Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER "11, - 1919. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. 303 SO. 50TH AVE. NEW COLONIAL HOME New belldlnc and can be finished to ault: ry attractive colonial bousa, strictly modem and up to data with ftraplaca; sleeplnr room; til bath, breakfast room; four badrooma; carafe for two cars; houaa belnf finished la oak and wh.ll. enamal ovtr birch. Baa ua for pile, and full partteulara. GLOVER & SPAIN, Pourlaa mo, l-lil City National. TWO DUNDEE LOTS FOR SALE At Fifty-first and Wabatar afreets. lflvx.18 faat; stre.ts and allay pavad; two baat lota laft In Happy Hollow dla trtct: price $5,000, on tsrms; all taxes paid anil frs from encumbrance. Phnna John M. Macfarland, attornay at law, Douslas - PRIVATE party with eah wanU to buy 1 or 8-room horn. In Dundaa or Falr aor, Addra O-80. Omaha Baa. South Side. IT you want a real borne, at a bargain, you ahould aaa Jaa. H Kopiata. raal a tata tnveatmenta 47l 8o"tb lath M r1ealtate--othe:r cities REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA t0 acres, located In beat farming dis trict of Tripp county, South Dakota, near Colome; all fenoed and under cul tivation: two springs; six-room houaa and other buildings In good repair. Will aell or trade for city property. A. B. ALPIRN, Tth and DouasStsCsljDour. 8484. " SIX-ACRE PLACE. Two mllee of Council Bluffa with aa aral food roada to tha city; food 8-room houae. large barn: nice yard with large walnut trees, about one aera upland: balance creek bottom and vary rich garden aoll; helra want to dlvlda and offer for 88.000. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St.. Council Bluffa. " OIL LEASES. We buy and eall oil stock and leaaea. Our Hating includes leases In Tillman county. Oltla. : Wilbarger county and the Panhandle section of Texaa: slso Tucum oarl, N. M. Write ua for prlcea and fur ther partloulara. Orcutt-Harrla & Co., In., 413 Southwest Reaerva Bank Bldg., OKianoma t-iiy REAL ESTATE WANTED. nnumf AWfl W A MTBTl Wa have caah buyera for well-located bungalowa and raaldencea worth tha money. For quick results. tw'tn O'NEIL'S R. B. INS. AGENCT. 83- Brandela Thtar Bldg. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay caah for It but tha price muat be right. . nvnnr.Vi r. JONES. REALTOR. t: Cltv Nat Bk. Bldg Doug. . HAVE Inquirlea for good homea In good locatlona. Do you want to aell your property f List It with C. A. GrlmmeL M9 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. L18T your property with ua. Wa hava calla for homea and Inveatmenta, McCAGUE INV. CO. Phone D, 416, ljth and Dodge. tlST your property for aale with 3. B. Roblnaon for quick aalea. 441 Boa Bldg Pbona, Douglaa 8Ut. Tel. ryier i WB hava tha ouatomera and can aell your property: Hat with John W. Robbing, 61 Brandela Theatre. D. tit- IF your property la for aala or rent, list with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 2706 i,aKS. V eDflier o.w FOR oulck reaulta liat your property with HP BOSTWICK SON, J no Bee Bldg. Tyler 160. FOP quick aalea Hat your property with W. O. SHRIVER. .... S047- Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. lSIa, LOW ratea without delay. O. O. CABLBERG. 818 Brandela Theater Bldg. FIVE to soven-room houses from owner for colored. wemur i FlNANCfAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANl. Doug- 422. CITY or Farm 6-year Loans, 5 ',4 and 6 per cant. No delay. See us tlrat. DAY & MAYNB, 60S Keellne Bldg.. Omaha. Doug. 6994. 84 Pearl St, (Qrnnd Hotel) Co. Blfa. 101. HONEY to lend on "improved Real Eatate Interest payable aeml-annually. W H. THOMAS SON, 838 Keellne Bldg. , CITY and farm loana: B and 6 per cent; .i. t u numont A Co.. 418 (IV Keellne Bldg. mi tiiTnnn MADE promptly F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg- 18th and Farnam. T w. BUCK. Loana, 448 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous;, SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted 82,000 loan on 83,000 frater nal lnaurance policy. Man wlahlng to make loan la beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Inaured. who la 67 years old and In poor health. Will arrange mattera so that entire 83.000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Inaured. and will keep up premluma on lnaurance. Chance to make from 8500 to 81.000 In abort time. Address ee. pox m-m AQqrPBi rrq. pw m-m- 5MAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 8718. ;ARM AND RANCH LANDS. California Lands. CALIFORNIA Improved farma for aale; terms: write for Hit E. R. Walts. Shawneet Okl. Colorado Lands. COLORADO LANDS I have 820 acrea nice imooth land In Cheyenne county, Colorado. 