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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1919)
THE BEE OMAHA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. RUSSIAN REDS BEATEN ALONG SIBERIAN FRONT Many of Lenine's Soldiers '" Taken Prisoner and Much ' Material Captured, Ac cording to Report. Omsk. Sept. 11. (By The Asso ciated Press.) General headquar ters of the Kolchak army announces that the offensive is being carried forward successfully along the whole Siberian front. The enemy is being driven back everywhere with severe losses, the announcement says, and has been compelled to abandon prisoners and important booty. The announcement of the general offensive was first made Wednes day, when stubborn fighting was re ported in' the direction of Yalsoto rovak and Ksorpan. These two towns are about 200 miles west of Omsk. The result of the fighting was reported to have been the re treat of the bolshevik forces, witf the loss of many prisoners anc much material. , The report from Omsk of substan tial successes by the kolchak army follows a wireless dispatch from bolshevik headquarters in Moscow, in which it was claimed that Admiral Kolchak's southern armv had been decisively defeated an that its sur render was expected. The scene of the fighting described in the Mos cow message was about 400 miles south of the two towns mentioned in the Omsk dispatch. London. Sept. 11. A bolshevik wireless dispatch from Moscow to day claims the capture of nearly 12,000 prisoners from Admiral Kol chak's all-Russian forces in the region of Aktibin-Skorsk. It is declared that the surrender of the remainder of Kolchak's southern army is expected. Representative of Ringer Makes Desperate Effort to Influence Two Reporters Police Commissioner's Private Investigator Ap proaches Daily News and World-Herald Men as Last Resort to Obstruct Justice in Eugene Scott Case Chief Eberstein Also Tried to Bribe Bee Reporter in Mrs. Thomas Brown Case. "Bowsn's Value-Giving Stora Don't Forget the time, nor the fact, that next Saturday, September 13th the Greater Bowen Store will offer some 800 Mattresses i at prices proving it is ' 1UUV11 W J V IA CvV ll-) S to shop at this value giving store. To Save Money, Shop at Bowen's, As These Prices Prove: Felt Top, Child' Crib Mattress . . . All Foil, Child'. Crib Mattress... All Felt, Bex, Mattress at Felt Tep, Plain Stripe Tick. $4.65 end Excel $5.45 and Excel $7.50 $4.95 $2.15 $3.50 Child' Crib . $4.25 $4.75 Cotton Top end Bottom, Plain Tick, at Combination Felt ior, plain edge, . at. Combination Felt ior, roll edge, at All Cotton Sani tary Couch Pad. , Box Spring Mattre fancy Sw?s: $19.50 fJ.,."...-$14.50 All-Felt Mattress, roll edge, 4 row stitching, 5(Mb. fancy art T: $24.50 Combination Felt and Wood Wool, fancy tick d7 OP and roll edge J OD All-Felt Mattre, roll edge, 45 lbs., art tick, QCJ Extra Heavy Combination Felt and Wood Wool, fancy art ..""...$12.50 All-Felt Mattre, roll edge, i 45 lbs., three fcl A rf J rews stitching. . P It.OU J All-Felt Mattre, roll edge, 3 50 lbs., four C - J rows stitching. . P 1 2sOU J All-Felt Box Edge E 7C 4 Conch Pad.... iPO.O All-Felt Mattre, roll edge, J 4-row stitching, 50-lb. fancy J tick, extra fcQO CA J quality felt PO.&.OI 3 Box Spring Mattre, roll edge fancy ticking, high grade, J Sr. $35.50 ELK...... $20.00 i LOb Heware, Bt--Ma 15th mmi istii St J i I i a i t-aidkAyet-dyktf Not satisfied with his desperate effort to whitewash George Arm strong and George Brigham, city detectives, for the part they played in the murder last week of Eugene Scott, the Plasa hotel bellboy, Po lice Commissioner Ringer now is accused of covering up other guilty offenses of the two officers, in be half of whom the police department head is said to have gone to the extreme of attempting even to ob struct justice in the courts. As further evidence that Com missioner Ringer is determined to whitewash Armstrong and Brigham in total of disregard of the facts in the case, Charles Whalen, the police commissioner's private in vestigator, approached two news paper reporters, who witnessed the shooting down in cold blood of Scott, and tried to get them to repudiate the damaging