Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Vv. '
Appointments for Nebraska
t Methodist. Churches An
nounced at Close of
Meet in Lincoln.
Lincoln, Sept. IS. (Special.)
Announcement of appointments for
Methodist churches in Nebraska
were made at the concluding ses
sion of the conference in session
here today. The appointments fol
low: Special Appointments.
I. B. Schreckengast, chancellor
Nebraska Wesleyan university,
member First church, University
Place, quarterly conference.
N. A. Martin, corresponding sec
retary Nebraska Methodist hospital,
member First church, Omaha, quar
terly conference.
J. R. Gettys, corresponding sec
retary Conference Claitnaints' soci
ety, member First church, University
Place, quarterly conference.
A. VV. Partch. professor Fisk uni
versity, Nashville, Tenn., member
Centenary, Beatrice, quarterly con
ference. B. F. Summers, missionary to Ne
vada. W. H. Mills, missionary toi Ne
vada. v
O. L. Kendall, professor element
ary education, Nebraska Wesleyan
university, member First church,
University Place, quarterly confer
ence. K. O. Zavadil, missionary to the
Bohemians, member Crete quarterly
M. B. Carman, confereno- "--ar
gelist, member Minden quarterly
D. VV. MacGregoor, conference
evangelist, member quarterly con
ference. G. W. Isham, centenary executive
secretary, Omaha area, member
First -hurch, Omaha, quarterly con
ferenc. F. A. High, office secretary cen
tenary, member Hanscom Park,
Omaha, quarterly conference.
W. H. Underwood, superintendent
Crowell home, member Blair quar
terly conference.
K. W. G. Hiller, survey secretary
for Nebraska, inter-church world
movement, member quarterly con
ference. H. P. Hunter, secretary stereop
ticon department, centenary, mem
ber quarterly conference.
Peter Van Fleet, financial secre
tary Nebraska Wesleyan university,
member First church, University
Place, quarterly conference.
In war work: Edmund D. Silver
brand and R. S. True.
Left without appointment to at
tend some one of our schools: A. L.
FVatt, Joseph Tunia, D. T. Morton,
Carroll D. Hilderbrand.'Paul Hueb
r.erand Lloyd F. VVorley.
On leave of abseuce: W. W. Get
tys, H. A. Grigsby, H. H. Millard,
U. G. Brown and G. B. Warren.
Clyde Clav Cissell, district super
intendent, 230 City National Bank
building, Omaha.
Asbury-Miss Jennie Brubakcr.
Benson John Calvert.
Dietz E. M. Brown.
First Titus Lowe.
Florence T. C. Webster.
Grace C. C. Wilson.
Hanscom Park Arthur Atac'.;.
Hirst B. L. Geissing'er.
Jennings To be supplied.
Lefler To be supplied.
McCabe L. F. Townsend.
Mission to the Deaf P. S. Hasen
stab. Oak Street Gerriet Janssen.
Pearl W. L. Austin.
Trinity S L. Bovers.
Walnut Hill F. O. Winslow.
Ames-Maple Grove, Raus M. Han
son; Arlington, Joseph Stopford;
Beemer, N. M. Pincknev: Bethel, E.
S. Grimes: Blair, A. T. Wright:
Craig-Alder Grove, J. B. Stoner; De
catur, to be supplied; tlk Citv, J.
H. Bounds; Fremont, E. D. Hull;
Gretna-Spring Grove, H. S. Weary;
Herman-Rose Hill, to be supplied;
Hooper, E. H. Tipton; Kennard, A.
W. Ahrendts; Lyons, Neal Johnson;
Leshara, C C. Johnson; Nickerson,
to be supplied; North Bend, W. H.
Jackson; Oakland. G. A. Bales; Pen
der, to be supplied; Purple Cane, E.
A. SrnMi; Richfield-Ralston. Chas.
Henson; Rosalie. E. O. Johnson;
Springfield, W. H. Guest; Tekamah,
A. S. Buell; Tekamah Circuit. A. S.
Buell; Thurston, A. A. Kerber; Val
ley. R. F. Farley; Walthill, C, R.
