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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1919)
. THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. IS REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 Ins I Ok OIL I.EA9K8. , Wi hay and nil oil slock and leaaa. Our listing Includes lose In Tillman county. Ok la.; Wllbargtr county and ths Panhandle action of ?ias; also Tueurq carl. N. M. Writ us fur price and fur. ther psrdculara. Orcult-Harrl Co, Ins.. IJ Soulhwrit Beaerva Bank Bids., Oklahoma CHv REAL ESTATE WANTED. Tam AUTHORIZED TO BUY FOUR GOOD HOUSES WITH FOUR TO SIX ROOMS. MUST BE WELL LOCATED AND IN GOOD CONDITION, AND WORTH THE MONEY. W. NATHAN WATTS, 518-19 PAX TON BLK. BUNGALOWS WANTED. Wa hav cash buyers for well-located bungalows and realdeneta wortb the money. For quirk reanlta. list with ua O'NKII.'S R. E A INS AGENCY. M-tt Brandls Th.-tsr Bid- I HAVE a man who will buy your Ira- graved property and pay cash for It ut tha price must b right GEORGE F JONES. REALTOR, is rilv Nut Bit Bids Doua. !(. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands HAVE Inquiries tor rood homes tn good locations. Do you want to sell your property 7 List It with c A Orlmmel MH Omnha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST y.jur property wltb ua Wa have calla for homes ana investments. McCAGUE INV CO. Phone D. 41 A. lMh and Dodge LIST your property for aale with J. h Robinson far quick sale. 441 Baa Bldg Fhons. Douarlss sul? Tel Tyler 1014 WE hsv the customers and can sell your property: Hat with John W. Robblns. tut Brands! Theatre. D. (.21. IP your property la for sal or rent. Hat t with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY Ct nnh (,ikr Webster MO TOB aulrk results list your property wltb 8. P BOSTWICK SON. inn Bee Bid a Tyler ISO FOP quick sKlrs list your property wltb W (J SHRIVER. l7- Om Nat Bk Blda Dong !( Low ralea without delay O. O. CARLBERO. Ill Brandela Theater Rldl PRIVATE party with cash wants to buy 7 or 9 room nunaee nome at once. Phone Walnut 1621. FIVE to seven -room houses from owner for colored. Webster (ISfc. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. Private Money. S HOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4 lit. fclTV or Farm B-year Loans, 6 V and 6 per cent. No delay. Bee us first. DAY & MAYNB, 60S Ksellns Bldg., Omaha. Doug. ttti. 34 Pearl St rflrand Hotel) Co. Blfa. 101. MONET tn lend on Improved Real Estate Interest payable semi-annually W. H THOMAS SON, 12 Keelln Bldg. CITY and farm loan; 6H and 6 per cant: no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co., 411 Keellne Bldg. 100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F. D. Wead, wead Bldg., 18th ana iarnam. P. E. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omsha Nat Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Fifty shares Skinner pack ing atock: 30 shares Skinner macaroni stock. Address Boi 654. Grand Island. Neb. . Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wantsd 12.000 loan on JJ.OOO frater nal Inaurancs policy. Man wlahlng to make loan Is beneficiary. Face of policy will como to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 07 yeara old and In poor hsalth. Will arrange matter so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, snd will keep up premiums on Insurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1,000 in short time. Ad drees Bee. Boa M-3. 6maha homes east neb farms o'keefe real estate co 10IS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 8715. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arizona Lands. BEST cattle ranch in Graham county, Arlsona; 1,600 cattle go with place; will take up to $60,000 In trade; write for particulars. W. NATHAN WATTS. 618-19 Paxton Blk. Colorado Lands. COLORADO LANDS I have 320 acres nice smooth land In Cheyenne county, Colorado. 10 miles due south of Flrstvlew; also four nice smooth quarters in Kiowa county, near Sheridan lake; I will sell these lands murh cheaper than anything around them can be bought for; make m your best bid; I am going to sell to some en. C. B. MOLING. J01 Lathrop-BUlg. K. C. Mo. DOUGLAS AND SARPY CO. FARMS 181 crea, Sarpy Co.. Joining right up to a good town; two railroads; 200 seres un der plow; Us acres of pasture; good portion fenced hog-tight; large barn, doubt crib: (.room house; other build ings; 10 mile from So. Omaha. Price. $200 per acre; $35,000 mortgage, balance rash. !00 acres. Ssrpy Co.; 119 acres In cultiva tion, balance paature: living water; $ mllea to good town, 22 miles to Omaha; on of the very best snaps In Sarpy Co. Carry $20,000 In flrat mortgage at (Vi per rent. Lies well; uplsnd farm. UO seres, Sarpy Co.; 1 mile from good town; upland farm; well improved; lies fine; good black loam soil; 20 miles to took yards. Prlc $276 per acre. Carry $1S,000 back. Splendid 10 acres, Sarpy Co.; 11 miles from Omaha; almost perfectly level up land farm; good house, barn, mill, crib, other buildings. Price $150 per acre. Carry back two-thfrds st 6H. term of yegrs. No better In Sarpy Co. 40 beautiful acrea, Doug. Co.; lies well: all seeded to new alfalfa; mllea to Omaha. Trie $360 per acre; term; part cash. Wsll improved 120 acrea on Military road; Ilea well; splendid set of Improvements. For pries and terms see GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO.. ,2 Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Three Dandy Investments. 1(0 acrea, nicely Improved, 6 miles southeast of Ashland, Neb. and 3V mllea from South Bend; land lies nearly level; best of soli. Price $275.00 per acre. Terma. 1(0 acres, Improved, only 8 mllea from Ashland, Neb. Price $276.00 per acre. 400 acres, fine combination stock and grain farm; Saunder county, Nebraska. Only 30 mllea from Omaha. 100 acres in cultivation, 80 acres fine hay meadow, balnnce pasture. This farm will handle 150 to too head of stock. A real money-maker. See us for par ticulars. HELD LAND COMPANY (64 Brandels Bldg. Phone Doug. 1HS. Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILES "RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF It CENTS PER MILE. yotj are covered by inspr. ance against liability result ing from accident. 60 new 1919 model ford cars. ford livery co. douo. 3622. 1314 howard. REBUILT auto cars; also Republic two ton, Sandow 14 ton, $H ton. Dumps Indiana m ton, Kelly Springfield li ton. All these trucks have been re built and ar first-class mechanically and in appearance; terms ranging from $200 tn $600 down and balance on easy monthly payments; Investigate these trucks quick. THE ODELL HAMILTON CO.. 1415 Jackson street. CADILLAC type 65 touring; latest model; appearance and mechanical condition and tires like new. W. F. Bruett. 