THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1919. ' 9 -C HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG LADIES TTK OFFER YOU A ' WELL-PAID POSITION. PAT TOO WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK . RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OPERATORS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU A! NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING 18TH DOUGLAS STREETS. 4 GOOD OPENING Far an experienced stenographer In ad rtlstng department of Brandeis stores. Permanent Position Attractive salary, good hour and pleas ant and Interesting work. Apply Mr. Harris, advertising Manager, 3d Floor. BTENOORAFHER, some dictaphone work, 100. (stenographer, small office, $110. Bookkeeper, wholesale . experience, 100. Bookkeeper, uptown office, $90-1100. Stenographer, bookkeeper and clerk, i- 890-3100. Stenographer, wholesale, $100. Stenographers. $95-$90-$85-880-$76-$65 Typist, some steno. work, STS-SS5. Bookkeeping, small office. $85-$90. Typist, $86; typist, $80; typist. $65; P. B. X. opr., $60; comptometer opr., ni$90-$100; bill clerk, $75; cashier. $60. STENOGRAPHER wholesale, $90-$100. STENOGRAPHER uptown office, $86- STENOGRAPHER email office, $65-$75. BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER $90 $100. POSTING MACHINE OPR. $85-$100. TTPIST must be good, $76-$85. COMPTOMETHR OPR. $75-$85. P. B. X. OPR. AND CLERK $66-$70. OFFICE CLERK $50-f55. THE MARTI COMPANT, Employment Specialists. ' ; 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. ANT GIRL coming to, or now living In - Omaha, who wishes to secure employ v ment board and room, or a circle of . congenial friends, should Introduce her- self to the secretary of the "Big Sis . ters." This is an organization of Omaha business women formed to promote the happiness snd Interests of their "little sisters." RUTH T. CAMERON. Sec'y. 220 Omaha National Bank Building, ;' Douglas 5890. WANTED Limited number of office lttlra mnA knnW1j.dAr.a-H ,Un ul a ... ...u. UWBBWlrtl, H 111. UHlt, IU become Accountants and Auditors to enroll In our evening classes of Higher Acoountlng. We secure positions for , our graduates. Individual Instructions .' by Certified Public Accountants. Call , and see us about It or telephone Doug , las 7416. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Id Floor Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam Sts. Stenographers, $100, $90, $86. Beginner Stenographer, $66 to $76. Office. Clerk, $76, $80. Office girl to answer phone, etc., $55 to $65. ' Adding machine operator, $85. Clerk and typist, $66, $75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. $17-18 W. O. W. Bldg- WANTED EXPERIENCED STE NOGRAPHER WITH NEWS ' PAPER EXPERIENCE. AP- ' LY SUPERINTENDENT BAL S " CONT. BURGESS-NASH CO. U. S. GOVERNMENT needs hundreds of women, 18 up, Census work. $1,000 $1,600 year; pleasant office work; Hat ' positions free. Write Immediately Franklin Institute, Dept. 659 S. Roch ester. N. T. ' WANTED A girl for embossing press work. Some experience preferred. Will pay best wages for a good girl. The Robert Dem ps ter Co., 1 8 1 3 Farnam. MULTIGRAPH operator, $100-1110. Office clork. $90-$85-$76-$65-$50. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL POSI TIONS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE COMPANT. (Established 15 Years.) 1015 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Woman Ao take charge of house; general duties; family of three. Home and wages. Tyler 807. WANTED An experienced lady to do ab stracting of tiles; no other need apply. Wright ft Wright, Alliance. Neb. WANTED Stenographer tot permanent . position. General Mercantile Co., tth and Jones Sts. Professions and Trades WOMEN AND GIRLS WORK EVENINGS Labeling and Packing Macaroni BARN MORE MONET FOR THE FAMILT. '. PHONE OR APPLY SUPERINTENDENT SKINNER MFG. CO. TYLER 1625, 14TH AND JACKSON STS. WANTED. WOMEN OPERATORS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. '. Wanted at Los Angeles, experienced machine operators for overall, shtrt- waist, shirt and women's dress fac tories from $18 00 to $26.00 per week; ' steady worn. Write for free Illustrated booklet. Be sure to state your occupa tion. Address Merchants and Manufac ' tureri Association, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED A FEW GIRLS FOR PACK , ING ;ALSO TO WORK ON OUR CHO COLATE DIPPING MACHINE; GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. GORDON RAINALTER CO., , EIGHTH AND DOUGLAS STS. WANTED SEVERAL GIRLS ABOVE It TEARS TO SELL ICE CREAM AND LIGHT LUNCH. . SHORT HOURS. NO SUNDAY WORK. GOOD PAY. APPLY SODA FOUNTAIN. CASHIER. sOMPEIAN ROOM, BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED Inspectors and cashiers. Ap- . ply Mr. Metx, balcony Brandets Stores. GIRLS WANTED To work tn paper box . plant Good wages to start; bonuses paid. F.Bgerss-O'Fiyng Co., 15th and Leavenworth Sts. - EaDY-presser wanted; steady job; good v wages; good working conditions. Royal r Dry Cleaners. 844 North Twenty-fourth ' street. . EXPERIENCED film inspectors wanted at Fox Film Corporation. 816 South Sixteenth street WANTED Lady to travel and appoint representative in uplift work. All ex . peases and excellent salary. For per- ; anna! Interview give phone number. Ad-dre- Y-"sl. Omaha Be. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. TRI-CITT BARBER COI.l.KGoi. , Special rates and Inducements. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. TWO SALESLADIES IN CANDY DE PARTMENT. PLEASANT DORK, CON GENIAL SURROUNDINGS. GOOD PAY. NO EVENING OR SUNDAY WORK APPLY R. C. PHEQPS, GREEN ROOM, BRANDEIS STORES. - , WANTED SALESLADIES FOR LACE AND EM BROIDERT DEPTS. APPLT SUPERINTENDENT, HAYDEN BROS. REFINED WOMAN BETWEEN 51 AND 35. WITH EQUIVALENT OF HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION, FOR RESPON SIBLE TRAVELING POSITION. TRAINING GIVEN AND FAIR . SAL ARY WITH RAILROAD FARE PAID FROM START. INTERESTING WORK. 8HORT HOURS AND AN OPPORTU NITY TO GO SOUTH FOR THE WIN TER. D. E. ASHBY, SANFORD HO WANTED Four salesmen to sell U. S. army goods, at 1619 Howard. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED cook wanted; good wages. Mrs. C. T. Kountze, 1926 Dewey avenue. Harney 224. WHITE girl or woman for g.-neral house work; best wages. 5122 Curt. Wal nut 238. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; small family, no laun dry. Wages, $12 per week. Harney 675. WHITE maid for upstairs work. Mrs. L. C. Nash, S307 Burt St. Walnut 212. EXPERIENCED maid, no laundry; best wages: small family. Harney 5562. COMPETENT whlta cook. Mrs. Klrkendall 3727 Jacjtson St. F. P. WANTED Cook. Mrs. 8. H. Davis. 628 8. 20th. Tel. Douglas 286. GIRL to assist with care of children and do dishes. Harney 2995. - GIRL wanted In diet kitchen. Tyler 1571. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 6 EXPERI ENCED WAITRESSES OF GOOD APPEAR ENCE AND AD DRESS; 8-HR. SHIFT AT. $12.00 AND BOARD PER WEEK. PERMA NENT POSITION TO RIGHT PARTY. FIN EST CAFE IN THE CITY. MEYER'S CAFE, WATERLOO, IOWA ' WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HEAD WAITRESS, APPLY CONANT HOTEL. MANGLE girls, $14.00 per week. FONTENELLE HOTEL. Laundry Dept. WANTED . EXPERIENCED CASHIER. " UNION OR NONUNION. THE DIAMOND CAFE. 1313 DOUGLAS. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at Wood row Cafe No. U t days a week. $13 per. 214 a 14th. WANTED Waitress, lunch counter, Bur lington Eating House, Ravenna. Neb., J. D Herrlck. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. AGENTS $3 to $5 an hour during spars - time. Men and women to take orders for Liberty raincoats. Every coat sold under garuantee. McCann made $601 In 21 days working 6 hours dally. Geor gia man. $84; first week spars time only. Thousands of orders In your horns town. Big commissions In advance. We deliver and collect. Complete outfit free. Writs today. The Liberty Rain coat Company, Dept. K-88. Dayton. O. AGENTS Men, women, nationally adver tised line .of toilet necessities. New, give-away feature makes big profits easy; creates repeat business. Brorby, Advertising Manager, 508 So. Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED By 20th of month, first and second cooks at Soldiers' Home, Burkett, Neb., first cook. $60; second. $40 and all living expenses. Splendid proposition for man and wife. WOMEN or man wanted, salary $24 full time, 60c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experi ence unnecessary. International Mills, Norrlstown, Pa. " WANTED Porter, maid and cook; good wages, board and room. Clifford Hotel, Holsteln, la. EDUCATIONAL, DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOTLES COLLEGE. Boylea Building. Omaha. Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading, also all vulcanising of tubes and rubber goods. In ons of the most up-to-date schools. t Three weeks' tuition. $25.00. Write or Call t' National Tire Shop, 17th and Capitol Ave. " Van Sent School of Buuslness. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. -Douglas 5890 FOR a few selected, Intelligent, ambitious pupils reserved trial class lessons In French, Italian or Spanish. Transla tions from and Into English. Diction for singers. City National Bank, Room 1036. - p. m. MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly In school or by "home study." Omaha Business College. 306 Lyric Bldg.. 19th and Farnam. D. 6528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, vole and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 186. 209 South 15th St FOR RENTROOMS Furnished Rooms ROACHES, etc., exterminated with ons application, by contract or sold outright. B. B. B. , EXTERMINATING COM PANT, OMAHA, 307 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 1370. PLEASANT room for elderly lady; house keeping privileges, near car line. Col fax 3424 A CLEAN, well-furnished front room, bath room floor, reasonable to gen tleman. Phone Douglas 6822. ROOM to lady; In modern home. Colfax 2383. TWO well furnished, bed rooms; private, in modern home. 1318 N. 40th St. NICELY furnished room In private family; Farnam car line. Wal. 8319. SLEEPING and light housekeeping rooms for rent at 1711 Dodge. FOR RENT Furnished room. 1613 Dor cas St. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. RENTALS $1,524 PRICE $12,500 ' Four frame stores and two flats on North 24th St. Ground 69x128. We be lieve this property will show material Increase In value within the next year. Terms. ' WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. GOOD store rooms, 16th and ... Dauglts. Inquire WORLD REALTT COMPANT. - 'Phone Douglas 6342. That surplus piece of furniture can be turned into cash by a Bee Want Ad. Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT Office space, second floor of Elg Bldg., 313-317 SouJth 15th St., about 6,000 square feet space. Will lease to January 1, 1922. Lessee can make all necessary changes, If desired. Or will make desired changes for tenant. En tire floor can be leased, or will sub divide Into small offices. Apply to Trustees, Room 6, Elk Bldg. Tele phone Douglas 4265 or Douglas 1363. Miscellaneous. HALL TO RENT. " Classy dance hall all furnished; plana, Vlctrola, plenty of chairs; large elec tric' fan, brilliantly lighted; an Ideal hall for dancing party of thirty or forty couples. Location right down town. Will rent one or two nights a weeks price very reasonable. Phone any evening after $ for full particulars, Douglas 1871, or address Box M-49, Omaha Bee. 7" DUNDEE HALL 50TH & UNDERWOOD AVE., May be rented for day or evening sessions. FLAT, 816 No. 16th St., $25. 