Wilhide; Washington. G. A. Luce;
Wisner, R. R. Richardson.
Fairbury District
A. O. Hinson, district superin
tendent. Alexandria-Powell, to be sup
plied; Beatrice-Centenary, J. F.
Haas; La Salle Street, L. N. Blough;
Bclvidere. J. B. Kipple; Blue
Sprins-Holmesville, F. A. Car
triony: Carleton, A. L. Kellogg;
Chester, Charles Burns; Clatonia,
O. L. Kendall; Courtland, J. D.
Hammell; Crete, Grace, W. B. Bliss;
Bohemian, Frank Sedy; Davenport,
T. W. Lewis; Daykin, C. C. Her
mann; DeWitt, E. E. Shafer; Diller
Rock Creek, J. R. Smith; Dorchester,
A. H. Brink; Edgar, V. R. Beebe;
Ellis, M. W. Pickerel; Exeter, W. C.
Kelly; Fairbury, E. L. Baker; Fair
mont, Charles P. Lang; Friend, E.
L. Mitchell; Geneva, R. H. Thomp
son; Hardy-Cadams, E. B. Maxcy;
Hebron, V. C Wright; . Hubbell
Byron, H. C. Barrett; Nora-Oak,
A. C. Bates; Ohiowa, A. M. Steele;
Ong-Lakeside, P. C. Petersen;
Plymouth. Dewey Burham; Rey
nolds, to be supplied; Shickley, E. L.
Jeambey: Steele City-Endicott, T.
C. Priestley; Swanton, to be sup
plied; Tobias, to be supplied; West
ern, H. W. Wagner; Wilber, to be
supplied; Wymore, W. C. Harper.
Tecumseh District
E. ,T. George district superin
tendent; Adams, W. L. Elliott; Alvo,
E. A. Knight; Ashland, L. A. Jones;
Auburn, W. N. Wallis;; Auburn ave
rue, R. H. Carr; Bennet, J. H. Hall;
Bookwalter-Armour, to be supplied;
Brook, to be supplied; Burchard
Violet, S. MeKeown; Burr. H. L.
Case; Cook-Mt. Hope, J. W. Hen
derson; Crab Orchard, A. G. Car
roll; Douglas, Charles Ford; Du
Bois, C. E. Austin; Eagle, C. F.
Steiner; Eight Mile Grove, E. H.
Pontius; Elk Creek, S. Keiser; Elm
wood, S. W. Longacre; Falls Gty,
E. M. Reed; Filley, R. Kellogg;
Greenwood,' to be supplied; Hum
boldt, George Almond; Johnson
Graf, to be supplied; Lewiston-May-berry,
J. T. Rowan; Louisville, J. C.
Dillon; Murdock, to be supplied;
Nebraska City, J. H. Wilcox; Ne
hawka, E. C. Moore; Nemaha
Brown ville, M. R. Crisp; Ualmyra,
George Kersten; Pawnee City, C. N.
Dawson; Peru, A. Allen Randall;
Plattsmouth. A. V. Hunter; Pleas
ant View, P. L. Harris; Rockford,
E. E. Jackman; Rulo, to be supplied;
South Bend, William Burnhardt;
Stella, Victor Keiser; Sterling. W.
C. Braymen; Syracuse, E. A.
Worthley; Table Rock, J. A. Troke;
Talmage, Frank August; Tecumseh,
Union-Wyoming, L. Morrison;
E. E: Bowen, Unadilla, C. Norlin;
Vest, C. E. Austin; Wabash, Frank
August; Waverlv, G. A. Randall;
Weeping Water, W. F. Haskins.
Hastings District.
J. W. Embree, district superin
tendent, Hastings; Alvin Chapel, to
be supplied; Aurora, J. D. M. Buck
ner; Aye, C. J. Hyrop; Benedict,
O. T. Moore; Bladen, C. E. Connell;
Blue Hill, to be supplied; Bostwick,
John T. Lee; Bradshaw, Lee Flet
cher; Campbell, to be supplied;
Charleston, to be supplied; Clay
Center, Carl G. Bader; Cowles, H.
