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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1919)
THE BEE OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. Evary mi'i barm r. And sor h. araat dapwrt. Wkt pUct hM nmk f fo!4. Or lifted prlU ( kMrt. Hurrah (or our Job, W. wouldn't trad, For th boit aapor Job, That ovor was nado. "Gels-It" Peels Your CornsJRigbt Oil Two Drop Will Do It Without Fum v or Troublo. Ner.r Fail. ' Thora't only on war to tot rid of a corn, and that U to' ooel It off ma would banana akin. Thcra it only ona corn rtmover in all the world that doca It that war, and that la "Gcta-It" It tax IWc'i No Cora "Catch" Wffl Not 'Cat.1 is because of this fart that "Gats-It" U today tha biggest teller among corn-re-mover on this planet. It means the end of "eorn-fiddlinir." For hard corns, soft corns, very old corns, younsr corns, corns between tha toes and calluses, it means a quick, certain finish. "Gets-It" is ap- J tiled in 2 or t seconds. All you need s 2 or S drops. As easy to do as sign inr your name. It does away forever with tape, plasters, bandages, knives, corn-diggers, scissors, files and blood bringlnr rators. Ease your corn-pains, be corn-free at last. "Gets-It," the only sure, guaranteed, money-back corn-remover, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence A Co., Chicago, III. Sold in Omaha and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Sherman A MoConnell's Drug Stores. Adv. For Itching Torture There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. N Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blem ishes disappear over night Itching us ually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an ex tra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain. Is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. The B. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, 0. i I WOULD HAVE SAVED $1 5,000,' NORWOOD SAYS Railroad Man Regrets He Didn't Know of Tanlac Fifteen Years Ago. "Just ask the boys at the C. & A. round house, where I work; they all know what an awful fix I was In and can tell you that this Tanfac has made a new man of me," was the statement made by Charles Nor wood of 1413 West Olive street, Blomington. Illinois, while discuss ing the medicine, recently. "I can easily figure out," he con tinued, "where if I had had Tanlac fifteen years ago it would have saved me right around one thou sand dollars a year, which is a pretty snug little fortune. The way I fig ure is this: For the last fifteen years I haven't been able to work more than half the time, at best. When I did work my earning capac ity was much cut on account of my poor health and for a good many years I couldn't work at all. But if I had been as well and strong as I am since taking Tanlac J could have earned twice as much pay to say nothing of the amount of money I paid out trying to get rid of my terrible pain and suffering. For a long time my stomach never felt right and everything I would eat disagreed with me. causing a bloat ed, nauseated feeling after meals. This trouble kept getting worse un til I just broke down completely and had to stop trying to work. My stomach got in such a bad fix that I had to live on the very lightest foods I could find and even then I suffered. I had sick headaches about every day and was so weak I just had to drag around. My stomach not only kept getting worse, but my kidneys finally got all out of order and I almost went distracted with pain and misery. My back hurt me so bad I could hardly move or turn xver in bed. For a long time be fore I quit my job it took me some time every morning to get out of bed, the pain in my back was so great, and then I would have to go all bent over. "I got to reading the statements about Tanlac and some of the tes timonials described my case so well that I commenced taking it myself and oh, how I wish I could have found such a medicine years ago. I am just so thankful that I am at last out of my misery that I feel like I would be doing wrong not to tell everybody I can about Tanlac. I can sit right down to the table now and eat as much as I ever could in my lift and never suffer the least bit afterwards. My headaches are gone entirely and my kidneys and back never bother me any more and I sleep like a child every night. In fact, my troubles are all gone and not only that, I am feeling stronger and better than I have in almost twenty years. I haven't missed a day's work now since I finished my fifth bottle of Tanlac, nearly three months ago. I am now a perfectly well man and will always praise Tanlac." Tanlac is' sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug gist in each city and town through out the state of Nebraska Adv. Advice to -the Lovelorn Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave the Sea." By BEATRICE FAIRFAX A Man's Opinion. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Just a tew words in regard to the elf-designated "Innocent, whose letter recently appeared in your column. As most of the criticisms aeem to come from women, let me give you the views of a mere man. As far as "Innocent" himself concerned, he is evidently a cad, and If his escapade has not resulted in the girls getting in trouble, he would probably be in the back end of some pool hall boasting of his conquest. The letter signed "Just a Girl seems to contain the views of a clean, broad-minded girl, willing to face the ugly things of life without prudishness, but she does not un derstand that there must always be a double startdard of morals, for the reason that nature has imposed a penalty upon women, towit: That when a woman goes wrong and gets into trouble she bears visible evi dence of her wrongdoing. The matter of upholding the morals of the world is now and al ways has been up to the women. If a woman has to put up a double fight against herself and against the man (as your correspondent says), then she should be very care ful not to allow liberties at the start, us the most hardened libertine will desist when informed that his con duct is offensive. The trouble with most girls is that they like to see how far they can go, and the gen erally get away with it until they lose their affections over some dude and then wake up some tine morn ing and And themselves In trouble. Another thing, the majority of girls nre crazy over cads like "Innocent," who probably has pretty manners, nice clothes, can He to a girl and make her think she is the prettiest woman in the world (she already having a pretty god idea in her own mind that she is). They do not care for a fellow unless there are a lot of girls running after him; then they try to take him away from the other girl and have to give more or less liberties to do it. 1 realize that the sensible girl generally sits on the porch in tha evening, talks to papa and mamma and Aunt Mary and is lonesome, while the girl who flirts and permits liberties goes automobile riding with the fellow and has a good time in general, but if the women would get some good old common sense in their heads, learn that it is better to Judge a mfu by his reputation and character, rather than by the fit of his trousers and his ability to tell pretty lies; realize that every man who pays them attentions is not consumed by an overpowering love, but may have other intentions, then there would be fewer girls go wrong and the morals of men is a matter that would settle itself. "JUST A MAN." No Bird for the Cage. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I thought I'd be foolish to get mar ried as long as I did not have a home. I thought get the cage first and then the bird. But now I have a house and home of my own, I find that all the girls of my age are married around Here. So the question is. how will or can I find a wife? Put an ad In The Bee for one? "cause I am very lonesome and well able to pro vide for one, as I am 33 years old, six feet tall and weigh 180 pounds. L. S. R. Are you man or woman, oh, mys terious one? From your physique I should Judge the sterner sex, but from your handwriting I should imagine the feminine persuasion. With a nice home and a gentle dis position you will have no trouble - Bee Want Ads are business boosters. HELPS MAKE RED BLOOD The Kind that Pnta Bohi Into the Cheeki of Women and Helps Giro Force, Strength and Courage to Hen. 3,000,000 people use It as a tonle. trengtli and blood-builder. Dis pensed by all (rood drnsclsta. ALUMINUMWARE ABOUT COST OF 6RANITEWARE NEXT SATURDAY AT UNION OUTFITTING GO. rhe Great $70,000 Painting, Called "The Redeemer," on Exhibition Free. Friday and Saturday Are the Last Two Days It Will Be on Display. The woman who loves the kitchen made bright with Alumi numware will doubly appreciate the Special Purchase Sale which takes place at the Union Outfit ting Company next Saturday be cause of the unusual savings. And, too, Aluminum does not crack or break when dropped is not affected by acids in fruit at preserving time does not rust; in fact, it is the ideal ware for kitchen utensils. In the purchase are Sauce Pans, Preserving Kettles, Tea Kettles, Rice Boilers, etc. Art lovers are showing unusual interest in the great War Paint ing of Herbert de Mareau, who was killed in the fighting at Chateau Thierry. It is a scene on a Belgian bat tlefield at eventide. In the fore ground a French soldier is stretched prone on the battlefield and in the distance the sun is sinking to rest through the battle smoke. The painting is exhibited free. ' The sale of Aluminumware is additional evidence of the ever increasing Buying Power of the Union Outfitting Company, locat ed just out of the High Rent Dis trict. As always, you make your own terms. In finding a mate. If you are a woman cook little dinners for the best prospect, and If a man, let her cook for you, eating of the del icacies with true appreclativeneas and your problem will soon be solved. Bad Company. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I have been a reader of your column for quite some time and now I would like some advice. I would like very much to help any un fortunate girl and there is one in particular that I am asking about. She is out most every evening until 2 and 3 in the morning, goes to dance halls and meets men who es cort her home and she seems to love to go to such places as public dance halls, to midnight dinners at chop suey restaurants. Until re cently she has been going with a bunch of nice girls, but they are sort of breaking away from her be cause of her actions. The girls have told her, but she only laughs in their faces. Her parents have no hold on her and she doesn't go with a class of young men who I would care to associate with.. I am a young man myself, 19 years old. The girl I am going with and I would like to help her, not from any selfish point of view, but for what we are afraid she may get herself Into If she keeps on this way. I would like to have you give some good advice. I also hope you will believe I am sincere and any help will be appreciated. RUSSELL. M. If you are sincere in wishing to help this girl, I would arrange little parties for her benefit. I have no doubt she frequents these dance halls merely for the sake of a good time and a chance to meet young men. You and your fiancee can ar range foursome affairs with an other nice young chap for her, and if she is thrown with good com panions and finds Joy in life I am sure she will forsake questionable acquaintances. Puppy Love. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I would like to get some ad vice on a matter of mine. I am desperately in love with a beautiful 17-year-old brunette maiden. I am but 16, yet, I know she returns my love. I graduate from high school this year and I cannot wait any longer. Her folks object to my advances, but that is Just a trivial detail. Would it be all right to elope when I graduate? I know we both would be perfect ly happy. I am anxiously awalt you reply In tomorrow's Bee. Are short or long pompadours in vogue now? How is my handwriting? Anxiously awaiting your reply, BROWN EYES. More tlian anything else, your question about pompadours In the same breath with your declaration of love, gives me some insight into your character. You are suffering from what is generally termed "puppy love." Upon what, pray tell, would you support a wife and family at 16? Marriage Isn't mere ly a holiday. It is the most serious step young people take. If you Just wait until you are ready for college, you will have changed your fickle mind several times. Milady's Vogueish Fan Keep Him Guessing. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am 16 years old and have been go ing with a young man, 21 years old, for about six months. I love him dearly and am sure he loves me, too. Now for my question: "Do you think It would be right for me to let him put his arms around me? Please answer in Monday morn ing's Bee. MISS BROWN EYES. Keep him guessing concerning your state of feeling and say "nay" to the question of embraces. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. In some parts of Switzerland shepherd girls wear men's clothes. In Siam, where old maids are unknown, as all girls marry, the recognized length of an engage ment in one month. It is the popular belief that, be cause of the celebration of Queen Alexandra's Rose day, the rose is Her Majesty's favorite flower. This is not so, however. Her favorite is the Malmaison carnation, which she was largely instrumental in making popular in England. By ELEANOR GUNN. Dancing has become such an every day business instead of an event to be planned for long before and dreamed of long afterward, has come to be treated with the scant ceremony we reserve for the people and things of our every day existence. Fans and gloves in the serious recent years, were relegated to the past. Nobody dreamed of carrying fans, probably because in between the occasional dances one knitted busily instead of flirting with a fan. The average restaurant supplied the guests' need and to public dances one went free handed and not laden with a fan that was apt to be lost or broken before the evening was half over. Little by little, as the war clouds have rolled away, the coquetry and charm of the fan has been restored to our lives. It is rather difficult to reconcile the typically busy modern woman with the picturesque clothes worn by the favorites of the court of Louis XVI. It is this period of French