1416 Jackson street; during business hours, Tyler 1716; evenings, Harney 1552. 1918 FORD coupe; 1919 Ford sedan, equipped with Ford electric starter and lighta; in excellent condition and price reasonable. Odell Hamilton Co., 1415 a.Trltsnn street. PKUMI'T DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 1767. 1407-21 Capitol Av. . FOR QUICK SALE A bargain in a 191$ Hudson super six touring car. Has been newly gone over. Must be sold at once to settle an insurance claim. Call Douglass 200. STEVENS WRTEA touring car. six cyl inder, starter and electrio light, at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Phone Tyler 1419. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 16 acre Improved dry land In Logan county, H mile fiom railroad and town; (now under cultivation and producing under care of reliable share renter; land In this vicinity rapidly rising tn value; a snap at $60 per acre. Deal direct with ownr,H.M. Batchelder. Sterling, Colo. 15,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lincoln county, Colorado lands. Bar gains. Easy terms. See J, L. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Iowa Lands. FINE LEVEL .FARM. V. This farm la located four miles from paved road and street car tn Sioux City; 200 acres under plow; this farm Is a silt loam, second bottom land; 31 acres now In alfalfa, 20 acres timber, mostly ash; extra well Improved, con sisting of a lx-room house; fine large barn, garage and other outbuildings, prlc only $250 an acre; owner will taH ome Omaha property or smaller farm In on this deal: this farm has a first mortgage of $30,000, at 6 per cent running 10 year, annual Interest. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 113 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douelas 1313. '.40 acres, eight miles from Council Bluffs, close to school and small town; all un der cultivation, except SO acres which la In pasture: land He level and of the best of aoll: Improvements are In good condition and consist of seven-room house, alfalfa barn, horse and cow barn, etc.; this farm Is an exceptionally good miy. Box Q-31. Bee. 10 ACRES. Mills county. Ia by owner. 66 acrea In corn and alfalfa, 25 In fruit and pasture; fair improvementa; on mile from R. R. station: at $126 per acre: thl Is beat buy west of the Allegsnles. 71$ Mill St., Council Bluff. la. - CHEAP IOWA FARM. 80 acrea, 7 mllea South of Pacific Junction: 0 acres farm land, amall house and barn; $80 per acre. McGee Real Estat Co.. 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. Kansas Lands. FRANKLIN COUNTY, KANSAS. 1(0 acres, well Improved, four mile town; price $20,000. 400 acres, ii mile town, highly Im proved. $40,000. 80 acres, good Improvementa, all till able, $80,000. 240 acres, highly Improved, all till able, $28,000. Write for full Information. W hay some special bargain. Frank B. Mans- fleld. Ottawa. Kan MissourLLands. "CHARITON COUNTY, - MISSOURI, FARM Consisting of 1.120 acrea 3H mllea from main line Santa Fe railway sta tion; 10-room brick residence, two large new barns, grainary and out buildings: level limestone soil, all In cultiva tion excepting 100 acres of timber pas ture; no bolter farm In central Mis souri; crop Income this year $49,000; prlc $200 per acre. O.J.GOULD, BONFILS BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, MO. Montana Lands. BANKRUPT price. 791 acre best hay and grain land. Irrigated, Join county seat, and graxlng reerv: owner. Elmer U Strever. Billing muni. Nebraska Lands ""'KNOX COUNTY. NEB.. BARGAINS. 10 Rrrei Imoroved. level land, 8 mllea to town, hi mile to school. Price $150.00 per acre. Terms. .... 160 acres miles to town. 1 mile to school and country store, two sets of Improvements, two wells and wind mills, orchard and evergreen grove at buildings. 15 acres alfalfa fenced hog tight, 15 acres pasture. This farm lies level. Good heavy soil. Prlc . 1150.00 per acre. Terms. 160 acres 13 mile from town, well Im proved, grove and i young orchard: corn will make SO bushels to the acre on this farm thla year. Prlc $150.00 per acre. , . ISO acres. Improved. 5 miles from Creigh. ton; lie beautifully; good crop, small pasture; balance In cultivation. Price $185.00 per acre. Good terma. HELD Land COMPANY (64 Brandela Building. Phone & 148 PRICK and terma right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farm C V. Nuwa, $1( Oa. Nat. Bk. Bids. Douglas County Bargains. 80 acres 4 miles from Elkhorn. i mile to school, only 24 miles from Omaha Postnfflce, 50 aces In cultivation, of which over 2-3 lies nearly level, bal ance gently rolling, fine pasture with soms timber. Considering location, this Is a real .bargain. Price $10 00 per acre. Terms. 80 acres 14 miles from Omsha. Neb. Well Improved and a dandy firm. 2i miles from Washington. Neb. Trie $835.00 per acre. Good terma. 80 acres Improved i miles from Ir vlngton. Neb. On the main road from Florence to Bennington. Trice $325.00 per scrs. Terms. HELD LAND COMPANY 664 Brandlei Building. Phone D. 9148. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, t6B3 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. '17 FORI) In good condition $300 '17 Hudson Coup $1,600 '17 Cadillsc "8" $2,000 TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES 8TANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 202" Fa rn a m St Orna ha. Neb. DUMP TRUCKS One "new 2-ton Davis, one 34-ton Kelly-Sprlngfield. Just over hauled. Going, out of truck business. Terms If required. Tyler 1419 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action: no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2059 Farnam St. D 8036. TlIE" DIXIE FLYER W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. iaza Farnam S Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha, Sept' 11, 1811. Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 19.363 3,867 61.633 Official Tuesday 17.73$ (.207 48.908 Official Wednesday.. 9,941 4.048 45,23 Estimate Thursday.. 8,000 4,(00 45,000 Four day thl weak. 63.039 10.(3 1I0.77S Sam day last wk.43,439 10.594 174.(71 Same two week ago.68.155 18.991 1(7.180 Sam three wka. ago.49.196 17,671 1(9.490 Sam day year ago.44,64( 18,839 141,018 Reeeipta and disposition of llv stock at the Union atock yarda, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at t p. m. Septem ber 11, 1919: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs Shsep.H'r's. C. M. & St. P Wsbash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific C. & N. W east C. N. W., west.... C. ,St. P.. M. O C, B. Q., east C, B. & Q . west C, R. I. & P., east.. Total receipts .... DISPOSITION HEAD. 1. (4 16 16 106 'i 11 1 110 14 67 1 4 10 11 1 ,. 41 12 .. 