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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1919)
THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. 15 REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. W Have Property for Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. SO! South 17th St. Done. 1011 FOR SALK Three-room pottafe. Full Jot on boulevard. 11.500. c. D. Artn-atron.J25- Securities Bids'. ' BIRKETT & "COrT --Jll-ISHrlrAj-B BM. Doug. U. REAL ESTATE-Business Proper BUSINESS property and investments. A P TUSET SON. "ytrtN;ti;nai Banh Bld CLOSB-IN INVESTMENTS Leavenworth at., Capllol eve.. Cumins PATNB A SLATER COMPANY P Ol GARAGE SITE, west Farnam district. Colfax 1171 REALESTAfET6 EXCHANGE INCOME FOR I.AWI1 We have 11 houses Hated in Omaha. Owner want land. 8 . S, R K. MONTGOMERY. 313 city National WHAT have you to exchange for cottage and fire-proof store building In Omaha, worth 14,000. Incumbrance $1,300. Box O-101. Omaha Vtce. I have a classy, up-to-date, 7-paeaenirer 8tud-baker and balance cash with which to buy a home In Omaha. What raya,yn" o-1 4 . Om a h a Bee. REAL ESTATE UNI MPRQVED Soutn. BIO BARGAIN LOTS. 11.00 DOWN. 11.00 A WEEK buya fin garden tract. 47il32; only 2 block from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and Ightly. black anil; prices J295 and 1340 THJBYRONREEDCO.. FOR SALE Two full alz lota In beauti ful Overlook addition S block south of Elmwood park; act quick aa these will not be on th market long. Address. Bos V-94. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT SUBURBAN. Council Bluff s FOR SALE. 10 lot located at the corner of S7ta tree! and 6th avenue, with sewer and water In street. Inquire of owner. Louis Schneider, Wiekham Block. Council Bluff. la. J-ROOM HOUSE, close to schooi; away from mud and water. Terma. Call Red 684. Dundee. Lot Bargain, $1,825 Owner of 4th lot So. of Dodge on 51st St. Will sacrifice to first party who answers this ad. Lots adjoining are sell ing for $2,100. Call Har ney 4928. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Coiorado Lands. DUNDEE home. 323 So. 60th Ave.; 6 rooms anil sleeping porch; 2 years old. Price 1 7.0 00. CHAMBERS O'NEILL, 210H Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 1419. We specialize In Pundeo home. C. B. STUHT CO., i l!-14 City National. Douglas S7S7 20J SOUTH Forty-first, hot water heat, seven rooms, no electricity; 1800 cash, 1.1.800. JOHN N. FRTONZER. DOUGLAS 564. South Side. IF you want a real home, at a bargain, you should see Jaa II Kopietz. real e tat lnvetmnt 473? South J4thM REAL ESTATOTHeITcItTeS real Estate south dakota 160 acres, located In best farming dis trict of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colome; all fenced and under cul tivation; two springs; six-room house and other buildings in good repair. Will ell or trade for city property. A. B. ALPIRN, 7th and Douglas Rta. Call Doug. 3424. SIX -ACRE PLACE. Two mile of Council Bluff with sev eral good road to the city; good 8 -room house, large barn; nice yard with larg walnut tree, about on acre upland: balance creek bottom and very rich garden (oil; heir want to divide and offer for 13.000. McGEB REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluff. OIL, LEASES. Wa buy and sell oil stock and lease. Our Ustlng Includes lease In Tillman coun.y, Olda. ; Wilbarger county and th Panhandle section of Texas: also Tucum carl, N. M. Writ us for prices and fur ther particular. Orcutt-Harris & Co., In., 413 Southwest Reserve Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City . REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE customer for 7-room model house; 1500 rash; can pay 176 a month. Call Mr. Brown. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., JS30 Farnam St. Tyler 41. BUNGALOWS WANTED. Va have ceeh buyers for well-located elTungalow and residence worth th money. ror quics regime, ni .im u. O NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 6S2-8 Brandels Theater Bldg I HAVE a man who will buy your lm- S roved property and pay cash for It ut the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. ; City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 14. HAVE lnqutrle for good home In good locations. Do you want to cell your property? List It with C. A. GrimmeL S4 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg; LIST your property for aale with J. B. Robinson for quick sale. 443 Be Bldg. Phone. Douglas 8UI7. Tel. Tyler 1014. LIST your property with u. W have call for homes and Investment. McCAGUE INV. CO. Phone D. 415. 15th and Dodge. VVB have the customer and can ell your property; list with John W. Robblns, 681 Brandels Theatre, D. 621. IF your property la for sale or rent. Hit It with th AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO., 3705 Lake. Webster 540 FOR quick results list your property with S. P BOBTWICK A SON, J0O Bee Bldg. Tyler 160. FOP quick sales list your property with W O. 6HRIVER. ;04T- Om Nat. Bk Bldg Doug. 1685 LOW ratea without delay. C. G. CARLBERO. SI! Brandels Theater Bldg. WILL buy or rent 6 to -rooro residence. Good district. Or will handle equity. E. H. Whelan, Hotel Conant. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. Private Money. SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug. 4S28. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate Interest payable semi-annually W. H. THOMAS 4 SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. CASH paid for limited amount of stock of L. V. Nicholas Oil Co. Address D. A Co., 418 Keellne Bldg. CITY and farm loan; 6Vj and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 41S Keellne Bldg. 1100 to S10.000 MADE promptly F. D. Wad. Wead Bldg.. ISth and farnam. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Fifty snares Skinner pack Ing stock; 30 shares Skinner macaront stock. Address Box 654, Grand Islaad, Neb. Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted 13,000 loan on S3. 000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to mak loan I beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who 1 67 years old and In poor health, will arrange matter so that entire 13,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums on Insurance. Chance to make from $500 to 11,000 In short time. Address Bee. Box M-S. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 2715. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Acreage. ACRE BARGAIN , . Dandy acre lot, 120 feet frontage. 