10 miles due aouth of Flratview: alio four nice smooth quarters In Kiowa county, near Sheridan lake; I will aell these lands much cheaper than anything around them can be bought for: make me your best bid; I am going to aell to aome- n C. B. MOLING, w SOI T.athrou Bldg. K. C, Mo. LAND bargain, eastern Colorado: 480 acres, aplendld soil, laya good, well tm , proved, all buildings frame and painted except milk houae; fenced and cross-fenced; silo, well and windmill; fine aoft water, trees; 140 acrea In cul tivation; on telephone and mall route; one mile to school: this Is a bargain at 826 per acre; terms. Write owner, W. H, KlrK. seinert. ioio. A VJ W V 1 ' i ,ut . 180 acrea Improved dry land In Logan county, ft mile from railroad and town; now under cultivation and producing under care of reliable ahare renter; land In this vicinity rapidly rising In value; a snap at 850 per acre. Deal direct with ' owner. H. M. Batchelder. Sterling, Colo. ' 840 Acres near Elizabeth, Colo. 7-room house, very large new barn, other good Improvements. Best of land with springs. Soma timber. Finest dairy country. 85 miles southeast of Denver. Terms. J. B. Hansen. 214 Wllklnion Bl1g umana, CLOSING out sale for 30 daya: 330 acrea at 815 Per acre; 320 acrea at 820; 640 , acrea at 835; all agriculture land: H cash, terms. Owner, C. E. Williams, Keota. coio. 10.000 ACRES choice raw or improved Lincoln county, Colorado lands. Bar gains. Easy terms. See 3. L. Maurer, Arrma, loio. Tnwa T.anHs. 140 acrea. eight miles from Council Bluffs, close to school and small town; all un der cultivation, except 30 acres which is In pasture: land lies level and of the brat of soil: improvements are in good condition and consist of aeven-room house, alfalfa barn, horae and cow barn, to.; this farm Is an exceptionally good buy. Box Q-31. Bee. 80 ACRES, Mills county, la., by owner, 85 acres In corn and alfalfa, 85 In fruit and pasture; fair Improvements; one mile from R. R. station: at 81 1 5 per acre: this Is best buy west of the Alleganlea. 718 Mill St. Council Bluffs. la. ' CHEAP IOWA FARM. (0 acres, 7 miles South of Pacific Junction; 40 acrea farm land, email houae and barn; 880 per acre. MoGae Real Eatate Co.. 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. Kansas Lands. FRANKLIN COUNTY. KANSAS. 160 acrea, well improved, four mllea town; price 820.000. 40 acrea, 4 miles town, highly Im proved. 840.000. 10 acres, good Improvements, all till able, 880,000. . , A, 249 acrea, highly improved, all till able. 828.000. . . Write for full Information. Wa hava some special bargalna. Frank B. Mana- rteld. uttawa. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE 240 acres on federal hlgh wav 7 mllea from city of nearly 10,000, . . - . I. w .taHnn ffiuiH .rim a miles hoiu " 1 - . . " good outbuildings, small bouse, good gently sloping; prin - leaerai - - graveled by railroad contractors; for price ana terms auuiw vwiio., v. ' UHand. Fergus Falls. Minnesota. FOR SALE Square quarter leas than I miles from good town, near beautiful - lakes, school house across tha road, ; farm all tillable, fair buildings. Price. t!' per acre on easy terms. P. C. - Brown, Fargua Falls, Mintv. BRINGING UP FATHER Sm Jlffi and Mavftie b Fail Paf f Color la Tbo Sunday Boo. Drawn for The Bee by McManu fopvi-ight 1911 Inte'oatlonal Nawa Sarvlea. I VELL-. THINK 'u 1 I I CtcTHlt) lt IMR. V I T rW that win Pe- I ' 7T . , "!3tjlrtg ' I , rl FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Montana Lands. BANKRUPT price, 791 acrea beat bsy and grain land. Irrigated, jolna county seat, and grailng reserve; owner. Elmer L. Strever. Billings, Mont Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED ISO-acre farm in Todd coun ty. Minnesota; buildings consist of seven-room houae, barn, granary, corncrib, windmill, etc; 130 acres under cultiva tion, balance user for meadow and pas ture; no waste land; this farm will pro duce good crops of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc; located only a mile from railroad town; good soli; would make a good grain or stock farm; price 122.60 per acre. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg,. Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands 54 Bushels Per Acre of winter wheat la the 1919 record for one threshing In Thomas county, Kan sas. Land that was going bKglng 20 years ago Is now selling for $20 to 870 per acre, and will surely double In an other year. The secret? 