Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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IE Biili: .OaMAIIA,
A UWWUit ill
Pershing Won His Examination to
West Point Against 16 Candidates
One by One Papers Were Thrown Out Until Only Two
RemainecU-Five Times the Committee Tried to
, Decide, Gave it Up, and Then Applied a Unique
Test That John Won.
There ii a kindly, gracious old
man, a native of Gray, Me., who
tells of the West Point examina
tion. His itory is well worth while.
Jo into the office of old Judge
Oscar V. Libhy, in State afreet.
Laclede, to take a chair by the old
man' desk.
. Judge Libby is a delightful old
nan to talk with; and he is a de
lightful old man to look at. with
his white hair and white mustache
and white gotee.
"Retired now. but keep the old
of 'ice so's I'll have a place to en
tertain my friends," he said, as he
. waved me in his courteous and dig
nified manner to a cluir. Then he
1 tolchhis story.
Sold Appointments.
"You know," he said to me, "be
fore fitirrou s was elected in 1880,
as I recall, November of 1880 the
Appointments to West Point were
sold.ither privately or in the open
( market, to the highest bidder. A
travesty, but true. I know, for I
vanted to secure an appointment,
and I never could, in those days, get
sufficient money together all at one
time. When at last 1 did, I was
too old. A boy can't be more than
I 22, you know, when he enters West
1 Point. '
"Well, thinps had bern going that
way as long as anyone could re
member, when Burrows was elected.
Me changed it all, great old man,
Joseph II. Eurrows. Great old char
acter. He vas a Raptist minister,
ordained in 1P67. and pastor for
many years of the First Raptist
church of Gainesville, Mo. He be
came interested in politics and was
elevated to the gcieral assembly of
Missouri. Then he ran for con
gress, and one of his pledges to
the electorate was 'honest appoint
ments for West Point.'
Had Sixteen Competitors.
"The day of the examination John
and a number of other boys 1 think
there were 17 were there. A com
mittee of five persons, as I recall,
was selected to grade the examina
, tion papers. The papers were com
pleted at last and turned in to the
committee. Grading of the papers
started, and one by one, until only
two remained, they were discarded.
The two left were those of John
Pershing and a boy named Higgin-
"But to decide which of those pa
pers was the best, the committee
could roW The five men tried and
tried. Each time they went over the
papers the result -was the same. It
was a case of 'whittle de. whit,' as
the old judge characterized it, 'be
tween the two boys.'
"At last one of the committeemen
hit upon a scheme.
"He walked over to the black
board in the schoolroom where the
examination had been held and
wrote on the board a sentence the
same sentence twice. It was this:
" T love to run.'
"John and Higginbotham were
called back into the room and told
they must parse the sentence writ
ten on the. board according to the
rules of Clark's grammar.
How Pershing Won.
"The boys started. John parsed
the sentence, T the subject, 'love'
he predicate, to run' the object of
the verb. Higginbotham parsed the
sentence, T the subject, 'love' the
predicate, 'to run an infinitive phrase
qualifying the verb.
"John won."
Thus it was by the clever analysis
of a sentence, John Pershing , se
cured his appointment as a cadet to
the Unite States Military academy
at We6t Point.
Day in Trenton. ,
The day in Trenton was perhaps
:he most momentous in the life of
Gen. John Joseph Pershing.
Almost 30 years afterward, a brig
a dies general in the United States
army, commander of the Depart
ment of Mindanao and governor of
Moro province in the Philippine
islands, as president of his class at
West Point to which rouchvenvied
position he was elected his first year
in the academy and which he has
held continuously ever since the
class of '86. wrote a letter of greet
ing from hisyheadquarters at Zam-
boanga, P. I to be read at the 25th
reunion of the class at West Point.
He recalled that day in Trenton, de
claring that, above all others, It
stood out as one of the "proudest"
of his life.
He wrote:
"The proudest days of my life,
with one exception, have come to me
in connection with West IJoint
days that stand out clear arid dis
tinct from all others. The first of
these was the day I won my ap
pointment at Trenton, Mo., in a
competitive examination with 17
competitors. An old friend of the
... j
TL i iP
Clay C. Bigger, Laclede, Mo.,
lawyer anoS friend of Pershing since
family happened to be in Trenton
that day and, passing on the oppo
site side of the street, called to me
and said:
Proud of Passing.
" 'John, I hear you passed with fly
ing colors.'
"In all seriousness, feeling the
great importance of my success, I
naively replied in a ud voice:
"'Yes, I did,' feeling assured no
one had ever quite passed such a
fine examination as I had."
Much more there is to the letter,
really a classic, much of reminis
cence that thrills and grips one. But
that is another story. The letter is
almost a chapter in itself.
"Lafayette, We Are Here."
For now, back to pld Judge Lib
by's office.
"A happier boy than John when
he returned home to Laclede from
Trenton after that examination
would have been impossible to
find," the old judge said to me.
"And all of us Laclede folks were
happy with him. He was a noble
boy and we all loved him. Let me
tell you a story of him.
