg Phone. Douglas 8097. ItvB have the customers and can sell your Froperty, list wun iuuh . iwuuiu 81 Brandels Theater, P. 620. Low, rates without delay. ' . C Q. CARLBERO. V ' tit Brandels Theater Bldg. jVoR auick sales list your property with W. G. SHRIVER. a47- Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 1880. i WILL buy s few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. Hens. Chas L. I Pease. 811 Brandels Theater Bldg. Ikff your property Is for sale or rent. Hat !t with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 3708 Lake. Webster 640. FINANCIAL. Seal Estate, Loans, Mortgages. cant. No delay. See us first. ftlTY or farm 6-year loans, 6ft ind 6 per DAY & MAYNE, 805 Keellne Bldg., Omaha. Doug. 0994. 14 Pearl SL (Grand Hotel) Co. Blfs. 101. tlTT and farm loana; 6tt and 8 per cent; no delay J. H. Dumout & Co.. 418 Keellne Bldg, lONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate Interest payable semi-annually. W. H THOMAS &' SON. 838 Keellne Bldg. Private Money. BHOPEN & COMPANY. Pong. 4228. 1100 to 810.000 MADE promptly. F. D Weed. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. t. E. BCCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT. ' Wanted 32.000 loan on 33,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to : make loan Is beneficiary. Face of polloy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 07 years old and in poor health. WU1 arrange matters so that entire 13.000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums on Insurance. Chance to make from 3600 to 31,000 la abort time. Address Bee. Box M-3. buAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om Na Bldg. Doug. 27H. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Acreage. DAIRYMEN, TAKE NOTICE! t REAL FARM INVESTMENT. CLOSE TO OMAHA. Why pay 3400 to 3500 per acre when . you can buy- tor less than half that amount. 120 acres 12 miles from Omaha, near lnterurban railroad to Omaha. THIS WILL PRODUCE ACRE FOR ACRE EVERY YEAR JUST AS MUCH AS YOUR HIGH-PRICED LAND. 20 acres In alfalfa, 30 acres hay and pas ture, balance splendid corn land. All In cultivation. Improvements are one half mile away In Bellevue and consist of three lots with house, barns, sheds, etc. Must be sold to settle an estate. Possession March 1st, 1920. Can be . bought with or without Improvements. Call Mr. Brown, D. 415. . McCague Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. - 3133 DOLLARS IN DIRT 3111 EASTERN COLORADO LANDS. lOO.Outi sores of tha best agricultural land and (0,000 of choice grazing land, cuter Improved or unimproved. Tbe best In the west from 310.00 up. Just the thing for homeseeker or Investor. Call on or write, the Wray Land Com. pany, wray. cola Iowa Lands. 1 miles from Lincoln Highway, level valley land; good rich soli. Ten aores alfalfa. 30 acres fall wheat, 40 acres earn, balance pasture; all suitable for cultivation. Improvements a three-room house, good new barn with grain bins, corn crib, shsd and chicken house. Price (160.00 per sere. A. K. HESS 133 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. la. FOR BALE , The SH of NW and NWU of SWtt of Sec 17. T 77, R 41, West of 6th Principal Meridian. Near Neola, Pottawottamie Co., Iowa, Make offer. I. H. JACKSON, Owner. 4834 Kenmore Ave. Chicago, 111. Kansas Lands. WHEAT AND STOCK FARM (00 acres, level and rich; not an sera of waste, convenient to good town, main line Missouri Pacific, aLne County, Kana; an abundance of fine water; 300 acres wheat, half goes with the place; 300 acrea grass; good improvements; posses sion; only (36.00 per acre; attractive terms. MANSFIELD LAND AND LOAN CO. , Bonflla Bldg. 10th and Walnut. Kansas City. Mo. Minnesota Lands. RED RIVER VALLEY INVESTMENT Improved half ssctlon; no drouths, no floods; Z miles to elevator and town, Marshall Co.; 9-room house, barn for 40 head: 7,000 bu. granary; artesian well, etc Priced to sell at (97.60 per. Owner will take a small Irrigated Rio Grande valley. Texas, farm; (6,000 cash and balance 6 yrs. at 8 per cent Your op portunity. Address L. Williamson. Morgan, Minn. Missouri Lands. 200-Acre Missouri Farm, $5,500, With Pair Horses, 9 head stock, complete farming Imple ments, etc.; near R. R. town, high school, creamery, churches, etc. 40 ' acreB rich bottom land, 40 acres bench or 2d bottom, balance fine tillage; much wood, saw timber, several acres or chards. 6 -room house, barns, corn house, granary, etc. Aged owner to sell at once Includes personal property and makes low price of 36,600 for all, easy terms. Details page 88 big 100-page Fall Catalog, just out, farm bargains Maine to Florida and west to Nebraska: copy free. STROUT FARM AGENCY. 