Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1919, Image 1

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Ak-Sar-Ben Dates,
SEPT 24 to OCT. 4
Electrical Parade
Wednesday, October 1
Auto Floral Parade '
Thursday, October 2
Coronation Ball
Friday, October 3
Ca T. Kannady shows vry
fUrnvon and vaning.
London, Sept. 5. Restaurant
meals a la carte or table d'hote
will be served aboard the R-33, the
giant airship, on a two days' trip
over Holland. She is the sister ship
of the R-34, which recently made
-the transatlantic round trip.
This is the first time that hot
meals have been served aboard any
airship. A five-course champagne
dinner will be given, by courtesy of
the British air ministry, to the
guests aboard the great dirigible,
who will include Major General F.
II. Sykes, head of the civil aviation
department, and other government
ATter dinner the passengers will
be entertained with Victrola con
certs and there will be dancing .The
only thing missing will be cigars, for
Miioking is not permitted, on ac
count of the danger it involves.
The food at the epoch-making
aerial dinner will be served fried,
boiled, roasted and cold. No land
ing will be made in Holland, so an
other, hot lunch will be served on the
homewSrd journey.
Port Chester, N. Y., Sept. S. It
' will not be possible to keep goats
in tenement houses hereafter if the
board of health has its way. After
pigs were barred from dwellings
during the influenza epidemic last
fall families began to adopt goats
as .family pets. According to Sani
tary Inspector Bitz, the animals are
kept on second, third and even
fourth floors. He suggests that
(.hey be licensed the same as dogs
San Francisco, Sept. 5. "No more
- Japanese immigration."
This slogan adopted by the an
nial encampment of the Spanish
War Veterans as one of the fixed
policies of the order
More than 300 delegates from
every portion of the United States
assembled at the civic auditorium
practically without a dissenting vote
declared that the flocking of Japa
nese to the United States, no matter
tinder what guise is a detriment
to the well-being of the white race
and to American citizenship. Con
gress is called upon to prevent the
coming to this country of any more
Japanese. . ' v -
Chicago, Sept. 5. Harry Thomp
son in court to answer a charge of
bigamy, explained how he was able
to keep up two apartments and
maintain two homes in these days of
'high cost of living. "Make 'em
work," was his motto.
. "Pick out wives who can work,"
ie advised the court "and be so fas
cinating that both are glad to have
you come home to slippered ease at
iheir respective firesides whether
you support 'em or not."
Amsterdam, Sept. S. "If I hadn't
felt so tired I'd have admitted many
more murders. I hate the human
This was the exclamation of Jo
, hann Schumann after being sen
. tenced to" death at Berlin. He had
confessed to five murders, 30 at
tempts and 40 acts of incendiarism.
New York, Sept. 5. The fifth an
uiversary of the first battle of the
Marne and the 162d of the birth of
Lafayette will be celebrated here
Saturday, when appropriate ceremo
nies at which Ambassador Jusser
and of France will be the guest of
honor. At the morning exercises in
the city hall the principal speakers
will be Mvron T. Herrick of Ohio
and Dr. John H. Finley, president
of the University of the State of
New York.
New York, Sept. 5. Final natural
ization papers were granted here to
Abraham Kroloshinsky, who crawled
13 1-2 hours on his hands and knees
to obtain aid for his comrades in the
famous "Lost Battalion" of the 77th
division when they were surrounded
by Germans in the Argonne. For this
heroism he receivedv, the distin
guished service cross and a special
rook out his first papers some time
before he sailed for France.
Berlin, Sept. 5. "Give my regards
to all our mutual friends, and tell
them that homesickness is begin
ning to overpower me," writes ex
Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, in
a letter to Captain Anker, a former
member of his personal staff.
"I can say that I have always
tried to keep my feet on terra firma.
to see life as it really is, and not
to attach myself with rock-like per
sistence to the old Prussian tradi
tions. Tradition, however, is a good
thing it has its good sides,
"Personally, I am not despairing.
am not a broken man. I try to
view the events without prejudice,
calmly, and cooly, as a student. My
immediate pre-occupation is to pre
pare for myself and family a new
life in new surroundings, and I
eagerly await the moment when I
may occupy in my beloved Germany,
a place, no matter how small, and
modest, where I can work and help
ia the reconstruction."