17 3 26( 84 110 4 Morris ft Co Swift ft Co Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 682 1,219 479 1,597 1.808 1.7(18 Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,841 1.163 1.179 Armour & Co 1,283 1,414 3,677 Schwarti & Co. Short Term Notes GRAIN MARKET FORDS UUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS, FORD BODIHS. O'ROIlRKE-fJOI.DSTROM AUTO CO. $100 Reward for any muKneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs of new self-spacing af flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N. l'h BARGAINS IN USED CARS 16th Jackson. Vord Agent. D. 3500. NICELY IMPROVED FARM. 160 acrea located one-half mile from Central City, Nebraska, ons of the best towns In ths state on main line traveled road to town. Land lies level; all good, blsck loam soil; no waste land. A good two atory 8-room houss, basement with furnace and pressure tank. Good barn 42x54, room for 10 head of horses, 10 cows, 1,600 bushels of grain and about 25 tons of hay. Two large cement block silos, machine shed 16x24, fuel housa 12x18. engine house, chicken house, two hog houses, gkrage, double corn crib and granary with cement floor and a 10-foot driveway, cattle sheds and other out-bulldlngs. Build ings are all up In good condition and well sheltered by a large grove of trees. Price $300 per acre on good terms. Write or see M. A. LARSON. Central City, Nebraska. Elegant Farm Home. 120 acres. 10 miles from Omnha, and three miles from Calhoun; this Is a rolling upland farm: best of soil; 110 acres under plow; balance timber pas ture: Improvements almost new large square modern house, fine barn, and other outbuildings; price $300 an acre, owner will take $12,000 In exchange; $14,000 March 1. balance easy terms. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 313 City Nat. Bank Bldg. -Douglas 1313. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. AUTOMOBILE electrical repalra; service station for Kayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. GAIN more miles; have your tires re treaded by O & a Tire Co. 2416 Leavenwnrlh. Tyler 1281-W. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red sea 1 on wind shield. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2100 Prnam St. MUST sell at once, late model Ford tour ing car, cash or terms. 2611 Dewey Ave. noon used cars. GUY L. SMITH WILLYS-KNIGHT coupe, good condition. Call Webster 2729. SIX-PASSENGER Cadillac for sale. S910-W Phone S. 3345. FOR SALE Cheap, a seven-passenger Paige car In fine condition. Tyler 1195. J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... So. Omaha Pack. Co.. Hlgglns Packing Co.. Mayerowlch & Vail . . Olassborg P. O'Dea Benton ft Van Sant... F. P. Lewis Huntslnger & Oliver.. J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla R. M. Burruss ft Co. . F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer ft Degen. Ellis ft Co Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild M o-Kan. C. ft C. Co. . E. a. Christie 104 47 4 1 1 22 26 353 10 385 166 190 315 840 83 74 130 ' 234 40 115 453 John Harvey 1,094 .lensen ft Lundgren .. 14 Dennis ft Francis .... 118 Cheek ft Krebs 27 Omaha Packing Co... 6 Other buyers 1,604 Cattle For a Thursday ther wa a right liberal supply of cattle on hand, around 200 cars, or 6,000 head, being re ported In. Demand was very sluggish for all classes of stock. It wa late be fore any beef changed hand and the general trend of the market was again unevenly lower. Butcher stock opened steady, but closed alow and lower. Feeder trade was simply lifeless and the new that were selling looked unevenly lower than yesterday. For the week choice cow and heifer are not far from steady, but medium grades are 50c to, In some cases, 76c lower. Since Monday ther has been a decline of 50c and $1.00 In stockers and feeders on all classes. By reason of its scarcity choice western beef showed little change for the week, but the medium and common grades are easily 60c lower. COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8 886 $ 8 50 BEEF STEERS. 34 1636 17 25 31 1714 17 25 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 22. 851 .1048 18 50 Tires and Supplies. AT A BARGAIN. Th northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 13, Range 63 west of the 8 P. M., Kimball county, Nebraska, located In a well settled nelgliborheed. This la a choice quarter; land lies level; all tillable. If Interested get busy at once. Address M. A. LARSON, Central City, Nebraska. 480 acres on Denver-Deadwood Scenic hlehwayj eight miles Orella, 11 miles Whitney, 15 miles Crawford: small barn, 20 acres under plow, 400 acres can be farmed; fine place; all heavily grassed; Lone Tree creek north edge; $20 per acre; write for list of other farms and ranches. Arah L. Hunger ford, Crawford, Neb. FARMS AND RANCHES. For bargalna In either large or small farms or ranches, write or call on CHAS. N. SNIDER, Curtis. Neb. NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICE. Firestone, Bull, Lee. Republic, Flsk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. K AIM AN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 Farnam. NEW AND USED TlRE BARGAINS SEE US F!Rr AND SAVE MONEY FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. 2914 FARNAM ST. H C768. Cars tor Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE Drive yourself, at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage, 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7.190. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv. Ice, for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; nw fender made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFO. CO. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. F P. BARNUM CO., 3125 Cuming. Doug las 8044 High-grade aulomoblle painting FOR Western Nebraska and Eaatern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO.. S Brandels Bldg WRITE me tor picture and price of my farm and ranches In good old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Craw ford. Neb IMPROVED and unlraprovd wheat farm. Kimball county. Nab. R E. Holme. Pw-hnell. Neb FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A A. PATZMAN. 