Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1919, Image 8

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    TDne RMltoiroaill Oty CcDinmpsiimy
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Hires tome Pireltoipei Stoelk
Firestone production is increasing so rapidly under -demand
from our 42,000 dealers that this additional capital was required
Although the two great Firestone plants at Akron
are turning out daily 22,000 tires and 25,000 tubes,
the demand from passenger car owners and truck
operators continues to outstrip production.
Additional equipment already ordered for Plant
No. 2, which is devoted exclusively to the manu
facture of 3 inch tires and tubes, will increase the
output of this one manufacturing unit to 16,000
tires a day; while in the parent plant increased
equipment for the manufacture of Cords is steadily
building the output to its capacity of 20,000 tires
daily, which will give a total capacity of 36,000
tires a day.
These equipment requirements and the need of a
new steel plant that will double the output of the
Firestone Rims, are being met by an issue of
$10,000,000 7 Preferred Stock, the entire amount
being taken by The National City Company, the
world's largest distributors of high grade se
curities. . .
On the financial page of this paper you will find an
advertisement signed by The National City Com -pany,
which gives some interesting facts about the
financial strength of the Firestone Company a
strength that is founded on twenty years of sound
business policy and is an index of the character of
the Company's products.
The National City Company is in the business of
buying and distributing through its many corre
spondent offices the securities of corporations that
are so well managed, so conservatively financed
and whose products fill such a public need, that
they measure up to its exacting standards of what
should constitute a prime investment.
It is a high tribute to the quality of Firestone prod
ucts and to the orreat dealer organization through
which they are distributed that the demand for
them should so increase as to require this addi
tional capital to meet it. And it is a tribute to
the character of the Firestone institution that the
distribution of this entire $10,000,000 Preferred
Stock issue should be undertaken by The National
City Company.
See that you get the values in mileage and service
that are responsible for this demand for Firestone
Tires and this standing of the company. What
ever type of tire you use, there is a Firestone to
suit your needs of a quality that assures you the
your dealer for Firestones. Have them put on
every wheel of your car or truck.
Firestone employees number 17,000
Firestone resources exceed $73,000,000
The company's volume of sales last year was over
Daily output of the factories at this writing is 22,000
tires and 25,000 tubes
When equipment now ordered is installed, the output
will be 36,000 tires and 40,000 tubes daily
Firestone makes rims for over half the makes of pas
senger cars built
Firestone makes demountable rims for 62 of the dif
ferent trucks that equip with giant pneumatic
truck tires
Firestone makes the tires on which over half the truck
tonnage of America is carried ,
Firestone maintains an organization in the Far East at
Singapore, the rubber headquarters, to insure best
grades at lowest costs
Firestone invested in a fabric mill to insure first qual
ity, steady supply and lowest costs
Firestone built a separate factory and designed special
machinery for it to make a big saving for users of
3 -inch tires enabling the main plant to concen
trate on cord tires and truck tires
JFirestone has branch houses in 63 leading cities of the
United States '
42,000 dealers sell Firestone Tires
Firestone men have homes of their own in Firestone
The Firesone Clubhouse is enjoyed by thousands of
factory workers
The Firestone Park Bank makes saving easy and allur
ing The Firestone Insurance Fund gives confidence and
stability to workers
Over 90 of Firestone workers own stock in the
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