J ;. 14 THfi BEE: OMAHA." SATURDAY. . SEPTEMBER 20. 1919. WANT AD RATES - tCaah With Order.) Jo per word.........'. .....on day Jo Pr word two consecutive day 4e pr ord. ..... .three consecutive days to per word ..four consecutive dy to per word,. five consecutive days 7o per word' six consecutive days le per word seven consecutive dsys And on cent per word each additional day. .No art laken (or lex than a total of 10c or tea than 10c per day. V CHARGE 12c per Una (count ( worad to line) 1 day lac pw line. ...(.. .two conaecutlve day too per lln .three consecutive day IJo per line. ...... .seven consecutive day 12.40 per line. .. .thirty consecutive day CARDS OF THANKS AND itNfcRAL NOTICES. - He per line..' each tnaertlon Minimum chaige, 60 cents'. Tltts rate apply either to the Daily r Sunday Bee. All- adverltsmeiit ap pear In both morning and evening dally paper for lh on charge. Contract Rate on Application. for convenience of advertiser, want d will be accepted at the following of fice: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building A me Offlc 4410 North 20th St. Park Office 2616 Leavenworth St. South Side 2318 N St. Walnut Office 81 North 40th St. 2a. Bluffs Office 16 Scott St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an idverttrement ordered for more than one time. - PHONE TYI.ER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Morning Edition 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M.Sturday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. NEW fumed otik Duofold davenport, ISO. New electrlo washer, complete. JrtO. One 9x7. one 0x6. two small rugs, $38. 107 South Thirty-fifth Street. WE eel new and near-i.ew fusnlture, at loweat prices: cash toves and rugs or payments. Amer. Furn, Co., 605 N. 1. FOR SALE One base burner, one small range; call evenings. Colfax 757. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and music. Pianos for rent. 14.00 per month. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ASd ADDING MACHINES. j ' NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewriter snd Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Douglasl4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, (old, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and siwplles. Service guaranteed. Try us. Pnon 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS, all feakes, sold, rented and. repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. 206 8. ISth St. Tel. Ty. 241. BIO reduction in alightly used and re built typewriters. Write for list. Mid land Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." i PIERCE-ARROW v , , AMBULANCE SERV1CE,- ffhlrty-thlrd and Farnam. Har. It. FRED E. FERO, . FUNERAL DIRECTOR. - Lady Attendant. .-. 33d and Cuming Sts. Phone Dougla ?7. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, " Undertaker and Embalmera, " Phone H. 266. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Dlrectora, tdl South 16th St. Phone Doug. 1226. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS ANT EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2213 Cuming St &UFFEY O0HNST0N UNDERTAKERS. 717 S Mth. Trior IfTg. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 16.00. Oliver Agency, uua narnam 8t.. City. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repar. sell needle and part. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Hardware. TWO No. 2, wheelers. In good condition. 161S Dorcas St. ' Jumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. K EVAN. 544S. 30th St.. Miscellaneous. MALT SYRUP. We have now reduced our stock of malt syrup from 22,000 gallons to 5,000. This waauold In 60 day. We are now going to close out the 6,000 gallon at 12o a pound. This must be sold in 7 days and our new lot will jump Imme diately to the "old price. This will be sold In any size containers from a gal "Inn up quartf will be sold at 35c dur ing this sale., All American Chemical Co.. 1210 South 16th street Douglas 4864. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Dougla St. ' Dougla 8244. L. Henderson 1610 Farnam. Dougla 1249. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 3000 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largeat display of monuments In the United State. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 S. 13th. Phone Dougla J872-j216. FRATERNAL ORtERS. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ATTENTION Regular meeting Tuesday evening, Sep tember 23. Attend. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy offered durlngthe Ulnes and death of my husband, also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. "Alice Barns. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Robert and Ethel Beatty, hos pital, girl; Leslie and Linnle Noel. 2441 fllllson ave., boy; Howard anJ Francis Hall, 1S33 North IT, my: Roy and Bortha Cuming, 2881 , Ohio, Ti; handler and EllJsabtth Trimble. 260:i Fo-Mer v., hoy: J. F. and Helen Morrison, 40l Hartman av .. boy. I i Deaths John B. Morton, 80, 51st and W; MacUael Veceta, 40. hospital: W. A. Lee, 35, S814 N. 22d; Cynlhla Moore, 76, 2874 Corby; Carl W. Heese, 37, 25th and N: Thelma Bishop. 1, 3505 N. 38th; Nellie Wettengel, 84. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couple have been granted license to- wed: Name and address Age Walter F. Ltnke. Atlantic, Ta '. ... 2A , Ha,l Allhrlght, Atlantic, la. 24 Jackson C. Bonner, Omaha 28 Ha,tti Mitchell, Omaha 24 Roland Phelps, Douglas, Neb. ........ 23 Elisabeth Thornton, Chicago, 111. ...... 23 William B. Flagg, Sioux City, la 48 Tilll Mitchell. Sioux City. Ia. ... 27 William A, Scott, Omaha ,.v. .. 24 Ellen M. Edqulst, Omaha 21 John D. Davis, Omaha .' 22 Jennie E. Dltter, Omaha , l Basil B. Taylor, Wagner, S. D 24 Helen M. Snow, Omaha - 24 Walter V. Guthrie, Omaha .......... 23 Kthel Comrtock, Omaha ., .-. 