82.26 wheat and modern machinery. Any man with a little capital can make a fortune by taking a quarter to a full section now. And If he doea not care to settle on It or cannot, he ran have It broken, seed ed and cut on shares, Liberal terms and every reasonable aaslstanca offered to ambitious young farmers, for we have the land and the opportunity and only need the men. Thomas county raises more wheat than any other coun ty between Chicago and Denver through which the Rock Island railroad runs; 4,000,000 bushels will be the total this year. There is room for thousands more down there. Come in and let ua tell you all about thte wonderful wheat land and what some of the farmers WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." 544 World-Herald Bldg.. Omaha. KNOX COUNTY. NEB., BARGAINS. 160 acres improved, level land, 8 miles to town, mile to school. Price 8150.00 per acre. Terms. 160 acres 8 miles to town, 1 mile to school snd country store, two sets of improvements, two wells and wind mill?, orchard and evergreen grove at buildings, 16 acres alfalfa fenced hng tight, 15 acres pasture. This farm lies level. Good heavy aoll. Price 8150.00 per acre. Terms. 160 acrea 12 mllea from town, well Im proved, grove and young orchard; corn will make 60 bushels to the acre on this farm this year. Price J150.00 per acre. ICO acres. Improved, 5 miles from Crelgh ton; lies beautifully; good crop, small pasture; balance In cultivation. Price iiss.00 Dr acre. Good terms. HELD LAND COMPANY 664 Brandela Building. Phone D, 9148 Three Dandy Investments. 160 acres, nicely Improved, 5 miles southeast of Ashland, Neb. and 3Va mllea from South Bend; land lies nearly level; beat of soil. Price 8275-00 per acre. Terms. 160 acres. Improved, only S miles from Ashland, Neb. Price 8275 00 per acre. 400 acres, fine combination stock and grain farm: Saunder county, Nebraska. Only 30 miles from Omaha. 100 acres in cultivation, 80 acres fine hay meadow, balance pasture. This farm will handle 150 to 200 head of stock. A . real money-maker. See us for particulars. HELD LAND COMPANY 664 Brandels Bldg. Phone Doug. 9148. Omaha. Neb. Douglas County Bargains. 80 acres 4 miles from Elkhom, Vt mile tn school, only 24 miles from Omaha Postofflce, 60 acres In cultivation, of which over J-J lies nearly level, bal ance gently rolling, fine pasture with some timber. Considering location, this Is a real bargain. Price 8160.00 per acre. Terms. 80 acres 14 miles from Omaha, Neb. Well Improved and a dandy farm. 2tfc miles from Washington. Neb. Price 8335.00 per acre. Good terms. 80 acres improved 4H miles from Ir vlngton. Neb. On the main road from Florence to Bennington. Price 8325.00 tier acre. Terms. HELD LAND COMPANY 664 Brandies Building Phone P. 9148. A REAL HOME. 1(50 acres all valley land, lays fine, good black soli, one-half mile from railroad town of 800, 32 miles from Kearney, 120 acres cultivated, 10 pas lure, 30 alfalfa; good two-story 8-room house; barn for 8 horses and four cows, granary in barn, crib 8x26 with drive way, small orchard, wash house, cob house, cement cellar, fenced in 40-acre fields,' 3 hog pastures, new hog house. Price 8165 per acre. 81.500 hack on place. If you want to buy a farm then come and look at this and if you don't see a good farm and Just as represented. I will stand your expenses. BEN TIMMERMAN (owner), Arnold. Nebraska. 1250 A. 8 M. Wayside; 11 M. Whitney; 19 M. Crawford. Small set of old im provements. Lots of water the year round. 40 or 60 A. under cultivation. 700 or 800 A. can be farmed. All well grassed. Fine ranch. 814 per A. Write for liat of other farms and ranches. ARAH L. HUNGERFORD, Crawford, Nebraska. AT A BARGAIN. The northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 13, Range 63, west of the 6 P. M Kimball county, Nebraska, located in a well settled nelghborheed. This la a choice quarter: land lies level; all tillable. If Interested get busy at once. Address M. A. LARSON, Central City, Nebraska. 160 ACRES finely Improved stock and grain farm. Elegant land. mile from paved street 6 miles N. W. of Stock Yards. J. B. Hansen, 114 Wil klnson Bldg.. Omaha. PRICE and terms right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farma. C V. Nelson. 516 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. FARMS AND RANCHES. For bargains in either large or small farms or ranches, write or call on CHAS. N. SNIDER. Curtis. Neb. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado landa sea HELD LAND CO.. 664 Brandels Bldg WRITE me tor ptcturea and prices of my farma and ranches In good old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford, Craw ford. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farma. Kimball county. Neb. R. B. Holmes. Bushnell. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 801 Karbach Blfc. Tyler (84. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at tha right price. IL A. LARSON. Central City. Neb South Dakota Lands. CHOICE 480-acre improved Spink county farm for sale; one mile from good town; price and terms reasonable. Sterling and Cllnlte, owners, Redfield, 8. D. Wisconsin Lands. A TAILOR MADE FARM. 160 acrea, five miles large city; clay loam; 100 acres under plow; 84.000; house, two large barns, large orchard, plenty fruit; lights and water In house and all buildings; all tillable and the best farm In Wisconsin; buy from own er, writ me for terms at once; re tiring; 8108 per acre. H. A. Facha. Spooner, Wis.. R 8. EIGHTY acrea heavy soil, four miles from city on state road. 73 acres In plow, bal ance pasture, all level, buildings and fine water, best farm and new land In coun ty, buy from owner; write me for terma at once. H. A. Fache. Spooner, Wis., R. I Miscellaneous. IF looking for good soil, I have It If looking for fine laying land, I have It If looking for one that la priced right, I hsva 4t A. W. TOLAND. D. 387a, 410 Be Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota farms and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug. 9001; 623 Paxton Blk. '"FARMLANDS WANTEDr" WE will sell your ' larm; timely sales"; quick returns. Held Land Co.. (64 Brandela Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. AS GOOD A LINE OF USED CARS WITH HONEST VALUES AS THERE IS IN OMAHA. 2 H-45 Hulcks, 1919 8L4S0 I E-4S Hutck, 1018 1,150 1 25 Buick. Model C 450 I OldsmoWla Six. 1918 860 1 Oldsmoblle ElKht 900 1 Hudson Speedster, 1918 1.660 Model 56 Paige 700 Oakland Six, 1917 650 Hodge, 1918 800 Overland 90 500 Overlaml 90 Roadster 600 Kord, 1919 476 Kord Roadster, 1917 276 Chevrolet, 1918 : 400 Chevrolet, 1917 3i5 2 Scrlpps-Booth Eights. 1918. each 750 Every car sold with a three-day guar- UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., 2032 Farnam. Douglas 4 560. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 13 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. SPECIAL Wednesday and Thursday only. '18 Chevrolet, like new; cord tires, 8385; twenty others under the money. TRAWVER AUTO C 1910 Farnam. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle Stats Garage. 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. USED cars of nceptlonal value. REBUILT auto cars; also Republic two ton, Sandow 1 ton, 3 ton, Dumps Indiana 14 ton, Kelly Springfield H4 ton. All those trucks have been re built and are first-class mechanically and In aupearance; terms ranging from $200 to $600 down and balance on i-asy monthly payments; Investigate these trucks quick. THE ODEL1. HAMILTON CO., 1415 Jackson street. CADILLAC type 66 touring; latest model; appearance and mechanical condition and tires like new. W. F. Bruett. 1415 Jackson street; during business hours, Tyler 1715; evenings. Harney 2552. 1919 FOR D coupe; 1919 Ford sedan, equipped with Ford electric starter and lights; in excellent condition and price reasonable. odell Hamilton Co., 1415 a.Trkpon street. PHUMI'T DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 1767. 1 407 -2 1 Capitol Ave. FOR QulCKSALE A bargain In a 1918 Hudson I super six touring car. Has been newly gone over. Must be sold at once to settle an insurance claim. Call jiotigli) as 200. STEVENS DURYEA touring car, six cyl inder, starter and electric lights, st a bargain. Owner leaving city. Phone Tyler 1419. USED c.irs of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. DUMP TRUCKS One new 2-ton Davis, one 3H-ton Kelly-Sprlngfleld, Just over hauled. Going out of truck business. Terms If required. Tyler 1419. USED CARS OF BETTER PERFORM ANCES. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO. 2022 Farnam Street. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick sctlon: no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035. THE DIXIE FLYER W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St. FORDS. BUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS, FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-OOLDSTROM AUTO CO.. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af flnlty spark plug, Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th WATED TO BUY. Want a used 6-passenger car. 1918 or 1919 model only. Will pay $100 cash and 3100 per month. Box No. 678, Bee. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th ft Jackson. Ford Agents, D. 3600. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 2563 Farnam 8t. Doug. 1970. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. GAIN more miles; have your tires re treaded by G. & G. Tire Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS . VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Fsrnam St. MUST sell at once, late model Ford tour ing car, cash or terms. 