The Omaha Daily Be
VOL. 49 NO. 69.
u Mca'-ellM Bitter May it, I MM.
Oaalia r. 0. inter aof f March S. II7.
By Mall l ywr). Dally. WW: Suafay. S2.M;
Dally and SaM te.00; wtiMa Nak. .Mtata utra.
Generally fair and con- v
tinued warm Saturday and ",
Hourly ttMiiiwraturft:
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Borah and Sherman Spiritedly
Assail Wilson's Addresses in
Campaign for League of
Nations Covenant.
William C.Redfield,?
Member of Wilson's
Cabinet, to Quit Post
S!x Substitutes Submitted for
Committee Report on Behalf
of Senators Favoring "Mild"
Type of Amendment.
Washington, Sept. 5. President
Wilson's addresses to the country
in support of the peace treaty and
league of nations evoked prompt
and spirited replies today from the
senate floor.
Senators Borah, Idaho, and Sher
man, Illinois, republicans, assailed
statements by the president at In- :
dianapolis and Columbus. On the
other hand, Senator McCumber, re- j
publican, North Dakota,, attacked
the treaty reservations adopted yes- j
terday by the foreign relations com- i
mittee and presented six substitute J
reservations regarded as expressing
views of republican senators favor
ing reservations of "mild" type. Re
ferring to the president's statement
at Indianapolis that under the
league "we can inind other people's
business," Senator Borah criticized
American military operations in
Russia, declaring such to be "a usur
pation of power" without authority
under the constitution and for the
purpose of aiding Japan's Siberian
Resents Labor Plans. -
Senator Sherman resented the
president's assertion in Columbus
that the international labor confer
ence authorized under the peace
treaty would be held here next
month regardless of whether the
senate had ratified the treaty by
that time. The president's attitude
showed a "contemptuous disregard"
of law, the Illinois senator said,
adding that officials had been im
peached for lesser breaches.
In presenting his proposed substi
tute resolution of ratification. Sena
tor McCumber spoke only briefly.
In lieu of the committee reservation
to Article 10 of the league covenant,
he proposed a reservation merely
declaring that specific action be re
quired from congress to make ter
ritorial guarantees effective and
that failure of congress to act as
proposed by Article 10 should not
be considered -a violation of the
covenant. The committee's reserva
tion, Senator McCumber asserted,
would be "far worse" than an
amendment striking out Article JO
and "invites and encourages war."
McCumber Provisions.
Other substitute reservations pro
posed by Mr. McCumber would in
the main change only the phrasing
of the committee reservations re
garding the Monroe doctrine, with
drawal from the league and action
on domestic questions. Two addi
tional reservations presented by
Senator McCumber provide for re
turn of Shantung province by Japan
to China upon adoption of the
treaty and for limitation of voting
power of British colonies in the
league as to disputes with ' the
mother country. The latter two
provisions were covered by the com
mittee as amendments instead of
The substitue by Senator McCum
ber follows:
"That the advice and suggestions
t)f the council (of the league) as to
the names of carrying the said obli
gations (article ten) into effect as
only advisory and that any under
taking under the p-jyjsions of ar
ticle 10, the execution of which
may require the use of American
military or naval forces, or econom
ic measures can, under the consti
tution, be carried out only by the
action of congress, and that fail
ure of the congress to adopt the
suggestions of the council of the
league, or to provide such military
or naval forces or economic mea
sures shall not constitute a vio
lation of the treaty."
Grand Jury to Probe Fraud
Charge in G. 0. P. Primary
New York, Sept. 5. Asserting he
was convinced there had been gross
frouds in the republican primary
contest here last Tuesday, in which
William Bennett, former state, sen
ator, was defeated for the nomina
tion for president of the board of
alderman by Representative Fiorello
H. Laguardia, District Attorney
Swann announced he would begin
an investigation of the election.
