Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 22

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    mtxrzar .irsr.nsi . ;, , ..
10 B
Orrtfie Screen in Omafta
BEFORE the Famous Players- j
Lasky representative left Sing)
Sing prison, after he had wit
nessed the run of the film before a I
gathering of convicts, he was handed ;
a copy of a review of "The Miracle J
.Man," written by "F. M," whose pic-1
ture reviews, of unusual literary j
merit and evidencing a highly de- j
velopcd sense of criticism, have been j
a prominent feature of the Sing
Sing Star-Bulletin. "F. M.'s" im- j
pressions follow:- ;
8o many phntoplnyxi have ben calll j
MnsplriitlnnH.r no iimny have had a 'me.s
yet almtiHt as many harve failed to
tngplre or deliver tlitt measaK- Never i
hn we be,Mtt inure profoundly moved In I
vlnwlnf ft rlrturo or have our souls more
dply, or whol-Bom1l, been ntlrred than .
vhen, by a courtesy and thoiiKhtfulnesa I
which we could not fully appreciate un- I
111 after the last rue! had been run, the
Famous PlnyerH-Laxky corporation rter-
Ktnlued us to set-, even before It could be
aen isewliere. thl remarkable picture of !
Oemrgt) Loane Tucker's. Into It ha bceo I
woven every fcalure that lias made his!
other pictures the successes they were, i
Oho, niRtnlflce!it beauty of 'The Xlan--mn."
the domantlc nppcnl of 'The Pris
oner of Zenda,' the pathos and dcro t
spiritual InsiKhl that made 'Mother' the I
picture It was. all these are In 'The I
.Miracle Jlan,' and besides these there la I
new note, a lender deftness of touch. '
a lameness of conception and a sureness '
f . enwution. III;:!. v,-J,e It has never
-ibeen lacking In Mis work. Is here iiecented.
and supplies the one element needed lo
mne the picture perfect. j
"Xnver before have we seen a picture '
which we euiiHidcred worthy of being com- ;
.pnied to a Krial symphony, bv a groat !
'composer, performed he a larse and !
raurblo orchestra. In "The Miracle Man,'
s In the symphony. ' each lone and each'
sccent have a definite meaning, all con- i
trthutir.if lo iho final perfection of the !
JOHslcrplece nod all lilcoded into one liar- 1
jpnnlous whole, n. part of which would he I
itimnle; without Ihe other parts, though
vach wtrt . Hcelf may be 'a thing of I
b.-ic.y M:i u jy forever.'
'One cannot guanine a mail or a woman !
who could not find a personal message, !
H perso iul appeal, help, comfort, and ,
I shove Kit. hope. In tliia story of four verv '
Uiumtitl liven, rvtl. i.ruiien. seemlnply be'- )
ond nil liopi" of .-iu'.'aK', men. led and re. j
; construct L'd. even in llirli- own .lest.lte. '
tr.i-oufrh the powerful hot unconscious In- r
flUfiiee exerled by a life correctle. and
tv.oitlflKhly live.l. It more powerful I
then ),..!. . cc.,-.,,.,., I....,..-.. '
' ' ,,,... l.llUIt, ,, millllllll-
itmri. became on- s.-es the redemption
Vorlted out In real, living personalities bv
the smnzhiif (llin-loii of llfo and rt-alily
with which the creator has endowed his
1 "Aa a picture to be shown (o inmates of
such n institution as I his. nothlnir finer
wild he conceived, and Tom Ilurke and
his ritin. the h'roiz. Uosie and the eentie
J ut.ij Patrlsrcli. will live In our memories
ana nave their message for us to the end
ot time."
'His Majesty.' the American,"
was given a special showing: in ad
vance of its release date Wednes
day night at 'the Sun theater and
was witnessed by members of the
press and local exhibitors. "His
Majesty, the American," Douglas
Fairbanks newest photoDlav was
produced by the Great Authors, Inc.,
and is the first in which the star
has appeared in this connection. In
the. opinion of those who saw the
film Wednesday night following e
regular program at the Sun, it is
the best vehicle by far that Fair
banks has appeared in. Tt is re
plete with tvpical Fairbanks stunts.
i its plot is worthy of the star and
his company, there are thrills,
ha. ,readth escapes and humorous
situations galore in "His Maiestv.
TI. . r t. "oL . . i.ti.
r . : jiib. uajAiat jjcc pleurals j nc
I 5crecn Magazine at the Muse. No.