testimony they gave against the policemen at the coroner's inquest. Met With Refusal. Francis J. Boyle, reporter for the Daily News, was asked to sign a statement repudiating the facts to which he testified at the inquest. Detective Whalen approached the reporter in the police court room Wednesday just before the prelimi nary hearing was called. Whelen's request met with prompt and indig nant refusal. Thos. J. MacMahon, VVorld-Hir-ald reporter, was questioned by Mr. Ringer's personal representative. The newspaper man told him that he was positive of every detail of his testimony and would not change a single word of it. "Are you sure you heard Arm strong shout "Kill the ?" the reporter was -asked. "I am absolutely sure," was the reply, "and I shall repeat the state ment when I take the stand." Reporters Stand Firm. Whalen was unable to prevail on either of the reporters to misrepre sent the facts in the case. Additional proof of the question able tactics employed by Ringer and Eberstein and further evidence of the fact that the present heads of the police department do not hesitate to attempt to induce wit nesses to violate their oaths on the witness stand, is shown in a propo sition made several months ago by Chief Eberstein to a reporter for The Bee. The police chief attempt ed to bribe J .A. Shanahan when all of the influence of the city adminis tration was brought to bear to black en the character of Mrs. Thomas Brown, a widow, in order to white wash Detectives Armstrong and Herdzina, whose disgraceful be' havior in the Brown apartments last June aroused the entire community Chief Eberstein tried to bribe the reporter with an offer of money and a position on the police department. Offered More Money. "I will give you a better job and pay you more money," the police chief offered, "if you will testify like we want you to in the Brown case." Chief Eberstein told Mr. Shanahan his work would be easy and the hours would be arranged to suit his convenience, if the reporter would testify as he was told. The offer was spurned. Chief Eberstein was given to understand promptly and quickly that his offer would not be considered for a mo ment. "I am satisfied with my em ployment on The Bee," Mr. Shana han said, "and I could not be in ducted to become identified with the Omaha police department." Attention has been called to the difference in the manner Commis sioner disposed of the case of Patrolman Foster Burchard several months ago when the officer was charged with breaking in a door to a private residence. Charges were filed against Burchard immediately and he was suspended promptly. Later the officer was dismissed. Offered No Explanation. In the Burchard case Ringer of fered no explanation like he has of fered in the Armstrong and Brig ham cases, despite the fact that Bur chard's offense was nothing like as grave as that contained in the in dictments against Armstrong and Brigham. "Our law assumes every man to be innocent until he is proven guilty," Ringer explanied when he refused to suspend Armstrong and Brigham. The police commissioner did not think of this feature of the law when he disposed of the Burchard case, and when the woman who filed the charge against Burchard begged to be allowed to withdraw it, Ringer assumed the patrolman guilty and did not even give him an opportunity to prove he" was innocent. Holman Is Suspended. While Armstrong and Brigham are working still on the Omaha po lice force, and Commissioner Ringer and Chief Eberstein are turning deaf ears to an almost universal demand that they be suspended as dangerous and irresponsible officers, Private Watchman Edgar Holman has been suspended by the Union Pacific railroad, which is under the control of the United States government. As soon as Holman was accused ot being implicated in the shooting of iscott, the railroad authorities and federal government officials have deemed Holman's suspension, pend ing the outcome of the trial, the only decent and proper course to take. Holman is a member of the Pro tective Railway Patrolmen's asso ciation, which has gotten back of the private watchman in his de fense. Charles E. Copeland of Chicago, president of the railway