100 feet depth, opposite the Florence Field addition. Buy now on the ground floor before price jump a development starts In this section. Can be handled on terms. Liberty bonds taken a first payment. Call OSBORNE REALTT CO., 5I Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 49. Corn Making 40 to 50 Bushels Per Acre. Doe land that I producing the above amount of corn per acre, and that can be bought at from 115 to 125 per acre, Intereat you? This land Is in Lincoln, Cheyenne and Kiowa counties. Colo. Good soft water at 10 to 100 feet; first class soil, and near town, school and churches. Harrow Gilchrist, 103 Crounse Blk.. Omha. Neb. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 180 acres Improved dry land In Logan county. H mile from railroad and town; now under cultivation and producing under care of reliable share renter; land In this vicinity rapidly rising In value; a snap at f 5ft per acre. Deal direct with owner, H M. Batchelder. Sterling, Colo. J0.000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co.. Colo., land. Bargains. Essy terms. See J. L. Matirer, Arriba. Colo. Iowa Lands. IMPROVED Iowa farm 82 H acres, all In cultivation; lies good; no wet or over flow; all A-l corn and alfalfa land, 1225 per acre; In best farming country In Iowa. Other good bargains. Beach & worKman. Mondamin, la 760 ACRES, Monona to, la.; 375 acres In crops; good soil; large set of Improve ments: adjoins town ; 1155 per acre; good terms. 6 per cent. A. A. Patzman, .101 Karhnch bloek. Kansas Lands. LANK COUNTY BARGAIN 2,160 ACRES, comes In 2 miles of market, 90 per cent level, 1 mile to school, shallow water, 600 seres in cultivation, improvements nearly all new and of cut stone. Will cut nicely for three farms. Possession any time. Write or see N. Owen, I'lghton, Kansas. FOR SALE My farm home, rich soil, ruck road to Chanute, Kan. Walter C happel 1 . Cha nute. Kan. t FOR SALE 160 acres in best wheat neighborhood In Thomas county, Kan sas, 25 per acre; worth 110; easy terms; 4 down, -i 4 months, balance 4 yrs. at t per cent. Oren Beauchamp, Owner. Colby. Kansas. Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 280-acre farm in Todd coun ty. Minnesota; buildings consist of seven-room house, barn, granary, corncrib, windmill, etc; 130 acres under cultiva tion, balance user fur meadow and pas ture; no waste land; this farm will pro duce good crops of corn, oats, clover, potatoes, etc; located only a mile from railroad town; good soil; woald make a good grain or stock farm; price 1:2.50 per acre. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands A REAL FARM In Washington county. In high statei of cultivation; at least $18,000 worth of Improvements, with good system of waterworks all through feed yards and buildings. The farm contains 160 acres and Is fenced hog tight. There are about 30 acres of fine valley pasture, ith living water the year around, mak ing it ideal for stock. Only 11 miles to Omaha and near two other good towns. The price Is $345 per acre, which, according to other farms, Is priced right, and considering the splen did improvements, is cheapest buy In Washington county. We have this splen did farm under contract. No chance to raise the price: otherwise would cost you far more. Will carry $22,000 at 6H per cent. Now, don't wait, but come. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ad dress GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. 8 29 Amaha Nat. Jlank Bltlg. , Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE 160 acres of level Kimball county farm land. 125 acres broke and ready for wheat. Kach Inch of balance Is farm land. This is a very choice ouarter and is located five miles from l)lx and 11 miles from Kimball. I am offering this for the next 10 days at $67.60. Terms on part. Address Or- lando Adams. Klmhall. Neb. lt;o acres, rolling land, six miles from Craig, three miles Bertha; 120 acres cultivated, SO acres hog tight fence; spring stream; good Improvements; eight acres oak timber: well, wind mill, blue grass pasture; price only 1200 per acre, easy terms. Clarence Dingle, agent, Craig. Neb. PRICED QUICK SALE 320 acres Thay er county: 80 acres pasture: 200 acres level, 40 acres rolling. Good Improve ments, $90.00 per acre; A miles from town; 160 acres $100.00 per acre, Im proved. Terms. Box 39, Belvldere, Neb. 160 acres, ajl farmable. four miles out; 90 acres under plow; fine quarter; only $35 per acre. Write for list of other farms and ranches. Aran, L. Hunger ford, Crawford, Netf FOR SALE OR RENT. 320 A. 6 miles from Central City. Improvements, windmill, 20 A. pasture, 20 A. alfalfa: balance under plow; level. Adress SOPHUS C. CHRISTENSEN. Fremont, Neb., Route 1. FARMS AND RANCHES. For bargains In either large or amall farms or ranches, write or call on CHAS. N. SNIDER, Curtis. Neb. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado land see HELD LAND CO., 86 Brandels Bldg WRITE me for picture and price of my farm and ranches In good old Pawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Craw ford. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farm. Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holme. Bvshnell, Ne b. PRICE and terniB right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farms. C. V. Nelson. 616 O-n. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 801 Karbach Blk Tyler 684. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farm at the right price. M. A LARSON. Central City. Neb South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One of the best 160-acre farms In Tripp county, So. Dak., within seven miles of county seat; one of the best towns in the state. Will exchange for stock general mer chandise or nothing-- L. G. Kmodell, St. Charles. S. D. Miscellaneous. For Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota farms and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug. 9008. 622 Pa i ton Blk. IF looking for good soil, I have It If looking for fine laying land. I have It If looking for one that 1 priced right. I have It A. W. TOLAND. P. 3576. 410 Bee Bldg. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your ;arm; timely alea; quick return. Held Land Co., 664 Brandels Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RENT A MEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 13 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1910 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 3623. 