2611 Dewey Ave. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. WILLYS-KNIGHT coupe, good condition. Call Webster 3729. SIX-PASSENGER Cadillac for sale. S910-W Phone S. 8346. YOIMC LADIES We offer you a well paid position. Pay you while in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. WANTED LISTINGS I have customers for S, S snd 7 room bousei that are priced right. I will inapect your property and adver tise same. 99-YEAR LEASES I make a specialty of handling this class of property. Let me explain my plan. Put your estate on tha best possible earning basis. H. M. CHRISTIE 1320 Farnam St. Telephone Doug. 884. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock. Omaha Neb., Sept. 10, 1919. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m., Sept. 10, 1919: Horses RECEIPTS. and Cattle Hogs Sheep Mules Cars Cars Cars Carl C, M. & St. P.... 9 9 Missouri Pacific. 1 1 Union Pacific 122 H 68 C. N. W east 1 C. N. W west. 98 38 48 1 C, St. P., M. & O. 3 8 C. B. & Q.. east.. 3 4 1 C, B. A Q., west. Ill 11 62 C, R. I. 4 P., east 3 7 1 ,, C, R. I. & P.. west 8 Illinois Central... 4 3 Chi. Gt. West 1 Total receipts.. 353 94 168 8 DISPOSITION Cattle Hogs Sheep Head Head Head Morris & Co 796 967 1.634 Swift & Co 1,241 1,621 1,367 Cudahy Pkg. Co... 1.787 1,638 8,71 Armour & Co 1,769 1.642 1,004 J. W. Murphy 1,148 .... Lincoln Pkg. Co... 61 So. Om. Pkg. Co... 4 .... .... offman Bros 1 .... .... John Roth & Sons. 9 .... .... Mayerowlch A Vail 18 .... .... Glasgberg 39 .... .... P. O'Dea 35 Wilson & Co 87 F. P. Lewis 244 Huntz'ger & Oliver 140 J. B. Root & Co... 409 J. H. Bulla 134 Burrus & Co 29 .... .... Rosenstock Bros... 525 .... .... F. O. Kellogg 366 Werth. & Degen.. 367 .... .... Ellis & Co 147 Sullivan Bros 77 .... .... A. Rothschild .... 89 M.-K. C. & C. Co. . 409 E. G. Christie 160 Hoi- .... 1 fi2 .... .... John Harvey 381 .... .... Jensen & L,unogren iJ .... Dennis & Francis. 35 .... .... Cheek & Krebs.... 206 Omaha Pkg. Co... 6 .... Other buyers 3,246 82,984 Total 13,771 6,811 39,870 Cattle There was another pretty lib eral run of cattle- here today around 10.000 head showing up snd the three davs total of 47,000 head Is larger than for the six days last week. There was n1 ..Irahla hnf All Offer that whilo the market was slow, prices held about steady, meaium ana pmiuer iun was very dull and tendency lower. It - .. , l, 1. in lower market on butcher stock, medium grades suffer ing the greatest aeciines. oiocnon nuu feedtrs were very dull and while a few sales were put over In yesterday's notches, the general run of prices looked 25c lower at the least. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $16.5017.50; good to choice beeves, 315.0016.50; fair to good beeves, $13 505M4.60; common to fair beavea, $11 0013.50; choice to prime yearlings, $17 0018.00; good to choice yearlings, $14.6017.00; fair to good yearling!. $13.0015.00; common to fair yearlings, $10.0012.60; good lo choice heifers, $8.50 11.00 ; choice to prime yearlings, $10.0011.25; good to choice cows, $8.60 610.00; fair to good cows, 87.0008.60; common to fair cows. $5.257.00; choice to prime heavy feeders, $12.5014.00; good to choice feeders. $11.0012.00: me- , taaAarm t7 KHffilQ fld? COTT1- mon to fair feeders. $'7.008.60; good to cnoice stocKers. .uuiomu.ov; tun iu e"u stockers, $7.50(8)9.00; common to fait stockers. $6.007.60; stock heifers, $7.50 8.50; stock cows. $6.007.50; stock oalves. $7.00 10.00: veal calves. $7.0014.00; bulls, stags, etc.. 85.50lO.00; choice to prime grass beeves, 8)1 3.50 1 6.2S : good to choice grass beeves, 811.0013.00; fair to good grass beeves, $9.0010.50; common to fair grass beeves. $7.609.00; Mex ican beeves. $6,500)8.50. Representative sales: COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av, Pr. 14.: 819 $7 00 9 944 $7 25 CALVES. 1 420 7 60 1 270 8 00 12 349 10 26 3 240 IS 00 WESTERN CATTLE. WYOMING. 48strs..694 9 00 31 cows..761 8 10 25strs,1041 10 75 10 hfrs...590 7 76 16 cows.. 768 6 76 22 clvi..262 10 60 NEBRASKA. 7 cows. 1021 6 76 17 cows. 1108 10 00 53strs..878 9 65 14 hfrs...757 8 76 24 strs..l07 9 75 Hogs There was a fairly good run of AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICE. Firestone, Bull. Lee, Republic, Flik. Write for prices. Mention slses. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 Farnam. NEW AND USED TlRE BARGAINS SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. 