patrolmen's association, will arrive in Omaha today and it is said private de tectives will be employed to make a thorough investigation of the bell boy's death. PRIZES GIVEN TO MERCHANTS AT FIELD CLUB Eighth Annual Market Week Closes With Dinner Dances; Most Successful Ever Held. Additional Charges Filed Against Detective Brigham Additional charges of threatening to kill, intoxication while .on duty and conduct unbecoming an officer were filed against - Brigham last Friday. The complaint was made person ally by Harry Hershman, a taxicab driver employed by the Blue Taxi Co., Sixteenth and Howard streets. For obvious reasons Commission er Ringer has not seen fit to give this information to the public. Brigham, who was taken off of the Thomas-Sutton special morals squad when this "clean-up-the-city" organization under the leadership of Paul Sutton was disbanded fol lowing the killing of the negro boy, now is walking a beat. Though Brigham's last offense is alleged to have been committed just two days after the coronet's inquest on the killing of Scott, for which Brigham and Armstrong were indicted and charged with manslaughter, the police commis sioner has not paid the slightest at tention to it, so far as is known. His single effort has been to keep the public from finding out about it. iwisnwTGom filmland THOTO TlAY. OFFER.I NGT FOR TODAY ATTENDANCE at the Sun the ater this week for the engage- threatens to equal that of last week for the Nazimova success, "The Brat," according to the manage ment of the Sun. The house was sold out twice Sunday and likewise patrons were turned away Monday night, it is said. "The Westerners is a type of photoplay entirely dif ferent from the customary western screen production. The story is thrilling and at the same time plaus ible, many of the incidents having actually taken place in the Black Hills country at the time of the gold rush and the year previous. KialrO Marion Daviee in "Th Dark Star." Rue Carew is born in Turkev. th rfanctitpr nf Rv Ca rew, an American missionary, and, according to common belief, she is under th inflnpnr nf tti Darlf Star, an evil planet. It is said that long ago some metal trom this star fell into the hands of an image maker, who fashioned it into the image of Erlik, Prince of Darkness, chanting. "Where you are war is, and all shall last until you are taken to another land where war shall be." from here on the tale is of intense interest. Strand Dorothv Gish in "No body Home." Frances Wadsworth, an extremely superstitious girl, is consulted by her friend, Florence Wellington, with regard to the lat ter's love affair. Moreover, the cards tell her that a blonde woman is to enter Malcolm's life, while she is a brunette; they also say that a dark man is to loom up fate- ASTHMA SUFFERERS FREE 25-cent bottla of our wnnHrfnl As-No-Mor, for Asthma, sent absolutely free. Give .instant relief. H ,nH thousands.- Will eure yon. Guaranteed. Four months' treatment. As-No-Mor han dled by all leading: druirirists. Send today. AS-NO-MOR CO.. Dm Moines. Iowa. A t Neighborhood Houses HAMILTON Fortloth and Hamilton. Resale Barriscale in "TANGLED THREADS." "GREAT GAMBLE," chapter 1. BOVTEVAKf) Thirty-third and Leav enworth. Paramount special. "THE WOMAN THOU GAVEST ME." Comedy, "HAPPY RETURNS." GRAND Sixteenth and Blnney. Mary Plckford in "DADDY LONG LEGS." Christie comedy, "SOME ROMEO." APOLLO Twenty-ninth and Leaven worth. Enid Bennett in "THE HAUNTED BEDROOM " DIAMOND Twenty-fourth and Carlyle Blackwell In "THE GI.AR." Also "ELMO MIGHTY." I.OTHROP Twenty-fourth and Loth- rop. Warren Kerrigan in "A WHITE MAN'S CHANCE." COMFORT Twenty-fourth and Vln Warren Kerrigan in "THE END OF THE ROAD." "ELMO THE MIGHTY." Lake. fully on her horizon, and Malcolm has light hair! A raven-locked fortune-hunter appears soon afterward and makes violent love to Frances. Muse "The Thirteenth Chair," the murder mystery. Helen O'Neil did not kill Stephen Lee. Held tightly in his arms and struggling for release, she could not see whose hand it was that thrust a knife in to the back of her tormentor, kill ing him instantly. This complica tion leads the story up to one of the biggest climaxes ever devised by