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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1919)
, 1 -."k-li4jJ.. .M 10 V ; THE BEEt OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. N Ufa Cm W pur ta its purpoa and atrong hi lt strife. And all Ufa Dot b purw aad troogvr thereby. Martdltk J Ha had then th traca. too rat In (vary cllma, Of belne, without alloy of fop or beau, A fintah'd gentleman from top to toe. Byron. -Society THE blossoms of the early au tumn, pink and lavender asters, were used in profusion in the beautiful rooms of the home of Mrs. J. Frank Carpenter Thursday eve ning, when her daughter, Marion, became the bride of Marvin L. Fred erick, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Frederick of Elkhart, Ind. Rev. Howard C Whitcomb read the mar riage lines before an improvised altar of snowy clematis. A beautiful feature of the nuptials was the dou ble ring ceremony, the bridegroom's ring having been designed by the bride. Miss Naomi Carpenter, niece of the bride, who was ringbearer, wore a frock of white net combined with lace, and her corsage was of Mrs. Wards roses. Miss Mary Phillipi of San Diego and Miss Marian Pet tis of Lincoln, who were brides maids, were gowned in pink satin and wore corsage bouquets of lav ender asters. Miss Eleanor Car penter, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Her gown was of orchid satin made in long draped skirt, low bodice, and sleeves of tulle. A cor sage of Ophelia roses completed her. costume. The attendants wore the gifts of the bride, which she de her bridesmaids she gave gold or naments for the hair set with ame thysts. To the ribbon stretchers. Franklin Carpenter and Richard Frederick, and the ringbearer, she presented unique rings. The bride was attractive gowned in white satin combined with rose point lace, made with a draped skirt and low bodice. The long tulle veil fell to the hem of the court train. After a short wedding trip through the east, Mr. and Mrs. freaencK win De at home in Schenectady after September IS. Marriage Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Romao an nounce the marriage of their daugh- signed. To her maid of honor and ' ter, Miss Helen Hamilton Romao, "FOLLOW THE BEATON PATH" aturday pecials BEATON'S ETTER, ARGAINS "FOLLOW THE BEATON PATH" 25c Carter's Liver Pills, at 16 25c Tiz, for sore feet 19 25c Phenalax Wafers. .. .21 1 lb. J. J. Red Cross Hospital Cotton for . ...50 10c Art Gum 7 50c Dioxogen 30 $1.00 Dioxogen 59 1 pint Meritol Milk Magnesia for 500 30c Sanitol Tooth Paste, 19J 25c Colgate's Cashmere Bou quet Talcum Powder.. 16 1 60c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, at 39 20c Singer Machine Oil..lOt 30c Sloan's Liniment .21t 30c Peterman's Discovery, for bed bugs 19 $1.00 Listerine 79 25c Barkeeper's Friend.. 14 DeMar's Benzoin and Almond Lotion 50 Beaton's Freckle Cream. .50? 40c box Linen Stationery, extra special, 21d ). Beaton's "moves rttlEJUVE(f fors TAN.PIMPIESITS. 60c Sempre Giovine, at 39 $1.25 Pyros Antiseptic. . .98 25c Mentholatum 17 60c Syrup of Fips 44 75c Djerkiss Face Powder, at 53 25c Peroxide Hydrogen .. 19 $1.25 Goutorbe Face Powder, at 98, $1.00 Nuxated Iron 89 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine, at 22 35c Castoria 24 50c Stanolax 39 25c Lyknu Furniture Polish, at 19 Orazm Tooth Paste 34 50c Eatonic 29 25c Nature's Remedy. .. .17 25c Bandoline, Beaton's for 19k 50c Hay's Hair Health, 29t 25c Beecham's Pills 19 25c Arnica Salve 19 60c Lavoris 48t $1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia Liquid, at 72t 50c Musterole 42t 25c Green's August Flower, at 19ti aturday pecials CIGAR SPECIALS 10c Knowledge 5 Box of 50 82.50 8c Pacificos ' 5r5 15c Mozart Magic 10 10c Jose Lovera 5 Box of 50 S2.50 PHOTO DEPT. Films Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered PERFUMES $3.00 Houbigant's Ideal Ex tract, per oz 81.98 $1.50 Jickey Extract, per ounce 98f DC MAW'S SURE CORN KILLER HMMnt DC MAR'fi CMEMiCAl CO. 75c Pompeian Massage Cream, at 59 15c cake