Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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7 B
Th pr mmm mm mm wrih,
All to aajr, , '
Thrr rkk la boaut wrtfc
Wka mtn4 u4 Ua4 oaploy. '
Cod hat latruttod
All to mother,
Whoa tli to font,
Thtro k m ethor.
d) dloppin vim Jolly
jii i
When nation it covered with the clouds of war, eyer that have
loved sunshine are forced to adapt themselves to the darker views oflife.
' And even when the storm has spent itself, the traces of cloud that
re left slip in front of the sun sometimes and hide it for a little time.'
So it has been with our country in the 10 months just gone by.
Naturally the vision of a people cannot readjust its focus instantly
to see and understand the meaning of the clearing sky.
But now the clouds are scattering fast and the whole sky will soon,
we hope, be blue and radiant. ,
It is good to see the sun and to be confident that its rays of Optimism
and Prosperity will put the fog and clouds effectively to rout
A Jewel of Enchantment
lo Ada wharm to a
Whole Lifetime.
DISTINCTIVE, mystic loveliness
characterizes a ring I've just
viewed at the Edholm Jewel Shop,
Sixteenth and Harney streets, irre
sistibly embodying the romance of
the ages. : With offerings of the
whole world pf art at hand the art
ist designer has chosen three dia
monds of purest beauty to fashion
an exquisite loveliness that can
have no counterpart. Long, slender,
mirror-cut, the center stone a bit
longer than that at either side, the
arrangement at once attains such a
wondrous effect that the consumma
tion of the designer's dream must
have been one of his life's triumph
ant moments. The facets of the
new cutting glint with imprisoned
sunshine, a visualization of all the
sun-flooded, flower-filled gardens of
the world's beauty places, a gra
cious loveliness of brilliant stones
worthily held in gracefully wrought
I'd like to follow the beaten road that leads to a
littletown, j i '
Where I dreamed my dreams by the passing
streams that ran 'tween banks of brown;
I'd like to drift back on the tides of content and
stroll on a gem-starred beach,
In quest of the time when hopes were mine and
joy dwelt in my reach;
When I visioned aday and a wonderful way when
marvelous things should be.
When the city's noise was made of joys that
thrilled, in the nerves of me.
I'd like to go back to the work and the play and
Struggle again with the plans
That I meant should live through the strength I'd
give in the labor of my hands;
Of Definite Distinction
A RE the bags on
ThnmniiMi - RUn'
I'd like to sense for a single day the urge and the
grim "Iwiir v
That forced me through when the joys were few,
and shadows rimmed the MIL
I'd like to goback on the beaten road that I fol
lowed away from home, j
And linger a while where memoriessmile in my
childhood's first abode;
Where I met each morn with a mood serene and a
face that was free from frown,
And the birds sang hud from the gray fleece-cloud
, - as they gaily circled down,
Oh, tell me. stranger, the road that leads to that
village of yesterday!
I long, to go, but alas, I know that I cannot find
the way!
"Pie Lost Trail, by Grace E. Hall.
New Versions of Autumn Modes. Hat and Veil Combination
"ODELS distinguished by tail- Charmant.
oring and style niotitfs of un- TOTHING brings quite such
Magic A Wantable Frock
- TS fashioned of Poiret twill in navy TM"
display at 1 wjtj, crintinz color in a Roman AVA
Thompson - Belden's. Shell .trioed ribbon gold and blue vestee. usually high character, revealing the feeling of being well and ap-
J " - I . . I - M-- O.m . . . . . .
pat and
frames of different colors are proud Most noticeably ravishing is the long j' "5 "Jj?10! ce l!fffid PPritely dressed as
nouj '"""us oags wnose soM tucked ls dow h ide Ai T,,...i ru" nA veil ot gracetul becomingness.
The Creation of a New Home
la the Gift-Giver's Opportunity.
