Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
. iaer and Eberstein Refuse
) Comment on Allowing
Armstrong and Brigham
to Still Carry Guns.
Despite the fact they have been
.ested for manslaughter in connec
' n with the murder of Eugene
ott, the Flaza hotel bellboy, de
rives George Armstrong and
orge Brigham, who have been
eased from jail on bonds, last
;ht were assigned to duty again
the Omaha police department.
?otli Armstrong and Brigham are
ing a penitentiary sentence for
-ticipating in murder, but Com
ssioner Ringer and Chief Eber
in, apparently have not attached
: slightest importance to the fact
.t their men less than a week
) participated in shooting down
cold blood an innocent Omaha
Refuse to Comment
!oth Commissioner Ringer and
' ' ef Eberstein went to their
nes last night refusing to com
i nt on the situation. Approached
terday morning, Mr. Ringer
niised to issue a statement at
JO o'clock, lie maxde an appoint
lt to meet a reporter for The Bee
ln's office. The police comtnis
;cr failed to keep his engagement.
' of Eberstein also elected to ig-
'e the public in the matter. He,
, refused to acceed to the univer
demand and explain why the two
:crs were not suspended pending
investigation of the serious
rges which have been brought
inst Armstrong and Brigham.
police commissioner refused
lie demands to investigate se-
s charges against other police
i, and it was predicted an effort
ild be made tot whitewash these
officers, 'as has been the custom
tofore in similar cases by the
-.ent city administration.
Negroes Meet Today.
, ' n indignation meeting, actuated
cipally by just such methods on
part of the heads of the depart
.t, will be held this afternoon at
Johns church, North Twenty
. . nd and Grant streets, to protest
. . inst the unlawful acts of the
; ,. .ibers of the Omaha police de
ment. Demands will be made
the city administration to abol-
' the rough tactics of the police,
v the full penalty to be given the
; cemen who are Riiilty of the
; der of Eugene Scott and for the
ubers of the morals squad to be
; manded to hold in respect hu
. ." t life and human rights.
. it gathering will be held under
auspices of the Omaha branch
. ; i lie National Association for the
' ancemetit of Cclored People. A
mittee will . lie" appointed to wait
the mayor, present him with a
of resolutions and demand an
vicii ply from the city's chief
uarles C. Galloway' will head
committee, which will call at
! mayor's office Monday, it was
Yiddish Composer
Will Sing His Own
Compositions Here
Solomon Small
gressive Women Use The
:aha Bee Advertising Coi
ns as Their Shopping
Solomon Small, a Yiddish com
poser of New York, is in Omaha
making preparations for a concert
in which he will sing his own com
positions. Mr. Small has written
over 800 songs in Yiddish.
In addition to being a composer
he has written a book of poems
and a volume of original riddles in
verse. His poems and riddles will
soon be published in English.
He is also preparing an opera
which will be given this winter.
"The Feeling of Justice," a musical
comedy, in which the text, songs
and music were written by Mr.
Small, was recently presented in
New York.
Says Pershing Built Up
Advertising Machine to
Further Political Hopes
Washington, Sept. 6. Explaining
his recent vote against creating per
manent rank for General Pershing
as a reward for services in France,
Representative Schall, republican,
Minnesota, declared in the house
Saturday that the officer had built
up a personal advertising machine
abroad and that his fame was due
to "misinformation, hypocrisy and
He charged that General Pershing
had political aspirations and had
sought the endorsement of congress
for use in this campaign.
Wife Goes Back Home With
Husband; Loves Chinaman
Although protesting her love for
Gee Bing Yoo, Chinese, with whom
she eloped from Chadron, Neb., to
Council Bluffs, Mrs. Clo Waltham
was influenced by her husband, F.
E. Waltham to return to their home
at Chadron. The couple left for that
city Friday afternoon.
Yoo is being investigated by Im
migration Inspector O. B. Holton,
with a view of deporting him. Pend
ing the outcome of the investigation
he has been paroled to J. M. Mc
Farland, an attorney.
