THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. COUNTRY IS NOW AT GROSS ROADS, SAYS JOHNSON California Senator Speaks in Opposition to League of Nations at Luncheon in Omaha. "Our country it at the cross roads of its career," said Senator Hiram Johnson of California, ad dressing 300 enthusiastic Omahans at a , hastily-arranged luncheon yesterday in the rathskeller of the Henshaw hotel. "On the one hand is the sinuous path of European and Asiatic diplomacy; on the other the straight and narrow path of 100 per cent Americanism. ; "There is propaganda at work to coerce the United States senate and to bully it into immediate action on this treaty. The senate has deliber ated on it only two months. But the chief executive, in secrecy and in stealth, was seven months in Paris helping to write this treaty. "Our opponents have reason for their attempt to stampede the sen ate into immediate action. They see as I do in my travels about the country that the American people are without doubt, overwhelmingly -opposed to the league of nations covenant. And, given time, they will dispose of it without the sen ate. President Wilson has refused point blank to give us any informa tion whatever about the Turkish, Bulgarian and Austrian treaties. Based on Secret Treaties. This treaty is not based t'.pon your ideals or upon the oft-voiced altruis tic words of the president, but upon secret treaties entered upon before we entered the war. Now you are asked to underwrite and guarantee every infamy committed in that treaty. "look for a moment at the Paris peace conference.'. England sent her wisest and most astute statesmen and diplomats with only one idea, namely, to get for the British em pire more greatness and more pow er. The 'tiger of France,' Italy's great diplomats and the shrewd and cunning diplomats of Japan all worked to get all they could each for his own country. "Just one nation was unrepresent ed at Paris, the United States. The president's intentions were good. I have no doubt of that. And his words were beautiful. But when it was all over, the other nations had the booty and he had his words. "I am proud that our nation took no territory or indemnity from this war. Let the others have the booty they took. But I say to them: 'Our boys shall not be sent abroad to maintain and guarantee the booty you took "at Paris.' . Voted For War.' "I cast my first vote in the sen ate for this war. I was elated. And when we were in the war I heard the gre'at men of Europe stand on the senate rostrum Balfour, Viviani. Ishii and talk of making the world safe for democracy, ol self-determination of small nations. "And while they were talking thus their pockets were bulging with the secret treaties By which they had divided the surface of the world and the peoples thereof. They have done so, but, Under the providence of God, my son and your son shall not guarantee their plunder. "The fact that you cannbt prevent a burglary is no reason why you should enter into partnership with the burglar." V . Burch Elected Bishop. New York. Sept. 17. Right Rev. Charles Sumner Burch, suffragan bishop of New York diocose of the Protestant Episcopal Church was elected bishop of New York on the third ballot at a special diocesan convention. He succeeds the Late Bishop David H. Greer. TlA6,HEi5T TGom FIIAiLAND THOTO PIAY OFFERING J FOR.' TODAY DECORATIVE effects appropri ate to the presentation of the spectacle. "Sahara," have been provided by the management of the Sun theater, where Louise Glaum's newest vehicle is being sbotvrt this week. Especially of in terest to lovers of things pertaining to the Orient is the Sun parlor, which has bien especially furnished with oriental rugs and furniture loaned for the week by Orchard & Wilhelm. The rugs on display in the Sun parlor are valued at more than $3,000. Strand "The Third Kiss," with Vivian Martin in the role of a girl of the slums, who is in reality an heiress, but who, to atone for a wrong done by her .deceased uncle, lives among the Working folk and aids in their relief, keeping her iden tity a secret from them and also from her co-workers. How this sacrifice proves in the end a blessing when she finds that she really loves the man she has married is delight fully shown. Harrison Ford. Rob ert "Ellis. Kathleen Kirkham, Thom as D. Persse, Edna Mae Cooper, Jane Keckley and other well known players are among Miss Martin's co-workers. One of Omaha's best known characters will be seen on the screen at the Strand, "Up-to-the-Minute" Harry