USEFUL, practical gifts, with a
touch of the artistic, have an
enduring charm in every home, and
just such gifts are to be found in the
shop of John Henrickson, the Loyal
Jeweler, Hotel Loyal Bldg., 16th
and Capitol avenue. The very fact
that this firm has been established
of the skirt while correspondingly floor Securities Bldg., Sixteenth and
lovely are the narrow string belt and Farnam in an environment of sunny
banding which runs through tailored loveliness. Such a pleasure to relax
Mashes at either side of the vestee. xint0 on ' their wicker chairs and
The height of fashion loveliness is view the season's vast collection of
reached in this modish walkinsr exquisueiy aiyiea irocK, suus,
blouse trotteur. You'll find this but
one of the many ravishing models at
Herzberg's, 1517 Douglas.
coats, blouses and petticoats in the
natural light from the windows
which run from floor to ceiling on
two sides of this fashion shop.
Fall Neckwear of Supreme
Richness. .'
Just Returned From the East
TT ITH welcome style news from platinum.
" the Nu-Bone factory, is Mrs.
Hattie Pujnam of the Nu-Bone Cor
set Shop,1 502 Karbach Block, Fif
teenth and Douglas. Corset models,
new and lovely, for the fall brides,
as well as all the silken dainties
that delight hearts of ladies fair
the world over she'll now show in
her shop envelope chemises, bras
sieres, of lace' and satin, finely
woven shirts, sheerly practical. Send
for the Nu-Bone corset measure
ment order blanks. '
Black and gold Imported velvet
fashions the shade on a gold painted
' Japanese lamp which stands in state
on a distinctive wooden base. Long
silken cords hanging at either side
are a graceful finish.
Hats Blocked and Reblocked
AT the Kruger Hat Shop, 301
Barker block,' save dollars for
the thrifty. Feathers and marabou
, may be brought to new and artistic
usefulness by this, shop's renewing
and refashioning. Closed on Satur
days after 2 o'clock.
c . ' '
Greatly to be Envied
ARE those who wear with effect
the season's rose and red hats,
Brown eyes she should have, most
certainly, Milady Coquettish, eyes to
gather restful charm on donning the
broad-rimmed rose hat of tucked
erowa and ermine tail trim, which
I saw the other day at the F. M.
Schadell Hat shop, Sixteenth and
Douglas. Or the vivid red with
cut-back brim and facing of taffeta,
'whose tucked crown holds loops of
ribbon. ' The modish Miss will find
that special care has been taken in
this shop to prepare . for her hats
"of voguish becomingness such as a
gray-blue moire ribbon hat stitched
in heavy pink stitchings.
New neck throws are of double
faced ribbon tassel weighted. Taupe
and French blue, black and (tur
quoise, navy and French blue,
striped,' they re witching little af
fairs for early fall wear for $5.75.
For Those Who Love the Great
. Out-of-doors.
ARE the leather aviator coats on
sale at the Townsend Gun Co.
1514 Farnam. Cut on swaggerish
smart lines,-they're many of them
lined in corduroy. Sister might well
be pleased to borrow one of these
clever coats when 'she fares forth
iff the car (they're to be had in
sizes 42 and 44.) Reversible wool
lined, are long coats to comfort
many a driver on cross-country
trips. If you recall what a time
we had last year finding all wool
, buttoned and belted sweaters for
twon three and four-year old tots
last year, I'm sure you'll all order
those offered in this shop for $5.
la Riotous Colors to Coax the
Jealousy of Flowers
ARE the new color combinations
embroidered at the Ideal Button
& Pleating company, 305 Brown
Block, Sixteenth and Douglas. A
glinting frock of brown tricolette
has rows of brown and gold em
broidery to grace its long Russian
blouse. Tricolette covered buttons
parade in rows on sleeves and blouse
and finish the ends of the long, slim
sash. Suede tricotine and poiret
twill lend themselves to fascinating
designs in gold thread and Japanese
embroideries. Soft duvetyne dresses
show all-over embroidery in fl0ss
outline stitching, weighted in heavy
fringing. Countless combinations,
made possible by joining of fanci
ful stitchery, trigly tailored effects
due to artfully fashioned buttons
of different shapes. And you should
see the pleated skirts for separate
wear with long tunics, others in
combinations with long-lined frock
blouses These are both accordion
box and side pleated. Send for
this shop's free illustrated booklet.