Green Bocobelli Castile Soap 10 7c Pinaud's Tivoli Powder, at 49 10c D. & R. Cold Cream, 7 50c D. & R. Amourette Face Powder 39t $1.00 Delatone 79 $1.00 Derwillo Face Powder, at 89 25c DeMar's Corn Remedy, at 19 $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets 79e 60c Sal Hepatica 48 DeMar's Cascara Tonic and Liver Pills 25 35c Hinkle's Cascara Pills, bot tle of 100 19 35c Freezone , 28 $1.00 Danderine 89 65c Doan's Kidney Pills, . for 53 $1.50 Fellow's Syrup Hypophos- phates 81.19 15c New Skin 12 30c Cuticura Soap 22 RUBBER GOODS $2.00 Velvet Combination Foun tain Syringe and Water Bot tle for 81.38 $1.10 2-quart Davidson Foun tain Syringe 78 $3.00 Female Douche Syringe, at 81.98 $1.25 Velvet 2-quart Water Bottle 89 N Johnson's Quintette Chocolates The gray package contain ing more than a pound. Has Bitter Sweets, Swiss Milk Chocolate Caramels, Choco late Butterscotch, Choco late Honey Nougat, Choco late Nuts. 1 ?t on) Of O FTff " Beaton Drug Company 15th and Farnam Streets Mail Orders Receive Our Most Careful Attention OUR GREAT eptember Selling Events of Economic Interest BEGIN MONDAY, SEPT. 8TH FOR months re have been buy ing and planning for these sales, and yon will not be dissap pointed in the saving opportunities they will offer. This occasion is a concrete demonstration of our Su perior Merchandise Service. It will conclusively prove to you that dis pite the scarcity of the finer qual ity of goods you will find our stocks replete with an abundance of mer chandise of the finer quality. In this event the results of our fore sight and buying power will be clearly evident in the pricings, which are well below those that would prevail if we were to make purchases today. These sales are of decided economic interest, and we are quite sure you will not want to let them pass you by. Scheduled for Monday Sellings Are: Blankets Notions Velvets Women's Apparel Domestics See Sunday Papers ior Our Advertisements Dress Goods Silks THI PACE FOR CROWING OMAHA to Mr. Albert H. Krause, which took place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride. The Rev. Delman Kuykendahl of the Ply mouth Congregational church read the marriage lines. The Rev roses were used throughout the rooms. I he bride was gowned in net combined with filet lace over white satin and carried an arm bouquet of Mrs. Wards roses. There were no attendants. ronowing tne ceremony an in formal reception was held for the relatives and a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Krause will be at home in Omaha September IS after a short western trip. Personals Carter Lake Miss Effie Cleland, who has just returned from overseas, addressed the meeting of the French club at Carter lake Thursday. Miss Cle- land told of the customs and dress I of the French people. Ten mem bers of the club were present. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Leary have re turned from Denver and Colorado Springs. Berthelsen-Petersen. The marriage of Miss Martha Petersen to Olaf Berthelsen took place Thursday evening, the oc casion being the 33d wedding an niversary of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Petersen. The ceremony was performed at the Pella Danish Lutheran church, Rev. ti. F. Berthelsen officiating. Miss Marie Berthelsen, sister of the groom, who was maid of honor, wore yellow organdie and carried pink roses. Miss Helga Petersen was birdesmaid and wore pink or gandie and carried pink roses. Miss Dorothea Berthelsen played the wedding march. Mr. Olaf Peder sen and Mr. Morris Jensen of Beresford, S. D., were groomsmen. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the church, when ISO guests wercpresent. The out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Prestepard and two sons, Mrs. Lewis Olsen and Mr. Olaf Prestegard of Steward, 111., and Rev. G. B. Christiansen of Au dubon, la. For a Bride-Elect. i r ,r . . . . Many artairs are being given in honor of the September brides. Miss Faye Simon entertained at a delightful bridge luncheon at her home Friday, for Miss Elizabeth Crawford whose marriage to Mr. Warner Gibson Scott of Salt Lake City will take place September 13. Flowers in varying shades of yellow were used throughout the rooms and formed the centerpiece of the luncheon table. Covers were laid for Mesdames E. E. Hart, George Pratt, Robert Dafiiels, Theodore Metcalfe, Max Miller, Morris Dun ham and Misses Elizabeth Gould, Caroline Holmquist, Evelyn Hor ton, Margaret Young and Eleanor Murray of Pender, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. August M. Borglum and son, George Paul, will return Monday after spending the summer at silver Mine, Conn. George raul spent eight weeks at the Culver Summer school. Miss Mary Gant has returned from Jtstes Park, where she spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Clarke have returned from Belle Isle, Mich., where they spent the month of August. Mrs. C Buchtel and grandsons, Bob, jr.. and Tack, have returned from Excelsior Springs, where they spent two weeks. Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm returned Thursday from Estes Park. Senator I. H. Millard and Miss Jessie Millard leave Friday evening tor New York, Atlantic City and other eastern points. Miss Helen Hibbard has returned after spending the summer in New lork and other eastern cities. Mrs. F. W. Foetr and daughter. Miss Adelaide rogg, returned Fn day morning from New York. wnere they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Temnleton left Friday for Kansas Citv. where they will spend two weeks as the guest of their son, Mr. F. F. Tem pleton. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Alexander have returned from a trip to Colo rado Springs and Denver. Miss Elizabeth Larson has re turned from New York and Boston, where she spent the summer. Happy Hollow E. A. Sherman had 20 guests at dinner at the Happy Hollow club, Friday evening. I. D. Weirs entertained six. Mrs. Carrie Campbell, newly ap pointed secretary of the Y. W. C. A.. was honor guest at luncheon Friday at the Happy Hollow club, given by the board of directors of the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Camobell arrived Sun day from Clinton, Iowa, where she has been engaged in Y. W. C. A. work, and took immediate charge of the organization here. Mrs. T. M. Garrett entertained at a kensington at the Happy Hollow club Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Nan Clayton of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, who is the guest of Mrs. L. D. Carrier. Twenty-five guests were present. Advice to the Lovelorn Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave the Sea." By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Girto, Take Notice. Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a stranger in your city, being here only threa weeks. However, I expect to make this my home. I was in the Empress last night, and by chance happened to sit next to a young lady that certainly appealed to me. This girl seemed to be a "regular fellow." What I mean by that is, that she was talking to her friend about base ball and various other sports also about California and Coinrdn where I went to college. now I don t want to be classed as a "masher," but I certainly want to meet this girl, and with all due re spect to the Omaha girls, she is the first that has appealed to me. Now l don't mean that I am madlv in love with her I am just lonesome, and would like some one that would re lieve the monotony. This girl in question, should she happen to see this (which I surelv hope- she does), will reeoirnize me. by remembering the couple behind her that annoyed every one within hearing by reading out loud. This girl caught a South Omaha car. Again assuring you and the eirl that I am no "masher," I hesitated in using your column, thinking she would think I was mishty rude, but 1 know of no other way to meet her. Hoping to see an answer in the very near future, I am, respectfully, B. Suppose I should locate the young woman in question, how do you ex pect me to locate you, since you sign yourself "B," with no address for my information? She Loves a Fat Man. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Don't, I beg of you, make me laugh. But if you put any more such stuff in the paper as you did about "no body loves a fat man," I am afraid shall split my sides, so to speak. How, pray tell me, do you know that nobody loves a fat man? Not from experience, I'll wager. I sup pose, then, from the way you talk the average girl thinks more of the little dried-up imitation, or parody of a man than they do of a real man. What I call a real man is one that is about six-foot or over, and weighs around 200. That is a real man. And I would rather be seen on the streets with oh, I don't know what than with some of the runts around town. Cheer up, Allan and Charley, for there are lots of people who love a fat man. A REAL AMERICAN GIRL. I am glad to know there is an ex ception to the rule. 7 Jf r m aJ at In lies Misr 7(1 i-ni iiitmnn The Joy Of A Perfect Skin Know the joy and happiness that comes to one thru possessing a skin of purity and beauty. The soft, dis tinguished appearance it renders brings out your natural beauty to its full est. In use over 70 years. Federation Headquarters. The Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs is maintaining head quarters in the new woman's build ing at the Nebraska State fair, where all women, whether club members or not, are welcome. Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon, state president; Mrs. William Berry of Omaha, Mrs. Hugh LaMaster and Mrs. LeRoy Davis of Lincoln; Miss Julia Fuller, Beatrice; Mrs. Bertha Miller, North Bend, have served as hostesses. Club women from Illinois, Iowa, Colorado arid Missouri have visited the headquarters. The head of the department store incorporation of New York City has made the statement that the Ameri can housewife is the keenest judge of merchandise to .be found any where and frequently knows more about seme kinds of goods than the merchants who specializes in them. ZZ&GYW Douglas 5347. icavei superstition entirely Out of its etiology, It has no mental ciusionaaa a cause for disease. DR. FRANK F. BURHORN (Palmer School Chiropractor) Adjustment $t, or 12 for $10. Suit 414-19 Securltiea Bldg. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta. Lady Attendant. To "Innoccn." Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: In regard to "Innocent," I do not think I or any o'ne else could cover the subject as well as the party who signs "Just a Girl." She has the same idea as I, and I know her intentions are good. None of us, of course, may accuse "Innocent" out right until we hear the other side of the case. There certainly is too much of this going on in the world and not enough thought of on the girl's part. I would rather have sympathy for the girl, even though of questionable character, than for this man who signs "Innocent," who claims to be of "good character." JUST ANOTHER GIRL. ness, and happiness Is th main ob ject of life." "Let us draw a pen picture of a custom, one of frequent occurrence. A young scion of a well-to-do fam ily, after spending years using every aruiice inai nis leruie Drain can invent, lavishly using flatter and money and making statements that would bring a blush to the cheeks or tne shades of Munchausen, at last succeeds in ruining some poor innocent gin, wnom nature has en aowea with a pretty smiling face and a handsome figure; one whose motner, not possessing a great amount of worldly goods, had in stilled into her the value of virtue ence tne long and .weary hours spent dv tnis despisable cur in per suadlng'ner to disregard the early teachings of mother and what her own reason told her was right. "Time brings to light the fact: A purse-proud father pays a few paltry dollars to the ruined girl, the scion's female relatives and friends pet and console him until one wouia ininK tnat he was the one mat was aggrieved. For him so ciety soon forgives and fore-ets. n,i he is welcomed again into the home of his