Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1919, Image 16

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Text Books Are Being Re
vised by Minister of Educa
tionTwelve Years in
Schools Compulsory.
' International Scnlec Staff
Berlin, Sept. 12. The doctrine of
eternal peace and universal brother
hood is to be the fundamental idea
of education in Prussia hereafter.
The idea of revenge and hatred
preached by the conservative ele
ment of Germany will not be toler
ated in the classroom. Germany's
youth will be taught that the re-,
demption of the fatherland is to be
achieved through useful work, not
through another bloody war.
Revise Text Books.
These statements were made to
me by Herr Haeuisch, Prussian
minister of education, author of the
educational articles in Germany's
new constitution and a reluctant
partner to the school compromise
exacted by the Catholics in the third
reading of the constitution.
, . "With these objects in mind 1
have just ordered a sweeping re
vision of text books," said Herr
' Haenisch. "The old chauvinistic
teachings will be expunged from
. our school books. T hat does not
Dean, however, that the children
wilt not be brought up in a spirit
of nationalism. On the contrary.
our policy will be to teach them to
be Germans and to be proud of
their country's achivements in art,
literature and culture.
Revenge Manifesto.
I reminded Herr Haenisch of the
proclamation of revenge and hatred
published by certain professors of
the Berlin university, including Dr.
Kuno Meyer, some time ago. The
said proclamation, it will be remeni-
t r A mat n1rtnr 1 1' inur t Vi cprl
of hatred in the breasts of Ger-
many'a youth for untold generations
to come. Herr Haenisch replied:
"I did not interfere with this
proclamation because to do so. even
in the case of men who technically
are working under me, would have
been an infringement on the right
of free speech, which you as an
American must readily realize. But
I can assure you that any teacher
"who attempts to scatter such no
tions in the classroom will be dis
missed." 1 Education Compulsory.
"The constitution," averred Herr
Haenisch, "prescribes compulsory
education for a period of 12 years.
The first eight years are spent
in the public school: the remain
ing four in institutions correspond
ing to your high schools, also
at the expense of the public. The
young men and women will finish
tneir education at Its, unless they
desire to enter a university. There
will be no more class schools; all
schools are to be open to the poor."
- To my suggestion that poor par
ents with many children to support
' might find it a hardship to be com
'pelled to keep the bigger children
at school when they could be work
ing and adding their share to the
family Income, Herr Haenisch re
, sponded that social improvement
would go hand in hand with educa-
tion, and that in the new Germany
none would be too poor to give his j
children a proper education. j
Pancakes and Jam.
Here the interview was inter
rupted by the unannounced entrance
of a bright flaxen-haired boy of
four or five who threw himself
across the Prussian Cabinet Min
ister's knees with the exclamation:
if pa, mama says you niusi come
. in to lunch immediately. There are
pancakes with jam for dessert."
Thus Herr Haenisch, jr., brought
. the interview to an agreeable end.
Last Herd of South African
, Elephants Doomed to Die
iJVIIUUIJ, L ita, juuih faunas
last elephant tribe faces complete
extinction if a decree passed by the
- provincial council of the province of
the Cane of Good Hone is carried
The decree authorizes the destrur.
." tion of the herd of elephants in the
Addo Bush forest reserve. Hitherto
this remnant has been carefully pre
served by the union government and
attempts by wild animal buyers and
. big game hunters to remove or de-
stroy it have been prevented by law.
Mow unless the government takes
' immediate action it will be wiped
The last elephant in Zululand, an
old male, was recently killed. The
elephants of southern Rhodesia have
been exterminated. The elephant
bids fair to follow the trail of the
North American buffalo.
lit the eastern Transvaal, near
Portuguese territory, a few surviv
ors of a smalf troop occasionally
are seen, but they are being attacked
from both sides and are on the verge
of extinction.
British scientists and others inter
ested in the preservation of wild ani
1'ials in their native haunts are tak
ing steps to have the decree rescinded,-
but it is doubtful if they will
' . .--A Tli Aililn Rnctl nosr Pnrl
Elizabeth, until recently has been
a waterless scrub of little value. In
its" center an area of approximately
6.00C acres has long been a reserve
for this band of elephan. The herd
. numbers between 100 and 200 indi
viduals, the only surviving exam-
1 ales of a distinct variety, character-
'1l ized by a strongly arched forehead,
" enormous ears, roughly square tn
outline, short forelegs and a very
.1 Knrlv
The animals sally out of their
reserve in quest of food and water.
