THE BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1919. IS REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. KEAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA' 16 aorta, located In but famine dla trlet of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colonic; all lanced and under cul tivation; two prima; elx-room bouae and otbar bonding In good repair. Will aell or trade for city property. A. B ALPIRN. 7th and Dniiglas St. Call Doui. lit. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE WANT HOUSES Cuetomera have depoalted money with ua with which to buy horoea in structing ue to buy for them on our judgment. What have you to aell. EDWARD r. WILLIAMS CO.. Realtore. !3-4 Om. Net. Bit. Bldg. Doui. 420. "BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cah buyera for nell-locared bungalows and resldencea worth the money. For quick reiulta, list with ua O'NKIL'S R. E. & INS. AOENCT. 32- Brandela Theater Bldg. 1 HAVE cash customer! for houses; also renters. List with me at once. W. NATHAN WATTS, HI Paiton Blk. Doug. 00. T H AVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It. but the price must be right. GEORGB F. JONES, REALTOR. - C"y Net- Bk. Bldg. Doui 194l. HAVE Inquiries for good homes In good locations. Do you want to aell your property T 1.1st It with C. A. Grlmrael. 4 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. LIST your property with ue. We have oails for homes and Investments. McCAQUE INV. CO. Phone I. 415. 15th. and Dodge. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Koblnson for quick sales. 44! Bee Bids Phone. Douglas 8097 WB have the customers and can sell your property; list with John W. Robblns. 6S1 Brandels Theater, D. 6!. LOW rates without delay. C. O. CARLBERQ. Stl Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR quick sales list your property with W. O. SHRIVER. .1047.1 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 163. WILL buy a few good contracts, aecond mortgagee, or mech. liens. Chae L, Pease. 211 Brandels Theater Bid g. IF your property la for sale or rent. Hat It with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 8705 Lake. Webeter 640. HAVE buyera for five to seven-room houses for cash and payments. John- eon, weneter eiso FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY or farm 6-year loans, and t per cent. No delay. See us first. DAY & MAYNE, SOB Keellne Bldg., Omaha, Doug. 6904. 34 Pearl St. (Grand Hotel) Co. BIfs. 101. filTY and farm loans; 6 H and t per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co- 418 Keellne Bldg. HONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate Interest payable semi-annually. W. H THOMAS & SON, 228 Keellne Bldg. Private Money. BHOPEN ft COMPANY. Doug. 42J8. 1100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam, t. K. BCCK. LoansT442 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous, SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted 12,000 loan on J3.000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan Is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 67 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire 13,000 will be paid to note bolder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums on Insurance. Chance to make from 3500 to 31.000 in short time. Address Bee. Box M-3. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO. t016 Om. Nut Bldu. Doug. 2715. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arizona Lands. Fine Ranch, All Equipped Fifteen miles square, 1,500 head of TCerefnrds all for $1 ln.000. Will take trade up to loO.OOO. Hurry. W. NATHAN WATTS, 513-11 Paiton Blk. Doug. 00. Omaha, Neb. Colorado Lands. FARM FOR SALE. . 320 acres In the heart of the rain belt section of Colorado; 200 acrea under cultivation: 100 acres In Turkey Red winter wheat; balance going In: all fenced and cross fenced; soli deep and rich: fres from rocks, stones, alkali and hard-pan; good little house; fine view of tha mountains; 16 miles from Den ver on the Lincoln Highway; 10 mil's to the Denver electric car lines; 10 miles to the county seat; 2 miles to a good little town on the main line of the Union Pacific; store, grain elevator, hotel, postoffice, blacksmith shop and implement house. Good schools. R. F. 13.; good neighbors, fine community; deep wells and oceans of fine artisan water. This is a fine farm for grow ing wheat and corn: alfalfa does well and beans Is an excellent crop. No hot winds or cyclones; come out and look this proposition over. Deal directly with the owner and save a big commis sion; no agents. Price, $40 per acre. Part cash and balance to eutt at 3 per cent. For further Information, write H. E. Vanderllp, Agriculturist. Clayton Col. lege. 3800 E. 32d Ave., Denver. Colo. $($$ DOLLARS IN DIRT 133$ EASTERN COLORADO LAN us. 100,00b acres of tha best agricultural land and 50,000 of choice grazing land, eltlrer Improved or unimproved. The beat Wt the west from $10.00 up. Just the thing for homeseeker or investor. Call on cr write, the Wray Land Com pany, Wrsy, Colo. FARMERS' PRAIRIE PARADISE. Ksstern Colorado, one crop pays for land: $15 to $30 acre, terms: prices ad vancing rapidly, should double soon. Call or write for appointment. C Nell, Has well, Colo 30,000 acres choice raw or Improved Lin coln, Co.. Colo., lands Bargains. Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer Arriba. Colo. Kansas Lands. CENTRAL KANSAS FARMS Choice Improved farms and ranches In Trego and Ness counties, st 320 to 340 per acre. These are without, ex ception the choicest and best real farm ing lands In the United Ststes today for tha money. If you want a farm where one crop pays for the ground It Is grown on this Is your opportunity. kte description and general Information address F. E. McNULTY. 