1314 HOWARD. OI'R six-cylinder five-passenger Scripps Booth demonstrator for sale, now about $300 less than selling price, Just like a new car, run 1.600 miles. HANSEN & TYLER AUTO CO., J514 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 136S. OUR six-cylinder, five-passenger Scrlpps Booth demonstrator for sale now at about $300 less than selling price, Jut like a new car; run 1.500 miles. HANSON & TYLER AUTO CO., Montana Lands. BANKRUPT price, 7$1 acrea best hay and grain laud, Irrigated, join county seat and rraxlng reserve: owner. Elmer L htrever. Billing. Mont 2514 Farnam. Phone Tyler 1368. SANDOW 1-ton truck, first-class con dition with good body and cab; tires also good; If you can use this capac ity truck, see us at once; terms $400 cash, balance $75 per month. ODELL-HAMILTON COMPANY, 1415 Jackson street. REBUILT AUTOCARS. We guarantee same as new; regular Autocar Service rendered; Investigate these trucke and have us submit our time payment plan. ODELL-HAMILTON COMPANY, 1415 Jackson street. REPUBLIC 3-ton. Republic 14 -ton. San dow Hi -ton, Nash It -ton, Ford Forma truck; packard 5-ton. Indiana 114-ton, Rebuilt Autocars; liberal terms if de sired. ODELL-HAMILTON COMPANY, ' 1415 Jackson street FOR SALE A BIG DAVIS SIX, CONTI NENTAL MOTOR. EXCELLENT ME CHANICAL CONDITION. ONLY RUN 4.005 MILES. JUST THE BUY FOR PERSON DESIRING A HIGH-GRADE CAR. CALL COLFAX 97. ONE 2-ton Auto Car. one Nash Quad, 2 ton, one 1-ton Commerce. Term if re quired. CHAMBERS O'NEILL, 2106 Leavenworth St Phone Tyler 1419. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used car bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. J028-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. USED cart uf exceptional value. AUTOMOBILES. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 1717. 1407-21 Capitol Ave DUMP TRUCKS One new -ton Davl. one J 4 -ton Kelly-Sprlngfleld, Ji?t over hauled. Going out of truck business. Term If required. Tyler 141$. USED CARS OF BETTER PERFORM ANCES. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO. 202$ FARNAM. STEVENS DURYEA touring car. six cyl inder, starter and electric lights, at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Phone Tyler 1419. USED car of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, $56$ Farnam St Dour. 1970. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. $020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED FOR SPOT CA8H100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2059 Farnam St D. 6035. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOL8 MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. FORDS, BUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS. FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO.. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfr. of new self-spacing af finity spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th ftja.-kson. Ford Agents, D. 3500. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 3563 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. AUTOMOBILE electrical repair: service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 20f,9 Farnam St V. 6036 GAIN more miles; have your tires re treaded by . & a. Tlr Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Fernam St. MI ST sell at once, late model Ford tour ing car, cash or terms. 2611 Dewey Ave. Tifl? King "8" Foursome; like new; will sacrifice: by owner. Call before 8 p. m. 4109 N. ISth St. Colfax 1768. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Recelpte were: Official Monday .. Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday. Estimate Friday... Omaha. Sept. I. 1111. Cattle Hog Sheep ... 15.836 1,197 63,900 13,578 1.195 37,692 9.788 3.861 17,373 5,138 3.341 '15,908 1.700 4.600 11.000 Five day thl week. 45. 139 Sam day last week.60,674 Same two week ago. 62, ISO Sam three wk. ago.34.616 Sam days year ago.65.129 16,194 196,873 34.311 188,603 31,493 187,334 ST.247 163,693 36,095 152.177 Cattle It was the usual moderate Frl- Recelpt and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, Neb., for 24 hour ending at t o'clock p. m., September 5, 1919: RECEIPTS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H'r'. C. M. A St. P 6 Union Pacific 14 8 65 C. & N. W., east 4 1 C. & N. W.. west.... IT 20 1 C, St. P., M. & 0 11 C. B. A Q., west 36 3 C, R. I. & P., east.. .. 7 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Great West. .. 2 Total receipt 73 60 85 1 DISPOSITION. Morris Co. J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... Hoffman Bros John Roth & Sons. P. O'Pea F. P. Lewis J. B. Root & Co. J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros. Wertheimer & D Sullivan Bros. .. Baker John Harvey Jensen & Lundgren. Choek & Krebs Omaha Packing Co.. Other buyers TOURING car, In good condition; cheap for quick sale. Tyler 1886-AV. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Paige auto m ohlle In good condition. Tyler 1 19 5. WHEN you thnk of used cats, thlink of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. WILLYS-KNIGHT coupe, good condition. lan w enstor it v. Cars lor Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE Drive yourself. at very reasonable prices: no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage. 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7S90. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice, for anto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender reanlring: body dents removed: now fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1119 Cuming St. Tyler 917. F P. BARNUM CO.. 3125 Cuming. Doug las 8044. High-grade automobile painting Tires and Supplies. NEW AND USF.D TIRE BARGAINS. SHE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. 2914 FARNAM ST. H. 6758. Trucks. SALE Ford truck at a very reasonable price. Douglas 6143. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machine. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man, 37th and Leavenworth- St. FOR SALE 1914 Excelsior motorcycle. Good condition. 2786 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6896J PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wo collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T forget the big range horse and mule auction, next Monday and Tues day, August 8 and 9. at stock yards stables; will have about 1.500 unbroken range horses and about 200 gentle work horse and mules; 20 head of big city broke horses; all shod and ready to go at hard work. TEAM, harness and wagon. Seven Oak Farm, three blocks west or J? lorence car. BROOD SOWS. Buy on Birdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. S. Pettis, agent. SOUND, new, coarse hay, $15 per ton. Wagoner, 801 N. 16tn MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40 6 mo.. H. goods, total, $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 432 Security Bids. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. FARMS and city loans. . H. LOUUEE. INC. 538 Keellne Bldg. Audltlna WILLIAM BRYOCN & CO., Public Accountants and Aud'tora 206 Kennedy Bldg, Telcohone Tyltr 1572. wnitaiu Kryden. Certified Public Accountant of Iowa. Charterea Accountant of Scotland. Chartered Accountant of Canada, formerly partner of Win, Guthrie ft Co., and for six years with Marwick. Mitchell Peat A Co., Certified Publle Arrunntant, New York City. AXNOUNCE THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE I OMAHA FOR THE GENERAL PKAITICB OF AUDITING. FINANCIAL INVESTIGA TIONS AND OTHER BRANCHES OF AC COCNTINU. INI'IJjnlNG THK PREPARA TION" OF INCOME AND WAR EXCESS TAX RETURNS ANI THE INSTALLATION OF COST AND GENERAL ACCOUNTING bYS TEMS. Twenty-five years experience. Competent Staff of assistants. The firm of Wm. tiuthrle A Co.. was dis snlTed by mutual consent on August SO. 1910, and the work done by Wm. Guthrie A Co., in Omaha and district will be taken over by William Bryden Co. FOR SALE 640 acres, 3 miles , northeast of Burlington, Colorado. ' Level land. 450 acres plowed and ready for seeding, balance can all be broken, except 30 acres. Very best loam oil with clay subsoil. All fenced. Price, $60 per acre. Term rea sonable. Address owner: 8101 Lin coln Boulevard, Omaha Nebraska, Phone, Douglas 6631. OMAHA PRODUCE Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 loins, 42c; No. 2 loin. $2iAc: No. 3 loins, UHc. No. 1 ribs, 31c; No 2 ribs. 20Hc; No. 3 rib, V,c. No. 1 rounds, 28c; No. 2 rounds, 21'4c; No. 3 rounds. 17c. No. 1 chucks, 19c; No. 2 chucks, 14c: No. 3 chucks. 10c. No. 1 plates, 16c; No. 2 plates, 124c; No. 3 plates, 9 He Quotation ifurnished by th Glinskt Fruit Co. Vegetable Potatoe. Northern White, 1.(0; Colorado. $2.60; Ohio. 2 50: Texa New potatoes, 8c. Cabbage: Texas and California cratea. tSc; small lots, 6c Onion, California Reds, 7c. California head lettuce, $3.50 crate; California bead lettuce, $1 25 dozen; leaf lettuce. 40c dozen: H. G. radish 25-35o dozen: H G onions, 25-S5e doien;egg plant, t; .50 doten pinacb. market price; hot house cuke. $2.50 dozen; bushel basket Texas cukes, $3 50 basket :market basket cukes (about 2 asparagus. H. G., (0-T5o dozen; Florida tomatoes (6 basket crates) '7 60 crate, wax and green beans, peaa. market price Nuts English walnuts, sack lota. 34o less 15c; No. 1 raw peanut 10c; Jumbo raw peanuts. HVc: roast No. 1. 12c: roast Jumbo. 15c. Fruit Orange: Vatueiao. V6-100. $6 60; 126. $6.00; 150-288-324. $6 60; 176. 200. 216. 260, $7.00. Lemon: Sur!-t 100-260 $5 75; Red Ball, I00-2et $526. Grape fruit: California (all zea) $6 25 Bananas ty, to 8c Strawberries: Missouri. $7 60 Pineapple: 41-48. $5.60: 24-30-36. $6 1)0 Plate No. 1. 16c: No. 1. 14c: No. I. 11Hc Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 242 62a 190 616 1,063 2.105 776 987 2,673 767 928 1,494 691 49 2 7 1 74 25 97 28 122 60 307 49 81 46 251 11 8 1 (16 22,924 4,615 4,294 29,396 day' run of cattle here today, only about 65 cars, or 1,700 head, showing up. Trade was slow all around, but western beef and butcher stock cleared fairly well at prices not a great deal different from yesterday. Feeder were slow and generally a little lower again today. They are selling 50c to $1.00 lower than Monday, or mostly 59c lower than on last week' close. Representative sales: COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 14 907 5 60 14 991 $6 60 8 886 7 00 6 946 7 26 13 940 7 75 45 1042 7 80 45 946 8 25 9 1047 8 40 6 1138 8 50 10 1062 8 75 HEIFERS. 4 783 7 75 11 763 8 25 CALVES. 1 570 7 00 2 210 8 00 5 498 8 60 14 349 10 00 28 269 10 60 1 220 11 00 25 142 11 00 35 143 II 60 2 155 13 00 1 180 13 60 WESTERN CATTLE. NEBRASKA. 61strs..l016 11 10 10cow..73S 6 70 lOhfr. ..674 7 65 30 fdrs.,768 9 86 23hfrs...775 8 50 5 c!ve..284 10 60 W. D. Bachelor. 24clvs..250 13 00 4 cows..l087 7 00 34 cows. .937 6 00 Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $16.6017.60; good to choice beeves. $15.0016.60; fair to good beeves, $13. 50 (14. 50: common to fair beeve, $1 1.00 13.60; choice to prime yearlings, $17,006)18.00; good to choice yearlings, $15.6017.00; fair to good yearlings, $13.00$il5.00; common to fair yearlings, $10.00il2. 50; good to choice heifers, $8.5011.00; choice to prime cows, 110.00 11.25; good to choice cows, $8.50 10.00; fair to good cows, $7.008.00: common to fair cows, $5.2507.00; choice to prime heavy feeders, $12.6013.50; good to choice feeders, $11.00 12.60; medium to good feeders, $9.6011.00: common to fair feeders, $7.509.00; good to choice stocker. $9.6011.00; fair to good atockers, $7.5009.00; common to fair grades, $6.007.50; stock heifers, $8.50 $8.60; stock cows, $6.00 7. 25 ; stock calves, $7.50ffl10.00; veal calves, $7.0014.00; bulls, stags, etc., $5.50910.00; choice to prime grass beeves, $1 1.60(816.00; good to choice grass beeves, $11.00613.00; fair to good grass beeves, $9.00010.(0; com mon to fair grass beeves, $7.5091.00; Mexican beeves, $6.50(98.50. Hogs Although hog receipts today were the heaviest of the week, 68 loads esti mated at 4,600 head, the run was far from liberal. Shipper were very light, buyers largely at $17.6018.60. The lat ter being top for the day, there being no real prime light loads Included in the receipts. The packer market opened with a few sale slow to 15 and in spots 26c lower but prices firmed up until late sales looked close to steady with yester day, the market averaging around 10 15c lower. The long string today was $17 00 17.15, compared with the long string yesterdav of $17.25. Bulk of today's sales being $17.0017.50. Representative sales: HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 63. .235 150 $16 90 38. .283 70 $17 00 51. .337 ... 17 10 56. .297 ... 17 15 82. .205 ... 17 20 67. .253 40 17 26 73. .260 40 17 30 64. .276 140 17 35 59. .303 40 17 50 74. .258 ... 17 60 62. .276 ... 17 75 72. .225 ... 17 76 77. .185 ... 17 75 72.-242 ... 18 00 47.. 244 80 18 (0 Sheep A fair sized run of aheep and lambs arrived for today's market, chute house estimate calling for 22,000 head. Character of the offerings was about the same as usual. The packers took early Inventory of the receipts and demand from this quarter had plenty of activity from the start, prices for killers were generally steady with yesterday. One string of Nevada lambs brought $15.00, duplicating yesterday's top and good grades moved around $14.50. Fat ewes sold up ss high as $8.00 with good wethers quotable up to $9.009.25 Inquiry for feeding lamb appeared to be rather backward and thl branch of the market moved slow to a little lower, best feeding lambs are selling around $13.60013. 7f with medium kinds around $12.5013.00. Representative sales: FAT LAMBS. 705 Nev...66 16 00 106 Idnho.66 14 60 FEEDING LAMBS. 167Wyo...54 13 60 227 culls..41 10 60 100 native. 52 IS 60 FAT EWES. 2Wyo...ll5 8 00 95 culls.. 88 2 75 FEEDER EWES. 244 native. 97 6 00 FAT WETHERS. 73 Idaho.120 9 26 Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice. $14.0014.50; lambs, fair to good, $13.50 14. 00; feeder lambs, good to choice, $13.6014.00; medium feeder lambs. $12.5013.25; cut back feeders, $10.0011.60; pee wee lambs, $6.509.60; vearllngs, $9.0009.75'; wethers, $8.60 9.26; ewes, good to choice, $7.608.00; ewes, fair to good, $6.507.26: good feed ing ewes, $5.506.25; ewe culls and fan ners, $2.604.60; breeding ewe, $7,500 13.60. Short Term Notes First Liberty S , Am. Con. Deb. . 