2914 FARNAM ST. H. 6758. Cars for Hire, FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE Drive yourself, at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage, 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7390. , Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured in Omaha, 24-hour aerv Ice. for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. F P. BARNUM CO.. 3126 Cuming. .Doug las 8044. High-grade automobile painting. Trucks. SALE Ford truck at a very reasonable price. Douglaa 6143. Motorcycles and Bicyclea. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna in used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induetrlal homa solicits your old clothing, furnltura. magailnee. We collect. Wa distribute. Phona Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new borne, ,1110-1119-1114 Dodge St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A. L. Tinker will not be responsible for any bills or charge accta. of hii former wife. Nelli Tinker. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I wilt not be responsible for any debts made by my wife. W. O. BasslerLlncoln. Neb. HowesLive Stock Vehicles. TEAM, harness and wagon. Saven Oaks Farm, three blocks west of Florence csr. BROOD SOWS. Buy on Birdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. 8. Pettis, agent SOUND, new, coarse hay, 816 par ton. Wagoner, 801 N. 16th. MONEY TO LOAN; ORGANIZED by the Buslnesi Man of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notei aa security, 840 6 mo, H. goods, total. "'"PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 4!2 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 8. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1.101 DOUGLAS ST. FARMS and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 638 Keellne Bldg WILL buy a few good contracts, aecond mortgages, or mech. liens. Chaa L Peaso. 211 Brandela Theater Bldg. GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain. Omaha. Sept. 10, 1919. Grain arrivals today were again light, total receipts being only 79 cars. Light arrivals of wheat the past few days has resulted from a temporary embargo placed last Sunday on ahlpments of this grain to Omaha, due to congestion, but restrictions were entirely removed today. Corn prices were unchanged to a cent advance. Oats were ft to 1 cent higher. Rye showed an upturn of 2 to 4 cents, and barley 2 cents. Wheat was firm. Cssh sales today were: Wheat No, 8 hard: 2 cars, 82.17: 3 cars, $2.16; 2 cars, 82.10 (smutty): 1 can 82.08 (smutty). No. 3 hard: 4 cars, 83.13; 1 car, 82.07. No. 4 hard: 3 2-6 cars, 82 08; 1 car, 82.08 (smutty); 1 car, 82.01 (smutty). No. 8 hard: 1 car. $2.04; 1 car, 82 00 (smutty); 1 car, 81.97 (yel low, smutty). No. 4 northern spring: 1 car. $2.20 (dark); 1 car, $3.10. No. 6 northern spring: 1 car, $2.04. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, 82 08; 1 car, 83.07 (durum). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 81.89 (smutty). Sam ple mixed: 1 car, $1.93. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 82 00. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, 81. 67. No. 3 white: 2 cars. 81.67. No. 4 white: 1 oar, 31.65. No. 5 white: 3-6 car, 81.63. No. 6 white: 1 car. $1.61. No. 1 yellow: 2 cars, $1.68. No. 2 yellow: 8 cars, $1.57. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.57; 1 car, 81. 66. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.55. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.66. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, $1.56. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.63. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 68c. No, 3 white: 1 car, 6840; 2 cars, 68c; 1 car, 67 Vic No. 4 white: 3 cars, 67 Vic. Sam ple white: 1 car, 66c. Sample mixed: 1 car, 65c. Rye No. 2: 2 cars. $1.36. No. 8: 1 tar, 81.35; 2 cars, 81.34. Barley No. 3: 1 car. 81.18. No. 4: 1 car, $1.16. Rejected: 1 car. $1.14. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today, Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 49 144 28 Corn 10 26 13 Oats 10 19 121 Rye 7 1 7 Barley 2 10 16 Shipments Wheat 83 138 64 Corn 24 30 72 Oats 17 14 80 Rye 11 4 3 Barley 5 ... 6 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 615 201 99 Kansas City 127 11 16 St. Louis ;..266 32 32 Minneapolis 462 ... ... Duluth 62 Winnipeg 497 Omaha Grain Inspection, The number of ears of grain of the several grades Inspected "in" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 4; No. 2 hard, IS; No. 3 hard, 18; No. 4 hard. 19; No. 6 hard, 8; sample hard, 1; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 3 mixed, 2; No. 4 mixed, 1: No. 6 mixed, 2; sample mixed, 3; No. 5 spring, 3; sample spring, 2; No. 2 durum, 1; No. 6 durum, 1; total, 79 cars. Corn No. 6 white, 1; No. 1 yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 4; No. 3 yellow, 3; No. 2 mixed, 2; No. 6 mixed, 1; total, 12 cars. Oats No. 3 white, 7; total. 