E. Linninger; Doniphan, T. H. Wor
ley; Eckley, to be supplied; Fair
field, B. F. Hutchins; Giltner, to be
supplied; Grace Chapel, Merle W.
Ilamer; Green's Chapel, H. L.
Blair; Gresham, F. E. Pfouts; Guide
Rock, C. L. Luscher; Hempton, E.
F. Tripp; Harvard, M. H. Triplett;
Hastings, C. W. McCaskill; Hord
ville, I. G. Hopkins; Insvale, to be
supplied; Inland, Miss Eflie Ryan;
Juniata, J. F. Hageman; Kenesaw,
to be supplied; Lawrence, E. M.
Bisbee; Lushton, to be supplied;
Marquette, I. G. Hopkins; McCool
Junction, to be supplied; Mt. Clare,
Vard V. Gray; Nelson, H. G. Wil
cox; Osceola, W. W. Hull; Pauline.
M. C. Smith; Phillips, R. B. E Hill;
Polk. B. N. Kunkel; Prosser, to be
supplied; Red Cloud, H. VV. Cope;
Roseland, E. H. Burroughs; Spring
Ranch, John T. Hoon; Stockham,
E. J. Hancock; Stromburg, V'v H.
Van Horn; Superior, K. J. McKen
zie; Sutton, C. M. McCorkle;
Thaver, H. V. Price; Trumbull,
George Winters; York, L. R. De
Holdrege District.
J. VV. Kirkpatrick, superintendent.
Alma, J. R. Bucknell; Aarapahoe,
D. VV. Parker; Atlanta. B. M. Gor
don; Axtell, to be supplied; Bartley,
O. H. Albertson; Beaver City, VV.
S. Porter; Benkelman. E. C. Staley;
Bertrand, A. V. Wilson; Blooming
ton, John Thomas; Cambridge, Vic
tor West; Culbertson, A. E. Fowler;
Curtis. Richard Gibb; Danbury, M.
C. Gallaway; Edison', to be supplied;
Elsie-Madrid, A. E. Murlless; El
wood, A. G. Swanson; Farnam, J.
G. Hurlbut; Franklin. F. A. Shaw
key; Grant, Fred Varcoe; Haigler,
to be supplied; Hendlev, to be sup
plied; Hildreth, J. D. Walker; Hoi
brook, to be supplied; Holdrege, B.
L. Story; Huntley, T. E. Gillet; Im
perial, G. VV. Paul; Indianola, J. A.
Rousey; Loomis, to be supplied;
Lowell-Newark, G. A. Wash; May
wood, P. J. Kirk; McCook, C. W.
Ray; McCook Circuit, to Be sup
plied; Minden, A. D. Burress; Nor-man-Hartwell,
to be supplied; Or
leans, L. 1. Kose; Oxford, J. VV. Lus
ter; Palisade, C. E. Catlett; Ragan
Sacramcnto, A. A. King; Republican
City, H. H. Miles; Riverton, E. L.
Cochran; Smithfield, A. V. Wilson;
Stockville, G B. Mayfield; 'Stratton,
J. A. Miller; Trenton, E. H. Hinkel;
Camels are the most likable
cigarettes you ever smoked!
Put Camels quality, refreshing
flavor and cigarette satisfaction to
the utmost test then compare
Camels with any cigarette in
the world at any price !
Made to meet your taste, Camels
never tire it, no matter how
liberally you smoke them'
Every time you light a Camel you
get new and keener enjoyment!
How you will appreciate their
refreshing flavor and fragrance!
They appeal so keenly to the
most fastidious smokers !
1 8 cents a package
Camels ar
in scientifically sealed
ages of 20 cigarettes ;
packages (200 cigarette,
We strongly recomr
carton for the home
supply or when you travel
R- J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Winston-Sadem, N. C
The expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
makes Camels such a cigarette
revelation they're so fascinat
ingly smooth and mellow-mild,
yet, so. full bodied!