Fitall Adjustable Toilet Kits
TN SOFT fin seal or brilliantly
lovely patent leathers are con
venient carry-alls for filling with
one's own toilet articles favorite
requisites, and are so attractive that
stirred silk linings disclose color's that train-gift nothing could
or wondrous loveliness. Uddly
shaped framing of tortoise and
silver, some of them jewel studded,
many of them holding silken fab
rics combined luxuriously, fascinat
ingly with tapestry ribbons. Che
nille tassels, charming note of femi
ninity, sway gracefully from most
of these bags beautiful. Patent
handbags of ultra-smartness are to
be had for most reasonable sums,
these with gleaming bit of metal
finish, while the hew fine-meshed
gunmetal, silver and gold bags may
be had for as low as $5.00. If you'll
tell me the color scheme of your
costume, I'll take pleasure in, sug
gesting a bag accessory.
Miss Fourteen will love the navy
poiret twill frock I've found whose
upturned tucks seem to call atten
tion to the gold and blue embroid
ery. Pumpkin gold is a loose yoke
collar, while a string girdle dangles
sash ends at the left.
A Special Laced Shoe Model
IN DARK brown glazed kid is
offered at the Kinney Shoe
Co., 16th and Capitol, for $6.98. All
. leather, these boots have either
wooden or leather N Louis heels, a
true economy, they're a most wel
come addition to the. fall wardrobe.
Full booted silk Onyx silk hose to
' match are but 98 cents. If you like
to tramp far out in the country on
these lovely autumn days, you'll
find most acceptable the walking
shoes in black and brown. This shop
carries a comprehensive selection
of men's shoes in all colors and
leathers, also children's shoes of
sturdy stylfulness. A shoe shop
you'll find well worth a visit.
An ermine scarfe of supreme artis
try is over fourteen yards long. A
chic border is formed of tiny tails
laid flat along the edge.
A Good Salad Is Always Refreshing
An Ideal Gift Shop.
TS the Sommers Specialty Shop,
A next door south to the Brandeis A LL of the new shades and styles
Theater, Seventeenth and Douglas, of silk neckwear are represented
where may be found all that's de- in the fall showing at the J. T. Mc-
licious in delectable dainties. For QuiHen Shop, 1512 Farnam street.
. Most noticeaDiy are tney ngurea in
"woodsy" designs, softly tinted
. mergings of colors. Dull green and
browns, rich burgundy and blue,
combination of extreme (style for
, men of fastidious preferences. Fash
ioned much more narrow than for
merly arc these new four-in-hands,
Millinery department, Fifteenth and
Farnam, tell a style story of Gage
hats, bronze, brown and black, each,
draped in a veil to fill every modish
hand-sewed, finished 4 exquisitely, ideal of Dame Fashion. One of the
nicer than the package of delicacies
which Mr. Sommers will prepare
at a moment's notice. Maron's
Glace, figs, raisins, nuts, candies
and home-made cake with rich
Curious, fantastic . arrangements
of ostrich feathers continue to be
the indoor sport of milliners and
dressmakers. No longer are these
feathers applied to the gown in
bunches or as a fringe. Dress
makers with imagination make
flowers of ostrich feathers, or use
them to outline embroidery. They
a.e also used as collars in some
curious design; they are built ,into
tassels, and they make entire
sleeves, short though they are.
