THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. 1 OMAHA OUTBATS WICHES, BUT IS NOT ABLE TO WIN Musser Holds Rourkes in the Pinches and Lands in Sight of Pennant. Wichita. Kan., Sept. 11. Omaha outbatted Wichita but Mueser had little trouble holding down the tcnre in the pinches. The victory makes it possible for Wichita to win the Western league pennant provided it wins all the four frames of the series from St. Joseph. OMAHA. AB. R. H. PO..VE. .ltfMin. ?h 5 4 t 1 0 l-ck.on. lb S 0 0 12 1 0 lee. If 4 0 1 0 0 1 J!-T"ius-y. 4 1 8 O 0 ritvllfan, rf S ft 1 0 0 0 hkle, rf 4 0 4 0 0 B"-bean, b 4 0 O 1 4 t '!. e . 4 0 1 4 t 0 K"pn. p 3 0 0 0 t 0 Brown 1O00O0 Total! S5 "I 11 14 18 S Batted for Kopp In ninth. WICHITA. AB. R. H. rO.A.F. Wllholt, ef S 8 S 0 0 0 Wnshbiirn. b S 1 S 4 S 0 Kriixicrr, 8b 4 0 0 1 S 0 Mueller, lb 4 0 t 1 0 0 F.wnMt. 4 1 0 t S 0 McIUide. If S 1 1 S 0 0 Wolf, rf n t t 0 0 O Yaryan. e ..... 2 0 0 10 1 O Mmwr, n 4 10 0 10 Totals (9 g 9 2? 9 ft Omnhi MM 0 1 H 0 1 Wichita 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 x 8 Twn-bin hits: Wolfe, Wllholt, Glslsson. Three-base hit: Wolfe. Sacrifice hits: Yaryan. Washburn. Sacrifice fy: Yar yan. Double playa: Ewolrtt and Mueller: "Varyan and WaHhbum; Krueger, Wash bum and Mueller: Barbeau and Jackson. Stolen bae: Wolfe, Muaser. Left on bases: Omaha, 11; Wichita, 10. Cases nn balla: Off Musser. 4: off Kopp. 3. Hit by pitched hall: Wolfe, by Kopp. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Jacobs and Shannon. The Unions, Amateur Class B Champs, Go to St. Paul for Match The Unions, Omaha class B city champions, will leave this evening for St. Paul, where they will clash with the Cardozo, class A cham pions of the St, Paul Amateur Base Ball association, for the class A title Sunday afternoon. The party of IS men will be in charge of James Milota, recording secretary of the Municipal Base Ball association, and Frank Jacobs, pres ident of the City league, of which the Unions won the championship. The Omaha team will arrive at St. Paul Saturday morning, and it is understood that the northern city has prepared an elaborate program of entertainment for them. Those who will make the trip be sides Milota and Jacobs are Mat Tascal, manager; Walter Nuter, Potter. E. Nufer, Frank Pascal, Sko mal, Ernie Koehler, Custard. Mc Intyre, Stucker, Guinotte and Jacob son. William O. Blozies writer of ama teur sports for the Omaha Bee and a member of the association, will accompany the team. Joplin Wins First and Loses Second to St. Joe Joplin, Mo Sept. 11. St. Joseph and Joplin repeated today, Joplin winning the first game, 6 to 1 and Josing the second, 2 to 1. All three double headers were divided, Joplin losing each first game and the leapue leaders the second. North and Boehler staged a hurl ing duel in the second game, North having the edge, fanning nine men. With men on seconVl and third and two down, Kellehcr hit and scored them in the ninth. First game: H. H. E. ntr Joseph tMHMI 11 S 1 Joplin 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 S 1 , Batteries: Wtlllama and Crosby: Burwell and Bonchonsky. Second game: R. H. E. Bt. Joseph 00000000 22 2 Joplin 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 5 1 1 Batteries: North and Shestak; Boehler and Briebeck. Sioux City Takes Both Games From Oklahoma City Oklahoma City, Sept. 11. Sioux City made it three out of five for the series by taking two games from Oklahoma City today by scores of S tr 5 anH 2 to 1. .soojooooi 'n 'i .10010300 0 8 11 3 Batteries: 1 na and MeDermotti Salisbury and Or ln. Second game: R.H.E. Bloux City 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 0 Oklahoma City ...001000 0 1 6 4 Seven Innings by agreement. Batteries: Barham and McDermott; Applegate and Moore. Tulsa Makes it Four Out of Five From Des Moines Tulsa, Okl., Sept. 11. Tulsa made it four out of five by winning from Des Moines here today, 4 to 1. Van .Gilder, pitching for Tulsa, allowed only four hits, and no passes, and struck out five. Score: Des Moines ..01000000 0 1 4 4 Tulsa 0O0SO100 4 3 1 Batteries: Boyd and Breen; Van Gil der and Schmidt. Large Squad Reports For Foot Ball Team At Shenandoah High Shenandoah, la., Sept. 11 The second week of foot ball practice for the squad of the Shenandoah