5 rooms. H. A. WOLF COMPANY, 512 Electric Bldg. Tyler 85. MOVING AND STORAGE. PARLOR floor suite, also suite on bath room floor, modern, well furnished, $6. 604 South Twenty-eighth. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms for rent at 1112 Farnam. Board and Room IN private home; will room parents. room, board and care for child while mother Is employed. 8318Decatur, FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished Hotel service. Tyler 4200. . FOR RENT HOUSES. South. 10-ROOM house, 1031 8. 30th Ave., $3,250. 6-room flat, 3d floor, 616 8. 13th St., $1,750. Benson & Myers Co., 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. 8-ROOM brick, with two baths, at 316 N. S8th Ave., to lease for five years at $75 per month to responsible tenant, with option to purchase for one lyear at $7,000. Douglas 2947. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Woodrow Cafe No. 2. 1811 Farnam. Open September 20. Miscellaneous. EVENING WORK FOR WOMEN HAVING j SPARE TIME. Hours 4:45 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Days Monday to Friday, inclusive. Work Making and packing creme- filled cakes, etc. . Place Snow White Bakery. Apply at once to Superintendent Costello. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Snow White Bakery. Capitol Ave. 12th to 13th Sts. WANTED DRIVERS, WAGON AND TRUCK HELPERS. APPLT AMERICAN RAILWAT EX PRESS CO.. UNION DEPOT. WANTED Experienced help In ready-to-wear, millinery, hosiery, underwear, do mestic and houso furnishing department. Permanent position and good salary. Apply Superintendent, Brandeis Stores. WE WISH to hear from lady Interested In literary work. Send us a story, article or poem for examination, typed or hand written. If acceptable we will pay you rash: if appointed on our staff will pay salary. Submit your MS to Editor, Woman's National Magazine. Desk 2424. Washington, D. C ; $20 TO $35 PER MONTH TO ANY EM PLOYED person without interfering with regular work. No selling, no can vassing, positively no Investment. En close stamp. Northwestern Silver Co., St. Paul. Minn. GIRLS Cashier for Cafeteria; office and store clerks; girls for general house work; typists, etc NO CHARGES. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU 1907 Harney St WANTED Lady Interested In child wel fare for 60 days' work. Good pay. Per manent If satisfactory. Give phone num ber. Address Y-691, Omaha Bee. WRITE photoplays: $25-6300 paid anyone fbr suitable ideas. Experience unneces sary; complete outline free. Producers League. 140, St. Louis. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapets, magazines. Exp. unnec. ; details free. Press Syndicate, 170, St. Lo u 1 s. Mo. WANTED A woman between the ages of 26 and 20 to assist a physician in giving Hydrotherapy treatment and bath. Phone Tyler 2363. WANTED Girl to run light errands. 655 Brandeis Bldg. ; HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED CAFETERIA HELP HOTEL ROME BIGGEST money-maker in America. I want 100 men and women quick to take orders for raincoats, raincapea and wa terproof aprons. Thousands of orders waiting for you. $2 an hour' for spars time Maher made $597.60 in June, Nissen $19 in three hours. Purvlanre $207 in seven days.-. $2,600 a year profit for four average orders a day. No de livering or collecting. Beautiful coat free. No experience or capital required. Write quick for Information. Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. G-148, Dayton. O. WANTED 'Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade: big demand: wages while , learning; strictly modern Call or writs 1402 Dodge SU Trl City Barber College. 3102 NO. 16TH ST., 28x66. $40. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Tyler 1836. 333 Securities Bldg. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists 1n Apartment management. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. FOR RENT TWO HIGH CLASS FIVE-ROOM APART MENTS WITH SIX ROOM EFFICIENCY, ELWOOD APARTMENT BUILDING, 49TH AVE. & DODGE ST. Omaha's most 1 beautiful Apartment building, so class ed on account of the location, construction, Interior finish, and service rendered to all ' occupants of same. These Apartments are so arranged that they may be thrown to gether tor one family, making ion roms and two baths. Some occupants of this build ing already have a double apartment. This Is a new, strictly high class, fire proof, building and constructed entirely of con crete, brick and steel. On the Farnam street car line at top of one of the highest points In the city, surrounded by a magnificent lawn. There Is no service maintained In any building In the city that Is superior to that of the El wood apartments. Monthly rental $125 per apartment. These apartments will be shown by appointment at your convenience and you may communicate with the man ager of this building by call ing Walnut 2243, or Walnut 5032 Sundays; weak days Tyler 63. ' J. L. HIATT CO., On1 FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO BANK BUILDING. TYLER 0 North. 4-ROOM brick flat with bath. Call Web. 1640. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses SIX OR SEVEN ROOM modern house, . desirable location, possession October 1. Will pay well for desirable house. An swer giving particulars, to R. P. Balrd. Lanham, Maryland. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT. A GOOD FIVE, SIX OR SEVEN ROOM I MODERN HOUSE IN ANY GOOD LOCATION NEAR CAR, GROWN FAMILY', BEST OF REFERENCES. CALL DOUGLAS 46, DURING THE DAY OR HARNEY 1460 EVENINGS. VVANTED TO RENT Two or three fur nished rooms for light housekeeping by couple without children. Address M-48. Omaha Bee. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED TO RENT Three rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping, by couple with two small children. Writs W. A. Anton, Flomar Hotel. Miscellaneous. YOUNG, refined business lady desires to share small modern apartment with con genial, refined young ladles. Can furnish piano and other household goods. Would like to keep pet bulldog. Box No. 627, Msdlsop Neb. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores FOR LEASE. Three-story brick building. 66x60 ft; : also 66x60 ft. vacant, adjoining, located in the wholesale district. DUMONT CO . Realtors. 416-18 Keellns Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. MOVING MADE EASY FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY This big organization takes the grief out . of moving. ' Skilled men assume your re sponsibility no further worry t no inefficient employes to damage furniture. PACKING ; Again, expert men required and we have them. Years of experience packing furniture insures you satisfaction at lowest prices. STORAGE You can store your furniture with the assurance of perfect safety and care tn our large spacious warehouse. Charges reasonable. Why sell your furniture? DOUGLAS 288 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY, 16th and Jackson Sts. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 6-ROOM HOME ' Dandy 6-room home on south front lot with fins shade. Street paved snd paving paid. Just ons block from car. Brick foundation, full cemented base ment with fine furnaos, laundry and gas heater. Three rooms and reception hail down and three nice bedrooms and bath up. Now vacant and ready to move Into. Everything In ' top-notch shape. A bargain for $4,860, oa easy terms. Bedford-Johnston Co., 612 World-Herald Bldg. Doug. 1T84. NEW BLACKSTONE HOTEL ) SEVEN ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN. CHOICF, LOCATION. PRICE $6,700. PART CASH. EAST FRONT. Can move right In. Strictly modern. Has large living and dining room, fine kitchen, full cemented basement, four fins bedrooms, bath and linen closet on second floor. Built for a home. Let us show you this.' Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO. -430 Bee Bldg. WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT 7 ROOMS MODERN $1,500 CASH This 7 -room modern house Is S blocks from car line, on a dandy full-sized lot. Located . near -33d and Davenport. $1,500.00 cash down, terms on the bal ance. , Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. Brick Veneer Dwelling Six rooms strictly modern and up to date; large living room with real fire place, nice dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen downstairs; three good sized bedrooms and bath upstairs; oak finish; good furnace; large lot, nice Bhrubbery; fine location. Price $7,500. Terms. Call Pac. Colfax 1S86. SCOTT & HILL CO., Phone 1009. 200 McCague Bldg. 6-room modern house, all new furni ture for $5,000; $2,000 down. 8 rooms, strictly modern, one of the finest homes on Florence boulevard. Price $10,000, half cash. We have six or seven other houses we can sell with small payment down. W. NATHAN WATTS, 518 Paxton Block. WEST SIDE Flve-roem bungalow, all modern, maple floors; 28x165 lot; 921 South 38th avenue. Price $4,760.00; about half cash. Shown by appointment only. WATSON & BEENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tyler 4506. 644 World-Herald Bldg. $4,500 BARGAIN I rooms, all modern, hot water heat, double garage, paved street, lot 60x132. 3858 Seward street. Don't disturb the tenants. Must be sold quick. See us. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omsha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182. FIDELITY andvan CO 16TH AND JACKSON. ' DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving. packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South lth. Doug. 4163. FERRIN'S VAN and STORAGE CO. Auto or Horse Vans. Tyler 1200. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 840. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1606 Davenport. Doug. 2908. BROWN TRANSFER CO. Prompt Service Tyler 966-W. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West BRICK FLATS PRACTICALLY NEW RENTAL $5,310 PRICE $46,500 Located west in a first class residence district and yet not too far out. Three buildings, each containing four flats of four rooms and bath. Each flat has separate heating plants,, etc. Oak wood work and floors; tiled bath room. Pres ent rentals are low and could be great ly increased without Injustice to ten ants. Might sell each building sepa rately. If you have money to Invest you should see us about this at once. Some terms can be arranged. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. Attractive Home, $4,500. Near 43d and Grant; 8 fine rooms, strictly modern and in excellent con . idltion; hot water heat, corner lot . on paved street. Only $1,000 cash required. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. Realtors. 803-4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 420. 5-Room and Sunroom $5,800 . ' All oak finish, Indirect lighti. full corner lot, garage, paved both aides. $3,400 to handle. McCague Inv. Co, Doug. 415 on week days. Mr. Erhorn. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. 