Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
s THE BEE: OMAHA; MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15,- 1919. WANT AD RATES T.h With rtrA.r ta per word la per word ..' per word. . . (o pr word . . . , lo per word Ta per word , to per word . . . one da ..two consecutive days three consecutive days ..four consecutive days ...five consecutive days . ...six consecutive das . seven consecutive davs one cent per word additional day. No adt takes for less thau a total of I To or leaa man 10c per day, CHARGE 11a per tft.e (count 6 worsd to Una) day - lio per line two consecutive das 190. per Una three consecutive daya . 3o per linn seven consecutive daya $2.40 per iline. . . . thirty conaecutlve daya CAHOH OF THANKS AND FINERAL NOTICKS. 19a par line each Inaertlon t Minimum charge, to centa. Trs rates apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertlrmente ap pear In both morning and evening dally . papers for the one charge. Contract Rat ee n Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ada will be accepted at the following of ftcea: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Amea Office 4410 North !0th St. i Para Office MIS Leavenworth St. South Side 2318 N St THE BEE will not he responsible for more than one incorrect Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered tor more than one - time. PHONE TY1.KR 1000. Evening Kdlttone 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions -10 P. M.. Saturday. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CHANCES WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, ahow cases., shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & m!gEe1r.Oa, U t h and Jouglaa 1). 5781 " swappers column! REBUILT auto cars; alao Republic two ton. Saiiduw tvj ton. 34 ton. Dumpa Indiana H, ton. Kelly Springfield 14 ton. All these trucke have been re built and are flrst-claas mechanically and In appearance: terma ranging from (200 to 1600 down and balance en easy monthly paymenla; lnveatlgate these trucka quick. THE ODELL HAMILTON CO, mij jaenson Street. OVERLAND roadsW "for aale, very cheap! Call Webster 6n Cash or terma. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS We pay the highest prices for your bonda and partly paid receipts. See us berore you bpM.N DE LA PLANE LEONARD INV. COMPANY, 642 Securltl-a Bldg. . Tyler 4037. T. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and rcRfstred ; full N Ttarkft JLnd .Tiltf1 int&rtH In Aat MACK'S BOND, HOUSE, Investment Ri unties. 1421 Flrt Nat. Bk Bldg. Tyler 3644. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE, Thirty-third and Farnam. Har. M. FREDE. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Attendant. IM and Cuming Ste. Phone Dougla 177. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmera. Mono M. 166. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Director!, fl South lth St. Phone Doug. 1. TAGGART & SON, TTHDBRTAKER3 AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 9313 Cuming St. bUFFEY & JOHNSTON VyDETAKBR8 UTaJ7thylerJj7t. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 6 lilt Douglai St. Doaglaa 8144. L. Henderaon, 1819 Farnam. Douglaa 1248 OHlt BATHlSth anjrarnamplOpO MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES THB largeat display of monumenta In the United Statea. FRANK 8VOBODA, 1111 8. 18th Phone Douglaa72jjl6. ATTRACTIONS. FOR SALE All klnda novelties, dolla, bulldogs with diamond ayee. Olva away alum flash gooda. ato. VINNICK'S NOVELTY HOUSE, lit No. 11th St. Douclaa 7C7I. FERRIS wheel, merry-go-round or other amusements, at our oay ana nignt atoek ahow September 16-17-18. A. H. Tillman, Secretary, Hooper, Neb. . BIG home coming celebration at Adair, la., September 34 and 35. Oreat oppor tunity for concession men. Write con- oeaalon oommlttee. JAZZ band, a Liberty piano, two aaxo phones, trapa for dinner and aupper hours. Box S-l, Bee. LOST FOUNDREWARDS.! FOR ARTICLES LOST on otreet care teio phone Tyler 100. We are anxious to re atore loat artlclea to rlghtftH owneri. ' OMAHA 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. CO. , , BETWEEN Wolmen's Grocery atore and Sixteenth atreet to the river, $20; 15 reward. 1410 Thirteenth street. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS" Furniture and Household Goods. TOPMOST VALUES IN FURNITURE. la our claim, and by thta we mean Bet . ter Furniture for Leaa Money. Furt- ture equal In material, construction and "VvWaHrn at a poaltlve saving a dollar apent with the STATE FURNITURE t'O. for furniture will do a greater duty. We quote (19. 7( dresaera for 813.50; . 137.10 dresser for $18.60; 385.00 dresser lor 138. ov; sag. ou ourret ior si.o; 133.80 chiffonier for 113 95. Bargalna ) throughout every 'line. We apeclallie on complete home outfits. Liberty bonds taken at par. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY 14th and Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg. NEW RUGS mfg. from OLD CARPETS. RUO CLEANING, RAG RUG WEAVING. . CUMING RUG CLEANING & MFG. CO.. 8410 Cuming St. Red 4ia2. Omaha. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED OVR PRICKS ARK I1ICHKST STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN GROUND FLOOR K E KLINE BLDG OPPOSITE x-Ol'RT HOUSE. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. Let "Caution" lie your watchword don't permit thla great oil excitement mislead vou from your good judgment : opportunities to make hlg money In oil are numeroua; however, you should thoroughly post yourself on what de velopments are going on In the great Mid-Continent and Texae oil fields be fore you- lnveat a dollar; each Issue f the Oil Presa la brimful of valuable Inaide Information and analytical re ports of ecoree of oil companies, which oharja are being offered aa well as those In which the public la now hold ing stork: the Information contained In a single Issue may make you con siderable money or protect you from loss; no one lntereated In the world's greateat commodity can afford to be without It: a late issue of the Oil Prtfs, together with a copy of "The Market," which contains latest quota tions on all listed and unllHted, active and Inactive oil stocks will be sent free on request, alao while the' last a new. accurate colored map of Kansas, Okla llama snd Texas Just out. featuring th oil fields In red. Address OH Presa, 