1124 Beth. Steel 7s. 1(21 L. Canada 6, 1921 , Cudahy 7s, 1923 Int. R. T. , 1911 Kan. City Ter. 6, 1933 Proctor A Co. 7. 192$ .... Russian Ruble (Via. 1936... Union Pacific (, 1928 Wilson A Co. 6. 1921.;.... Third Liberty 4Vi Fourth Liberty 4 Via Am. Tel. A Tel. 6a. 1925.... Am. Tel. 6s, 1924 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1923 Am. Tobacco 7. 1923 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1922 .... Bid. Asksd. 99.90 99V ..1011 1. 9714, ....101 . 83V. .100 .101 .103 .J02V4 . 99 . 94.86 .. 93.10 .100 . 98tt .108 V .103V, . tt 1004 161V 98 101Vi 100 5 101 V, 103 4 103 91 100 98 103 103 100 market steady; Iamb, $11.00015.25; ews, $6.25 8.50. Bee want ads bring res' Chicago Iim Stock. Chicago. Sept 5. Cattle Receipt, 2. 000 head; estimated tomorrow, 2,000 head; market slow; beef steers medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $16.25 18.00; medium and good, $11.7516.75; common, $9.6011.75; light weight, good and choice, $13.7617.75; common and medium. $9.5013.76; butcher cattle heif ers, $7.00014.75; cows. $6.76 13.60: can ners and cutters. $5.656.75. Veal calves. $2i02100. Feeder steers, $7.2512.75; stocker fcteers, $6.7510.25; western range beef steers. $9.0015.76; cow and heif ers. $6.7512.75. . Hogs Receipt. 13.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 6,000 head; uneven but teady with yesterday' average. Heavy, $17.60 19.60: medium, $18.0020.00 light. $18.75 20.00; light light, $18.2519 50: heavy packing sows, smooth. $16.2517.26; pack ing sows, rough, $16.7516.25; pigs, $16.60 She'ep and Lambs Receipt 10,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 2,000 head; market unsettled: lambs, 84 pound down, $12.75015.25: culls and common, $8.25 12.25; yearling wethers, $10.00 11.75: ewes, medium, good anle ?!" . '6 8.50; cull and common, $2.256.60. Sloui City Live Stock. Sioux City. la.. Sept 6. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,000 head; rnarket steady to strong; beef steers. fed, $12.5016.76 : grass steers $9.0013.00; 'at cows and heifers, $7.O012.50; cannery $5.006.76: stockers and feeders. $6.5011.7(; veal calves. $6.0015.00; feeding cow and heifers, $5.508.50. . Hogs Receipt. 2.500 head; market steady to 25e higher; light. J J'f -0: mixed, $17.2518.00; heavy, 116.75 17.25 ; bulk of sales. $17.0018.25. Sheea and Lambs Receipt. 2.500 head; market steady. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo.. Sept 5. Cattle Re ceipts 1,300 head; market Irregular; steers, $17.0018.50; heifers. $.2514.00; cows, $6.1512.00; calves, $13.7516.00; stoc-kers, $6.60 10.75. Hoge Receipt, 4.000 head; market fteadv; heavies. $18.25 19.00 ; mediums, $18.2519.40; lights. $18.1019.60; sow. 1 l.i.'t piRH. ill..".-... Shtep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; St Joseph Liva Stock. St Joseph. Mo.t Sept. 6. Cattle Re ceipt. 800 head; market steady; steerB, $8 6018.50; cows and heifers, 15.(0 16.25; calves, $7,00515.00. Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head: market steady: top, $19.60; bulk, not quoted. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 800 head; market steady; lambs, $7.00015.00; ewe, $6.508.00. New York General. New York, Sept. (.Wheat Spot, steady: No. 2 red, $2. 35V nominal track New York to arrive. Corn Spot, firm: No. 2 .yellow, $1.82, and No. 2 white, $1.83 cost and freight New York. Oats Spot firm; No. 1 white, 83c. Lard Strong; middle west, $28.20 28.30. Other article Unchanged. GRAIN MARKET Boston Wool. Boston. Sept. 6. The Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will ay: Another dull wek is reported In the wool market, with prices holding barely steady and ordinary and Inferior wools slightly easier. Manufacturers are well occupied, however, and the demand for gods continues strong. The situation in England 1 very strong. River Plate market are easier. Scoured basis: Texas Fine 12 months, fl.6501.T6; fine S months. $1.38 51.4". California Northern fl.6O01.ft; mid dle county, 11.401.60; southern, $1.30 1.86. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple. $1.80 1.15; eastern clothing, $1.501.65; valley No. 1, fl.6601.70. Territory Fine staple, $1.8501.10: half blood combing ,$1.751.80; three-eighths blood combing, $1.3501. 40: fine clothing, 1 fit) ? 1.60; fine medium clothing, $1.40 1.60. Pulled Extra, fl.75JM.80; AA, fl.650 1.70; A eupers, fl. 5501. 60. Mohairs Best combing, 6065c; best carding, 5560c. Dun' Trade Review. New York, Sept. 6. Dun' tomorrow will say: Business sentiment In the present un certain period is susceptible to quick fluctuation and this week brought a sud den reversal of feeling. The turn has been for the better and a les threaten ing labor outlook chiefly explains It Fresh' strikes of magnitude that had seemed to be Impending have fortunately failed to develop. The whole question of wage adjustment Is obviously bound up with the high price problem, which Is everywhere causing agitation and which has left an unmistakable imprint on con ditions. While renewed Impetus Is given to manufacturing and distribution, yet the fact remains that new business In some Important lines Is now distinctly hesitant and that there Is greater con servatism respecting the future. Weekly bank clearing, $5,744,733,883. New York Coffee, New York, Sept. 6. The market for coffee futures lost a good part of yes terday's advance during today' trading owing to disappointing cables, reports of lower firm offer from Rio and renewed liquidation. The opening wa 9 to 15 points lower and December old off to 17.20c during the afternoon or 60 points below last night's closing quotation. That delivery closed at 17.25c with the gener al market showing a loss of 40 or 60 points for the day. Closing bid: Sep tember, 17.75c; October, 17.60c: Decem ber, 17.25c; ajnuary. 17.20c; March, 17.16c; May, 17.05c; July. 16.98c. Spot coffee dull and unsettled; Rio 7, 18Vc; Santos 4s. 27c. Omaha Hay Market, Receipt of prairie hay heavy and de mand quiet No. 1 upland prairie, $22.50023.00; No. 2, $17.0020.00; No. 3, $10.0013.00. No. 1 midland prairie, $20.00 22.00; No. 2. $16.0018.00. No. 1 lowland prairie, $14.00 16.00; No. 2, $11.00013.00; No. 3, $8.00010.00. Choice alfalfa, $27.00029.00; No. 1, $26.00027.00; standard, $24.00026.00; No. 2, $19.0022.00; No. S, $14.0016.00. Oat straw, $9.0010.00. Wheat straw, $8.0009.00. New York Money. New York, Sept 6. Mercantile paper, 5V106V4: sterling demand, $4.14; ca bles. $4.15Vi. Francs Demand, 1.32: cable, $.30. Guilders Demand, 36; cables, 37. Lire Demand, 9.76; cables, 9.73. Marks Demand, 4; cables, 4. Time Loans Easier; all dates, 6 per cent. Call money ay; high. 6 pr cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan, 5. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 5. Turpentine Quiet, $1.67; sale 100 bbls; receipts. 227 bbls; shipments, (69 bbls; stock, 8,984 bbls. Rosin Firm: sale, 786 bbls: receipts, 807 bbls; shipments, 619 bbls; stock, 46.967 bbls. Quote: B, 16.00c; D, 16.60 16.60c; E, 16.5016.70c; F, 16.90 17.00c: G. 17.2517.60c; H, 17.70018.00c; I, 18.80 019.00c; K, 20.00c; M. 20.5020.76c; N, 21. 00021. 75c; WG. 22.0022.25c; WW. 23.00c. Liberty Bond Price. New York, Sept 6. Liberty bond price at 11:30 a. m. were: 3s. 99.90; first 4s. 94.50: second 4m 99 71. fl.., il.. ai tn. second 4Vis, 2.96; third 4Vis, ' 94!$0; fourth 4. 95.24; Victory 3, 99.60; Victory 4s, 99.64. final prices on Liberty bond were 3V4's. 99 94- ftrat A'm alEi. ,1. 92.80; first 4V4', 94.60; eeond 4V, 92.98; third 4-4 '. 94.96; fourth 4' 93.30; Victory 3's, 99.50; Victory 4's, 99.60. New York Dry Goods. New York, Sept. 6. Cotton goods were quiet today with price easy in the gray cloth division. Burlaps were firmer and wool more active locally. The garment trade wa less active. New York Sugar. New York. Sept. 6. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 7.28c; fine granulated, a. live. Bar Silver. New York. Sept. 5. Bar Sliver $1.12; Mexican dollar, 86. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotation furnished by Peter Trust company: , , Bid Asked. Am. Tel. Tel. 6s. 1924 101 101 do 6s, 1925 99 99 American Thread 6s, 1928 .... 99 100 American Tobacco 7s. 1919. ...100 100 do 7s, 1920 101 101 do 7s, 1921 102 103 do 7s, 1922 103 104 do 7s, 1925 103 103 Anaconda Copper, 6s, 1929.... 98 99 Anglo-French ext. 6s, 1920 97 97 Armour A Co., con. deb. 6s, 120 101 102 do 6s, 1921 103 104 do 6s. 1922 103 104 do 6s, 1923 103 104 do 6s. 1924 103 104 Beth. Steel Co. 7s. 1922 101 102 do 7, 1923 101 102 British 6s. UJl 98 98 Canada 6s. 1921 98 98 Canadian Taciflc 6s, 1924 99 100 C, B. & Q. 4s, 1921 94 95 C., R. I. & p. 6s, 1922 97 98 Cuban-Amcr. Sugar 6s, 1921.. 99 100 Cudahy Pkg. Co. T, 1923 101 101 General Elec. deb. 6s, 1920. ..100 100 Great North. Ry. 5s, 1920.... 98 99 Inter. R. T. 6s. 1921 85 87 K. C. Term. 6s. 1923 99 100 Lehigh Valley 6s. 1923 101 102 Liggett A Meyers -6s, 1921 100 100 Phlla. Elec. 6s. 1920 99 100 rroctor A Gamble 7, 1920. .. .100 101 do 7s. 1921 101 101 do 7.1, 1922 102 102 do 7, 1921 103 103 Russian Ruble &, 1936.... 84 88 Southern Ry. 6s, 1920 96 97 Swift Co. 6. 1921 9 100 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 ...101 102 U. S. Rubber Ts. 1923 104 104 West. E. A M. 6, 1920 100 100 Wilson Conver. 6. 1928 97 97 First Liberty 3 99.66 Liberty, 1st 4 94.54 Liberty. 2d 4s 92.78 Libert 1st 4 Vis 94.50 Libert. 2d 4 Vis 92.94 Liberty, 3d 4 Vis 94. 9 Liberty. 4th' 4 V 93.30 Liberty, 5th i 99.(0 Omaha, Grain Market. Omaha, September I. Wheat receipt today continued liberal, while corn and eat were light Corn price ranged about 1 to 1 cent higher. Oata were to I cent up. Wheat was about steady. Ry and bar ley wer unchanged. Cash sales today war: Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 car. fl.ll; 1 car, $1.15 (smutty). No. 1 hard: 1 car, $1.20 (dark): 6 car, $1.16; 13 car. $1.16; 1 car, $2.14; 1 car, $3.10 (smutty); 1 cars, $2.09; 4 car. 93.08 (smutty); 1 car, tl.07 (smut ty). No. 1 hard: 1 oar. $1.15 (dark, mutty); 1 ear. f!.14: car, fl.ll; 14 car. 12.12 ; 2 cars, $1.11 (yellow); $ oar. $3.10 (yellow); 1 car, $2.08 (smutty); 1 car, $2.07 (smutty): 1 car, $$.06 (smutty); 1 car, $3.05 (yellow). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.15 (5 per cent rye); 1 car, $3.10: 4 car. $1.09: 1 car. 12.08 (yellow, smutty); 29 cars, $2.08; 1 car, 12.07 (smutty); 7 care. $2.06 (yellow): 2 cars, $2.03 (smutty); 1 car. $2.02 (smutty). No. 5 hard: 6 car, $2.04; 1 car, $3.02; 3 cars, 13.01 (yellow): 1 car. 12.00 (smutty). Sample hard: 1 car, $2.01 (red); 2 cars, $3.01; 1 car, $1.99 (yellow): 1 car, $1.85 (yellow. 23 per cent damaged). No. 1 northern spring: 2 cars. $2.40 (dark); 1 car, $2.35; 1 car, $2.34; 2 cars. $2.32. No. 4 spring: 1 car. $2.10 (northern); 1 car, 12.08 (northern); 1 car. $1.93 (red, very mutty). No. S northern spring: 1 $-( car, $2 06; 6 cars, $2.04. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $2.14 (du rum). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.15. Corn No. 2 white: 2 care, $1.62. No. $ white: 1 car, 11.62. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.60. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. $1.62. No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, $1.66. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.69. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.62. No. 3 mixed: I car, $1.61 (near white); 1 car, $1.60. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.60 (near white). No. ( mixed: 1 car, $1.65. Oats No. 3 white: 12 car. 66; 2 car, 66 (shipper weights). No. 4 white: 3 cars, 66c; 1 car, 65c. Sample white: 1 car, 64c. Rye No. 4: 1 car, $1.25. $1 iorIey2 M2, No' 1 ,ed: 5 car"' OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today Week Year ,. Ago Ago wat 174. m 67 Cr 21 42 67 2at" 31 13 44 'e, 7 6 0 Bar'fy 11 1 6 Shipment Wheat 46 67 f ?r" 37 28 58 ?ye, 2 0 0 Br'cy 7 6 1 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oat Chicago 468 195 115 Kansas City 10$ lj s St. Loui Hi 30 (7 Omaha drain Inspection. Th number of car of grain of the several grade Inspected "in" here during the pat 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard. 9: No 1 h.r aa. No. 3 hard. 68; No. 4 hard, 36; No. 5 hard, 11; No. 1 mixed, 4; No. 2 mixed, 2 No. 3 mixed, 4; No. 4 mixed, 4; No. 6 mixed, 7; No. 1 spring, 2; No. 2 spring, 1; No. 3 spring, 3; No. 4 spring, 6; No. 6 spring. 9; sample spring, 2; No. 4 durum, 1; total, 206 cars. Corn No. 1 white, 2; No. 2 white, 1; No. 3 white, 2; No. 4 white. 1; No. 2 yel low, 6; No. 3 yellow, 3; No. 4 yellow, 1; No. 1 mixed, 1; No. 2 mixed, 4; No. 3 mixed, 2; No. 4 mixed, 2; No. 6 mixed, 1; No. 6 mixed, 1; sample mixed, 1; total, 27 cars. Oats No. 2 white, 1; No. 3 white, 24; No. 4 white, 4; total, 29 cars. Rye No. 1, 1; No. 2, 3; No. 3, 5; total, 8 cars. Barley No. 2, 1; No. 3, 2; No. 4, 3; Not 1 feed, 3; total, 9 cars. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipt Today. Year Ago. Wheat 2,166,000 2,680,000 Corn 651,ft)i0 624,000 Oats 864,000 1,484.000 Shipments Wheat 833,000 81,000 Corn 364,000 481,000 Oat 941,000 622.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today. Year Ago. Wheat nd flour 695,000 315,000 Corn 103,000 Oat 148,000 Chicago Grain and Provisions, Chicago, Sept. 6. Material upturns In the value of corn resulted today from evldente that liquidation had run its course for the time being. Prices closed strong, IVic to 3c net higher, with Sep tember, $1.63 and December, $1.31 1.31. Oat gained c to lc and, pro vision 76c to $2.10. 