High school has brought out a num ber of better men from former years who add experience and weight. Prospects are favorable for a win ning 11 this year with six or seven veterans to build the team around. Among them are Lewis, Drake, Hamilton. Fishbaugh, Corey, Martin and Furcell. W. S. Morgantlialer. who played on the varsity 11 at the University of Missouri in 1914, is coach of the high school 11. A squad of 22 men have reported for foot ball practice. SOX SPLIT EVEN IN DOUBLE BILL WITH SENATORS Shaw Holds the Edge in the Opener, While Williams Allows But Two Hits. Washington, Sept. 11. Chi cago made it two out of three from Washington by splitting even to day in a double header. The league leaders won the second game, 5 to 0, after dropping the opener, 4 to 3. Shaw outpitched Kerr in the first game, allowing the visitors only four hits. Williams bettered his Derformance in the sec ond contest in which only two safe ties were registered by Washing ton. Score: First game: R. H. E. Chica;:n 00800000 03 4 0 Washington ...310000 00 4 ( 1 Batteries: Kerr and Schalk; 8haw and Gharrity. Second game: R- H. E. Chlcano 0 10 0 0 0 2 1 16 8 0 Washington ...00000000 00 1 ! Batteries: Williams and Lynn; Zachary, Gill anil Piclnich. "WO NOT CNE OVER" WlTU"DlttyDAin will be the old story of science and brute l- EMPSEY-BECKETT ) strength. Only trouble is that they both belong to Jack, Pershing is back. So is Woody. All great Americans now home. Fulton is in Europe. Johnson chirps he will stick, puddle dries up. It's a wise frog that migrates when the Ruth not only hits 'em where they're never going to be. they ain't, but he swats 'em where Nothing so lonely as that one egg in an Omaha omelette. Kaiser moves again. New place in Holland. Public will bo inter ested when the moving van has black plumes on it. New dance is the skeleton shimmy, league closet. She's rattling in the American Browns Shut Out Twice. Boston. Sent. 11. Boston shut out triret fume! Bloux City .. Oltla. City ... Arrangements Made for Murphy-St. Paul Game Here Sunday Sunday afternoon at Fontenelle park, when the Gordon-Fergusons, members of the Saturday league and class A. A. champions of the St. Paul Amateur Baseball association clash with the Murphy-Did-Its, pennant winners of the Greater Omaha league and Sunday class A champs in the world's amateur title game of the Western Amateur Baseball association, followers of the National pastime will witness one of the greatest games ever pull ed off in this part of the country. Association Plans for Some Post-Season Games Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 11. Un 'der tentative plans announced here today by President Thomas J. Hickey of the American Associa tion, the winner of the association pennant will play the champions of the Pacific Coast league, and the Association team which finishes sec ond will play the Baltimore team, .which has the International league pennant sewed up. Original plans had called for post season series in which the cham pions of the three leagues were to meet. The change in plans, Mr. 'Hickey said, was the result of the difference in closing dates of the league seasons and the disinclina tion of Mike Kelley, manager of the St Paul club, American Association leader, to make the long jump from St. Paul to Baltimore and thence .to the Pacific coast. , President Hickey says he has submitted his plan to Manager Dunn of the Baltimore club and of ficials of the Pacific Coast league, where Vernon and Los Angeles are in a close race for the pennant. To Plan Longevays '. The Omaha Red Sox, a crack colored team, will play the Longe ways of Council Bluff at Rourke park, Sunday afternoon in a double header. These teams have been trying to get together for some time and now that the arrangements are com pleted. a great battle is expected. The first game will begin at 2 p. in. Cutler to Meet Pesek at the Boone County Fair Albion, Neb.. Sept. 11. Charles Cutler of Chicago will meet John Pesek of Shelton September 18 at the Boone county fair. This is the first time the two met and a hard tussle is looked for. Pesek has never been pinned to the mat and is confident of a vic tory. Although Cutler has been pinned to the mat before bolh he and his manager say he is in the best condition he has ever been and that he will put any stakes with either Stecher or Caddock for the undis puted championship. Both men have signed a contract for an absolute clean and finish match. A stadium, with a seating capacity of 10,000, has been con structed. In conjunction with' the feature match Charles Peters and Kaver akus will wrestle for one fall. There will be a troupe of doughboy min strel players and a jazz band to liven things up. J. L. Williamson of Albion will have charge of the match. St. T.nnla f wlrn tnHav. 