821 COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO. FOR SALE Choice !44-acre Improved farm, mile from Leavenworth, Kan. Wheat, corn and alfalfa land. Only 3200 an acre. Harry Ds Coursey, Leavenworth. Kan. Minnesota Lands. RED RIVER VALLEY INVESTMENT Improved half section: no drouths, no floods: Si miles to elevator and town, Marshall Co.: -room house, barn for 40 head; 7.000 bu. granary; artesian well. ' etc. Priced to sell at 397.50 per. Owner will take a small Irrigated Rio Grande valley. Texas, farm; 36,000 cash and balance 5 yrs. at 3 per cent Your op portunity. Address L. Williamson, Morgan. Minn. Missouri Lands. HAVE forty acres good farm land In Wayne County, Missouri. Will take In city property or automobiles. W. NATHAN WATTS, 618 Paxton Blk. Doug. 8006. Nebraska Lands. Mr. City Man Read This: Seven and three-fourths acres, only g blocks west of Benson high school on - main street, which is paved. Improve ments, 7-room house, with electric lights, furnace, good earn with nay mow; chicken house for 1.000 chick ens; good well; orchards ot apples, cherries, plums; vineyard; deep rich black loam soli, snd very productive for gardening; would be good for plat ting purposes. Terms, $2,000 cash, bal ance, if desired, will carry in first mortgage for five years at 6 per cent In terest, with the privilege ot paying $100 at any Interest due date' or more or all; price. $8,500: here are good terms, and one of the biggest snaps near growing Omaha to be found, so act quick as non-resident is here only tor a few days snd says sell, call GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. $! Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phones: 4f.c. Bed 551. Residence, Walnut 1103, BRINGING UP FATHER- Sm Jiff and Maggie) in Full Pf of Color ia Tbo Sunday Boo. Drawn for The Bee by McManu Copvright 1 919 International Nren Service. PMVTX TONIGHT ok exjvr- 'TOO NEEDN'T THERE N THINK. "YOU OINCt TO;tT OUT TONIGHT oe-tWSE. xpU RE NOT ii .. k- n inot ,oiNq "TO LET voo ET COT OF Mf WinT- 9 , w. mjm iv 2S VrU x4 U k V t' vl V : f - in,.' ...It1 JICG5! TURN ON THAT LI4HT: WrW DON'T YOU ANbVER ME.? ""I IV j TOUMAO OETTEGj RUN. I I H LLfflife FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands DOUGLAS COUNTY NEBRASKA Good $0 near town ,.$1S6 Choice 80, improved 200 Very good Improved rear ElUhorn .... 200 Easy Terms See Us. Iowa-Neb., Investment Co. 644 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 160-A. FARM, 2'4 miles from Tranklln; 110 A. In cultivation, 10 A. alfalfa; R. R.; telephone, excellent school ad vantages; 7-room house; barn, 32x60; granary, garage, corn ctlb, chicken bouse, hog sheds, silo, cement cellar, young orchard, running water, well, windmill, timber, adjoining pasture available. $75 tier acre until Oct. 1. Terms, Mrs. Margaret Andrews, R. R No. 2, Franklin, Neb. Sarpy County Bargain 160 acres, 6 miles from Gretna, good Improvements, all nearly new. Land lies ?erfect. Small pasture, balance in cul Ivatlon. Price $300 per acre. Very good terms. HELD LAND CO., Toug. 9148. 64 Brandels Bldg NEBRASKA, BANNER COCNTT. For sale, 1,240 acres of land In one body, north of Kimball, Neb., with fair improvements. Makes an Meal combi nation farm. 540 acres under cultiva tion now, of which 150 acres sod al ready put In fall wheat. Price $40.00 per acre with 10 years to make final payments, at 6 per cent. Owner, Carl GengenbHoh. Kustis. Neb. FOR SALE OR RENT. Sarpy county, 160-acre stock farm, 125 acres cultivated, balance in pas ture, with running water. $2,000 cash. $6,000 March 1. Mortgage on place for balance. Kasy trms. Phone owner, Harney 5303, or write Box S 44, Bee. 80 ACRES, 2 miles from town, $240. 160 acres, H1 miles, Cass county, lays fine, improved, $276, on good terms. Many others. J. A. GIBBONS, Elkhorn, Nob. FARMS FOR EVERYBODY. Send for our new list today. It will Interest you. Miner & Bradley. Thum mel Bldg. Grand Xsland, and Walbach. Neb. 160 ACRES, finely improved stock and grain farm, elegant land; mile from paved street. 5 miles N. W. of stock yards. .1. B. Hansen, 214 Wilkinson Whig., Omaha, FOR FARM LANDS and farm loans with In 50 miles of Omaha, see PAUL PETERSON, 3-l .?I?ia? TheaterJBIdg. J&1" MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and Hi dil fa farms at the right price. M. A. I .ARSON. Central City, Neb. FOR Western Neoraaka and Eastern Col orado lands se HELD LAND -CO., 664 Brandels Bldg. PRICK and terms right on northeast Ne braska improved corn and alfalfa farms. C. V. Nelson, 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter courses; day and night school: come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha LATEST model Bulck touring car, first class condition. Make highest cash offer. Owner leaving city. For appointment write Box S-40, Bee. STEVENS DURYEA touring car, all cyl inder, starter and electric lights, at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Phone Tyler 1419. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2B63 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. WHEN you think of usod cars think of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO FRED C ROOERS, MGR. TYLER 1767 1407-21 Capitol .. WINTHN-RIX ROBERTS MOTOR CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 3600. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. NEB. B UiCKAU TO CO., 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 1870. FORDS. BUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS. FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO. 3701 SOUTPI 24TH ST. i SOUTH 399. FLYER. THE DIXIE W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam ht. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th S- Jackson. Ford Agents. D. nsqa WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035 FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. GAIN more miles; have your tires re treaded by G. & G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS- VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. FORD touring, almost new, equipped with starl.T. demounted rims, over-sized tires: $C50. H. (1913. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO. 3032 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. FOUR-CYLINDER roadster, 1919 model, driven 3 mo., good condition, a bargain. Phone Harney 6630. $T5o Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new s"f-spocing af finity spark plug. Raysdorfi-r, 2 m N. lSth. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself, at very reasonable prices; no extra to pay., Nebraska Service Garage. 