J ..50 will be. seen this week, v hich
M "i .wl.'t :.:.' "t.Tl.1: .!.- ......
"iwuuo j.iuiunij me t or , xo
Nature." Nature is never so beau
tiful as when she views herself in
her own mirror.
How would you like to earn your
living counting a billion dolfars?
In the United States treasury at
Washington, Miss Annie P. Roe,
performs her daily work in the
inidst of a maze of wealth.
The "Hearthbng" is the wife
beater of the insect world. Dis-
f graceful incidents which would
merit the attention of an insect
court of domestic relations are per
petrated on our very own hearth
stone. - "How to Stop a Double Chin."
by Lillian Russell, proves the old
adage, -'An ounce of preventions is
worth a pound of cure.
; "Water as it is and isn't." Did
you know that water is composed
of two gases, one of which burns
with a flame?
"How to Tell If Your Eve is
f Quick." Signor Gregorio Falconi
demonstrates a test on how to at
tain co-operation of the eve and
1 mind.
Milady s Fashion Future. To
Dame Fashion, the magic crystal re
veals the modes for spring.
V "Futurist Movies." Presenting
one of the ( most popular screen
stars of the screen.
Valeska Suratt knows how to wear
clothes. She had that instinct when
she was but a girl, and today she
know more about designing gowns
than many a high-priced profes
sional designer. She is known for
the daring style she originates and
is the fashion plate of the dramatic
profession. Her gowns have made
millions gasp and wonder how she
manages to hold some of them uo.
i These gowns are dazzling in their
richness, and she has started fads
which have been taken up through
out the world. Recently she wore
dozens of rich gowns in making one
L If if'". , fxALro) L
olive mo TJJw- hw
( MOON) - T .
Cfias.Oiap' ZaSuCPitts
1 Close -Ups and Cut-Outs
-By Wood :
Surfttt, which comet to tho Empress the
ater Thursday tor ft thret-day enfufe-
i nient.
Ixithrop Sunday Blllle Burks In "Make
Helievs V.lf," ft Paramount picture. The
story specially written for this star Mon.
1 day and Tuesday Olive Thomas In "t'p
. , i stairs and Down," ft story of a high
Ada I if house tiartv. Alone wllh this fes.
ture is an Arbuckle Comedy and a Ohea
inal cast was Blanche Bates,
Rehan. Mrs. Gilbert. Charles Rich
man Whits. Whittekev an.l la,, "utlnif. Wednesday and Thursday,
man, vvnite Vnilteise aiHt James Harold l.nrkwood In "Great Romance."
Young, now famous as a picture i delightful story In which the star
director shliws, and a, comedy, "Oh. Hby," this
1 ' ia srreamlnKly funny. Friday and Pat-
I urday Anita. Stewart In "MldnlKht llo
H. B. Warner's next picture. "For '"""c" very strong photo drama; S'mll
3 IVnmin1. Unnnr" ,1 1 r i I, . . J I 'nR ,,n Tarsons In "The Music Master,"
a Woman s Honor, distributed by. this is on of tho latest and one of his
r.xhibitors Mutual, shows a section i bl"
nf a'ritv nf ltiflia anrt a Vllrwl,. .:t i
i,, q'i,. ... v. " '""i Hamilton Sunday Viola Dana In
lie OIUI J IS IA1U CtlIIH't eil-
H commenced work on a special
feature for 1 hos. H. ince
which released by Para-mount-Artcraft.
The cast includes
lane Novak. J. P. Lockney. Otto
Hoffman, Gibson Goland and James
Dorthy Dalton is hard at work
on her next picture "White Rock"
;it Marblchead, Mass. Richard Neal
is playing oppositee Miss Dalton.
Bill Hart is in the midst of mak
ing "lohn PettticoSts" a new fea
ture wherein Big Bill is a lumber
jack. Anna Lehr has been forced on
nrrnmit nf sick-npss to withdraw
from the cast of "The Teeth of the Alacuonaid, has been engaged as di-; i.utner and Charles Hutchinson in "Tho
for Dustin farnum's next P,c- i Vds wVth hi n than any of the
1 ne nonor Ot tile familv. i serials they have put on the market. This
:m .Inn., " u. iilrnnr (tmnia full of vrin.
tirely in India. In it Mr. Warner : ,,lnK situations. Monday Alma Keubens
!,,,. n,r -f , ri;., m "The Painted I.lly." ft atory of the
piays me part ot an fcuRnsli armv ...,ri hoiie.-e ti,,i. irUrr.-
surgeon who leaves his mother COUll- S Morey In "The Man Who Won," 'showing
i... ,(! .V, ........ : i . what is possible for a man to accom-
, u o-iTvaaaiua in love ,,, Wednesday William Farnum In
and goes back to his command in
The Broken Law," ft most gripping story
Thursday tleorKa Walsh In "Luck and
Pluck." In which this athletic actor (tivea
II his stunts, some of them marvelous.
Colill Campbell,' who directed i Friday William Desmond, "A Sage Brush
"The RleeHeee " with V o l. ; Hamlet," a, story of the desert, full of
xi C'eJa,ers' Wltn . Katl,eiine , lhrllls. Along with this feature Is Anne
Tiger." Her place will be filled by rector
Marguerite Courtout.
"Old Lady 31" has been purchased
by the Metro a,nd it will; be pro
duced under Screen Classics. This
was written bv Rachel Grothers,
j who gave its ",W East." " A Little
Journey" 'and "The Three of Us,"
; which have all made big hits on
i Broadway. Emma Dunn was the
j original in "Old Lady 31."
; "The Great Ruby," by Cecil
Raliegh, has been purchased by
The Paramonnt Lane Theater in
i London, and did enormous business.
It was sent over to America, and
i played Daly's Theater. The orig-
i hostess. The maids talk about the girl's
heap gowns, and a fumlly group picture
1 ent to her was an object of derision for
the party of house guests. And Utile
! Allllleent wns about to become Innocently
entangled in a compromising situation,
when a message came from her boyhood
sweetheart. She finds home is the best
; place in the world, and that is the basis
' nf this photoplay, a delightful vehicle for
; a charming star.
"The Spoilers," "The Crisis" and
"The Garden of Allah" were all
made with Mr. Campbell at the megaphone.
as "his prisoner." William Desmond will
be seen Thursday to Saturday at the
Moon In "Dangerous Waters."
Know the Lord's Prayer
Boston, Sept. 13. There are only
eight persons in every thousand in
the state of Massachusetts who
know the Lord's prayer or the Ten
Commandments, according to a sur
vey made bv the International
World Movement of the Churches.
According to the survey made in
Xew York. Massachusetts is ahead
in the number oMhose who have
heard of the Lord's Prayer or the
Ten Commandments.
In New York the proportion is
large of those who never heard of
these two spiritual agencies.
Hobble Skirt Street Cars.
Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 13. Author
ity has been granted the Georgi
Railway and Power company to buy
IS side entrance street cars of. the
latest pattern. They will cost $132,
231 and will be in operation Octo
ber 1. They scat 51 passengers
will h chanter II. Saturday is a spe
cial feature night, produced by rathe.
Comfort Sunday:
"Shoulder Arms."
Charlie Chaplin In
screamingly funny
Empress Francis X. Bushman and Bev
erly Bayne, who have been absent from
the screen for somo time, will appear at
Ihe Empress theater in the most daringlv
fine film of their careers. "Daring Hearts,"
lor four dsys, starting Sunday. The fea
ture Is said to be a classic, although It
has the war for a background. Mr. Hush-
man piays tne pari or itugn Brown, a ; Commandmer
wealthy American who is caught in the 1 and Klnogram News. Friday: 'The Ood
maelstrom of the war, and Miss Havno ! (less of Lost Lake." starring Lotfis Glsum.
enacts me roie ot an Alsatian girl. One and "Klmo the Mighty," chapter three,
of the big events of the season will be Saturday: Clara Kimball Young In "The
the showing of "The Soul of Broadway," I Belter Wife." and ft Big V two-reel com
a William Fox picture, featuring Valeska 1 ortv. -
comedy on trench life, tho troubles of a
soldier, sleeping In ft damp bed; together
with Sessue Hayakawa In "Temple of
Dust," a story of the Kust. Monday:
Chaiiie Chaplin In "Shanghah d," a eom
edv of tho sea: also Montague Love In
"Through the Toils." Tuesday: June El
vidge In "The Social Pirate," a society
domestic drsma, and "The Great Gamble,"
seventh chapter, ts one of the strongest
serials ever produced. Gladys Leslie In
"Stitch In Tlnye," a good story; a Star
comedy and Paths "Pen Points." Thurs
day: Lucille Stewart in "The Eleventh
Commandment. A Harold Lloyd comedy
33d and
"Za.u PitU in "Better Timet"
You'll shed pessimism anil forgot your
troubles, not for the moment, but for
months, when you see it.