peers. But what becomes of the girl that he has ruined? She nas started down the incline. Not a hand is outstretched to save her. Not a word of consolation or en couragement is given her. Women, yes, Christian women, pull their skirts aside as they pass her by, lest a touching of her outer gar ments might detlle them. Rebuked as they are by the Savior, they essay to worship, who condemned not the woman found in adultery. She sees the stern sadness of her father, the tear-stained cheek of her mother, who realizes the Inexorable but un-Chrlstlike law of society. The descent becomes more pre cipitious, temptation increases; she sees around her the mockery of sanctity, sne Is Draet pallv nmhih. ited from participating in the wor- snip oi tne savior that she was taught to adore. Is It any wonder that she soon reaches the level furnishing the recruits to the army of fallen women, who furnish the never failing fountain of social dis eases ? "Yea, Gods! Will sanity ever reign supreme and the beautiful teachings of the Holy One who taught forgiveness, whose every act of life was to raise the fallen: will this ever be considered a Christian duty here? Christ extended his hand to Mary Magdalene, raised her up and forgave her." E. U. BILLINGS. Heartbeats By A. K. Interesting to Women Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Having read about "Innocent," and being in a position to know of these things, I thought that I would like to write and hope to see it in print, as it may be of benefit to some one. As I am reading a "MS" of a book soon to be printed called the "Great Black Plague," and coming to a chapter under the name of "Social Life," I would like to repeat some of the chapter here. "Why should greater virtue be demanded from women than from men? If virtue is an ornament to the individual and a blessing to so ciety, it would be no less brilliant when worn by the male than it is wnen worn Dy the female, and so ciety receive greater benefit, for vir tue is the basic principle of happi- Miss Mary Anderson of Chicago, succeeds Miss Mary VanKleek as director af the woman in industry service of the United States Denart. ment of Lobor. The New Jersey State Board of Health will place a child welfare station in Gloucester. Miss Eliza beth Stiles will have supervision over it and the station in Camden. Mrs. J. M. Franklyn, who walked from her New York home to Seattle at the cost of $28 is a graduate of the Bellevue Training school for Nurses. It is estimated that 60 per cent of. the women of England must remain unmarried because of the tremend ous loss of young men through the war and the influenza epidemic. Mrs. Lillian Trimble Bradley has been engaged by George Broad hurst as general stage director for all his forthcoming productions, the first women to attain such a posi tion on croaaway. A village maiden So fair and sweet iVith peach-pink cheeks And sparkling eyes With silken hair And merry laugh Who won the hearts Of old and young. By ten at night She was "Beauty sleeping" The morning she greeted With vim And a smile This wholesome girl Whom her small world loveiA The winsome lass Of God's design. But the village Held no cabarets No dazzling stage x No gay Broadway Her girlish dreams Took her far away To old New York And the Great White Wijr, Into one mad rush For pleasure she rushed Info the whirlpool Of dizzying sights She plunged in deep And took a part. I the wee small hours She tumbled in Tired with excitement Night after night Nerves exhausted When the morning light Pecked in at the window To wish her good cheer. But the fagged Little girl Awoke one day And talked with the girl In the mirror; "My eyes have gone bad Lost their luster They're dull My complexion is blotched And grim The pink on my cheeks Is a drug store tint Mean little wrinkles Surrounding my eyes Hollow and circled And drawn My face is thin Why this is a sinl I'm old And haggard And cross 1 I sold my beauty And the Spirit of Youth For jazt band nights And a sorry time. Ah, Beauty and Youth I Come