704 Republic Hldg . Kansas' City. Mo HELP WANTED-MALE Salesmen and Solicitor!. IF TOU can sail Insursnce and oan come ciean you can ooiain a liberal contract ta good territory with an eatabllahad company offering a full line of standard pouciee. no sioca-seinng or organisa tion proposition. Addrsae Lock Boa 133 omana. Men, SALESMEN to sell health and accident In surance In Nebraska and Iowa. New features that make sales eaay. Insur ance experience not neceaaary. MERCHANTS LIFE A CASUALTY CO. 433 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED Two young men who are live wirea. to travel and solicit In the coun try; permanent position with chance of advancement for good men; experience not neceaaary. Address L. J. McDon nell, Marshal, Minn. LIBERTY BONDS moulding partial payment receipts, bought for cash; Immediate remittance maaa ror ponds sent bv mail. LEWIS A CO., Brokers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. Highest Cash Prices LIBERTY 'BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO 610 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013 LIBERTY BONDS. We pay the highest market price wtth accrued Interest, less nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BUNDS. EDWIN T. SWOBE & CO., INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1007 W. O. V. Bldg. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4th and 5th Issues. Get them before selling or you will lose money, we must have bonds of these issuea regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO. Tyler J736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. H. DOLGOFF. Furniture and Hardware Furniture, ruga, linoleum, Ice boxes, gas stoves, otrice furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poul try netting and garden tools. Battel1 gooda for less money. Credit If you wisn. IS3S-47 North 34th. Web. 1607. Liberty Bonds Wanted Wa will pay you spot cash for your Liberty Bond or partial payment re ceipt. Room 300 McCegue Bldg.. N. W. jor. loin ana uocge ts. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: used desks bought, sold and traded. J."C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D 6146. RING DOUG. 336 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS OR OFFICE BQUIP- MltriT f UB BAliE. WE f AY MOKE WILL buy second-hand clothing, ehoes ana rurniture, Tyler 3888. A. Zavett, loo ivortn ittn st WANTED to buy one or two chair barber- snop. i-nced right. Box M-46, Bee. Reiser buys and 434I-W. sells furniture. Ty. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way"; R. R. Ticket. Office D. 296. Omaha Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler em. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sites and atylea; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. u. u. van Arnam nesting Co. 413-1T Paxton Bik. Phone Doug. 310. Chiropractors. Ethel Malthy, P. C, 313 Bee Bldg. D. 8072. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4687 FOR SALE Cole hot-air blast stove; Eclipse gaa range; Superb Universal aoal range; all in good working order; for sale .cheap. W. 2294. SELLING out entire stock of furniture , aad household furnishings regardless ot value; act quick. Douglaa 4959. 2421 Cuming St. . WE aell new and near-new furniture, staves and rugs at loweat prices, cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16. FOR SALE Dining room, sun room and bedroom rurniture. Phone Walnut 11. make appointment. jUAMMOTH solid golden oak library ta ble, 130. Ave. Call mornings, 1814 Missouri IMPORTED Scotch, all wool rug, 9x11!, good condition, price 115. Webster 1625. Melody aaxaphona. Phone Red 70S6. Jess Ratchford. Pianos and Musical Instruments. l HOSPE CO. SS'xSJLfi Pianos for rent, $4.00 per month. Clothing and Furs. A.RION piano, good tone, ebony caae, cost IS50, will fell for 1125. 1333 South 36tb Ave., Harney 3176. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewrltera and Adding Machlnea weat of Chicago. Can turnlah any - make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and : repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Eatabllahed over 16 yeara.) Douglaa 4131. 1906 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 106 North 16th St Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L 316 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Dancing Academies. K EL-PINE SC"OOL FOR DANCV 11 111 INO j4,4 Farnarn. Classes forming: fancy, stage and social. Detectives. JAMTTS A T.T.AM Neville Aii'i aj Ax-iuxxxi Block. rrv) -' dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. FORMER U. S. revenue officer. Legal ad vlce free. Tyler 2736. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Are you able to Judge an extra good proposition when you sea It t If you are and have 110.000 or over, a well established manufacturing compan can ahow you where its "trade mark alone will be worth $1,000,000 with three years of bustle and push besides the annual Income. The high cost of living has created a demand for our goods. Every man, woman, child and baby Is a user. The human race la the only limit to the field to be worked. Ws have the manufacturing facilities and material on hand for 1400.000 re tall business. This proposition will stsnd the most rigid Investigation. Can he handled by a silent or active part ner. Thla Is our harvest time and re quires action, so do not answer this unless you have the money and mean business. Address box M-a. ee. FOR SALE Only restaurant and confea tlonery in town of 400, fully equipped, Including expensive fountain: best loca. tlon and In brick building: less than 60c on the dollar takes It. c w. Gorsucu, Stamford. Neb. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE Ths Western Kansas News at Goodland, Kan., con slsting of modern equipment and doing a good paying business is orteroa ror sale for a good reason. Terma on part SITUATIONS WANTED Male THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under tnia ciaassiication ior soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papera at our office In ths lobby or The Bee building, Seventeenth and Farnam. JAPANESE wants position in family; fine cook; all round work: steady hours required; wsges no oojeci. ueorge. Tel. South 227. 