101 Karbcch Blk Tyler (84. MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn nd alfalfa farm at th right price U A LARSON. Central City. Neb South Dakota Lands. CHOICE 4S0-acre Improved Spink county farm for sale; one mile from good town; price and terms reasonable. Sterling and Cllnlte, owners. Redfleld. S. D. Miscellaneous. It's Out! Strout's Fall Farm Catalog! You will never have the best until you read the 100 pages of our big illus trated catalog. Just out, of unequaled money-making farm bargains in the most prosperous states from Maine to Florida and west to Nebraska. For ex ample, on page 74: 80-acre middle west producer, near R. R. town, good build ings, 8 horses, cows, hogs, machinery, crops, all for $4,000, half cash. Page 12, detail 170 acres, horses, 8 head regis tered stock, tools, crops, good buildings, silo, etc., for $3,600. See picture page 10 attractive home on 60 acres, horses, cows, hogs, Implements, furniture, $2,000, easy terms. Full details page 33 of 345 acres, 75-cow dairy farm, milk checks running $500 per month, fine 10-room house, big basement barns, 4 horses, 33 head stock, machinery, crops, all for $7,000, part cash. Write today for your free copy showing you the farm you want, where you want it, at the price you want to pay. Strout Farm Agency, 831 B. F New York Life Bldg.. Kan sas City. IF looking for good aoll, I hav it. If looking for fine laying land, I have It If looking for on that 1 priced right. I hav it A. W. TOLAND. D. 1575. 410 Be Bldg. For Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota farm and ranches, se ALEXANDER & GIPE, Dong. 9008. 821Paiton Blk. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sales; quick return. Held Land Co.. ((4 Brandels Bldg AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. AUTO CLEARING . HOUSE Omaha' largest used car store offers the following line of hlch-class used car for your Inspection. Remember, all of these cars are sold with a three-day, money-back guarantee, if not satisfied. 17 Marmon Six $2,000 '19 Ford Touring 500 '18 Ford Coupe 600 18 Willys-Knight "4" Sedan 1,250 18 Paige Six 860 17 Bulck Six 800 16 Dodge Touring 650 "17 Scripps-Booth "i" 750 16 Saxon Six 350 18 85-4 Overland 660 16 83 Overland 400 18 Overland Country Club 650 '17 Havnes Six 750 17 Studebaker Six 600 '16 Saxon Six 350 17 Oakland Six Touring 650 17 Oakland Six Roadster 700 Hup 32 250 Stevens-Duryea Speedster 200 Losler Six 150 Two 1917 Ford Trucks, each 250 Two 191( Ford Trucks, each 200 1917 Super-Six Hudson 1,250 Many others. Remember, we set th pace and make the price. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 1914 Farnam. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used car bought, sold and exchanged. W buy for cash and aU on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. 102-8 Farnam St. roug. 4101. USED car of exceptional ralu. Trucks. SALE Ford truck at a very reasonable price. Douglas 0143. 643 ' Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines Victor H. Roos. the motorcycle man, 27th and Leavenworth Pts. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St NOTICE TO CREDITORS A. L. Tinker will not be responsible for any bills or charge accts. of his former wife, Nellie Tinker. TWO girls for adoption, one 12 and one 6; country home preferred. Write Box M-59. Omaha Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. TEAM, harness and wagon. Seven Oaks Farm, three blocks west of Florence car. BROOD SOWS. Buy on Birdhaven Profit Sharing Plan Phone Web 2S84. O. S. Pettis, sgent. SOUND, new, coarse hay. (15 per ton. Wagoner. 801 N l(th " MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos snd notes as security. $40 6 mo.. H. goods, total. $3 60. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 432 Security Bldg. 16th ft Farnam. Ty. 866. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUOLAS ST FARMS and city loans E. H. I.OUGEE. ma 638 Keellne Bldg WILL, buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. Hens. Chas L. Pease, 211 Brandela Theater Bldg. YOUIIG LADIES We offer you a well paid position. Pay you while in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burn. Brlnker ft Co.: Stock Bid. Asked. Burgess-Nash 7 pet. pfd Cudahy Pack. Co 1074 108 Flsk Rub., 7 pet. pfd 99 Vj lot Gooch Food Pd.. pfd.. bonus 994 100 Harding Cream. 7 pet. pfd.. 99 Ntcholaa Oil 'pfd., bonus 88 Omaha Flour Mill 7 pet- pfd. ... 91 Orchard ft Wllhelm 7 pet. pfd 99 V4 ... Quaker Oats Co.. 6 pet. pfd. 98 4 93 u M. C. Peters Mill 7 pet. pfd.. 99 100 M. E. Smith 7 pet .pfd.. 1932 101 1 ... Swift & Co 128 12gt Union Stock Yds., Omaha. .. . 100 102 Un. P. ft Lt 7 pet. pfd 99 100 Bonds Lincoln JL Stk. Ld. Bk. 6s. 1923-38 101 ini t Lincoln Traction 6s, 1930 80 Omaha Athletic 6s 98 100 Om. ft C. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928. 80 85 Omsha City cf. various 4.62 pet. Union Stk. Yds.. Omaha, 1st 5s. 1931 98 97 Ex. Dlv. London Money. London. Sept. 11. Bar llver, (Hdper ounce. Money unchanged. 16 50 33. HEIFERS. 8 25 CALVES. 2 260 5 60 6 248 8 00 WESTERN CATTLE WYOMING. 5 cows.. 936 8 60 7 feeders 842 9 16 14 cows 882 8 (0 25 steers 933 10 60 WESTERN CATTLE SOUTH DAKOTA. 20 fdrs. 961 9 65 10 cow.. 933 7 26 13 cows 924 8 95 M. J. M'LAUGHLIN. 7 cow 1081 8 00 8 steers 736 7 75 4 Mrs. 842 8 25 10 hfrs. 801 8 25 WESTERN CATTLE NEBRASKA. 64 calves 266 11 60 C. E. THOMPSON. 25 cows 1043 9 50 38 strs. 1256 12 25 FRED BEMAN. 5 strs. 689 8 00 3 hfrs. 776 8 25 No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 26. .310 40 15 00 67. .244 ... 15 60 26. .313 230 15 10 68. .258 320 15 65 67. .285 40 15 15 6S..264 140 15 75 53. .323 ... 16 25 64. .248 ... 16 00 67. .297 140 15 40 50. .217 ... 1(25 40. .294 70 15 60 Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $16.5017.50; good to choice beeves, $15.0016.50; fair to good beeve. $13. 50)14. 60; common to fair beeves, 11 1 00fi 13.50; choice to prime yearlings, $17.00018.60; good to choice yearlings. $14 50Sil7.00; fair to good yearlings. H3 00 15.00; common to fair yearlings, $10.00 12.50: good to choice heifers. IS 60 'it. 1 1.00; choice to prime yearlings, $10.0011.25; good to choice cows, $8.60 10.00; fair to good cows, $7.008.50; common 'o fair cows. $5.257.O0; choice to prime heavy feeders. $12.6014.0; good to choice feeders. $11.00(g12.00: me. dlum to good feeders. $7.609.00; com mon to fair feedfrs. $7.00g8.50; good to choice stockers, $9.O010.50; fair to good stockers. $7.509.00; common to fait stockers, $6.007.50; stock heifers, $7.50 8.60; stock cows. $6.007.50; stock calves. $7.0010.00; veal calves, $7.0014.00; bulls, stags, etc., $5.604?' 10.00: choice to prime grass beeves, 113.500 1 5.25; good to choice grass beeves, lll.0013.00; fair to good grass beeves, $9.00 10.50; common to fair grass beeves, J7.50iff9.00; Mex ican beeves, $6 608.50. Hogs-'-There was another fair run of 74 loads of hogs estimated at 4,800 head. First bids run close to $1 lower than yes terday's opening market, but there was a slight Improvement before the trad got under way, although trading waa Very slow. Bulk of today's sales was $16.26 16.75, with a top of $16.25. Today' top was $1 under yesterday's and th general market largely 60'75c lower. Sheep Receipts of sheep and Iamb were rather heavy for so late In the week, the estimate calling for 45,000 head. Arrivals Included a lot of common and trashy feed ers and hsrdty more than 15 per cent of the rjn consisted or good Killing grades. Packers were out In the alley early, wast ing little time In placing bids on good fat strings and prices ruled generally steady. Choice fat lambs sold up to $15.