"I recall one day, standing on the
street here while John's father and
Pete Felt were nearby, talking.
They were speaking of John and I
overheard Pete Felt say to Mr. Per
shing: 'He hasn't the gift of expres
sion.' "Think 1" exclaimed the old judge.
"Not the gift of expression I Johnl
John, who stood before Lafayette's
tomb and said: 'Lafayette, we are
here.' "
Not for many minutes could the
old judge speak again, so moved was
he. When he did resume it was to
tell me stories I had heard before
and of which I have written. But
it was pleasant to hear them again
from the old-judge, for the recital
of them gave him much happiness
the day Ixallcd uppn him. The next
day, alas.'he was to experience one
of life's tragedies. His oldest son,
about whom the old judge's whole
life was centered, died in Kansas
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Milwaukee "Deputy Sheriff"
Gets 60 Days for Vagrancy
Just two days after Ferdinand
Brandenburg, Milwaukee, Wis.,
came to Omaha armed with deputy
sheriff badges, he was sentenced to
60 days in jail for vagrancy. Detec
tives arrested him when he sought
to' have several books, of blaflk
checks printed for the "Mason Auto
company, Omaha." Printers noti
fied the police of Brandenburg's re
quest and the man was taken to cen
tral police station. He said he
wanted the checks for his own use.
No firm under the name "Maso
Auto Company" is listed in the city
Estate of Late W. C. Bullard
Totals About Quarter Million
Mayor Smith, administrator of the
estate of the late William C. Bul
lard, filed an inventory of the es
tate In county court Tuesday, show
ing that it consists of $11,000 real es
tate and $233,000 personal property.
The latter includes 734 shares of
Bullard Lumber company stock,
worth $73,400 at par: 217 shares of
Omaha Structural Steel company
stock, worth $21,700 at par, and $31,
500 worth of life insurance.
If jrou hv any idea that your
eczema too stubborn to respond to Pot-,
lam' healing Influence, consider that this)
splendid remedy has mad it record by
mastering difficult and baffling case of
year standing.. Tick out the hardest spot
you have where itching and smarting an
noy most ar.d giv Pvolam an overnight
rhanc to show improvement. Try the
nam If you have pimples, acne, rash,
scalp-scale, herpes or any skin disorder.
Sold everywhere. For free sample write
to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th
St., New YorkCity.
tlree your skin to becom clearer, bright
er, better by the daily us of Fotlam
Soap, medicated with Foslam.
Helpless and friendless, apparent
ly without funds, Thomas Turner,
SO years old, recently was removed
to the county hospital to be treated
at the expense of the county. He
-fdied, and when hospital attendants
removed his clothing tney xouna
$5,680 in cash hidden in it. I
Last week Turner same to County
Physician Van Camp for aid. He
was treated in the county's institu-
A Sure Way To
End Dandruff
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this,
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need), ap
ply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace of
it, no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
Keep your stomach
sweet' today and ward
off the indigestion of
tomorrow tr
the new aid to diges
tion as pleasant
and as safe to take
as candy.
Nearly $6,000 Cash
Found in Clothes of
"Poor Man" Who Died
tion for heart disease and a paralys
ed throat. Hospital authorities are
now trying to find relatives and
possible heirs of the poor "rich"
man. Turner, who was unable to
read or write, is said to have a
nephew in Fort Dodge, la.
Burglar Steals Enough "Fags"
To Last Him Several Years
A burglar pried open a rear
window of the Holmes. Wildhaver
& Co. establishment at 1112 Howard
street, end stole 80,000 cigarets. The
burglar took nothing else, although
there were plenty of cigars and oth
er things which he could have
Council to Attempt Solution
Of Downtown Parking of Cars
Mayor Smith, during city council
meeting today, appointed Commis
sioners Ringer, Ure and Butler as a
special committee to meet with
members of the Associated Retail
ers, with a view of agreeing on a
practical solution of the downtown
automobile parking situation. -
J. W. Metcalfe, secretary of the
retailers, appeared roefore the coun
cil with a complaint that automo
biles are kept in front of stores for
hours at a time and that they inter
fere with the business of merchants.
Chamberlain's Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy
is prompt and effectual.
Only 35 cents per bottle.
may be obtained subject to prior sale in any
number from one up to f ivethousand to one
, personrom the holdings of persons who de
sire their mrjney invested.
From time to time these shares are offered
for transfer and all orders are filled in the
order filed with interest paid on money from
date received.
i Money invested available any time after 12
months on short notice to the AMERICAN
No one ever waited one day beyond the time
when he expected his money.
HOME BUILDERS- Shares are-secured by Mortgages"
on newly improved Omaha property built by '
HOME BUILDERS for reliable people.
G. A. Rohrbouf h, President.
C. C. Shimcr, Secretary. .
Omaha, Nebraska
N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge Sts.