1 . They break down fences, stampede
'-. cattle, destroy crops and frighten
. . t- i 1 i
' , the irrigation canals are intended for
their benefit and in taking their
baths they destroy the banks and
dams. :
You will find the Dyckman, Min
' neapolis, convenient to the shops,
tlii3rc anrl nnit of interest. Rea-
.......1,1. .- Tli PliTshrthon
" Room and the Coffee Shop of the
- Dvckniau are ideal places to dine.
. ............U.........v.v..NVVV.VlNVVVV.VW
it's Superior Quality at Any Given Price That Best Demonstrates the Wisdom of Cash Buying Here We Welcome Comparisons
Store Hours 9 A.M. Till 6 P. M.
Drugs and Toilet Goods
5e Locust Blossom Perfume. Our
price per oz, 29
T5e La Alaehe Face Powder tall
shades). Our Cash Price 59e
0c Oderono. Our Price, 42ei SOc
for We
35c Dag-sret and RamsdeH'a Cold
Cream. Our Price 87e
25c Williams or Mennen's Talcum.
Our Price le
f 1.00 Llaterlne for TSei 60c aiie, 3t)e
23c Hlnkle's Pills (100 in bottle).
Our Price IS
I5c Saniflush. Our Cash Price... 1
S5e William's Shaving Stick, Cream
or Powder. Our Price S3r
10c Remmo Soap. Our Price. .
l!c Peroxide Soap. Cash Price... 8e
25c Pear's Soap. Cash Price 16
15c Lux. Our Cash Price lie
Store Hours 9 A. M. Till 6 P. M.
' 1
New Velvet Bags '
Our great showing of fine velvet bags have been added to by arrival of
several new styles this week. Our showing Is the largest one ever dis
played la Omaha and our prices are considerable under anyone for the
same bags.
Silk Chiffon, Paon and Panne Velvet Bags, with frames of shell, Ivory
struck silver, Holland silver and many other styles. See our showing
before buying. Our Cash Prices $4.95 to $35.00
Out of the Ordinary 1
Fall Dress Styles
Something of the individual kind that will reflect,
your personality. Oh ! Such a bevy of these new beau
ties for selection too, in every wanted material and shade
our painstaking selections from the foremost makers.
We call special attention
to 3 charming groups
for Saturday's selling
Street Dresses, Afternoon Dresses, Dinner and
theater Dresses in Tricolettes, Tricotines, Satins, Georg
ettes. Combinations and Serges. Values we're confident
you'll find unequalled in any other store. .-
Our Suits at $59
Are the talk of Omaha materials and tailoring are of a very superior order, while you
have 12 distinctive classy models in sis shades for your selection. All sizes for misses, ma
trons and stylish stouts.
Saturday in the Blouse Section Will Be
Opera Day
Hundreds of lovely blouses just unpacked for Saturday.
This well known bpera Brand Blouse in 200 different
designs, in all sliades, including dark suit shades; ma
terials, Georgettes and Crepe de Chines. Our Cash
Prices. $7.50, $8.95, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00
Wear an Opera you '11, never want any other.
Sale of
Brilliant Bar
Just received a large shipment
of new brilliant bar pins and
brooches now very popular. Our
prices are lowest and our styles' !
$5.00 large brilliant bar pin, hand
sawed designs, newest styles, ol
iion-tarnishable metal. Our Cash
Price for Saturday $3.75
$2.95 narrow sterling silver bai
pin, set with fine white brilliants,
large size, safety catch. Our
Cash Price $2.10
$1.00 fine narrow bar pins, set
with French Rhinestones, non
tarnishable metal; a wonderful
value. Cash Price 69
Our stock of brilliant pins,
pearl necklaces, novelty bead
necklaces, and fancy Spanish
combs is very large and the fin-
I est showing in Omaha.
Better Clothes for Boys
Hart Schaffner
and Marx
Are Making "Knicker" Suits
and Overcoats for Them
Models that have all the smart young men feature
belts, yokes, plaits, all the lively pocket variations.
It really costs you less per year to dress your boy
in such clothes because he'll wear them longer.
This store has been selected to
handle these clothes in Omaha.
And as with the new clothes we feel that it is a great
achievement to be able to give the boys the stylish things
they want and the parents the service quality in boys'
clothes they've always hoped for.
You Think
Guaranteed money Cheerfully Refunded if
the Clothes Don't Give You Value.
A Wonderfully Complete Showing of New Fall
Girls' Outer Appare!
Never have the assortments been more varied or the values more at
iractivc Many special Saturday.
It's Quality In Clothes That Really Counts
Quality you can bank on to give $1,00 or more of satisfying service for every dollar of price that's the
reason we've offered you now for 32 years and will continue to offer you
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
The clothes with the liberal guarantee "your idea of
satisfaction on your money back. They're always
all-wool or silk and wool made right, priced right.
