Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1919, Image 1

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Amsterdam, Sept. 8. Sightseers
.Alio crowded the station to witness
the arrival of the former Crown
Princess Cecille we're struck by the
pallor of the ex-Emperor's grand
children and" the much-used cos
tume worn by Cecile, who once
was the best dressed woman in
the courts of Europe.
The former crown princess and
her two eldest sons spent a brief
time in the station and then went
on to Wieringen, where it is ex
pected they will stay five days.
London, Sept. 8. How a woman
stepped into the place of a bride who
disappeared- and went through the
form of marriage with an Australian
soldier was described before the re
corder at the central criminal court
ivljen Mary Goreham, 28, was sen
tenced to six months for bigamy.
It was stated she had already com
mitted bigamy with another Aus
tralian soldier.
Xewport, R. I., Sept. 8. Society
people have been bitten by the germ
of flying and airplaning has taken
the precedence over all other out
door sports among many members
of the cottage colony, who have
started flying from the Westches
ter Pole field to Bailey's beach and
back. The women flyers appear to
enjoy the maximum of speed.
v Chicago, Sept. 8. "The stage door
Johnny, whose chief asset has been
is ability to buy dinners, will "be
all dressed up and no place to go"
with the musical shows again open.
For the aristocratic chorus girl in
"The Passing Show" at the Garrick
will draw $43.74 a week. Girls in
other musical shows that play only
nine performances a week will earn
$39.34 on the new scale resulting
from the strike. And Tiot one cent
of this will go for shoes and stock
ings, the old bugbear of the chorus
Whitesburg, Sept. 8. Six times
married at 54 is the romantic record
of Elder Joseph Hall, Baptist min
ister of Millstone. Elder Hall was
remarried to Vina Webb, from
whom he was divorced about a year
London, Sept. 8. Returning home
late at night, William G .Wood, an
insurance agent, found his wife dead
on her bed with, a bullet wound in
the" mouth. Mrs. Wood, who was
45, was fully dressed. Near her right
hand was a five-chambered revolver
and still clutched in her left hand
was a small hand mirror.
. Middletown, Conn., Sept 8. Wil-
summer at Hadlyrne, near here, now
uses a cart pulled by a jackass to
travel around the vicinity, because
of an accident with his motorcycle.
The actor was thrown into the Con
necticut river when his machine got
out of control as he was going
aboard the "ferryboat at Hadlyrne.
Now the star and his Japanese
valet ride up Main street every day
in the cart and the, jackass brays
when Gillette goes into the post
office for the mail. Meanwhile, the
villagers sit on, the cracker barrels
and grin.
Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 8. When
Oliver Morosco, theatrical producer,
arrived here Monday his domestic
welcome was notification of a di
vorce suit. Mr. Morosco is en route
from New York City?
Mrs. Morosco names Selma Paley,
? former star in Morosco produc
tions. She alleges that 3t Atlantic
City during August Mr. Morosco
was guilty of misconduct with Miss
Paley. She says Mr. Morosco has
been at Long Beach. Nassau
county. New York, with Miss Paley,
using the name of N. A. Paley and
wife. - . .
Mrs. Morosco asks a division of
the community property valued at
Berne, Sept. 8.-The crime wave
that has teen sweeping Germany
some refreshing incidents. Berlin
papers telf of the sense of humor
displayed by a thief who stole two
geese from a farmer at Maisbach,
near Heidelberg. A few days later
. , , j
the geese mysteriously rcapycurcu.
One of them had a ribbon around its
neck to which was tied this note:
"Back from captivity. Feed well
lor two more, weeks; too skinny
OLD tUt&UKI S KliLAllVl!
Chicago, Sept. 8. :l'm a teacher
of agricultural chemistry; discharg
ed honorably from the 157th Field
Artillery," said a tall soldier wear
ing the insignia, of the Eighty
second division, as he walked into
the K. C. employment bureau in
,New York. "I'd like to get work in
that line if I can." "Your name,
please," said the secretary in charge.