1 Notwithstanding that the corn market showed considerable weakness at the open ing indications soon developed that a ma jority of traders had taken a bullish po sition. In the Initial dallng September delivery went to the lowest level yet this season, but during most of the remainder of the day the trend of the market was decidedly upgrade for that month and for December and May aa well. The gen eral contention of the bulls was that the recent break of 46c a bushel from the high' point on the December delivery had dis counted to a great extent the current agi tation over high cost of living. Besides, report were current that the quality of the new Texas corn arriving in northern markets was not as good a had been hoped for. Oats ascended with corn. Eastern de mand wa active and country offerings al most at seio. Provision were given a big hoist owing to tfco strength of grain, one of the lead ing packer wa accredited with having been a liberal buyer. Art I Open. Corn Sept. 1.60 Dec. 1.28 May 1.26 Oat Sept .67 Dec. .70 May .73 Pork Sept. 42.00 Oct. 38.00 Lard Sept 25.80 Oct' 126.00 I Ribs I Sept. 22.00 Oct 21.65 Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Yest 1.64 132 1.29 .69 .72 .75 42.75 39.15 27.60 27.06 122.75 22.60 1.69 1.27 1.25 .67 .70 .73 42.00 17.90 26.50 26.00 I 121.90 I21.65 1.62 1.31 1.29 .69 .71 .75 42.75 39.10 27.50 127.05 22.60 22.60 1.60 1.28 1.26 .67 .70 .74 42.00 37.00 26.40 26.00 21.80 31.45 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Sept. 6 Flour Unchanged; shipments, 74,356 bbl. Barley 1 1.01 1.28. Rye No. 2, $1.33 1.31. Bran 140.00. Corn 11.6101.62. Oat 6667e. Flax 16.17 06.21. St Louis Grain. St. Louis, Sept. 6. Corn September, $1.64; December, $1.33. Oats 71 e; December, 72e. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. (. Corn Sep tember, $1.61; December. $1.11; Jan uary. fl.28 . New York Metals. New York, Sept. 6. Copper Nominal; electrolytic, 23023c; September, 23c; October and November, 24c. Iron Steady; unchanged. Antimony f8.76. Lead Steady; spot, $6.60 bid; October, $5.70 bid. Spelter Dull; East St Louis, spot, $7.357,55c; October, 17.17 07.60. At London Spot copper 101 2s 6d; electrolytic, 110: tin, 279 10; lead, 25 2s 6d; spelter, 41. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Sept. 6. Potatoe Strong: ar rivals, 30 cars; Minnesota Early Ohlos, sacked, carlots, 13.25, cut; Wisconsin round whites, sacked, carlots, 23.1503.26, cwt. ; Idaho Rural, lacked, carlots, No. 1, $3.6003.65, cwt: Maine Irish Cob bler, sackod, carlota, 13.(001.70, cwt Chicago Produce. Chicago, Sept 6. Butter Steady; creamery, 49056c. Eggs Steady; receipts, 8,169 eases: firsts, 43044c: ordinary firsts, 38039c; at mark, cases Included, 38 0 41c; storage packed firsts, 45c. Poultry Alive, unsettled; spring, 19 e; fowls, 26 031c. New York Produce. New York, Sept 6. Butter Irregular: creamery, higher than extras, 68 59c; extra, 68c; firsts. 63057c. Cheese Steady and unchanged. Poultry Alive, steady; chicken, 200 33c; fowls. 32035c; rooster, 23c; turkeys, 25030c; dreased, steady and unchanged. Kansas City Prodirce. Kansa City. Mo., Sept 5. Poultry, Butter and Eggs Unchanged. FINANCIAL New York, Sept. 6 Labor conditions overshadowed the tock market again to. day, latest development affecting th steel and Iron worker causing a sharp reaction after an early period of compara tive firmness. Th Gompers telegram to President Wll on directed renewed attention to the tenae situation In that important Industry. Speculative Interest which recently re sumed their bullish commitment In varl ous specialties liquidated freely on thl phase of the labor situation and the horts quickly realised the Importance of the new aa a lver with which to depreas price. Further weakness In exchange, with francs and lire at new minimum also helped to bring about the reaction, low. est quotations ruling In th last hour, with rallies of 1 to 4 point at the close. Sale amounted to 1.426,000 shares. Stock which suffered greatest Impair ment Included Crucible Steel, at an ex treme decline of 11 points; Baldwin Lo comotlve. General Motors, Studebaker, Stuts, American Woolen, Central Leather, Atlantic Oulf, Barrett Company and Utah Copper. United State Steel registered a gross reversal of 3 points, but displayed ome support In the final dealings; other stan dard hare. Including the better known rails, also making moderate Improve ment. Oils almost alone ended with variable gains, marked strength having been shown by Mexican and California Petro- rXct!nngd fin..,"""""1- hlPP'". " iBondS. w,re lrreulr on reduced deal $96.0 .IS'" 8a,e"- Par VBlua' "ted ch?ngedUSn,ecalI.StatM w,r' un' Amer. Beet Sugar. 300 88 86 86 Amer. Can 12,600 66 54 f6 Amer. C. A F 15,600 1.17 133 134 Amer. H. & L. pfd. 6,100 130 137 1"8 Amer. Locomotlve.28.600 07 O'u 94 u, Amer. S. & Rfg... 2.300 78 7V 77 Amer Sugar Rfg.. 800 130 128 128 Amer. Sum. Tob... 14.100 86 82 86 Amer. T & T 1,900 101 100 10t Amer. Zinc, L. & S , . 23 Anaconda Corper. 7.900 69 67 68 Atchison 1,500 91 90 90 Atl G. & W. I. 8. S 2,500 163 158 168 Baldwin Loco. ...88.600 123 116 119 B- A O. 600 41 41 41 Beth. Steel "B".. 44,000 93 69 91 B. & S. Copper 2ii Call. Petroleum ..44 00ft hiu. tnti. ci7 Canadian Pacific. 3,800 163 150 151 Central Leather ..21,300 103 97 99 V C, M. & St. P.. C, R. I. & P Chlno Copper .. Colorado F. A I Corn Product . 1,200 67 1,600 43 1,000 25 1,100 45 1,000 46 .21,300 88 66 42 25 45 84 66 43 25 Vi 4 5 45 86 Crucible Steel ...11,100 176 167 169 -uDa t-ane sugar, l.soo 32 31 Dis. Sec. Corp Krie Genera! Electric . General Motors . . Gt. North., pfd . Ot. N. Ore. ctfs.. Illinois Central .. Inspiration Cop... 3,600 62 6 int. jti. m. pra 6.700 83 79 1,400 16 15 300 170 168 10,000 239 233 900 88 87 2,100 45 44 .22.900 12i Inter. Nickel 1,600 27 26 inter, j'aper 1,900 68 66 K. C. Southern ... 400 19 19 Kenne. Cop. Ex. D 1,800 37 36 L. & N. Ex. D 200 1 10 108 Mex. Petroleum ..66,600 199 192 Miami Copper ... 200 27 26 Mldvale teel 13,400 53 67 -Missouri Pacific. 2,800 29 28 33 80 15 168 234 87 44 93 61 118 119 26 ' Montana Power Nevada Copper . . N. Y. Central N. Y. N. H. & H. . Norfolk & W Northern Pacific. 700 65 200 19 700 73 1.900 32 400 100 1,500 8S 63 19 72 81 98 87 -' 67 19 36 110 194 27 62 28 63 19 73 32 99 87 Pan-Amer. Petro. .41,000 121 1 16 118 43 43 33 33 64 24 24 80 78 90 15 68 43 33 65 24 79 92 16 69 Pennsylvania 1,800 Pitts. & W. Va.... 600 Pittsburgh Coal . 1.600 66 Vi Ray Con. Cdpper. . 600 Reading 4,500 Rep. Iron & Steel. 6,300 94 Shat. Ariz. Cop... 200 15 Pin. O. A Rfg 80,300 61 Fouthern Pac 23,700 102 99 101 Southern Ry 2.100 25 25 25 Studebaker Corp.. 77,200 117 112 113 Texas Co 4.600 269 263 264 Tobacco Products. 