We have a wonderfully complete showing of the new models, including single and double-breasl, belt
all round styles. We can fit you perfectly.
Extraordinary Values In Oar 1
September Sale of
Men's Women's and Children's
Saturday we place on sale about
500 pairs of women's black and
brown vici kid lace shoes, with
full leather French or military
heels. Hayden's Cft
lash Price t)JUIU
"Hayden Special" for men in
black calfskin, Goodyear welts,
union inade and best quality
union leather soles, fejfij Kll
Hayden's Cash Price 000M
Bovs' gun metal shoes, made to
tand bard usage; all sizes, 11
jRsh Price O.tfV
Big girls' patent leather welt
sole shoes, with low heels;
present values $6.50 to close out
quickly. Hayden's (JQ ?A
Cash Price
Misses' and big girls' gun metal
school shoes, button shoes ; sizes
11 to 5Va- Hayden's 6J) Iff
lash Price .Wrltf
Child's gun metal button school
shoes; sizes 8 to 11. Hay
den's Cash gO Aft
Price VmUU
At Reduced
Organdy collar and cuffs trimmed wi h ruffles of val lace; regu
lar value $1.50. Special Cash Price Saturday 81.00
Round and square neck net collar, trimmed with val lace. In
cream and white; regular value $2.50. Cash Price S1.75
Bengalene and satin vestees in all the new shades, with roll and
square collar; regular value $3.00. Special Cash Price. .$2.00
Georgette, Organdy and' net cushing, 1 to 6 inches wide. Specla'.
Cash Price Saturday, yard 25 UP to $1.25
Organdy vestees, with roll collar, trimmed with dainty tucks
and val lace; regular value $1.50. Special Cash Price. . .$1.00
Women's Underwear
At Saving Prices
Women's cotton union suits, white,
with tight knee or lace bottom,
beaded tops; regular and extra sizes;
regular prices 69c and 75c. On Sale
at Our Cash Price 50
Women's fine lisle and mercerized
.lisle union suits, in pink or white,
with band or beaded tops, tight knee,
lace or shell bottom: regular and ex
tra sizes; regular prices $1.25 and
$1.50. On sale at Cash Price.... 98
Women's soft muslin corset covers, trimmed with lace or embroidered
edging; regular prices 69c and 75c. On sale at 50
Women's Italian silk or crepe de
chine bloomers of extra heavy quality,
reinforced, flesh; these bloomers are
slightly soiled; all sizes; regular
prices $3.50 and $3.98. Sale.. $2.98
Women's batiste or soft muslin Gowns;
in pink or white, trimmed with fine
lace yokes or embroidery, all sizes;
regular price $1.98 and $2.50; or
sale at only $1.7c
Specials in
Corset Dept.
Second Floor
Elastic top, pink batiste, i-supporter ; very special
Cash Price $2.00
Medium low bust long skirt; small and large sizes
Special Cash Price, at $1.49
Bandeaux and Brassiere; all sizes; front and back
fastenings. Special Cash Price, at 59
That Combine the Newest In Fashion
With the Best In Quality.
Lowest Cash Prices Always .
See These Saturday Specials
$2.00 Flannel Sight Shirt. $1.65
Stelner Universal night shirts, with
flat or military collar in various col
ors; all full cut double stitched gar
ments; sizes. 15 to 20. On Sale Satur
day at Cash Price $1.65
$2.45 f lannel Pajamas, $2.00
These are all Steiner make which
means high standard of quality and
workmanship; come in heavy weight,
good quality domet flannel; suit
able for fall and winter wear; sizes,
15 to 19. Cash Price Saturday $2.00
2.25 Hventer Coast, $1.71
These are a very special Item and
should be snapped up quickly at this
price; , come in shawl collar, two
pocket; dark, oxford, gray; all sizes,
34 to 4C. Cash Price Saturday, $1.75
$2.25 Union Salts, $1.75.
Spingtee union suits, in medium
weights, cotton rib, suitable for fall or
winter wear; made of finest combed
yarns; all sizes, 34 to 46. Cash Price
Saturday at $1.75
Over 100 dozen men's athletic union suits; broken sizes from our regular
stock; worth up to $1.50. On Sate Saturday at 69
Unequaled Values in Our Saturday's
Hosiery Sale
Just received a beautiful line of lace
clocked hosiery, lace-stripes and Inset lace
in all silk, values worth up ta $10 00.