history which is being given as the fountain head of inspiration. But fortunately for many of us, the new modes are not restricted tc that one time in the world's affairs. One can readily see how these styles with their panier and their general air of extravagance will fit in with life as it is lived after the busy day is done. During the day we must be clothed as befits our occupation, but at night, when our work is done we may be as gorgeous as we pleas:. . If rumors become realities and we should return to the fascinating black beauty patch and the elabo rately powdered coiffure, we would suddenly find that a fan was as nec essary to our existence as it now seems superfluous. The much debated question as to whether war would result in making women more masculine in their dress or whether we would be come more highly feminized, seems to be answered. There never was a time in the history of fashion when there was less suggestion of the masculine about women's attire. All indications point to an era of femininity, extravagance and luxury. and that's why fans are fluttering row and why they receive the at tention that so frivolous a thing can merit when once fashion takes it in hand. Those sketched are all feather fans but one. The one that is of gauze stretched on pearl sticks, has appliques of black velvet rimmed in silver. In some subtle way the motif suggests the vanity of a pea cock although its background is on ly gray and the velvet is black. There are many spangled fans, of cou'se, since the world seems mad on the subject of things that glit ter, but after all the greatest inter est is centered in feather fans. Tiie large "ostrich ones in bright colors are still in perfectly good standing, but there are newer ways of tis ng feathers as the illustration shows, and newer feathers than ostrich to be used; Each of the three fans shown in feathers are of the lyre variety and do not close. The stick in each instance is of carved wood, the first in brilliant tade color, the fan being of jade ostrich veiled with black glyecrined feathers. The idea of using two kinds of feathers for a fan is rather a new note this season. Another novelty is shown in the fan at the extreme right; a dainty combination of fluffy white marabou flecked with silver spangles and black feathery ostrich, the handle being white. The other lyre fan is of single ply ostrich in flaming orange with black sticks. All the great beauties of all the ages past gaze down on us from their portraits, with a wise look of connivance for their sisters of today as if showing us how easy it was for them to fan the flame 1 And their fan message is being spread through our industries and fahions, to the choicest and most coveted of items on the gift list! Copyright, 1919, Falrchild. The Unfair Treatment at Capital Starts a Mad Crusade By ANNABEL LEE. TJnlversal Service Staff Correspondent. Washington, Sept. 10. Mrs. Hen ry William Bellah, who calls herself secretary-at-large, in the office building of the house of representa tives, has fired the first gun in the campaign in behalf of the office SPECIAL 1000 Dozen Teacups and Saucers $1.20 Set of 6 Cups and 6 Saucers These Cups and Saucers just arrived from Japan and were bought at an unusually low price. Blue Borders and Floral Decorations Friday and Saturday No Deliveries W. H. Eldridge Importing Co. 1318 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. ' clerks. There is war in the air and never were opposing forces so un equally divided. On one side are the solons who made the law for clerk hire increase and on the other are the stenographers and secre taries who have looked forward to substantial financial promotions only to find that they are on the minority side of the payroll, with only the bonus as a saving grace. These clerks are in open hostility and declare that many of the con gressmen have installed members of their families who do not lighten the burden of work, but who do absorb the greater salaries. And when this is not the case, they have paid political debts by appointing secretaries who do not work in Washington at all, thus leaving the brunt of congressional work to the overcrowded hours of the under paid secretary here. Jobs For Their Wives. "Nothing," said Mrs. Bellah, "short of an amendment to the clerk-hire law will remedy the evil now being done to those who have all of the work and little of the pay that should be theirs. Having lost my own position through a field clerk who had finished military service, I became in a sense secretary-at-large, assisting when required in various offices and hearing at first hand of clerks being placed on the payroll whos ability was mediocre and of even wives who were , ner vously desirous of 'helping along.' "Also I came in contact with dis contented girls who had toiled