a playwright. Brandeis "Sing ho, the merry maiden," she's here from far-off Cal ifornia, a bevy of her, in fact, at the Brandeis, Mack Sennett's far-famed Bathing Beauties, to give piquance and vital interest to the comedy king's five reels of satire and hilar ity, entitled "Yankee Doodle in Ber lin. This double attraction will be presented at the Brandeis for the last times today and tomorrow, shows starting at 1:30, 3:30, 7:30 and 915 p. m. Moon Mabel Normand in "When Doctor's Disagree." Miss Normand has been seen before as a rural The eighth annual merchants' market week, pronounced the most successful ever held in Omaha, closed last night with the presenta tion of prizes and a dinner dance at the Omaha Field club. Nearly 1,000 visiting merchants and their families were present, the largest number ever assembled since the market week was inaugurated. Although a majority of the visitors were residents of Nebraska, many were from neighboring states, and the distant states of Oregon, Cali fornia and Minnesota were repre sented. The visitors were unanimous in their praise of the entertainment furnished them by the market week committee of the Omaha manufac turers and jobbers during the last four days. A number of merchants who had never been present at the fall market week before expressed surprise at the extensive prepara tions which had been made for their entertainment and vowed never to miss another market week held in Omaha. Plans for Next Year. Jobbers and manufacturers are also jubilant over the success of the week, so jubilant, in fact, that they are already making extensive plans for the next market week. The increase in the number of vis itors has made it necessary to for mulate new olans for their future entertainment, according to Joe Kel ley, general chairman of the mer chants' market week committee. One plan, which,' according to Mr. Kelley, is finding much approval among jobbers and manufacturers, is the formation of a Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Recreation club, which will purchase a large site in the suburbs of the city, and build a huge club house to facilitate the en tertainment of merchants during their visits here. The entertainment at the Field club last night was a glorious finale to the market week. Every thing was as planned except the flight of an airplane which was to have performed stunts over the club. In landing the propellor of the plane was broken. No one was injured. Winners of Prizes. The prize drawing contest re sulted as follows: Mrs. J. H. Car ter of Carter, Wyo., won a pair of Australian wool blankets; Hilda Mester, Portsmouth, It, a 100-piece dinner set; Mrs. E. H. Luxford, Oakland, la., a raincoat; Mrs. J. H. Crilly, Danbury, la., a refrigerator lunch basket; Mrs. E. Wheeler, Stel la, Neb., a half dozen pairs of silk hose; Mrs. L. E. Fobes, Ida Grove, la., a pair of ladies' shoes; Mrs. Al Pilger, Pilger, Neb., a pair of misses' shoes; Mrs. E .Lowe, Neville, la., a mahogany chair; Miss Eva Spratlen, Sidney, la., a manicure set; and Mrs. William Coolidge, Rosa lie. Neb., a water set. The following men won prizes: H. T. Fraser. Polk, Neb., a 12-gauge shotgun; Ed Lippold, Auburn, Neb., a waterproof raincoat; F. B. Shel don, Nehawka, Neb., a pair of auto gloves; J. H. Blair, Bristow, Neb., a pair of bey's shoes; Al Pilger, Pil ger, Neb., a traveling bag; A. A. Schwartz, Nelson, Neb., a traveling set; J. G. Hays, Griswold. Ia., a pair of shoes; H. H. Reese, Yutan, Neb., an auto coat; G. L. Bruner, Loretto, Neb., a hat, and O. E. Copes, Avoca, Neb., a fur cap. Omaha Men Victims in Two Auto Collisions in Bluffs Two automobile collisions oc curred yesterday in Council Bluffs. Henry Rolph, Havens hotel, Omaha, driving a seven-passenger car, col lided at Main street and Broadway with a truck belonging to the Fisk Rubber company, Omaha, and driven by George Foreman. Both cars were smashed. Half an hour later a car driven by J. C. Falstead, Omaha, collided with a Manawa street car at the Broadway and Fourth street inter section. The automobile was wrecked and Falstead sustained a painful wound in the hand. Negro Arrested for Cursing and Threatening President "If I had had a