4806 S. 37th St., S. Omaha. CREIGHTON student desires work for board and room and II 60 per week. Can drive car. Call Harney 6356. RELIABLE colored woman. day. Webster 2835. ironing by Female. EXPERIENCED stenographer and Bur roughs machine operator desires posi tion In bank or commercial work; ref erences. Write Y-ftSS Omaha Ree. BUNDLES, curtains, blankets laundered. Webster 4Z83. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing, laca curtains. ster 1737. Web- EXPBRIENCED laundress. Call Webster 6165. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress with ref- Webster 6308. EXPERIENCED colored girl wishes day work. Douglas 7094. WORK By thehour. Webster 2068. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TRAVELING auditor, thorough account ant, $200 and all expenses; head Book keeper, manufacturing firm, $160; office manager, small firm, good accountant, $160 to $176; young man with some knowledge of bookkeeping, who Is in terested In learning credit work, for position as assistant to credit manager, $100 to start; young man with banking or commercial experience, who can oper ate Burroughs posting machine; ste nographer and assistant to manager, small jobbing business. $126. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank Bldg. OUR book, 'The Distillation of Alcohol rrom Grain and Farm Products," with government regulations, $1.00 prepaid. Agents wanted. De Vol & Co., K 106 Marker H1K , Omaha, Neb. WANT salesman to represent factorv Ford necessity. Reardon Mfg. Co., Peo ria, in. WANTED. MEAT SALESMAN FOR CITY IttAKB. 1308 LEAVKNWORTH. Agents and Canvassers. AMERICAN HEATING CO., 630 East 3d" Oklahoma City, Okl.. manufacturers of i-amcK s on Burners for cook stoves. nramrs, noi air, water ana steam fur naces. Sold through dealers and agents. Boys. WANTED BOYS TO WORK IN STOCK ROOM. PERMANENT POSITION. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'8 OFFICE. BRANDEIS STORES NIGHT AUTO SCHOOL Next class September 1st, regular electrical and mechanical course for car owners and garage men. Catalogue free. National Auto School. 2814 N 20tb Omaha. BOY wanted to run a few errands each oay and do light shipping; splendid op portunity for a bright boy to advancs. See Mr. Hadley, Engraving Department, 104 Bee Bldg. WANTED Boys over 16, good pay. W. y. vu., avi aoutn Mtri. Miscellaneous. WANTED 75 men for yarding live stock, un loading: hay and dipDiner sheep. Apply to time-j keeper, Union Stock Yards Co. HELP W' ANTED FEMALE. n Household and Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on farm;, fair wages: good home: no one need to apply who does not Ilka children. Guy O. Squires. Lyons, Net). WANTED Competent girl for genera housework. Two In family. Best wsges, Mrs. W. T. Weston. 301 South Hat St. Walnut 87$. WANTED A capable girl for general houaework. Good wagea. Reference required. South 374. WANTED An experienced white cook Beat of wages. Mrs. W. D. Hosford, Hsrt.ey 37. 686 South 37th Bt WANTED School girl to assist with light work for room, board and amall pay, Call mornings. Walnut 3378. WANTED A woman for washing silver and glasses. University noapitai, :a and Dewey. Walnut 670. MIDDLE aged woman, muat be good cook: no laundry, sis soutn rniny Ighth, Harney 2650 WANTED Middle aged lady for general houaework In town. John Purtzer. Mad Ison, Neb. WHITE girl for general houaework; best wages. 6123 Burt. walnut COMPETENT white cook. Mrs. Klrkendall, 3727 Jsckson St. F. P. EXPERIENCED laundress. Tuesdsys; ref erences, wainut iii. Professions and Trades WANTED TEN EXPERIENCED POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. MAKING OVERALLS. CAN USE A FEW INEXPERIENCED. TWO WEEKS' GUARANTEE WHILE LEARNING. APPLY ' FORELADT, OMAHA AUTO TOP COMPANY, 709 S. 15TH ST. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED GOOD JANITOR FOR GEN kkau work. APPLY CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.. 1713-16 ST. MART'S AVE. MODERN room for light outside work eveninga to rennea, elderly man. Box M-46, Bee. WANTED Experienced party for x Mtuqenaker corporation. day HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED EXPERI ENCED WAITRESSES OF GOOD APPEAR E N C E AND AD DRESS; 8-HR. SHIFT AT $12.00 AND BOARD PER WEEK. PERMA NENT POSITION TO RIGHT PARTY. FIN EST CAFE 'IN THE CITY. MEYER'S CAFE,. WATERLOO, LA. GIRL and woman wanted for dining room work at County hospital. Experience not necessary; light work; room, board and laundry. $30 per month. Call Harney 662. Ask for matronr" FOR RENT Business Property. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Office and Desk Room, HAVE 900 feet desirable floor apace In Finance building, atrlctly moJern, I8i; Douglas street. Douglas 4743, American JAVSli!!ilJLn?"j!g"' " t o wantedto"rent. Furnished Apartments or Houses. WANTED small furnished apartment or nouse dt responsioie party, two adults can furnish best references. Phone Dour las 7068. WANTED By October 16. modern house", furnished or partly furntshed, In good location: state rent first notice. Box 633, Carlnton, Neb. North. SOUTH front lot. with garage, fruit and shade; Fontenelle Blvd. and Grand Ave. 11.275. Norrls A Norrls. Douglaa 4370. Ml.NNE LUSA homes and lota offer the beat opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 137. 4-ROOM house, furnished. No. 67th. Call at 3112 Board and Rooms. WANTED TO RENT Room near 42d and Dewey, by student Uni. of Neb. med Iral school. Box S-6, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY EjSS "CO." 1TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 281. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338, auto or wagon service, MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE! ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods snd pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. WE will aell your home within 16 daya. R. K. Clary Co., 3404-0$ Amea avenue. Colfax 176. 7-ROOM modern house at 4413 N. lit Cheap. 14,200. Call Harney 6531. Foa- aeaaiun at once. THREE-ROOM houae on 1 acre of ground; cioww to scnooi anq car line, wal. 2107, REAL ESTATE WANTED South. HANSCOM park district, six rooms tn em houae on paved alreet; close to scnooi; down stairs finished In osk full cement basement; at $6,600, 2841 wum 4 nirTy-Tirtn streer. EN-KOOM MODERN IIOI'SE. 106 nuu'lM TlllKH-niUKTH STREET PHONE DOUGLAS 1413, O. K. DEL LECKER. -ROOM while stucii houae, modern ex. cept gaa. Price $6,600. Walnut 3164 45th and Pierce Sts. FERRIN'S VAN and STORAGE CO. Auto or Horse Vans. Tyler 1200. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and stornge. 160S Daronport. Doug. 290S. BROWN TRANSFER CO. Prompt Service Tyler 9H6-W. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BUNGALOW SNAP PRICE ONLY $5,250. Six good rooms and bath, all on one floor, strictly modern In every detail, built by owner for home about 3 years ago. i,arge lot buxi3 reet. near Leav enworth Heights addition; $1,800 cash required. OSBORNE REALTT CO., 663 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496 Miscellaneous. THEO. E. PETEESON" REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS. 467-3 Omaha Nnt Bk. Bldir. Doug. 7024 FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on boulevard. $1,600. C. D. Arm atrong. 82-JJ8ocurltlesBldg. CLEVER, CLEAN AND CLASSY $500 CASH STRICTLY MODERN Facing east, Just two blocks from the car is a brand new home with every modern convenience; the oak floors and finish are delightful; the full cemented basetrent with floor drain, elc, Is a dandy; stairway to fine large attic: the ni-ighhorhood Is refined and healthful; only $4,550. Call Doug. 7413 week davs. POSSESSION NOVTTst PRICE ONLY $(.,600. Seven large rooms Hnd hath, quarter sawed white oak finish on first floor, Hied vestibule, three bedrooms and sew ing room and hath second floor, floored attic, full basement with solid brick cress walls, lot 60x160. garage, areolals paid. On Georgia Ave., near Tark school. OSBORNE REALTY CO, 663 Om. Nat. Bank Hldg. Tyler 496 llOMKBKEKEKH' $30.00 excursion to Ark. 1st and 3d Tuesdays each mo. Call or write W. S. Frank. 202 Neville OIL intra Wo buy and sell oil stock and leases. Our listing Includes leases la TtllmSn county, Okla.; Wilbarger county and the I'anhandle section of Texas; alao Tuoum carl, N. M. Writ na for prleee and fur. tber particulars. Orcutt-Harrts Co, iH:' Southweat Reserve Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City. I HAVE a man who will 'buy your im proved, property and pay oaak tor It, but the prloe must be right. l.GKORGI" F. JONES, RBALTOR. 919 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1949. HAVE Inqulrlaa for good homea in too loratlona. Do you want to aell yoitt property T Llat it with C. A. Grlmtael. imana Nat I bk. Bldg. L1T your property with us! fa bavt calls for homes and Investments. McCAGUE INV. CO. Prions D. 416. 16th and Podia, i LIS.yo,lr P'oparty for sals with J. Roblnaon for quick sales. 441 Bea BldK Phone, Douglaa 3091. Tel. Tyler 1014. WH have the customers and can aell youi property; list with John W. Robblca, 681 Brandels Theater, P. tit. IF your property is for sals or rent, lis? lnW,.l! AFRO-AMERICAN RKALT t O., 2706 Lake. Webster S4A PRIVATE party with caah wanta to buy ' or room Dundee home at once. .. mm ion, WILL buy a few good oontraota, second mortasrss. or n.n. -. Paaa, 211 Brandels Theater Bide;, FOR quick sales list your property vita ,,,. W- shriveA 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1 9 1. LOW rates without delsv. J. u. CARLBERO. 1Brandals Theater Bid FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgages". Private M pinjt-aw a COMPANY. Doug. 4138 or Farm 6-year Loana, 6H and cent No delay. See ua first . OAT MAYNE, J" Keellne Bldg.. Omaha. Doug. (994. " ' -ri ft. mrana Hotel) Co. Blfs. 101. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Kstati payauie aemi-annua y. W. H. THOMAS & SON, 228 Keelln. Bldg. UI" "id farm loans: 6U and 6 per cent: no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 41 Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE nrorJT;;; STK" Wead. Wead Rldv ltih ...a - .... nm. tniliain. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omaha Ni LIST your houses and lots for quirk safe wun iiaanngs a tieyaen, realtors, 1614 Harney street. Phone Tyler 60 GIRL wanted at the Priscllla confection ery. Seventeenth and Harney; good wages. WANTED Good reliable woman oook, white, for count-y commercial hotel. Good wagea. Union hotel, Superior, Neb. VACANT LOTS Lot near Seventeenth and Deer park boulevard; 1500. Lot near Twenty-fifth and Arbor; 70 foot front; $500 TRAVER BROS.. 919 Ftrat Nat. Bank Building. EXPERIENCED waltressea wanted at Woodrow Cafe, No. 2. 1911 Farnam. Open September 20th. WANTED Dishwashers, maida and scrub- pers. Best wages. Henshaw hotel. MANGLE girls, $12.00 per week. Fonte- nelle Hotel, laundry dept. Miscellaneous. WHITE scrub woman wanted at County nospirai. 93 per day. call Harney 653. Ask for matron. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. OUNG MAN stenographer, prefer age about 26. Muat have at least high school education and three or four years ex perience for permanent position western Nebraska. Good salary and opportunity for advancement for right man. No be ginners. 820. World-Herald Bldg. RAILWAY TRAFFIC inspectors wanted; $110 a mouth and expenses to start; short hours; travel; three months boms study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-142, Standard Business Training In- stlUite. Buffalo. N. Y. SALES LEDGER CLERK, 100-$110. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. Dentists. Dr. Secor. 1017 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradbury. No pa I n. 92 1 W. O. W. Bldg Electrical Utilities. TTTptTT XT Electric washing machines LU1VI11 electric irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 2519. ELECTRIC fans. $8.50 & up; washing ma chines. $59.60; vacuum cleaners. $37.60. Lalley-Wilson Electric Co..' 1307 Farnam. Film D evelopin g. FILMS developed free. M.ill orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howsrd. Jewelry. TlT A MOMH We Pay the best price llAiUUi.Lrowith privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Red 6081. Interior Varnishing. FLOORS refinished. Wal. 4821. varnished, waxed. W .C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor, Securities Bldg. WANTED FRESNO FOREMAN; NONE BUT GOOD MAN NEED APPLY. WAGES $7.50 PER DAY -9 HOURS. ,W. A. KETTLEWELL, IOWA CITY, IA. LEARN MACHINE SHOP LOS ANGELES Y. M. C. A. AUTO SCHOOL. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY has a few vacancies for bright young ladles interested in long distances telephone operating. Those be tween the ages of 17 and 23 with at Isast grammar school education preferred. Lib eral salary paid while learning. Advance ment to those of ability. Apply to Miss Bell, 911 Telephone Bldg. WANTED CAFETERIA HELP HOTEL ROME 9-ROOM residence. 