700 LOTS SOLD In Minns Lusa, and only a very few left. YOUR OPPORTUNITY la passing unless you act quickly, you - will not get a lot in this wonderful ad dition that has 'been the BIGGEST SUCCESS In development and sale ever made In Omaha. $650 TO $950 for these fins lots, with all street Im provements NOW IN. Look s,t all the new additions In Omaha COUNT THE HOUSES now being built, and then look at Minns Lusa, and you will see why others are buying there. TRANSPORTATION will determine VALUES in the future. You can travel in your car from Minns Lusa to the business district, and back, over a fine, LEVEL boulevard without the danger and annoyance of the sun on your windshield. THE NORTH SIDE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 rooms, all modern, hot water heat, electric lights, all rooms nicely deco rated. Lot 50x135, south front, all paving paid. Call at 2882 Capitol Ave. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOH AN. 621 Paxton Block. Phone Tyler 4880. OMAHA real estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandeis Theat. Douz. 96. TWO six-room bungalows, 3313 and 3315 Howard street; all modern, newly painted. $7,500 buys both. Call Doug las 3424. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property Shuler & Cary. North. LOOK AT THESE $3,500 $750 CASH 5 rooms, strictly modern in fine con dition. Has two big lots with bearing fruit trees. 5633 No. 27th Ave. $3,900 $1,000 CASH 6 rooms, all modern, big lot and yard with fine hedge. An exceptionally well-built, well-arranged house. 1029 So. 48th. $3,500 $500 CASH ; SPLENDID HOME Seven rooms, oak trim throughout Located 33d and Harney streets. Sur rounded by fine homes. South front. Possession October 10. A bargain at $7,000, can make terms. H. M. CHRISTIE, ' 1320 Farnam street. Tel. Dong. 564. FOR SALE GOOD BARGAINS A 7-room all modern house right near Creighton College two, stories. A fine lot. Price 'only $4,200; one-third cash. Balance less than rent. House No. 2009 California St. ' $6,1)00 will buy a 10-room house at 2210 Webster St. Lot 66x132. Oak floors in house, hot water heating plant. Fine garage. $1,500 cash. Balance less " J?B. ROBINSON, . REALTOR. ' DOUG. 8097. 442 BEE BLDG. NEAR BEMIS PARK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6-room modern cottage, garage, fruit and shade trees. Property in good re pair, close to school IV, blocks to Har ney car line. Price. $3,500 on reason able terms, with possession at once. J. L. HIATT CO., SEVEN-ROOM. BRICK $11,500 East front, located Just south of Lock wood addition at the crest of the hill on lot 57x225. Dandy living room, din ing room and kitchen down. Three large bedrooms above and enclosed sleeping porch. Oak floors throughout. Douglas garage. This was built for a home by one of Omaha's best brick contractors and will be a comfortable one for you. We will be glad to show you through. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. CHOICE location, comfortable seven-room house and bath; completely modern; full cmened basement, sleeping porch, Rsrage, and standard furnace; oak fln- ih downstairs, birch and ivory up stairs; fireplace bookcases, kitchen cab inet, tile hath.' laundry chute, shower an.i Indirect ray fixtures,, all complete. Harney 4616, ' T rooms, modern except " heat; two blocks to car. 2447 Hartman Ave. $6,250 ONE-HALF CASH Little country home, almost In heart of the city; 6 rooms, strictly modern. In fine shape. Four big lots with nu merous apple snd cherry trees; cur rant and gooseberry bushes. 2444 Hartman Ave. Will accept liberty bonds on any of these. Sundays call Walnut 1046, or Colfax 1923. Porter-Wendell R. E, Co., 680 Br. Th. Bldg. Uougi 9206. SOME GOOD HOMES $1750 Six-room house, at 4528 Burdette St., with a south front lot 44x128, on small payments. $2000 Five-room cottage, modern except heat, with a large lot 88x132, at 27th and Wirt Sts. $2600 Six-room modern house, at 1908 No. 23th St., three rooms and recep tion hall on the first floor, three rooms and bath on the second floor; east front lot 42x120. $2000 Seven-room house, for two families, has two complete bathrooms; with some repairs will rent for $40 per month. $2600 Seven-room house, modern except furnace; four rooms and bath on the . first floor; three sleeping rooms on the second floor; large basement, with a good cement floor; east front lot 50x124, at 3812 No. 21st St.; terms $350 cash. $2750 Six-room house, fully modern, at 2876 Binney St., on a south front lot 44x132, $4200 Ten-room modern house, with hot water heat; large basement, with laundry; two fireplaces; large ce ment porches; south front lot 68x 128, with a garage; at 2416 Man derson St. $3850 Nine-room modern house, In Kountze place, has new roof, new furnace; large porches; lot 60x124; on Pinkney St. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1294. REALTOR. - Webster 2688. Miller Park District on . Prettiest Mile A 7-room house with prettiest loca tion of Florence Blvd.; has large porch extending across and front and side; vestibuled entrance; living room 13x20 feet across front, with seat, fireplace and bookcase; large dining room with door opening on side porch, and French door leading Into a delightful sun room, with south and east exposure, having plenty of light and ventilation; nicely arranged kitchen with large pantry and broom closet, rear stairway, clothes chute and Tear porch with bullt-ln ice box into kitchen. Second floor consists of bath room with large medicine closet, linen closet, three nicely arranged bed rooms with large closets, sun porch. Full cement basement with hot water heat and water heater, laundry room and fruit rsom; large lot 60x237 feet, having nearly an acre of ground, cy clone cave. Thla house Is surrounded by pretty, homes and a great abundance of shade trees, and any one looking for a real home with lots of ground should see this place. Price 18,000.00; $3,000.00 cash. Sunday call A. R. Thatcher, Colfax 460. NORRIS & NORRIS., 1502 Dodge Bt. Phone Douglas 4270. Is the logical residence district of ths future and Mlnne Lusa Is the center. Interesting developments for the North Side will soon be announced. Call up today for plat CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY, REALTORS. 