"Andrew Jackson, Savannah, Geor
gia," the soldier replied. "Any re
lation to 'Old Hickory,' that be
came president of the United
States?" asked the secretary face
tiously. "His great-grandson, sir,"
said the soldier. 1
Wellington, Sept 8The water
side laborers at Napier accused cer
tain firms of hoarding butter and
bacon and refused to work on such a
cargo for these firms till the hoarded
stocks are released. They also re
fuse to load butter from Napier till
a certain amount is available for the
local market
The Omaha Daily Bee
VnT A Q Mfl 71 rtr4 m Mxtf-elu mttw ? '''
0h P. o. ? Ml t Mink 3. 117.
By Mill (I war). Billy. M00: Sunday. 2.M:
Dally and Sua.. S5.00; aalilda Nik. MitaM ixlra.
Cloudy and somewhat unset
tled Tuesday and Wednesday;
cooler in east and central por.
tiona Tuesday. f
Hourly teniiwrnturmil
... 7H
... 71
... 7S
H .m 18
8 . m.
S . in.
1 .
I a, a,
10 a. m!
11 a. m.
It noon.
, W
. M
America Meets American Commander-in-Chief Upon
Arrival in New York with Perhaps the Greatest
Ovation a Returning Hero Ever Received from
United States Citizens Voice Trembles with
Emotion As He Responds to Greetings Extended.
Thousands of G. A. R.
Veterans Arrive
in Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, O., Sept. 8. Its hous
ing facilities already strained, this
city, the mecca of the Grand Army
of jthe Republic Women's Relief
corps and other patriotic organiza
tions, is facing the proposition of
caring for approximately 100,000 ad
ditional population.
Since Saturday every regular train
entering the city has brought dele
gations of the "boys in blue" in
numbers ranging from 50 to 300. In
addition ,dozens of special trains
from the 'Pacific and Atlantic coasts
have brought an almost continuous
stream into the ever-augmenting
numbers. All day delegations, head
ed by fife and drum corps, marched
through the streets to the registra
tion quarters. Automobiles hauled
those too infirm to march, but in
most instances the - proffered ma
chines were waved aside. From
California, Texas, Maine and Flor
ida they came.
"It will be the greatest encamp
ment ever held," Commander-in-Chief
Clarendon E. Adams declared
after noting the throngs which were
arriving. He expects fully 250,000
General's Arrival at Hippo
drome Occasion for Great
By The Associated Press.
New York, Sept. 8. America welcomed General Per
shing home today.
Honored by foreign rulers and governments, the commander-in-chief
of the mightiest army that ever fought its
way to victory under the Stars and Stripes returned to his
own folk to meet a greater honor than any foreign potentate
or power could confer the thanks of the world's greatest
democracy to the man who had planned the decisive blow
in democracy's supreme fight against tyranny.
The stern-faced soldier who hady
maintained his iron self-control
amid the shambles of the Meuse and
the blood-drenched forest of Ar
gonne was not proof against the
tribute of praise and gratitude which
was roared from hundreds of thou
sands of throats of his fellow citi
zens. His voice trembled with emotion
as he responded to the greetings ex
tended by Secretary of War Baker
in his own behalf and that of the
president as well as the welcoming
address of representatives of the
senate and house, the state and city.
Can't Maintain Composure.
As his car passed slowly through
the cheerinc multitudes which
jammed Broadway from the Battery
to the city hall Pershing attempted
in vain to maintain his composure.
Always he replied to the cheers with
the stiff salute of the officer. Ris
ing to his feet he waved his cap
above his head with a boyish gesture
which told how deeply he was
stirred, while the grim lines of his
bronzed face broke into a smile
which was. asjjtfsctLous, as it. was
It was a proud moment for the
great American soldier, but a proud
er still remained. New York did not
exhaust its welcome today; Wednes
day he will ride down Fifth avenue
at the head of the First division of
the regular army, the first to go and
last to leave and victors in the first
battle ever fought on European soil
by American soldiers. Surrounded
by comrades, humbler in station, but
who had offered their all just as
freely in the cause of liberty, Gen
eral Pershing first reglimpsed his
native land. When the huge Levi
athan, once the pride of defeated
Germany, nosed its way through the
mists off the Jersey coast the gen
eral stood up on her deck with the
famous "composite regiment," 3,000
picked American soldiers, known as
"Pershing's Own."