7 cars. Rye No. 2, 3; No. 3, 3; No. 4, 1; total, 7 cars. Barley No. 4, 1; rejected, 1; total, 2 cars. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Receipts: Today Year Ago Wheat 2,626,000 Holiday Corn 781,000 Oats 871,000 Shipments Wheat 1,491,000 Corn 244,000 Oat 631,000 hogs here today for this ttrhe of the year, 81 loads, estimated at 5,400 head. The market opened flat 81.00 lower than yes terday and trade was slow and draggy at this decline; 816.25 proved to be the pop ular figure early in the morning, but by 10 o'clock hogs of this character had slipped to even money, with prospects of good heavy packing hogs going under the hill. Shippers were very light buyers, paying a top of 817.25, which was 32.00 lower than yesterday's top, and bulk of sales was 818. 00 16.60. Representative sales: HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 41. .362 110 $16 75 64.. 259 70 $16 85 61. .244 70 16 00 62. .298 70 1 10 43. .262 40 16 16 80. .266 40 16 20 64. .230 ... 16 25 60. .273 80 16 30 66. .280 70 18 40 65. .268 140 16 50 69. .198 6.. 17 25 Sheep Another good sized run of sheep and lambs arrived for today's trade, the estimate calling for 40,000 head. Bulk of the supplies consisted of thin lambs, the same as recently, and strictly good killers wers by no means plentiful. The market was rather slow in getting under way, but packing demand appeared to be fairly broad and desirable fat strings sold at prices fully steady with those paid yester day. Beit fat lambs moved around $16.25 15.35. Offerings selling under $14.76 were nothing to brag about. Pretty good quality ewes landed at $8.15. and some thing choice would bring $8.25 or better. Small bunches of wethers are selling up to 89.60. A rather quiet tone featured the trade in feeders and desirable classes ruled steady, or very nearly so. One or two loads of toppy feeders brought 813.76 and pretty good kinds went to the country around 81 3.2 5 13.60. Common, light and open wool lambs are bringing anywhere from $10.00 to $12.00. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to eholce, $16.00(3)16.60; lambs, fair to good, $14.6015.00: feeder lambs, good to choice, $13.0013.75; medium feeder lambs, $12.60613.00; feeder cut backs, $10.00 12.00; culls and throwouts, $6.509.60; yearlings. $5.25010.00; weth ers, $8.7609.60; ewes, good to choice, 37.60O8.25; ewes, fair to good, 86.75 7.50; good feeding ewes, 85.5O6.50; ewe culls and canners, $2.E04.60; breeding ewes, $7.(0013.60. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., 8ept. 10. Corn Sep tember, $1.5814: December, 81.28 1.28; May, 3124. Attractive Bonds Our September list con tains 90 securities, selected from the world's most de sirable financing. At cur rent prices high grade securities return an attrac tive income. Many issues are exempt from all Fed eral Income Tax. September offering sheet sent upon request for OB-248 IheNationalGty Company Correspondent Offices in ever E0 Cities Omaha First National Bank Building Telephone 8816 Douglaa Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker Co.: Stocks Burgess-Nash 7 pot. pfd.... Cudahy Pack. Co Flsk Rub., 7 pet. pfd Gooch Food Pd., pfd., bonus Harding Cream, 7 pet. pfd.. Nicholas Oil pfd., bonus.... Omaha Flour Mill 7 pet. pfd. Orchard & Wilhelm 7 pet. pfd Quaker Oats Co., 6 pet. pfd. M. C. Peters Mill T pet. pfd. . M. E. Smith 7 pet .pfd., 1932 Swift & Co Union Stock Yds., Omaha.... Un. P. & Lt. 7 pet pfd Bonds Lincoln Jt. Stk. Ld. Bk. 8s, 1923-38 Lincoln Traction 8s, 1930 .... Omaha Athletic 6s Om. & C. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928. Omaha City cf, various .... Union Stk. Yds.. Omaha,. 1st 6s, 1931 Ex. Div. Bid. Asked. io7H 108 99 101 99 100 99 83 91 99H ... 98 99H 99 100 1014 ... 128 128Vi 100 103 99 100 101 1014 80 98 100 80 88 ... 4.62 pet. 96 97 Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Sept 10. Turpentine Steady, $1.65; sales, 160 bbls.; receipts, 360 bbls.; shipments, 61 bbls.; stock, 9,403 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 899 bbls.; receipts, 1.004 bbls.; shipments. 1,203 bbls.; stock, 44,988 bbls. Quote: B. 16.06c; D, 16.75c; E, 16.90c; F, 17.16c; G, 17.60c; E, 17.95c; I, 19.00c; K, 20.05c; M. 20.80c; N 21.80c; WG, 22.30c; WW, 23.05c. New York Money. New York, Sept. 10. Prime Mercantile Paper 66 per cent. Sterling Exchange Demand, $4.15; cables, 84.16. Francs Demand, 8.38; cables, 8.36. Guilders Demand, 37H; cables. 37. Lire Demand, 9.70; cables, 9.68. Marks Demand, 4 1-16; cables, 4. Bar Silver. New York, Sept. 10. Sllver $1.12; Mexican dollars,' 86c. Bar, London Money. London, Sept. 10. Bar silver and money unchanged. Duluth, 6.25. Unseed OU. Minn., Sept. 10. Linseed, $6.23 Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of pralrla hay heavy and de mand quiet. No. 1 upland prairie, 822.6023.00; No. 2. 317.OOlS20.00: No. 3. tlO.OOfM3.00. No. 1 midland prairie, (20.00023.00; No. 2. $16,00118.00. No. 1 lowland prairie. $14.00I8.00; No. 2, $11.0013.00; No. 8, 88 . 0010. 00. Choice alfalfa, 327.0029.00; No. 1, $26.00-927.00; stsndard. $24i0O26.00; No, '2, $1$.0022.00; No. 8, 814.0018.00. Oat straw, 89.010.00. , Wheat straw, 98. 00 9.00. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn., Sept 10. Flour Unchanged. Barley 31. 071. 84. Rye No. 2. 81.41. Bran $40.00. Corn 81.S0O1.81. Oats 66 868c. Flax $5.275.30. Short Term Note$ Quotations furnished by the Fsten Trust company: Bid. Asked. Amer. T. T. 6s. ISM 100 100 do 6s. 1936 99 9t Amsr. Thread 6s, 1928 89H 101 Amer. Tobacco 7a, 181 100 100(4 do 7s. 1920 101 103H do 7s. 1921 103 10! do Is. 1932 102U 1034. do 7s. 123 108 108 Anaconda Copper 6s, 19..,. 98 8H Anglo-French ext. ts, 130.... (7 97 Armour A Co., cenv. dsb. (s 1920 101 103 do 6s, 121 101 168 do ts, 1922 101 103 do 6s, 192$ 101 193 do 6s, 1924 101 108 Beth. Steel Co. 7s, 1922 101 101 do 7s, 1923 ..102 102 British ts. 1921 98 Canada ta. 1991 8 9 Canadian Pacific 6s, 1934.... 169 C. B. A Q. 4s. 121 96 C. R. I. A P. s. 123 (7 91 Cuban-American Sugar 6s. 1921 (9 100 Cudahy Pkg. Co. 7s, 1983. ...101 lftlft Oen. Else. deb. ts, 1(20 100 100 Ot. Northern Ry. ts. 0.... ( (9 Inter. Rapid Tran. 6s, 1931.... 96 87 K. C. Terminal ts, 1IJ 100 Lehigh Valley ta, 1938 101 101 Liggett A Meyers 6s. 19M....10 100 Philadelphia Elect. 6s. 1920.. 99 16 Proctor A Gamble 7l. 19J0.... 100 101 do 7s. 1921 101H 101 do 7s. 1929 lVs 1V do 7s, 1133 103 1034 Russian rubles 6s, 1938 80 84 Southsrn Ry. s. 1920 97 Swift A Co. ts. 1921 99 100 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 108 108 V. S. Rubber 7s. 1923 104 104 West. E. A M. 6s. 1920 100 109 Wilson Conv. 6s. 1938 98 First Liberty 3s 99.90 Liberty, second 4s 93.13 Liberty, first 4s 94.84 Liberty, second 4s 91.20 J Liberty, third 4 96.28 Liberty, fourth 4s 93.40 Liberty, fifth 4s St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Sept 10. Corn September, $1.61i1.63; December, $1.28t) 1.81. Oats 70071c; December, 74c. Wc advise the purchase and are making a Specialty of U. S. Government Bonds and are prepared, at anytime, to buy or sell large or small lots We tare prepared etrcuUr tn investment tecurilia which we $haR bt gUd to tend you on request IG d d e Pe ah o dy & Co. X$ Dttvosishlare 8 1. Boston. lVTrVstllSttPtfft NtwTot4t Mitchell. Hutchins ft Co., Inc. Tha RooKerjr, Chlcaa $250,000.00 n Albert Lea Farms Company (A Nebraska Corporation) First Mortgage 6 Farm Loan Gold Bonds Dated August 1st, 1919. Due August 1st, 1924. Coupon bonds in denominations of $500 and $1000 Registrable as to principal Interest payable semi-annually February 1st and August 1st at the of fice of the Omaha Safe Deposit Company, Omaha, Nebraska or in New York Exchange. Bonds callable by lot on interest dates, on thirty days' notice. "The Mortgagor will pay all taxes that may be levied upon this mortgage at the time the same are required by law to be paid, but not including any income or inheritance tax." Omaha Safe Deposit Company, Trustee Security These bonds are a first mortgage on 9,457.1 acres of land located in Freeborn County, Minnesota, twenty miles north of the Iowa line and has been appraised by Alfred Christopherson, president of the First National Bank, Albert Lea, Minnesota and E. J. Ingbritsen, investment banker, Albert Lea, Minnesota, who report the present value to be $522,500.00. The proceeds of this bond issue, $250,000.00, will be spent for improvements on the property, such as constructing roads, additional drainage, tiling, etc. These independent appraisers state that after these improvements have been made this land will be worth from $125.00 to $150.00 per acre, or from $1,182,137.00 to $1,428,565.00. Location The property is located nine miles northeast of Albert Lea, Minnesota, in a very rich agricultural section. The County in which this land is lo cated is traversed by five main lines of railroad and has 29 creameries within its borders. The company in charge of this development is thoroughly experienced and efficiently managed and has for its Board of Directors the following well known business men: T. F. Stroud, G. H. Payne, Mark Martin, R. A. Wolgamot, Paul H. Ellis, John F. Stout and T. J. Nolan. We Recommend These First Mortgage Farm Bonds for a Conservative Investment Price 100 and Accrued Interest to Yield 6 y THE OMAHA TRUST COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. 8