4 to 0 and 6 to 0. A running catch by Hooper in the first game with two out and the bases full and the brilliant support given Tennock and Russrll were the fielding features. St. Louis started Maple, a "rookie" snuth paw, in the second game, and his wildness was mainly responsible for Boston's runs. Score: First game: H. E. St. Louis ooonnooo oo 4 Boston 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 x 4 10 0 llnlteries: Mifleld, Wrttsht and Sev er. Id. Pcnnock and Schang. Second game: St Louis 0 00000 00 0 0 2 Boston 15000000 x 6 6 0 Halterlee: Maple. Bright and Collins, Severeld, Russell and Walters. Yanks Beat Indians. New York, Sept. 11. New York defeated Cleveland in the last game of tne year betwen these clubs today, by a score of 2 to 1. Shawkev defeated Bagby In a pitchers' battle, despite tha fact that only four hits were made off the Cleveland pitcher. Bodie drove in wnai proven io uj Now York's winning run with a single in the fourth. Score: R- H. E. Cleveland 1 0000000 01 6 2 New York 0 10 1 0 o o u n i Batteries: Bagby and O'Neill; Shawkey and Ruel. Armours Leave for Kansas City for Two Match Games The base ball clubs of the Armour and Co. plants at Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis are en gaged in a championship contest among themselves. The Chicago club played at St. Louis last Sat urday and Sunday and was beaten in the deciding game before the largest crowd ever attending an amateur game in St. Louis. The Armour club of Omaha leaves this afternoon to tackle the Kansas City club, playinp; in Kansas City one game Saturday and double header Sunday. Dyck will prob ably open the fray on Saturday, while Graves will pitch Sunday. If the local club wins the series they will play the St. Louis team at Rourke park Saturday and Sunday, September 20 and 21. Money for Beatrice Players. Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 11. The di rectors of the city baseball league held a meeting Wednesday evening and wound up the affairs of the or ganization. After all bills were paid there was $480 in the treasury, and this was divided among the eight clubs in the league. President Mum ford presented a silver cup to George Langdale. who led the league in batting with the percent age of .489. He returned early in the summer from France. LANPHER THE NEW LANPHER FALL HATS ARE OUT WE COULD MAKE THEM CHEAPER BUT WE WON'T WE WOULD MAKE THEM BETTER BUT WE CAN'T. Australian tennisers didn't cop any cups here. No incentive to play for a cup that you can't fill. As a compromise the Yanks may allow Ban to suspend Mays for the Xmas holidays. You can't unscramble eggs, but the dope shows they are softening up Hardboiled Smith. McGraw bought this year's pennant. Indicating that crossing a bridge before you come to it is almost as healthy as crossing it when the draw is open. Johnny Dundee will do some more bouncing around in Jersey. Benny Leonard will be the Maypole. Why slip Ban those 25,000 buttons a year when you can buy a board for about four bits? Ouija Patterson deserves credit or going up against Johnson's service with no protection but a thin net. GIANTS BUNCH ON ALEXANDER AND BEAT CUBS Heme Run by Frisch Also Comes in Bad Inning and Helps New York Win. Chicago, Sept. 11. New York bunched five hits, including a homer by Frisch. in the fourth inning off Alexander and took a lead over Chicago, which the locals were un able to overcome, and won the fin al game of the series today 7 to 3. Score: . R. H. E. New York ....O 00400S0 0 7 10 0 Chicago 0 000S000 0 J 6 0 Batteries: Benton and Snyder; Aleian der, Martin and Killefer. Pirate Near Third. Pittsburgh, Sept. It Pittsburgh crept a little nearer third place today by de feating Philadelphia twice, 7 to 1 and 7 to 