Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
7' 16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. I' ll. S. HAS SECOND LARGEST NAVAL AERO SERVICE Wonderful Growth of Branch of Navy Fighting Force After This Country Enters War. Washington, Sept. 5. Although its origin was an almost insignificant corps, the United States naval avia tion service was expanded so rapidly during the war that when the Ger mans quit it was the second largest naval flying force in the world. De velopment of the service, hitherto a cmefully guarded secret, was dis closed by the Navy department to day in the first of a series of an nouncements dealing with naval aerial activity since April, 1917. When the United Statesentered the world conflict it maintained a miall naval aerial establishment, with the principal station at Pensa cola, Fla. The personnel at that station was 38 aviators and 163 en listed men and the equipment con sisted of 22 seaplanes, five kite balloons and two free balloons. Forces Organized. A department of aviation was or ganized immediately and the vari ous bureaus took up the work of providing men and equipment. The bureau of steam engineering took charge of the development and manufacture of motors and radio equipment; the bureau of construc tion and repair dealt with the hulls and wings of the planes; the ord nance department provided machine guns and bomb launching devices and thousands of tons of high ex plosives, and the bureau of naviga tion supplied and trained thousands of officers and enlisted men. The armistice found the navy with more than 1,500 aviators, 1,300 ground officers, and 35,000 enlisted men with 4,000 flight officers and 10,000 enlisted men in training. There were in commission 1,400 sea planes and airplanes and about 300 lighter-than-air craft of all types. More than 1,200 officers and 19,000 enlisted men together with 388 sea planes, 140 airplanes and 42 kite balloons were sent to the war zone. Has Seven Stations. Meantime the single station main tained in the United States prior to the war had grown to seven training stations, ten patrol stations, nine rest and refueling stations, two, ex perimental stations and a number of additional stations for various pur poses were under construction. They formed a girdle that en circled the entire seacoast of the country. In Europe there were es tablished and in operation 28 Ameri can naval flying stations, two train ing stations and 17 bombing sta tions located in England, Ireland, France and Italy. There also was a marine aviation station in the Azores. A capable administrative force, drawn by the navy from civilians, administered the affairs of the serv- ios, with great success, but regular navy officers were in direct charge. Technical and manufacturing ex perts of international reputation represented the navy at the bases abroad and in this country. Their loyal services with those of the fliers, made possible the achieve ments which brought from Admiral William S. Sims the following praise for the work of the naval -aviation service in the war: Sims Praises Men. ."Please express to the naval avia tors of America my most sincere appreciation of their courageous and loyal performance of duty at home and abroad throughout the war. Their brilliant exploits, their deter mination to win, will ever remain one cf the highest tributes to Ameri can manhood. The performance of duty of these young naval aviators under my command has not only been in keeping with the very best traditions of our naval service, but has in addition won for America the enthusiastic praise of her allies." The American naval aviators car ried out joint patrols with the Brit ish, French and Italian naval air forces, raiding enemy submarine bases and aircraft bases at Ostend, Zeebrugge, Bruges. Helgoland, Pola, Trieste