(0, with bulk of the good grade bringing $16.00 and better. Toppy ewes are still quotable at $8.0008.25, and old bunches of wethers are selling up to $9.0009.60. Yearling are still very scarce. Trade In feeder was rather low In getting under way, country Inquiry ap peared to be dull and draggy. In most quarter the market wa quoted low to unevenly lower. Close wooled-back lambs would likely sell up to $13.2513.60, com mon qualtty lambs and under-weight are finding an outlet largely at $10.0012.00. Good feeding ewe have dropped to $5.00 5.75. FAT LAMBS. 114 Wyo. 65 14 60 118 Wyo. (8 16 25 206 Ida.. S3 15 00 "83 Ida. (7 15 (6 FEEDING LAMBS. 251 Wyo. 50 12 (0 23 Ida... 65 11 75 263 Wyo. 36 13 25 20$ Wyo.. 45 13 25 89 Ida... 66 13 00 FEEDER EWES. 250 Wyo. 85 8 00 98 Utah 108 8 76 192 Wyo. 81 4 (0 204 Utah 105 ( 25 FAT EWES. 6 Ida-... 100 8 00 1(1 Utah 121 8 It 6 Wyo... 76 2 00 BREEDING EWES, t Wyo... 70 10 00 FAT WETHERS. 41 Ida... 94 75 FEEDING WETHERS. 83 Ida.. 79 0 Quotations on Sheep: Lamb good to choice. $15.0015.(0; lamb fair to good, $14.5015.00; feeder lambs good to choice, 1 1 3.00 13, 50 : medium feeder lamb. $12.25 12.76; common and light feeder, $10.00 12.00; culla and throw-out, $6.509.6; yearlings, $9.5010.25; wethers, $8.70 9.50; ewes good to choice, $7.608.25; ewes fair to good, $6.757.60; good feed ing ewes. $5.005.75; ew culls and can ners. $2.504.50; breeding we, $7.60 13.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept. 11. catilw Kecelpt. 12. 000 head; estimated tomorrow, 6,000 head; unsettled: beef steer, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $16 7517.60; medium and good, $11.00 15.50: corn mo. $8.7511.00:; light weight, good and choice $13.75017.75; common and medi um $8 0013.50: butcher cattle, heifers, $6.5014 75; cows. $6.2513.60; eanners and cutters, $5 856.25; veal calves .light and handv weight. $20.00 21.00; fee-ler steers. $7.0012.50; stocker teers, $6 25 filO.OO; western range beef steers 1 8.00 & 15.00; cows and heifer. $6.25912.60 Hogs-Recelpts 22.000 head; estimated tomorrow. 10.000 head; motsly 60c lower than yesterdayji vrfhJvny' i!fi., 917.50; medlflm. $ -50 ,: 18.7518.00; light ".Visiw?' packing sows, smooth. $14.7515 26; pack ing sow, rough. $14.0014.60; pigs. $18 60 Sheep and Lamb lUnlpta 39 000 head: eatlmated tomorrow. 8,000 head; 25 to 50c lower; lamba. 84 pound down $13.5015.75; cull and common. $8.00 13.75: yearling wethers, 10.50ltl.2S: ewes, medium, good nd ?LJ . 7c 61 8.50; culls and common. 822.50C6.75. Sioux City lire Stock, .i t. e.nt 11 Cattle Re- ceipts, 2.800 head: market c s III nninil on lower; beer teers, um .v. . Quotation furnished by th Pater Trust company: Bid. Asked. Amer. T. A T. 6. 1924 100 100 do (s. 116 99 998 Amer. Thread 6s, 1928 99 to 101 Amer. Tobacco 7s, 191 100 100t4 do 7s, 1920 101 Vi 102H do 7s. 1921 102 10214 do 7s. 1922 102Vs 103Vt do 7s. 19"3 103 104 Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929..,. 98 98i Anglo-French ext. 6s. 1920.... (7 7 V Armour ft Co., conv. deb. 6 1920 101U 102 do 6s, 1921 ,.101to 10$ do (, 1921 ..1014 103 do 6. 1923 101H 103 do (s. 1924 lOlto 103 Beth. Steel Co. 7s, 1922 101 102H do 7s, 1923 103 102 British Itos, 1921 (8 98 Canada 5s, 1921 98 98 Canadian Pacific 6s. 124.... 99 100 C, B. ft Q. 4s, 1921 96 95 C, R. I. ft P. 6s. 1922 7 98 Cuban-American Sugar 6s. 1921 99 100 Cudahy Pkg. Co. 7s. 1923 101 101 Gen. Elec. deb. 6s, 1920 100 100 Gt Northern Ry. 6s. 1920 99 99 Inter. Rapid Tran. 6s, 1921.... 85 87 K. C. Terminal 6s, 1923 99 100 Lehigh Valley 6s, 1923 101 101 Liggett ft Meyers 6s, 1921 100 100 Phllsdelphla Elect. 6s, 1920.. 99 100 Proctor ft Gamble 7a, 1920 100 101 do 7s. 1921 101 101 do 7s. 1923 102 102 do 7s, 1923 103 103 Russian rubles 6s, 1936 80 ' 84 Southern Ry. 6s, 1920 9C 97 Swift ft Co. 6s. 1921 99 100 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 102 102 IT. S. Rubber 7s. 1923 104 104 West. E. ft M. 6s, 1920 100 ino Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 98 88 First Liberty 3s 99.90 Liberty, second 4s 93.12 Liberty, first 4s 94.84 Liberty, second 4s 93.20 Liberty, third 4 95.28 Liberty, fourth 4 93.40 Liberty, fifth 4s 99.64 grass, $9.0012.50; fat cows and heifers, $7.0n12.00; eanners, $5.0O7.OO; calves, veals, $6.00 14.60: stockers and feeders. $6.6o12.00; feeding cows and helfets. $5.508.50. Hogs Receipts, 4,500 head; market 76c to $1.00 lower; light, $15. 76 & 1 6.60 : mixed, $15.0015.50; heavy. $14.00&14.75; bulk of sales. $14.50016.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady. Kansas City Live Stork. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 15.000 head; market lower; steers, $16.2517.76; heifers, $6.3614.00; cows, $6.16u12.0; calves, $14.60 17.00; stock ers. $6.6010.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market lower; heavies, $16.0016.60; medium. $16.0017.25; lights, 114.75 17.25 ; sows, $14.0015.00; pigs. 113.00817.60. Sheep and Lambs Roceipts, 23,000; market slow; lambs, $12.0015.75; ewes, $6.608.76. St, Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Sept. 11. Cattle Receipts, 8,600 head; market steady; steers, $8.00 17.50: cows and heifers, $6.6016.50; calves, $7.O016.00. Hogs Receipts, 4,500 head; market, 7Bc to $1.00 lower; top, $17.75; bulk, $15.00 17.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; lambs, $S.O016.00; ewes, $6. 60-39. 00. New York Coffee. New York, Sept. 11. The market for coffee futures was sensationally weak and unsettled today, with prices for Decem ber and March deliveries breaking the full 200 points permitted under the operation of the maximum fluctuation rule. Weak ness In Brazil over the local holidays seemed to be responsible for the selling movement here and the continued weak ness of Santos futures today served to strengthen bearish sentiment. The open ing was 75 to 91 points lower and there wns nractlcallv no cause In the decline until December sold at 15.25c and March' at 16.15c, or 2c per pound below the final price of Tuesday. The decline was stopped at this level by the exchanga rule and there were slight rallies later on covering, with December closing at 15.34c. The gen eral list closed at a net decline of 181 to 191 points. September, 15.94c; October. 15.74c; December, 15.34c; January, 15.30c; March, 15.25c; May, 15 20c; July, 15.15c. Spot Coffee Irregular and unsettled; Rio 7s. 1717c; Santo 4s, 2626c, nominal. New York Metal. New York, Sept. 11. Copper Steady; electrolytic, spot and September, 23 c; October and November. 