Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1919. WANT AD RATES (Cah With Order.) , . (w worn. ... 1 t'Stf r word . . . ' !? pr wonl , . . . ,5pr word. ... so par word. fa p word en day "(e pr word two consecutive days . three consecutlvs days .four consecutive days , ..five consecutive days . . .fix consecutive days 1 And ona cent per word each additional I No ada taken for I ma than a total of loo or leaa tban 10a per day. C IIAKt'E lie per Una (count worsd to Una) 1 day lie par Hue two conaecutlve daya so par line three consecutive daya la per line seven consecutive daya M P'r line thirty conaecutlve daya V CARIH OF THANKS AND V ' MJTICK8. It per line each Inaertlon Minimum charge, (0 centa. Stress rate apply either to th Dally r Sunday Bee. All adverlirmenta ap pear In both morning and evening daily yapora (or the one charge. Contract Rates on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want da will be accepted at the following ot- WAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Office 261& Leavenworth St South Side 2318 N St- "THE J3EE will not be responsible for tflor than one Incorrect Insertion of an dvertltement ordered for more than one ts. . . .. Evening Editions Horning Editions Sunday Kdltlona -10 P. .12:00 M. 10:0 P. M. M. Saturday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods. TOFMOST VALUES IN FURNITURE. la our claim, and by this w mean Bet t Purnltiire for Monev. Furl 1 tn material, construction and design at a positive saving a dollar apent wun tne piail iin.Miuna CO. for rurniture win oo a greater ouu w:m mint lis 7S A rMun for 113.60 27.50 dresser for $1.0; IJ5.00 dresser for 118.00; $36.00 buffet for $24.76: $2J 80 chiffonier for 113 5. Bargains throughout every line. We specialise on complete home outfits. Liberty bonds taken at par. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY 14th and Hodge Sts. Opp. II. P. Bldg ir.i i rvrc out entire stock of furniture and household furnishings regardless of vs ue: act fluicK. Douglas 4i. Cuming St. WK ll new and near-new furniture. stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. rum. Co., furnTture for sale cheap: two bed room suites, dining room and parlor suites: also child a Den. uoihiihi HOUSEHOLD furniture. In good condi tion; also Bramback baby grand piano 1316 N. 38th St. Walnut 758. IMPORTED Scotch, all wool rug, 9x12. good condition, price $16. Webater 1525. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. P I anos for rent. $4.00 per month. C Melodv saxaphone. Jess Ratchford, Phone lied 7035. Clothing and Furs. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES )YO Delbrrt David, September 10. age ' i years, at his residence. 2423 Ames. X Funeral services at Hoffman Funeral home Saturday at 2 p. m.; remains will be olaoed In receiving vault at forest ".Lawn cemetery. Deceased Is survived ' by six daughters, Mrs. Ines Callahan, J.ce Angeles. Cal.; Mrs. Mary O'Neill, Stanford, Mont.; Mrs. Idella Suratt, ' AV'aaco, Ore.; Mrs. Carrie Chase, Omaha, ' Neb.; Mrs. Belle Waymlre, Omaha. Neb.; Mrs. Kdna Shipley, Ord, Neb.: two eons, Clinton, Kufus, Ore.; Clyde, t Htsnford. Mont. mm i FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' STACK & FALCONER, I'Um TT XI n C X T k W V. R S " riERCE-ARROW . AMBULANCE SERVICE, Thirtv. third and Farnam. Har. 84. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. At I.ady Attendant. J3d and Cnnilng Sts. Phone Douglas f "77. Auto ambulance, TfEAFEY & HEAFEY, i t- Undertakers and Enibalmers, ' Phone H. 265. Wlee2611arnam; ."THULSE & RIEPEN, I I,! Pioneer Funeral Directors, ,foi South l6thSt. PhonDo": .I?L : TAGGART & SON, KunFPt.iKKns AND EMBALMERS. PTelephone Douglas 714. 8213 Cuming St. BUFFEY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 717 S ,17th Jylcr l'TjT. i FLORISTS. T-Tim T T A DMflM Fontenelle 1814 Douglas 8t. Florists. Douglas 8244. ' -ETHendenion. lMt Farnam. DoukIbe 124. !OHNJBATH,l Sh nd Faj-nmR S000. jMl6lmNTS& CEMETERIES. r&rB largest display of monuments In t ithe United States. FRANK SVOBODA. tizis is. i si n. yj?!ij-fvy . -1 " - - BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ARION piano, good tone, ebony case, cost 13:0, will sell for 3126. 1338 South 35th Ave.. Harney 3175. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine Kuaranteed. Bes us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 16 years.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, rlhbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 16th St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONO COMPANY, 305 S. 18th St. Tel. Ty. 2414. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for Jfi.00. Oliver Agency, 1905 Farnam St.. City. BIO reduction in slightly used and re built typewriters. Write for list. Mid land Office 8upply Co., 1404 Dodge. FOR SALE Stenotype, late model. Doug. 3976. ' Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repar. sell needles and part. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Store and Office Fixtures. OFFICE safe, absolutely fireproof; 6,000 lb. safe: price reasonable. Douglas 4743. American Live Stock Insurance Co. Fruits. FOR SALE Apples and potatoes In car loads. Wlckham Berry Farm, Salem, Neb. Miscellaneous. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. WJ PIMP SCHOOL FOR DANC. XVIilij-rirS Cj rSO. S4t4 Farnam. Classes forming: fancy, stage and social. Detectives. T A MFC! ATT AM SI OXXULW nuuni Block. Evl- Nevllle dence secured In all rase. Tyler 1134. FORMER U. 8. revenue officer. Legal ad vice free. Tyler 3736. Dentists. Dr. Secor. 1017 1st Nat. Bk. Bids;. Ty. 1138 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Electrical Utilities. TlTTRIf TM Electric washing machines UUlVAlll electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 3519, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. OFFICE clerk. 190; asst. shipper. 385. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. YOUNG man for office clerk; $20 per week. Cudahy Facklng Co., 14th and Jones Sts. ADDING machine operator, $85, WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. Professions and Trades. ELECTRIC fans. 18.60 A up; washing ma chines, 159.50; vacuum cleaners, 437.50. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Jewelry. T)T A MONnS Ws pay tne be" i"1" llrtMUl'li;0Wl1 privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 403 N. 16th St. Red 6081, W .C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. PT AQCTTQ! that fit LrLiAooHiD accurately. SEE CRONK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. Interior Varnishing. varnished, FLOORS reflnished, Wat. 4821. waxed. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 320 Neville Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational latent uo., t92 joranueis. D. 6691. Plating. EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have Just opened a new plating plant In Omaha and ready for business. We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone Douglaa 7532. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. 11th. D. 4291. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Toliver Printing.Co. DK. ,,. Commercial Frlnters. 1816 St. Mary'a Ave. Safes. O A TT'IT'C BARGAINS. 121 Farnam. OA!' JJU J. .T.'Derlght Safe Co, Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1432. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-8 Bouth 17th. Wall Paper Cleaned. Wallpaper Cleaned. $1.00 PER ROOM, 324 N. 24TH BT. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. . n.i nn,,nina All Douglas irmuns .o. """s1" -.-. -r.i-.fc. L-u rA .IiiHo Pnvlnst. 1311 ijtrexel street, girl; Preston and Mary . . n a . r. A Mahal frnarK, umana, uhj; j-ihiiiv Tfthr, 1024 Park avenue, boy; Mark and .6jna caumeia, ov. ooum iwciiii-ouHu Ieet. boy. Deaths Del bert D. Deyo, 88, 5423 Ames enue; Alice O. Donnell, 47,. 2219 South .twelfth street; Ed Hawk. 65. 1909 Douglas teet; John W. Ballard, 39, 2115 North enty-flfth street: Oscar N. Kelly. 65, .9 North Eighteen! njitreet j MARRIAGE LICENSES. Wrhe following couples were issued mur- Irtane licenses: j ftName and Residence. Age. hWtck M. Carlson. -Albert City, la 27 "4ther Anderson. Albert City, la 23 'Mtbert flurrett, Oraaha S ,Hktsy Ingram, Omaha 2S illwlrta-m 3. Dyer, Omaha 28 , vMfcrtha Asher. Omaha 27 lirvln G, Werner, Omaha 24 ,Jtadys Ruth, Omaha 18 ltagar J. Taylor, South Bend, Ind 26 JJfJirtha Wendt. Omaha 22 'Herbert Webater, Tekamah, Neb 21 Jtasel. Springer, Tekamah, Neb 18 Charles D. Alexander. Omaha 21 Winifred Drake. Omaha 18 fbram W. Parker, Omaha 29 tvelyn L. Looney, Omaha...., 18 lenry Allen, Omaha 42 !thcl L. Felkner. Omaha ao osa C. Comlngore, Shenandoah, la.... 27 agna. M. Rydberg, Shenandoah, la 27 Oilmrlss Seymour, Omaha over 21 gglJ.MI I ler, pma ha . . . .... . . . . .over 18 BUILDING PERMITS. i lmmanuel hospital, 4617 North Thlrty fturth avenue, addition. $500; Hyman j Kanvltz, 2519 N street, remodel store, i $3,000; O. W Pearson, 5620 Jackson street, auldltion to dwelling, $1,500; F. W. Rice. South Thirty-second street, frame 'dwelling. $6,000: Lininger Implement Co., Jlfth and Pacific streets. $1,500. ATTRACTIONS. fj - SPECIAL NOTICE. ! Come and hear the most gifted and J J wonderful spiritual lecturer and evange 1 list. Madam Ztuka of St. Louis, the t ? highest developed spiritual medium in the United States: all lectures and mes sages In poetry; also good Inspiration al singing; services every Sunday from 8 to 10 p. m. Lyric Hull, iMineteenin and Farnam. Free will offerings. OR SALE All kinds novelties, dolls. bulldogs with dtamond eyes, uive away Slum flash goods, etc. V1NNICK S NOVELTY HUUSB, 120 No. loth St. Douglas 75i6. MALT SYRUP. We have now reduced our stock of malt syrup from 22,000 gallons to 6,000. This was sold In U0 days. We are now going to close out the 5,000 gallons at 12c a pound. This must be sold In 7 days and our new lot will Jump' Imme diately to the old price. This will be sold In any size containers from a gal lon up quarts will be sold at 35c dur ing this sale. All American Chemical Co., 1210 South 16th street. Douglas 4864. SATURDAY and Monday special; $3.60 spectacles and eye glasses, $2.00; watch crystals, 25 cents. W. C FLATAU, JEWELER, Sixth Floor, Security Bldg. FOR SALE Yellow plum tomatoes at 60 cents per market basket at 76th and Miami. Bensons Gardens. Call Walnut 1568. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mat tresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2 467. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Cp. 1 th and Douglas, D. 2724. JELLY grapes for sale. Reasonable. Col- fax 49 FOUR sample trunks, 209 South Twelfth street. KINDLING l f U ver$ 3.6 0 I oa d . Wh. 459. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS We pay the highest prices for your bonds and partly paid receipts. See us before you sell. DELAPLANE LEONARD INV. COMPANY", 642 Securities Bide. Tyler 4037. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered; full N. T. market and arrruod Interest to date. MACK'S B0J4D HOUSE, Investment Securities. 1421 First N'ajt. Bk Hlilff. Tyler 3K44. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST. STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. GROUND FLOOR KEEHNE BLDG. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts, bought for cash; immediate remittance mnde for bonds sent by mail. LRWfS & CO., Brukers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. Miscellaneous. DO YOU want your residence watched nights? One night a week or by months. Box u-34. uee WANTED EXPERIENCED CHEMIST GIVE FULL PARTICULARS IN FIRST LETTER. BOX M-60. OMAHA BEE. LEARN MACHINE SHOP LOS ANGELES Y. M. C A. AUTO SCHOOL. PROOFREADER wanted by the Thos. D. Murphy Co, Red Oak, la.: 9-hour day, Saturday afternoons off; excellent work ing conditions and fine town to live In. First applications first considered. Write giving references a n d qualifies tlons. WANTED Ten union compositors to come to Denver at once. Steady employment guaranteed. Good working condltons. Wages $34.65 per week. Apply Smlth Brooks Printing Co.. Denver. t WANTED Three or four good bollermak ers for about 'six or eight weeks' work, western Nebraska. Can give permanent work to two or three good men. 820, "World-Herald Bldg. WANTED PRESSMAN FOR MIEHI.E PRESSES. EXPERIENCED IN BLACK AND COLOR WORK. STEADY PO SITION. WESTERN TABLET COM PANY. ST. JOSEPH. MO. WANTED An engineer for Omaha office building. State experience, salary ex pected, and references. Rees Wilkin son, Wilkinson Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. HELP WANTEDMALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED Janitor for high claae apart ment house; must know ho to fire boiler; elderly man preferred, as work Is not heavy. Apply to Mr. Heyn. 424 Omaha Nt l Bank Bldg. POSITIONS, location, etc., for doctor dentists, drugglata. veterinarian, nurses. F. V. Knleat. Ill Beo Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED AT ONCE A Janitor for the South Side Branch library, lid and M Sts. Apply In person. MODERN room for light outside work evenings to refined, elderly man. Box M-46. Bee. , , . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Dishwashers, maids and scrub- bera. Best wages. Henshaw hotel. MANGLR glrlfr$lS.'o"per wetk."FontY nelle Hotel, laundry depL Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. TRI-CITT BARBKR COLLEGE, pedal rate and Inducements. Miscellaneous. WANTED Messenger girl; easy work; good hours, good surroundings: splendid place for someone who wishes to attend night school. Phone Mr. Trueleen, South 673. WANTED Ten ladle between IS and S5 that ran one-step and waits, for road ahow. Call room 366, Faxton hotel. LADY registered pharmacist wanted. Beynons Pharmscy Burwell, Neb. HELP WANTED. AMERICAN TELEPHONE ANl5 TELE GRAPH COMPANY ha a few vacancies for bright young ladle Interested In long distances telephone operating. Those be tween the ages of 17 and 23 with at least grammar school education preferred. Lib eral salary paid while learning. Advance ment to those of ability. Apply to Ml Bell, 11 Telephone Bldg. CIGAR maker wanted, good Jobs, you need no card to work In my factory, none but steady workers need apply. Answer to f rank mack, caldwelj, ldantv SINGLE man to work on farm until Jan, 1. Call at Home hotel Sunday between 10 and 12 and ask for Mr. Lee. WANTED Ten linemen, permanent posi tions, no trouble. Central Power Com- pany, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED A young man to learn the printing trade. Apply to foreman of Omaha Bee press room. TEN carpenters wanted, 82d and Oak streets, 86 cents per hour. All winter Job. PRESSMAN, Immediately. Gordon shop. Must be a first class man. Ralph Print ing Co., 19th and Harney. BARBER wanted at once; good wages. Harry Yount, Prop., Verdigre, Neb. DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam St. Salesmen and Solicitors. CALL Harmon, IbeGlsgiejComiirJZTL BUSINESS CHANCES. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Are you able to Judge an extra good proposition when you see It? If you are and have $10,000 or over, a well established manufacturing company can show you where Its "trade mark" alone will be worth $1,000,000 with three years of hustle and push besides the annual Income. The high cost of living has created a demand for our goofls. Every man, woman, child and baby Is a user. The human race is the only limit to the field to be worked. We have the manufacturing facilities and material on hand for $400,000 re tail business. This proposition will stand the most rigid Investigation. Can be handled by a silent or active part ner. This Is our harvest time and re quires action, so do not answer this unless you have the money and mean business. Address box M-99. Bee. FOR SALE 18-rcom hotel, modern throughout: well furnished and equip ped, doing capacity business at. $2.75 per day. American plan. Terms rea sonable. Mary A. Barbour, Owner, Col man, S. D. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING $100 A WEEK AND UP? THIRTY-FIVE MEN NOW DOING AS WELL AND SOME EVEN BETTER SELL ING DIRECT TO FARMER. EVERY FARMER A LIVE PROSPECT. IF YOU HAVE A CAR AND WANT TO GET IN TO A STRAIGHT LEGITI MATE PROPOSITION WITH NO MONEY TO INVEST, REPRESENTING A FIRM WITH 25 YEARS PAST E PERIENCE IN OMAHA, WRITE US. WE WILL DEM ONSTRATE TO YOU BY AC TUAL WORK IN THE FIELD THAT THE JOB IS JUST AS REPRESENTED. ADDRESS 0-29, OMAHA BEE. FOR SALE Only restaurant and confec tionery in town of 400, fully equipped. Including expensive fountain; best loca tion and In brick building: less than 50c on the dollar takes It. C. W. Gorsuch, Stamford, Neb. NOTICE For sale, restaurant at 2566 Cuming street; a bargain; will take Ford car for part pay; call at any time night or day. SALESMAN Exprienced traveler for Ne braska, thoroughly capable man of proven merchandising ability, None others need apply. This is a real posi tion with good earnings and permanent territory for right man. Auto Top and Cushion Dressings, Enamels, Polishes, Soaps. Greases, etc. Sold to Garages, Retail and Wholesale Hardware. Gen eral Mdse. Stores and other dealers. Established trade. Shipments from stocks at Kansfts City and Omaha. If you can qualify, phone Mr. W. D. Jones, Conant hotel, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, the 12th, 13th or 14th, for interview. SITUATIONS WANTED Male THE BEE will publish free a sltuatlon wanled ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam; JAPANESE wants position in family; fine cook; all round work; steady hours required; wages no object. George. Tel. South 227. 4806 S. 37th St. S. OniHha CREIGHTON' student desires work for board and room and $1.60 per week. Can drive car. Call Harney B 256. Female. FERRIS wheel, merry-go-round or other i amusements, at our cay ana nigm ; stock show September 16-17-18. A. M. i Tillman. Secretary, Hooper, Neb. JlG home coming celebration at Adair, la., Septemoer 24 and zo. Great oppor tunity for concession men. Write con cession committee. LOST FOUND REWARDS. 3R ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rigntrui owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. KI. CO. or i tOST Coral brooch, between Hayden Bros, and postofflce. Valued as heir loom. Finder return to S106 Cass. Re . ward. RINDLE and white female bull dog, named "Woof. Wandered away sick. Reward for any Information. Harney 687. .mtr-.nrlt tiltte -eree cane silk-llned. a Call Colfax 3.00. Will reward. QR SALFMISCELLANEOUS. 1 Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! ' Extra high grade furniture. rugs, piano and talking machines of four extra rood homes. In My Auction House, Southeast Corner ISth and Webster St. Sat. Sept. 13. Starts at 10 a. m. sharp. This Is a good sale of good furniture consisting in part a follows: 1 player piano and records;. I victrola and. 1 Grafonola and a lot of "records; ' I beautiful Anglo-Persian rugs and 1 silk Persian rug. 4x7, and $ small Oriental runs; $ Wilton velvet rugs, size 9x12, and aeveral other rugs, all sizes: 1 very1 expensive Jacobeen oak dining room set complete, J4-lnch table; ( high black chairs and buffet, all per fectly matched; also a very expensive Sttckley oak dining room set complete, 64-inch table and beautiful buffet and chair to match; a lot of good wicker furniture; 1 parlor suite; I Duofold: 1 dentists chair and tools; 1 set law books, beautiful birdseye maple bed room suite: large dresser; dressing ta ble; chiffonier