Watts, the man ager, is always getting something before others. "The Human Sema phore," who is seen every day at Farnam and Sixteenth streets, will star the next three days. Empress "The Soul of Broad way." a William Fox feature and one of the few real stories of New York night life, begins today. Val eska Suratt has the star role, that of a woman who loves the white lights better than anything else in the world. She is supported by an unusual cast, including William E. Shay, Gertrude Berkley. Geo. Mid cileton, Maud Allen and Sheridan Block. Rialto "The Miracle Man" is an uncommonly interesting photoplay. The scenes where the little village cripple casts away his crutches and A t Neighborhood Homes APOLLO Twenty-ninth and Leaven worth. Anita Stewart In "HUMAN DESIRE.". DIAMOND Twenty-fourth and Lake. Molly King in "HUMAN CLAY.' Also comedy. COMFORT Twenty-fourth and Vin ton. Lucella Stewart In "THE ELEVENTH COMMANDMENT." Lloyd comedy and Ktnorrama Newg. BOULEVARD Thirty-third and Leav enworth. Frank Keenen In "MAS TER MAN." Lyona and Moran com. edy. "HALF AND HALF." HAMILTON Fortieth and Hamilton. Geori Walsh in "LUCK AND PLUCK." . LOTHROP Twenty-fourth and Loth rop. Harold Lockwood In "GREAT ROMANCE." Comedy, "OH. BABY." GRAND Sixteenth and Btnney. Pathe special. "OH. BOY." walks up the path into the arms of the healer, is a breathless mo ment, from which, as in the play, every atom of excitement is wrung. If George Loane Tucker does noth ing beyond "The Miracle Man," he will be remembered as a screen di rector, who has come nearer to photographing thought than any one. Moon William Desmond in "Dangerous Waters" shows a scene at a party with the guests costumed in the filmy apparel of gods and goddesses. Jupiter and Juno, Venus and Adonis, Vulcan and Bacchus, Hebe, Minerva, Pros perpine, Neptune, upid and Psyche, and all the other mythological folk are shown revelling in the old Pa gan way with the lid off and the sky the limit. This scene is an exact replica in every detail of a notorious Olympian banquet given by a prominent member of the smart set in New York some 15 years ago. Muse Mrs. Charlie Chaplin in "Home," takes the role of the girl having care of father and mother, little sisters and a true-hearted boy hood lover, and seeks diversion and a rich marriage among .the codfish aristocrats of a summer party ac quaintance. Surfeited at the hol lowness of high society, Millicent Rankin goes back to home and friends a girl whose outlook on life has been changed. CONSTITUTION DAY OBSERVED AUDITORIUM Rev. Burris A. Jenkins of Kansas City Declares U. S. Document Caused De feat of Germany. "It was the constitution of the United States which made possible the shaping of an army of 2,000,000 men which put the cap sheaf on the defeat of Germany," declared Rev. Dr. Burris A. Jenkins of Kansas City, chief speaker last night at the Constitution day celebration in the Auditorium. Stanley M. Rose water, chairman of the Omaha committee, presided. There was music by a band and spe cial singing by a quartet. "The constitution is a preat docu ment about which most of us seldom think, but which is the foundation upon which we have built a nation that for 132 years has been the mar vel of the world. "It is as nearly perfect a docu ment as the hand of man has ever penned. In 132 years it has been amended only 18 times. Democracy and Protection. "It gives us democracy. Under it the beggar has the same rights as the millionaire; the humblest col ored man is as firmly guarded in his rights as the president. "Some years ago President Roose velt was hunting bear in Arkansas. The dogs weren't working right and someone mentioned 'Uncle Ezra,' an aged colored man who had some un surpassed dogs that they might bor row. A messenger was sent for them. Uncle Ezra refused to let the dogs go. 'But they're for President Theodore Roosevelt,' said the mes senger. 'I don't care if they're for Booker Washington hisself, I won't let them dogs go,' said Uncle Ezra. And he didn't. Can you imagine that happening in an European land? "I remember being in a party that entertained ex-President m Kansas City a year ago. When we were going from the hotel to the place where he was to speak we had an automobile for him. 'Where are the rest of you men going to ride?' he asked. Wc (old him we were go ing to walk. 