While in the City During f
VISIT the Kase Studio, 215
Neville Block, Sixteenth and
Harney, tor a little course ot in
each showinsr a slio-easy band in
back of soft satin. Richly artistic
ties, they range in price from $1.50
up. ,
There's a Mystic Cosiness in Drift-
ing Clouds of Incense
AND the little incense burners are
essentially attractive. The
Alia Shop, 07 South Eighteenth
street, has shelf after shelf of these
delightful little burners. Especially
lovely is a cloisonne in,, dull blue,
windows of the Nebraska Clothing since 1882 is an expression of the
enduring qualities ot tne goods soia
there. A house where personal
service abounds, they're offering as '
gifts for the fall bride sterling sil
verware as a fulfillment of the gift
demand for use, beauty and perma
nency.. Also, they're featuring
. Libby and Hawkes cut glass of bril
liant loveliness. You'll find thejr
prices pleasantly modest.
Just Returned From Fashion
Showings in the East.
MR. L. KNEETER, exclusive la-,
dies tailor, 2d floor, 16th ands
Howard, brings us interesting style
news of everything that's new and
beautiful in eastern fashion centers.
He reports autumn suits following
straight lines, the skirts being plain
and only slightly wider the coats
ionger and more elaborate. That
simplicity of line and treatment are
the distinguishing traits of the
Paris wraps. Sumptuously rich fab
rics in colors of luxurious timings,
he prophecies a season of modish
A Scientific Foundation for Milady's
Fall Wardrobe.
A SCIENTIFIC foundation may
be achieved in the fitting of a
corset by Mrs. D. A. Hill, corset
specialist in her exclusive fitting
rooms at 205 Neville Building, Six-,
teenth and Harney. Smoothing the
natural silhouette to graceful pro
portions her fittings are the founda
tions of the ultra-smart and correct
autumn costumes. When you visit
Omaha during Ak-Sar-Ben week,
.visit her for a foundation fitting be
fore purchasing your new gown or
suit or send for a complete measure
blank for out-of-town orders.
most alluring is, a wide and fine
mesh combination fulled onto a
high- collar of ultra-voguishnesi, fin
ished in criso pleatings. It's a veil
to strike a spark of admiration in
the beholder. Soft lace lends itself
most charmingly to another veil
hanging straight to the shoulders,
whose edge is finished in heavy che
nille design. Fulfilling every veil
ideal, they're to be had in black,
navy, brown and taupe.
. 'i
Loopedsilk embroidery floss is a
favorite trimming. ' "'
For the' Boudoir, Bath or Small
room During the Cool Days of
) Spring and Early Fall.
OEFORE the furnace is started
y or for drying the hair after a
shampoo, the Estate heater, on sale
.at the Nelson Electric company,
406 South Sixteenth street, is ideal.
The heat from cosily glowing lit
tle electric wires cunningly placed
is reflected in a copper background,
the whole on an artistic standard,
and base of brown. Delightfully
. warmth-giving, its a wonderfully
comfortable home convenience at
v $10.75. i
One of the Best Arguments
WHY one should make her old
coat last another season is a
visit to the coat departments of the
shops. There you'll find wool coats
priced at $200. Does it not then,
behoove us to have a reckoning with
our wardrobes? If you have an old
coat, r.o matter how badly faded, if
the material is good the Pantorium
can dye it in one of the popular -shades
of brown, burgundy, blue or
black. When desired, they make al
terations and reline the garments -along
the lines of the newest mode.
By spending $12 or $15 you can have
your coat dyed, relined and made to
look like, well perhaps not "a mil- :
lion dollars" but certainly like a $100
garment. '
Sometimes the shprt sleeves ar
cut in kimono blouses, and are then .
rather large in circumference, sim
ply, chopped off a few inches be
low the shoulders. These are fin--ished
with a little rolled-back cuff.
Some of the newest Georgette
they look like smart hand-bags go
ing to and fro from the dressing
room of the Pullman, or form a
smart accompaniment for the week
end motor trip. Ideal as a gift for
Miss College, , they're but $12.50.
Any college lad would delight in
substantially smart bags such as
shown in the sketch, while Mr. Pro
fessional Stay-at-home would be
overjoyed by a new brief case such
as those this shop of lustrous leath
ers shows in brown and black leath
er, ranging in price from $2.50 to
$35. These ar,e shown at the Oma
ha Printing company, Thirteenth
and Farnam streets.