831 B. P., N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City. BRINGING UP FATHER- ( See Jif g s and Maggie in Fall ' , . Page of Colors in The Sunday Boo. Drawn for The Bee by McManus rnnvMffM 110 lnt-nrnl New Ssrvfcs. , "VE OT TO ' HIDE THIf, TICKET TODU4SAK5 fSAi 1-1 I . I 4ITO0T 0 , a- n I1.L HAND IT OUT OF THE VINOOW UNTIL - I IT ME DREtA 0,, 3UT OH- 1 fVvJ 1 Tl now to ot I II II fr-Jll ' V T I U) mi i ' i .! ( ' 1 1 i i i i si i i - . v i i yn Sj. I I 1 1 ' -J . FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm: timely sales; quick returns. Held Land Co.. (84 pranaeia Bldg AUTOMOBILES For Sale. SOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey motor COMPANY, (The Handy Ford Service Station) 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 3600. ) Nebraska Lands THAYER CO., FARM AT AUCTION SEPT. 29. MONDAY 8 P. M. On tha above data at Brunnlng, Neb., we will sell at publlo auction to the highest bidder regardless price the fol lowing described real estate: The S. E. quarter of Section 2, Township 4, Range 3, Thayer county, Nebraska, containing .180 acres more or less according to government survey, located 8 miles due west of Bruning. Terms of Sale: Fifteen per ecent of the purchase price cash' day of aale. rurchasnr to assume a mortgage of 7,000 due May, 1323, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent payable annually. Remainder of purchase price March 1, 1920. when possession will be given. Good and sufficient abstract of title to gether with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. Improve ments: Five-room house, barn 18xit room for 8 head of horses, mow for 8 tons of hay. hen house, and other out buildings. Good well and windmill; 80 acres under plow, balance pasture. All fenced and cross-fenced. Good black loam soli: land lies level. For further information, address. Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central City. Neb. Mark parraher. Auctioneer. M. A. Larson, ., manager; G. B. Mlddleton, St. Paul, Neb., owner. IN ORDER to close a partnership, we of fer the best mixed farming and stock ranch In Northwest Nebraska. Located 10 miles to railroad town, one-half mllu to school and postofflce, also on good automobile highway, 20 miles to Gor don, a good town with 2,600 people. This ranch is highly improved and well fenced. It Is the finest watered ranch you ever inspected; 130 acres al falfa, 200 acres finest meadow hay, 100 acres now in crop; 2,000 acres of this ranch is good crop or alfalfa land, bal. ance In fine pasture. This Is a won derful place for raising hogs at small cost. Priced for quick sale. (26.00 per ' acre. Will carry sixty thousand dollars back on this ranch for 6 and 10 years, 6 and 6 per cent interest. Deal direct with owners. REES & NORTON, Burlington Junction. Mo. 160 ACRES highly cultivated and im proved,, located three miles to' Superior. Neb. My equity Is (2,000. Will make terms. 64 acres located one-fourth mile to Calhoun, Neb. Improvements alone cost (17,000. My equity Is (21.400, and. will take In small trade up to (6,000. of Omaha. Good Improvements and on macadamized road. Price (300 per acre. W. NATHAN WATTS, 618-19 Paxton Block; 193 ACRES one mile from Thurston, Neb. Well Improved and In good stage ot cultivation, about 30 acres of alfalfa and pasture and the rest all farm land. This farm is In a country where crops never fall, and the price Is, for a short time, 3266 per acre. For sale byowner,Frank 'LKublk, Pender, Neb. FOR FARM LANDS and farm loans with in 6ft miles of Omaha, see PAUL PETER80N. 364 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1806 RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 13 CENTS PER MILE. YOTJ ARB COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 8622. 1314 HOWARD. MEEK8 AUTO CO. Csed cars bought, sold and exchanged. We, buy for cash and aell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. USED cars if exceptional value. DON'T MISS SEEING OUR LINE-UP OF NEW USED CARS. TWENTY TO CHOOSE FROM. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Doug. 9070, FOR SALE A fine locomobile six, 2 bodies, touring and limousine, Al condition, fine engine and cooling system, 37,600 car, (1,280, Will consider trade or bankable note. Call Douglas 6621. 628 South 20th St. SEVEN PASSENGER Cadillac 1918 newly painted, tires in Al condition and en gine has just been overhauled. A very good buy for the money. If interested call W. F. Bruett, daytime, T. 1716; night H. 2662. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO FRED C ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 1767 1407-21 Capitol Av. ' . STUDEBAKER (660, 7-pasaenger. best of condition;, good tires; good looker; best bargain in Omaha. Worth lot more money. Call after 6:30 p. to. Walnut 3010. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and eelf-atarter courses; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 2814 North Twentieth, Omaha. STEVENS DURYEA touring car, six cyl inder, starter and electrio lights, at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Phone Tyler 1419, USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 3S63 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. WINTON-SIX ROBERTS MOTOR CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 3500. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries Edwards. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2030 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO., 664 Brandels Bldg. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City, Neo. PRICE and terms right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farms. C. V. Nelson, 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. . GOOD 80 or 160-acre farm for rent, cash. For particulars wrl'e Mary Deer, Louis ville, Neb. l-'ORDS BUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS, FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-UOLDSTROM AUTO CO. S701 BOUTH 24TH ST. SOUTH 399. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha, Neb., Sept 36. 1919. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Official Monday.... 18.824 4,3T 47.747 Official Tuesday ...15,298 6,631 23.303 Official Wednesday. 9,051 9,168 69,518 Estimate Thursday.. 7.000 4,600 44,000 Four days this wk.. 60,173 23.663 174,467 Same days last wk..61,068 15,299 175,821 Sums days 2 wks... 64,245 21,490 195.636 Same days 3 wks... 43, 439 10.594 174.873 Sams days year ago. 54,758 22,583 176,093 Cattle There was quite a liberal run of cattle here for a Thursday, arrivals counting' out 255 cars or around 7,000 head. Packers all needed some beef to AUTOMOBILES. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself, at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage. 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7390. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv loe, for suto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed: new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St Tyler t!7. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 3125 Cuming. Doug las 8044. High-grade automobile palut- lng, Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 37th and Leavenworth Sts. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. 800 SETS of war harness, made by the Studebaker Mfg. Co. of South Bend. Ind., for experimental tryout; number one grade and will be sold at a dis count of 30 per cent at the Mid -West Harness Co.. 706 N. 16th St, Omaha. Neb. . BROOD SOWS. ,Buy on Blrdhaven Profit Sharing Plaa. Phono Web. 28M (J. 8. Pettis, agent. . TEAM, harness and wagon, Seven-Oaks Farm, three blocks west of Florence car. UPLAND hay, (20 per ton. Wagner. 801 FOR SALE Work berse, about 1,200. Col- TQX s,. Am-s AVV. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WANTED to buy on or two young rat doits. Wagitrr Feed Store, 801 N. 16th, Pouglaa 1142. PERSONAL. ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Marlen , Jessen. age 14 years, height five feet four inches, weight about 110 pounds', left home Wednesday, September 24. wore gray cap. blue serge coat, blue striped overalls; small finger of left hand missing. Please notify Council Bluffs Police Station. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wo collect. We distribute. . Phone Dour 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St ABSENTEE Mareallce Plummer; write me. I have Important Information for you. Horace Q. Plummer, Route K. Box 198, Indianapolis. Ind. HAVE tin roofs and eaves cleaned and painted. 6o foot, before winter. Colfax 2371. . DRESSMAKING Evening .dresses a spe cialty. 1011 N. 33d. Harney 63C0. GIVEN for thel hauling. 200 loads of dirt. 2961 Dorfas. ' MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WAXCHES. ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. I5th & Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3600. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6036. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN, 201 Karbach Blk. Tyler 684. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holman. Bushnell, Neb. . WRITE me tor pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co. Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. Oklahoma Lands. NOW LISTEN TO THIS Just across the Kansas line on the great Rock Island route, Chicago to El Paso, 450 miles southwest of Kansas City, there's the county seat of Texas county, Oklahoma, called Guymon, twelve years old, with 3.000 population, mostly from the states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, etc., the central statea. Ten miles further down the line there's the town of Goodwell with 600 popula tion and contains the State Agricultural College, which had 160 students last year, besides the Animal Husbandry Farm of 800 acres, both of whloh are carried on by the state. Our 2,240 acres solid combination stock and grain farm lies four miles from Goodwell and nine miles from Guymon, the county seat. This combination farm has 800 acres agricultural land and bal ance pasture, covered with Buffalo. Gramma and Blue Stem grasses, but mostly Buffalo and Gramma. Improve ments are five miles of new 3-wtre fence, two wells and windmill. 