Studies Will Be Resumed
Monday Morning With 1,000
Teachers to Welcome
Children Back.
Willie will have to get up early
Monday morning, shine his shoes,
don a new shirtwaist, and then will
have to pass an inspection by his
mother to see whether he has
washed his neck and face with the
care which the occasion demands.
The summer vacation, with all of
its joys, has passed away, and the
stern "realities of school days will
be here again.
Thousand Teachers Ready.
One thousand teachers will be at
the schools to welcome the boys
and girls hack to their studies. The
kindergarten departments of the
elementary schools will be attended
by many tots who wiH begin their
long climb up the hill of knowledge
on the morrow.
On account of the visit of Presi
dent Wilson, the morning session
will not be observed closely in
schools near the route of the presi
dent's automobile ride. Other chil
dren who wish to see the president
will be excused if accompanied by
To Relieve Benson High.
A six-year course in the Benson
high school will relieve the Benson
West and Benson Central schools
of the seventh and eighth grades.
An extended program of medical
inspection will be carried out this
school year under the direction of
Dr. E. T. Manning and Miss Char
lotte Townsend, assisted by a staff
of 18 nurses.
Teachers Need Rooms.
J. H. Beveridge, superintendent
of schools, states that the crowded
condition at the Dundee school will
be relieved next month, when an
annex will be ready for occupancy.
One of the situations in connec
tion with the opening of schools
is the difficulty with which sojne
teachers are getting themselves lo
cated. Many returned from their
vacations to find the housing prob
lem serious and rents advanced.
Mrs. Adams Denies Report
That Husband Disappeared
Mrs. W. F. Adams. 3156 North
Fifty-ninth street, states that there
was no foundation for the icport that
her husband disappeared at the time
of the disappearance of Miss Gene
vieve Kcefe of Benson, two weeks
Miss Keefe was found in a local
convent last week 'and it was an
nounced that she went there on the
pretext that she was an orphan
away from home.
"Miss Keefe came to our home
rt 3 a. in. and my husbajid took her
clown town in an automobile, as she
said that she wished to go to a
hotel," said Mrs. Adams. "My hus
band then went on a business trip
and did not know that his name had
been associated with the affair until
he returned home and was shown
the newspaper articles. It is absurd
to say that my husband disappeared
because he did not."
I! IT TERE is a roadster as proud of H
11 11 1 If II I ts Prowcss as ts bcauty jl ! In 1 1 1 I 1 II
I I I 1 1 A car that believes itself to be "just. j 1 1 1 I I
II 1 1 1 1 Iff a better" and loves to prove it. 1 1 P lj 1 1 I 1 1 p
; 1 I Call upon it for speed, for power, If 1 ffl I ! 1 1 1
I II 1 1 1 I II fr pick-up, for the quick, sharp jl 1 1 II 111
j 111 1 turn, and it responds always like the ! fill
I II I II 1 11 1 true thoroughbred it is. And it has jl I jl J II J j 1 1 1 j
1 1 1 1 111 j c endurance to withstand con- jjj! 1 j 11 J 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 jj 1
: j i 1 tinuous exceptional performance. j j j
III l , ' JDeltgn J
Stolen Diamonds Sell
Cheap in Turk Capital
(Contlnord From One.)
derful opportunity in the near east
lor American business men.
The Roumanians, he said, offer to
pay 40 and 50 per cent of the bill for
goods and ask 12 to 18 months'
credit for the balance, but are will
ing to pay frm 6 to 7 per cent in
terest, guaranteed by the strongest
Roumanian banks.
France is not an attractive market
for American coons
investing at present owing to the
low rate ot exenange. ihey are
buying from "hand to mouth" and
are waiting for the exchange to
Speaking of the near east Mr.
Wheten warned American firms to
get busy and send only the best
men, well versed in finance and
commerce, to do missionary work
and re-establish business connec
tions with these countries and to
counteract German propaganda
which he said was already beating
American firms.