back to me!" Youth never returns Once it is gont This is the price The Night Hawks pay. SELAHl Field Club A party of 42 guests will be en tertained at the dinner-dance at the- rield club Saturday Oeorge Miller. be given by Leon JJreibus, and T. four. evening by I Parties of eieht wilt 1 Millard and Tk J. H. Ashton will have Buy Soap at HARPER'S East End Flatiron Bldg., 17th and Howard. Country Club Mrs. W. B. T. Belt entertained in formally at luncheon at the Country club Friday, when the guests num bered five. C. G. Sibbernsen will entertain a party of 16 at the dinner dance Saturday evening. Seymour Lake Mr. and Mrs. James Allen have returned from a motor trip to Wis consin. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kelliher will entertain 13 guests at the dinner da nee Saturday evening. D You need not boil an entire egg to get the hard yolk for salad or gar nishing. Separate the white and yolk without breaking latter and poach this hard in salted water. The whites can thus be saved for some other use. OVEREATING is the root of nearly all digestive evils. If yqur digestion is weak or out of kilter, better eat less and use KhioiDS the new aid to better digestion. Pleasant to take effective. Let Ki moid help straighten out your digestive troubles. MADE BY SCOTT A BOWNS MAKERS OP SCOTTS EMULSION Save Nearly 20 Per Cent on Food Bills In these days of high cost of living, BASKET STORES stand pre-eminently as the direct mediums between the producer and the consumer. We have eliminated every possible expense and pass along savings to the consumer of nearly 20 per cent on more than 300 averaee erocerv and meat items. BASKET STORES' quality is always the highest. 8 NEXT. WEEK IS CANNING AND PRESERVING WEEK AT ALL BASKET STORES It S'&ffi thesb"low 'evebyday creicES?mpUte M' M4ning Mce!sitics wal be " MASON FRUIT JARS, pints, per doz....75 Y2 gals., $1.10; quarts, per doz 85 JELLY GLASSES, 13 pint, per doz 49 PURE SPICES, shaker cans, each 9 HEINZ VINEGAR, quarts, 32d: pints.. 18 OTHER MONEY -SAVING ITEMS BASKO PURE EXTRACTS, Vanilla and Lemon, 2 oz., 30; 1 oz. bottles 15 SPECIAL BRAND, Vanillin and Lemon flavors, 2 oz. bottle I5t TIP BAKING POWDER, 1 lb. cans!!!!!! BASKO MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI. .. ,8c BASKO JELLY POWDER, for desserts. .10? JELLO, 12; JIFFY JELL.. 1lJ SOCKEYE SALMON, 1 lb. flat cans!'.!'.;4l PINK SALMON, 1 lb. tall cans 2l BASKO JAR RUBBERS, finest made, equal to any 15c quality, doz fi CIDER VINEGAR, 40 gr., per gal 45c WHITE VINEGAR, 40 gr., per gal 35d BASKO CIDER VINEGAR-. quarts, 25: pints 15 Tnnrrt WRIGHT'S SALAD AND THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSINGS, 35c size, choice. 27J SNIDER'S CATSUP, 16 oz. bottle 29? SNIDER 'S PORK AND BEANS, tall cans. 14? SNIDER'S TOMATO SOUP, tall cans.... 13? CAMPBELL'S SOUPS, assorted, can 12? QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 8 oz. pkg..,.10? QUAR OATS, large, 29; small, f. .12 ARM AND HAMMER SODA, 1 lb. pkg....8? NEKCO SARDINES, very fine, 1 lb. cans. 23? Extxa Fancy Potatoes, per lb 4 Fremont Watermelons, per lb 2 Basko Butter, finest quality, per lb. . , .60 Fancy Leg of Lamb, per lb 25 Fancy Forequarters of Lamb, per lb...l6 Rex Sugar Cured Bacon, lean, per lb.. 42 SEE BASKET STORES' WINDOWS T HERE 'S A BASKET STORE NEAR YOU Basko Quality, None Higher "Live Better for Less" IM!!!t!Pt!!lll!!'!l Ill Basket Stores' Guarantee: "Money's Worth or Money Back" BanSaBlMBMiUJ !r ffl W The Drexel Kid says: "Beat Steel Shod Shoes? Why you can't even tie 'em. Dad says they're the best kid's shoe made." Boys' Sizes, 1 to 5y2, $4.00 Little Men's, 30 to 13, $3.50 SCHOOL Starts September 8 Be sure your Boy is ready, bring him in Sat urday for a new pair of shoes. STEEL HOD HOES have stood every test they have been put to for more than thirty years. You'll find that one pair of these shoes will outwear two pairs of ordinary Boys' shoes. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 FARNAM STREET Mail Orders Solicited. Parcel Post Paid. 1 t '