6,700 102 97 98 Union Pacific .... 300 123 121 122 United ClK. Stores 190 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 4,300 127 125 126 U. S. Steel 144,000 106 103 104 U. S. Steel pfd .. 1.100 116 115 115 2,300 87 51 SO Utah Copper .. Western Union . West. Electric .. Willys-Overland Nat Lead 6.100 56 7.900 34 400 87 Ohio C 14,500 55 63 33 79 53 Royal O.. N. Y 30,200 6 93 86 64 38 79 64 94 Total sales for the day 650,000 shares. New York U. S. 2s, reg.. 99 U S. 2. coup. 99 U.' S. cv. 3s, reg 89 U. S. cv. 3s, coupon 89 Vi U. S. 4. reg.. 106 U. S. 4s, coup. 100 Am. Tel. A Tel. cv. 6s ...100 Anglo-French 5s 97 Armour A Co. 4 14 Atchison gen. 4 TS'4 B. A O. cv. 4a 72 Bethlehem Steel ref. 5. 87 Central r Leather 6 .. 96 Central Pa cific 1st C. & O. cv. 5s. (I B. A Q.. Joint 4s C. M. A St. P. cv 4s .... C, R. I. & P. Rv. ref. 4s. C. A S. ref. 4s Chill Copper cv. 7s City of Pari 6 96 D. & K. J. ref. 5a ... Tnm nf Can 6s (1931) ... 94 Erie gen. 4 .. 51 Gen. Elec. 6... 96 xGt Northern 1st 4 Vis 82 Bid. xOffered. 118 68 Bond List. I'l. C. ref. 4. lint Mr. i Marine 6s . . . 96 K. C. s. ret. os 11m L A N. un. 4s 82 M ' K. A T. I 1st 4s 64 . M. P. gen. 4.. 59 Montana Power 6 . . N. Y. C. deb. 6s Northern Pa- clflc 4a I Northern Fa- clflc 3s lOregon snort Lino rer. 4 Pacific Tel. & Tel. 6s .. TennitvlVRnla I con. 4 .. (Pennsylvania gen. os Reading gen. 4. Iflf T. A Ran i Fran. adj. 6 63 ISouthern Pa- clflc cv. 6a . .103 Southern I Railway 6 .. 90 iTexas Com- I pany cv. 6. .103 Texas ana Pacific 1st . . 89 Union Pa cific 4 tin U. S. Rub ber 5s 87 6,' 100 Wabash 1st... 90 75 89 96 77 67 12 89 93 , 92 81 Cotton Future. New York, Sept 6. Cotton Future opened steady; October, 29.02c: December, 29.35c; January, 29.20c; March, 29.42c; May, 29.50c. Cotton Futures closed steady; October, 28.89c; December. 29.12c; January, 29.06c; March. 29.20c; May, 29.38c. Spot Cotton. New York, Sept 6. Spot Cotton Quiet; middling, 29.40 London Money. London, Sept. 5. Bar silver and money, unchanged. Form Large Sugar Line at Downtown Department Store A sugar line has been established in the basement grocery department of Hayden Brothers. Sugar buyers yesterday became so numerous that a line had to be formed. When the 25-cent packages were exhausted, checks were issued for a later hour. Two clerks put up the packages fast enough to satisfy the applicants for sugar. SUGAR SHORTAGE PUTS AN END TO CANNING SEASON few Changes in Omaha Mar ket Prices This Week First California Ap ples Arrive. The shortage of sugar is putting u stop to the canning season and un less a sufficient amount is soon re ceived large quantities of peacliet and pears will be wasted, according to local grocers. There are no particular changes in local market prices this week. The first fancy eating apples from Cali fornia have arrived and are selling for 40 cents a small basket. Toma toes have dropped 10 cents a basket, selling for 30 cents. Teaches have raised 15 cents during the past week and are now being sold for $1.40 a basket. Plums are retailing for $175 a half box. Malaga and Tokay, California grapes, are 011 the market for 2',i cents a pound. Forty cents a basket is charged for yellow tomatoes. Honeydew melons are selling for 40 cents. Idaho potatoes are 011 the local market for 4 and cents a pound. Pork chops are still selling for 40 cents a pound and lamb chops at 25 and 35 cents a pound. Sirloin steak is selling between 32 and 35 cents a pound and ground steak at 30 cents. Butter is for sale at between 58 and 62 cents a pound. Celebrate Signing of Constitution at Auditorium Sept. 1 7 A-celebration to commemorate the signing of the federal constitu tion will be held at the Auditorium the night of September 17. Several speakers of note will be secured for the evening, according to Stanley Rosewater, chairman of the general arrangement committee. The program will be under the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Boy Scouts. National Security league and other patriotic organizations. The observ ance of the signing of the constitu tion will be national, according to Mr. Rosewater. The object is to combat un-American influences. A meeting of representative or ganizations of the city ,to complete arrangements for the celebration will be held at the court house next Wednesday night. Long Vigil Lands Alleged Thief of Detective's Auto A three days' vigil for the thief who stole an automobile belonging iu jumier city aeiective, lia Deam ond 3015 Seward street, was reward ea ihusday in the recovery of the car, and the arrest of a man giving his name as Arthur Nelson, Albany hotel. Detectives A. C. Anderson and Cooper trailed the car to a private garage near Twenty-sixth and Indi ana avenue four days ago, and watched the place until Thursday. Nelson was arrested when he is said to have turned up to get the car. He denies knowing the car was in the shed, though he had the only key to the lock, detectives say. Man Instantly Killed In Armour's Packing Plant George Flair, Forty-ninth and T streets, South side, was instantly killed at Armour's packing plant Thursday afternoon. According to the fellow workman in the machine shop, Flair was on a platform in the main shaft to oil a pulley and while bending over, his head was caught in the pully. Fla ir was 50 years old and had worked at Armour's for many years. Surviving him, are his wife and four children. Funeral services will be held Sun day at the Brewer undertaking es tablishment, 4731 South Twentv fourth street. Burial will be in Gr.icelsnd Park cemetry. Italy Given Another Loan. Washington, Sept. 5. An addi tional credit of $1,000,000 to Italy was announced today by the trea sury, making a total for that coun try of $1,618,975,945 and a total for all the allies of $9,684,272,567. Dried Fruits. New Tork. Sept 6. Evaporated Apples Quiet. Prunes Firm. Apricots and Peaches Quiet. Raisins Unsettled. 00 YOU KNOW THAT WE BUY AND 8EU Liberty and Victory BONDS THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA Affiliated With THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Swift & Company Union Stock Tarda, Chicago Dividend No. 135 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS (tZJO) par share on the capital etock of Swift A Company, will be paid on October 1.1919, to stock-holders of record. September 10, 1919, aa shown on th books of the Company. The Stock transfer books will be closed September 10. 1919, and remain dosed until October L .,.. . . r. S. HAYWARD. Secretary INVESTMENT A business established here over thirty years, now making rapid prog ress, has over 25,000 cash customers, with unlimited possibilities, finds it necessary to increase its capital Dividends have averaged 21 an nually For further information, Address . Y662 CARE OMAHA BEE J