4232 Burdette St.. Clif ton Hill addition to city of Omaha. For sale at bargain-price. $4,000. ROBT. WOOD INV. CO. WEST PLAINS. MO. OMAHA real estate and lnveatments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theat. Doug. 99. SIX rooms modern: fine shade and pav ing paid, now vacant; one block from car; snap at $4 760, easy terms; call days. Doug. 1734. TWO six-room bungalows, 3313 and 3316 Howard street; al! modern, newly painted, $7,600 buys both. Call Doug laa 3424. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglas 6074 and we will call and inspsct your property. Shuler A Cary. 208 South Forty-first, hot wster heat, seven rooms, 46x126; paving paid; $3,500. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. Ws Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 601$. BARGAINS in homes. Investments prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harrl- son g morion ym omens Nst. Bk Bldg. BIRKETT & CO.:,?1 and lnsune. 250 Bee Bldg., Doug. 633. NEW well-built modern house, cheap, ls'l evenings. REAL ESTATE-Business Prou:-. v BUSINESS property and investments A P TUKEY A SON 420 FjrstNst !oniMBs nkBldg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wlahlng ta make loan la beneficiary. Face of policy win come to beneficiary upon death of insured, who Is C7 years old and In VOW health Win arrange matters so thtS f,nl'; P-li" "J" bs Pal1 t0 "' holder upon death of Insured, and will keen up premiums on Insursnce. Chsnce to make from $500 to $1,000 In short time. Address Bee, Box M-3. O M AHA HOMES EA ST. NEB. FARMS FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arizona Lands. BESr cattle ranch In Graham oouiilv, Arizona; 1.600 cattle go with place: will take up to $50,000 In trade; writ. for particulars. W. NATHAN WATTS. 518-19 Paxton Blk. Canadian Lands. WANTED Men, ladies and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College EDUCATIONAL. WANTED Wood workers to build auto mobile trui'k bodirs. Andrew Murphy A Son. Omaha, Neb. fll AQQTTQ THAT FIT VTLlAOOUlO ACCURATELY. SEE CRONK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. Osteopaths. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $8.09. Oliver Agency, 1906 Farnam St.. City. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. S0( S. 18th St. Tel. Ty. 3414. BIG reduction in slightly used and re built typewriters. Write for list. Mid Isnd Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge- Sewing Machines. SEVTNG"MACHTNES Wa rent, repar, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Store and Office Fixtures. OFFICE safe, absolutely fireproof; 6.000 Ib. safe; price reasonable. Douglas 4743. American Live Stock Insurance Co. Fruits. FOR SALE Apples and potatoes in car loade. Wlckham Berry Farm, Salem, Neb. DR. MABEL WESSON. 320 Neville Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 582 Brandels. D. 6691. Plating. EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. Ws have Juet opened a new plating plant In Omaha and ready for business. We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone Douglas 7532. Towel Supplies. Frontier Totvel Sup. 201 S. 11th. D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 528. Printing. Wedding Stationery U. 8. Printing Co.. Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Toliver Printing Co. Ds. :s31. Commercial Printers. 1816 St. Mary's Ave. Safes. Miscellaneous. MALT SYRUP. " Wa have now reduced our stock of malt syrup from 22.000 gallons to 6,000. Thla waa sold In 60 days. We are now going to close out the 6.000 gallons at 12o a pound. This must be sold in 7 dava and our new lot will jump imme diately to the old price. This will be sold in any size containers from a gal Ion up qusrta will be sold -at 35c dur ing thla aale. All American Chemical Co., 1210 South ICth street. Douglaa 4861. FOR SALE Yellow plum tomatoes at 69 centa per market basket at 76th and , Miami. Bensons Gardena. Call Walnut 1599. . OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mat tresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter aides. 190T Cuming. D. 3461. ONE Imported English dinner set, of 78 pieces, 90 years old. very cheap, choice 159. One oil painting. $1. Harney 3301. . CANARY birds for sale; 19U Wnkney street. call evenings. JELLY grapes for sale. Reasonable. Col- ' fax 4493. FOUR sample trunks. 29 South Twelfth street. afOXia T9fr. friiU .Wb. tt. SAFES r.? 121 Faruam. Derlght Safe Co. Remodeling Contractors. WANTED A good reliable married man to take tltarge of stock farm; must understand handling fancy thoroughbred Holstein cattle, Duroc-Jersey hogs and poultry; $100 per month and commission of pro ceeds from farm and stock; rent and products of farm for personal use: must furnish reference. Box 1, Columbus, Neb. a PROOFREADER wanted by the Thoa. D. Murphy Co, Red Oak, la.; 9-hour day. Saturday afternoons off; excellent work ing conditions and fine town to live in. First applications first considered. Write giving references and qualifications. YOUNG LADIES WB OFFER YOU A WELL-PAIO POSITION. PAY YOU WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OPERATORS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 613 NEW TELEPHONE iBUILDlNG 19TH A DOUGLAS STREETS. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for lsrgs Illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. 2893 CAPITOL AVE. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. PHONE. WEBSTER 1640. North. LET US FIT YOU FOR GOOD-PAYING POSITION Shorthand, typewriting, comptometer and accounting. Individual Instruction. Reasonable tuition on payments. Day and evening classes. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 2d Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Van Sant School of Buuslness. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. KOUNTZE PLACE ADDITION Near 16th and Wirt Sts. A good cot tags, having five rooms on first floor, three finished in oak. one with beam ceiling: bedroom, kitchen and bath on the first floor and finished attic with two rooms and large hall and plenty of closets on the second. CrackerJai'It of a lot, 60x262 feet. Price $4,600. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS, Doug. 46. 