Every man who voted in Manhat
tan election districts which reported
that no ballots had been cast for Mr.
Bennett will be subpoenaed to ap
pear before the grand pury and
asked, for tvhom he voted, the dis
trict attorney said. ' .
To Weaken Covenant Is Be
trayal of Those Who Fought
the War, President Tells
St. Louis Crowd.
Washington, Sept. 5. William C.
Redfield, secretary of commerce,
has tendered his resignation to
President Wilson and it has been
accepted, effective November 1.
Secretary Redfield, in announcing
his resignation, said he found it nec
essary to give immediate attention
to personal business affairs, adding
that he was anxious to return to pri
vate life after spending more than
eight years in Washington.
The secretary said he wrote Presi
dent Wilson August 1 asking him
to accept his resignation as of Oc
tober IS. When he found the presi
dent was to be away on his speak
ing tour during September, how
ever he agreed to remain until the
last of October.
Gothenberg, Neb., Man Makes
First Purchase of Its Kind
in the State.
Grand Islatrd, Neb., Sept. 5.
(Special Telegram.) Stopping here
on his way home from Omaha,
where he had disposed of 12 cars of
blooded stock, Harry J. W. Hiles,
prominent ranchman from the vi
cinity of Gothenburg, purchased of
the Grand Island Aero company
one JN-4 plane for his personal use
in flying over his ranches, and a
three-passenger Oriole 150 horse
power plane for the use of his fam
ily. He also engaged for his exclusive
employment R. E. Davis of Loup
City as pilot.
On his home ranch at Gothenburg
Hiles will construct two hangars at
once. He says the JN-4 will save
three men and he can supervise his
ranches more efficiently. His home
ranch alone consists of 7,000 acres.
His Oriole plane is capable of 120
miles an hour. It is believed to be
the first purchase of the kind on
Nebraska for exclusive personal use.
Manager Lloyd Thompson, head.,of
the local company and aviator in
Italy during the war, negotiated the
G. 0. P. Senators Will
Reply to Wilson in
Speeches Next Week
Washington, Sept. 5. Engage
ments of a number of senators to
rlicifce lliA nia-p trpatv in ttiA pact
and middle west in the near future
were announced rriaay at tne capi
tol. Republican leaders said there
was no purpose to "trail" President
Wilson, but that it was proposed to
reply to the president's addresses,
both on the floor of the senate and
Senators Johnson, California;
Borah, Idaho, and McCormick, Illi
nois, republicans, are to address a
mass meeting in the Chicago Audi
torium next Wednesday.
Tacoma Printers Strike
and Papers Close Offices
Tacoma, Wash.,- Sept. S. Tacoma
printers went on strike late today
following rejection by newspaper
publishers of a demand for $9.25
and $10 for a six and one-half hour
day and a revised demand for $8.25
and $8.75. to replace the existing
scale of. $7 and $7.50 for a seven
hour day. The publishers said to
night that they would not print to
morrow. The, publishers declared the strike
was without the sanction of the In
ternational Typographical union.
Actors' Strike Called
Off -This Morning
New York. Sept 5. The actors'
strike, which started nearly four
weeks ago in New York and re
sulted in the closing of nearly 200
theaters in this and other citiesvwas
called off early this morning under
an agreement which wes declared to
be virtually a complete victory for
the Actors' Equity association.
Refusal Would Be Un-Ameri-I
can and Throw Away Only
I Leverage China Has Upon
! Japan for Province, He Says.
, St. Louis, Sept. 5. (By The Asso
j ciated Press.) In two addresses
here today President Wilson dis
cussed at length disputed points of
the peace treaty and invited those
who opposed it to prove whether
they "are not absolute, contemptible
quitters if they do not see the game
through." '
The Shantung provision, the presi
dent defended as the only solution
possible by which China can be as
sisted in her efforts to regain control
of Shantung province. Analyzing
Article 10 of the league covenant, he
said the league council could only
advise and could not do that without
concurrence of the American mem
bers. The right of revolution, he as
serted, was scrupulously preserved.