and various other points. . Large quantities of planes, subma rines, materials, buildings, hangars, supply stations, ammunition dumps and other valuable military projects were destroyed. Act as Convoys, , Seaplane patrols and aerial con voys were particularly successful. After the installation of American seaplane patrols and during thou sands of miles of convoy, only one ship in such convoys protected by seaplanes was ever successfully at tacked. In the 10 months Amer ican patrols were active only three ships were lost in the entire area between Penmarch and Isle d'Yeu. British, French and Italian of ficial records give the American naval aviation forces credit for at tacking 95 per cent of all subma rines sighted while on patrol, in spite of terrific weather conditions at times, and of damaging 45 per cent and sinking 25 per cent of all those attacked. The exact number of submarines sighted, attacked and sunk cannot be made public until the compilation of figures contained in allied records is completed. Henry Cabot Lodge Is Other H. C. L. Now . Troubling Capital "There are. two H. C. Li's trou bling Washington, D. C, just now, and they are the high cost of living and Henry Cabot Lodge." said Clara F. Cooper, principal of Web ster school, when she returned Thursday from a visit in the na tional capital. "I spent 15 days of my vacation in Washington and enjoyed it very much," she related. "I heard Senator Keed speak four hours on high cost - of living and saw Senator Lodge place his arms around the neck of Senator La Follette." - Miss Cooper has much admiration for Senator Lodge whom she Knows. She believes that her visit will have eal pedagogical value, " j STORE OPEN UNTIL 6 P. M. RE Drugs and Toilet Goods $1.09 Jlckr Perfume; our price, ir . 88c 11.55 Plnmud'i Lilac Toilet Wetir; our price Klc S5c Daggett & RamadeU'i Co!! Cream; our price (5 !5e Johnson'a Baby Talcum; our prke , 15 U.00 Beauty Book Free with each purchase of Takalon Goods. 35o Jergene Bemola and Almond Cream; our price Z5e Just received new supply of Melba Goods. If Melba makes It we have H. $1.00 Llttcnnc; our cash price... 67c 0e Lssol; our cash price ite 60c Liquid Veneer; cash price, 39c 10c Bit Dye Boap or Flakes.... tVte lOo Remmo Soap; our price... 10c Creme OU Boap; our price.. T'io $3.! Fountain Syringe; price. . .$1.3 51.00 He Vllhis Atomizer; price.. ,V $1.00 Gem Safety Razor; price. .19e 40o Tooth Brushes; our special cash Price joe OTEN if,: THE CASH STORE STORE OPEN UNTIL 6 P.M. Liberty Bonds Taken at Market Value in Payment for Merchandise. House Furnishings BETTER YAH ES AT BACH PRICE. 100-Ib. capacity White Mountain Re frigerator; oash price 135.00 US-lb. capacity White Mountain Re frigerator; cash prloe $30.00 100.1b. capacity White Mountain Re frigerator, solid stone, white lined: cash prloe $85.00 Six-hole Range, with warming closet, for cash price $37.80 Universal Six-hole Combination Nickel-plated Cook and Gaa Ptove: cmh price . . ... l 00.00 Four-hole Cabinet Gas Range, with BTen and broiler; cash price. . .(40.00. Two-quart Aluminum Double Boiler. for ; S1.6S Roller Bkatee,,ball bearing, for SS.O0 14-lb. family scale; special cash price for Saturday SI. 00 Vacuum Hand Washers; special Lrtce for Saturday 69o arge sited O'Cedar Oil Mop; apo dal price fl.U A-No. 1 Broom special cash pries for Saturday .... . ,1Se For Thirty-two Years We Have Been the Home of tlie Famous Hart SchalFf nev Marx Hand Tailored Guaranteed Clothes New Fall Lines Now Ready New Autumn Suits Are here hi an almost endless variety of fashions, very newest fancies. Never has a season been more prolific in charming fashion surprises and so varied is our stock, so moderate the prices that we are confident you'll find satisfying selection easy. Elegant New Suits High class in every respect; materials and