916 City Nat B'. Bldg. INVESTMENTS PRICE $12,500 INCOME $1,380 Attractive, well built, practically new lirlck building, consisting of three six room strictly modern flats; oak through out; furnace heat, tenants furnish own heat; always rented to first-class Jen ants; 66 feet of ground, east front on 33d St., north of California St.; paving paid. Above price Is less than actual cost of Improvements alone. Can ar range reasonable terms- A good buy. 20 ACRES 3 miles from town, aouTli eastern , Saskatchewan. Unimproved best of soil, all can be plowed. Wll sell this on crop payment plan. On nine miles to United States boundary. Two miles to Manitoba line, in well settled neighborhood. Only $500.00 caa required. Balance half crop each yes No crop failures. This Is in the rail, belt. TODD A CARROLL, Inc.. Owner.. Merchants Bk. Bldg., St. Tsui, Minn. Colorado Lands. J. L. HIATT CO., QHO '''1RST NATIONAL W BANK. HU 1 1.1 'I NT PHONE A GOOD INVESTMENT! 160 acres Improved dry land in Logat county. mile from railroad and town now under cultivation and producing under care of reliable share rentsr; land In this vicinity rspldly rising In value' a snap at $60 per acre. Deal direct with owner, H. M. Batchelder. Sterling, Colo. 240 acres nesr Elizabeth, Colo., seven room house, very large new barn, othei good Improvements; bst of land with springs; some timber; finest dalrv coun try; 35 miles southeast of Denver '1' J R Hansen, 214 Wilkinson Bldg., Omaha. 30.000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lincoln county, Colorado lands. Bsr- Safy lerms- Sea J- Maurer. Arriba, Colo. BUNGALOW SNAP. Close to Fontenelle park, 8 blocks to car line, 75-foot frontage, beautifully lo cated, east front; 4 rooms and full basement; electric lights and telephone; f: a rage and chicken houses. A real snap at $,150. Terms. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., I.'ilO Farnam St. Tyler 4316. CLOSE-IN 1 N V EST M EN I S. Leavenworth St., Capitol ave.. Cuming s PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY De 101 Iowa Landi. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. GOOD trackage lot. 113 feet front, paved street; $:!,i,0n. D. P. BOSTVV1CK. 300 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE TE TO EX( y cultivated and MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly in school or by "home study." Omaha Business College. 3"6 Lyric Hldg., 19th and Farnam. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach nik. Studio phone Red 185. 209 South 15th St. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK. ASSISTING ON FILES AND TELEPHONE. APPLY CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. 1713-16 ST. MARYS AVE. FOR RENT ROOM? Furnished Rooms 2920 NORTH 25TH. Nine rooms, hot water heat, strictly modern, 2 bathroonis. Could be used for 2 families. $1,500 down, balance 6 per cent. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2716. CIGAR maker wanted, good jobs, you need no card to work In my factory, none but steady workers need apply. Answer to Frank Black. CaldweU. Idaho. WANTED An all around butcher; steady job the year aroun. Address Wm. Habel, Colome. S Dak. TEN carpenters wanted, 32d and Oak streets, 85 centa per hour. All winter job. WANTED- Ten linemen, permanent posi tions, no trouble. Central1 Power Com pany, Grsnd Island. Neb. FIREMEN, brakemen, $150. $200 month ly, experl-nce unnecesssry: write Rall way Association, care Y-589, Bee BARBER wanted at once; good wages. Harry Yount, Prop., Verdlgre, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED EXPERIENCED P B. X. OPERATOR. APPLY CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., 1713-16 ST. MARY'S AVE. WANTED Young lady students to enroll In our course of shorthand, typewriting, operation of comptometer machine and accounting; Individual Instruction; rea sonabls tuition on monthly payments; hy our method you will succeed snd we will secure a position for you. Call and see us about It. May and evening classeB. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 2d Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and WANTED Two refined young ladles for traveling road show, experience not nec arry; long season's engagement; good treatment; salary regular; answer this advertisement by letter only, stating weight and height; send photo, which will be returned. Address Hsrry Free man, mansger Madam Frlmlnl's Mya- tery nnow, jremont. jnod. LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Weddin g Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Miscellaneous. CALL Harmon, the Glazier. Colfax 3701. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE High-class grocery and food shop: nothing better; just the place for man and wife to operate; one should be cook; no credits, no delivery; price $5,500, takes $4,000 cash to handle Wisconsin town, 35,000. Address T-685". Omaha Bee. FOR SALE; 18-roora hotel, modern throughout; well furnished and equip ped, doing capacity business at $2.75 per day, American plan. Terms rea sonable. Mary A. Barbour. Owner, Col man. S. D. FOR SALE Tire repair shop located In good Nebraska town of 1.400 popula tion with well established business. Write Box 127. Wisner. Neb. LAW PRACTICE For Sale: My law buslnees and small library, W. U iUad, Kearney, Xeb, ARE VOU INTERESTED IX W T -. , iirrri . . - r . r . . i. .i.-rvi ; Kt ipunj ft. w r.crv -t L stenographer wanted Permanent UP? THIRTY-FIVE MEN NOW DOING AS WELL AND SOME EVEN BETTER SELL-! ING DIRECT TO FARMER. 1 EVERY FARMER A LIVE PROSPECT. IF YOU HAVE A CAR AND WANT TO GET I INTO A STRAIGHT LEGITI- position for competent lady: sccuracv and speed essential; Write giving Pf. errnces. experience and state what sal ary sccep'able. A. A. Barrv Seed V.. Clarlnda. la. WANTED Young lady ags shout 18, living with parents, for office work, position permanent with chance for ad vancement: salary $10 per week to start; see Mr. Becker, 313 Balrd Bldg., Sev enteenth and Douglas streets. LARGE pleasant houih room In modern up-to-date private home: walking dis- ! tance: good neighborhood; suitable for two gentlemen. Harney 6968. i FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms for i gentlemen, connected wllh bath; also,' garage. 