revolver I'd have put a hole in President Wilson," said Arthur W. Campbell, Twenty seventh and Douglas streets, ac cording to the police. Campbell was arrested by officer Lon Troby at Fourteenth and Farnam Streets last night when he cursed Wilson. Campbell was charged with resisting an officer and was also booked for "investigation." Nebraskans in Washington. Washington, Sept. 11. (Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gurley, who have been on an ex tended visit east, return to their home in Omaha Friday. H. L. Gerhart of Newman Grove, secretary to Congressman Evans, leaves for Omaha Friday to meet his mother, wife of former State Senator Gerhart and a prominent banker in Newman Grove, who is seriously ill. mischief-maker, but never with the opportunities that Millie Martin finds. Her escapade at the May party, her course in beauty culture and the railway trip she takes with her father are only a prelude to the situation which confronts her at a sanitarium. When the girl' and her medical attendant make their escape, the head of the institution is sure that a gang of robbers has invaded his place. Unraveling this complication brings "When Doc tors Disagree" to a screaming climax. E m p r e s s "Regeneration," the photoplay being shown at the Em press, is the story of the life of Owen Kildare. one of America's au thors, who grew up a Bowery tough. It tells a vivid, pulsating story of how it is possible for a man to raise himself from the slums and develop latent talent Sketch of Omaha Home of Packard Auto mart S J.'A-- -V?t C"S- I 1 KMS-w I. ft 4 . 1. K r It riiri'ir i o ratifies 23 in Z?mimm-ti I :3ft3 w" ..... .i."- The above picture is an architect's drawing of the new building which is to be erected for the Packard Omaha company. This building will front on Harney street, Twenty-seventh street and Dewey avenue. The dimensions of the building will be 108 feet, 6 inches, by 183 feet, 9 inches. It will be three stories high and embrace 60,000 square feet of floor space. Th riea1 wan closed bv Conrad Younsr and Selwin Doherty of the Nebraska and Wyoming Investment company, acting for the Sir Horace Plunkett interests and William A. Hurst, president of the Packard- umana comoanv. ana r.agar a. uaira, attorney, representing xnc ricKaru imcicsis. . oicuiuauBu . J ' . . . . .. .... . , . , v t iif.i j - r r 1 t l -: is the architect and the building win De erecteo Dy rne jonn a. waKeucm company ui uimm. me enure project represents an expenditure of approximately $Z5U,ouu. The exterior of the building will be finished in tapestry brick and Bedford stone trimming. Amontr thi main features of the interior are inclined drives to all floors, eliminating elevators. The main show room will measure 45 feet by 67 feet and will be two stories in height. The show rooms will front on Harney and Twenty-seventh street. Back of this will be private offices, sales room, accounting room, etc. The interior ot tne main snow ana saies room wui oe nnisnea in quaner-Hawea gum, rue uoors and aoDrooriate decorations. The second floor will be used for repair shop, stock and oil storage as well as for men's lockers and showers. The third floor is to be used for refininshing and storage. WINDLE WARNS OF DANGERS IN ONE BEG ONION Bolshevist Chief Tells of Mis leading Propaganda Spread by Irresponsible Publications. The only remedy for bolshevism is to make every workingman a cap italist by creating and fostering in him self-interest, in the opinion of C. A. Windle, editor of Brann's Ico noclast, who spoke last night at the Auditorium on "Bolshevism, Its Cause and Its Cure." Less than 500 persons attended the lecture. A dozen or more persons scat tered through the crowd applauded frequently in favor of bolshevism during the early part of Windle's talk. One of the dozen yelled. "You're a liar!" when Windle said that bolshevism in Russia had slain more and imprisoned more than all the tyrants of the past 1,000 xears. The man who caused the disturbance left the hall hurriedly. Warns of Dangers. Windle warned his audience against the crimson conspiracy to crush state, home, church and civili zation. Holding a copy of "The Messenger" in his hand, he