Cash Price ,$4.98 and $5.98 while
they last 1
Women's lace and drop stitch hose tn
black', navy and cordovan; regular $2.00
values. - Cash Price $1.50
Women's full fashioned and seamless
thread and fibre silk hose $100
Women's fine mercerized lisle hose and
fibre Bilk in black and colors; $1.25 quali
ty. Our Cash Price 796
Boys' and Girls' hose, in black and white
cordovan; small sizes up to 7, 554:
large sizes 654
Infants' and children's mercerized Ilal
hose in black and white; all sizes.. 504
Specials in
Home Furnishings
100- lb. capacity White Mountain Refrig
erator. Cash Price ?25.o
125-lb. capacity White Mountain Refrig
erator. Cash Price 30.00
100-lb. capacity White Mountain Refrig
erator, solid stone, white lined $53.00
Universal Six-hole Combination Nickle
plated Cook and Gas Stove. Price- .$100.00
Four-hole Combined Gas Range, with oven
and broiler. Our Cash Price $4!.00
Two-hole Gas Oven, plain door. $4.or
One-hole Gas Oven, plain door $2.35
Hand Vacuum Washer. Cash Price for
Saturday, at n-
Universal Lunch Kits. Cash Price... $3.
J4-Ib. Family Scale. Our Cash Price 2.0
Chair and Stepladder combined. Price $2.10
CCedar Oil Mop; $1.50 value, for Satur
day, at Our Cash Price $1.23
Four-gallon Galvanized Garbage Can $L2S
NStz-gallon Galvanized Garbage Can $2.0)1
Klght-gal. Galvanized Garbage Can $2.2S
Six-quart Aluminum Sauce Pan, for Sat
urday at Our Cash Price 75c
A-l Four-tie Broom: $1.50 value, for Sat
urday, at Our Cash Price 7Re
In Oiir Popular
Sanitary Market
Here to serve the people with quali
ty goods that will please and Cash
Prices that will Save.
Hindquarters, per lb 17',4e
Foreqnarters, per lb 124
Steer Pot Roust, lb. UMi'
Sugar Cured Bncon, lb Stk-
Compound, per lb 28c
Best Full Cream American and Brick
Cheese, per lb 35c
Best bulk Creamery Butter, per lb.. .61c
Heinz's Baked Beans No. 2, S cana.SSc
Best Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz..47c
5-lb. pails Snowfiake Oleo. each. . $1.06
Bulk Chow Chow, per quart SOc
Bulk Queen Olives, per quart BBc
' Also a complete line of Heini'a 7 va
rieties in our pickle department.
. W
Special Price-Cutting
Grocery Sale
Quality Goods Priced Right.
48-lb. sacks High Grade Flour. .2.S8
2-i-lb. sacks Best High Grade Flour. $1.
24-lb. sack Pure Flour $110
No. 1 Navy Beans, lb..... 10c
No. 1 California Brown Beans, lb R
No. 2 cans Beet Grcons Hr
v.. n.n. noMpn Puinckin or
n,illrerva TnmstO -jaUCi. can fur 6
16-ounce cans Condensed Milk. for. . . . .I5
The best Domestic Macaroni. Spaghetti or
Egg Noodles, pkg-. ior ....... . . . .T,i
No 2 cans Solid Packed Toatoes. Karlj
rune Peas or Sweet Sugar Corn 12"j
Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup 4S.-
2'4 pound cans Golden Table Syrup... 25r
Tall cans Pink Salmon............ 10
Tall cans Columbia River Salmon 2
Tall cans Fancy Ked Salmon 32
Large Jars Pure Fruit Preserves 32
Snyder's or Campbells Soups, can... 12.
Jello or Advo Jell. pkg....... M
No. 3 cans California U hite G rapes .... -5
Nemso Soup Sweet Corn. okg... .S.
Gallon cans California Apples. for.....4ft
Fancy Evaporated BartWt Pears. lb...2R.
Fancy Evaporated Teaches, lb., for 25;
Choice California Prunes, lb., for 10
Fresh Shelled Popcorn, b ...12V4
Our Famou Golden Santoi Coffee, ib..3r
II. B. C. Special Blend, per lb., for ...42c
M. & J. 131-nd, very rich flavored, lb..4fic
Choice Basket Fired or Sun Dried Japan
Tea. per lb 40r
Fancy Basket Fired Japan, Oolong, Ceylon '
or Gunpowder Tea, lb am-
The best Tea Slftlngs. lb 23r
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 30c
' No. 1 Cooking Potatoes, peck, 15 lbs. ...60V
New Cabbage, per lb 4r
New Sweet Potatoes, lb S
Large Market Basket Green Peppers. . .30e
Large Market Pasket Ripe Tomatoes .. SOc
Wax or Green Beans, lb 12Hc '
Fresh Parsnips, lb 5c
Large FsK Plant 7Ue,10c, 2Hc
Sweet Corn, dozen SOc
Fancy Cauliflower, lb 17te
I Good Cooklng Apples, peck 33c