The president's first address was
at the Chamber of Commerce lunch
eon after he had been cheered along
the route of a seven-mile automobile
ride through the streets. At night he
spoke in the Coliseum, where in
1916 he was renominated for the
j presidency.
Visit School Chums.
Following the midday address the
president and Mrs. Wilson went for
an automobile ride and stopped at
Washington university to visit some
members of the facuity who were
school chums.
Turning, the president was driven
through the residential section of the
city. He and Mrs. Wilson had sup
per privately.
At 8 o'clock sharp the presidential
party started for the Coliseum and
arrived there at 8:12.
The Coliseum was packed and
when the president arrived the crowd
arose and cheered for more than four
minutes. Thousands of small Amer
ican flags had been distributed and
the audience waved them wildly
while they cheered.
No Time for Picture.
The president was introduced by
Governor Frederick D. Gardner,
who said the people of Missouri had
never been more sincere in extend-,
ing a welcome to any visitor. At
that the crowd cheered again.
When the governor introduced
Mr. Wilson as "the father of world
democracy" there was more cheer
ing. A photographer in a lookout
gallery called through a megaphone
for a moment's attention to take a
flashlight, but the president did not
wait, saying, "this is much too ser
ious an occasion to care how we
look; we ought to care how we
Mr. Wilson declared that to
amend the treaty would mean its
failure and the isolation of the Unit
ed States. Only those who are
ignorant of world affairs, he said,
could believe that even a great na
tion like the United States could
stand by itself and apart.
Playing Lone Hand.
If the United States is to' have
its own economic interests, said the
president, it must save the economic
interests of the world. That
was one reason, he, continued,
why the United States should
have a representative on the
powerful reparation commissions.
If there were no American voice in
this commission, he asserted, this
country would have to put into the
hands of foreign interests seeking
to control world markets American
can money for the rehabilitation of
the world.
"That," said the president, "is
what they call playing a lone hand.
It is playing a lone hand; it is
playing a hand frozen out. Those
who propose these things do not
understand the interests of the Unit
ed States."
"Should America fail to take its
just part in the world rehabilitation,
the president" asserted, the whole at
titude of the world toward America
would be changed. Because the
world trusted so much, he said, the
reaction would be accordingly great.
War Not Political
Emphasizing how economic fea
tures figure in war. Mr. Wrilson de
scribed how the Germans had dis
mantled Belgian factories. The war,
he added, was not a political war,
but a "commercial and industrial
Should the -United States stand
apart, economically and politically,
the president continued, then it must
(Continued on I'aje Io, Column One.)
Where We Get Off
General Will Lead First Di
vision Parade on Charger
He Rode in Paris
and London.
Armstrong and Brigham
Held on Murder Charge
Two City Detectives and Special Officer Holman Re
leased on $2,500 Bonds Each, After Arrest on
Complaints Filed by County Attorney Against
Them for Shooting Negro, Eugene Scott.
New York, Sept. 5. Funds were
provided by the board of aldermen
Friday to Insure a reception worthy
of the city for General Pershing and
the famous First division. The last
of the troops came home on troop
transports which arrived today and
the commander-in-chief will return
on the Leviathan, which is due early
Monday morning.
Not onlv did the aldermen appro
priate $100,000 to pay the welcom
ing expenses, but they declared next
Wednesday, when the division will
parade with Pershing at its head, a
holiday in all city departments.
Most of the $100,000 will be used in
the construction on Fifth avenue
along Central park of a grandstand
which will seat 30,000 persons, thus
making provision for relatives of
members of the division.
Will Ride "Kidron."
General Pershine will lead the
j parade on his charger, "Kidron,"
which he rode in tne raris ana Lon
don reviews. Immediately behind
him will ride his personal color
bearer, carrying the general's four
starred flag on a red field. Next in
line will come the general's staff,
followed by the composite regiment
which has formed his guard of
honor in the European victory pa
rades. Major General McGlachlin
will lead the First division. The
procession is expected to take five
or six hours to pass a given point.
The famous French "75" gun
with which the division artillery
fired its first shot at the Germans,
arrived today and will be placed on
exhibition, together with the divi
sional colors.