said it was one of ISO radical publications now wriggling their way through the country spreading their doctrine of bolshevism. "This paper and others like it are urging the negroes of the south to arm," he said. "If Omaha knew of the menace that threatens the vitality of our repub lic this hall would be filled to night." "The miners, railroad men, street car men, laboring men of every in dustry, even policemen are gradual ly yielding to iheir doctrine of one big union." Tell Whole Truth. The little clique of bolshevists broke out in applause. "I am glad we have some bolshevists here," said Windle. "They have been hearing partial truths in socialist and holshevist meetings. Here they will hear the whole truth. When bolshevists would destroy capital they would destroy church, home and state, they are conspir ing against the flag under which they get their bread. Ratification of the peace treaty will not be an antidote for the poison of bolshev ism. "I propose the reorganization of all siock organizations. Let the worker earn on a minimum wage scale enough to provide for himself and family and enough more to pay on the installment plan for a part of the stock. Foster in him self interest. Let him share in the sur plus profits at the end of the year. Destroy class consciousness and the problem is solved." 10,000 Persons Witness Airman's Death Plunge 'Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept. 11. Harold M. Brunner of Erie, Pa., an aviator, was killed whiK giving an exhibition flight at Chautauqua county fair Thursday. One wing of his airplane appeared to collapse when he was 500 feet in the air. Ten thousand persons saw the accident. NONPARTISAN ! LEADER FILES LIBEL CHARGE Lincoln Star Sued for $5Q, 000 Damages by Minne apolis Man; League At torney to Appear. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Sept. 11. (Special.) Herbert E. Gaston, president of the Northwestern Publishing company of Minneapolis, brought suit in -the federal district court here against the Star Publishing company, charging libel. Gaston asks $50,000 damages. 1 C. A. Sorenson, attorney for the Nonpartisan league in Nebraska, filed the suit. The story on which the suit is based was a purported record of 50 Nonpartisan league leaders, pre pared by Assistant Attorney Gen eral Packard of North Dakota, and which was published in a number of North Dakota napers. In the paragraph relating to GSS ton, explaining his connection with the league, the line appears, "con victed on three counts." Gasfon charges that the article states he was convicted of a crime. Banquet Given to Banker . and Wife Moving to Omaha Fremont, Neb., Sept. It. (Special Telegram. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gurney, who will leave Saturday .to make their home in Omaha, were given a testimonial dinner at Hotel Pathfinder Thursday. Cov'ers for 225 Fremont business men and their wives were marked. C. D. Marr, president ot the Commercial club, was toastmaster. T. L. Mathews, Mrs. A. H. Waterhouse, Dan V. Stephens and C. E. Abbott responded to toasts. Army Store Prices Will Be Announced In a Few Days A catalogue of prices on stock carried in the army store opened in the basement of the Mu'ni- riml Aiirtitnriiim nn IntlTif will reach Omaha in the next few days, according to a telegram front' Washington, D. G, received yester day by Co. G. S. Bingham, zone sur plus supply officer here. Zone surplus supply officers are waiting anxiously for the list to ar rive, as they believe the prices will determine the success of the store. HT n Tl 0 TITI 11 ry um mmk- just once then ' D BRAND5 youll never again say that it's hard to get good milk You just won't be satisfied with any other once you use OATMAN'S EVAPORATED j-1 MILK ALL GOOD GROCERS SELL IT FOR EVERY MILK USE Buy three cans and save money Marsh Sc. Marsh, Excltuiva Distributor Save the Labels If you've not already recehrecf your copy of ow premium book write us today. Many useful and valuable premiums can be aecured by t ing the labels from the can. THE OATMAN CONDENSED MILK CO. MAIN OFFICES: DUNDEE. ILLINOIS Condensery at Neillille, Wia, m the center of WiscoBah't most sanitary and productive dairiee