2305 South 32d Street. Tele- j phone Harney 6200. I FOR RENT One largT"mifu7nlshed front OWNER leavinp- city. Six-room houe and hath on paved street, one block to car. Located on two fine cornet- lots, each 50x120. Large shade trees, fruit and shrubs; latgo chicken houte, chicken yard and garden spot, all fenced; well, istern and city water. For further In fcirmalion call owner. Webster 4M9. 1911 CASSTpOO" Kight-room cottage, close tn ; furnaue and bath; now vaoant. Your chance to get a house close in verv reasonable. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 2850 160 acres highly cultivated and Improved. located 3 miles to Ashland, Neb. Price $136.00 per acre. Will consider exchange for good farm close to Umaha; prefer West Podge or Calhoun. W. NATHAN WATTS, 618-19 Paxton Block. WANTED. A number of five, six and seven-rooin houses. We have parties waiting who will close quickly on a good homo. Come in and see us if you wtsh to sell. FINSON INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tyler 5025. 5:i First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. iowa farms: ALFALFA, WINTER WHEAT AND CORN. All or part of 1.360 acres known a. the Clark land In the famous Whitliis settlement of Monona countv, Iowa three miles northeast of Whiting Sli complete sets of buildings, fifty mllet yf tile. Land Is all fenced and cross fenced In flrst-claes shape snd all ir cultivation. This tract of land haa just been placed on the market and Is on of the finest tracts or land In northwest Iowa. It can be divided and sold in fxrms of 160. 210 and 320 acres to suit purchaser. Prices range from $2" to $300.00 per acre, vn very ess" - FRANK L. KtL. 340 B,;e Building. Omaha, Na-. "arney Mas. Dmieis. S14 INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed In Omaha Owner wants land. S. S. & R. V.. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Soutn. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK hu.s fine garden tract, 47xl,'!2; oniv 2 Mocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high .and sightly, black soil: prlci s $295 and $340 THE BYR'iN REED CO.. FOR SALE Two full size lots "in beauti ful Overlook addition '4 block south of Elmwood park; act quick as these will not bo on the market long. Address. nnx j umHiia tsee 1 4 acres, eight miles from Council BMM&i (loss to school and small town; all u. der cultivation, except 30 acres whteh ls In pasture; land lies level snd of tin best of soil: Improvements are In guoc condition and consist of seven-rodni house, alfalfa barn, horse and cow bain ptc. ; this farm Is an exceptionally good buy. Box G-31, Bee. 120 ACRE farm, rlcholUodrmirovV iiients, 3 miles to lon. near arlioo! Reasonable terms. Priee $175 per acre Write for parlliularx. A'lriress owner D. E. BUCK, ' 4 42 Omaha Nat'l Bsnli. Oinah; Nebraska Lands 61 ' -Vat' Bk. Bldg. I ptjAi fctjtp citmiDDAtT K-OItMT7.1i: PPV n,-.up ....w inili JUi)UlDflH. bedroom In modern house. ney 6455. 1504 S. 29th St. Call Har- BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In priv ate home; walking distance. Harney 1913. SINGLE rooms, running hot and cold water; within walking distance. Brown Apts.. 608 N. 21st St. Red S950. NICE sleeping room (or bedroom) for two young ladles; references. Tyler 930. COMFORTABLY furnished sleeping. 1041 Georgia Ave. Harney 2353. LARGE furnished room at 1801 Blnney street. Webster 2389. Housekeeping Rooms. PARLORfloor. two large well-furnished modern suites, walking distance. 604 South 28th street. SLEEPING and light "iusekeeplng roops for rent. 1112 Farnam. lust listed a 7-room home, just being decorated Inside and out, corner lot, paved street, full basemenl. Only $3,000. Terms. CM1 Mr. Rice. RASP BROS, 212 Keellne. Trior 721. Council Bluffs. Board and Room HARNEY 1297, office gentleman, large southeast room; convenient location; excellent hoard FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two snd thres-room apartments, com pletely furnished Hotel service. Tyler 4200. ROACHES, etc.. exterminated with one application, bv contract or sold outright. B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO., OMAHA. 307 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1370. ADDRESS S-S. OMAHA BEE. CAN use few real wide awake stock salesmen on A -1 deal; very highest commissions. If you are looking for quick money write or wire. Postofflce Box 246. Gunnison. Colo. DELIVERY boy with wheel. John H. Bath, florist. 18Q4 Farnam. SHOE salesman wanted, st Hamilton's Shoe Store, Council Biulfs, la, $60: multlgraph operators. $80: P. B. y: operator, uptown, $60; office girl. $50; mailing clerk. $60: telephone girl, $50. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO 1616 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 6236. MATE PROPOSITION WITH ' stenographers. $100. $90. $so, $76, NO MONEY TO INVEST, REPRESENTING A FIRM WITH 25 YEARS PAST EX PERI ENCE IN OMAHA, WRITE US. WE WILL DEM ONSTRATE TO YOU BY AC TUAL WORK IN THE FIELD THAT THE JOB IS JUST AS REPRESENTED. YOUNG lady to do small amount of type writing, answer phone; splendid oppor tunity for beginner. See Mr. Hadley, Bee Engraving Department, 104 Bee Bldg. - STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $90, $86, $80 $75. $60. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED A girl between ages of 25 and 30 to work In the bath department of physician's office. Call Tyler 2363. Household and Domestic. DIET KITCHEN ,'ilRL AND GIRL TO HELP IN DINING ROOM. CALL TY LER 1571. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. .MODERN six-room house; beautifully fur nished for $5.000., or will sell unfur nished. Can make terms. Also 2 other well located modern houses for sale on payments. W. NATHAN WATTS, 618-19 Paxton Work. GOOD 6-room all modern house: cholre lot. aL2th and Bristol. A bargain If sold at once. MOREARTY S: CONBOY, BeeBldg. I). 3841. Tyler 4S77-W. SOUTH OF HANSCOM PARK. A neat 2-story brick home, about 10 years old, built for a home; hot water heat, lot. 50x120 ft., located on South 32d; price, $6,900; about $2,000 cash. RASP BROTHERS. Realtors. -'10-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. BUY from owner, save commission. sTST room, nearly new. excellent location, built for a home. Very deslrabls prop- J rty for a home. Just off Florence boulevard. 1920 Corby St Telephone. I oomence, weDster 6561; orrice. Doug ... 'as 6296. FOR SALE 10 lots located at tbs corner of 27tn el reet snd 6th avenue, wltb sewer and water In street. Inquire of owner. Louis Schneider. Wickham Block. Council muirs. ta. 7-ROOM HOUSE, close to school: away from mud and water. Terma Call Red 664. Dundee. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Douglas 8787 South Side. A six-room cottage. 121 North Thlrty-sev-jnth, modern but heat: price $2,600. $500 ea?h, balance like rent, size of lot 30x150 feet. A. W TOLAND, D 3575. 410 Bee Bldg 2310 Douglas. 11 rooms, all modern; $6$ F. D. Wesd. 310 South Eighteenth street. Tyler in. Miscellaneous. STORES $15 00 2JJ6 North 20th Street, 12x60. HOUSE $16.00 842 4 South 24th St., l-r.. rear. FLAT H. A. WOLF COMPANY 612 Electric Bldg. Tyler 8. 3102 NO. 16TH ST., 28x!6. $40. 417 So. llth, 22x60. $65. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tvler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. LIST your propertv tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY Realtors Tyler 72. PETERS TRUST CO., ftfeoiallsts In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. irth and Douglaa' GOOD store rooms Inquire WORLD REAI.n COMPANY. P hone, Douglas $342. FOR COLORED. Seven-room modern home, close In, H block to ear, $2,800. Small payment down, balance make your own terms, folmson. Webster 4150. FOR COLORED. Fine, strictly modern 7-room home, oak floors, near car and school. Owner leaving city. For cash tale. $3,960. Terms. Johnson, Webster 4160. FOR COLORED. Six-room modern home, large lot. $2,400; $300 cssh. bslance, $20 monthly. Johnson. Webster 4150. FOR COLORED. 6-room, strictly modern cottage, with garage; paved street. Quick sale. $2,600. JTerms. Johnson, Webster 4160. j SEVEN-room modern house, eight blocks to postofflce: $1,850 cash, balance easy Payments. Call owner between 9 and 10 a. m. Webster 386 CLAIREMONT ADDITION. Brand new 6-room brick veneer house, oak trimmed; built for a home. Walnut 27.-.0. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 332 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. lTBt. Phone Tyler 187 1122 NO. 4STH ST. 6-R. CORNER I.OtT NOT MODERN. $10 CASH. CREIGH Bee Want Adl Produce Results. FOR SALE. Beautiful Fort Crook Boulevard hurne, ene mile south of Douglas county line; -iv rooms, furnace, electric lights, deep well, cistern connected, with kitchen, cesspool: good garage; bearing unit trees, small fruits; ono and one nftli acres close to car station; 10 uimute ride to 24th and N Sts. .lust the place for commission man or .South Side busin?ss man; Immediate possession. Telephone South 308, or address Y KS4, Omaha Bee. IF you want a real home, at a bargain, you should see Jaa II Kopletx, real ee ia.te irA-estments 4738 South J4th St REAL ESTATEt1TeRCITIES REAL ESTATE" SOUTH DAKOTA 160 acres, located In best farming dis trict of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colome; all fenced and under cul tivation; two springs: six-room bouse and other buildings In good repair. Will jell or trade for city property. A. B. ALPIRN, 7th and Douglas Sts. Call Doug. 8424. six-acreplace; Two miles of Council Bluffs with sev eral good roads to tbs city; good 8-room house, large barn; nice yard with large walnut trees, about one acre upland: bslance creek bottom and very rich parden soil; heirs want to divide and offer for $3,000. MeGEB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1 0b Pearl St., Council Bluffs 60 acres lilpiily cultivated end Improved located .1 miles to .Superior. Neb M. e'lutty Is $12,000. Win make term-. acres located 'i mlln to Calhoun, N'eh Improvements nlone cost Jnnorinn i. equity is $21,400, and will ial.e in nlil trade up to $6,oo. 320 acres locale. 1 12 miles northwest of Omaha. (Jood Improvements und ci acadamlsed road. Price $300 per aer.- W. NATHAN WATTS. 518-10 Paxton Block. 320 ACRES 4 miles Crawford. Sib A. undii cultivation, all fenced, cross-fenced 2 miles 42-inch woven wire, steel gate woven wire corrsls Spacious 8-rooni frame house, frame barn with haymow 2Sx42, with lean-to 16x42. Good well urul windmill, small grove of trees. Ten-acre lake stocked wtth fish': small orchard- i or acres sub-Irrigated garden patch. Big and of place lays level as a hous floor. Per sere $100. Write for list of other places. Aruh L. Hungerford Crawford, Neb. ROCK COUNTY, NEB. 40 acre... all hay land. 25u acres land; 400 acres In cultivation; house barn and other buildings Price. $16 per acre. Inc. $1,400; cash for balance. No trades ROBERT WOOD INV. CO. WEST PLAINS. MO. CLOSE In farm of 162 acres on wes, Center street; a bargain at $300 per acre; will consider a good residence as part pay and give easy terms on bal ance. See me at once. G. A. Kuli Oakland. Neb. 160 acres finely Improved stock and grain isrra; eiogarn tana; , mile from paved atreet; five miles northwest of atock yards. J. B. Hansen, 214 Wilkinson Bldg.. Omaha. FARMS AND RANCHES. For bargalna In either large or amall farms or ranches, writs or call on CHAS. N SNIDER. Curtis, Neb. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado lands sea HELD LAND CO.. 664 Brandels Bldg W R ITS me for plcturaa and price of my farms and ranches in good old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Craw ford. Neb. FOR FARM LANDS and farm loaaa witf in 60 miles of Omaha, aee PAUL PETERSON, 864 Brandels TheatarBldg. Dong. 1101 PRICE and terms right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farms. C. V. Nelson. 616 Om. Nat Bk. Bld. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE REAL. ESTATE WANTED. HAVE BUYERS FOR FIVE" TO SEVEN - ROOM MODERN HOUSES. LIST WITH ME FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. W. NATHAN WATTS, 518-19 PAXTON BLOCK. PI NGALOWS WANTED. W': hve cash buyers for weil-locsted hunga'eT.'s snd residences worth the mon-v For quick results, list with us O'NKIT.'S R. E. INS. AGENCY. $::- Brandels Theater Bldg. 301 Karbach Blk A. A. PATZMAN Tyler (14 MERRICK COUNTY. Improved oorn nc alfalfa farms at the right price U. , L.nrcyjn. uentrai tjity. Pfeb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farmav Kimball county. Nb R B. Holme. Bushnell. Neb New York Lands. MONEY-MAKINTJ FARMS ran acres rich farm land, near cream ery. stores, school; 3(0 acras clear fields; large farm house, stoak barn (0x76 spring water, 4 fin horsss, 4 eowa. farm tools, machinery compute; August income milk alone. 70. Price, erei-v-thlng. (9,000; cash. $4.0J. Cams! Bros.. Oneonta, N. I.