'Then I'll walk, too,' he said. And he did. And I remem ber walking behind him. I noticed his shoes, run down at the heel, and his faded overcoat and his old slouch hat. I am sure it was five years old. And I was thrilled by the overshadowing presence of the con stitution which made possible this close association of us common men with him who had held the highest office in this land. Mott Marvelous Document. "The constitution is elastic, adapt able to changing times and condi tions. It is as strong today and as up-to-date as it was when it was signed, and I don't believe the time can ever come when it will not be adaptable to whatever conditions may arise. It is a most marvelous document." Mayor Smith spoke briefly before Dr. Jenkins. "The constitution of the United States was written and signed after the Revolutionary war had been fought and after England had been forced to sign the treaty of peace. O O O O O O fl RED CROWN GASOLINE E ODD. D.P H Q- What tea Service Station? It should be a place where good service is obtainable. Quick service accurate service courteous serv icesuch service as you get when you stop at the sign of the Red Crown. There you get full measure of hard hitting, clean-burning, Red Crown Gasoline the fuel for every motor. There you get Polarine Oil the lubricant for automobile engines the oil that keeps motors quiet running and powerful the year round. Look for a Red Crown Service Station when you need fuel or oil. There is one conveniently near you. Buying there makes motoring more economical and more pleasant. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA SERVICE STATIONS: 1 8th and Cass 18th and Cuming 18th and Howard 12th and Jackson 29th and Harney 39th and Farnam 20th and Ames 45th and Grant 51st and Dodge 24th and I South Side 24th and O South Side 30th and Tucker Florence MEB CROWN GASOLINE Prospective Scenario Writer Should Have Pair Knowledge of Literature and Drama ' xi. - .... I ..:t. -C t,., Mnnte Vf Vatterinhn. the xnia is xnc scvunu swimc ui a scuta - j v.v v , famous scenario expert, in which he tells Bee readers how to write plays for the motion picture screen. The opening installment was published in The Bee of yesterday. Today Mr. Katterjohn gives plain and pertinent advice to amateur writers of scenarios. The third article of the series will be in Thursday's Bee. By MONTE M. KATTERJOHN. Snuiirio writer, producer of Katterjohn plays and author of "Carmen of the Klon dike," "The Flame of the Yukon," and other famous photoplay. In this installment it is my inten tion to give the amateur scenario writer my best advice on how to prepare his goods in order to obtain a market and get the best prices that such a market offers. The amateur writer should not at tempt to include technique in his play. It should be of sufficient length to tell the plot, clearly and completely; use simple language and endeavor to make it read as interestingly as pos sible. Have it typewritten, as no manu script written with pen or pencil is ever read by the studio editor. Use only one side of the paper in preparing the play. Always inclose a self-addressed envelope when mailing to the sce nario editor. Place your name and address on the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript. Don't Write Letters. Do not write a letter saying it is your first attempt. Do not try to joke with the editor or manager of The writers of it gave six reasons why they had -written it and sub mitted it to the colonies. These reasons were: to form a more per fect union, to establish justice, to insure domestic tranquility, to pro vide for a common defense, to provide for the general welfare and to secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and to their poster ity. All these reasons are as strong today as they were 132 years ago. The constitution has well served the purposes for which it was written and will continue to serve these purposes. Observation of Constitution day is to be an annual event on Septem ber 17, if the plans of eight pa triotic organizations are carried out. These organizations initiated the celebrations throughout the country this year. AT THE' THEATERS A WELL laid out vaudeville en tertainment awaits Empress patrons with the change of program today. The Clifford Wayne trio, who head the bill, have an ef fective comedy singing and acrobatic number. Aside from their acro batic exhibition they introduce har mony singing and comedy talking. Cervo is an accordeonist who has a decided swing and rythm exclusively his own. Fred and Peggy Pym are character artists who specialize in impersonations, Fred of an English chappie and Peggy as an imperson