His Guard of Honor. c
These stalwart soldiers were his
guard of honor when Paris and Lon
don caid tribute to the American
commander and they will be guard
of honor when his own country s
metropolis pays its full meed of
praise Wednesday.
Just after the general walked
down the gang plank at Hoboken
he received the first revard which
a grateful country has offered him.
In the name of the same Secretary
Baker handed him his commission
as full general in the American
army, a rank held previously by
only three men, Grant, Sheridan and
Standing by and completely hid
den by the imposing figure of the
general, was a little boy trying to
look very dignified and soldierly. He
was "Sergeant" Warren Pershing,
the commander-in-chief's only sur
viving child. When the general re
ceived his commission, he turned to
his son and handed him the docu-
(Contlnued on P Tfo. tolomn One.)
New York, Sept. 8. The Per
shing smile, which General John J.
Pershing brought home from
France, almost broke up a perform
ance at the Hippodrome, which the
returning hero visited tonight.
The general arrived with his par
ty, which included his son, Warren,
in the midst of the first act. Cheer
ing of a crowd which had gathered
outside distracted the attention of
the audience from the stagehand by
the time General Pershing appeared
in the box dsspratsd with his .per
sonal flag eyes of the cast as well
as the great audience were trained
on him.
General Pershing stood at salute
as the orchestra, almost drowned
out by cheers, played ."The Star
Spangled Banner." He bowed re
peatedly as the demonstration con
tinued, but smilingly declined the
persistent cries of "Speech" that
rose from the audience.
Performance Starts Again.
The performance finally got under
way again, but thereafter both audi
ence and cast were more aware of
the presence of the commander-in-chief
than the spectacle on the
The frock-coated gentlemen of
Mayor Hylan's welcoming commit
tee detained the general so long at
a private dinner that Warren Per
shing didn't get to see a trained ele
phant act and as if adding insult to
injury whisked his father off to a
different box from that in which
Warren was seated. Warren "got
even" during the intermission, how
ever, by going down to the basement
of the theater, where he fed apples
to the elephants and shooks hands
with a score or more of the juvenile
"ladies of the chorus."
Sets House Cheering.
Two special features of welcome
were added t(o the program. Shortly
after the general arrived, a cartoon
ist set the house cheering afresh
when he threw on the screen a wel
come to General Pershing, which he
followed with a portrait of the gen
eral and a picture of a big St. Ber
nard dog "for the little general."
Later during a flower screen the
filmy clad participants of an "aerial
ballet" flew over General Pershing's
box and dropped a laurel wreath.
The crowd which greeted General
Pershing as he 'left the theater was
even greater than that which had
greeted him upon his arrival and de
fied police efforts to check them in
the rush to get close to the general's
car. General Pershing acknowl
edged the cheers with a smile and a
wave of his cap, rising from his s?at
and bowing as the automobile nosed
through the crowd.
Nebraska Sailor Granted
Passport to Cuban City
Washington, Sept. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Lieutenant Max J.
Baehr, jr., of St. Paul, Neb., son
of the late council general to Cien
Fuegos, Cuba, was granted a pass
port Monday through the efforts of
Judge Kinkaid in order to join his
father, who has large real estate
and other interests in Cuba.
Lieut. Baehr, who is on the non
active naval reserve list, had to se
cure permission of his commanding
officer to leave the country before
the passport was granted.
350 Villistas Killed
in Fight in Three Days
Galveston, Tex., Sept. 8. Three
hundred and fifty Villistas were
killed and 800 rebel cavalry mounts
were captured in three days' fight
ing between Mexican federal troops
and Villa forces in the state of Du
rango, according to an official state
ment received here today by Mex
ican Consul Fierro.