100 acres are in crop this year. There Is In this vi cinity good roads and good farms all around. Abundance of the very best water. A dandy winter wheat country. Price (16.00 per acre, half cash and balance io suit at 6 4 per cent. For other details call on or write J. H. Carse. 410 Bee Building. Omaha. Neb. Arizona Lands. Fine Ranch, All Equipped Fifteen miles square. 1,500 head ot -. Hereford all for (110,000. Will take trade up to (50,000. Hurry. W. NATHAN WATTS, x ' 113-1 Paxton Blk. Doug. 900. Omaha. Neb. Wisconsin Lands. FOR SALE 120-acre dairy farm with etcrk mid iu-hlnery; 176 -per A. Write owuL'i, Cuits. i'nuiuan, iicuoiuonle. Wis. South Dakota Lands. OR SALE For a short time only, one "ol the best sections In Aurora county. South Dakota, 1 miles from Stlckney; well Improved, fenced with woven wire and steel posts all around; crossed fenced; must be seen to be appreciated. Ad- dress owner, rj. a. vtoiii. pagiry. im. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., 2023 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. GAIN more miles; have your tires re- treaded by u. & o. 'iire uo. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAHU 2300 Farnam St. (100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing at flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th. GOOD USED CARS. 1 GUY L. SMITH. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES io PRICE Flsk, Goodrich, Bull tires, Lee, Firestone. KAIMAw TIKJii JuHttna. zuio farnam. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBBR CO., 2914 FARNAM 8T. H. 6758. UnMAl,.L UJf III. UUSltlCM w Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos snd notes as security. (40 6 mo.. H. goods, total. (3.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 432 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 666. FARMS and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 528 Keellne Bldg. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 5619. Es. 1894 I YOUNG LADIES Wc offer you a well paid position. Pay you while in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. 25,000 ACRES In Brown and Edmunds counties, 8. D. Selected early. Terms as good as can be secured. Good automo biles with careful drivers. M. A. CLARK LAND CORPORATION I Hagerty Block. Aberdeen, 8. P. Wyorr ing Lands. WYOMING HOMESTEADS IN , WYOMING 75 choice homesteads, 60 acrea each, now open for entry, all In one locality. TAYLOR & CO., 1617 Capitol Ave., Cheyenne. Wyo. SOLDIERS. 640 acre homesteads, 7 months residence Duff. Casper. Wyo Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraska snd South Dakota farms and ranches, see . ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug. 9005. 621 Pat '- s'- - . - - a ,t - - - South Omaha Move right into a new house near your work. This house is new, has built in kitchen cabinet, good basement, new well with - pump, two full size lots. Price, only $2,350. Small pay ment down. Call H. H. Belle, Colfax 719 or Douglas 7412. fill out their week's orders and the lim ited supply sold sharply higher, advances ot 25 cents or more being noted in lots of cases and prices are fully 60 cents and In some Instances (1.00 higher than a week ago. Stocxera and feeders were a little elow In spots but desirable kinds were generally steady to possibly a lit tle stronger and are fully 6Oc0(l.OO hljh er than a week ago. It was a steady to strong trade on butcher stuff, the week's advance ot 60c(1.00 being well sus tained. Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, (18.0017.00; good to choice beeves, 814.50016. 00; fair to good beeves, $13.0014.50; common to fair beeves. (11.0013.00; choice to prime yearlings, $16.50017.50; good to choice yearlings, (15.0016.60; fair to good yearlings, (13.00 014.60; common to fair yearlings, (10.00 12.00; good to choice heifers, I8.00& 10.00; choice to prime cows, (9.0010.t5; good to choice cows, (7.60 8.75; fair to good cows, (6.6007.(0; common to fair cows, (1.0006.60; choice to prime heavy feeders, (12.0013.00; good to choice feeders, (10.O0ll.76; medium to good feeders, (8.6010.00; common to fair feed ers, I7.008.00; good to choice stockers, (9 0010.60; fair to good stockers, (7.00 8.60; common to fair stockers, (8.00 7.00; stock belters, (6.O0U8.O0; stock cows. (5.607.00: stock calves, (7.0010.00; veal calves, (7.00014.00; bulls, stags, etc., S5.60 7.60; choice to prime grass beeves, (13.0014.75; good to choice grass beeves, 31O.6012.5O; fair to good grass beeves, (8."6010.OO; common to fair grass beeves, (6.008.00; Mexican beeves. (6.009.00. Representative salea: WESTERN CATTLE. MONTANA. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 843 (9 00 22 fdrs. 880 (10 35 232 60 OREGON. 13 cows.1031 8 00 11 cows. 937 T 26 llfdrs.. 949 10 00 18 hfrs. 848 ; 8 00 COLORADO. 884 8 25 9 hfrs. 779 8 to 890 10 00 WIUHlWJ. 10 00 38 COWS. 784 10 60 . 16 fdrs.1208 6 65 21 cows. 715 8 00 NEBRASKA. 803 9 25 36 Mrs. 1044 220 11 60 19 fdrs.. 432 642 7 26 10 civs.. 303 . 737 60 -Receipts were estimated No. 62 hfrs. 6 civs. , 12 cows. 15 fdrs.. 28 fdrs.. 813 130 strs.1067 9 hfrs.. 382 Jlstrs.. 931 40 fdrs. 3 civs. 7 hfrs. 14 stkrs Hogs- 75 11 00 6 00 11 26 7 50 11 00 at 69 inaia or about 4.500 head, 'mere was a weak undertone from the start and trade was very slow and draggy at prices that were very much like yesterday's close or fully ltfpita lower than yesterday's aver age. Pricoa slipped a little toward the close, some quoting late sales 26c lower than arly. Heavy packers were discrimi nated sgalnst sharply unless they possessed pretty good quality and several sales were reported below even money. Packers car rying finish and good mixed loads were selling largely at (16.0016.35 with butch ers on up to (16.75. Top for the day stopping at (17.00 and bulk of sales was (16.0016.35. Representative sales: No. Av. 21. .426 45. .274 54. .256 59. .33(1 53. .289 49. .280 68. 66. 8h. 'so -70 190 40 236 160 Pr. (15 60 15 86 16 00 16 10 16 20 16 30 16 60 16 75 No. Av. 62. .226 30. .277 54. .230 31. .329 39. .260 62..2S2 , 44. .274 24. .225 640 40 190 Sh. Pr. 40 (15 75 ... 15 90 15 05 16 15 16 25 16 36 16 55 17 00 Sheep The marketing of sheep and lambs is still on a very heavy scale, about 44,000 head showing up for today's trade. Bulk ot this estimate consisted Jf thin lambs, the same as recently. Several trains were late in arriving and trade was rather slow In getting under way. Packers needed killing material, however, and In quiry from this quarter appeared to be active from the start. Practically all classes of killers ruled strong to possibly a little i.tgher. Best fat lambs were wanted at (U.7515.00, with fair kind selling around $14.00014.25. Toppy ewes are quotable up to (6.7S . and best wethers around (8.608.76. A broad demand for feeding classes featured the trade and prices were well maintained. Good close-wooied feeding lambs are bringing (12.00 12.25 with me dium quality strings selling about (1.00 under these figures. Common light and low grade feeders at (9.0010.75. Good feeding ewes are bringing (5.256.00. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $14. 604(116. 00; lambs, fair to good, (14.0014.5O; choice feeder lambs, $12.00 12.25; medium to good feeders, (11.25(cp 12.00; common and light feeders, $9.00 10.75; culls and throwouts, (6.008.60: yearlings. (8.759.50; wethers. (8.OO1& 8.76; ewes, good to choice, (6.256.75; ewes fair to good, $5.6036.00; good feed ing ewes, (5.005.60; ewe culls and cali pers (2.003.50; breeding ewes, (7.50 11.60. Representative sales: ' FAT LAMBS. No. Av. , Pr. No. Av. Pr. 170 culls. 36 8(8 00 117 Wyo. 69 (16 00 21 Idaho. 79 14 60 113 Utah. 65 14 75 89 Wyo.. 64 14 75 FAT YEARLINGS. 86 Idaho. 72 8 25 95 Idaho. 100 FAT WETHERS. 142Idaho.l01 8 75 Feeding wethers. 36 Idaho. 94 6 60 , FEEDING 216 Idaho1 46 10 60 8 00 11 25 FAT EWES. 6 73 23 culls FEEDING EWES. 183 Idaho. 91 5 90 80 Wyo 122 Wyo.. 100 5 75 73 Utah.117 6 50 BREEDING' EWES. 123 Idaho. 99 7 25 v Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Sept. 25. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; market higher; beef steers, medium and heavy, choice and prime, (15.7617.86f medium and good, $11.00 15.75; common, (8.6011.00; light, good and choice, (14.2517.66; common and me dium. J8.0014.00; butcher cattle, heifers, (6.5014.75: cows, (6.6013.50; oalves, (20.2521.60; feeder steers, (7.0012.50; stocker steers, (6.2510.00; western range steers, (8.0015.00; cows and heifers, (6.50 13.00. Hogs Receipts, 24.000 head; market un evenly lower; heavy, (16.2617.25; me dium, (16.2517.60; light, (16.5017.65; light light, (15.6017.00; heavy packing sows, smooth, (15.5016.00; packing sows, rough:, (14.7615.60; pigs, (15.00016.00. Bheep and LambsReceipts, 34,000 bead; market unsettled; lambs, (12.0015.60; culls and common, (8.0012.25; ewes, me dium, good snd choice? . (6.2S7.60; culls and common, (2.006.75; breeding, (7.00 13.26. 212 Wyo.. 66 270 Utah. 49 1 Wyo.. 113 LAMBS. 202 Wyo. 61 128 Wyo. 69 255 Utah. 62 76 11 00 11 25 12 25 98 2 50 88 K annas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 6,000 head; market higher; heavy beef steers, choice snd prime, $16.10j 17.85; medium and good, (12.4016.00; common, (10.60 12.35; light weight, good and choice, (13.3617.15; common and medium. (8.7613.60; butcher cattle, heif ers, (6.7514.26; cows, (6.3512.00; calves, (14.7518.00; feeder steers, (8.30 13.40; stocker steers, (S.E09.75. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; , market lower; heavies, (16.8617.35; medium. (17.0017.50; light, (16.7617.60; sows, (15.0016.7(; pigs, (14.0017.7S. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 30,000 head; market steady; lambs, $12.00 14.75; culls and common, (7.2511.75; yearling wethers, (9.0010.00; ewes, (5.60 17.00; ewes,, culls and common, (3.00 6.25; breeding ewes, (8.0O14.6O; feeder lambs, (10.5013.00. ' Sioux City live Stock. Sioux City. Ia.. Sept 26. Cattle Re ceipts, 3.500 head; market strong; beef steers, fed. (12.0016.50; grass, (9.00 13.00; fat cows and heifers, (7.0013.60: canners, $5. 00 7.00; veal . calves, (6.00 14.60; stockers and feeders, (7.0011.76; feeding cows and heifers, (5.508.E0. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market 60 cents lower; light, (16.60 17.00; mixed, (15.7517116. 60; heavy, (14.7515.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head; market strong. New " York Coffee. New York. Sept. 25. Coffeo Rio No. 7. 16;c; futures, easy; October, 16.45c; DecenW-er, 15.10c. FINANCIAL New York, Sept. 35. The fourth day of the steel strike was without material Influence an the stock market, aside from frequent pauses ot the ticker and con fusing price changes, which Indicated a keener Interest in the outcome of tbe labor controversy. Traders ceemed unable to arrive at any fixed conclusion from the divergent claims of the opposing factions, but the compara tive steadiness of steels and related Issues denoted substantial support at conces sions. Oils and tobaccos were eclipsed for a time, but American Tobacco became the foremost feature of the later dealings at an extieme advance of 10 points to 203, Its top quotation In six years, while Lig gett & Meyers and Lorlllard Tobacco, which are named with American In a proposed consolidation or merger, gained almost as much. Metals furnished ons of the day's sur prises by their activity and strength, even American Smelting rallying from its re cent weakness In the faee of a very un favorable semi-annual statement. Sugars were tbe mainstay of the food division, deriving much of thtlr strength from reports that all trade restrictions are soon to be removed. Gains In California Packing and Amer ican Can reflected the higher prices for food issues. Among rails the only change was In the moderate heaviness of low priced stocks. Sales amounted to 835,000 shares. Trading in Liberty bonds, which! con tinued firm, fell off In marked degree, roreign bonds eased slightly and the gen eral domestic list was Irregular. Total sales, par value, (10,750,000 Old United States bonds were un changed on call. , Sales Am. Beet Sugar . . 7,100 American Can ..19,100 Am. C. F. ... 2.600 H.&L., Pfd. 1,200 Loco 2,800 S. & Ret. .. 8.000 Am. Sug. Ret. .. 6,900 Am. sum. Tob.. 16.000 Tel. & TeL 2.600 7... L. AS.. 2 3(11) Anaconda Con. .. x.000 Atchison 900 Atl., U.&W.I.S.H.. 200 000 Am Am. Am, Am. Am. Bald. Loco. B. & Ohio .... Beth. Steel "B1 B. & S. Cop. . Cal. Pet Can. Pac Central Lea. . . C. & O C. M. & St. P C. ft N. W. ... C, B. I. & P, . Chlno Copper C. F. I. ... Corn Products Crucible Steel '.32,500 3.700 ,. 1,900 ,. 700 , . 3,600 , . 6,700 . 1,600 , . 800 . 3,400 . 600 !!36',6oo 6,300 Cuba Cane Sugar27,20O Corp. D. sec. Erie Gen. Elec Gen. Motors . . Ot. North., Pfd. Gt. N. O. Ctfs. Illinois Central Insp. Con Int. M. M., Pfd. 3,100 Internatl Nickel.. 1,100 Internatl Paper .. 4,300 Ken. Cop 1,000 L. A N Mex. Pet 17,400 3,100 1,700 l',0(K 700 1,200 2,600 High 90 hi 59, 132 126 106V& 72 137 97 98 23 '4, 68 89 150 1324 39 98 2714 51 14874 100 5614 41 90 2714 42 'io' 188 '4 37 86 1514 237' 86 41 59 '4 116 80 Vj 5914 35 LOW 88 57 129 12414 105 70 13514 95 97 22 67 88 156 129 ;:s4 95 25 60 148 99 55 T4 41 89 26 42 '88'i 184 36 85 16 236" 85'i 42 '69" 116T4 25 66 35 600 4,000 800 800 100 1,100 100 400 Miami Copper Midvale bteel ... Mo. Pac. Nev; Cop N. Y. Cen N. Y.. N. H. & H, N. & W N. Pacific Pacific Mall .... Pan-Am. Pet. ...10,300 Pennsylvania .... 300 Pittsburg A W. V. 100. Ray Con. Cop... 1,200 Reading 1,100 Rep. I. & ,B. ... 1,500 S. Ariz. Cop. ... 100 Sin. O. & R. ...45,600 Southern Pacific. 4,900 Southern Ry. . . . 400 Stude. Corp. ...,17,600 Texas Co 1,100 Tob. Prod 6,100 Union ' Pacific ... 600 U. C. Stores 41,600 U. S. Ind. Al. ... 600 U. 8. Steel 49,600 216 26 ' 60 27 17 72 98 213 25 49 27 16 72 30 9814 86 86 118 43 33 23 79 91 14 61 T4 101 2414 114 270 102 T4 123 110 134 104 114 84 84 64 32 82 62 105 67 V. S. St., Pfd. .. 1,000 Utah Cop 1,300 West. Un 100 West. Elec 1,600 Willys-Over. .... 2,100 Nat. Lead 200 Ohio Cities 3,000 Royal D., N. Y. .30.200 Mont. Power .... 300 Bid. New York Bonds. U. s. zs, reg..iuu U. 8. 2s, coup. 100 U. S. cv. 3s, reg. . . '. 89 U. S. cv. 3s, .. 80 U. S. 4e, reg.. 106 U. 8. 4s, coup. 106 Am. Tel. & Tel. cv. 6s 99 Ang.