and chair: Mahogany dresser and chiffonier. everal good oak dresser and chiffoniers; S massive bras beds; beet springs and mattresses: several Vernis Martin bars, springs and mattresses; leather couch; sanitary couch and pad: dishes: several large rockers; beautiful picture; drapes; cooking utensils; electric lamp: High Oven a range; kitchen cabinet; ice boxes and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. JAMES V DOWD. Auctioneer. If vou have anything to sell, call Red $28 6, Tyler 66 or Colfax 1424. ilUTO Graflex 5x7 with magazine, hold Tors and adapter. Koiona View 6x; . -MnlAilw niitnned for enlars taller , - - - .. , Ing with Illuminator, etc. Also elate tank and other equipment. Apt. No. 2. rhiodo. Tyier i BW BTOS mfg. from OLD CARPETS. '-"JT BUG CLEANING, RAW RUG WRAViau. CUMING RUG CLEANING & MFG. CO.. t Ciim'nr St. Prt 4128, Omaha. kkU'ONDH AND luini:ure, good condition, Highest Cash Prices LIBERTY '"BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. , NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Blclp. Douglas 8013. LIBERTY BONUS. W'e pay the highest market price with accrued interest, less nominal charge. SEE U'S BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BONDS. EDWIN T. SWOBE & CO.. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4th and 5th issues. Get them before selling or you will lose money. We must have bonds of these issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 2736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. H. DOLGOFF. Furniture and Hardware, Furniture, rugs, linoleum. Ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poul try netting and Harden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit If you wish. 1S39-47 North 24th. Web. 1607. Liberty Bonds Wanted We will pay jou spot cash for your Liberty Bond or partial payment re ceipt. Room 300 McCague Bldg., N, W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. DESKS DESKS DESKS 4New desks: used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D 6146. 3 OR 4 WORK horses, 6 or 7 years old, weighing 1.6O0 pounds or more. Coal Hill Coal Co.. 13th and Nicholas. Doug las 416. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. RUGS OR OFFICE EQUIP MBNT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 705 North 16th St WANTED to buy one or two chair barber shop. Priced right. Box M-45, Bee. Reiser buys 4341-W. and sells furniture. Ty. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all sizes and styles: hemstitching, plcot. edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 800-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. S109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" R. R. Tli-ket Office D. 29S. Omaha Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron ostlngs. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby. D. C. 812 Bee Bldg. D. J072. 1.. . : Tailors. COLORED lady wants second work; dust ing in hotel or chambermaid work. Vobster2JJS. 1 BUNDLES, curtains, blankets laundered. Webster 413. Laundry and Day Work, FIRST-CLASS laundress want every day In week. Webster 1276 BUNDLE washing, lace curtain. Web ster 1727. liXPERIENCED laundress. Call Webster 5165. KIRST-CLASS colored laundress with ref erences. Webster 5308. WORK By the hour. Webster 2058. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SALESMAN, oils, $150. Junior clerk, $H5. Junior clerk $76. Mgr. real es st.ite department, 60-50 proposition. Order filler, $75. Checker, drugs, $100. Salesman, auto accessories, $125 and ex penses. Shipping clerk and salesman, $S0. Supply clerk, auto parts, $80. Marker, drugs, $65-$75. Office clerk. $?0-$90. Billing clerk, $90-$100. Gen eral office clerk. $75. Superintendent of coffee manufacturing, salary open. Manager retail auto company. $200-$300. Window trimmer, $2,000. Stove sales man. $150. Assistant shipping clerk, $S0. Bookkeeper and typist, $100. Ledger clerk, lumber, $100. Temporary bookkeeper, two weeks, salary open. Junior clerks, $60-$65-$70-$75. Office boys, $25 to $65. ages 12 to 18. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO. "No charge 'til placed." 224 Bee Bldg. LARGE corporation, doing national busi ness. Is opening branch office in Oma ha, September 15. wishes to employ ste nographer 20 to 25 year of age, single, with one or two years experience; must have finished high school; college edu cation preferred; permanent position; good future; apply by letter, giving qualifications, phone number and ad dress. Address Y-679. Omaha Bee YOUNG M,AN stenographer, prefer age about 26. Must have at least high school education and three or four years ex perience for permanent position western Nebraska. Good salary and opportunity for advancement for right man. No be ginners. 820, World-Herald Bldg. RAILW:AY TRAFFIC Inspectors wanted; $110 a month and expenses to start; short hours; travel: three months home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask tor booklet N-142. Standard Business Training In stitute. Buffalo. N. Y. YOUNG man for office position with wholesale firm, one with experience handling a Burroughs posting machine. Salary $100 to start. Phone, write or call. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. 736 Flrs National Bank Bldg. CREDIT MAN, $150; stenographer, $125: salesman, $175: tires, $150; auto acces sory, with a car. $125; office boy; mess boys, stock room clerk, $10 per week. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. 1516 City Nat. Bank. Doug. 6236. ASSISTANT credit man, good future, $125 $150. , WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Baak Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $150-$125. STOCK CLERKS, $100. OFFICE BOYS. $40-$60. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. LIVE energetic sales manager wanted In all counties anl states; capable men with car can m gwd profits. Write Pox 234. "?V:-acU!M. N. Y WANTED Office boy, by manufacturing concern: good opportunity for advance ment. State age and salary expected. 41-iJf Omalia Bee, WANTED. SALESMEN IN MEN'S HAT DEPARTMENT APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, V BRANDEIS STORES WANTED Three newspaper solicitors for subscription work; city only; salary and commission. See Mr. Ragan, Circula tion Manager, Bee. Male and Female. WANTED CAFETERIA HELP HOTEL ROME TEACHERS WANTED: Teachers with normal training. Grad uates of four-year high schools of whtch two were of high school normal training accepted. Apply to Anna M. Dobbin, county superintendent, Cheyenne, Wyo. WANTED Men. ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Cal! or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. OFFICE clerk, collection department, $66. Office girl, 16 or over, no experience necessary, $40. Burroughs posting ma chine operator. $90. Office clerk, hotel, $50. Elllott-Flsher operator, $65. Of fice girl, no experience necessary, $36 to $40. Film Inspector, $60. Four young ladies for special work consisting of phoning, etc.. $55 to $60 to start. Fancy penman, Spencerlan writer, $75. Demonstrator, food products, salary open. Merchandise clerk, eastern Ne braska, $75. Automatic operator, no experience necessary, $36. Burroughs posting machine operator, $86. Multi graph operator, experienced, $75. Mul tlgraph operator, no experience neces sary, $50. Typist. $7. Dictaphone op erator, $S5-$100. Billing clerk, $60. Typist, $55. 1 Typist, $60. Two typists, $50. Billing clerk, $75. Clerk and typ ist, $60-$65. Stenographic positions, $76 to $100. v EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO., 221 Bee Building. "No charge till placed" YOUNG LADIES WE OFFER YOU A WELL-PAID POSITION. PAY YOU WHILE IN TRAINING PERMANENT WORK RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OPERATORS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 613 NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING 19TH DOUGLAS STREETS. WANTED Young ladies to learn to oper ate Burroughs Calculating Machines. Easy to learn. Six weeks' training will fit you for good paying office posi tion. Demand for graduates Is greater than we can supply. Tuition $40.00 on monthly payment plan. We securs po sitions for every graduate. Enroll now. Day and evening classes. Call and see us, or telephone Douglas 7416. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING Id loor Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam. STENOGRAPHER, $90, little filing; stenographer, $90-$96; beginner, $55-60; stenographer, 6 months experience, $18 per week; temporary, $95; stenographer, $80: light bookkeeping, $66; compto meter operator, $85-$90; office girl, $60; office girls, over 16; bookkeeper, $20. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. 1516 City Nat. Bank. Doug. 6236. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and w-lreleas telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or rhone Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Dav and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890 MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly In school or by "home study." Omaha Business College. 306 Lyrlo Bldg.. 19th and Farnam. Doug. 6528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phons Red 185. 209 South 16th St WHITE couple for janitor work In apart ment house; must be licensed fireman. Call Harney 2029. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms LARGE pleasant south room In modern up-to-date private home; walking dis tance; good neighborhood; suitable for two gentlemen. Harney 6968. FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms for gentlemen, connected with bath; also garage. 2305 South 32d Street. Tele phoue Harney 5290. BUSINESS gentleman desiring beautiful room; modern home. Phone Harney 6193. Walking distance; West Farnam district. SINGLE rooms, running hot and cold water; within walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st St. Red 8950. NICELY furnished room, near Miller park, meals if desired. Call Colfax 803. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in priv ate home; walking distance. Harney 1913. NICE sleeptng room (or bedroom) for two young ladies; references. Tyler 980. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, strlct- ly modern, Tyler 4838. 1711 Dodge. NICELY furnished modern sleeping rooms at 1112 Farnam street TylerJS; COMFORTABLY furnished sleeping. 1041 Georgia Ave. Harney 2353. MOVING AND STORAGE, METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by ILR.Bowen Co. Tyler S400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET u eatlmat your moving, packing and storage. 1606 Davenport. Doug208. BROWN TRANSFER CO PrnmotBervlce. Tyler ttt- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED " West. BRAND NEW. A fine 6-room bungalow, near 41st and Grand Av., on paved treet, near school and car; oak finish and up to the minute m every way. This house will be ready to move Into next week. Price $4,650, about $1,600 cash. Call Mr. Tolllver. RASP BROS. 31J Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. BEMIS PARK 8-ROOM HOUSE, $6,500 1814 North Thirty-fifth street, oak finish: $1,600 hot water plant; a large massive well built house In a fine la cation, worth $8,000. HARROW & GILCHRIST, Red 3378. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Have a good, 6-room. all modern stuc co bungalow tn a desirable location. All oak woodwork and floors except hath whtch Is white enamel and kitchen which is maple. Price $5,000; $2,600 cash; balance good terms. F1NSON INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tyler 6026. fS6 Flint Nat. Bk, Bldg. VACANT LOTS Lfit near Seventeenth and Deer prk boulevard; $500. Lot near Twenty-fifth and Arbor; 70 foot front; $500 TRAVER BROS.. 819 - First Nat. Bank nulldlng. DUNDEE home for sale by owner. 7 rooms and sleeping porch: all modern. Select quarter swed white oak finish down starst pine and maple upstairs. 4923 California St. OMAHA real estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theat. Douj;. 9. TWO six-room bungalows, 3313 and 3316 Howard street: all modern. newly painted. $7,500 buys both. Call Doug la 8424. WE have cash buyer for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler A Cary. NEARLY new bungalow, all oak; tiled bath, six rooms one floor; three blocks from Cnthedral: $5,500, terms; call days. Doug. 1734 208 South Forty-first, hot water heat, seven rooms, 46x125; paving paid; $3,600 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654. 2893 CAPITOL AVE. BUT DIRECT FROM OWNER. PHONE, WEBSTER 1640. SMALL house, two lots, at 4826 Taylor St. inquire at 4823 Ames Ave. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. ' J61H North 27th street, 7 rooms, all inod ern except furnace; 44x13!; large barn. $3,260. Term, Immediate possession, bterS294: WK will sell" your home wiThln 0 days. R. V. Clary Co., 2404-06 Amea avenue. Colfax 176. South. ;;0"6 AND 3079 SOUTH 84TH BTRKKT. Open for Inspection Sunday S to ( p. tn. These beautiful homes are ab solutely modern, new and In choice neighborhood; on paved street. Come and see for yourself. See Wm. Haftke, salesman, for Information. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. Dou;. 851 111 Urandels Theater Bldg. DOUBLE house at""tth and Bancroft,' kitchen, dining room, living room and reception hall first floor and three bed rooms end bath on second. Good base- mant and furnace In each. Splendid condition and good eocatlon. Will be old at a bargain. MOREARTY & CONBOY I). 3841, Tyler 4677-W. Be Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM house, one lot. (634 South 23d St. $1,750. Miscellaneous. $5,750 Strictly modern, T-room, lnrgs rscep- tlon hall, hardwood and oil finish; large corner lot, 13d and Hamilton; a ilaiuly. $2,000 Strlctlv modern, i-room dwelling. 2 rooms upstairs and 4 down: full basn inent, furnace heat: easy terms: pcacb for the money. 20th and Manduraon. $2,850 Very attractive home. 6 floor, modern bungalow, Martha. W. O. SHR1VER. 1047-9 Om, Nat. Hk. Bldg. rooms, 16th one and Doug. 1636. FIVE ROOMS STRICTLY MODERN $500 CASH In an excellent neighborhood on a level lot. This Is brand new home, with all the modern conveniences. Located north. Price $4,760. Easy terms. Phone Harney 3566, evening, or call Douglas 7412, daya, and ask for Mr. Carse. North. NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW MINNE LUSA. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Beautiful new, strictly modern, 6-room stucco bungalow at 2437 Titus Ave. Oak throughout, all built-in features, white enamel finish In bedrooms, ktehen and bath; best of plumbing, beautiful fix tures, nicely decorated, full light base ment. Torrid Zone furnace. Price $5,800 on very reasonable terms, with posses sion at once. 900 J. L. HIATT CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHONE 63 IV'ANTKD Two refined young ladles for traveling road show; experience not necessary: long season's engagement: good treatment; salary regular; answer this advertisement by letter only stat ing weight and height; send photo which will be returned. Address Harry Freeman, manager Madam Friminl's Mystery Show Missouri Valley. la. WANTED Two refined young ladles for traveling road show; experience not nec arry; long season's engagement; good treatment: salary regular; answer tbis advertisement by letter only, stating weight and height; send photo, which will be returned. Address Harry Free man, manager Madam Friminl's Mys tery Show, Fremont, Neb. HIGH-GRADE salesman wanted to call on retail trade. Must be capable of earning from $200 to $300 a month above traveling expenses. Man with automobile preferred. Call between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. SMITH-I.OCKWOOD MFG. CO., 2323 S. 13th St. IF YOU can sell insurance and can come clean you can obtain liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition Address Lock Box 822 Omaha. Neb WANTED Two young men who are live wires', to travel and solicit In the coun try; permanent position with chance of advancement for good men; experience not necessary. Address L. J. McDon nell, Marshall, Minn. SALESMEN make $50 to $150 per week selling our booklet, "Cute Tricks" to merchants: B. C. sold 21.000 In two weekB; you should do as well. A. H Kraus, Kraus Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. OUR book, "The Distillation of Alcohol from Grain and Farm Products," with government regulations. $1.00 prepaid. Agents wanted. De Vol & Co., K 305 Barker Blk., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Man to travel; must be good at figures: one with experience in mo tion picture business preferred; must be able to furnish bonds; straight salary basis. S 29, Omaha Bee, SALESMAN, 27 to 33 years of age, $176 $200. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED. MEAT SALESMAN FOR CITY TRADE. 131)9 LEAVENWORTH. WANT salesman to represent factory; Ford necessity. Reardon Mfg. Co., Peo ria, 111. DELIVERY boy with wheel. Bath, florist, 1804 Farnam. John H. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTEL Non-union cooks and bakers. Hotel Rome, Sixteenth and Jackson. Boys. WANTED BOYS TO WORK IN STOCK ROOM. PERMANENT POSITION. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. BRANDEIS STORES NIGHT AUTO SCHOOL Next class September 1st, regular electrical and mechanical course for car owners and garage men. Catalogue free. National Auto School. 2814 N 20tb Omaha. BOY wanted to run a few errands each day and do light shipping; splendid op portunity for a bright boy to advance. See Mr. Hadley, Engraving Department, 104Bee Bldg. WANTED Boys over 1J, good pay. W. U. Tel. Co.. 307 South 14th. Miscellaneous. WANTED 75 men for yarding live stock, un loading hay and dipping sheep. Apply to time keeper, Union Stock Yards Co. STENOGRAPHER and cashier. $17 to $18 week. Stenographer and secretary, $100. Office clerk, $15 week. Office clerk to manage filing depart ment. $75-$80. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $100-$96-$90-$85-$76-$65; posting machine operator, $80; typists, $75-$65; file girl, $60; office clerk, $60-$70. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Permanent position for competent lady; accuracy and speed essential. Write glvln? ,ef-er-nces, experience and state what sal ary acceptable. A. A. ?rrv Seed Co., Clarlnda, la, , ST K NOG It A PHER to take charge of a small Insurance office; exceptionally nice position; uptown office; salary, $100 to start. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. YOUNG lady to do small amount of type writing, answer phone: splendid oppor tunity for beginner. See Mr. Hadley, Bee Engraving Department, 104 Bee Bldg. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper. Ap ply Washington Market. 1307 Howard. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. EL-BEITDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two and three-room apartments, com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. KOUNTZE PLACE ADDITION Near 16th and Wirt Sta. A good cot- i taj?e. having' five rooms on first floor, I thrpe finished in oak, one with heam (tMiinff: bedroom, kitchen and bath on the first floor and finished attic with two rooms and larpe hall and plenty of closets on the second. Orarkerjack of a lot, 50x262 fpet. Price $4. GOO. D. V. SHOLES CO., Douglas 46, ROACHES, Bedbugs, etc., exterminated with one application. Yearly contracts or sold outright. B B B EXTERMINATING CO. OMAHA. 