2, while Chicago was losing to New York. Ames, late of tne St. Louts Car dinals, pitched part of the first game for the visitors and was hit hard and timely throughout, while Cheney was un able to stop the locals' hitting. In the second tame Hamilton held the Phlla delphians to five hits and two runs. Score: First game: K. H. E. Philadelphia .00000001 0 1 S Pittsburgh .. .30100011 T IS Batteries: Ames, Cheney and Tragei sor: Cooper and Lee, Schmidt. Second game: R. H. E. Philadelphia .00010000 01 S 0 Pittsburgh ...00501010 7 13 0 Batteries: Meadowa and Adams; Ham ilton and Schmidt. Home Run Wins Game. St. Louis, Sept. 11. Schupp's home run drive over Myers" head on the first ball pitched in the ninth decided today's game In St. Louis' favor. 4 to 3. and gave the locals a clean sweep of the series with Urooklyn. 8core. R. H. E. Brooklyn 0 10 0 0 10 1 0 3 10 S St. Louis 0 2001000 14 11 2 Batteries Cadora and Krueger; Schupp and Clemons, Dllhoefer. Clan Gordon Ready For Bowling and Foot Ball (Soccer) Seasons The Clan Gordon Athletic asso ciation held its annual meeting in the club room Seventeenth and Douglas, the following were elected officers for the year. President. Howard C. House. Vice president. M. Leringson. Treasurer, Harold Femandes. Secretary, J. K. Finlayson. The club will have a bowling league this year of six teams and will start the bowling season September 18. .The Clan Gordon Athletic associa tion will also have a Soccer foot ball team in the field this year known as "The Caledonian" with Jack Lyle as manager. Must Have Regular Card to Get Seat for World Games Cincinnati, O., Sept. 11. Direc tors of the Cincinnati National League Base Ball club announced today that no attention will be paid to requests being sent in for re served seats for the world's series games, expected to be played here, unless they are made by rgular ap plication cards, which may be ob tained at the Cincinnati club's office. "It will be a waste of time and ef fort," President August Herrmann said, "to make application in any other way. We simply cannot give consideration to the many thou sands of requests that are being sent to us. The club is trying to grant the desires of as many of the base ball public as possible, but there j year-old must be a system in handling tne requests. Everyone is welcome to call at our offices and ask for an ap plication card, but no application should be for more than four seats, all orders to be for a three-game set of tickets." NINE GAMES FOR WORLD'S SERIES WILL BEJLAYED Majority of Club Owners of Two Leagues Favor In crease In Playing Schedule . This Year. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 11. Nine games will be played in the world series base ball games this year, at against seven last year, August Herrmann, chairman of the Nation al Commission, announced today. Herrmann said a majority of the clubs of both the National and American leagues had ratified the recommendation that nine garnet be played. Keenan's Percheron . Horses Win Awards At Nebraska Fair . Shenandoah. Ia., Sept., 11. The Percheron horses from the stables of Frank Keenan & Son won five awards at the Nebraska State fair at Lincoln. ' A senior championship and a grand championship were among the awards. The complete list in cludes: First prize 5-year-old , Per cheron mare; senior champion S- maie; grand champion 5- year-old mare; second prire, futur ity; first prize 3-year-old Percheron stallion. C The Japanese silk cocoon crop this vear is estimated in excess of 17,400,000 bushels. Tiger Beat Mackmen. Philadelphia. Sept. 11. Detroit beat Philadelphia, 3 to 2, In the final game of the series today. The visitors bunched three singles with a wild pitch by Hasty in the first Inning, scoring two runs. The winning run was scored In the fifth, when Hasty muffed Griffin's throw of Veach'a grounder. Score: R. H. E. Detroit 2 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 S 8 2 Philadelphia .. 00200000 02 8 4 Batteries: Ehmke and Alnsmtth; Hasty and Parkins. Rain Interferes With Grand Circuit Races on Syracuse Track Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 11. A heavy rain prevented the carrying out of the Grand Circuit program today. Nearly 10,000 spectators waited from 1 o clock until shortly after S, when a field of horses got p. wav in the 2:07 pace, which was vjii by Esther R. Best time The 2:18 trot for amateur drivers was won in straight heats by Qui Sait, driven by Pierre Lorillard of Tuxedo Park. Best time: 2:15 The oroeram for tomorrow in cludes nine events. 