Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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9 A Af. to 6 P. M.
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The Men's and Boys'
Store of Omaha
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Aftm backyou decide it. It doesn't matter how much it takes to satisfy you
in clothes; you want it all; anything short of that isn't enough. Hart Schafjner
& Marx guarantee that you 11 tlget it all" in their clothes; wear, style, fit, all
wool, complete satisfaction. If you don't your, money back. You decide it.
Men Who Know Value Appreciate
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
ART SCHAFFNER & MARX have been mak
ing clothes for us and our customers for a good
many years; good clothes; all-wool fabrics; fine
tailoring; lively styles. You know them yourself.
But in all our experience with them and their
goods, we've never seen better styles, smarter de
signs, better fabrics, than they've turned out this sea
son. The new double-breasted models are unique;
not like any double-breasted ever designed before.
Same way with the single-breasted types. New
pocket ideas, new lapels; new soft fronts; new ways
of treating the belt feature.
What's your wish about clothes? We'll show you
variety enough in style and price to satisfy 4 r
, your desires. Special values at P O U
' And at $35, $40, $45, $55, $60, $75 to $95.
Men's Stylish Suits
WE'VE always known why some busi
ness men didn't buy ready-made
clothes. The clothes weren't made right,
according to their ideas. It occurred to
us that the way to meet that was to have
the clothes made right; no padding, no
heavy canvas; draped to fit the figure;
hand-shaped. That's what
we've done. Suits of high- j. gr
est degree at $iV
And at $35, $40, $45, $55, $60, $75, $95.
Smart New Fall
THE style developments in suits, which
are very marked, show in the over
coats. We'll show ydu pome very stun
ning models. Motor Coats, Street Coats,
Travel Coats, Dress Overcoats; rain
proofed. Burberry English models direct
from London. Coverts, I
Tweeds, Worsteds, Duffles, 4 elfl
Homespuns. Great values at $ D U
And from $40. $45, $55, $60, $75 to $95.
Need An Extra Pair
of Trousers?
THE Brandeis Stores' great stocks
are evidence of the careful atten
tion devoted to this important line;
Serge, Flannel, fancy Worsted and
fancy Cassimere Trousers in all sizes;
an unusually large stock of Cassi
mere Trousers, so you can get them
to match or har
monize with suits. 3 50 to $ 1 5
Priced per pair
The Fall Hat You Want
It's Here Hats of Distinction
Ours is a wonderful dis
play. It contains a select as
sortment of styles for men
hats of character which pos
sess the distinction demand
ed by all men of good taste.
2.50 to $15
Boys' Headwear
50c to $6
Men's Caps
75c to 3.50
Caps in all-Vool fabrics,
plain and fancy colors.
Priced at 75c, 1.50, 2.00,
2.50, 3.00 and 3.50.
The showing of Boys' Hats
is comprehensive Rah, Rah
Hats, Boys' Felt Hats, Ve
lour and Beaver Hats.
300 Pairs of Boys' Shoes
Good Values and Leathers
These shoes on today's market would cost us from $2 to
$3 more per pair. They are well-known makes, in fact, they
are from Holland & Brown. One reason we
are offering them at such an unusually low
price is because we prefer to close the lot out
to make room for new numbers. Saturday
tney win De priced at only
4 '4,
HTM u fM V a ab Mam ttfirlAM (VMM m aIm V a m UnTr J
lliey Cumc 111 lace VL uuuuii otjrio, guu mctcll, taucam
f k MvIiU AiiV aV as owalf txA aiTofl 9 L f a ft A vara ay.
-' Willi 1 J IV UaiV OVltOj iluUU TT vlvVI M 2 V V I vl J
' ' ceptional offering.
In this store the customers "word is law; jjou sap whether you're
satisfied or not; we refund money cheerfully. This is our guar
antee, that goes with every sale. It's our general policy. This
applies to Hart Schaffner & Marx Boys' jOlothes as well as Mens.
The First Introduction of the Famous
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits for Boys
The first time in their History that
Hart Schaffner & Marx deviated from
the exclusive making of Men's Clothing
have lead away from a tradi
tion long in existence. The utmost
in clothes for men is found in Hart
Schaffner & Marx make quality
and integrity, as well as talent, sjull
and the acumen of business now,
through the breaking of their tradi
tion, brings to the boys of Omaha
the kind of clothes their fathers and
those of mature years have gotten
so much satisfaction out of.
In building a boys' business and
appealing to their good sense of
clothes value, the same fine quali
ty of tailoring, skill and the very
same care of detail and finish are
in these Hart Schaffner & Marx
Clothes for Boys, which have al
ways been identified with the label
in Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
for Men.
WE know boys are like their fathers, anyway they are proud
imitators, and we know, too, that they will accept nothing but
the best. So we've designed clothes for them to meet their re
quirements. Here's the way they are made. With the popular
waistline; belt all around style, one anol two-button, single and
double-breasted models. Clothes of "class," styled right, all
of them. They're all-wool. We'd like to show the boys what
we've brought to Omaha for them, and' Saturday will be a good
day to do it. Every boy who has that peculiar liking of being
smartly dressed will certainly ''take" to this new line of ours. Re
member, they are made by Hart Schaffner & Marx.
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