307 BrandelB Theater Bldg. Doug. 1370. MODERN apartment, also furnished rooms, 1812 Capitol avenue. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. STOKES $15 00 2225 North 20th Street. 22x60. HOUSE $18.00 !42H South 24th St.. 8-r.. rear. FLAT H. A. WOLF COMPANY 612 Electric Bldg. Tyler S. 3102 NO. 16TH ST.. 28x66, $40. 417 So. 11th, 22x60 $66. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Tyler 1636. 333 .Securities Bldg. LIST your propertv tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors Tyler 721 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists JnApsrtment manaBement FOR RENT APARTMENTS. South. FIVE-ROOM apartment, strictly modern; Janitor service. 10th and Pierce. The Tvunsany. REALTORS. 916 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. BUNGALOW SNAP. Close to Fontenelle park, 8 blocks to car line, 75-foot frontage, beautifully lo cated, east front; 4 rooms and full basement; electric lights and telephone; sarape and chicken houses. A real snap at J.lfiO. Terms. Call Mr. Browne, INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 2520 Karnam St. Tyler 4316. 2920 NORTH 25TH. Nine rooms, hot-water heat, alrlefly modern, 2 bath rooms. Could he used for two families; $1,500 down, balance 6 per cent. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS 1016 Omaha National Bank Building. Douglas 2716. Immediate Possession $1,000 cash and 35 monthly buys one of the nicest 5-room bungalows In Kountze Place, just one block from the park. Long living room across the fnont finished in oak. Onlv $4,000. v EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., Ren Itors. 803-4 Omaha Nat, Rank Hldk. Doujr. 420. Miscellaneous. Clairmont Lot Bargain Right on beautiful boulevard, &0ft. lot near Miami St.; $200 cash, balance easv mnntlvlv pHyments. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 1105 Omnha Nat. Rank. Phone D. 51 SI ARE; you looking for the very best In j OWNER lcuvins; city. Six-room house and apartment Homes If so, call us re garding Omaha's most beautiful apart r menf home. J. L. HI ATT COMPANY, 900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TYLER 63. Professions and Trades "WANTED TEN EXPERIENCED POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. MAKING OVERALLS. CAN USE A FEW INEXPERIENCED. TWO WEEKS' GUARANTEE WHILE LEARNING. APPLY FORELADT, OMAHA AUTO TOP COMPANY. 709 S. 15TH ST. WANTED YOUNO LADY IN MAIL OR DER DEPARTMENT; PERMANENT POSITION; GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BRAN DEIS STORES. WANTED Fitter for alteration depart ment, women's wear, Nebraska town. Address Y 680, Omaha Bee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WE HAVE an opening for high-class mil linery salesladies. Good salary. Per manent posttion. Apply Theo. F. Llnd, Hayden Bros. Millinery. Household and Domestic. DIET KITCHEN GIRL AND GIRL TO HELP IN DINING ROOM. CALL TY LER 1571, WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on farm; fair wages; good home: no one need to apply who does not like children. Guy O. Squires. Lyons, Neb. WANTED A housekeeper on farm, by thres brothers. Give references In first letter. Address Carl Jensen. Wakefield. Neb. Route 3. WHITE girl or general housework; ref erences required; good wages. Harney 694. 131 North Thirty-second avenue. WANTED A woman for washing silver and glasses. University hospital, 42d and Dewey. Walnut 070; WANTED Middle aged lady for general housework In town. John Purtsar. Mad ison. Neb. WANTED Housekeeper, must be good with children. Roy Wells. Rolfe. Is.. R. R. 2. MIDDLE aged woman for housework; must be good cook; no laundry. Har ney 2650. COMPETENT white cook. Mrs. Kirkendall. 3727 Jackson St. F. P. Hotels and Restaurants. GIRL wanted at the Prlscllla confection ery. Seventeenth and Harney; good wapes. WANTED White maiiN: good hours- and weires. Apply housekeeper, Bfackatone houl. TWO four-room apartments ready for oc cupancy about September U. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. TYLER 63. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment will be vacant October 1. Located in Dundee. For information call WALNUT 5243. bath on paved Mreet. one block to car. Located on two fine corner lots, each 50x120. Large shade trees, fruit and shrubs; large chicken house, chicken yard and garden spot, all fenced; well, cistern and city water. For further In formation call owner. Webster 4939. BRAND NEW STRICTLY MODERN Five comfortable sized, well arranged rooms and bath on one floor. Kino oak floors throughout, built-in bookcases. A ntco full bssement, with laundry con veniences, large lot, permanent walks, etc. Conveniently located. Very rea- sonahla terms. Call Colfax 8917; THEO. E. PETERSON REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS. 467- Omaha Nut. Bk. Bide. Dour. 7024 SIX rooms modern; fine shade and pav ing paid, now vacant; one block from car; snap at $4 700, easy terms; call days. Doug. 17:14. HOMESEEKF.RS' fso.00 excursion to Ark. 1st and Sd Tuesdays each mo. Call or writs W. S. Frank, 102 Neville Blk. FOR SALE 8 -room apartment, beauti fully furnished, on ear line and walkliif distance to town. Phong Douglas 6160 BARGAINS In homes. Investments prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Hsrrl s o n& A1 ! or to n. 916 Om eh aN a t. Bk B I d g LIST your houses and lots for quick iaTi with Hastings & Hevden, realtors. 161' Harney street. Phono Tyler 50 We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 60U. FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Ful lot on boulevard. 11.500. C. D. Arm strong. 32T.-6 Securities Bldg. BIRKETT & CO r and Insure. 2f.O Bee Bldg.. Doug. 6.'i3 NEW well-built modern house7 cheap Colfax 1871 svenlngs. REAL ESTATE-Businjss Prm,, BUSINESS property and investments. A P TUKEY ft SON, 420 First National nsnk Bids; REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BARGAIN, $20,000. 66 FEET, DODGE ST. NEAR 20TH. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 CHICAGO. J CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St.. Capitol ave., Cuming s: PAYNE ,v SLATER COMPANY Ob "ill. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 310 acres of Perkins county, Nebras ka wheal land, under fence, ontv thref miles from town; equity D,ooii: nil trade for Omaha property of equal val ue. John M. Macfarland, attorney at law Phone Douglas 6858. HAVE 200 acres unimproved In Nebrss ka. priced at $:'( per ncre and wll put In difference in cash, for a goou farm olose to Omaha. W. NATHAN WATTS, 518-19 Pnxton Blk. INCOME FOR LAND. - We have 11 houses listed In Omaha. Owner wants land. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY 213 City National REAL ESTATE UN IMPROVED GOOD trackage lot, 113 feet-front, paved street; :i,ftnu. D. P. BOSTWTCK. 3no Roe Building. South. TO BE vacant Septemebr 15. two apart ments of three rooms, with four-room accomodations. Call Walnut 233s. FOR RENT Business Property Stores. GOOD store looms 15tb snd Dougiss Inquire WORLD REALTY COM PANT. Phone Douglas 6342 1911 CASS ST. $3,000 KIght-room cottage, close tn; furnace and bath: now vacant. Your chance to get. a hoiyn cIosp in vprv reasonable. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 2850. 919-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1911 CASS ST.-$3,000 Eight-room cottage, cIosa in; furnace and bath; now vacant. Your chance to get a house clos in verv reasonable. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 2850. 919-20 City Nst. Bk. Bldg. Factory and Warehouse. TWO-story and basement brick, factory, warehouse, 7,200 square feet floor space. 103 Bee Bldg., D. 6101, Ed O. Hamilton. Office and Desk Room. HAVE 900 feet desirable floor space In Finance building, strictly modern, 1817 Douglas street. Douglas 443, American juivr rnocK insurance o. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses BY SEPTBMBER 24 Six-room house, furnished or unfurnished, or five-room apartment, by family of three adults. Beat of references. Phone Webster 669. RESPONSIBLE party wants modern five or six-room house, adults only; will lease for year. Phone R. A. Alles. Tyler 3100. Furnished Apartments or Houses. ONE or two room furnished apartment for couple Immediately. Box Q-43, Bee. FURNISHED apartment or 6-room house. M-62. Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY fNDRAvA CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUO. 28S. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT . HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing snd shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4161. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Every evening until sold; 2734 Bau man street in Mlnne I.usa, a five-room, strictly" modern bungalow Just flninhed and ready to move into; beautiful sun room and Ideal kitchen; terms can be arranged; come and see this. E. L. Glover, W-3672. BUY from owner, save commission. Six room, nearly new, excellent location, built for a home. Very desirable prop erty for a home. Just off Florence boulevard. 1920 Corby St. Telephone, residence. Webster 6561 ; office, Doug las 6296. KOUNTZE PARK HOME. Just listed a 7-room home, just being decorated Inside and out, corner lot. paved street, full basement. Only 5,000. Terms. Call Mr. Rice. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne. Tyler 721. A six-room cottage, 121 North Thirty-seventh, modern but heat; price J2.500. 500 cash, balance like rent, size of lot 30x150 feet. A. W TOLAND. D. 9675. 410 Bee Bldg. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN. (1 (10 A WEEK buys fine garden tract, 47x132, onlv i blocks from West Center car line ur,.i one block to paved street; high and sightly, black soli; prices 29i and (310 THE BYRON REED CO.. FOR SALE Two full size lots In besu'tl. ful Overlook addition h, block south of Elmwood park; act quick as these will not be on the market long. Address Box Y-94. Omaha Bee REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. FOR 8 ALE. 10 lots located at the corner of 27tn street snd 6th svenue, with sewer and water In street. Inquire of owner Louis Schneider. Wickham Block. Council Bluffs, la -ROOM HOUSE, close to school : away from mud and water. Terms. lull Red 654. Dundee. FOR COLORED. Six-room cottage, large lot; H block to car; city water and gas. easy pay tn.nii: nrlce J1.700. Johnson. Webster 4150. FOR COLORED. Five-room cottage, newly painted, large lot; good homo; $1,500. on easy payments. Johnson. Webster 4150. criR rrir.nRtrD. 6-room. strictly modern cottage, with garage; paved street. Quick sale. $2,600. Terms. Johnson, Webster 4160. Six-room house, near Twenty-fourth ana Ames. Colfax 2508. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 332 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 17B1. Phone Tyler 187 FIVE-room all modern bungalow, near Kountze place; easy terms. John M Macfarland. attorney at law. Phone Douglas 6858. FOR SALE Five-room, all modern bun galow; built for home; buy from own er and save commission. 1912 Sahler street, Colfax 1562. FERRIN'S VAXT CTflPAP-F fO 'SOUTH front Int. with garage Auto or Hone Vans. Tyler 1200. J M7NNE LUSA homes snd lots offer the best opportunity to Invest vour money Phone Tyler 187 niNO. 46TH ST. 6-R. CORNER LOT. NOT MODERN. $150 CASH. CREIOH SONS & CO.. S0 BE PI BLDG. D 200. fruit and Fontenelle Blvd. and Grand Ave. Norris & Norris. Douglas 4S70. ha1e. $1.27 7-ROOM BRICK DUNDEE $13,500 liround. 100x120. South front oi. Dodge St., near 62d. Big living room, with artistic fireplace, dining room 16x 16, sun room, two bedrooms and tiled oath, first floor. One large room 16x-4 second floor, with dormer windows on all four sides. Extra lavatory and large closets. Finish quarter-sawed oak snd white enamel throughout. Walls can vasd and hand decorated. Fine base ment, with extra toilet. First-class heating plant and laundry. Garage and cement driveway. This Is a wonderfully fine home. The lots alone are worth close to lio.iiuo, and the house could not be built for l.fs than $11,000. A real bargain st the price, $13,600. WALSH-ELMER CO., oyormerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg TWO DUNDEE LOTS FOR SALE At Fifty-first and Webster streets. 100x136 feet; streets snd alley psved; two best lots left tn Happy Hollow dis trict; price $5,000, on terms; all taxes paid snd free front encumbrance. Phone John M. Macfarland. attorney at law. Douglas 6S58. We specialize In Dundee homes.. C. B. STUHT CO., -14 City National. Douglas 178 7. I South Side. IF you wsnt s resl home, st s bsrgaln, you should see Jss H Koplets. resl tamvestmhts 47 South 14th M. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA 160 seres, located In best farming dis trict of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colorae; all fenced snd under cul tivation; two springs; six-room house and other buildings In good repair. Will sell or trsde for city property. A. B ALPIRN. 7th and Douglas Sts. Bee Want boosters. Ads Call Doug. 3424 are business ti