Moon Olive Thomas, as the star In
i "Loves Prisoner." the Moon photoplay;
1 beginning an engagement of four days to- j
day, has the role of Nnncy, a girl reared
I among crooks. Her father goes to serve
a. term "up the river," and the child Is I
left with Jonathan Twist, a jeweler anil I
' a fence for thieves. She has inherited i
, iiualities of refinement from her mother I
and she marries old Lord Cleveland.
, After his death she returns to America
: ind attempts to atone for earlier re-
misses by giving liberally to charily. But
1 her past is called to others' minds. She
: is pursued by the law. represented by ,1im
Gnr.siilo, the city's best detective. The
! old Jeweler hnd been murdered. The de-
tective had been convinced that "The
I Bird" and Nancy were one, and he was
about to arrest the girl. A message from
! headquarters tolla him the real criminal
has been caught. But he still claims her
About the best ad I can write about
is to reproduce herewith an exact copy of my friend, Wid Gunning's review on
this picture.
Sunday, August 31, 1919
16th and
Harold Lloyd. Patho News.
Most Forceful and Appealing Dramatic Entertainment I
Have Ever Seen.
. Louise GlaxtX.'
to keep an appointment with him, the car from the Thomas H. tnca studios
overturns and she is killed. Little Pick. . directed by Allen Dawn.
It was
24th and
Lloyd Comedy. Pathe News.
who was riding In the car with his mother.
us seriously Injured, and Charmtan Page Muse "Home" is the all-week feature
tplayed by Miss Young), takes an interest i slariitij; at the Mne today, aild ii t iyes
in him and tries to nurse him back to : Mildred Harris Mrs. Charlie Chaplin a
health. Later Sir Richard is acquainted . delightful role. She has the part of fool-
vith the double life of the late Ladv I ish .Milhcent Rankin, a, girl whn.-e heji.l
Beverly, and he is brought to the point
where a single decision will change his
life from one of unhapptness to one of
happiness and love.
moving picture.
picture IS Sun "Sahara." the theme of which is
"The Soul of . Broadway." which ' based on the Quest of Cairo, with Louise
comes to the Empress theater for a i "J"!, vhe, atellar role-, is lno feature
.i . 1 . . . . . photoplay beginning a week s engagement
three-day engagement s t a r 1 1 n g at the sun today. butterfly of the Pa-
Thursday. I'rlslan stage, shal'tiw. vain, is married to
an American. An engineer he a called
' to the Sahara ami the butterflv reluct
antly goes with him. In the loneliness
Bills of the Week.
of the life in a desert osats her heart eats
itself out, despite the love of her hus
band and their child. Flie heeds the call
,,. , ; of Cairo, the sensuous capital of the east.
tiiauo las .Miracle .Man" story be- 1 There, surrounded bv .ne luxuries given
fi-"- . , orks Chinatown, where a ; her by a wealthy Russian, she finds still
gang or crooks the "Frog," the "Dope," I that she lacks the greatest thing In life.
. Jh.1 V .5. . hl "girI'" Rose conduct i She longs for her husband and her bov.
a. tnnving business of fleecing unwary She scatters alms to the oeggarly crowd
iU"ierS; 'lay Burke reads of an land she finds that among, the mendicants
f5 ifa" f"ul man "P in tho coun- I are her son and the man whom she had
ilT.K ?x 's,sa,!1 t0 lleal the ailing by left. She brings ..them to her mansion.