work manship of the best; nearly all exclusive models. A specially attractive showing Saturday. '89, $73, $89, $98 to J185 Suit Special at $59 Your choice of 20 classy models in Silvcrtones, Velours, Gaberdines, Tricotines, fine Serges, Oxfords, etc.; all new shades; all sizes, including stylish stouts. Ex ceptional values at $59 See Our Big Showing of New Fall Dresses Beautiful New Blouses Attractively Priced iot oniv me materials dux; me coior snaucs vvmcu ssu-iku it new iwic uj. uicaa- ing harmony and appeal forcibly to the stylish woman. Let Us Show You the Famous Opera Brand Blouses Scores of dainty designs in Georgettes, Crepes and Crepe de Chines; all the most wanted new shades, at $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 Special Saturday Georgette Crepe Blouses in 25 distinctive designs. .$5.95 Boys' School Suits Every Offering an Ex ceptional Value A full table of boys' suits, well tailored of strong, durable fab rics. A good line of patterns, $5.00 values for $9.75 A new shipment of boys' all w o o 1 suits just received, (choice fabrics, high-class tail oring), made to sell at $20.00. This week $14.75 We are showing the largest line of Boys' Blouses in town. Hun dreds to choose from. K. & S. tailored in percales, ginghams and madras $1.00 A splendid line of Boys' Sweat ers in slip-on and jersey styles, in maroon, oxford, heather or blue, $3, $4 and $5.00 A complete line of Boys' Fall Caps, $1, $1.50 and $2.00 Boys' Dept Third Floor. Here's Exceptional Values Men's and Young Men's Winter Suits A splendid line just received. Snappy, new ideas, Including the popular single or double breast belt; all-round models. The sea son's choicest fabrics in the new browns, greens, grays and heather Yes, we guarantee all purchasers satisfaction or their money back.' New Top Coats Here There ',s a remarkably wide range of classy styles for your se lection too. Soon going to need one buy now. Veiling and Neckwear Specials For Saturday Washable Satin Collar, In roll and square effect; worth up to $3.50 Special Cash Price Saturday SI. 50 Organdy Collar and Cuffs, trimmed with ruffles of fine val lace; worth up to $2.00. Special Cash Price, Saturday ' $1.50 Organdy Vests with round and square neck, in white only; worth up to $1.50. Special Cash Price Saturday $1.00 Bengaline and Satin Vestees in all shades; worth up to $4.00. Spe-' cial Cash Price, Saturday . SS.OO Circular Veils in black and taupe, with chenille border; worth up to $1.00. Special Cash Price Saturday 50tf SALE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES $1.50 Salbro Safety, Self-Filling Fountain Pen, chased hard rub ber barrel, 14-karat gold pen; thoroughly guaranteed. Cash Prlcc $1.19 waterman's Ideal Selfv-Filling Fountain Pens. Cash Price is from $2.50 to S5.00 Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Ink; large bottles, 15 30tf and 75 10c Sanford or Carter's Best Ink 2-ounce size. Cash Price, 5 Fine line of finely fitted Pencil Boxes, full assortments of prac tical school needs, 25 50 and 750 Large Enameled Penholders, all sizes. Cash Price 5 Water Colors, with camel hair brush. Cash Price 500 Eversharp Magazine Pencil, sil ver plated, year's supply of lead. Cash Price $1.00 Full line of Eldorado Drawing Pencils, all degrees of hardness and softness. Cash Price 90 Underwear and Furnishings You Can Depend Upon $3.50 Wool Union Suits, $2.05 Sprlngtex Union Suits, made of very fine soft texture wool yarns that will Insure comfort and elasticity seldom found in garments at this price; come in medium weight; suitable for fall or winter wear; sizes 34 to 46. Our Cash Price, $3.95 $2.25 Cotton Bib Union Suits, $t.75 Springtex Cotton Rib Union Suits Union Suits in medium weight; come In fine soft combed yarns; suitable for early fall or winter wear. Low Cash Price $1.75 Yonr