26 Jacob J. Lafsky. Schuyler, Neb. , 30 Dolll Lewis, Omaha 20 BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permit have been issued: C. C. Beldejt 4909 California, remodel trick dwelling, $1,000; Reserve Real Es tate Co., Inc., 618-28 S. 31st, brick and concrete apartment house, 8126,000; Re serve Real Estate Co., Inc., 5.18-28 S. 31st, garage, 17.000; 8haffer Oil arfd Refining Co.. 1114-34 N. 11th. retaining wrtl, 12,000; ATTRACTIONS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Come and hear the most gifted and wonderful spiritual lecturer and evange list, - Madam Ztska of St. Louis, the - BiKheut developed spiritual medium in the Unltod States; all lectures and mea itg'ea in poetry; also good Inspiration- . i al singing; servlcoa every Sunday from "T to 10 p. m. Lyric Hall, Nineteenth and Farnam. Free will offerings. FOR SALE All kind s novelties, dolls, bulldog with dlarrond eye.. Give away Slum flash goods, etc. VINNICK'S NQVELTY HOUSE, . ' 120 No. 15th, St. 1. Dougla 7678. . OHIOWA plcnfc. 'OHIOWA. Nab.. Friday, September 2A Open for concession and free attractions. .WrlVI C. - Rakestraw, secretary, LOST- FOUND REWARDS. LOST Diamond, , no a-ttlnr, on Sept 17, n 20th, between Dodge and Farnam, at s 49th and Chicago or on Dundee car. Liberal reward. Call" K A. Drake. D. daytlme..or Wal. 2784. evenings. 5FQR ARTICLES LOST on street car tale - phone Tyler 800. We ar anitou to re store lost article to rightful owner. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. - - - . LOST Abstract to my Sarpy county farm; $10 reward for return I undersigned on or or before Saturday, September 20th. ' Bennhard Frgae, phoneBelleyue 17. t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ' Furniture and Household Goods. , AUCTION I AUCTION I v ? Extra High-grade furniture, rugs, . fjlano, talking machine and furnishings of four good homes. . In My Auction House. - v . Southeast Corner 18th and Webster St. Saturday, Sept. 20. Start at 10 a. m. Sharp ' T. Consisting In part as follows: 1 nearly - -new standard make piano, mahogany finish; 1 good talking machines and record; 4 extra good Wilton and An-a-lo Persian rugs, size 9x12; 2 Wilton. sHxlOH: several Axminster and Brus ' sell rugs, all sixes; several smaller Wil . . ton rugs; fumed oak .dining room set, complete, and I golden oak dining room ets,- somplete; extra China cabinet, and - 1 extra dining room table and chairs, picture and drapes; several extra good brass beds, springs and mattresses; 4 goood Vernls Martin beds, springs and mattresses; several good .walnut, ma hogany and oak dressers, chifftonler and dressing table; S good library ta ble, and several extra good, large leath V r rockers; I set Haviland China. 86- piece Rogers' silverware, kitchen cabl- net; High Oven gaa range; gaa plate; dishes. Xooklng utensils and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. JAMES I DOWD, AUCTIONEER, if you have any thing to sell, call Red 3285, Tyler 968 or Colfax 1424. . . TOPMOST VALUES IN . - FURNITURE. our claim, and by this we mean Bet ter Furnltura for Leae Money, run tura eoual in material, construction and design at a positive saving a dollar apent with the STATE FURNITURE ' CO. for furniture will do a greater duty, w ounte ' 811.75 dresser for $13 50; $27.50 dresser for $18.60: $36.00 dresser for $28.00: $!6.0 buffet tor $24.76; $22.60 chiffonier for $11.95. Bargains throughout vry line. We lclallx on complete hom utflts. Liberty bond STATE FURNITURE COMPANY 14th and Dodge St. Opp. U. P. Bldg. FOR SALE Dining room, aun room ad bedroom furnltura, . Phono Walnut 31. make appointment. X t t tuh ..Hh ' Mlvit-k of furniture and bouaehold furulahlngs regardleaa of v.lu.: act oulca, Dougla 495. 2421 Cuming tit. vfw RUGS mfg- from OLD CARPETS. Vm7.irivis,!..iin nvn weaving. CUMING RUG CLEANING, ft MFG. CO- 1411 CumlDf St. wa ix-- u-wua. FOR SALEVThree or four thohsand bush els well sprayed apples, consisting of Jonathan. Ben Davis, GanoWlnesap and Black Twig." Mt. O.llve ' Fruie-JTarm, Starry & KernaBrownvllle. Neb. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mat- , tresses made from your own feathers. summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467 A few leather chairs, Ice box, living, room furniture and other useful ar y tides. Call 1045 North Thirty-fourth street PHONOGRAPHS and records bought and sold and exchanged. Records exchanged from 16c up. The Flxlt Shoe, 2616 N. 20th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN y dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. FORMER U. S. revenue officer. Legal ad vice fre. Tyler 2736. Jewelry. DIAMONDS with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY M3o., 402 N. 16th St Red 6081. XJ VT.ATATT Jeweler Established 1893. Sixth Floor, Securltie Bldg. iT AQQTPQ THAT FIT VjJ-liOOrjO ACCURATELY. SEE CRONK. 201 SKCUR1TIES BLDG. Osteopaths. - DR. MABEL WESSON. $20 TCevllle Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patents. PATENTS procured, boughtTand old. In ternational Patent Co., 682 Brandel. D. 6691. - - Plating. EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have just opened a vew plating plant In Omaha and ready for Dullness. Wa plate and replate all finishes of the art 4tnown to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone Douglas 7632. Tailors. M. KEISER, 306 8oUtlPl8th. D, "llS7. Dledrlck, P. L.. 216 S. 201 h. Tailor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 8. 11th. D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628, Printing. Wedding Stationery , U. 8. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Toliver Printing Co. . V O J-'K O0J. Commercial Printers. 1818 St. Mary' Aye, Safes. QA'PT?Q BARGAINS, 121 Farna l3ir Ej5 j j. Derlght Safe Co. Remodeling Contractora. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 807-9 South 17th. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Douglaa. Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Miscellaneous. ,. . CALL Harmon, the Glazier. Colfax 2701. BUSINESS CHANCES. WE buy, sell and make eVesks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. FOR SALE 40 $100 shares Brieston Tire Co., will ell whole or part Sacrifice lor cash. Call Webster 4874 or So. 3190. GRAPES! GRAPES! GRAPES! 6o a lb. Bring basket 4602 Redmond Ave. Colfax 8191. FOR SALE Baby's bed and cab; nearly new. Douglaa 4921., morn, and eve. FOUR sample trunks, 209 South Twelfth street. PAINTER'S entire outfit for sale. Har ney 6986. MAHOGANY Grand plafco. Call Bed 34 1010-Arbor St. KINDLING delivery. $3.60 load. Wb. 459. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS We pay the highest prices for your bonds, and partly paid receipts. See' us before you sell. DELAPLANE LEONARD INV. COMPANY, 642 Securities Bldg. Tyler 4037. LIBERTY BONDS - Coupon and registered ; full - N. Ti. market and accrued Interest to date. MACK'S BOND, HOUSE, Investment Securities. 1421 First Nat. Bk Bldg. ' Tyler 3644. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED f OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST. STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. GROUND FLOOR KEELINE BLDG. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts, bought for cash; Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall. - LEWIS & CO.. Brokers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. " Highest Cash Prices , Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. LIBERTY BONDS. -We pay the highest market price with accrued Interest, less nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BONDS. ' t EDWIN ,T. SWOBE & CO.,' , INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4th and 5th Issues. Get them before selling or you will lose money. We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tion. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. Tyler 2736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg H. DOLGOFF. Furnltur' and Hardware, ..Furniture, rug, linoreum. ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poul try netting and garden tools. Better gooda for less money. CreJJlt If -you wish. 1839-47 North 24th. Web. ,1607. Liberty Bonds Wanted W will pay you pot caah for your Liberty Bond or partial payment re ceipt Room 300 McCague Bldg N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge St. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D, 6146. WANTED Garage, 75-car or lafger; must be good territory for sales. Will pay cash If price is right Reply Y-687, Omaha Bee. RING DOUG. 3369 IK YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. 'RUGS OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE, WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 705 North 18th St 7 Keiser buys and 4341-W. sella furniture. Ty. ANNOUNCEMENTS.- Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEQN, side, knife, sunburst, box pleatlng.covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, picot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. JOO-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1938. HEMSTITCHING PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 3109. Baggage and Express. "Tho Onlv Wnv" 10- Office D. 295. Omaha Transfer Co. ' Fisher Transfer Co., ; 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Brass and Iron Foundries. ' PAXTON-MITCHELL. CO. 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. - Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlngs. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C. 312 Bee Bldg. D. 3072 Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587 Dancing Academies, VVT PTMl? School for Dancing. XV Ll-Jr llV Hi J424 Farnam. D. 7850. Learn to dance for $4, where learning i a pleasure; fancy, stag and social. Dentists. Dr. Secor. 1017lt Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Electrical Utilities T4TTR IVTM Electric washing machine lamps. electric Irons and reading 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 2519. ELECTRIC fans. $8.60 ft up; washing ma . chine. $59.50: vacuum cleaners, $37.60. Lalley-WIIsou Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall order o Uclted. THE ENSIGN CO, 1601 Howard. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Are you able to !udge an extra good proposition when you see It? If you are and have $10,000 or over, a well established manufacturing company can show you where Its "trade mark" alone will be worth $1,000,000 with three year of hustle and push beside the annual Income. The high cost of living has created a demand for our goods. Every man. woman, child and baby 1 a user. The human race la the only limit to the field to be worked. We have the manufacturing facilities and material on hand for $400,000 re tail business. - Thia proposition will stand the most rigid Investigation. Can be handled by a silent or active part- . ner. This is our harvest time and re quires action, so do not answer' this unless you have the money and mean ousiness. Aauress noy M-s. pee. A SHOE manufacturer doing a large - business with retailers from Chicago to the Pacific coast, wishes to retire from business. . The plant is located at ia good distributing point where manufac turing conditions are excellent. The company and Its product have a high reputation and the business is running at full capacity and paying a good profit This is an excellent opportunity for an established business to add large ly to Its trade or for a new organiza tion to start with assured success. In quiries from those without commercial rating must be accompanied with in formation of financial resources. Ad dress Y-690, Omaha Bee GARAGE FOR' "SALE. ' County seat town, 1,800, on Meridian road, good location and reasonable rent; ' garage modern In every way, excellent business, place full of work year round; have county right agency for U. S. L. storage batteries and fine supply of new storages In stock; this will bear closest Investigation; selling price, $2,600; call or write owner. E. L. Web- ster. Osceola, Neb. FIRST-CLASS restaurant; largest and best -In Cnsper; well located; long lease, thor oughly ( modern equipment; Ice and re frigerator plant; business last mnnth, $23,000.00; owner wishes to retire. Price $20,00.00. THE DOBBIN REALTY CO., ' Casper, Wyo, CIGAR and billiard business; best in Cas per; none better In the middle west; a big money maker; long lease; best lo cation: fine fixtuivs. Price, $15,000.00 THE DOBBfiM REALTY CO., 1 Casper, Wyo. FOR SALE Restaurant in the best busi ness location in the heart of Hastings, row running days only, taking In $150 dally, can be doubled If open nights; very reasonable If quick. Address P. O. Box 172, Hastings, Ned. FOR SALE Parage business In a town of 700 in southwestern Iowa; biggest ..garage in town, ,only two garages; plen- '"ty of good clean business, good help; reason for selling poor health. Address Y-686, Omaha Bee. "Omaha, Neb. I NEWSPAPER FOR SALE The Western Kansas News Rt Good land. Kan., con sisting of modern equipment and doing a good paying business is offered for sale for a good reason. Terms on part. FOR SALE Tire repair shop located In good Nebraska town of 1,400 popula tion with well established business. Write B.'x 127. yisner. Neb. FOR SALE Delicatessen confectionery; good business; in excellent neighbor hood. Building with living rooms In rear. Terms. Colfax 1536. FOR HALE Filling station on Lincoln liighway; doing rushing business. If you don't mean business, don't answer. Harry L. Rubison, Julesour3r, Colo. HAVE good lively milling business. Can be bought r s than quarter cost of machinery. Terms - If desired. Phone Colfax 3528. SITUATIONS WANTED Male THE BEE will publish free a sltuation wanted ad under this classification for MldlerB, sailors and marine who will show their discharge paper at our office In the lobb of The Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. RELIABLE colored woman. Ironing by day. Webster 2835. POSITION hs chauffeur; can give refer ence-. 65SfS. 26th Ave. Harney 4771. Laund and DayWork. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work; satisfaction given. t Webster 3580. EXPERIENCED" corfored girl wlshes day work.. Douglaa 7094. '. RELIABLE colored laundress wants day work. Webster 212. BUNDLE washing, lace curtain. Web ster 1727. BUNDLES, curtains, blankets laundered. Webster 4283. EXPERIENCED laundress. Call Webster 5165. - BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269. WORK By the hour. Webster 2058. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. HfAiLWAY TRAFFIC inspector wanted; $110 a month and expense to start; short hours; travel; three month home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-142, Standard Business Training In stltute. Buffalo. N. T. SALES ledger elk.. $100-$110. , , Salesman grocery specialty, $175-1200. , THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg, ' TYPIST, good future. $76. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. ' STENOGRAPHER. $35. Western Refer ence ft ' Bond Assn. Professions and Trades. WANTED AT ON?E. A TIRE CHANGER. APPLY TO-MR. COLLINS. B. F. GOOD RICH RUBBER CO., 2034 FARNAM. , HARNESS MAKERS, COLLAR. MAKERS. Want, good mechanics Vor factory; c'.so collar) stuffer. stitchers, bucklers, cutters, machine operator; top wages; good working conditions. DES MOINES SADDLERY CO. . Dea Momes. Ia. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. V Unustoal Opportunity for a. strong young man. 18 to 20, to learn a. good trade. Apply 1 -."V: Stereo Dept., Omaha Bee REGISTERED1 PHARMISTS. CARTER LAKE PHARMACY, 16TH SPRAGUK STREETS. . - WANTED Two competent pharmacists. One for sales room work, the other for prescription compounding and manufac turing. Apply general office, Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. 19th and Far nam St ' - WANTED Ten llnsmen, permanent posi tions no trouble. Central Power Coro- pany, urana isianu, ncu, WANTED An all around butcher; steady . job the year, around. Address Wm. Habel. Colome, S Dak. . ' WANTED First class blacksmith, at once; best wages paid. Fred Heaurla, Bloomfleld. Neb. " . '.-' TEN carpenter wanted, 3l& and Oak streets, 85 cents per hour. 'All winter Job. " . MANY splendid commercial positions 'nov open. Employer' Reference Company, 224 Bee Pldg. ' .. f- WANTED A dentist. C. S. Remy, D. D. S., Curtis, .Neb. . Salesmen and Solicitors. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING $10QAWEEK AND U P ? THIRTY-FIVE MEN NOW DOING AS WELL AND SOME EVEN BETTER 'SELL ING DIRECT TO .FARMER. EVERY FARMER A LIVE PROSPECT. IF YOti HAVE A CAR AND WANT TO GET INTO A- STRAIGHT LEGITI MATE PROPOSITION WITH N O MONEY T O INVEST, REPRESENTING A FIRM WITH 25 YEARS PAST EX PERIE'NCE IN OMAHA, WRITE US. WE WILL DEM ONSTRATE .TO YOU, BY AC TUAL WORK IN THE FIELD THAT THE JOB IS JUST AS REPRESENTED. ADDRESS S-S, OMAHA BEE. HELP WANTED4fEMALE. Stores and Offices. I WANT 10 YOUNG - LADIES TO LEARN LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE WORK. THIS .AFFORDS A BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS TO GET INTO EXECUTIVE POSITIONS THAN . ANY OTHER BUSINESS I KNOW." YOU DON'T NEED BXPERl-VMi-K 1 Wll.t. TRAIN YOU IN A 'GOOD SCHQOL AND YOU WILL BE fAtn tUU A nr. l.cAnr.i.-.v, COME AND SEE ME DAYS BETWEEN f $ A M. AND 6 P. M. GERALDINE BELL. U TELEPHONE BLDG. -v. .1-. YOUNG LADIES WB OFFER YOU A WELL-PAID,. POSITION. PAT YOU WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK , RAPID ADVANCEMENT. V INVESTIGATE OUR " WORKING CONDITIONS. ' -OPERATORS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 13 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING 19TH V,DOUGLAS STREETS. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic FIRST class girl for general housework thre adult lxj family; $12 a week; fto waihtng. Hirney $17. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Two In family. Beit wage. Mrs W. F. Weston. 30$ South 61st St wamut 7S, WANTED Au experienced whit cook". Beat of wages. Mrs. W. D. Hosford, Hartcy 87. 626 South 37th St. EXPERIENCED cook wanted; good wage. Mr. C, T. Kountze, 3935 Dewey avenue.' Harney 224. MIDDLE aged woman, must be good cook; no laundry. -U8 South Thlrty elghth. Harney 2650 WANTED Girl to assist with housework; no washing; (mail family; good wage. Call Walnut 3271. EXPERIENCED maid, no laundry; best wages; small, family. Harney 6553. WHITE girl for general housework; best wages. 6123 Burt Walnut 238. COMPETENT white cook. Mrs. F. pT KlrkenOall, $727 Jackson St WANTED Cook. Mrs. 8. H. Davl, 62$ S. 20th, Tel. Douglas 256. , COMPETENT white cook. Mr. F, P. Klrtcendall. 8727 Jackson St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young lady students to enroll in our course of shorthand, typewriting, operation of comptometer machine and accounting; Individual Instruction; rea sonable tuition on monthly payments; by our method you vlll succeed and we , winsecure a position for you. Call and ' as us about It Day and evening classes. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 2d Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. , SALESMEN High-grade specialty man, tetween SO and 46, to travel large and small towns, calling on merchants, exclusive, terri tory, to represent a large eastern Xnanu facturer; position is permanent The line Is readily sold, has exclusive features not possessed by., competitive lines. I Earnings dependent on efforts" put forth; producers now earning over $200 per week; men owning cars can earn considerably more. Only men with exceptional references considered. Traveling expenses will be advanced against liberal commission. Apply Saturday and Sunday, 9 a. m. to p. m., to Mr. Walter C. Clayton, Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR MEN'S FURNISHINGS. ' APPLY SUPERINTENDENT BALCONY, t BURGESS-NASH CO, IF YOU can sell insurance and can come clean you can obtain liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock -selling or organiza tion proposition Addres Lock Box 822 Omaha. Neb SALESMEN to sell health and accident In surance in Nebraska and Iowa. New features that make sales easy. Insur ance experience not necessary. MERCHANTS LIFE & CASUALTY CO. 422 Bee Bldg., Omaha. WANTED Stock salesmen to work in Ne braska; now opening territory, will furnish lead and local man to work with salesman can put you right on. Call at Room 343, Paxton Hotol. TO EARN $1,000 per month selling land, call or write J. H. Carse, 410 Bee Bldg. Agents and Canvassers. AMERICAN HEATING CO., 630 East 3d, Oklahoma City, Okl., manufacturers of Patrick's OH Burners for cook stoves, heaters, hot alr water and steam fur naces. Sold through dealers and agentsr Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced chambermaids, also scrub woman. Douglas 2735, Clair mont Inn. Boys. WANTED Several boys to " work in macaroni factory. Apply superin tendent, -Skinner Manu facturing Co., 14th and JacksonSts. WANTED. ' : BOYS KT ONCB. GOOD WAGES GUARANTEED TO BOYS WITH WHEELS WHO ARE WILLING TO WORK. APPLY AT ONCE. R. C. NELSON, SUPERVISOR, 307 8. 14TH ST. WANTED. BRIGHT BOYS OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY CUDAHY OFFICE. V SOUTH SIDE. BOYS WANTED. 18 to 20 FOR FACTORY: NICE CLEAN JOBS. GOOD PAY. EMPLOYERS' FREE LABOR BUREAU, 1907 Harney St. BOY wanted to run a few errands each day and do light shipping; splendid op portunity for a bright boy to advance. See Mr. Hadley. Engraving Department, 104 Bee Bldg. WANTED Bright boy over 16 years; good opportunity for advancement; ap ply at Cudahy office, South Side. WANTED Strong errand boy. R. . A. Meddler Co. 418 S. 14th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED 75 men .for yarding live stock un loading hay and dipping sheep. Apply to time- " keeper, vUnion ' Stock Yards Co. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses, F. iV. .Knlest, 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. ,1MI COMMON labor; Union Pacific shops, white or colored; good wages; steady work. Apply Cass street gate, ask for storekeeper. WANTED Men for all kinds of work. The Big 4 Labor Agencies. 123 South Eleventh street. Douglaa 3462. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. LEARN MACHINE SHOPLOS ANGELES Y. M. C A. AUTO -SCHOOL... WANTED EXPERIENCED -STENOGRAPHER WITH NEWS PAPER EXPERIENCE. AP LY SUPERINTENDENT BAL CONY. BURGESS-NASH CO. GOOD OPENING For an experienced stenographer In ad vertising department of Brandel stores. ', Permanent Position Attractive salary, good hours and pleas ant and Interesting work. Apply Mr. Harris, advertising Manager, 3d Floor. Wanted at once, two stock card clerks High-class girls with bookkeeping ex perience prefered. Accuracy essential. Permanent posi tions. Apply to Mr. Collins, B. F. Good- rlch Rubber, Co.. 2034 Farpam. STENOGRAPHERS, $100. $90 and $87.60. Beginner stenographer, $65 to $76. Bookkeeper. $90; assistant bkpr., $75. Office clerk, neat penman. $70 to $80. BUSINESS MEN'S REF. ASSOCIATION, 917-18 Woodmen of the World Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $100. $90, $85, $80, $75. $65: tvDlsts. $85. 280. 275. 265: P. B. X. operator), $70; multlgraph operJ $90. - WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, H 38 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $100-$90-$75. Stenographer, small office, $65-$75. Bookkeeper and cashier, $85-$10O. . THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. YOUNG lady to do small amount of type writing, answer phone; splendid oppor tunity for beginner. See Mr. Hadley, Bee Engraving Department. 104 Bee Bldg. TYPIST and general office clerk, $80. Western Reference ft Bond Assn. Professions and Trades i WANTED A FEW GIRLS FOR PACK ING ;ALSSO TO WORK ON OUR CHO COLATE! DIPPING MACHINE; GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. . GORDON RAINALTER CO.. v EIGHTH AND DOUGLAS STS. - ' V WANTED SEVERAL GIRLS ABOVE 16 YEARS TO SELL ICE CREAM AND LIGHT LUNTt;H. SHORT HOURS. NO SUNDAY WORK. GOOD PAY. APPLY SODA FOUNTAIN, CASHIER, POMPEIAN ROOM, BRANDEIS STORES. EVENING WORK FOR WOMEN HAVING , SPARE TIME. Hours 4:46 p. in. to 9:30 p. m. ' Days Monday to Friday, Inclusive. Work Making and packing cieme . filled cakes, etc. Place Snow- VVhrle Bakery. , . Apply at once to Superintendent Costello. ITEN BISCUIT .CO., Snow White Bakery. Capitol Ave. 12th to 13th Sts. WANTED DRIVERS, , WAGON ,'iND TRUCK HELPERS. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EX PRESS CO.. UNION DEPOT. WANTED Experienced help In ready-to-wear, millinery, hosiery, underwear, do mestic and house furnishing department. Permanent position and good salary. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Colored gTris! Call Douglas 159, Omaha Paper Stock Co., Eighteenth and Marcy streets. 