You prefer the joys of this
wonderful Camel blend to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight !
Freedom from any unpleasant
cigaretty aftertaste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor makes
Camels as unusual as they are
You'll prefer Camels Quality
to coupons, premiums or gifts!
-covered carton,
recommend this
Upland, C. S. Mundell; Wallace, H.
VV. Galloway; Watineta. D. A. Mc
Cullough; VVauneta Circuit, R. E.
Martin; Wellfleet, VV. VV. Apple
yard; Wilcox, VV. S. Morris; VVil
sonville, J. A. Martin.
Lincoln District
J. F. Boeye, Superintendent.
Beaver Crossing, L. R. Hans
berry; Bee-Bohemian, F. K. Sedy;
Bellwood-Savanah, B. F. Eberhart;
Brainard, to be supplied; Cedar
Bluffs, F. I. Finch; Cedar Hill, Carl
Schmidt; Ceresco Circuit, J. H. Fow
ler; Crounse, W. B. Zimmerman;
Davey, Glen Peterson; David City,
J. M. Bothwell; Denton-VVV sley
Chapel, R. B. Barr; Emerald, R. N.
Throckmonton Garrison-Millerton,
H. A. Laeger; Goehner-Ruby, G. M.
Jones; Havelock, Ralph Miller;
Hickman, to be supplied; Ithaca, A.
J. C. Kellow; Jamaica, E. T. Engle.
Lincoln: Asbury, L. L. Chambers
and J. L. Jay; Elm Park, B. F. Cram;
Emmanuel, H. C. Capsey; Ep worth,
M. M. Wolff; Grace, J. H. Clcm
mens; Lake View, L. L. Chambers
and J. L. Jay; Lincoln Heights,
Walter Day; St. James, E. VV.
Price; St. Johns, McCabe Day; St.
Lukes, Clifford Shaub; St. Paul, W.
E. J. Grats; Trinity, E. N. Tomp
kins. Malcolm, VV. A. Ruyle; Mar
tel, Ray Cowen Memphis, Jack
man; Milford, J. VV. Davis; Morse
Bluffs-Spring Creek, Harvey Burt
ner; Normal, W. M. Parker; Pleas
ant Dale, H. J. Skeirik; Princeton,
Clair Van Meter; Raymond, R. F.
Shacklock; Rising City, E. S. Mc
Daniel; Roca, R. H. Chenowith;
Seward, William Bovers Sheron
Prairie Home, R. VV. Pruitt; Shelby
Wesley Chapel, C. E. Ruch;
Sprague, E. E. Pengully; Surprise
Greenleaf, C. F. Innis; Tamora, F.
C. Mills; Ulysses, 0. VV. Rummell.
University Place: First, J. VV. Rob
ertson; Warren, J. W Crist. Utica,
J. B. Roe; Valparaiso, A. G. For-
man; Waco, VV. C. Fawell; VVahoo
Western, Thomas Bithel.
Kearney District.
M. E. Gilbert, superintendent;
Anselmo. S. G. Dorey, Ansley,
Ralph A. Pinkham; Arcadia, Ed
ward Boldman; Arnold, G. H. John
son; Berwyn, to be supplied; Big
Springs, Thomas VV. Parkin; Bradv,
E. P. Booher; Broken Bow, C. 6.
Gomtn; Burwell, L. VV. Gramly;
Cailawav, E. E. Laeger; Chappell,
L. V. Slocumb; Cozad, K. H. Clif
ton, Elm Creek, VV. W. Whitman;
Gaudy, T. S. Watson; Gibbon, to be
supplied; Gothenburg-Banner, H. C.
Seidel; Gurley, Robert S. McCutch
eon; Hershy, R. E. Gettys, Kear
ney. O. M. Keve; Kimball, VV. 11.
VV right; Lexington, Bryant Howe;
Lexington circuit, L. E. Largent;
Litchfield, E. C. Kemble; Lodfic
Pole, H. F. Martens; Loup City, E.