Motor and Sport
The Fall
A few style notes
by our shopper:
As, Illustrated
BOTH Tuxedo and plain effects. These1 much
wanted novelties prove a very desirable sub
stitute for those wanting a warm comfortable
.wrap which is just a little different.
Priced $6.50 to $16.50
Thev come in all the desirable plain colors
such ds Jade Blue, Beaver, Taupe and "high
colors." Also numerous combinations and shad
ings while some have pockets and belts attached
and others are worn with a smart patent leather
Lecturer and Inventor of
will deliver a Series of Daily Lectures
dealing with Health, Beauty, Proper
Breathing and the Correction of Physical
Deformities, while demonstrating the dis
tinctive features of Nulife Corsets.
Lectures Will Begin
Next Monday
Plan to hear the first lecture particu
larly, becau;;e of its introductory char
acter. Hours of Lecture Svill
be Announced in our
Adv. Sunday
Women's Pure Thread
Special 2"
THESE Pure Thread Silk Hos-
A iery are full-fashioned s!'k to the Jg!
ivyf uuuuiu ueiiniieu ivya tuiu ouiah;
have lisle garter tops, double soles,
heels and toes, iu black, white and
shoe shades substandards of a $3
grade, very special at $2 per pair.
' EVER bfor la th htitory of
womtn'i clotaei hu io much
acceasorlu of dress, and never be
fore bare they been so beautiful and
.The Kew Glotei, on of the most
essential things needed to complete
a costume, are to be found In Golden
and African Brown, Black, Gray and
Taupe, with black bandleta and con
trast stitching of self tone and black
to match the bandlet. Then there
are the most wonderful white and
black combinations. Beautiful over
seam real French kid gloves with
black bandleUand black and white
embroidered sacks, and when one
says real French kid in these days
it means something. I must say one
little word fox the clever and com
fortable slip-on gloves in real
kid, in tans, browns, grays and
blacks, T.1th their adjustable strap
at the wrist, the very thing for the
new fall suit.
Every Woman revels In the posses
sion of beautiful silk hose, and never
before have they shown more beau
tiful silk lace and embroidered hose,
to say nothing, the exquisite em
broidered and lace clocks. It Is no
secret that black is to be very good
this fall and winter for evening wear,
and what would more beautifully
complete an evening costume than
a pair of the new lock stitch lace -hose,
or a pair of the Paris clocks,
some of which show the lace
clocking as wide as an Inch, while
for those who prefer a daintier,
design there is v the narrow lacing.
In the ' embroidered clocks there
is a quaint floral design very new
and attractive. For the afternoon
gowns there are the matching shades
of browns, blues and taupes, In both
the lace and clocked hose.
So many beautiful bags on display
that It is difficult to decide which
ones most merit these Inadequate
descriptions. Such wonderfully ex
quisite beaded bags, and Imported If
you please; some worked out in con
ventional designs, others in floral
designs, to say nothing of the won
derful peacock bags, all in gorgeous
color combinations, with silver and
ivory frames, and lined with the
most beautiful of silks In either
matching or contrasting shades on
particularly beautiful bag had a
solid ground of henna beads with an
oriental design worked In old blue,
gold and silver, with a quaintly de
signed gold mounting and an exquis
ite lavender silk lining held in place
with tiny French flowers. Then
there arelhe new draw string beaded
bags, the very thing to hold milady's
handkerchief and powder puff.
Incidentally, these bags were pur
chased when French money ex
change was at Its lowest-conse-quently
pricings are very reasonable. ,
An Example of Notable Value dn Our Rug Section
Royal Wilton Rugs are the peer of all floor coverings. Royal in design, royal
in textur, royal in coloring an excellent assortment to relect from.
9x12 Seamless Axminster
Rugs, 52.50
Closely woven, heavy nap, woven in one
piece in medallion, oriental and conventional
designs, beautifully colored.
RuBber Door Mats, 75c
These mats are of a heavy quality rubber,
and they come in good, generous sizes.
9x12 Seamless Brussels
Rugs at 27.50
One-piece tapestry Brussels rugs for the
dining room, living room or bedroom. Very
Reversible Rag Rugs, 98c,
These rugs come in the hit or miss patterns,
in a variety of attractive colorings.
Art Embroidery Work
. New Ideas in Stamped Goods
Stamped Table Center, 36 inches wide, tan
needlework cloth tooe embroidered in a fo
rmating conventional design. Priced at 1.35.
Library Scarf to match the above.
Priced each at 1.35.
36-inch Center and Library Scarf, stamped on ,
tan needleweave, basket and conventional
flower designs. Priced each at 1.35.
Bridge Covers or Luncheon Sets, on white
clover bleached cloth. Dainty . conventional
'.cd floral designs.
Square cloth, stamped, priced at 75c.
Napkins, set of 4, stamped, at 40c.
Very Special
Concerning an extraordinary
sale of Floor1 and Table
Lamps. If you are desirous
of purchasing an elegant
Lamp, you" will be well repaid
for keeping this coming sale
in mind.
See Wednesdayj Papers
for Particulars