743 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg Tyler 187. MILLER PARK FRAME AND STUCCO DOUBLE GARAGE HOT WATER HEAT Beautiful 6-room frame and stucco home on ' Kansas ' avenue facing Miller -park; oak throughout, all built-in fea tures, hot water heat, double - garage. Property In fine repair. A real home. Price, $8,600. Call us for an appoint J. L. HIATT CO., REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. North, KOUNTZE PARK AD DITION For sals by owner, two-story stucoo house of six rooms and nice sleeping fiorch, modern In every respect; paneled Ivlng room and dining room with beamed ceilings; bullt-ln pantry and buffet; all oak downstairs; oak floors upstairs with enameled woodwork and mahogany doors; full cement basement; extra good furnace. This Is a very at tractive house and a good home. Can be shown by appointment Price $4,000. B. E. AUSTIN, TYLER 786. KOUNTZE PLACE 8-ROOM MODERN $4,250 8-room, strictly modern horns at 14th avenue and Binney Sts. Oak through out, full basement, furnace heat, proper ty In fine repair. Improvements alone worth the money. About $1,000 cash; balance monthly. J. L. HIATT CO., Onn FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO mwr ninn tvi.f.h W TYLER BEST BUY IN OMAHA BUILT FOR A HOME POSSESSION OCT. 1 WALK IN, LOOK IT . OVER . 8-r. new, strictly modern; oak. S baths, paving paid, on car, 2708 Fort. Owner leaving city: will sacrifice. CHAPEK, Brandeis Theater Bldg. D. 6534. 2706 CAMDEN AVE., This 6-room part modern house Is a good buy on the payment plan. Price reasonable. Terms easy. 5902 NO. 33D ST. Buy this practically new house. Own er Is a non-resident and wants It sold at once. Best nfer, cash or payments, buys It. See today and make offer. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200 608 Bee Bldg. 19TH & CALIFORNIA 132x145 $18,000 Wonderful location for large garage building. Frame Improvements will help carry this investment until you ars ready to Improve. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATES-IMPROVED. North. 2920 NORTH 25TH. Nina rooms, hot water heat, strictly , modern, 1 bathrooms. Could be used for 1 families., $1,600 down, balance 4 6er cent 'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 101$ Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougias 8716. CLOSE IN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, all on ons floor, In good condition; nlcs level lot, with (a- ' rage, paved street and paid for. Price $3,000. Ths owner is eccupylng the house, so you can see It any time. Lo cated 663 So. 21st St Call Mr. Theo- . dore at Tyler 1813-J or Douglas 4670. New 5-Room Bungalow STRICTLY MODERN, SOUTH FRONT. $1,000 down, price $4,000 $30 month. All one floor, 5 nlcs large rooms, In splendid condition. This was built for a home; paving and all specials In and paid for. A real buy. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. . MUST SELL - This eight-room, strictly modern home, hot water heat, fine location. 2 2d and Wirt Sts. Owner leaving city per manently; very reasonable for cash. oFr further information phone COLFAX 154 8-R. MOD., garage, nearly new, eh at $4,260. $1,000 rash, bal. $36 per mo. 5- r. mod. ex. heat. 1413 N. 18th. $1,800. 6- r. mod., at 42d and Cuming, $3,150. 5-r. mod., near 29th and Indiana, $4,400. $800 cash. Morearty &'Conboy, Bes Bldg. D. 3841 Tyler 467T-W. JUST COMPLETED Five-room bungalow, strictly modern and a high grade place, oak finish, white enamel for bed rooms, walla dec orated, south front lot paved street, lo cated at 8510 Grand Ave., house open for inspection from 2 p. m. to 5, RASP BROTHERS. Realtors. 218 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 5-R. STRICTLY MODERN SEE THIS AND YOU WILL BUT IT. $750 DOWN, PRICE $3,150, $30 MONTH. Splendid shade trees, south front, large lot, only two blocks to street car, fine porch, large living and dining room, fine kitchen, cemented basement with solid brick foundation, two large bedrooms and bath second floor. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. NEW 7-R., STRICTLY MODERN CHOICE LOCATION BUNGALOW TYPE. Prico $5,500; part cash. Splendid shade, large lawn. Choice silver oak finish. Large living and dining room, kitchen with built-in cabinets; also large bed room or den on first floor; 3 fine bed rooms, large closets on second. This Is very attractive and a special bargain.' Call Tyl.;r 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. AAA FIRST NATIONAL iW BANK BLDG. PHONE CO TYLER W COZY COTTAGE HOME 6-ROOM, 2 LOTS, , $3,500 3108 Corby St., 6-r. cottage, modern except furnace, first class condition; two lots, fine shade trees, fruit, chicken and pigeon bouse, cistern; base burner, gas heater, shades, curtain rods and linoleum go with house. Owner leav ing city; possession soon. Terms, $700 cash, balance $35 a'month, which In cludes Interest. Call Mr. Shotwell, Doug. 6013, N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge Sts. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. NEW PRESSED BRICK BUNGALOW $6,000 Strictly modern, oak finish, bullt-ln features, Including buffet, fine fireplace and mantel, largo basement with furnace and laundry room, extra well built. 8-ROOM HOUSE 1314 N. 35th St. Oak finish, large'hot water plant, good location, $6,500. 2407 S. 17th St. All modern. 