-Fr. 6s... 97 9-16 Armour & co 116 43 33 22 78 78 14 60 100 30 112 268 101 121 108 134 102 113 88 84 53 31 82 62 100 67 Last 90 58 130 124 105 71 136 95 98 22 67 88 106 130 3S 98 26 61 148 99 66 41 89 2T 4214 42 88 188 37 86 16 162 237 85 42 92 69 117 26 68 85 106 213 26 60 27 17 72 30 96 86 37 117 43 83 22 T 79 90 14 lSo 24 113 269 102 121 110 134 103 114 84 84 64 31'4 82 52 100 67 Dom. of Can. 6s (1931) (6 Erie sen. 4s.... 43 Gen. Elec. 6s... 95 G. N. 1st 4S.. SZft III. Cen. ref. 4s. 77 Tn Hf. Mar 06 K. C. So. ret. 6s 76 L. & N. un. 4S. si M., K. i. M., K. & T. 1st 4s 1 I II U 11 1 ok I o- " ....... 48 83Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 67 Atch. gen. 4s.. 78 B. & O. cv. 4s 70 Beth, steei. of fin 89 Cen. 'Leath. 6s. 97 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 75 C. & O. cv. os. . Mtt C. B. & Q. Joint 4s 95 C M. & St. P. -v IU, 74 C., R. I. P. Ry. ref. 4s... 68 Colo. & South. rer. 4s .... 18 Chill Copper cv. 7s 117 City of Paris 6s 96 D. & R. G. ref. 6s (8 Mont Pow. 6s. 88 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 96 Wo. Pac. 4s 77 I No. Pac. 3s 66 O. S. L. ref. 4s 88 Pac. T. & T. 5s 87 P.nn. pnn. 4Ut. 021& Penn. gen. 6s... 91 Keaa g gen. is. si St. L. & S. F. - all! 68 So. Pac. cv. 6a.. 103 '4 Ho. ny. os 0174 Tex. Co. cv. 6s. 102 Tex. & Pac. 1st 88 Un. Pac. 4s 83 U. S. Rub. 6s... 87 U. 8. Steel 5s... 99 Wabash 1st ... 90 Bid. ' liberty Bond Prices. New York, Sept. !6. Liberty bond prices at 11:30 a. m. were: 8s, 100.02; first 4s, (5.30; second 4s, 94.44; first 414s, 95.30; second 4 lis, 94.68; third 4s. (8.62; fourth 4s. 94.54; Victory 3s, 99.94; Vic tory 4s, 89.92. Liberty bond prices at 2:55 p. m. were: 3s, 100.06; first 4s, 95.16; second 4s. 94.40; first 4s, 95.80; secon d4s. 94.60; third 4s, 96.64; fourth 4s, 94.62; Vic tory 3s, (9.86; Victory 4s, 9.92. i Jiew York Money. New York, Sept 26. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Demand, 4.30; cables, 4.21. Francs Demand, 8.40; cables, 8.42. Guilders Demand, 37; cables, 37. Lire Demand, 9.76; cables, 9.73. Marks Demand, 4; cables, 4. Time Loans Steady; unchanged. Call Money Firm; high, 7; low. 6; rul ing rate. 6; closing bid, 6; offered at 7; last loan, 7. I Cotton Futures. New York, SepL 35. Cotton futures opened steady; October, 8L36c; Decem ber, 31.45c; January, 31.60c; March. 31.70c; May, 31.75c. . J Cotton futures clos-d steady; October, 31.30c; December. 31.69c: January. 81.66c; March, 31.76c; May. 81.87c Boot Cotton. New York, Sept. 35. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling. 31.80c. Chicago Produce). Chicago. Bept. 25. Butter Market un settled; creamery, 49 69c. Eggs Market higher; receipts,. 4,(69 cases; firsts, 4850c; ordinary firsts, 43 48c; at mark, cases Included, 42 48c; storage packed, firsts, 6051c. Poultry Alive Market lower; springs, 3c; fowls, :0ff26c GRAIN MARKET Omaha, September 25, 1919. There was a very moderate run ot wheat today and continued light arrivals of corn and oats. Corn declined 2 to 4 cents for the few offerings marketed. Oats were 1 cents lower. . Rye was a cent oft. Wheel was higher in the top grades, some being up 1 to 2 cents. . Cash sales today were: Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 car, (3.28; 1 car, (2.26. No. 2 hard: 1 car. (2.24; 1 car, (2.23; 1 car, (2.21 (yellow); 8 cars, (2.21; 1 car, (2.20; 1 car, (3.19: 2 cars, (2.18 (smutty); 1 car, (2.18 (smutty); 1 car. (2.16; 1 car. (2.15 (smutty); 1 car, (2.14 (smutty). No. 3 hard: 2 ' cars. (2.34; 3 cars, (3.20; 5 cars, (3.19; 214 cars, (3.18; t oars. (2.17; 1 car, (3.17 (smutty); 1 car, (2.16 (smutty); 1 car, $3.11 (smutty); 1 car, (2.08 (very smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car. (2.19; 8 cars, (2.18; 2 cars. $2.17; 1 car. $2.16; 1 oar. (3.18 (yel low); 18-6 cars, (3.16; 1 car, (3.11; 1 car, (2.08 (very smutty). No. 6 hard: 3 cars, (2.08; 2 cars, (2.07 (yellow); 1 car, (3.05 (yellow). Sample hard; 1 car. (3.18 (live weevel). No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, (3.75 (dark); 1 ear, (3.70. No. 1 spring: car, (3.(5 (dark); 1 car, (3.67 (northern). No. 6 northern spring: 3 cars, (2.26; 3-6 ear, (3.16. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, (2.16 (durum). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, (2.34 (smutty). No. 3 mixed: 1 car, (2.14; 3 cars, (2.08. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, (2.12; 1 car, (2.06. Sample mixed: 1 car, (1.97 (durum); 1 car, (1.97. Corn No. 2 yellow: 1 car, (1.61. Sam ple yellow: 1 car, (1.46. No. 3 mixed: 3 cars, (1.60. Oats No. 8 white: t cars, 67c; 1 car, 66c; 2 cars, 66c. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 66c; 3 cars, 65c. Rye No. 1: 3-5 car, (1.34. No. !: t cars, (1.34. No. 4: 2-5 car, (1.37. Barley Sample: 1 car, (1.16. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments Wheat .., Corn , Oats Rye Today 86 13 30 9 1 .....11 33 34 0 Week Ago 134 17 14 6 0 Year Ago 26 38 13 1 2 110 160 20 28 13 . 