"Just to show you how the Ger
mans are working," he said, "I saw
a letter in Milan sent out by a Ger
man firm to its former customers,
stating that all prewar balances
owed by the Italian customers had
been cancelled and a clean slate
"The Germans are offering goods
at from nine to 12 months credit
with no initial payment and with the
present rate of exchange the mark
tor American goods just now, ,,. , . c fiKt
Wheten said, as the French are no krrt of Americans must fight
: .i.TWc need the bieeest and nest men
We need the biggest and best men
to counteract it. There are few
Americans in the near east. We are
losing a wonderful opportunity of
cornering this market.
"In Roumania the greatest needs
are hardware, interior house fix
tures, boots, shoes, clothing and
automobiles not agricultural ma
chinery, as the Furopean peasant
has no use for modern appliances.
Movie Man Gets Real '
"Close Up" of Wilson
(Continued From Pago One.)
particularly a tiny black pickaninny
and its mammy, who, fighting a way
through the crowd, got within reach
of the president.
"Hello, little one," he said, tak
ing hold of a chubby and verv dirty
hand, "I am glad to see you.'"'
Mrs. Wilson Pleased.
Another youngster struggled
through and presented Mrs. Wilson
with a bunch of sweet peas. Her
face wreathed in smiles, Mrs. Wil
son expressed her appreciation.
One of the "movie" men accom
panying the presidential party got
an unexpected chance for a "close
up" of the president when' Secretary
Tumulty helped boost him over the
rail to the platform to take the
surging crowd.
After training his r.imcm tti
crowd the operator turned and got
a good picture of the president as
he stood chatting.
"Here, stop that," Mr. Wilson
said good naturedly, "you must not
do that behind a man's back." He
then came over and patted the
"movie" operator on the back.
All along the route patriotic
decorations were much in evidence.
On the slope of a railway cut near
St. Joseph a family of country peo
ple had taken a vantage point to
catch a glimpse of the president, one
of the men struggling to hold an
eight-foot American flag in a stiff
breeze and all the others waving
smaller flags as the presidential
special rolled by.
Mr. Wilson spent a part of the
afternoon in the club car, where he
talked 6ver points in his speeches
with the newspaper correspondents.
He said he was satisfied with the
treaty situation in the senate and
was enjoying his trip.
Every Terslan who can read nnd
write calls himself Khan, who has
been to Mecca calls himself Hay.Jii,
and who claims descent from the
prophet Sayed, Said, or Syed.
Corn Belt Farm Land Prices
Disproportionate, Is Warning
Washington, Sept. 6. FariiJers in.
Iowa and other corn belt "itates
were warned Saturday by th; De
partment of Agriculture to beware
of speculators who have created a
land boom in those states. jFrices
of farming lands have risen s with
such rapidity that serious conse
quences may be expected, espially
with the return of normal condi
tions, the department said.
Your Neighbors Are Buying
Aluminum Ware
at Omaha's New Stors
Flatiron BIdg., 17th and Howard
1S MdDnney avnnn ,
rr iin
The Two Suites
Shown Above
Regarding price: We know that the
above prices give you a decided sav
ing on a single Suite. As to quality,
each suite is the product of America's
largest manufacturer and must be
seen to be appreciated.
Suite No. 1
Cane and Mahogany
Velour Upholstering
A Suite which will give a satisfying r '-
I mosphere to your living room. Notice
the shapely mahogany frames and the
J artistic panels of cane,
rich velour upholster-
ine. Comnlete Suite
! Suite No. 2
t Tapestry Overstuffed
f All three pieces are big, roomy and
comfortable. Full spring construction;
f large pillowy arms; and loose cush
ions. A most up-to-date C
and good looking Suite. ftfalt)
Complete Suite v
1 You will find our prices absolutely beyond comparison in every instance the savings run into
several dollars. And aside from the saving in price, another great advantage in buying at Hart-
man's is the unusually large assprtment of high grade merchandise we have for you to select from. Furnishings
that carry an air of distinction that will add wonderfully to the cheerfulness and comfort of a home. For ex-
elusive designs in furnishings, at tMs lowest possible prices, come to Hartman's, where you can pay cash or use
your credit, as you prefer. . :
GOOD furniture
is an investment
You cannot put
your money into
anything that will
bring greater re
turns in happi
ness to yourself,
your family, your
It is within your
reach at HART-MAN'S.