. h ..u u ''T" t0 ePot the "-fake" ' Hut the man has lost his reason. II.
iii. p of ,,ls pals- "lake rich i killed the baron. There is another hur
Plcklngs from the "Miracle Man s" gulll- ! ricd flight. This time it is into the il, s
tue patients. Ruse pretends to be a dls- ert. not from it: for the desert Is vi-M
tant delatlve of the "healer" and goes to and tells no secrets. The wealth of n,
live m his cottage. The "Kng," a coun- : orient, the luxuries of its capitals, the
terfeit cripple, crawls to ih,. nutria..!. . v,,Cf r,n..u. f a , ..
uimii oeroi- n raping crowd
Jnd walks. The "Dope" B -ts as "pro
moter, of miracles" and Burke "accepts"
the contributions. But. to the amaeement
of the rogues, the old man s simple be
lief works wonders. They find that their
rake Is bringing health and hapolness to
hundreds. One by one Burke loses his
own gang. The girl, pretending to be
good, becomes good. In their new sur
roundings the "Frog" and "Dope" grow
out of their old selves Into mon. Through
jealousy and suffering and the gentle in
fluence of the "Miracle Man." even the
hardened, cynical TJurke learns that
money and vice are not enough. The end
is a happy beginning for Tom. and Rose,
for the "Dope" and his village bride, fot
the "Frog" and his little "adopted"
mother" of a new road that goes
Strand Clara Kimball Young in "The
Better Wife." an Interesting romance, In
troducing Miss Young as an American girl
who la visiting friends in England. While
she Is there she becomes acquainted with
Sir Richard Beverly, Lady Beverly and i
ineir son, nine dick. Lady Beverly Is hav
ing an affair with another man, and one
afternoon when she is racing in her car
was turned by the follies of the idle rich.
She became ashamed of her luiinMe pa
rentage and the vanities of the girls she
met in a fushiohable boarding school were,
well nigh her undoing. She visited at a
wealthy home during the progress of a
house party. An idler made love to her.
hut he was using her as n foil In nrile.
that he mierht v. in the affections of his
29th and
Also Two-Reel Comedy.
lom or its poopic ami ipp oioinniary pas
sions of nifii are revealed in this drama
DIAfifOKD 24Lh.k:nd
Also Charlie Chaplin in "A Dog's Life.'
Charles Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms." '
ut nayaaawa in lempie or uust
Continuous from 2:30 to 11:00
sHssaHnBMsnaswu t
f manages to hold some of them uo. I IW VI .t VMUU.'2LW&
Olive Thomas 1 P A TOT A Tf A
t I - TL. cut., rus II 1 X W II fU II I I 1
ii ii a m ts JtSB. ii ii ii fui
j In a Romance of MyaUry and VJJ&
1 AdVantura i If"
J JH Fascinating Paris
I "Love's Prisoner" 0 W' 4lVf Myteriou. Cairo
i 1,, r X f A Beautiful Woman
I '-"-..TT ' . " g ii A, Crafty Tempter
I f Ti&GOSa KTrT,V71 I 1! ' U3
. -T J .1aJI XSk,-.- ft - W- 'V. M 1 if Ti jha Tf ,
KatUaVilliams' ,jmr , jW I
T 1 Vr 4111 Ilk kA X X- i' sZSr
cter rs p'ciure -or a ot$ I
TKc Better We
A Govrvff by Lucille
are kappy fa die ove oSovr Auslaact.a&ct
feme oie ese voua Aave 6eei. i5u6efe,
way to prove c. You iv Aeep oc aotpoar
6esazcyoarAusfezc w4Aik you. ureZAe&est
vfa the worcl, 6u oerA-fps Ae coud fave
found aAextfer w'g . PerAaps you cart make.
Am abetter wYe tcat you are to Aim iok
Qtso sAouirup first pictures Or
General Persliirt's VelconjeifitiewYorK
ok Acs ctrructt yrom. prance
Comedy .0 Patfie' News
Si Ivartrtau Symphonic Ordtesli' .
1 -t-
George Loane Tucker'a Production
j Paramount-Artcraft Special
j DIRECTOR George Loane Tucker
j ORIGINAL STORY BY Frank L. Packard
SCREEN VERSION BY George Loane Tucker
; CAMERAMEN Phil Rosen and Ernest Palmer
AS A WHOLE Superb dramatic entertainment
I of exceptional timeliness and tremendous
I appeal.
STORY Registers entertainingly and with ex
ceptional force faith healing idea, effect of
environment and similar tremendous themes
with exceptional dramatice value through
out. DIRECTION Gives to screen some of most re-
markable characterizations ever seen, per
fectly blended into human situations amid
realistic atmosphere.
PHOTOGRAPHY. . . Exceptionally v artistic and
consistently excellent.
LIGHTINGS Many unusual and beautiful bits
CAMERA WORK. Excellent throughout
PLAYERS. .. .All principals so splendid and so per
fectly balanced, with every part blending
throughouttliere is hardly opportunity for
praising one above the other.