2324e. ' Iron Steady, unchanged. Antimony 8.87c. The Metal Exchange quotes lead quiet; spot, 76c bid; 6.00c asked; October, 5.85c hid. 6.60c asked. t. Louis soot. 7.32 asked; spot, 7.37c asked. At ijonaon oianaaru cupijci, myvi w 2s 6a; eieciroiyiic, nu&; un, v. lead, 25 5s; spelter. 40 15s. New York Produce, iw.w Tnrlt. SeDt. 11. Butter Market steady; creamery higher than extras, 68 58c; extras, 67c; firsts, 5367c. Eggs Irregular; receipts. 23,594 cases: fresh-gathered extras, 65 56c: do. extra firsts, 6254c: do. firsts, 4751c. Cheese Irregular, state whole milk, flats, current make specials, 3131c; do average run, 3030e. Poultry Alive, easy; chicken not quoted: fowls, 30S4c: roosters, 20c; turkeys. 2530c; dressed, steady; un changed. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Sept. 11. Potatoes Lower; arrivals, 31 cars; Minnesota Early Ohlos, sacked and bulk, field run. carlots. $2.90 1 10 cwt. ; Minnesota round whites, sacked. United States grade No. 1. carlots, $3.00 3.10; Wisconsin round white, acked and bulk, carlots $2.903.10 cwt.: Wisconsin mixed red and white varieties, sacked, carlots. $2.752.95 cwt: Idaho round whites, partly graded, ale to Jobbers, $3.503.75 cwt Tnrpentlne and Rosin. savannah. Ga.. Sept. 11. Turpentine Firm, $1.65; sales, 184 bbls; receipts, 202 bbls; shipments. 203 bbls; stock. 9,400 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales. 470 bbls: receipt, 282 bbla; hlpments, 289 bbls; stock, 46.480 bbl. Quote: B. 15.95c; D. 18.65c; E, 17.00c; F, 17.25c; O, 17.65c; H. 18.05c; I, 19.16c; K, 19.60c; M, 20.70c; N. 21.70c; WO, 22.20c; WW, 23.06c. New York Dry Goods. Wew York, Sept 11. Cotton today were easy. Burlap showed an easing tendency. Silk and wool good were quiet. Unsettled industrial and social condi tions caused notable hesitation among dry goods merchants, who are looking for ward to pricing goods for spring. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Sept. 11. Butter Lower; creamery, 4747e. Eggs Receipts, 6.(75 case, unchanged. Poultry Unsettled ; alive; spring. 28c; fowl, 26 31c. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Mo.. Sept 10. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Egg 1 cent higher; firsts, 45e; sec ond. 27o. Omaha Grain. Omaha, September 11, Kit. Grain arrivals were again light today, particularly wheat, but receipts of this grain will likely b back to normal In a day or two with the removal yesterday of th tmbargo placed temporarily last Sunday on wheat shipment to Omaha dua to congestion. Corn pricea continued on the toboggan today with a drop of 4 to ( cents. Oata wer generally cents off. Wheat was not much changed. No rye or barley had been marketed up to a late hour. Cash sales today were: Wheat No. 1 hard: I carl, $1.5 (dark); 1 car. $2.21; 1 car, $1.20; 2 cars. $2.19; 1 car, $2.11 (smutty). No. 2 hard: 4 cars, $2.16; 2 cars, $3.10 (smutty): 1 car, $2.08 (smutty). No. 3 hard: ( cars, $2.13; 1 car, $2.13; 1 car, $2.11 (smutty); 1 car, $2.10 (smutty); I car, $1.09 (smut ty). No. 4 hard: ( car, $2.09; 4 cars, $2.08; 1 car, $2.07 (smutty). No. 6 hard: 1 car, $2.06; 1 car, $2.04. No. ( northern spring: 1 car. $2.06. Sample northern spring: 1 car, $2.02; 1 car, $2.00. No. 2 northern spring: 1 car, $2.35. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.11. No. $ mixed: 1 car, $2.08 (durum). No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, $2.04 (durum); 1 car. $2.01 (smutty). Corn No. 2 white: 3 cars, $1.53. No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.52. No. 4 white: 1 car. $1.50. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.48. No. 2 yellow: 4 cars, $1.61. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.62. No. 2 mixed: 8 cars, $1.50. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, $1.50. Oats No. 3 white: 1 car, 68c; 1 car. 67c (31 lbs); 6 cars, 66c; 3 cars, 66c. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 66c. Sample white oats, 1 car, 63c. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today Week Year Ago Ago Wheat ...53 198 45 Corn 21 41 77 Oat 18 19 164 Rye 6 8 0 Barley 1 2 22 Shipments Wheat 81 114 35 Corn 40 25 32 Oata 22 13 73 Rye 4 8 4 Barey 2 1 11 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 442 221 111 Kanxas City 132 14 6 St. Limis 223 28 14 Minneapolis 334 Duluth 88 Winnipeg 668 Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of ' grain of the several grades Inspected "in" her during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1; No. 2 bard, 4; No. 3 hard, 12; No. 4 hard, 5; No. 6 hard, 3; sample hard, 1; No. 3 mixed, 1; No. 4 mixed, 2; No. 5 mixed, 2; No. 4 spring, 3; No. & spring, 1; total, 35. Corn No. 2 white, 2; No. $ white, 2; No. 4 white. 1; No. 1 yellow, 2; No. 2 yellow. 6; No. 6 yellow, 1; No. 2 mixed. 3; No. 3 mixed, 3; No. 4 mixed, 1; No. 6 mixed, 1; total, 23. Oats No. 2 white, 1; No. 3 white, 8: No. 4 white, 6; sample white, 2; No. 4 mixed, 1; total, 18. Rye No. 3, (; total, 5. Barley No. 3, 1: No. 4, 1; total, 3. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Year Ago. Wheat 1,922,000 5.734,000 Corn 639,000 1, 60S, 000 Oats 823,000 2,468,000 Shipments Wheat 1,096,000 1,5:17,000 Corn 270,000 694,000 Oats 568,000 2,143,000 FINANCIAL Chicago Grain and Provision. Chicago, Sept. 11. Industrial unrest., together with fresh downturns In the value of hogs, led to acute weakness to day In the corn market. Prices closed nervous, Hc to 7c net lower, with Sep tember $1.63 and December $1.25 1.25. Oats lost Tlc. The outcome In pro visions ranged from 70c decline to 20c advance. Liquidation by holders of corn wss es pecially urgent In the September deliv ery, which fell 7c and closed at the low est point of the day. The setbacks In other months were comparatively mod erate, but December touched the lowest level yet this season. The strike ultima tum of tho steel workers received the largest share of attention, chiefly owing to the fact that to the majority of trad ers the ultimatum came as a surprise. New breaks in the hog market possessed a more direct relation to the corn, but had been quite generally foreseen. Re ports that Germany had been granted credits by American rinancial Interests rallied the market a little. In the ab sence of any confirmation, however, the effect failed to last. Oats gave way with corn, despite ac tive buying on northwestern account. Provisions reflected the weaknes of hog and grain, but later scored some ad vance, owing to talk or export business with Germany. New York, Sept. 11. Th tock market wa violently unsettled at the opening of today' dealings, popular shares breaking sharply on announcement that ths steel labor leaiier had Issued a national (trlke order, effectlv September 22, next Much of the loss was retrieved In th first hour, with further recoveries