6 rooms, $2,750, terms. i 2739 Ellison Ave. 6 rooms, all modern, $4,000, terms. HARROW & GILCHRIST. Red t3TII. Office open Sunday. GOOD MODERN HOME 9-ROOM, WANT, OFFER 112 North 40th St.. having hall, par lor, dining room finished in oak. kitchen, butler's pantry and ice box room on first floor; four bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor; one bed room finished in attic. Full cemented basement, good furnace. Choice east front lot with paved alley at rear. Non resident owner desires to sell. Immedi ate possession. Price aqked $7,500.00. Key at our office. Call Mr. Shotwell, Doug. 6013. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge Sts. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE FOR $4,800. A nice home, In best of order, with hot water heat, large room on the second floor unfinished; south front lot 60x124, . on Templeton St, W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 1 Douglas 1294. REALTOR. Webster 2688. 5-R. Classy Strictly Mod. Bungalow MILLER PARK. SOUTH FRONT, CHOICE Price $5,200. Part Cash. Choieo oak floors and finish. All built In features. Lot Is 75x125. Splendidly well built Cost $6,000 to duplicate this house. A real buy. See thla and you will buy It Call Tyler 496. otBOKNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. Classy Semi-Bungalow Brand new. Frame construction. Fine location on corner lot In Montclalr Ad dition. First floor has large living room across front of house. Fine dining room with built-in buffet and paneled walls. Upstairs has two fine bedrooms and bath. Enameled and mahogany finish. Oak floors. Tastily decorated through out. Full plastered basement. A classy place, complete In every detail and well worth the price, $6,400. For appoint ment to see this, call Walnut 1680. MONTCLAIR ADDITION Fine eight-room house with good lot; lfirge living room across the house, with fireplace; nice dining room, sun room ind kitchen with built-in features; two bedrooms, sewing room, enolosed Bleep ing porch and bath upstairs; also attic Good basement and hot air heat. Price 87,500. Call Graham-Peters Realty Co. Red 653; evenings. Walnut 1103. 6 rooms, modern, east front lot, psved street, garage. Close to schools . and car line. This Is best bargain In city today. House not new but In good con dition. Price, $3,500. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Block. Phone Ty. 4880. 4-Room Bungalow Only $2,100. Pay down $200 and you can live in your own home, monthly payments only $20. $ blocks to car. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax m. MOUNT CLARE ADDITION. Besntlful five-room stucco bungalow; oak and white enamel finish through out; floored attic; lot 47x150; price $5,200; easy terms. Ryan. Colfax 3162. NICE 6-room bungalow and 75-ft. lot. Garage, chicken house, etc. East front $2,200, on terms. Inter-State Realty Co., 2520 Farnam. Tyler 4818. 6 ROOM modern, oak floors, lot 40x128, eloss to car and publto sohooL Ons of best bargains In city today. JOHN T. BOHAN, - 621 Paxton Block. Phons Ty. 4888. TOR COLORED. 8-room, strictly modern home; paved street close to car, only 81.660, on small payments. Johnson, Webster 4160. ' 1123 NO. 46TH ST. 6-R. CORNER LOT. NOT MODERN. $160 CASH. CREIGH SONS & CO., 608 BEE BLDG. D. 100. SOUTH front lot. with garage, fruit snd shade: Fontenelle Blvd. and Grand Ave, 81.176. Norrls tt Norrla. Douirlas 4170. MINNB LUSA homes and lots offer ths best opportunity to Invest vour money. Phone Tyler 181. GOING to Colo. My modern 7-room home, with or without furniture. Garage. 3016 North 14th Ave. B. A. Clark. 6-ROOM modern home, with sleeping; porch, large lot, only 14,600. Johnson. Webster 4150.' WE will sell your home within 10 days. R. F. Clary Co., 1404-08 Ames avenue. Colfax 175. 6-ROOM white stucco house, modern ex cept gas; price, $6,800. Walnut 1164. 45th and Pierce Sts.; BARGAIN Direct from owner, 7-room house, all modern. Call Webster 4847, forenoons. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; 60 foot lot, paving paid, good location. $2,500. Webster 8818. - - - 7-ROOM modern house and bath, walking distance from postoffice, at a bargain. Call Web. 386 between 10-12 a. m. I 7-ROOM house, hot water heat 6134 North 23d St. South. 7-ROOM MODERN CLOSE-IN, $4,600 325 No. 26th St., 7-r. modern home In good condition, not old, sightly loca tion, on small lot, but good Value, pav ing all paid Terms, $2,100 cash, bal ance on or before five years at 6 per cent Do not disturb the tenants, will be shown by appointment. Call Mr. Shotwell, Doug. 6013, N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge Bts. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. TEN-room house, three lots, two-thirds actual value. High, sightly location. One of the most- comfortable moderate priced homes In the city. Parlor, liv ing room, dining room, den, bedroom, with lavatory and toilet and kitchen on first floor; four bedrooms, and tiled , bath on second floor; hot water heat ing plant; laundry in basement South front, room for two more houses. Streets paved on both sides; $1,000 . garage. Must be sold by October 10. Inquire owner. Box S-2. Omaha Bee. Why Worry BARGAINS IN HOMES SEE THESE TODAY 2708 Fort, 8-r., new, mod. snap. 14th and Ames, 6-r. bung., 2 lots. $2,800. 1618 Ohio, 8-r., mod. ex. ht, $2,000. 3005 N. 30th, 5-r., new, mod. bung., $3,600. Bemls Park, 5-r. new, mod. bung., $3,500. 48th and Ames, 1 lots, small Imp., $600. Well located, 6-r. mod, 106x140, $4,600. 19th and Hamilton, 6-r. mod. cottage, $2,850. 2726 Pinkney, 7-r., mod, $3,850. CHAPEK, Brand. Thea. Bldg. D. 5634. , 4404 PRATT ST. 6-room cottage, all on one floor; elec tric light, city water and toilet. Good cement basement and dandy fine lot, all in good shape. Vacant Sept 22. Price $3,250; terms to good party. BIRKETT & CO. 250 Bes Bldg. Douglas 633. A 6-ROOM house, strictly modern, cen trally located, irice 12,750. R. S. TRUMBULL, Tyler 785. , 1306 First Nat'Bk. Bldg. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, ATTENTION! Ws have for sale a good substantial house In Kountze place, with a full cor ner lot, paving all paid. This property belongs to a non-resident. Price $3,500. The house needs two new floors and some other Inexpensive repairs. After it is Ilxed up It ought to sell for $4,500 to $5,000. Don't miss this chance. There are mighty few such bargains In Omaha. DUMONT & CO., , REALTORS. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. You can live In this cozy three-room house and raise your own vegetables and fruit on two large lots. Price $1,400, $150 cash down and $15 per month; lo- rated at 4208 Laurel avenue; take Grand avenue car and walk 8 blocks north from there. R. F. CLAY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. $5,500 rooms, hot water heat, strictly mod ern, 2 bathrooms, could be used for 2 families, $1,500 down, balance 6 per cent. Located 1 block to 24th street car, near school O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. NEW OAK BUNGALOW Brand new bungalow just being com pleted. Oak floors throughout Full basement: nice east front lot on paved street. Dandy arrangement with 6 nice rooms. Price $4,750. Terms, $760 cash and balance like rent- Bedford-Johnston Co., 612 World-Herald Bldg. Doug. 1784. BOULEVARD LOT $950 Non-resident owner offers nice level lot facing east on Florence boulevard, all special taxes paid. Size 41x124. Good site to build bungalow cottage. Call Mr. Shotwell, Doug. 601$. N. W. Cor. 18th Rnd Dodge Sts. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. " $15,000 Nine rooms with two bathrooms and , double garage on N E. corner 38tb Ave. and Davenport St. To duplicate thla property will cost $18,000 and more. D. C, Patterson, 803 N. JSth Ava, . BUNGALOWS Your choice of four fins five-room bungalows, prices range from $4,000 to $5,600; about H cash down, balance monthly, all In good neighborhood, shown only by appointment Call Sunday Colfax 1243. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Aye. Colfax 178. SEE THIS TODAY"" 6 rooms, full two stories, all modern, with oak floors and finish throughout, screened porches, Round Oak furnace, east front, at 1608 N. 36th St Priced at $5,250: $2,250 cash. WATSQN ' & BRENAN, iteai jienanie rteaity." Tyler 4506. 644 World-Herald Bldg. 12-Room Modern Pressed Brick 66-Foot Lot, $8,750 One-third Cash Has slate roof, four fireplaces, solid oak and southern gum finish, six bed rooms, garage with slate roof; old but genteel neighborhood. 829 Pine St. Call McCague Inv. Co., week days. Douglas , 415. Mr. Erhorn. $5,750 8-room strictly all modern, with sleeping porch. Lot t0x!27, paved street, paving all paid. Terms, $1,800 cash, balance monthly payments. Located within four blocks of Hanacom park; near two car lines. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Building. Douglas 2715. GOOD FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. This la a good 6-room and sleeping porch bungalow In a beautiful location in Hanscom Park district; close to car and schools; hot water heat, good gar age and full size east front Int. See us regarding this. Price, $6,500 and $2,500 rash will handle. FINSON INVESTMENT COMPANY, 536 First National Bank Bldg. Phone, Tyler 5025. Omsha, Neb. DANDY BARGAIN. Five rooms and bath, all modern, large lot, near car Una and school, 2214 S. 26th. Must be sold. See us if Inter ested. Good terms. 1 p. j. tebbens co:,; 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 1182. Hanscom Park District Five-room, all modern, new bunga low; built-in features; south front; corner lot Price $5,700; $2,000 cash, balance terms. C. C. BEAVERS, ' Douglas 2450. 760 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $200 CASH. 252$ Hamilton St. A nlcs 5-rootn cot tage, modern but heat $1,800, on very easy payments. Also a 6-room houso at 2616 Burdette 8t., modern but heat with fine lot, for $2,500. Arrange to show you any time. Call Tyler 1812-J. 12 INVESTMENT" Two good houses, elegant location, all modern; $7,000 for both. Terms. k ' Iowa-Nebraska , , Investment Co., 644 Bee Bldg. DANDY 4-R. COTTAGE Modern, except heat, fine lot; $500 down, price $2,00020 months. This ta a cozy horns and a real bargain. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE, 430 BEE BLDG. SEVEN-ROOM house at 24th and Center! 4 rooms down, oak finished; 3 bedrooms and bath up, pine finished; fins 2 -room basement; large lot and garage. Price $4,200. Graham-Peters Realty Co. Red 653. Evenings. Walnut 1103. FOR SALE 9-room modern houae, lo cated at 4220 South 25th street A large lot and garage. Priced at quick sale for' $6,600. $1,000 cash will han dle this. Phons South 4549. DANDY 4-room house, two nice lots. Fln barn, chicken house. Good well. Gas. Sewers paid. Possession October 1. $1,960. 1622 S. 88th St. ONLY $2,000. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. MODERN EXr-Kpx HEAT. TERMS. 8035 PINKNEY. HANSCOM Park residence, 10 rooms, well riaiiR.u mr large ismiiy or roomers, well located, fins furnace, oak floors. 1326 8. 30th avenue. Phone Harnev 6346. FOR SALE Immediate possession; strict- ij iiii'uvrii, i-ruvm anu oain; newly ps pered; first floor oak finish; east and south front Telephone South 116. ENTIRELY modern cottage, paved street. iito cr service, e,evu casn. writ Bee. Box M-66. HANSCOM Park home, sleeping porch, ' ni.MB, HUIf TCitffli. 1420 CO. ZiQ. Ot Get terms. Miscellaneous. $3,600 7 rooms, modern, close In; $6,600 8 rooms, water heat, close In; bargain 68.000 house, lot 66x131. business, a P. Stehblns. 1610 Chicago. ' " FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on boulevard. $1,600. C. D. ArnsX strong, 125-1 Seourltlaa Bid. .