T3 UT it is especially enjoyed when
eaten in the Walnut room at
Candyland, f522 Farnam street. Here
in the cozy light shed under awnings
outside the French leaded windows
you'll be served with delectable
luncheon dishes, soups, smooth and
creamy, appetizing salads, cold
meats, cream, rich and foamy, on
dairy cereals, crisp, golden buttered
toast The frozen fountain dainties
are winning new friends every after
noon and . evening after the show.
When you're hungry for "something"
and don't know just what it is, you'll
find it on the Candyland menus.
There's a Maxfield Parrish Window
AT Hospe's, 1513 Douglas, ' this
week which displays pictures of
distincitive loveliness. These are
the pictures of dreamlike beauty '
which frame so effectively in the
color-splashed polychrome. The
glowing "Rubaiyat" and dreamy i
blue "Garden of Allah." They're
showing standard frames, richly
lovely, for single and double pic
tures. Tulle tunics on some of the new
black frocks are embroidered with
silk floss. The embroidery gives
the tulle just that body which makes
it more rich and interesting.
Welcome to Our Cityl 1
VERY welcome indeed is the
new Graceland Sweet Shop,
West Center street road, (Walnut
4539). Delightfully new, immacu
lately clean, the entire stucco bun
galow, brilliantly lighted, has been
converted into dining rooms for the
serving of delectable country style
chicken dinners, with hot rolls of
dainty wholesomeness, appetizing
salads, richly crisp, perfectly cooked
potatoes and vegetables coffee
the fitting accompaniment of such
(JeliciousnesS. Fountain dainties
and sandwiches for those who do
not wish to leave their cars; con
venient dressing rooms for those
wishing; to restrain stray tresses.
or powder dainty noses, make this
a shop of welcome innovation.
Metallic embroidered finger strap
coin purses, very new and charm
ing, in purple and gold, also gold
and black, are $3.75.
gold and black for $4.25. Fascinating
is an ivorv Satsuma ware on a red
wood base for $2, while fragrantly blouses are being adorned with floral
struction on the use of a kodak, colorful are the lavendar and gold designs in bright-colored wools.
Mr. Kase, an expert in the picture ?oUe,yrnls0n ea.kwood 1 !" This is an effective trimming and
line, will helo vou to attain snlendid AT "e?:J these blouses to have a
.....u. ii ..... t-.j j" "umcr im ui iiiwusc ucu large vogue mis tan.
j V tr m T m g0ld thread with com in the knot,
ed of. You 11 not need to take your Xhis gift box is but 50 cents and
kodak for he carries a stock of k.,. .u. i. b' w uta VH i? b v VoyS fcAWia) VU S
of Heaven."
these beauty machines, on which
he will demonstrate for you free of
charge. This is the shop of ex
quisite enlargements ravishing
Your Walla Their Dress
Their Adornment I
Play suits "Pictured" for the wee
little folks , are more attractive than
Usual this season.
Azure Metal Cloth in
Trained Evening Gown
ARE most significant in decorat
ing rooms that enshrine beauty.
The decorative staff in, the Sam
Newman Paper shop, "Eighteenth
and Farnam, are particularly noted
for the expression of personality,
dignified elegance and noble simplic
ity in each room they decorate.
You'lffind the varieties of designs
in correct, livable wall paper shown
here, incomparably lovely selec
Fashion Says Smart High Boota
. For Shorter Skirts.
AND it is upon this theory tnat
the F. & M. BootShop, Six
teenth and Farnam, have provided
for fall. ', All the newest styles and
leathers, every mode that social
functions will require from the dark
brown oxfords and the modish
walking-heeled street boots to dainty
shoes for festive occasions are to
be seen here. Pearl buttons scale
the heights of many of the new
boots, in black, beaver, browns and
gray, these from $14 to $16.50. The
"Walkin" model we found so fasci
nating this summer has arrived in
brown calfskin oxfords in both
military and high heels. These at
$8.50 to $12 are to be worn with
- j ..
tions. Send tor their free booklet, ... ca tn.