faith fully during the war, some of whom had been completely backed off the board by the above type of clerk. "During the war femininism was at its best, and at no place was this more true than in the house of rep resentatives' offices. The girl sec retary or stenographer wrote let ters, visited departments, stayed by the telephone, sent telegrams to distracted parents whose sons were across the seas, and fulfilled in the spirit and letter of the law, the du ties incumbent upon the office. "After Armistice Graft" "After the armistice, when some appreciation might reasonably be expected, a spirit of amazing graft pervaded the atmosphere. The $3( 200 went in various and sundry di rections awav from the pockets of the faithful clerks who had the right naturally of recognition. "Young fellows from the district who had never pushed a pencil, even female relatives who hitherto had done nothing in the way cf clerical work developed an intense desire for office life. Where relatives are competent I have no querrel; prob ably a congressman has the right to MILLION DOLLAR SALES place the whole interesting family on the payroll, but when one comes to consider the flagrant use of the bonus, which has become a veritable 'pot of gold' to the incompetent membets of the household as well as being used to pay off political debts, the situation indeed becomes a se rious one. Require Service Affidavit. "We are now planning to have an amendment introduced to the re- Quality Style Store 1812 Farnam Street 1812 cent clerk-hire law placing clerks on the rolls, so that each clerk when he draws his salary check will ex ecute an affidavit that he or she has rendered active service in Wash ington during the preceding month As it is now, many clerks on tha pay roll at $2,000 a year or under never see Washington at all, but collect their salaries for service in the congressmen's district. This amendment would effectually stop .t:- i -: f mis uii ui git. MILLION DOLLAR SALES An End to Profiteering in Women's Fall Wear MANY-sided evidence convinces us that "profiteering" in Women's Apparel for Fall is a fact. We deplore the situa tion. It has never been our desire "to get rich quick," but to build a PERMANENT business by fair profits. We have endeavored always to give a full dollar's value in style, material and workmanship for every dollar received. Charming Blouses Featuring Blouses which put verve into the art of dressing. 20.00 17.50 15.00 12.50 10.00 8.50 7.50 6.50 Blouses in Blouses in Blouses in Blouses in Blouses in Blouses in Blouses in Blouses in Million Dollar Sales 16.75 Million Dollar Sales 14.75 Million Dollar Sales 12.75 Million Dollar Million Dollar Million Dollar Million Dollar Million Dollar Sales 9.90 Sales 7.95 Sales 6.95 Sales 5.90 Sales 5.25 cash and carry MILLION DOLLAR SALES a small charge for alterations WITH unswerving firmness we have re sisted all temptations to profiteer. Our apparel is priced with the idea of winning your favor and your confidence. To meet the demand for fairer prices our MILLION DOLLAR SALES are ap plied to Fashion's choicest new Suits, Dresses, Wraps, Furs, Blouses, Skirts, Sweaters and daintiest Underthings. Separate Skirts Pretty Garments made expressly for our exclusive trade. Sales 20.7S Sales 18.7S Sales 16.75 Sales 14.75 Sales 12.75 Sales 9.90 Sales 7.95 Sales 6.95 cash and carry 25.00 22.50 20.00 17.50 15.00 12.50 10.00 8.50 Skirts in Skirts in Skirts in Skirts in Skirts in Skirts in Skirts in Skirts in Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Million Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar Collar HI X A Iff 1 1 1 1 YA VVAUl Out of the High-Priced District MILLION DOLLAR SALES Welcome Omaha Teachers The First National extends a cordial welcome to the Omaha teach ers after your summer vacation. You are cordially invited to avail yourselves of the service of the Wom en's of the First. This banking room is more than a mere department; it was designed by our architects as a woman's bank. It was built and equipped exclusively for women, and nothing was overlooked that would contribute to your comfort and convenience. Our Miss Stem will fyeem it a pleasure to render you distinctive service that will greatly facilitate your banking transactions. First National iBank of Omaha Southwest Corner, 16th and Farnam READY FOR THE DATS WORK? Give a man a good breakfast and the other meals don't matter. He is ready for the day's work. He tackles it with enerGy and enthusiasm. A breakfast of Shredded Wheat Biscuit gives a feeling of comfortable satisfaction that ; fits one for the job. It is the most real food for the least money. Two of these tasty, crisp, brown little loaves of baked whole wheat witl sliced bananas, or other fruit make a complete, nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents.