' " V MORE 1 L IN WHICH TO PURCHASE STOCK IN THIS Great Tire and General Rubber Goods Factory at $12.50 Per Snare Next Monday Morning the price goes to $15.00 per share. $75,000 to $100,000 of this stock will be sold this week. Mail orders are coming in from every direction. 3,000 Nebraska and Iowa citizens have already invested. Hundreds of others are on the verge of investihg. To vou, we urge you to hesitate no longer. Mail or wire your order today. Monday will be too late. '' V "I . ' mmrm-rr-- - tct'i . -J . '! ijii i" r-nrr rtn rn"rm --T-r i k $ ... . ? . ' v... The factory, when completed, will be 75 feet wide, over 400 feet long and five stories high, comprising a floor space of over 150,000 square feet; . The most modern heating, lighting, sprinkling, watering, sewerage and elevator systems are being installed. When completed it will be fully equipped to take care of 1,000 tires and 2,000 inner tubes per day besides a full and complete line of all kinds of general rubber goods. The first unit, which comprises the first and second floors, will be completed and put in operation within sixty days. The. company, expects to start with an output of 200 tires per day, and judging from the number of orders for tires already being re ceived, they predict that before the factory is in operation ninety days it will have an output of 500 tires per day. A Conservative Estimate Is That An average output of three hundred tireser day Will Earn a Dividend of 25 onvery Dollar Invested in the Proposition All Machinery Has Been Received and an army of expert workmen are working overtime putting it in place in order to get the factory in opera tion at the very earliest moment. WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS Great Shipments of Crude Rubber, Fine Fab rics and Compounds Will Begin To Arrive Contracts Are Being Negotiated with a number of the best and most experienced tire and rubber men of the east, who will be brought to Omaha to head the various departments. The com pany's instructions are to turn out the very best tire that can be made. Every effort is being made to get The Overland Tire and Rubber Company factory in opera tion and on the greatest dividend paying basis at the very earliest moment. - The stock of this company is all common, issued fully paid, non-assessable and transferable. : - The price is $12.50 per share. Terms: One-half cash and balance in six months without interest. If you are interested in investing in this, which we are striving to make the greatest tire and rubber goods factory west of Akron, Ohio, and backed by the best tire and rubber talent we can secure, you should hesi tate no longer. , $ $ $ $ $ $ in 6 months in b months in 6 months in 6 months in 6 months in 6 months $1,000 cash and $1,000 in 6 months 50 cash 100 cash 200 cash 250 cash 300 cash 500 cash and $ and $ and $ and $ and $ and $ 50 100 200 250 300 500 will buy will buy will buy will buy will buy will buy will buy 8 shares 16 shares 32 shares 40 shares 48 shares 80 shares 160 shares FATHERS AND MOTHERS Buy a few shares of this stock now for that son or that daughter and five to ten years from now you will have left them a legacy that will make them independent. Many fathers and mothers have already done this. All orders placed in the mail or wired on Saturday will be protected on the $12.50 price. Tlhie Oveirlainidl "Fire RiuifebeE0 Company Rooms 919-920 W. 0. W. Bldg., Omaha Tel. Douglas 4125 -Mail This Coupon Today :- Overland Tire & Rubber Company, . 919 W. 0. W. Building, , ' v Omaha, Nebraska. Am interested in your proposition and wish to purchase share's of your stock on the payment plan. Enclosed is my check for the first half payment. Kindly mail me your non-negotiable note which is made for six months, without interest, for the last haif which I agree to sign and return to you. Name Address