H. Mavnard; Merna, J. W. Bair;
Mason City, VV. T. Randolph; North
Loup, J. V. Bandy; North Platte.
H. E. Hess; Ogallala, R. F. Scott;
Ord, E. E. Hosman; Overton, M. S.
Satchel; Paxton, E. V. Price; Pot
ter, Charles O. Troy; Ravenna, T.
Porter Bennett; Riverdale, L. A.
Moore; Rose Vale, J. A. Kerr; Sar
gent, M. W. Rose; Shelton, A. J.
Clifton; Sidney, L. E. Lewis; Som
ner. O. C. Morton; Southerland, J.
P. Yfcst; Walnut Grove, A. C. Rice;
Westerville, Guy W. Ballard.
Grand Island District.
J. G. Shick, district superintend
ent. University Place; Albion, G. H.
Main; Aids, E. T. Underwood;
Archer, A. E. Chadwick; Bartlet
Ericson, to be supplied; Belgrade, G
F. Mead; Cairo, B. F. Baxley; Ce
dar Rapids, VV. A. Rominger; Cen
tral City, H. G. Langley; Chambers
J. A. Runnels; Chapman, A. E.
Chatwick; Clarks, W. T. Taylor;
Clearwater, VV. O. Harrell; Colum
bus. VV. A. Albright; Creston, to be
supplied: Cushing, VV. L. Philley;
Elgin, VV. VV. Tait; Ewing, J. E.
Jones; Fullerton, A. D. Davis;
Genoa, VV. B. Alexander; Grand
Island. First, J. B. Stitt: Trinity,
J. R. Martin; Greeley, L. F. Green;
Inman, F. H. Urwin; Lorette, S. T.'
Walker; Marquette circuit, to be
supplied; Neeley, Raymond Rush;
Newman Grove, Lindsay, H. A.
Tavlor; Oakdale, C. L. Myers;
O'Neill, VV. W. Rust; Palmer-Fair-view,
W. R. Warren; Primrose, C.
E. Campbell; Richland, to be sup
plied; St. Edward, VV. S. Sanders;
St. Paul, M. M. Long; Schuyler,
G. M. Gates; Scotia-Lamertine, J.
O. Cresap; Silver Creek, E. L.
Barch; Wolbeck VV. L. Philley;
Wood River, William Van Buren.
Norfolk District.
E. M. Furman, superintendent,
University Place, Neb.
Allen, William Kilburn; Battle
Creek, C! Cummings; Bflden, F. J.
Aucock; i. cornfield, R. A. Rich
mond; Bristow, to be supplied;
Gross, to be supplied; Brunswick,
to be supplied; Carroll, F. E. Sala;
Coleridge, to be supplied; Creighton,
T. E. Smith; Dakota City, S. A.
Draise; Homer, S. A. Draise; Dixon,
William D. Smith; Rose Hill, Will
iam D. Smith; Laurel, P. D. Cox;
Lynch, L. H. Keckler; Minowi, L.
H. Keckler; Madison. Al'en Cham
berlain; Fairview, Allen Chamber
hin; Haskell, to be supplied;
Meadow Grove. E. T. Antrim; Nio
brara, E. VV. Nye; Victory, E. VV.
Nve; Norfolk, E. J. T. Connely;
Warnerville, E. J. T. Connely; Os
mond, M. E. Richmond; McLean, M.
E. Richmond; Page, R. M. Fagan;
Venua, R. M. Fagan; Tierce,
V. H. Hills; Pierce, VV. H.
Mills; Foster, VV. II. Mills;
Pilgcr, VV. S. McCallister; Plain
view, G. M. Bing; Plainview
i'mpleby; Central. A. L. Umplcby;
Randolph, VV. H. Shoaf; Magnet, VV.
H. Shoaf; Royal, L. R. McGaughey;
Fairview, L. R. McGaughey; Pleas
ant Valley, to be supplied; South
Sioux City, Basil R. Truscott; Spen
cer, B. H. Burton; Stanton, F II.