0 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Montclair Semi-Bungalow Brand new; frame construction; first floor has larg living room across front of house; fine dining room with built in buffet and paneled wall. Well ar ranged whit endTnel kitchen with am ple built-in cupboards, one-plrce sink. Oak floor and finish; second flocr has two tine rooms and bath, whit enamel finish; on panel birch mahogany donta; oak floors; full, deop basement: corner lot on psved streets; this Is a clussy place and a snap at $6,400. For fur , ther Information, call Walnut 1580 eve nings or days call Tyler 3640 and sk for Mr. Benson, jr. ' REAL ESTATEIMPROVED North. A eU-room cottage. 121 North Thirty-cv-snth, modern but heat; pries $a.lA'u 1500 cash, balance Ilk rent, sis ut lot. 10x150 feet. A. W TOLAND, . D. 3576. 4l Bee Bldg BEMIS PARK v DISTRICT First time offered this pleasant six room home, having large living room, dining room and kitchen ort first floor, three very nice bedrooms and bath on second, pine finish throughout, In ex cellent condition. A mighty good buy at $6,000. D.V.SHOLES CO., REALTORS. 915 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 46. . HERE YOU ARE Elegant oak finished, all modern, ? room house, corner 32d and Charles Sts.; psved street, handy to car. This week, $4,660'. payments. Iowa-Neb. Investment Co., 644 Be Bldg. Douglas 7768. EXCEPTIONAL BUY Noat, well-built home at 1025 So. 48th 8t. ; 6 rooms, modern throughout; two bedrooms upstairs and large bath; good basement; gas stove and sinks; fin big lot. Look at this. Price $3,900; $1,000 cash. Call Douglas 9206 and ask for Mr. RTd. Walnut 1046. evenings. Porter-Wendell R. E. Co., 680 Br. Th. Bldg. D. 9206. WEST SIDE Five-room bungalow. all modern, maple floors; 38x155 lot; 921 South 38th avenue: price, $4,750; about half cash. Shown by appointment only. WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." 544 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 4605. Attractive- Home, $4,500. Near 43d and Grant; 8 fine rooms, strictly modern and In excellent con dition; hot water heat, corner lot on paved street. Only $1,000 cash required. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. ' . . Realtors. 803-4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 420. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. Vanted CAFETERIA HELP 1 HOTEL ROME WANTED By 20th of month, first and second cooks at Soldiers Home, Burkett, Neb., first cook, $60; second, $40 and all living expenses. Splendid proposition for man and wife. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL 1 NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeepiiig, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy,, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boy lea Building. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of BuustViess. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Ban Bldg. Douglas 5890. ' MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly in school or by "borne study. Omaha Business College. 306 Lyric Bldg., 19tn and Farnam. u. 6528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice add piano. bvi varoan mik. studio pnone Itea 185. 209 South 15th St FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms A CLEAN, well-furnished front room, bath room floor, reasonable to gentleman. Phone Douglas 6822. SLEEPING and light housekeeping rooms rorren t at lilt uod gc. WANTED Inspectors and cashless. Ap ply Mr. Metz. balcony Brandels Stores. GIRLS WANTED To work In paper box plant. Good wages to start; bonuses paid. Eggerss-O'Flyng Co.,' 16th and Leavenworth Sts. -'- LADY presser wanted; steady job; good wages; good working conditions. Royal . Dry Cleaners, 944 North Twenty-fourth street. EXPERIENCED film Inspectors wanted at Fox Film Corporation, 315 South Sixteenth street. ' Saleswomen and Solicitors. TWO SALESLADIES IN CANDY DE PARTMENT. PLEASANT"DORK, CON GENIAL SURROUNDINGS. GOOD PAY. NO EVENING Or' SUNDAY WORK. APPLY R. C. PHELPS, GREEN ROOM, BRANDEIS STORES. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 6 EXPERI ENCED WAITRESSES OF GOOD APPEAR-EN-CE AND AD DRESS; 8-HR. SHIFT AT $12.00 AND BOARD PER WEEK. PERMA NENT POSITION TO RIGHT PARTY. FIN EST CAFE . IN THE CITY. MEYER'S CAFE, -WATERLOO, IOWA MAKGLBr girls, $14.00 per week. FONTENELLE HOTEL, Laundry Dept. - ;v WANTED EXPERIENCED CASHIER. UNION OR NONUNION. THE DIAMOND CAFE. 1313 DOUGLAS. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at Woodrow Cafe. No. 2,1811 Farnam., Open September 20th. ( EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at Woodrow Cafe No. 1. 6 dayi a week. $13 per. 214 s. 14th. WANTED Waitress, lunch counter. Bur llngton Eating House, Ravenna. Neb., J. D. Herrlck. TWO well furnished bed rooms; private. In modern home. 1318 N. 40th St. NICELY furnished room in private family; Farnam car line. Wal. 3319. FOR RENT Furnished room. 1613 DoF- cas St. Housekeeping Rooms. PARLOR floor suite, also suite on bath room floor, modern, well furnished, $6. 6 (14 South Twenty-elghth. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms for rent at 1112 Farnam. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two and three-room apartment, com pletely furnished. Hotel .service. Tyler 4200. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. 3102 NO. 16TH ST., 28x66, $40. , WALSH-ELMER CO.. ' Tyler 1636. 333 Securltie Bldg.. LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. PETERS TRUST CO., SpcniaHHts iu Apartment management. WANTED TO RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED TO RENT Three room, fur nished for light housekeeping, by couple wltfh two small children. Write W. A. Anton, Flomar Hotel. i Miscellaneous. YOUNG, refined business, lady desires to share small modern apartment with con genial, refined young ladles. Can furnish y piano and other household goods. Would like V to keep pe& bulldog. Box No. 627, Madison Nb. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store rooms, -15th and Dauglts. Inquire WORLD REALTY" COMPANY. 'Phone Douglas 5342. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY and van CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE -RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OP ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For teal service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and piano; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4161. FERRIN'S ' VAN and STORAGE CO. Auto or Horse Vans. Tyler 1200. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 3409. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug, a" BROWN TRANSFER CO. Promot Service Tyler 966-W. MANY splindld rommerlcal positions now open. Employer's Referenc Company, 224 Bee Bldg. ' Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trad. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, Bpeclal rate and inducements. HEAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, $21 Paxton Block. Phone Tyler 4880. 9-ROOM residence, 4232 Burdette St., Clif ton Hill addition to city of Omaha. For sale at bargain price, $4,000. ROBT. WOOD 'INV. CO. WEST PLAINS. MO. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 rooms, all modern, hot water heat, electric lights, all rooms nicely deco rated. Lot 60x135, south front, all paving paid. Call at 2882 Capitol Ave. OMAHA real estate Jind Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL; 200 Brandels Theat. Douz. It. TWO six-room bungalows, 3313 and 3315 Howard street; al! modern, nwly painted. $7,600 buys both. Call Doug- WE have cash buyers for1 West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglas 5074 and we will call and inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. ' YOUNG A DOHERTY. - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 331 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 17(1. Phon Tyler l 87. Harry L. Rofclson. Julcsburt, Colo. FOR COLORED. 5-room, strictly modern home; pavd street, close to car, only $3,660, on small payments. Johnson, Webster 416IK U23 NO. 46TH ST. 6-R. CORNER LOT. NOT MODERN. $150 CASH. CREIGU SONS A CO.. 608 BEE BLDG. D. $00. SOUTH front lot, with garage, fruit and shade; Fontenelle Blvd. and Grand Av. 11.275. Norrls ft Norrla. Douitla 427. M1NNE LUSA bom and lota offer th beat opportunity to Inveat your money. Phone Tyler 187. , GOING to Colo. My modern T-room home, with or without furnltur. Gang. 3015 North 14th Ave. E. A. Clark. 6-ROQM modem home, with sleeping porch, large lot, only $4,800. Johnson. Webster 4150. WE will soil your horn within $0 days. R. P. Clary Co., 1404-01 Ames avsnus. Colfax 176. S-ROOM whit stucco house, modern ex cept gaa; price, $6,500. Walnut 2164. M5th and Pierce Sts. 25 SHAKES Skinner Mfg. ilo., preferred stock, for a good Investment. Writ Box S-4jB; y BARGAIN Direct from owner, T-room house, all modern. Call Webster 4847, forenoons. ' South. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Five-room bungalow, occupied six months. Owner leaving elty; possession within 10 days. House Is of unique ar rangement; right up-to-the-minute: all built-in features; oak finish; strictly modern. Lot lies about two feet above grade; paved streot; on block to Hans coni Park West Side, car line; excellent neighborhood. Price "$4,850 for a few day only. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR, Doug. 685. 31g Brandel Theater Bid DOUBLE HOUSES, 6 room each, at 9t and Bancroft; choice location. Buildln, in excellent condition. A bargain at $7,000. MOQKARTY ft CONBOY, Bee Bldg. D. 3841. Tyler 4677-W. It HANSCOM park district, six rooms, mod ern house on paved street; clos to school; down stairs finished In oak. full cement basement: at $5,600. 2341 South Thirty-fifth street. Miscellaneous. BRAND-NEW . Beautiful ne.w five-room bungalow In txcellent home neighborhood, two and half blocks from car. It has a, fine large living room across the front of house. Dining room is good size, with neat plate rail. Two dandy bedrooms, with bathroom between them. Floor throughout are oak. Fine .wtridow ar rangement In all rooms. Fulr basement with hot and cold water connections. I -urge attic with finished stairway. East front lot 40x146. $500 cash, balente monthly. Call Colfax 3917 evenings, or B. F. Grant, Douglas 7412. BIRKETT & CO. eu! Ri and Insure. 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. LIST your houses and lata for quick sale .mi n.siiiiiiB neyueii, reanoro. toil riaiucy airegu rnone lyier Dtf. :08 South B'orty-first. hot water het, seven rootnB, 46x125; paving paid; $3,500. I JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. North, 40 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD NEAR KRUG PARK 40 acre -on. paved road, few blocks north or Jrug parK, improved with an 8 -room modern home, double carafe. all necessary outbuildings. OiW of the few available pieces of acreage ready for subdivision or a fine country home. Can arrange very reasonable terms on this. For full Information, tall J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO tJU BANK RU1LDING. TYLER UO We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. - Doug. 501$ BARGAINS In homes. Investment prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harrl son & Morton, 916 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on boulevard. $1,600. C. D. Arm. strong. 325-6 Securities Bldg. REAL EST ATE-Busin jki P-r HIGH AND COOL Seven rooms and bath; oak- down: x Just off Btlvedere boulevard, at 5521 North Thirty-fourth street; beautiful view :v has hot air heat: automatic -elec tric pump; cesspool with septic tank and electric light; cemented cave; two cisterns, fruit, berries and chickens; five minutes to Miller park and car; one block to Belvedere school; storm win dows and screens throughout; full screened cemented porch on two sides; and note this: 200 feet . front lot by 180 deep; an Ideal home with plenty of gardn room and chickens. WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tler 4506. ,644 World-Herald Bldg. MILLER PARK FRAME AND STUCCO DOUBLE GARAGE . HOT WATER HEAT Beautiful 6-room frame and stucco home on Kansas Ave., facing Miller park; oak throughout: all bullt-ln fea tures;, hot water heat, double garage. Property in fine repair. A real home. Price $8,500. Shown by appointment. JL. HIATT CO., 900 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. 