In th courss of ths session, rallies being accom plished for the most part on comparatively moderate, but seemingly confident buy ing. To observer, th recuperative power displayed by the general list Indicated that much of the early upheaval resulted not so much from liquidation of long holdings as from aggressive short selling. Naturally, the stocks which experienced greatest depreciation at the outset were the favorite steel Issues. United States Stesl reacted almost 6 points, with as much for Republic Iron; Bethlehem dropped 8, and Crucible 11, Oils and motors came next, at extreme reversals f 8 to 6 points. Chandler Motors showing a gross setback of 14, while shippings, nails, coppers, leathers, tobac cos and food shares forfeited 3 to (. Equipments In which early losses were relatively slight, featured the rebound, Baldwin Locomotive and American Loco motive representing the chief elements of strength, with such affiliated issues as Stuilebaker, General Motor and high grade oils. Another resctlon toward th close, t trlbuted In part to profit taking, caused a general shading from maximum quota tions, but this was again overcome, the net result leaving few serious losses. Sales amounted to 1,150,000 shares. Bonds were heavy, the most sever re actions being confined to speculative Is sues, Liberty bonds and International steadying later. Total sales, $13,875,000. Number of sales and range of pricea of tne leading stoclts Am. Beet Sugar Amerlran Can .. Amer. C. ft F. . . . Am. H. ft L pfd. Amer. Loco Am. S. ft R Am. Sugar Ref . . Am. Sum. Tob. . . Amer. T. ft T... Anar. Copper. . . . Atchison A. , (i. ft W. S. S. Huldwln Loco. . . B. ft O. ......... Heth. St. "B". . . Butte ft S. Cop... Cal. Pet Can. Pac Cen. Leather.... Ches. ft Ohio.... C. M. ft St. P... C, R. 1. ft P Chlno Cop Colo. F. ft I Corn Prod Cruc. Steel Cuba Cane Sug.. Distillers' S. Cor. Erie Gen. Elec Gen. Motors .... Gt. Nor. pfd G. N. Ore Cer 111. Central Insp. Copper In. M. M. pfd... Inter. Nickel . . . Inter. Pnper .... K. C. Southern.. Kcnnecott Cop... 1,800 35 U ft N Mex. pet .lianil Copper.. Mldvalc Steel.. Mo. Pacific Montana Power. Nev. Copper ... N. Y. Central . N.Y..NH. ft II . Nor. At Western Nor. Pacific ... Pnc. .Mail Pan-Am. Pet Sales. High. Low. Close. 85 5.800 56 62 54 8.600 136 133 134 4.100 133 127 132 68,900 101 94 99 4,800 78 76 77 700 127 125 127 9.600 S9 9!t 86 4,600 101 99 100 3.K00 68 67 68 700 90 90 90 1.700 1C1 166 157 12,700 130 1 13 128 2.400 40 40 40 2.400 40 40 40 600 26 26 26 7,300 62 61 6L 1.400 152 151 162 12.100 101 98 99 600 66 65 66 600 43 41 43 600 24 24 24 300 44 44 44 46B 8.300 87 85 86 19,900 185 173 183 32 4,700 83 81 82 15 400 167 166 166 9,500 240 2.12 236 700 86 86 86 1,700 44 43 44 93 3,300 61 60 60 11,400 121 118 120 4,600 26 , 25 26 1,100 67 41,200 209 400 27 7,900 61 1,701) 28 55 'S5 201 27 60 27 600 19 1,000 72 1,200 32 700 8 000 37 7,700 122 Cotton Future. New York. Sept. 11 Cotton Future opened easy; October, 28.15c; December, 28.55c; January, 28.35o; March, 28.60; May, 28.55c. OMAHA PRODUCE Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 loins, 42c: No. 2 loin. 82c; No. 2 loins, 19 c. No. 1 ribs. 31c; No. 2 rib 20c: No. 1 rib. 13c. No. 1 rounds. 28c; No. t rounds, 22c: No. t rounds. 17c. No. 1 chucks. 19c; No. 2 chucks, 14c: No. $ chucks. 10c. No. 1 plates. 16c; No. 2 plates, 13c; No. $ plates. 9c- Quotatlons furnished by th Ollnski Fruit Co Vegetables Potatoes. Northern Whites. 160: Colorado $2 50; Ohio. 2 50: Texa New DOtstoe. 8c Cabnace: Texas and California cratev c; small lots, 6c Onions. California Red. 7o California nead lettuce, (3 50 crate: California bead lettuce. $1 26 dozen: leaf ettur 40; doien: -H Q radish 16-16c dozen. H G onions. 25-I6c dosen.eas plant (Z 69 dosen splnsrh. market prlc. bot nous cuke 83 6 josen. bushel bssxet Texa euKes. tt 60 basket .market basket cuke (about J asparagus H Q. 50-76c dorn. Florid tnmstnes (4 basket crate) M 60 crate, wax and green beans, peas, market prlc Nuts English walnut, aack lot. (4o less 16c: No 1 raw peanuts 10c: Jumbo raw peanuts. llc: roast No 1. 12e: roast Jumbo, l&c Fruit Oranges: Vaieia. 6-l(l0. $6 (0. 128. $6 00, 150-288-224 $5 50; 176 200. tl( 250. 17 00. Lemons: BunW'et, 100-J60 (5 76; Red Ball, 100-21.. (6 1$. Grape fruit: California (all (izes) $6 25 Banenss 1 to (c Strawberries- Missouri. (7 60 Pineapple' 42-48. (5 6ft 24-10-38. $6 00 Plate No. 1. 18c; No. I. 14c; No. I. U Art. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yest. Corn Sept. 1.59 1.69 1.63 1.53 1.60 Dec. 1.27 1.27 1.25 1.25 1.28 May 1.24 1.24 1.22 1.23 1.25 Oats. Sept. .69 .69 .68 .68 .70 Dec. .71 .71 .70 .71 .72 May .74 .74 .73 .73 .74 Pork. Sept 42.0 42,00 Oct. 35.75 36.10 35.7S 36.10 36.80 Lard. Sept 26.70 25.80 25.70 25.70 26.10 Oct. 25.60 25.66 26.37 25.60 25.65 Ribs. Sept. 20.65 20.60 20.66 20.60 21.00 Oct. 20.40 20.60 20.35 20.60 20.75 New York Grain. New York, Sept. 11. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.35 track New York to arrive. Corn Spot, weak; No. 2 yellow, $1.71 and No. 2 whits, $1.72 cost and freight New York. Oata Spot, easy: No. 1 white, 82c. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Sept. 11. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.0701. 34. Rye No. 2. $1.34. Bran $40.00. Corn $1.661.6(. Oat (5 67. St Louis Grain. St. Louis, Sept. 11. Corn September. $1.56; December, (1.27. Oats September, 71c; December, 73c. Kansas City Grain; Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 11. Corn Sep tember, $1.51; December, $1.46 ; May, $1.22 1.22 split. New York Money, New York, Sept, 11. Mercantile paper. 56. Sterling Demand, $4.18; cables, 24.18. Francs Demand, 8.46; cables, 8.44. Guilder Demand, 36; cable, 37. Lire Demand, 9.75; cables, 9.72. Marks Demand. 1; oablea, 3. Loans Time, steady; all dates, ( per cent. Call money, easy; high. (; low, 6; ruling rate, (; closing bid, (; offered at 6; last loan, 6. Liberty Bond Prices. New York, Sept 11. Prices on Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. were: 3s 99.94; first 4s, 94.84; second 4s, 93.02; first 4s, unquoted; second 4s, 93.10; third 4. 96.20; fourth 4, 93.20; Victory 8. 99.60; Victory 4s. 19.58. Final prices on Liberty bond were: 3a. 99.98; first 4s. 14.84; second 4s. 93.08; first 4s, 15.30; second 4s, 15.30; third 4s, 93.28; fourth 4s, 93.34; Vic tory 3s, (9.64; Victory 4s, 99.70. New York Cotton. New York, Sept. 11. Cotton closed barely steady, net 20 points higher to 13 points lower. Cotton future closed steady; October, 28.80c; December, 28.93c; January, 28.80c; March, 29.00c; May, 29.50c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, Sept. 11. Evaporated Apples Dull. Prunes Firm. Apricot and Peaches Quiet Raisins Steady. New York Sugar. New York. Sept 11. Raw Sugar Steady: centrifugal, 7.38c; fin granulat ed, 9.00c. P. ft W. Va 1,700 33 Ray Con Cop... 900 24 Rep. I. ft 8 9,000 92 Shat. Ariz. Cop... 200 14 Sinclair O. ft R. . 