Friends Reach City
Sergt. Alexander L. Arch of Bat
tery C, -Sixth field artillery, who
fired the first shot from this gun,
arrived today on the transport Zep
pelin. "The French major came over to
where we were," Sergeant Arch
said, in explaining the shot, "and
told Capt. I. R. McLendon to begin
firing. Then the captain gave the
order, and we fired the first shot atj
5 minutes and 10 seconds after 6
o'clock on the morning of October
23, 1917. We hit a bridge at Strass
burg in Alsace-Lorraine, which was
German territory then, and blew up
a German working party there. It
was a regular bull's-eye. After that
we fired 17 shots more, which took
about two hours. Then we went to
i breakfast "
Detectives George Armstrong and
George W. Brigham. arrested at 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon on a
charge of manslaughter for the kill
ing of Eugene Scott, the Hotel
Plaza negro bellboy, who was shot
early Monday morning near Thir
teenth and Harney streets, were re
leased on $2,500 bonds each several
hours after they were booked at
Central police station.
Both declined ta make statements.
Armstrong was released first, fol
lowing the signing of his bonds by
P.. F. Petersen, 101 South Thirty
eighth avenue, of the Petersen &
Pegau Baking company. Following
unsuccessful attempts to get a bonds
man for Armstrong, Sergeant Thes
trup of the morals squad sought the
assistance of Petersen. Petersen was
taken to the police station in the
morals squad car.
Brigham was less fortunate in ob
taining aid. It was late in the after
noon before he was released upon
signature of his bonds by several
South Side commission men.
Edgar Holman, special officer
for the Union Pacific railroad, whom
a coroner's jury ordered held to
district court for the shooting of
Scott, was rearrested at 4 o'clock
by Detectives Haze and Lundeen.
He was released on his old bonds of
$2,500, signed at the time of his
previous arrest, following the shoot
ing. Police Commissioner Ringer and
Chief of Police Eberstein refused to
state last night whether Detectives
Armstrong and Brigham would be
suspended in face of their arrest.
Arrested by Dunn..
Aided by fellow officers, Arm
strong, left the police station through
a side door and got into a waiting
automobile, escaping a battery of
camera men, ready to take a snap
shot of the accused officer.
Armstrong was arrested by De
tective Chief Dunn when he report
ed for work at noon.
Brigham was told there was a
warrant out for his arrest. He was
two hours late in reporting at the
police station, because, he said, he
had been looking for an attorney.
Brigham also was taken into cus
tody by Chief Dunn at 2 when he
arrived at the police station.
Edgar Holman, the Union Pa
cific watchman, who was held pur
suant to the verdict of the grand
jury, was also booked with Arm
strong and Brigham.
The complaints were prepared by
County Attorney Shotwell and
(Continued on Pane Two, Column Three.)
War Brings Fortune
to Grand Island
Express Wagon Man
Grand Island, Neb., Sep.. 5.
(Special.) Probably the wealthiest
express wagon driver in the United
States is John H. Brown, employe
of the American Express company
in this city. He is worth somewhere
in the neighborhood of $50,000. The
unexpected, and for a time undis
covered, death of two uncles in
Convoy, Donegal county, Ireland,
is responsible for Brown coming
into possession of real estate and
money worth a fortune. One uncle
left the Grand Island man between
$19,000 and $20,000, and the other
about $30,000.
The world war is primarily res
ponsible for his fortune. He entered
the service at Omaha with the 168th
Iowa, saw service in Germany, and
while there received word from a
relative whose home is in New Zea
land concerning the bequests from
his uncle. If he had been in the
United States he might never have
been apprised of the facts.
Condemn Betrayer
of Edith .Cavell to
Death for Treason
Paris, Sept. 5. Georges Gaston
Quien, on trial before a court mar
tial, charged with having had trea
sonable dealings with the Germans
and of having betrayed Edith Cavfll
to them, was today convicted and
condemned to death.