9x12 Ft.
Genuine Wilton Rugs, full 9x12 Size, Seamless. A splen
did selection including Chinese, Persian and All-Over
Effects. For this week's selling,
while they last, at the very
low price
I Complete Showing g
oi writing vesKs
On. of the many styles
of desks which we
show on our sales
floors. Your choice of
Fumed or Golden Oak.
Interior ts equipped
with pigeon holes,
drawer, etc. A very
stylish desk, at the
special price, only
This week you can save
money on the Table pic
tured. It has porcelain top
all white enamel finish.
Special at
This Dresser In Solid Oak
Only $19.75
Exactly like the picture, in rich golden
oak. A large dresser with two large
and two small drawers, fitted with
wood pulls. Has French plate mirror
of large dimensions and crystal clear
ness. Very ft 4Q 7C
special price $1(1 it)
High cane back and seat Splendidly
designed and elegantly finished in
brown mahogany. A very
pleasing and artistic de
sign. Like cut, only
Liiuajicu jii
Sites 1 1 1
Designs jj,
Complete Bed Outfit
Tkis i.iodcl
Add Joy
to the Home
With a
Your choice of
Fumed Oak or Ma
hogany. It has a
metal tank and is of
generous propor
tions. A very neat
design and will
prove an ornament
to any home. A spe-
Columbia Graf onola
A small down payment brings
one of these celebrated instru
ments into your home. We show a
complete line in all sizes and fin
ishes, from $25 to $250.
Vie are pleased to play your
favorite selections and solicit your
cial at-
Ut . showing
an exceptionally
fine and large
assortment. Fit
ted with the
newest designs
and shades In
the popular eol-
orlL See Oni
Simmon's Sanitary Couch
It's a. Sin...lons Sanitary Couch this,
name Is your guarantee of aualitv. A .
uaaui mm imiiuy article in
the home. As comfortable
as any bed. Your price for
this week, only
At a bargain price, which will hold good
while they last, you get a full size Bed with
2-inch continuous posts and 2-inch fillers.
A set of sturdy springs. A thick, comforta
ble mattress and a pair of soft, down pil
lows. ir purcnasea separately the price
would undoubtedly be
almost double what
we ask. While
they last, only
aieiy ine i ire
8lmple to start,
easy to pay. If
your home lacks
the conveniences
or comforts that
go towards mak
ing It a real
home, why
should you hesi
tate to ask for
CREDIT, If the
credit way Is the
most convenient
to get the things
you desire T In
vestigate our
Protect Your Books in a
Sectional Bookcase
BOOKS are deserving; of care. What is
needed is a bookcase that preserves your
books In a clean, sanitary and systematic
condition. "
We carry a complete showing; of the
standard GUNN and MACEY bookcases''
embodying all the features above enum
erated. Call and let us show you our line and
explain more fully the many features of'
the sectional case.
1 i
World's Largest Homefurnishers
mmftrff"" .
413-15-17 SOUTH 16TH STREET
Two Specials
For This Week
Special No. 1
Colonial Dining
Golden Oak lias a 43-inch top
and extends to full 6 feet. "We con
sider this table the greatest value
we have offered to our customers
in months. A
limited quantity,
at only
Special No. 2
White Enamel
Iron Crib
Tubular steel Baby Crib. Con
structed of heavy continuous
steel tubing: adjustable safety
sliding side,
complete with
spring, only . .
uniajie saieiv