EXTERIORS Some very beautiful water stuff,
with all locations fitting atmosphere.
INTERIORS Artistically lighted with nice detail
DETAIL. .. .Scores of little touches that helped ef
fectiveness of whole.
CHARACTER OF STORY The most beautifully
produced big theme play ever presented,
principally because it is always entertaining
and tensely dramatic.
T T is time to rejoice.
"The Miracle Man" is the most exceptionally en
tertaining and tremendously appealing dramatic pro
duction I have ever seen.
You can bet your red shirt that this will hold your
audience every minute and send them out boosting:
more enthusiastically than they ever have in the past,
and you will fiiirj a very large percentage of them
coming back to see it, bringing some friend or some
other part of the family with them.
We have all been looking for a radical change this
fall, due to the final realization by the men with the
say so of the nt-ed of giving the capable directors a
real chance to go out and make truly big pictures.
Certainly, congratulations all around are due on this
result of such a policy.
Starting off with a fast-moving, intensely interest
ing episode in New York's Chinatown, introducing a
gang of crooks as human and attention-compelling as
the screen has ever seen, the story shifts to a small
town, and we find through most remarkable circum
stances a miracle performed. This scene has a wal
lop such as the screen has seldom disclosed, and the
wonderful part about it is that it is pure drama,
thereby proving for all time that wild tactics are not
necessary to deliver real thrills.
From that point the story builds and builds to a
tremendous climax in which the influence of environ
ment and clean thought for good bring about some
remarkable character changes.
I do not remember of ever having seen a production
in which the characterizations of so many principals
were so beautifully presented and so nicely balanced.
The photography, settings and general atmosphere
are very artistic and yet this artistry always blendi
wih the drama instead of overshadowing It at any
Tom Meighan gives the greatest performance of h.1'9
career, while the work of Betty Compson will be a
revelation to all film folk. I.on Chancy, in an ex- '
ceptional characterization, will be remembered for- .
ever by everyone who sees this film. Joe bowling, i
as the white-haired old patriarch, is a magnetic ant
dignified figure. Lawson Butt, Elinor Fair, Lucii
Hutton and J. M. Dumont all did work which blended '
Truly Tremendous Opportunity to Demonstrate Clean-Up Value of
Great Films.
Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor
This isn't just a picture it's a sensation.
You owe it to yourself, if you expect to really cash
in on the new order of things, to prepare to play this
remarkable production for a good long run.
There is no question but what the public will rave
over this. It is remarkably timely in theme, and if
you don't give everyone a chance to see this it is
your own tauit if they come kicking to you when you
play weak sisters after this real film is gone.
The important thing for you to understand is, that
this film must not be advertised in a routine manner,
because the public has been bunked so much with
tfild adjectives that you can only really get them when
you have such a big film as this by carrying a sincere
note of personal guarantee in all your ads that will
make them realize that here is something unusual.
The world today is all keyed up over the idea that
good thoughts are a tremendous influence in this life.
"Phis film registers that inspiring idea in such a force
ful and such, an entertaning manner that it not only
hits home hard but makes everyone in the audience
agree and go out talking.
I would advise you to play this for three or four
times your usual run, and do at least three times as
much advertising in advance, thereby giving a fair,
genuine test to the idea, which I have tried to get
you working on, of going after the truly big pictures
in a truly big way. I am sure that if you will do thi
you will see a new light as to what your policy should
be in the coming year.
By all means in preparing your advertising on this
call attention to the fact that George Loane Tucker
produced "The Cinderella Man" and "Virtuous
Wives." Both of these films were decidedly successful,
and both were very entertaining. You must empha
size the entertainment value of this in order that you '
don't handicap it in any way by too much reference to
the big theme which underiies the production.
I am on record that this is a clean-up as to dra
matic entertainment values, and a clean-up at the
box office if you give it half a chance.
"Wid", as he is familiarly known in the film game, is considered "the top
notcher" in film reviews, and to be candid he "ronsta" more pictures than he
praises, therefore when he breaks loose with a report like this, I naturally have
no hesitancyMn telling you "THE MIRACLE MAN" is the film sensation of
the season. "Wid" says so, I say so, and everyone else who has seen the picture,
says so.
Remember we are giving three performances nightly, 6 :30, 8 and 9 :30, to
gether with the usual matinee performances, and that the picture is here entire
week of September 14th.
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