19th and Farnam, Doug las 7390. Tires and Supplies. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. FATZMAN, 201 Karbach Blk. Tyler 5S4. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, i Kimball county. Nob. R. K. iiolman. Bushnoll, Neb. i WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co. Arah It. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE For a short time only, one of the best sections In Aurora county, South Dakota, lhi miles from Stickney; well Improved, fenced with woven wire and steel posts all around; crossed fenced: must be seen to be appreciated. Ad dress owner. K. A. Wolff. Bagley, la. 25.000 ACRES in Brown and Edmunds counties, S. D. Selected early. Terms as good as can be secured. Good automo biles with careful drivers. M. A. CLARK LAND CORPORATION. 9 Hagerty Block. Aberdeen, S. D. Wisconsin Lands. IF looking for good soil, I have It. If looking for fine laying land. I have It. It looking for one that Is priced right. I have It. A. W. TOLAND, D. S676. 410 Bee Bldg. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS, 640 acre homesteads, 7 months residence. Duff, Casper. Wyo. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraaka and South Dakota farms and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug HOOR. 62S Paxton Blk NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICE. Firestone, Bull. Leo, Republic. Fisk. Write for tiriccs. Mention Kizes. K AI.VIAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. NEW AND iFeI TIRE BARGAINS? SEE IS FIRST A."l SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., 2914 FARNAM ST. H. 7f.. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour scrv Ice, for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1S19 Cuming St. TyJL F. P. BARNUM CO., 3126 Cuming. Doug las 8044. High-grade automobilo painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man, 27th and Leavenworth Ms. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Podge St. WANT to get In tnueh with party who worked in Krug theater box nffiee un der W. W. Cole. Address Box S 31, lico. WlfTiTstore piano for use of same. Splen did home and excellent care. Box Q-22. Bee. HAVE tin roofs and eaves cleaned and painted, 5c foot, before winter. Colfax 2371. FARM LANDS-WANTED. FARMERS, ATTENTION! Want to rent a farm In the wheat and corn belt. Will buy outfit if right price. Addrees Box S-41, Bee. WB will sell your farm; timely aalea; quick return. Held Land Co.. ($4 Brandels Bldg. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE OMAHA'S LARGEST USED CAR STORE. THE ONE PLACE WHERE TOU CAN BUY A USED CAR WITH A THREE DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE, OF FERS THE FOLLOWING HIGH-GRADE CARS FOR YOUR INSPECTION: 1 1917 Marmon. 11917 Hudson Super. 1 1916 Hudson Supar. 1 191 S E 49 Bulck. 1 1918 Paige touring. 1 1918 Paige coupe. 2 1917 Buick touring. 11917 Bulck roadster. 1 1916 Marlon. 1 1918 Ford coupe. 1 1917 Ford touring. 1 1918 Ford roadster. 1 1916 Grant six. 1 1916 Saxon six. 11917 Saxon six. 1 1918 Overland 90. 1 1917 Scrlpps "." 1 1916 Haynes touring. 1 Hudson six 40. I 1917 Oakland four. 11917 Chevrolet. 1 1917 Studebaker six. 2 Overland 83's. 11917 Haynes touring 4 Light delivery trucks 1 1918 Auburn chummy. 1 Stevens-Duryea speedster. And many others. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 1912-14-16 Farnam. Douglas 6383. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 13 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY fNSUR A.VCB AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. S622. 1314 HOWARD. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. S026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. USED cars of exceDtional value. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield rarbuietors and Columbia atorags batteries. Edwards. DRESSMAKING Evening dretpes a spe c 1 alty. 1 nil N. 33d. Harney 5360. Use The Bee Want Ad columns to rent that vacant room. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. 800 SETS of war harness, made by the Studebaker Mfg. Co. of South Bend, Ind., for experimental tryout: number one grade and will be sold at a dis count of 30 per cent at the Mid -West Harness Co.. 706 N. 16th St., Omaha. Neb. BROOD SOWS. Buy on Birdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phono Web. 2884. O. S. Pettis, agent. FINE brod Boston terrier dog; finely marked; good watch dog; good to chil dren. Colfax 1 5X4. TEAM, harness and wagon. Seven-Oaks Farm, three blocks west of Florence car. UPLAND hay. $20 per ton. Wagner, 801 North 16th St POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MIXED grain $3.76 per hundred pounds. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Douglas 1142. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40 ( mo., H. goods, total. $3.80. unovtrvirwT T.rtAN str.rTTP ttt. 432 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 666. FARMS and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE, INC 628 Keellne Bldg. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. Es. 1894 That surplus piece of furniture can be turned into cash by a Bee Want Ad. YOUNG LADIES We offer you a well paid position. Pay you while in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Doughs Streets. Ivlarket and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 22, 1919. Rccnipts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Monday estimate ..17,600 4,800 53,000 Same last week 29.763 4,010 64,343 Same two weeks ...19.362 3.869 61.632 Same three weeks. . .16,835 2,197 63,900 Same year ago 18,306 3,937 64,651 Receipts and disposition of live stock at I he Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for !4 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m , September 22. 1919: RECEIPTS CARS. R'rs and Cattle. Hogs. Shp. Muels. C M. St. P 8 7 4 Wabash . . 1 Missouri Pncifio .... 6 Union Pacific 161 5 135 13 C. & N. W., oast .... 50 . . 2 C. & N. W., west 173 17 J5 12 ('., St. V., M. & O 1 8 I I C, B. & Q., wist 30i: j 49 C, R. I. & P., east. .4 4 1 C, R. I. & V., west. ... 