Choice of Any $2.50 Dregs Shirt from our regular stock Saturday. $1.95 $2.25 Sweater Coats, $1.75 Men's Sweater Coats, with shawl collar, two pocket; come In dark oxford gray; all sizes, 34 to 46. On Sale Sat... $1.75 $1.50 Shirts and Drawers, $1.15 Men's Cotton Rib Shirts and Drawers, to heavy weight ecru. These are all Sprlng tex flexible rib garments which means high standard of workmanship and ma terials. Our Cash Price Saturday $1.15 We are headquarters for Racine Flan nell shirts and now have a full line of various styles and colors, at low cash prices. Full line of Sterling Chalmers and Bradford Underwear in stock now for early selection at low cash prices. fliAo Qstltssl The Best Showing in Omaha of Stylish and Practical JlllS CnOOl lOtlieS School Clothes for. Misses and Girls Always at Big Shoe Sale Saturday Big Shoe Sale Saturday at very attrac tive Prices. Women's Kid and Patent Leather Shoes, some with cloth tops, welts and McKaysbroken sizes. (to q rormer prices, $1 and $4.50. tJaO0 Misses' and Big Girls' School Shoes, welts and McKays, patents and gun metal Child's gun metal button shoes, solid, sizes 8 to 11 $2.45 $2.00 $1.00 Big Girls' patent leather button shoes, Goodyear welted soles, low flat heels; very fine for school wear; made fo CA by H. W. Merriam Shoe Co., makers of Nature Shoes . j)O.UU Child's tan calf oxfords and barefoot sandals, with stitch down soles Ill . ' " :' ":" 111 II fm Saving Cash Prices Have Your New Suit or Gown Fitted Over a New Corset You'll Find the New Warner's Rust Proof Corsets Ideally suited to the preservation of the youthful lines of the figure; perfect comfort and perfect style com bined. Prices $2.00 up. SPECIAL Medium low bust and skirt Coreets. A remarkable value at Cash Price ' $1.49 Jewelry Sales Specials A most varied showing of new Rhinestone Brooches and Bar Pins, Novelty Necklaces and Beads, Sterl ing Silver Rings, Pearl Necklaces, Hair Ornaments and other novelty jewelry ever assembled In Omaha. All are brand new and exclusive de signs. 95c and $1.25 fine Silvo Metal Rhinestone Bar Pin, set with white French Brilliants; will not tarnish. Cash Price 79J $3.00 French Pearl Necklaces, as sorted sizes, matched Beads, gold filled catches, neck lengths; fine colorings. Cash Price $1.95 $2.50 Gold and Silver Plated Nov elty Lockets with ribbon soutoirs chains, engraved slides. Cash Price $1.50 50c Gold Front Lingerie Clasp, en graved designs; good heavy stock. Cash Price 25 $1.25 Japanese Pearl Beads, with fancy Rhinestone Clasp, 21 inches, large, matched beads. Cash Price, at 69t SPECIALS in the Leather Goods Department $3.95 New Canteen Purse, of fine fabrikloid finish, assorted lin ings, change purse and mirror fittings. Very newest style and very popular. Cash pric $2.45 Fine Chiffon Velvet and Paon Velvet Hand Bags; silk linings, change purse and mirror; sev eral shapes and styles; a spe cial lot and all colors. Cash price $4.95 $8.00 Fine Velvet Bag with large mirror drop frame, silk lining, change purse and powder puff; large size; brown, black, gray and blue. Cash price.... $6.50 Andrea' Models Fresh from the Fashion Center Every day brings us new clever designs. We have just unpacked a splendid fdred new models, four a styles illustrated, which will be shown for the first time "Saturday. Hats in which you'll find reflected the maximum of style and quality at the minimum of cost. Styles range from the extreme shapes with daring lines to the ultra-small models for mdre conservative tastes. $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00' We know these hats will please you. In exclusive millin ery stores you would be re quired to pay 50 per cent more for such hats. IA 4-. I l ml 1 ' tii mmin: Money Saving Cash Prices Always Sanitary Grocery and you'll always find the quality of our merchandise A-l. 48-lb. aacki Beat High Grade Diamond H Flour J3.85 24-lb. sack! Best High Orade Diamond H Flour S1.45 24-lb. sacks Rye Flour $1.40 The Beet Domestic Macaroni. Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, pkg "tc No. 1 cans Cut Wax -Beans 15 No. 2 cans Early June Peas, new pk. 16c No. 3 cans Asparagus Tips ISc No. 2 cans Bolden Pumpkin 5c Gallon cans California Apples 45c Nemso Evaporated Sweet-Corn, pkg., 5c K-os, cans Condensed Milk 16c 16-oz. cans Assorted Soups 12c Tall cans Pink-Salmon ...,19c Tall cans Fresh Mackerel ...19c Tall cans Fancy Red Salmon 35c Fancy Japan Rlcs. per lb.......... 14c Navy Beans, per lb 10e Large Jars Pure Fruit Preserves. . .32 No. 3 cans Pork and Beans ISc Quickserve Tomato Sauce, can.... 5c Oil Sardines, per can 64c Shelled Popcorn, per lb 124e Choice California Prunes, lb ..10c Choice California Peaches, lb. 5c Choice California Bartlett Pears, lb. Sftc Muscatel Cooking Kalslns, lb SOc Cleaned Currants, lb 30c Mince Meat. pkg... Vf"K Dromedary Dates, pkg .S5c Red Cooking Onions, lb 4c 3 large Green Peppers j;;Sc Fancy rnullfln"'"'. per lb ....lTjc THE TEA AND COFFEE MARKET OF OMAHA ''iunous Golden Santos Coffee. tt...38r Diamond H Blend, per lb 43c M. A J. Bleud, per lb 43c RHsltct Fired or Sun Dried Jap Tea48 Fancy Spider Japan, English Break fast. Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea, lb SBc The Best Te.-. Sittings, lb Sc llieakfast Cocoa, m 30c 1 Cooking Potatoes, III 4r Cabbage, per lb 4c ("ancy Klpe Tomatoes, lb 5c Large Egg Plant, each 10c I'iincy Wax or Green Beans, Ib.. .l5's- Tokay or Malaga Grapes, lb 13'c l.nrge Bancy Lemons, dot 35c Underwear and Hosiery Savings Evident Satisfaction Certain in Saturday's Sales Women's Lisle and Cotton Union Suits. in pink or white, with beaded or band tailored 'tops, tight knee or lace bottoms; regular and extra sizes. Regular price 85c on Sale 69 Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits, white with beaded tops, tight knee or lace bot toms; regular and extra sizes. Regular price 69, on Sale 50t? Women's Lisle Vests, with lace yokes or beaded tops ; . regular and extra sizes ; regular 35c values, on Sale 25 Women's Italian Silk Bloomers, flesh, of extra heavy quality reinforced; all sizes; reg. price $3.50 and $3.98, on Sale. $2.98 Women's Crepe de Chine or Satin Cami soles, flesh, trimmed with fine laces and ribbon shoulder strap; all sizes. Regular prices $1.75 and $1.98, on Sale.. $1.50 Women's Soft Muslin Envelope Chemise, trimmed with fine lace; all sizes; regu lar price $1.50, on Sale vop Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery; In best makes with full flared tops, high spliced heels and double soles; black and colors; worth $2.75 and $3.00. Cash Price $2.50 Women's fine Thread Silk Hose in black, white and Cordovan; fashioned back; val- ti lab I 7r ues up t0 a75- Cash Price 81.25 Woniens fine Mercerized Lisle and Fibre Silk Hose; regular and extra sizes; specially priced at SI. OO Boys' and Giiis School Hose, in light and medium weight black and white, 353, 45 Children's Fancy Half Hose, BOc quality. Clearance Price 20J SPECIALS IN OUR SANITARY MARKET Our Low Cash Prices Help You Save on First Quality Goods. Spring Lambs, Kore . . loo Genuine quarter Hindquarter -De Steer Pot Roast, per lb V2c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon. 3.rc Large assortment of Cooked, Salt and Smoked Meats in Deli catessen Department. ' BLTTl-R, i;CiCiS, c ui:ksk, etc. H'-Nt h'trii'tly Fresh Kjjrs, 6oz..4e Vest Hulk ('ruiiicry Kuttc-r, lb. flic Fwruy Full Croam lirick Cheese, ppr lh 35,. 2-1 1. c.u ton ; Snoivflak and Prem ium Oti-o. pnrh hftr Hulk Sweet Pickles, per quart. GIN? We buy fresh Country Butter nnd K'i;s direct from the farmers pay ins cash al market, price, day recei -d. It Pays TRY HAYDtiNS FiRST-It Pays,