6,1,700 01 So. Pacific 12.700 101 So. Railway .... "00 25 Studebaker Cor.. 67.800 117 Tex. Co 1,800 268 Tob. Products .. 6,400 99 Union Psc 2,100 122 United Clg. St U. S. Ind. Ale. . 12,600 137 U. S. Steel 142,700 104 U. S. Steel pfd. . 400 114 Utah Copper .... 1.200 86 Western Union... 600 86 West. Elec 6.300 65 Wlllys-Overl. ... 7,700 33 Nat. Lead Ohio Cities 4,400 64 Royal Dutch ... 27.400 96 18 71 31 '86 37 119 32 24 90 14 59 99 24 111 366 94 121 132 101 114 85 84 64 33 "sh" 94 56 18 35 107B 205 27 51 27 62 19 72 31 99 88 37 120 33 24 91 60 100 24 116 265 97 121 200 134 104 114 86 86 64 33 80 53 95 New York V. 8. 2s, reg.. 99 U. S. 2s, cou.. 99 U. S. cv. 3s, reg 8 I U. S. cv. 3s, coupon 89 IT. S. 4s; reg.. 106 U. S. 4s, cou.. 106 Amer. Tel. ft Tel. cv. 6s.. 101 Anglo-Fren. 5s 97 Armour ft Co. 4s 83 Atch. gen. 4s. 77 B. ft O. cv. 4 72 I Beth. S. ref. 6s 88 Cen. Lea. 6s. 97 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 75 Chesa. ft Ohio cv. 5s 85 C, B. ft Q., Joint 4s 96 Chi.. Mil. ft St P. cv. 4s.. 74 Chi.. R. I. ft P. R. ref. 4s, (1 Colo, ft South. ref. 4s. . . . 78 Chili Copper cv. 7s 118 C. of Paris 6s 97 D. ft R. G. ref. 6s 68 Dora, of Can. 5w (1931)... 14 Bid. Bond List. Erie gen. 4s. 61 Gen. Elec. 6s. 96 Gt Northern 1st 4s 71 I. C. ref. 4s... 77 Int. Mcr. Mar. Cs 96 K. C. So. ref. 5s 77 L. ft N. un. 4s 82 M. K. ft T. 1st 4s 64 Mo. Pa. gen. 4s 58 Montana Power 6s 89 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 5 No. Pac. 4s 77 No. Pac. 3s.... 56 Ore. Short Line ref. 4s. Pacific Tel. ft Tel. 5s Penn. con. 4s 83 Penn. gen. 6s. . 91 Reading gen. 4s 81 St. Li. ft San Fran. adj. 6s 63 So, Pac. cv. Es.103 So. Ry. 5s 89 Texae Company cv. 6s 102 T. ft P. 1st.. 86 Union Pac. 4s. 83 V. 8. Rubber 5s 87 U. S. Steel 6s. 99 Wabash 1st. . .. 90 81 (0 Omaha Hay Market: Receipts of prairie hay heavy and de mand quiet. No. 1 upland prairie. $22.6023.00; No. 2, $17.O02O.O0; No. 3. $10.00 13.00. No. 1 midland prairie, (20.00 22.00; No. 2. $18.0018.00. No. 1 lowland prairie, $14.00K.OO; No. 2, $11.00 13.00. No. 3, $8.0010.00. Choice alfalfa, $27.0029.00; No. 1. $26 00ai27.00; standard, $24.0026.00; No. 2, $19 0O22.00; No. 3, $14.00616.00. Oat. straw. $0.010.00. stvaw. $8.001.0. REAL ESTATE MEN S ' noiMiDMc nice PR .it Vi liUSlll 111 1 Ut ON RENTAL CLAUSE - - Attorneys, However, Hold That Notice to Vacate ' Is Necessary. .'i Real estate men and apartment " house agents either refused to dis cuss the provision in the lease , adopted by the Building Owners and Managers association or dented that the provision could stop rental increases from going into effect. ,w The lease in its present form p parently permits tenants to remain, '' in their apartments the ensuing year under the terms and conditions of , the past year provided the tenant , was not served with written notice .,K by the landlord 30 days before th expiration of the lease to vacate. C. C. Beaver of the Beaver Real f Estate company, was one of the few '- men who was willing to make his !Ci opinion on the matter public. . Says No Notice Necessary. ' According to Mr. Beaver tenants cannot escape payment of the in- t creased rates unless landlords failed to notify them of an increase in x , rents 30 days prior to the expiration 1 of their lease. No notice to vacate ' is necessary, he declared, the law holding that the tenant agrees to the v 0 new rate by implication upon his .,. failure to vacate the premises after notice of a rent increase. Edwin S. Jewell, manager of the City National Bank building and , , member of the Building Owners' and Managers' association of Omaha, de clared that unless a notice of a rent nrrease is given by the landlord 30 days before the expiration of the ,.r tenant's lease, the tenant can con- : tinue residing in the apartment or house under the terms of the old lease. Legal Service Required. , He stated further that the clause in -question must be considered ill connection with the entire lease.-V, The notice of a rent increase must be legally served to be effective, he stated. H. A. Wolf, president of the H. ; A. Wolf Real Estate company, re fused to discuss the clause. He stated that his firm did not engage in the managing of apartments and was therefore not affected by the apartment house lease. C. D. Glover of the Glover Si Spain Co., realtors, made a similar statement in voicing refusal to dis cuss the lease in its application to his concern. Refuses to Discuss Clause. C. B. Stuht of the C. B. Stuht Real Estate Co., refused flatly to discuss the matter when requested r for an interview. He stated he was (1, not a member of the Building- Own- -' ers' and Managers' association of Omaha and therefore not interested ; Tf in the matter. , " A number of the leadinjr attor- -neys of the city, after reading the form of the lease executed by four fifths of the occupants of apartment houses, expressed the opinion that tenants who have not already been v. served with written notices to vj- cate. will be permitted to remai$jr another year in their apartments at ..Ti the last year's rate of rent. ;' And they stand by this decision, despite the statements of the real ail estate men. , "V Five Kittens Found In Care of a Tomcat Rescued by Society Five orphan kittens are at the shelter of the Humane society, cry ing for their mother. ' VW. W. Bradley, superintendent ol the society, received a call from Mrs. Mary Sherod, 420 North Eighteenth street, asking that a hu mane officer be sent to take five kittens whose mother could not be found. C. E. McCIain, humane offi cer, responded and found a tomcat caring for the five waifs. Mr. Brad ley believes the mother cat waa killed, as he never has heard of kit tens being deserted by their ma ternal protector. A government scientist has suc ceeded in making the Pacific coast kelp edible by pickling it. its Kansas City Prodnc. . j,-, Kansas City. Mo.. Ssot 11. Butttr. ' egg and poultry, unchanged, . j Bar SUrcr. New York. Sept. 11. Silver Bar. tl 11: 5. Mexican dollars, 87c. m INNER PACKING MPANY POULTRY BUTTER EGGS 1116-1118 - Doudlas St: Tel-Douglas IS2I AtWi A I TERRY I fF M I- ' V ? 1 e-oooam I M I t BUY PULLr.lAfJ TODAYS Todav vnn pun Knv fnr SI fin fin n Mil,n c. ber 15th, price will positively be advanced to $2.00. We have 61 golden acres in the close-in proved Deedemona field with one ble well completed, a second one drilling and eight more to follow at once. Plan also to build a Refinery, Pipe Lines and a Tank Storage Farm. Mail your subscription today. Pullman Oil & Refining Go. Horn Office: Raynold Buildings, EI Paso, Texas.