A. E. F. Commander,
Who Arrived From
France Yesterday
iiiimwiiiMinwiiirmiiiBi iir I 1
Treaty Will Be Reported to
Senate Wednesday and
Probably Will Be Taken Up
for Consideration Monday.
President Smiles
and Turns His Head
for Photographer
From Late Photograph.
Wandering Deaf Mute Shot in
Rear of House on North
Sixteenth Street.
Charles Dunker, 34-year-old deaf
mute of Gibbon, Neb., was shot and
seriously wounded last night by
Loyal A. Drew, when prowling
around Drew's premises, 714 North
Sixteenth street. Dunker is in Lister
hospital suffering from more than
250 buckshot wounds in his thighs.
l)rewis in jail charged with shooting
with intentyto wound.
At the hospital Dunker wrote the
following answers to questions writ
ten by Police Sergeant George
"Where do you live?"
"Gibbon, Neb., or Bouquet hotel,
"Where do you work?"
"I am on a vacation."
"Whom do you want notified if
you die?"
The mute shook his head. He did
not answer.
What were you doing in the al
ley when you were shot?"
"Looking for a lady one to play
According to Drew, a man has been
prowling about his home for the
past three nights. Last night
Drew's mother, Mrs. Pearl Edwards,
who lives in the Drew home, awak
ened Drew about midnight and told
him she heard someone on the back
porch and believed it to be the same
person who had been prowling
around there before.
When Drew investigated he could
find no one. He went back to bed
and soon his mother called him
again. He went out to the back
porch and saw Dunker walking be
hind a shed in his back yard. He
called to Dunker to halt. The lat
ter stared blandly at Drew for a
few seconds and then started to run.
Drew fired at him with a .16 gauge
shotgun, most of the snots taking
effect in Dunker's thighs.
Kolchak Offers Japs
Inducements to Aid
Him Fight Bolsheviki
London, Sept. 8. Admiral Kol
chak, head of the all-Russian gov
ernment, began a counter-offensive
against the bolsheviki on September
1, says an official message from
Omsk, the seat of the government,
received today.
A bolshevik wireless dispatch
from Moscow asserts that Admiral
Kolchak has- applied to Japan for
help, offering as compensation the
Russian portion of the Island of
Saghalien and the Ussuri region.
Heavy fighting between Polish
and bolshevik forces has been in
progress on the River Dvina, ac
cording to a Polish official state
ment, which declares the advan
tage is with the Poles. The bol
sheviki, although using armored
trains and motor cars, are declared
to have been repulsed with severe
losses. Other bolshevik attacks,
made on the Pripet river with ar
mored river boats, have been re
pelled. Lone Robber in Butte
Holds Up Bank; Gets $4,000
Butte, Mont, Sept. 8. A man
armed with a revolver held up the
South Side State bank in the south
ern "part of Butte Monday and es
caped with about $4,000 in currency
after locking, four officials and
clerks in the vaults.
Boston Police Strike Today.
Boston, Sept. 8. The Boston po
licemen's union voted Monday
night to call a strike effective at
5:45 p. m. Tuesday.
Simmons Says He Will Sug
g.:t Compromise on "Con
servative Reservations of an
Interpretative Character."
Washington, Sept. 8. (By The
Associated Press.) Marked indica
tions of a compromise in the sen
ate controversy over reservations
to the league of nations covenant
came todav from both democratic
jand republican sources after Repub
lican Leader Lodge had announced
that the treaty would be reported
to the senate Wednesday and prob
ably be taken up for consideration
next Monday.
Probably the most important de
velopment of the day was a state
ment to the senate by Senator
Simmons of North Carolina, prom
inent in administration leadership,
declaring "some of the concessions
in the way of reservations will have
to be made to secure its ratifica
tion." Although "utterly" opposing
some of the Lodge reservations,
Senator Simmons said he was sug
gesting a compromise on"conser
vative reservations of an interpre
tative character."