274! FORT ST. Dandy big lot, with paving and all specials paid, and neat three-room cot tage on rear, leaving plenty of room to 'build hi front. House has elec. light, gas. wfter and toilet. Just Ilk new; nicely decorated throughout. Owner leaving city wants about half cash: quick possession. Beat the high cost of living by buying this bargain. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 658 Om, Nat'l. BankBldg. Tyler 496. TEN-room house. three lots, two-thirds actual value. High, sightly location. One of the most comfortable moderate priced homes In the city. Parlor, liv ing room, dining room, den, bedroom, with lavatory and toilet, and kitchen on first floor: four bedrooms and tiled, bath on second, floor; hot water hear ing plant; laundry In basement. South front, room for two more houses. Streets paved on both sides; $1,000 garage. Must be sold by October 10. Inquire owner, Box 8-2, Omaha Be " BUNGALOW BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $5,350. ' Beautiful "flve'toom bungalow finished throughout In oak and white enamel, 24x10 feet on ground, all the bullt-ln features Owner" leaving city and will give quick possession. Located rear Miller park and school; lot 75x124; $2,000 cash down. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 658 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496.- SEE THIS TODAY 6 rooms, full two stories, all modern, with oak floors and finish throughout, screened porches. Round Osk furnace, east front, at 1606 N. 25th St Priced at $5,250. $2,250 cash. WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tyler 4505. 644 Wprld-Herald Bldg. ?bFC 'OR COLORED. Wr have 3 cottages, located at corner of 27 th Ave. and Burdette. Owner says sell. These are all In good condition and modern except heat, corner lot. Income Is $42.50 monthly, but could be increased. Price $4,600 for all. Small amount cash will handle. F1NSON INVESTMENT COMPANY. 636 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 6026. Omaha. Neb. ""2920 NORTH 25TH. Nine room, hot water heat. trlctly modern. 2 bathrooms. Could be ued for 2 families. $1,500 down, balance 6 ner cent. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Doug'.as 271 5. Kountze Park Bargain Sftven rooms, all modern, oak finish, well arranged, paved street. J?ar car line and park; will consider one or two good lots as part peyment. P. J. TErr5EJNo UU., 60S Om. Nat. Bank. Douglas 8182. "MOUNT CLARE ADDITION. DUNDEE HALL . 50TH & UNDERWOOD AVE. .May b rented for day or venins sessions. H. A. WOLF COMPANY, 512 Electric Bldg. Tyler 88. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 420 First JNatlonal Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 15 INVESTMENT Brick flats, three apartments, seven rooms each, close In, renting for $luf per month. Offered for quick sale at $12,500. A real bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, ' Realtors, Douglas 3962. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. BldjT OWN SOME OIL LAND. W are selling 1 undivided Interest in 160-acre oil claims in West Salt Creel: field, Wyoming, at from $25.00 to $100. Write the Dobbin Realty Co., Casper. Wyo. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth st., Capitol ave.. Cuming St.. PAYNK & SLATER COMPANY. Dg. 191H. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. GOOD trackage lot, 113 feet front, pavee street: $3,500. JQ:jBOSTW!CT.500 Begulldlng. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. , ATLAS LAND COMPANY 'Home office, Farmer ,State Bank Bldg., Columbus, Neb. Brand Offices, Humphrey. Neb., Gold en Hotel, O'Neill, Neb. We sell, buy and exchange real ctalf located In Iowa or Nebraska. W.i own more than' 100 farms anr ranches In the corn, grain and alfalfs belt In Nebraska, from which you tna choose. . ' If Interested write or call and let u know what kind of a deal you wish to make. Live agents should write us. We al ways have land to suit your customer. P. K. M'KILLIP, Sales Manager. - WANTED, - A number of five, sta and seven-rooit houses. W have parties waiting whi will close quickly on a good home. Com In and see u If you wish to sell. FINSON INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tyler 6025. 636 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg INCOME FOR LAND. We have-11 houses listed In Omsha. Owner wants land. S. S. ft R. E. MONTGOMERY. . 213 City Nattonal. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK buys fins garden tract, 47x132; only blocks from West Center car line and on block to paved street; high snd sightly, black soil; prices $29$ and $340 THE BYRON REED CO.. F0R-8ALE Two full lz "lots In' beaut I ful Overlook addition block south ol Elmwood park; act quick a these wll, not be an th market long. Address, Box Y-94. Omaha Be. ' REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. ACREAGE. Two acres, five-room modern bungs low, good barn, chicken house, si fenced chicken tight, thre blocks frorr car, two from Benson High school, al kinds of fruit. $1,000 cash, balano monthly. Address or call W. H. Out house, 6788 Blnney St Dundee. Classy Dundee House Fine corner location, paving paid house frame construction, pressed brick foundation; seven1 extra large rooms one a glassed-in sleeping porch; llvln room scroas front of house with man tel and book cases; extra toilet It basement; partitioned basement; tint porch with cement steps and floor; dandy double garage with heater; fl shrubbery In yard; a classy place out side and In; price $11,000; shown by appointment; call Walnut 1580 Sunday and evenings; week days call Tyler 3540 and ask for Mr. Benson, jr. CLASSY DUNDEE HOME Fin location, close to car and schosf Corner lot, I paving paid. Two-story 7 room ' house, frame construction, pru brick foundation. Extra large room. Nearly new and In fin condition. Dou ble garage with heater. Fin hrub lit yard. A dandy homelike place. Wl worth th price $11,000. Benson & Carmichael, 643 Paxton Bloclt. x Tyler 8640. Evening Wl. 168n. V i TOR SALE BY OWNER. 8-room home neartng completion ! taken before October 1. $1$ South tlr Av. Walnut 69. Beautiful five-room etucco bungalow; ak .and white enamel finish through- Ryan coiia. SiT 1 Bee Want Ad. oduc . Rciultc J M