ator of children. Several sons num bers are introduced, all written by Miss Pym. Housch and Lavelle, who complete the program, have a adver tisement of singing and comedy. Richard Carle and his own com pany will be at the Boyd Friday of next week to start a short season in "Sunshine," Richard Johnstone's latest musical comedy. In this Mr. Carle has the role of an American insurance agent, wandering around Spain. Imagination is not stretched to supply the details. The company contains a number of well known people, a Carle-picked chorus and brings an adequate orchestra to play the score. Oliver Morosco wi!f"present "Lom bards Ltd," at the Brandeis theater for three days, beginning next Mon day, September 22. This play, in which Oliver M6rosco is starring Leo Carillo, is the most successful fun and fashion hit which Fanny and Frederic Hatton have turned out. "Lombard., Ltd." has to do with the troubles, financial and do mestic, of Tito Lombardi, a fashion able New York dressmaker, who, while a genius in the art of creating wonderful gowns for America's smart set, is somewhat of an ama teur in the art of making love. Alexander, "The Man Who Knows," is heading his own show of wonders, an organization of preten tious proportions, for the remainder of the week at the Brandeis, appear ing every evening at 8:25. A special souvenir matinee for the aldies only is announced tor rnday. On Sat urday there will be the regular mati nee, "to which the general public will be admitted. When Harry Green, now playing at the Orpheum in the one-act com edy, "George Washington Cohen," next appears in Omaha it will be in a four-act farce. It will be an elab oration of "The Cherry Tree," the little play which he formerly pre sented in vaudeville. In that offer ing, as in his present vehicle, he ap peared as the humorous character. George Washington Cohen. The current show is particularly rich in laughs. Nothing on the bill is fun nier than the burlesque acrobatic act presented by Collins and Hart. Jack Clifford and Miriam Wills in "At Jasper Junction" score as one of the particular hits. The curtain on Sat urday night is to rise promptly at 8 o'clock. Mr. Green is scheduled to depart on an early tram and will be first on the program. Partirntarlv hnnnrv an4 invil I J J !J . 1 ( 1 I J nrettw little T.nretta Olieorn fluffy soubrette with "Million-Dollar Dolls," at the Gayety this week. The superbly gorgeous gowns worn by Lee Mae and Norma Barry gives one room for douht as to urhicN party who named the show had in uiiuu mien uic uue was decided on nrobablv both of them TVi beauty chorus, too, displays many changes of wardrobe that are won derful creations, dainty confections that feminine Omaha is admiring greatly. ' Ladies' matinee daily at 2:15. Virgil Bailey charges in a oeti- tion for divorce filed in district court that his wife, Fredda. has gone 'out with other men and has lost her affection for him. He asks for the custody of their child. , production, and above all don't try to play on the editor's sympathy. I Some persons write in that they hope their stories will be purchased, as they are frightfully hard up and in need of food and clothes. A writer who does these things never submits anything worth reading. Give your story a title, as a ma jority of studios register all manu scripts under the title name. It is not advisable for an outside writer to attempt to tell his story in continuity form. They should devote all their time to plot con struction, characterization and plot development. A great writer years ago said, "The play is the thing." With the screen writer, "The story is the thing." The outside writer should let the studio take care of the continuity. In almost all studios the custom now is for the staff writer to sub mit to the production manager his story in detailed synopsis form. A consultation is then held in which the director, several of the players, the production manager and perhaps the camera man participate. The synopsis is picked to pieces, dramatic situations are lifted out bodily, others added, characters are developed, and the play completely changed. Sometimes it is changed as much as 75 per cent. It is then given back to the con tinuity writer to be placed in scenic sequence. The continuity writer usually keeps in constant touch with the director at all times. The staff writer, although know ing his continuity technique, and aware of the peculiar needs of his respective studio and what parts are best suited to the players, must