3 1 Illinois Cei.tral 1 Chicago Gt. West t .. i Total receipts 6G8 71 206 30 DISPOSITION HEAD. .Morris Co. ., Swift Co I'udahy Pkic. Co Armnur & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln 'kg. Co So. Omnia Pkg. Co... llitrgiii's I'kg. 'o John Itoth & Song. . . . Mayerinvich & Vail. . . . Ilassbcrii Benton Van Sant. . . F. P. Levis Huntziiurer & Oliver. . .1. B. Knot & Co r. II. Bulla It. M. Hurrusa & Co. . Rosnstock Bros. . . F. n. Kellogg Werthoimer & Degen Ellis & C,j Sullivan Hruf.- A. Rntr.'S'.'llilil o.-Kan. C & C. Co E. G. Christie Baker Banner Bros John Harvcv . Jensen Luiidgreiii '. '. I'ennls A,. Vran.. Cheek & Krebs Armour from Denver Mid-West Cudnhv frnm c I i. ! ' Omaha T'kg. Co '. umer buyers Total 1; Cattle. 4S4 1,329 1,000 767 71 6 15 it; 13 27 247 637 81 151 248 38 !i.r. 6 467 196 310 ''2 276 4(17 131 11 53 792 Hogs. 805 976 1,050 790 610 Sheep. 24 1,968 1,975 9,141 71 246 i 149 17 2.759 .315 4,531 20,740 28,119 weCreUl?TonCiP,!' J1 tnis morning were 1 1,500 head, somewhat smaller than beof'Th", r"Cent .2,uJay- Most of the beef that was offered was on the ul'ii'i order and trade was a little bit a uSl "h ast VZ?Z l0 ed W'"y steady th last weeks close. Butcher sfoi-k- aetive and fully steady w h good To choice e? Ou?id.,0f ,r,any.,h,nl,f "ItllB high? er. Outside fpoj,.,- inquiry was broad JV''m'19 feeders wro vv-V 1- 1 " trade in many cases steady 8 P,aln Brades saM about Quotations on r.mtle: Choice to prime brvos- ''""ft 17.50; good to cho,. f 5.-!""'-5": f"ir to good beeves! s win?! r"mnl0 to fair beeves.; ..huioe to prime yearlings Jli-Orcu 1 S. 00 : good to choice tearing' ...50W17.00; fair to Suod yearling, $130 H.,.0", common to fair yearlings, SI0.0O in on a0; sood to choice heifers. $s.00n iiMMi, chuice to prime cows, $s.509 50 good to choice cows. $7.0Os.5O; fair (o good cow, 6.0AW7.0: common to fair cows, 7r, rff .oo; r-hoice to prime heavy lecders, ?1 l.r.OS 12.50: good to choice feed 9 ll-M: medium to good feeders. common to fair feeders. $7.00 f ' . KPoA to choice Blockers, g.go JO. oti; fair to good stackers J7.nox 00 '10'' " fl stokers! SS.SolUoo; 'L' k heifers. Jo.00j 7.50; stock cows Ja.SO n 7.00; stock calves, 7.00t 9.50; veai 17 -"fV0'1 bulls- stags, etc J mint K,0l?d cnoic9 Erass bvp. SGOOfflon 0; ;mo"t'' 'air rass beeves, ?6. 00(8 8 00; Mexican beeves, 6.009.00. rA T vrire 3 I SO 310 50 l'. .. Hogs There was a fair licad rade wa8 artlvo anfI gpn,,,..,,, steady to 10 cents higher than Saturday 5i7.OOW17.25. the Ion string i .....v solo Mh1"6; ?"avy racking grdea sold on down to 1R4n v.7..i WeiehtR on nn fn 07 nn ri.., - .. ui i. 7 .. wn.ui'. -auaers paiu as high as J17.60 for well finished lights. uitK mi, IOr me aay with bulk of sales at $16.4016.75. HOGS. 120 13 60 run of hogs No. A v. 70. .390 63.. 303 48. .308 29. .289 80. .214 6S. .260 Sh. 280 40 Pr. l 40 16 50 16 65 ,16 75 17 00 17 10 No. A v. 61. .374 60. .325 55. .277 68.. 236 67. .246 74. .216 Sh. 70 110 Pr. (16 45 16 60 16 70 16 90 17 10 17 60 sheep Sheen The week's tinHo i ooened out with inn ,.. ...... - i 53,000 head. Character of the offerings was about the same as usual and thin Hcrht lamha Yi-aM m nra nl.ntir,. .1 ... --c-.- .......... u I1LI1.U, umer class of stock. Inquiry from packers cen tered on good lambs and various aalea reported early indicated n generally steady trade. Good fat lambs sold up to J14 25 14.50 with fair kinds of l,lllr. ..., $14.00. Fat sheep ruled slow to uneven ly lower, the downward trend of values being attributed to sluggish dressed mut ton trade In the east. Strictly good ewes are moving around $6.2506.60 at pres ent and culls and canners selling at $2.00 3.50. Good fat wethers were verv scarce. A broad demand featured the market for feeders and choice clnsp.wnnlaH lm.B sold readily up to fll.00ail.26. Best quality would probably bring fll.60 or ) wi 1 (c. T Vi a TYi a rlot mm m n.k.1. .. 1 j strong and active. Vuoiaiions oil oneep ijamos, g00a to choice, f 14.0014.60; lambs, fair to good, 13.6O14.00: chejee feeder lambs, $u.00 11.60; medium to good feeders, $10.26 1 0.76 ; common light feeders, $8.00 10.00; culls and throwouts, $5.007.60; yearlings, $9.009.50; wethers. $8.00 8.50; ewes, good to choice, $6.006.6O; ewes, fair to good, $6. 50 6.00; good feed ing ewes, $5.005.50; ewe culls and can ners, f 2.00 3. 50 ; breeding ewes, $7.60g 11,50. . Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 39.000 head; market Irregular; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $15.7617.66: medium and good. $12.0016.65: common, $10.25 11.90; lightweight, good and choice. fl2.75 17.00; common and medium, 18.00(3) 12.90; butcher cattle. heifers, $5.30(!j) 13.40; cows. 5.6011.36; canners and cut ters, $4.0053O; calves, $13.76017.00; feeder steers, $S.2512.75; stacker steers, $6 009.25. Hogs Receipts. 8,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales, $17.25(g)17.60; heavies, $16.7617.50; medium, $17.25 17.65; light, $16.8517.70: light light. fl6.B0igil7.25; heavy packing sows, $16.00 $16.25; pigs. J14.00W17.35. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 19.000 head; market weak; lambs. $12.50ji 14.00; culls and common, $7.2512.26; yearling welhers, $9.0010.00; ewes. S6.25ific8.26; awes, culls and common, $3.00 6.00; breeding ewes, f 8.0014.&0; feeder lambs, $10.6012.60. Chicago live Stork. Chicago. Sept. 22. Cattle Receipts. 22. n0O head: estimated tomorrow, 15,000 bead; market lower. Beef steers: Me dium and heavy weight: Choice and prime, f 15. 35r 17.65; medium and good, slfl.75Sil3.3a: common. fJi.25jT10.75. Light v,Siclltl (Jnod and choice. $ 1 4.001 1 7.65 : ' "iiiiuon and medium, $.00'5 1 3.75. Butch er cattle; Ueiiura, .S.9Xt7.i tojg, Short Term Notes Furnished by the Peter pany: Amer. Tel. & Tel. 6s, 1924... Amer. Tel. A Tel. 6a, 1925... American Thread ts. 1928... American Tonacco 7s, 1919.. American Tobacco 7s, 1920.. American Tobacco 7s. 1921.. American Tobacco 7s. 1922... American Tobacco 7s, 1923.. Anaconda Copper 6s. 1929... Anglo-French Ext. 6s. 1920.. Armour & Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1920 Armour & Co., Con. Deb. 6s. 1921 Armour A Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1922 Armour & Co. Con. Deb. 6s. 1923 Armour & Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1924 Bethlehem Sleel Co. 7s, 1922 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7b. 1923 British 6Mis. 1921 Canada 5s. 1921 C. B. & Q. 4s 1921 C. R. I. & P. 6s. 1922 Cuban-Anier. Sugar 6s, 1921 . Cudahy Packing Co. 7s, 1923 General Electrio Deb. 6s. 1920 Great Northern Ry. 6s, 1920. Interborough Rap. Trans. 