2:07 pace, three-heat plan: Esther K, b. m., by Baronwood King (Murphy) 1 Betty Blncklock, b. m by Black lock (Walker) S Edward P., br. h. (Leess) 2 Delmonte, b. g. (Camp) Peter Elliott, blk. g. (Thomas).. 6 Margaret Margrave also started. Time: 2:07, 2:07, 2:08. 2:18 trot, amateur drivers: 2 In S sliver prize: Qui Salt, b. g. (Lorillard) 1 Blng Bang, b. g. (Seegar) 2 Anna Toddington. b. in. (Caton).... t Nancy Lee Hanks, DIk. m. (Mc Donald) 4 Burr, b. h. (Furbush) 6 Time: 2:16, 2:174. for 1 1 Yale Wins Both Singles and Doubles in Tennis fhiiadeipnia, isept. 11. Yale car ried off the championship in both singles and doubles at the closing session of the 35th intercollegiate lawn tennis tournament at the Mer ion Cricket club today. It was the first time in 24 years that the Elis have been able to make a clean sweep of both titles. Charles 5. Garland won the sin gles title by defeating Kirk Reid, the Cornell star, in a hard-fought, five-set final match by 4-6, 6-1, 6-2, 2-6. 6-3. Then Garland paired with K. N. Hawks of California, took the dou bles crown from the Yale second team, K. R. L. Simmons and J. B Morse, in a spectacular and desper ately played match by 6-1, 5-7, 6-3, 7-5. Chest for Gowdy. coiumous, u., sept. u. it was Gowdy day at Neil park today and the Boston National catcher made his appearance here in uniform for the first time since he entered pro' fessional base ball. Gowdy's home is in Columbus. Just before the start of the game between the Braves and the Senators, Gowdv was presented with a chest of silver, a gilt trom tne tans ot this city. Bos ton won the contest by a score of 10 to 4. Zim is Suspended. Chicago, Sept. 11. Heinie Zim merman, star third baseman of the xew iotk uiants, today was sus pended for the balance of the sea son without pay, according to Man ager John McGraw. The manager declared that his reason for sus pending the player was because of Zimmerman's violations of the club rules. Clay Court Matches. Chicago, Sept. 11. Three matches Friday and three Saturday will be played in the international tennis events between Australians and Americans on the hard courts of the South Shore Country club here. Today's Calendar of Sports. Raring: Antnmo meeting- of Westrhea. tr Racing- association at Belmont nark N. Y. Antomn meeting of Harford? Breedera association at Bane de Grace, Trotting! Grand Clrrnlt meetlnr at Syracuse. Close of Great Western Cb-cnit season at Milnankee. cu" Khootlng: Annual trapshootlng tnnraa, Ment of the Weaty Uogana at Atlantte AtMetlca: A. A. V. national track j ti ruiadclotua. I "1 X KV V H. II a-V' 111 1 U -v. o n I I HbU 1 .M V r f .... i i i 1 Camels are full-bodied, but so mellow-mild and smooth you'll call them a cigarette revelation! They are a constant delight! YOU'LL prefer Camel Cigarettes expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos to either kind smoked straight. Your taste will prove that I Camels are so exceptional in flavor, in fra grance and in mellowness that you quickly realize their remarkable quality. You may gratify your keenest desires to smoke liberally Camel Cigarettes will not tire your taste! Your enjoyment increases as you get to know Camels better they return such gen erous cigarette satisfaction. Camels certainly fit your taste exactly as if they had been made for it! Camels are unlike any cigarette you ever smoked. For instance, they leave no un pleasant cigaretty aftertaste or cigaretty odor. In fact Camels are in a class by themselves ! That's why we ask you to compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price I You will not look for or expect premiums, coupons or gifts. You'll prefer Camel quality! 18 cents a package Camels an told iverjwhen ia acientifically oaW package! of 30 eigarettea; or fen pack agea 300 cigarettes) in glaasine-paper-cor-ered carton. We atrongly recommend M carton for the home or office supply or when you tra vol. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C TURKISH & DOMESTIC BLEND . CIGARETTES