9 2 0 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Chicago 437 93 92 Kansas City 248 4 8 St. Louis 205 21 32 Minneapolis 325 Duluth ..114 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Today Year Ago Receipts Today Wheat 2,003,000 2,383.000 Corn 274,000 729,000 Onts 568.000 657,000 Shipments Wheat 1,182,000 865,000 Corn .i 209,000 333,000 Oats 622,000 451,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat and flour ... 720,000 624,000 Corn 290,000 Oats 00,000 Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Sept. 25. Indications that this season the new crop of corn would move much earlier than usual had a pro nounced bearish effect today on the corn market. Prtces closed heavy, 2c to 60 net lower, with December (1.23 to (1.23 and May (1.20 to (1.21. Oats lost c, and provisions 66c to (1.20. From the outset corn showed weakness. but it waa some time before the down turns appeared to be due to anything mor. significant than lack of support and to profit-taking sales on the part of-recent buyers. In this connection notice was taken that there had been an upturn of 12o to 14o In the last nine days. . Later In the day, evidence accumulated that farmers wore selling new corn more freelv and at values below the present market, the basis being that the eoru . would be to arrive for November and . December shipment. There were reports also that corn was conditioning rapidly in all sections and that receipts here would Increase to a material extent before the end ol September. Oats followed corn down grade. Sea board demand was slow. Provisions were weak In sympathy with corn and hogs. Besides, It was ssld that but little business hsd resulted from ex- . port Inquiries for lard. Art, t Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Corn Sept. Den. Ma6 Oats. Sept. Deo. May Pork. Sept. Oct. Lard. Sept. Oct. Ribs. Sept. Oct. 1.54 1.54 1.49 ,, 1,49 1.64 1,27 1 27 1.23 1.23 1.37 1.24 1.24 1.20 1.21, Lis .67j .67 .66 .66 .87 .69 .69 .68 .68 .69 .71 .71 .70 .71 .72 41.75 41.75 40.00 40.00 41.50 .... J 85.00 36.20 I I 1 125.36 I25.86 34.80 24.80 ' 28.66 126.(7 125.47 24.(6 24.(0 25.55 I.... .... 15. 5 18.87 118.87 18.45 18.4619,25 Yest. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept 25. Flour Unchanged. Barley 95c!.27. Rye No. 3, (1.38 01.39. Bran (38.00.- Corn (1.46 1.47. ' Oats 63660. Flax (4.68 4 64. , St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. !5. Corn Decern-, ber. (1.25; May, (1.21. ' Oats December, 70c; May, IVAp. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 26. Corn September, (1.531.63; December. (1.231.23; May, (1.201.20. , Kansas City Produce. . Kansas City. Mo.. Sept. ' 35. Butter,' Eggs and Poultry Unchanged. OIL DIGEST FREE , Write for our Oil Digest, giving valu able up-to-date information about Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and other oil fields that every investor should have. Tells where you can buy and sell any oil stock. Quotes prices. , R. M. SANFORD, 711 Republic Bldg, Kansas City. Me. 4 ; I f'f. SSVilNINER v PACKING- 'OUITOY BUTTER EGGS bom TMAOS HAWK HI6-1118 "Douglas St. Tel-Douglas 1521 ONLY A FEW SHARES LEFT THE BURR ELGIN OIL COMPANY Offers a few shares at par $10. When you buy stock in this company you buy stock in a com pany with three tracts in the Famous Burk Field 10 acres out of section 17, just north of Higgins Well.. 10 acres out of Kiel tract between the Lawrence and Musgroves Wells. 5 acres southeast of Electra with a 60-barrel shallow well within 190 feet. We Will Start Drilling ON OUR ELL No. le as soon as arrangements can be made for rig and material to be placed on the ground. Only a few shares left. Send in your remittance at once. Oversubscription will be returned. i Our Officers and Directors JAMES KEEBLE, President and Treasurer, President of M. A. F. State Bank, Elgin, Texas; M. C. G. FEARIS, Vice President, Oil Operator, Fort Worth, Terat S. T. CAIN, Secretary, Druggist, Elgin, Texas; E. L. SANDAHL, Secretary of Svea Fire Insurance Co., Elgin, Texas; AARON FUSTAFSON, Farmer and Capitalist, Elgin, Texas. THE BURK ELGIN OIL COMPANY Capital, $65,000 Shares $10 A Common Law Company Fully Paid and Non-Assessable. 1114 Main Street Fort Worth, Texas . CLIP THIS COUPON "" , Burk Elgin Oil Company, 1114 Main Street. Fort Worth, Texas. Gentlemen : I want to get "in" on BURK ELGIN stock at $10.00 a ehars. I enclose herewith for which please mail me at once .' shares. ' - I understand the stock is fully paid and non-assessable. Name , . , Town State FISTULA CURED Kectsl Diseases Cured without a ssters hurglca: operatioh. No Chloroform of Ether used. Curs guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Writs for Illus trated book on Rectal ltesc, with nsmes and testimonials of mars than l.ooo prominent pcopi' who hnve lieen permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Naki