6s, 1921 Kansas City Terminal 6s. 1923 Lehigh Valley 6s. 1921 Liggett & Meyers 6s. 1921... Phlla. Elec. Gs, 1920 Proctor & Ramble 7s, 1920.. Proctor & Uamhle 7s. 1921.. Proctor & Gamble 7s. 1922.. Proctor & Gamble 7s. 1923.. Russian Rubles 6'is. 1936 Southern Ry. 6s. 1920 Swift & Co. 6s, 1921 Union Pacific 6s, 192S U. S. Rubber 7s. 1923 Trust corn Bid. Asked. 100'4 100'4 99' 99 100 101 100 loo!4 101 102 102" 102?i 102 103ij 103V6 IOS'4 98 ft 98 97 T 98 102 10S 102 103 102 103 102 103 102 103 1021, 11121,, l)l 112'n 98 !) 98 99 i 95 95N. 97 984 99 100U 101 1011b ioo mo?, 99 99 V4 86 85 99V4 SSi 101 10114 loo 1110 99', 100 U 1oor, 10m 101V lfli 102 1ll21!j li'Sii 103 75 78 963; 97'i 99 102 103 10414 104 GRAIN MARKET $6.25 13.35; canners and cutters, $5.35 6.25: veil calves. $20.25 21.50. Kceder steers, $7.00 r 1 2.26. Stacker steers, $6.25 10. 00. Western range: Beef steers, $8.00 ij' 1 5.00; cows and heifers. $t!.35f 1 3.00. Hogs Receipts, 23.000 head: estimated tomorrow. 25, 000: market strong. Heavy, $1.7S1.15; medium. fl7.00W18.30; light. $17. 25j()18.40: light light. f1.00pl-.7S: heavy packing sowh, smooth, $16. 00 16.T.0; packing sows, rough, $15.2515.75; pigs, $15.005'16.50. Sheep Receipts, 41.000 head: estimated tomorrow. 35.000 head: market firm. Lambs, $12.25(S 15.00; culls and common, $7.ioroj 2.00. Ewes: Medium, good and choice. $6.00S'7.25; culls and common, $2.003-7.); breeding, $6.6012.25. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Ia., Sept. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 3.0"" bend: market steady to strong; beef steers, fed. $12.0fi 16.50; grass. $8.O0ij;1S.5O; fat cows and heifers, f7.OOgil2.flO; canners. f 5.00i?o6.75; veal calves. 37.00 14.50; stackers and feeders, f 6. 50 Hi 1 1.50; feeding cows and heifers, fO.00 9U8.5fl. Hogs Receipts. 3.0A0 head: market, steaiiv; IK'ht, f 16.754 17.51; mixed. flli.OO ilii.75: heavy, ft3.23ld.00: bulk of sales, $15.60fi-lO.rm. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, G,000 head; market, wenk. Omaha Grain. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 22. 191. Grain arrivals were moderate today for : wheat considering they were for two days. Corn and oats runs continued extremely light. Virtually all of the trading was I in wheat which was some stronger In 1 ihe better grades. Corn advanced 3 to I 4 cents. Oats were 1 to 2 cents higher and rye advanced a cent. Barley was I about 2 onta higher. I Cash sales today were: j Wheat No. 1 hard, 1 car, $2.20; No.. 2 hard, 1 car. f2.30 (dark); 16 cara, IJ2.19; 10 2-5 cars, f2.18; 2 cars, f 2.17 j (yellow); 1 car, f2.t6 (smutty); 6 cars, ; $2.15 (smutty); 2 cars, $2.14 (smutty): ! J ears. $2.12 (smutty); 3 2-5 cars, fi.lf 1 (yellow, Kinutty); 1 car, $2.10 (smutty); jl car. $2.09 (ery smutty)); No. 3 hard, I 3 carB, $2.16; 12 cars, $2.17: 1 car, $2.16; 1 car, $2.15 (yellow): 1 car. $2.15; 1 car, $2.13 (smutty): 2 cars, f2.12 (yellow); t c:tr, f2.l0 (yellow); 1 car. f2.10 (smut ty): 3 cars, t2.08 (smutty); 1 car, f2.07 (yellow); 1 car, f2.07 (smutty); 1 2-3 ears. $2.06 (yellow); 1 car, f2.05 (yellow, smutty); No. 4 hard, 6 cars, t2.15; 7 cars, $2.14; 10 cars, $2.12; 1 car, 12.11; 1 car, $2.10; 2 cars, S3. 08 (yellow); 1 car. f2.06 (smutty, 6 per cent rye); No. 6 hard, 1 car. $2.06; 2 cars. f2.05; 2 cars. $2.05 (yellow); 2 cars. $2.00 (smutty): Sample hard, 1 car. $1.88; No. 1 northern spring, 2 cars. $2.64 (dark): 1 car. $2.53: No. 2. northern spring. 1 car, $2.60; No. 3 spring. 1-3 car. $2.07 (red); No. 4 spring. 2 cars. $2.30 (northern); 1 car, $2.25; 1 ear. $2.20 (northern): No. 6 northern spring. 4 cars, $2.12: sample spring, 1 car, $1.93; 1 car, $1.89 (northern); No. 2 durum. 1 car, $2.15; No. 3 durum, 1 car, 2.12; No. 1 mixed, 2 cars, $2.14: 1 car, $2.14 (durum): Nn. 2 mixed, 1 car. $2.2? 5 cars. $2.11 (durum); No. 3 mixed. cars, $2.18; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $2.15: 2 cars. $2.14. Corn No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $1.50; 1 car, $1.49. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.49. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car. 67c; 6 cars, 67c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 6oc, Rve No. 2: 1 car, $1.33. No. 3: 3 cars, fl.32. No. 4: 1 car. $1.31. Barley Mo. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.16. Re jected: 1 car. $1.12. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. FINANCIAL New Tork, Sept 22. Trading In the stock market today was cautious, but the beginning of the long heralded strike In the steel Industry did not exert so great an lnfluenco on prices as had heen reared The same was true of last week' unfavor able bank statement. There were several reversals after the Irregular opening, but at no time was there any pronoonced pressure to liquidate long holdings, that fact evidently making an impression upon the short Interest. Steels, steel equipments and the shares of various other Industries whose opera tions hinge largely on the outcome of the labor situation were well supported, the few exceptions being limited to utilities and minor speculative Issues. Much of the market's strong undertone whs auriDiitoa to tne lack of outside In terest, public parilcipatlon having stead ily dwindled to Blender dimensions, with consequent strengthening of the technical position, ever since the first signs of in dustrlal unsettlement United States Steel common ranged be tween 100 and 102. closing at the top with a gain of 1 points, Bethlehem and Lackawanna were firm and Crucible, which s1 meerea an independent course, gained 4 ooinla. Ennimnanr. shippings and rails reflected moderate buy ing, but tobaccos and food shares were especial objects of dull pools, outstanding features Including American Tobacco, Re tail Storer, Mexican Petroleum, Texas Company and American Sugar. Sales amounted to 800,000 shares stiffen, j?"