Republican senators continued ef
forts to compose differences over
a reservation to article 10, of the
league covenant. Senators McCum
ber, North Dakota; Kellogg, Minnt
soto, and Lenroot, Wisconsin, were
said to have drafted substituteTres
ervations which were discussed pri
vately today.
Poindexter Talks.
Senator Poindexter, republican,
Washington, in a two hours address,
replied to statements of President
Wilson in his speech-making tour.
Several republican senators made
arrangements for speeches in sev
eral western cities in reply to the
president, while Senator Harding,
Ohio, and others preparing to reply
soon to Mr. Wilson from the sen
ate floor.
Referring to the president's chal
lenge to league opponents to "put
up or shut up," Senator Poindexter
said the substitute for the league
offered by its opponents was the
Declaration of Independence and
Lincoln's government "by and for
the people."
In reply to the president's decla
ration that the league would end
use of American soldiers abroad, Mr.
Poindexter called attention to the
sending of American troops to Si
beria and the reported plans to send
others to' Silesia and Armenia.
Significant Words.
With interest centered in the
reservation controversy, consider
able significance was attached by
senators to Senator Simmons' "for
mal statement," although he dis
claimed privately that he spoke for
the president. He explained that he
gave only his personal view of the
senate situation and this explana
tion was supported by Senator
Hitchcock, Nebraska, minority
leader of the foreign relations com
mittee, who said that President
Wilson's position on reservations,
even of a "mild" variety, had not
yet been made known. Republican
leaders, however, hailed Senator
Simmons' statement as a frank con
cession that the treaty cannot be
ratified without reservations.
Simmons' Statement
"I am in favor of and will gladly
vote for the treaty and the league
covenant as it was originally pre
sented by the president, without
amendment or reservation," said he.
"I agree with the president that it
contains nothing that would jeop-
ardize American interests. It should
be ratified without further delay.
"But, after a study of the situa
tion, I am convinced that some con
cessions in the considerations of
reservations must be made."
Concessions Necessary.
"However, after a thorough study
of the situation in the. senate, I am
convinced that some concessions in
the way of reservations will have to
be made to secure its ratification,
and so believing, I have recently
discussed with a number of my col
leagues the advisability of reaching
some compromise between those
who are in favor of the treaty with
out reservations and those who are
in favor of it with conservative
reservations of the interpretative
"I am utterly opposed, however,
to the reservations proposed by the
foreign relations committee. Some
of these reservations would rad
ically change the scope and char
acter of the instrument, emasculat
ing some of the main provisions of
the league and which would call for
reconsideration of the peace con
ference." ,
as he appeared while leing driven
through Omaha streets yesterday.
Existence of Organized Propa
ganda Movement in Amer
ica Established.
Washington, Sept. 8. (By The
Associated Press.) Existence of
an organized propaganda move
ment in the United States calculat
ed to counteract any step toward
armed intervention in Mexico was
established at the first hearing
Monday of the senate foreign re
lations subcommittee "charged with
investigating the Mexican situa
tion. Dr. Samuel Inman, an officer in
the League of Free Nations asso
ciation, and a former neighbor in
Mexico of President Carranza, ad
mitted under sharp cross-examination
that his association had sent
out literature aimed to quiet any
demand for intervention by the
United States in the southern re
public. Dr. Inman told the com
mittee that American oil Companies
were expending large sums of
money in an attempt to obtain in
tervention, but under cross-examination
said he recently had been told
that the oil interests were opposed
to intervention.
Says Carranza Honorable.
Dr. Inman told the committee
that in his opinion President Car
ranza was a man of honor and in
tegrity and that he had - a strong
faith in the ability of Mexico to
work out its own problems if given
friendly assistance by the United
States. He dmricated intervention,
adding that it would stunt the
growth of the carefully cultivated
pan-American idea.