even submit his story in synopsis form before it is mapped out in con tinuity. Occasionally, instead of sub mitting a synopsis in writing, it is analyzed and discussed verbally be fore being placed in continuity form, but, nevertheless, the principle is the same. Can't Change Form. It can readily be seen that where; a staff writer in a studio submits a synopsis before a continuity is started, there is no use whatever of the outside author taking time and labor in the attempt to hand in his play in this manner. Some writers excell in taking an other person's synopsis and making a continuity sheet from it. Others are better equipped to write an orig inal synopsis. Some few have the rare combination of both attributes. It ii the ability to put your story into words that counts. And so we come to the plot itself, and its development. While it is now understood that the imagination is the basic principle of plot construction, yet the imagin ation must work along construc tive workmanship lines, or it is liable to be erratic Should Know Literature. A great many persons have vivid imaginations which at times seem to be nothing more or less than flights of fancy. The art of concentration must be utilized. Insane asylums are filled with untrained and unde veloped imaginations. To have a vivid imagination and then not be able to use it because of lack of training is a tragedy. To write plays for the screen, the author should have a knowledge of literature, a knowledge of drama, and also be more or less a student of the screen drama. The more knowledge the writer has along these lines, the better chance he has of becoming a successful cre ator of picture stories. In The Bee tomorrow, Mr. Kat terjohn will tell in detail the best way to go about the selection of a theme. In reading these articles one should not forget that the author of this series is a highly paid sce nario expert who knows not only what the moving picture companies want, but who has had years of ex perience in the actual preparation of manuscript for the photoplays. Don't miss tomorrow's installment. IF THIN A Nil II I 11311 IU1W NERVOUS, TRY PHOSPHATE Nothing Like Plain Bltro-Phosphata to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Force. When one stops to consider the hot of thin people who are searching con tinually for some method by which they may Increase their flesh to normal pro portions by the filling out of ugly hol lows, the rounding off of protruding angles with the attendant bloom of health and attractiveness, it is no wonder that many and varied suggestions along this line appear from time to time in public print. While excessive thinness might be at tributed to various and subtle causes in different individuals, It is a well-known fact tnat the lacy, of sufficient phos phorous in the human system is very largely responsible for this condition. Ex periments on humans and animals by many scientists hare demonstrated beyond question of doubt that a body deficient In phosphorous becomes nervous, sickly and thin. A noted author and professor in his book. "Chemistry and Food Nutri tion." published in 1018, says: that the amount of phosphorous required for the normal nutrition of man is seri ously underestimated in many of our standard text books." c How on earth did it happen? "Fereliarelkpaelcaitt box no longer seems to bt the moot" EVIDENCE Fitima is the largest-selling cigarette at the following, and scores of other prominent places: Atlantic City Marlborougb-Blenheim Hotel Traymore Boston ; Hotel Touraine Hotel Copley Plaza Harvard Club Stock Exchange Chicago Auditorium Hotel Congress Hotel Narrogansett Pier Casino ' New York Hotel Biltmore , Hotel Knickerbocker Hotel Pennsylvania Stock Ezchapga Palm Beach The Breakers Philadelphia Ritz-Carlton 1 Stock Exchange Washington The Capitol Building IMAGINE any first-class, medium priced ear ($1500 or $2000) ever becoming so well liked that even the millionaires would prefer it for their own use to even the highest priced cars. Impossible. You're right. Such a thing couldn't happen with a medium-priced auto mobile nor, you would think, witl anything else. And yet this "impossible" thing has happened with a medium-priced ciga rette. Just note, if, you please, the evidence below, at the left. How on earth did Fatima do it? What is it what does this medium priced cigarette give that these wealthy smokers prefer to anything given by even the highest-priced cigarettes? The answer is "Just enough Turkish" Until