Druliner; Tilden, II. Zinnecker;
Wakefield, E. H. Littrcll; Pleasant
Valley, E. H. Littrell; VVaterbury,
to be supplied; Wausa, A. J. VVarne;
Wayne, William Kilburn ; Winne
toon, C. B. Piersol; Verdigrce, C.
R. Piersol; Winside, to be supplied;
Grace, to be supplied; Winside cir
cuit. J. B. Wylie; Wynot, H. Collier;
Spring Valley, to be supplied.
"The Better Wife"
m m i
Olive Thomas
"Tha Follie. Girl"
In a Romance of Mystery and
"Love's Prisoner"
24th and
DOWN." Paramount Arbuckle comedy,
two reels, and Cheater Outing-.
Wn We Want You to
rfl "home" I
(Ladies' Matinee, Friday
Master of Thorn All. The Original
"The Man Who Knows"
Evenings and Saturday Mat., 2Sc to $1.50.
Ladies Only Matinee, Friday, 75c.
WILLS: HARRY HINES; Janii a Chiulow:
Collins a Hart: Lachmsnn Sliten: Mark
Nelion; Klnogrami: Toplci et the Diy.
CABARET DE LUX Musical Comedy
Pat 4. Ptqjy Houlton. Row. EIIU A Rom.
Frank DVoy Co. Photoplay Attraction
Francla X. Buihinin nd Bevarly Bayno In
"Oarlns Haarta". atlrrlns drams of lova and
adventura. Hans Mann oomedy. Outlna
Cheitar Featura. Patha Weekly.
tCmateCTSif MaU- 15-2s-50c
JUUgt Evngs, 25e-50c-75c$I
The Elite of Mirthville and Meiodyland
Million Dollar Dolls SS B",
CMtt Brajdon. Eda Mae. Seottle Frledail and .
8I5 Ca ot Clan. An Uproarlnui Uplieayal ot
Llnmrls and I nnnht". .--;tv Chnru. o I DoUi
su Mil a Wk.. lh Victory Uellea mew).
What do YOU think
Personally, we think it's the greatest motion
picture ever produced, because it does not have to
depend upon stupendous sets or an enormous cast
to put it over it simply touches your very inmost
soul it is so convincingly presented.
Here's what the local papers say about the
picture :
"Omaha yesterday had an opportunity to see for itself
with all the musical and lighting effects the Rialto
could give, the far famed picture, "The Miracle
Man." Omaha endorsed the opinion of the critics
and crowds of the east, who have praised "The
Miracle Man" as the screen sensation of the year.
"The Miracle Man" is one of those kind of pictures
which one can not help remembering as he eats
breakfast the next morning." World-Herald, Sep
tember 15th. v
"The Miracle Man" is no dry sermon. It is no weary
preachment against mankind's frailities and mental
ills. It is a simple story, simply told. But it is told
so well, so truthfully that one forgets one is view
ing a picture flashed on the screen. In seeing It
one lives the picture and the story that it tells. One
becomes a part in the great drama of human lives
and loses consciousness of self as debased ideals
are reformed and crippled bodies are renewed in
strength." Daily News, September 15th.
"The Miracle Man" is'without doubt the greatest pic
ture that has been produced; everyone that came
out of the Rialto last night had no other conversa
tion but the "Miracle Man." It was heard on street
cars, round automobiles and in every doorway.
Seldom does a thing grip as does this motion pic
ture.' It is as though one were permitted to look
deep into a soul of man and see reflected there all
the feelings of which it is capable. . . . "The Mir
acle Man" stands out as a superior accomplish
ment. Omaha Daily Bee, September 16th.
We're not going to tell you about the big busi
ness we're doing, suffice it to suggest that you come
m the afternoon, if possible, also that we are giving
three shows nightly 6:30, 8 and 9:30 p. m. Just
one other thing please try and get in your seat at
the beginning of the presentation; you'll enjoy it
ar better that way.