M. D'Armon, counsel for Quien,
occupied all of the last session of
the court-martial with an eloquent
plea on behalf of his client. He en
deavored to show7 that the name of
Miss Cavell and the tremendous sen
sation created by her execution had
influenced the public opinion against
The advocate severely condemned
former Emperor William for per
mitting the crime against Miss
Cavell and the German officers for
committing it. He was certain, he
said, that the conviction of Quien
would be an error of justice.
The court-martial deliberated for
three-quarters of an hour and then
rendered its judgment, condemning
Quieu to death..
Eleventh Hour Amendment of
Southern Senator to Ren
der Ineffective Enforcement
Clause Defeated in Senate.
Bill Now Goes to Conference
Intoxicants Defined as
More Than One-Half of
One Per Cent Alcohol.
Washington, Sept. 5. (By the
Associated Press.) The prohibition
enforcement bill was passed by the
senate today without a record vote
and virtually in the form it came
from committee. The measure now'
goes to conference for discussion of :
amendments inserted in the house
bill by the senate.
The only material change made
in the bill in the senate was the ad
dition by amendment of the liquor
and drug prohibition act for the
Panama Canal zone. This measure '
has not yet been acted on by the
house. ...
An eleventh-hour attempt by Sen
ator Shields, democrat, Tennessee, '
to render ineffective the whole sec
tion of the measure relating to en
forcement of war-time prohibitign.
failed, his own vote being the only
cne cast in favor of it. His amend
ment would have limited the opera
tion of the war-time law to the six;
states in which demobilization camps'
are located. . '
Intoxicants Are Defined.
As it passed the senate and goes tAr
conference, the bill deffnes-as an
intoxicant any beverage containing
more than one-half of 1 per cent of
alcohol. The senate modified, how
ever, some of the most rigid pro- .
visions of the house bill, including
that affecting private stocks of al
coholic beverages held for personal
use. ,
Passage of the bill by the senate
was in striking contrast' to its
troublous voyage through the house.
No serious effort to alter its terms
was made except the attempt by
Senator Shields. The Tennessee
senator contended that since jjeniob
ilization was in -fact almost com- ,
pleted this section of the act applied
only to New York ' state as every .
other state where active demobiliza- ,
tion camps were situated was dry by
state statute. He asserted that laws
forbidding sale of intoxicants to men
in uniform and fixing dry zones
about military camps and posts, fully
protected soldiers. J:
May Expire Soon. j
Senator Wadsworth said only 8
per cent of the army remained to be
demobilized, and that passage of a
war-time enforcement act offered the :
curious spectacle of providing for
carrying out a law that was about to :
die. He brought out the fact that
the power of the president to render
this section ineffective whenever
peace was declared by means of a
proclamation terminatin the de
mobilization period, was not changed
and said:
"If events transpire as we : asi-
sume' they will transpire this act
will expire in two months or six
"Does the senator mean," asked ,
senator .Fomerene, democrat. Ohio.
'that the treaty will be ratified in '
two months?
"I said nothing about ratifica
tion," Senator Wadsworth replied.
Norris Attempt Fails. . "
Senator Shields declared con-'
gress was. acting under false pre
tenses" in fixing the enforcement
regulations on all of the country
now under the guise of a demobili
zation necessity and denying men
with money invested in the pro
scribed industry a fuller oDoortunitv
to adjust their affairs. Senator
Walsh, democrat, Montana, replied
that congress had made the act ap-'
ply to all of the country, regardless
of the progress of demobilization, ,
unless that process should be c6m"
pleted, and the enforcement meas
ure could only follow that policy.
An attempt by Senator Norris,
republican, Nebraska, to amend the
bill so that violation of regulations
promulgated under its authority,
would not have the same force as '
violation of the law itself. This
provoked considerable discussion,
but the proposal found few support
ers on the vote.
Poincare to Lay Cornerstone
of United States Memorial
Paris, Sept. 5. President Poin
care and Hugh C. Wallace, the
American ambassador to France,
will be the principal speakers at
the ceremony next Saturday of lay
ing the cornerstone for the monu
ment which is to be erected at
I'oinh de Grieve, to commemorate
the first landing of American troops
in France to participate in the world
war. The monument will be a cop
of the statute of liberty.