!1" S?ie"71 Bt 6V4 P" Cent' but stiffened to 7 in the final hour, the cause" ?T";g ls?. disposition to lend be! "rve. WeCli 8 heavy deflclt ln re- East St. Louis Live Slock. East SI. Louis. S( pt. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 8.1100 head; market higher; beef steers, medium and heavy weiplit, choice and prime, $1 C.OOijf 17.25 ; medium and good. $10.75iii 13 0(1; common, fD.239 10.76; lightweight. good and choice. $10.75li'i,25: common and medium. $9.00 10.75; butcher cnttle. heifers, $7.00i?i) 16.00; cows, f 6. 50( 1 1.eO ; canners and cul lers, (1. I n y.' o. u " . ve.11 , 11 1 1101. .mi handyweight, $14. iosn 10.50; feeder steers. i.yflfo1 14. nu; sioeaer sieera, 1 .eeta' 10. mo, Tlrtcc Poer-iritc 1 f, II 0 ll en rt ' noirkpf strong to higher; top, $18.45; bulk. $17.85 IS. 25; heavyweight. $17.85 1 8.1 5; me dium weight. $17.85K18.45; lightweight, n.isio on. 1..-.U. tin nniAn mi- ii.vieun,ou, iifcoi iieoi, f , v.. v.. , i . heavy packing .sows, smooth. $14. flow 1R klT- nnrtilnp, sows roilPh 3 1 2 27. (ft. 1 3. 7 5 : pigs. ' $13.0010.50. Mlieep and Lamm neceipts, 3,1100 neao; market steady: lambs, 84 pounds down, 12.00S?l4.flO; culls and common, fO.OOifji , t r.n. ..n.ii ta nnfflil nn. nun. medium and choice. $8.00i& 9.00; culls and common, $6.007.00. Bt. Joseph Live Stock. St. Jesoph, Mo., Sept. 22. Cattle Re ceipts. 7,000 head: market lower; steers, $7.0017.00; cows and heifers, $5.00fgi 15.50; calves. $7.00(8' 17.00. Hogs Receipts, 4.000 head: market strong; top, $17.75; bulk of sales, $17.00 17.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head; market lower; lambs, f 7.50. 14.00; ewes, $5.007.25. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of pratrle hay heavy, and de mand poor, causing the market to be weak and lower on pralrio hay. Alfalfa firm and steady. Oat and wheat straw steady. Hay No, 1 upland prairie, fl920; No. 2 upland prairie, fl517; No. 3 up land prairie, $12 14; No. 1 midland prairie. $18319; No. 2 midland prairie, $14616; No. 11 lowland prairie, $13 14; No. f lowland pruirie. $114fl2; No. 3 lowland prairie, $8 9. Alfalfa Choice, $3031; No. 1, $27 29; standard, $2527; No. 2, $22&24; No. 3, $17iff19. Oat Straw $910. Wheat Straw $8 9. New York General. New Tork. Sept. 22. Flour Market quiet; spring patents, f 11.6012.00; spring clears, t9.0010.00; winter straights. $10.1010.40; Kansas straights, $10.90(u 11.25. Cornmeal Quiet ; yellow and white granulated, $11.90 4.10. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $L2.35 track New York export to arrive. Corn Spot, firmer; No. 2 yellow, fl.65 and No. 2 white, fl.6G c. i. f. New York. Oats Spot, firm; No. 1, white, 7c. Hay Quiet; No. 1, tl.701.76; No. 2, fl.651.65; No. 3, fl.26l.S6. Pork Firm; mess, f4tj.0060.00; fam ily, f 63.00 64.00, Lard Firmer; middle west, $24.80 24.90. Tallow Steady; city special loose, $16. Rice Quiet; fancy head, 14c; blue Ross fancy, Vlc. New York Coffee. New York, Sept. 22'. Reports of a rally in the Santos market led to some covering in coffee futures here during today's earlier trading, but failed to Inspire any general demand. The opening was 11 to 35 points higher and active months sold 46 to 64 points above Saturday's closing figures shortly after the call, with De cember touching 15.25c. This seemed to attract realiiing by buyers of last week or a renewal of scattering pressure, how ever, and December later eased off to 14.80c with the market closing at a gain of lOo to 21c. September, 15.60c; October, 16.f7c; December, 14.90c; January. 14.85c; March. 14.85c; May, 14.80c; July, 14.80c. Spot coffee dull but steady; Rio 7s, 15c; Santos 4s. 25c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York. 6ept. 22. Evaporated Apples Inactive; western and state, 20c. Prunes Dull; Callfornias, 1029c; Ore gons, 14 4 3 3c. Apricots Quiet; choice, 31c; extra choice, 32c; fancy, 34c. Peaches Dull; standard, 23c; choice. 24c; fancy, 26c. Raisins Steady; looso muscatels. 16 15ic; choice to fancy seeded, 144jvl6'ic; seedless, 17'hM-22c. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., Sept. 22. Turpentine Dull; fl.6SU&1.69; receipts, 128 bbls.; shipments, 134 bbls.; (lock, 10,937 bbls. Resin Firm; sales, 71 bbls.; receipts, 565 bblc; shipments, 1,198 bbls.; stock, 44.322 bbls. Quote: B, tl6.0: D. flS.53: E. f!6.95; V, $17 20; U. $17.60; H, $18.60: I, $19 15; K. $19.70; M, $20.45; N, $21.45; WG. Jil.5; WW. $12.70. 11 . Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Apo. Wheat 188 252 68 Corn 15 3T 37 Oats 22 26 23 Rye 6 2 2 Barley 1 9 Shipments Wheat 10S 342 32 Corn 40 40 66 nuts 26 2.' 43 live 5 II Barley 2 2 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oatfl. Chicago 411 153 102 Kansas City 500 13 10 St. Louis 408 49 83 Omaha Grain Inspection, The number of cars of grain of the several grades inspected "in" here during tiie past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 2; No. 2 hard. 27; No. 3 'hard. 27; No. 4 hard, 25: No. 5 bard, 16: sample hard, 3; No. 1 mixed, 1: No. 2 mtxed, 6: No. 3 mixed. 1 ; No. 4 mixed, 12; No. 5 mixed, 1; No. 1 spring. 3: No. 3 spring, 3; No. 4 spring. 2; No. 5 soring 3; sample spring, 4; No. 2 Duram 1: No. 4' durum, 1; Total, 148. Corn No. 1 white, 2; No. 2 white. 2: No. 3 white, 2; No. 4 white, 1; sample white, l; No. 1 yellow, 1: No. 2 yellow, 1; No. 3 -yellow 1; No. 6 yellow, 1; No. 2 mixed. :.; No. 3 mixed, 2: Total, 19. Oats No. 2 white, 2; standard. 17: No. 4 white. 3; sample white, 1; No. 3 mixed, 1: Total 24. Rve No. 1. 