James Cannon of the Methodist
Episcopal church, south, followed
Dr. Inman with the assertion that
the only intervention advisable in
Mexico was that of the church and
During the cross-examination
which followed his testimony Inman
was subjected to sharp questioning
by Senator Fall, New Mexico, chair
man of the subcommittee and Sena
tor Brandagee, Connecticut. He
many times admitted that he was
unable to give the committee details
of charges which he had made and
at his request will be permitted to
appear again. '
Mrs. Rockefeller, Jr.,
Aided Chorus Girls
During Recent Strike
New York, Sept. 8. Marie Dress
ier, president of the Chorus Girls
Equity Association, the chief speak
er tonight at a meeting of the
Womens' . Trade Union League,
stated that during the recent ac
ors' strike the organization had
the support of Mrs. John D. Rocke
feller, jr.
"I never told the girls, but Mrs
Rockefeller was right behind them
all the time," said Miss Dressier.
"When Mrs. Rockefeller returns to
the city, we are going to get a club
house from her."
Say French Chamber Will
Ratify Peace Treaty Sept. 10
Paris. Sept. 8. (Havas.) Accord
ing to the Echo de Paris, the Cham
ber of Deputies wHI ratify the peace
treaty September 10, and the senate
will take similar action September
400,000 Huns Volunteer for
Restoration Work in France
Berlin, Sept. 8. Four hundred
thousand German workers have vol
unteered for the work of restoration
in northern France, according to
Crowd Cheers When President Declares if He Stood in
Way of the Pact He Would Give His Life Gladly
That it Might be Consummated Overflow Throng
Stands in Street During Address to. See Nation's
Chief Executive Before His Departure from City.
Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States, and
America's leading representative at the peace conference,
offered his life for the sake of the peace covenant and the
league of nations in his speech in the Omaha City Auditorium
yesterday the fifth speech made by him in his "swing
around the circle" in the interest of the pact and its ratifi
cation, unreservedly by the senate of the United States.
"If I felt that I personally in any
way sto6d in the way of this settle-
Chaotic Element Against
"Steadying Hand" in U. S.,
He Says at Sioux Falls.
Sioux Falls, S. D Sept. 8. (By
The Associated Press.) Declaring
that pro-Germanism again had lifted
its head in this country, President
Wilson declared in an address here
Monday night that "every element
of chaos" was hoping there would
he "no steadying hand" placed on
the world's affairs.
"I want to tell you," said the
president, "that within the. last two
weeks the pro-German element in
the United States again has lifted
its head." -
This element saw a chance, ht
said, by. keeping their nation out of
the league of nations to make possi
hle again what Germany had tried
to do in the great war. It was a
clean-cut issue, Mr. Wilson declared,
between this new order or the old
German order.
Declaring the peace treaty pro
visions for an international labor
conference would give labor a new
bill of rights, the president declared
the treaty was a "laboring man's
treaty" in the sense that it was a
treaty drawn up for the benefit of
the common people.
Settlements for Peoples.
The political settlements them
selves, said the president, were made
for the peoples concerned. He as
serted that the document laid down
forever the principle that no terri
tory ever had been governed except
as the people who lived there wanted
it governed.
"That is an absolute reversal of
history," said the president, "and it's
all in the league of nations."
High taxes, a large standing army
and a "military government in
spirit" would be required, he said,
"if the United States were to fol
low the advice of some men and
'stand by itself.'"
, Germanism or League.
"Your choice," said Mr. Wilson,
"is between the league of nations
and Germanism. I have told you
what I mean by Germanism having
a chip on your shoulder."
When the president added that
sometimes he had "been called an
idealist" someone shouted "good"
and the crowd cheered.
The certain way to have trouble
between capital and labor, said the
president, was for them to refuse to
discuss their differences. He said
he could not understand how a man
could refuse to discuss his case un
less he was wrong. The same rule,
he declared, applied to differences
between nations.
America -could stay out of the
league, said the president, but it
would be at the expense of the peace
of the world .