they had tried Fatima, most of these men had been smoking straight Turkish cigarettes because, of course, until a few years ago these fancy-boxed, expensive straight Turk ish cigarettes were practically the only cigarettes on sale at places like those named. Gradually, however, it seems that these men have learned two ,$jjflgs about Fatima: 1. That Fatima's famous blend (containing more Turkish than any other blend) has just enough Turkish for full flavor; and 2. That the blend is so "balanced1 as to off-set entirely that over richness or heaviness of straight Turkish. Which proves again that Fatimaa are a sensible cigarette .that they leave a man feeling fine and fit even after smoking more heavily than usual. Has your present cigarette has any cigarette as strong a claim for your serious consideration as hat Fatima? FAT MA A Sensible Cigarette 20 Jor 23 cents 1 i p'J AH J l r Georgia Hamilton, the vtondtrful 'movie" nirt. who warn one thin and frail, eays: Bitro-Phaiphaf brought about thm magic transformation. I gained IS poundt and ntecr bifor fsut so wll. it seems to be welt established that this deficiency in phosphorous may now be met by the UBe of an organic nhos- phate known throughout English speak ing countries as iJitro-fhospnate. Through the assimilation of this nhosnkate bv the nerve tissue the phosphoric -content when absorbed in the amount normally required by nature soon produces a wel come change in our body and mind. Narva tension disappears, visor and strength re place weakness and lack of energy, and ine wnoie noay soon loses its ugly hol lows and abrupt angles, becoming en veloped in a glow of perfect health and beauty and tha will and strength to be tin and doing. , Physicians are now recosnlzlne? Its merits by its use in ever increasing quantities. Frederick Kolle, M. D., editor of New York Physicians' "Who's Who." says: "Bitro-Phosphate should ba pre scribed by every doctor and used In averr hospital to increase strength and nerve force and to enrich the blood." Joseph D. Harnean. Former Visiting? Specialist to North Eastern Dispensatory, Bays: jjfi mose wno are weak, thin, nervous, anaemic, or run-down, take r. natural, unadulterated substance such aa bitro-phosphate and you will soon aea some astonishing results In the increase of nerve energy, strength of body and mind and power of endurance." Bitro-Phosphata la made entirely of the organic phosphate compound referred to in the .National standard Dispensatory aa being a preparation which has recently acquired considerable reputation in the treatment of neurasthenia. The standard of excellence, strencth and purity of ita substance is beyond question, for every Bitro-F nosphate tablet Is manufactured in strict accordance with the U. S. Pharma copoeia test reauirements. Bitro-Phos phate is therefore not a patent medicine and should not be contused with any of the secret nostrums, so-called tonics or widely advertised "cure-alls." CAUTION: While Bitro-PhosphaU Is unsurpassed for the relief of nervousness, general debility, etc., those taking it who do not desire to put on flesh should us extra care in avoiding fat-producing foods. 1 PLAIT MAY COiUER BRIGHT'S DISEASE New York. Physicians who hava tested the sap of the Mexican macuey nlant in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys believe that an Important discovery baa been made. Writing in La Escuela da Medicine, the leading Mexican medicine lournal. the editor says: It is the only substance known up to the present time, in the whole world, having the nowpt to radically and permanently overcom cngiit s Disease. Reports of definite results In a hr?a ' number of chronic and long standinic easre of kidney trouble created a persistent de mand lor tnis sap, which is popularly known under the name of AGMEL. and considerable quantities are being imported into tne united suites. The Arrow Chemical Co.. 2531 TJnlon Square. New York City, will mail to those interested a free descriptive booklet: or upon receipt of S3. 00 a full sized hnttl. of AGMEL, containing 806 cubie centi meters of pure concentrated sap. will be sent to any address in tha U. S. A. or Canada, all charges prepaid. POWER TO WIN Meins the possession of con rer.trstks sluutr. a knovlerin of fcumm nslure. oonTsna llnnsl ulent. will power, meniorr. parsons! usrnetism. How ttiass attributes mr b wnnrfn! Illtl txmlc entitled "PERSONAI, ritwfcn. remi n rents in ruis for s eopr. AMreis. A. V. K'IKg, Sec Promts UutS Vulva llouus, ii. V. CIV.-Aai,