A it, rnlor h rti nut dm ""SV. ?" H".
those who love the new things ot
Silver roses, shimmerful, exquisite, are brocaded on this evening
gown of azure blue metal cloth, with under bodice of silver cloth.
Strands of pearl and crysttl beads add further beauty to the scintillant
mass of loveliness.
illustrated in color, which outlines
plans for many rooms of exquisite
Washed in silver and gold are the
newest thing in sweetmeat baskets.
This bit of precious color when
combined with striking flowers in
brilliant coloring on rose and blue
backgrounds is captivating to those
who love things new and lovely.
There's one for $1.50, a tiny blue
one, just the thing for a party prize,
while the $4.50 size is elaborate
enough to give as a pretentious gift.
Gorgeous, indeed, is a $9.50 basket 1
Intended for other uses than sweet
meats. Ak-Sar-Ben Flower Suggestions.
IN keeping with the brilliant
shades and gorgeous fabrics fav
ored by the originators of fashion,
John Bath, the florist, Eighteenth
and Farnam, offers suggestions to
enhance the loveliness of the most
exquisite Ak-Sar-Ben gowns. There's
a witchery of beauty woven into
every flower arrangement sent out
from this shop, happily conceived
ideas of subtle harmony. It would
be well to order in advance this
year, for we're all going to make
merry this night of nights in honor
of his majesty, King Ak-Sar-Ben,
when joy and regal richness reign
Ravishing indeed are the shades in
a peach bloom frock of taffeta. Fluf
fing here and there, everywhere are
dainty octrich fronds caught by
quaint stitchery of gold threads.
After a Summer Time of Arduous
MILADY'S hair is in a ruinous
state. Mrs. Gunston, Delft
Hair Parlors, Seventeenth and
Douglas, has evolved a special series
of treatments twelve for $7.50
original charm, silk moire in brown
and black tor $4 and $s.
Just off the press is a 49-page
booklet of artistic footwear show
ing photographs of fall and winter
shoe modes offered in this shop of
yoguish innovations. Send for one
of these fascinating books today,
'twill greatly facilitate 6hoe selec
tions. "
Fringe is still a feature of the
smart blouse. It is used to edge
the hem of the slip-over blouse
about the hips. ,
Furs of Softest Richness.
PERHAPS the snuggliest thing' in
the world is a fur coat Cer
tainly one could not but be prideful
as well as snuggly if she possessed
Polly's Letters Carry Style Sug
gestions for the New Season.
The pattern sent today will fash
ion a lovely little dress in the very
latest mode. Long bodice lines for
slenderizing, you know.
Brown broadcloth and taffeta
with light hair and brown eyes if
a color combination sutbly fasci
nating. .
Every color in hats, lots and lots
of bright colors in combination with
the somber background colors
their shape depending upon the in
dividual type of face. Hat buys are
always more successful when ac
companied by photograph.
Countless style of blouses Slip
over casque draped blouse models
and Russian creations of delight
ful chic. Watch the Polly columns
for sketches showing the season's
blouse trend.
Furs are helped to perfection y
duvetyne combinations.
Hair caiffing depends upon the
individual type. The new hairdress
is more than ever a face-framing
with soft fitting waves back to a
slightly higher build in the back.
Many types find a soft Japanese roll
or puff becoming indeed. Have you
seen the new pierced shell combs
and those of brilliant beauty, flash
es from countless precious jewels?
These you must know, are worn out
at the side of the head over one
No red for you Miss Blonde 1
Leave the vivid colors to the dash
ing dark-haired sister. Your beau
ty delicately dainty calls for a dainty
note in your dressing. Dull blues,
browns, relieved by dashes of bril.
liant blues, greens, copper and gold.
one of the coats they're offering at
such tempting prices at the Altiskan
Fur company, Sixteenth' and Doug
las. You'll find the showing of fur
sets in this shop well worth a visit
Especially lovely is a taupe
scarf and muff.
Stoat KlcI?-,mrk ,,uw V- K