"America is necessary," he added,
"to the peace of the world. And the
peace and confidence of the world
are necessary to America." '
Mr. Wilson expressed his regret
that he could not be in Washington
on September 16, when General Per
shing and the First division parade
Nebraska Representative
Speaks Against League
Washington, Sept. 8. (Special
Telegram.) A-speech in opposition
to the adoption by the senate of the
league of nations covenant as now
drafted was made in the house Mon
day by Congressman McLaughlin of
the Fourth Nebraska district. Mr.
McLaughlin forcibly expressed the
belief that the covenant as now pro
posed by President Wilson in
creased rather than diminished the
possibility of future wars and for
that reason opposed it. He said
many letters had reached him from
people who advocated a league of
nations several months ago who op
posed the present plan, and ex
plained that while the abstract pro
posal of a league to end wars would
meet with universal approval the
concrete details dioVnot accomplish
hat purpose.
nient, I would be glad to die that it
might be consummated, because I
!ave a vision, my fellow citizens,
that if this thing should by some
mishap not be accomplished, there
would rest forever upon the fair
name of this people, a stain which
could never be effaced, which would
be unendurable to every lover of
This strain of doubt, this fear, that
some dire end awaited the covenant,
must surely have been removed
from the mind of the president by
the rounds of applause and the
cheers the longest and most pro
nounced during the course of his
entire address, and in fact even
greater than the ovation which
greeted him upon his arrival in the
Municipal Auditorium.
The president, however, failed to
explain to the crowd, eager to hear,
his own answer to the vital ques
tion of why, England was given six
votes in the council of the league of
nations to one of the United States
and why Japan was given wast
economic and political rights in
China. He spoke 55 minutes. ,
Auditorium Is Crowded.
Seldom, if ever, had a larger crowd,
pushed or jammed its way into
the Auditorium on any occasion.
Long before the time sc'hjjdul-'
ed for the. appearance of the
chief executive of the United
States, the Auditorium was com
fortably filled. Hundreds packed
the streets immediately adjacent to
the structure and when the building
became filled the streets were roped
off to prevent any further conges
tion, and it was with the greatest
difficulty that the cordons of the po
lice were able to keep the streets
cleared of the humming maelstrom
of people in order to permit the
car. carrying President Wilson to
approach the Howard street en
trance of the building.
As President Wilson, preceded
by Mrs. Wilson, entered the build
ing the people arose and greeted
the president and has party with
reverberated applause and cheers.
The presidential party, including
Mrs. Wilson, President Wilson, his
aide, Rear Admiral Grayson, and
several secret service men, was
quickly seated on the platform and
the meeting was formally -opened
after a short introductory speech
by G. W. Wattles.
Checks Second Ovation.
As President Wilson arose and
advanced to the front of the. stage
he was again greeted by an ovation
which continued until he lifted his
hands and asked that the crowd be
come quiet. '
Without hesitation, President Wil
sonvlaunched into his address. "I
am happy to appeal for the accept
ance of the peace treaty, not as a
representative of a party, but as the
representative of the- people of the
whole United States, "were his intro
ductory expressions.
Grasping a copy of the treaty of
Versailles, he lifted it far above his
head and said, "I wish that I had the
tim?. to read to you the contents of
this treaty, a charter for the affairs
of a new world, for unless you have
read it you are not familiar with the
great bill of rights which its con
tents propose. You have been led to
believe that this treaty contains but
four of five clauses but this is 'not
the case. Contained in this docu
ment is a complete settlement of the
matters that led to the world's great
war together with the machinery
that will forever provide a settle
ment of these matters."
Claims "World Settlement"
Localizing the treaty, he coi .
tinued: "Contained in this volumes
are the world settlement of the land
titles of the countries of the world.
Perhaps the most vexing matter of
litigation in the courts today are
those having to do with land titles.
You farmers of the great state of
Nebraska realize what would occur
if you were without boundary lines
for your vast fertilefarms. If this
state of affairs was exist for a
week, each one of you would be sit
ting on your fences with shot guns
in your hands within a week to pro
tect your property. This is what
the peace treaty does. It forever
tixes the boundary lines of the coun
tries of the world, for ever grants
to those people of Europe the lani
(Continued Tnge Hi, Columa asaSI