8: No. 2, 3; Total, f. Barley Rejected, 1; Total 1. Primary Receipts and Shipments. Receipts: Today Tear Ago Wheat 3.626.00 3,431,000 I'orn 589,000 1.065.000 Oiils l,n:'5,O00 1,479,000 Shipmenis: Wheat 2,074,000 9S4.000 Corn 320,000 351,0110 Oats 734,000 1.268,000 Kxport C learances. Today Year Ago Wheat and Flour 563.000 649.000 Oats 63,000 235.000 Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. Sept, 22. Opinions that the bearish effect of the steel strike had been discounted beforehand did a good deal today to itft the corn market. Prices closed strong, 3c to 3',-jc net higher, with December $1.25" to $1.254 and May $lH!o to $t.23. Oals gained a to lc, and provisions 22c to fl. Right from the outset, corn prices showed a disposition to climb, and the finish was the top point of the day. In the early dealings, most of the buying came from shorts who last week had correctly judged that the strike would take place and' who did not wait for tne event Itself, but acted in anticipation to Ihe fullest extent poesible. After these shorts had this morning evened up their trades, commission houses persisted in tne buying, and found reason for encourage ment because of the strength of values In the hog market and in Wall street. Besides, country offerings were light, and thero was a renewal of gossip that farm ers wero minimizing as much as practic able the movement of produce from first hands. Oats were firmer with corn, cash handlers displayed considerable eagerness to purchase. Higher Quotations on hogs and grain lilted the provision market. Some initial declines due to scattered selling; were quickly overcome. Com. I Open. High. I Low. I Cloee. I Sat'y. Corn Sep. 1.46i 1.49i 1.46 1.491 1.47 Deo. 1.22 1.25 1-22 l.f&S 12214 1.23 1.25 1.22 May 1.21 1.25 l.z0, 1.23 1.20 1.21 1.23 1.20 Oats Sep. .664 .67 .66?t .7 .14 Dec. .69 .70 .68 .70 .68 .68 .70 .68 May .70 .72 .70 .72 .70 .71 .72 .70i Pork Sep. 41 60 41.90 41.50 41.90 41.60 Oct. 33.76 34.80 $3.75 ' 34.80 33.75 Ribs Sep 18.80 18.57 Oct. 18.60 U.60 18.47 18.80 18.67 Lard Sep 24.43 !3 .85 Oct. 23.80 24.50 13.72 24.60 73.85 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Sept. !2. Flour Un changed. Barley 95cfl. 26. Rye No. 2. fl.3S Bran f 38.00. Corn f 1.44 1.45. Oats 64166c. Flax f4.654.70. gen- transactlons Liberty bonds were firm but tbe al use was uncerlni . . ami other utilities reflecting , . 250.0110 ' VaIUe' negated ".- Old United States bonds were unchanged on Amer. Beet Sugar mT American Can ... 8.900 Am. Car and Fdrv 3.000 Am. H & L.. pfd. 800 Amer. Loco.' 25,300 Amer. S. & R . . . , 900 Amer. Sugar Ref. 4,500 Amer. Sum. Tob. . 3 ;ao Amer- Tel. & Tel. 2;700 Am. Zinc, L. & s.. 200 Anaconda Copper. 1,300 Atchison 9 000 R in' f T- 1 W Bs dwln Loco. . ..30.;no Baltimore & Ohio Beth. Steel "B "..57.900 Butte & Sup. Cop. oo a I. Petroleum . . 4 "no Canadian Pacific. 1,200 Central Leather.. .10,200 f hesa. 4 Ohio ... 300 Ml- ? m. p.. 600 'h!. R- 1. & P... 600 1 tiino Copper . . . 700 Colo. Fuel & iron. son ,nrn, Products ... 3,000 Crucible Steel jn 700 Cuba Cane Sugar. s!200 Disf. Sec. Corp... 3,100 J1"'8 000 Genera! Electric. 600 General Motors... 4 200 Great North., pfd. goo Great North. Ore trs Mllinnie Cantri TnsnirnfinM r-.l ; 'n'X i . '-"I'l"-' 1, .I'M, Jul. Mer Mar., pfd 4.800 Internat. Nickel . 2 100 Internal. Paper .. 200 lVn:. :::::::: 1,000 Mex. Petrol. ...ii 39,200 Miami Cop. 200 Mid. Steel 9, son Mo. Pac 2,100 Mont. Power 100 Nev. Cop on T. C 500 N. Y., N. H. & H. 700 Norf. & West 100 No. Tac son Pac. Mall ino Pac, T. T 300 Pan-Am. Petrol ... 16.800 Pennsylvania 700 Pitts. & W. Va. . . r.OO Pitts. Coal 400 Ray Con. Cop 200 Reading 1,200 Rep. Iron & Steel. 5,700 Shat. Ariz. Cop... 300 Sin. Oil & Ref 25.300 So. Pac 10,300 So. Ry voo Stude. Corp 36,100 Texas Co 3,100 Tob. Prod 1,700 Union Pac 2.000 Un, Cig. Stores. . .88,800 U. S. Ind. AIco 4,100 U. S. Steel 70,700 U. S. Steel pfd... 9.100 Utah Cop 1,300 West. Union 600 West. Elec 1.100 Willys-Over 8.30(1 Nat. Lead 100 Ohio Cities 6.700 Royal Dutch 10.100 High. 87 67 132 124 106 75U 132 89 99 ?la 67 90 167 129i 40 98 24 50 151 U 8 66 41 26 41!4 43 86 1S3 34 84 15 162 234 84 Low. 86 56 131 121 104 76 129 88 97 21 66 88 16$ 126'i 39 95 24 47 150 94 55 40 26 40 42 84 178 32 83 15 161 230 84 Close. 87 67 132 124 106 75 132 89 98 21 67 90 167 129 40 97 24 49 151 8 56 40 25 1K 43 85 182 33 83 15 162 234 84 1.600 41 40 41 58 58 118 lfi 25 "5 64 53 34 .-,4 215 26 49 28 63 17 72 31 98 86 38 36 118 43 90 13 60 100 24 113 266 1111 121 110 133 102 114 83 83 53 32 S3 52 96 203 26 47 27 63 17 71 30 9 86 38 36 114 43 S2 03 22 77 88 13 58 99 24U 109 259 99 120 105 131 100 113 81 82 52 31 83 50 94 68 117 25 64 34 108 215 26 49 27 63 17 72 31 98 86 38 35 118 43 32 62 22 78 90 13 59 100 24 113 266 101 121 110 133 102 114 83 82 63 3 2 S3 62 9 Bid New Tork S8 99 89 Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 23. Com Sep tember, $1.51; December, $1.25; May, $1.23. St. Louis Grain. 6t. Louis. Sept 22. Corn May. ft. 14. Oats December, 71c; May, 73c. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Sept. 22. Potatoes Weaker: arrivals, 86 cars; Minnesota bulk and sacked round whites, $2.462.66: bulk and sacked Early Ohlos, $2.60(6 2.60: Wis consin bulk round whites. f2.4S2.56: sacked round whites, U S. No. 1, $2. S0 2.6(1; Idaho sacked rurals, $2.802.90; Maine sacked Irish cobblers, $2.75. OIL DIGEST FREE Write for our Oil Digest, giving vain able up-to-date information about Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and other oil fields that every investor should have. Tells where you can buy and sell any oil stock. Quotes prices. R. M. SAN FORD, 711 Republic Bldf Kansas City, Me. IT. S. 2s, reg.. U. S. 2s. coup. U. S. cv. 3s, reg U. S. ev. 3s, coup 89 U. S. 4s, reg.. 106 U. S. 4s, coup. 106 Am. Tel. & Tel. cv. 6s . . .100 Anglo-French 5s 83 Armour & Co. 4 83 Atchison gen. 4s 78 B. O. cv. 4s 70 Bethlehem Steel ref. 6. . 96 Central Leather 6s .. 7 Central Pa cific 1st 74 C. & O. cv. 5s 84 C. B. & Q., Joint 4s . 95 C. M. & St. P. cv. 4s 74 C. R. I. P. Ry. ref. 4s . . SS C. & S. ref. 4s 78 Chili Copper cv. 7s 117 City of Paris 6s $6 D. St R. a. ref. Ea 57 Dom. of Can. 6s (1931) ... 94 Erie gen. 4s ... 48 Oen. Elec. tie.. f5 Gt. North. 1st 414 ff Bid. 77 $7 75 Bond IJt. Illinois Cen I tral ref. 4s ilnt. Mer. I Marine 6s Ik. c. s. I ref. 6s ... L. 4 N. un. 4s 83 I'M.. K. T. 1st 4s 64 'Missouri Pa cific gen. 4s 57 Montana Power 6s ... 87 N. Y. Central deb. 6s ii Northern Pa cific 4s 77 Nort hern Pa cific 3s 56 Oregon Short ILne ref. 4s Pacific Tel. Tel. 5s Pennsylvania con. 4s ... Pennsylvania gen. 6a Reading (en. 4s 81 St. L. & San. Fran. ad1. 6s 3 Southern Pa cific cv. 5s.. 103 Southern Rail way 6s ff Texas Com pany cv. 6s . .101 T. and P. 1st 88 U. P. 4a 8$ !U. S. Rub. 5i., 87 in. S. Steel 5s.. 98 I'Wabash 1st .. 91 Steel Strike Is Felt . but Little In Stock Market In New York ' Vta Vnrlr Sent. 22. The steel ctribe everted little advene influ ence over the stock market at the opening of todays trading, steel shares were least disturbed of any important issues, opening mostly at gains which extended from half a point in United States Steel to one point in Bethlehem and three for Crucible. Reactions in the first half hour canceled most of these gains, however. Cfwlra dnnrtnr unon the sta bility of the steel industry, such as equipments, were steady xo nrm, al though the motor group was in clined to yield. xraoing was comparatively wuu. with no indications of urgent limiiristirin Pnmmisfiion houses re ported very small offerings for out of town accounts. Grand Opera Singer Likes Quiet, Restful Life on Farm As soon as the season is over at the Metropolitan opera house Mane Rappold, noted soprano, hurries away to lier farm. All winter while singing in New York she is longing for blossom time and the quiet sim ple life of the country. "To appreciate the beauty and grandeur of life one must, I think, live in the country as much as pos sible," she said. "The quiet of the country is so restful and yet it is never monotonous at any rate not in the summer. I love it and it is splendid for one's voice." She will sing in this city at an in vitation concert Thursday evening. New York Money. New York, Sept. tl. -Money Oa call, strong; high, 6 per cent; low, I pr cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 1 per cent; last loan, per cent. Time Loans Steady; all date. 5 6 per cent. Prima Mercantile Paper t IT I per cent. Sterling Exchange Demand, 14.11; cables, 14.16. Francs Demand, 1.88: cables. 1.14. Guilders Demand, 87o; cable, 470. Lire Demand, 9.95: eablea, 9.95. Marks Demand, 4c; cables, 4Ke. 83 87 92 1H London Money. London, Sept. 22. Bar Silver 61d per ounce. Money S per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, i 7-16 per cent; three-month bills. 8 !-l per cent Liberty Bond Price. New Tork, Sept. S3. Liberty prices at 11:30 a. m. were: . first 4s. 15.00; second 4s, 91.94; first second 4s. 84.20; third , fourth 4s. 93.82; Victory Ss, victory s, . 92. Liberty bonds 2:6 p. m. prices: 100; first 4s, 94.80; second 4s, 93.84; 4s, 95.16; second 4Us, 94.14; third 95.86c; fourth 4s, 93.88; Victory 99.98; Victory 4s. S9.96. $ bond 4. 95.76; 11.94; ls first 4s. 4s, New Tork Metals. New York," Sept. 22. Copper Quiet; electrolytic, spot and September, 23c; October and November, 2324o; some small lota of spot offered at 22c Iron Steady; No. 1 Northern 30.00c; No. 2 Northern, 29.00c; No. S Southern, 28.10c. Antimony $8.75. Lead Easy; spot, offered at 4.11; October. 6.20 bid. Spelter Steady; East St. Louis delivery, spot. 7.00 bid; futures. 7.12 asked. At London Spot; Copper, 100 7 4d; electrolytic, 110; tin, 278 7a 6d; lead, 125 10s; spelter. 41 10s. New York Produce. New Tork, Sept. 22. Butter Firm: creamery, higher than extras, 6960c; creamery extras, 69c; firsts, 52068c. Eggs Firm: fresh-gathered extra. 57 66c; extra firsts, . 64 56c; firsts, 4 53c. Cheese Irregular: state whole mills:, flats, current make specials, 2021c; V. state, average run, 2930e. Live Poultry Steady; chickens, 33c; fowls. S24?36c; old roosters. 19c; turkeys. 25S0c. Dressed, steady: fowls, 64J31c; old roosters, 21022c; western chickens, 27 045c. - ' 5 New York 8 agar. New York. Sept. 23. Raw Sugar Steady; centrifugal. 7.26c; refined, steadv; cut loaf, 10.50c; crushed, 10.26o; mould A, 9.50c; cubes. S.75c; X X X X powdered. 9.20c: standard powdered, 9.15c; fine granulated and Diamond A. 9.00c: confectioners A, 8.90c; No. 1 soft sugar, 8. 15c. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Sept. 22. Butter Higher; creamery. 47 67c. Eggs Higher; receipts, 5,853 cases: firsts, 4647c: ordinary firsts, 39 41 c: at mark, cases Included. 4146o; storage-packed firsts, 4738c. Poultry Alive, lower; prlng, 26c; fowls, 23l830e. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Sept.. 22. Eggs Firsts, 46c. Batter Creamery first, 52c; second, 60c: packing stock. 42c. t Poultry Hens, 25c; broilers, 29c; roosters, 16c. New York Coffee. New Tork, Sept. 22. Coffee No. 7 Rio 15c. Futures, barley, steady; October, 15.37ci December, 14.90c. Cotton Market. New Tork. Sept. 22. Cotton yarn to day were easier, with print cloth and con vertible markets more active. Burlaps were steadier in tk-e heavier weights with prices tending higher. Dressed goods were steady, fancy gooda being in good demand. Spot Cotton. New Tork. Sept. 22. Spot Cotton Steady; middling, 21.60c Wool Sale. London, Spt. 22. At the wool sale to day 6.700 hnloc mmnri,ln - ...-.. ,1 . iw 1,11 TOim' lion, were offered. The market was strong;. uiv prices nuraening. Brisbane scoureds brought 80c and Sidney greasles 65c, while coarse crossbred were 10 per cent higher. American buyer ware active. Firestone 7 Preferred Issued by one of world's largest manufacturers of tires and other rubber goods. Complete circular describing this attractive is sue will be sent upon re quest for OB-248. For subscription, subject to al lotment, if, as and when is sued and received by us, at 100 and Accrued Dividend IheNationalGtjr Company Correspondent Office In over 10 Cities Omaha First National Bank Building Telephone 8816 Douglas VOItKING CAPITAL FURNISHED If you require additional working capital for expansion, we can procure same quickly through the sale of your stock. Will consider only established concerns which have paid dividends. Proposition must be able to stand the acid test and qualify under Blue Sky States. Nothing under a million dollar issue considered. No oil or mining. All arrangements made on a commission basis strictly, we bearing all expense. We have a corps of fifty capable stock salesmen and can raise capital quickly and will enter into a contract with reputable concern. In replying give full data in first letter. Carter H. Jacobs & Co., 20 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago