Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
I THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. AMWEMEXT. Auvswaasn. AMUSEMCNTS. AMV8EMEXTS. (I MO OT DOM , . 1 1 219319 OR9AHAf- OCTOBER 20 and 2 aiga IRAQB OPEBA 30CT0BER 20C AIDA 30CT0BER 21c LA BOHEME CLEOFOfJTE CflMtJlfJI GENERAL DIRECTOR Raisa - Solci - Baklanoff - Sharlow Oonci - Sluok - Hicolv -flrimondi Braslay EVDail Orders Received NOW Season Seats on Sale September 15th AT 0 S P E? S Single seats on sale septemner zna SINGLE Performance $5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 Scale of Prices PLUS 10 WAR TAX MUSIC .STORE SEASON TICKET 2 Performances $9.00 7.00 5.00 3.50 2.00 1 PHOTO FLAYS. PHOTO PLAY8 PHOTO PLAYS. PHOTO PLAYS ZlimillllllHMillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllV I TONIGHT I I FESTIVAL !Flin f S Clown Bands, Parades, E Fancy Costumes, Con- 2 r, . tests and Souvenirs, E I Confetti, Etc. - THURSDAY NIGHT Watermelon Eating Contest E: ' Everybody Invited TifiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiimimiimimmiiiiiiK BL'jSSOM SEELLY CICCO INI ERWIN and JANE CONNELLY, Esps and Dutton, Clifford Walker, Garcinetti Bro., The Sterlinaa, Topics of tha Day. Kinograms. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tOtgf f tjl7 P'y Mats. 15-25-SOc A-ayCVJ Evnnsa, 25c-50c7Sc-$l ckTat Star & Carter Show iS8& Nothlat aid but tha well-known title. Two birlttUt "In Gay Parea" ana "Putting It Ovtr." Jut girls, laughi, girl, ailrtlt. girl and girls. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. Sat Mat. and Wk.: "Tha (ntw) Bon-Tom." NEW SHOW TODAY VALNOVA'S GYPSIES. Whirlwind Danesrt: TYLER A ST. CLAIR: ELDRIOGE. BARLOW A ELDRIDGEl IRVING WHITE A MARIE. Phstoalay ArrrMtlan WM. FARNUM In "THE BROKEN LAW." MACK SENNETT COMEDY. FRANK MACH Violinist Produces Results Phone Douglas 1952 FRI. AND SAT, SEPT. B. 6 SAT. MATINEE Henry Miller Blanche Bates In a Play by 1 !, Philip Moeller IVlOliere Night, 50c-$2.50; Matinss, 50c-$2.00. Why Not Try a Bee Want Ad? i ..J The Bee is the Best Moving Picture Advertising Medium of Any Newspaper in Nebraska PHOTO PLAYS PHOTO PLAYS PHOTO PLAYS PHOTO PLAYS. Didja ever see a mon key comedian? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii.iiiiimiiiiiii.iimiim I HALT! M3)RT mm I "05 Joe Martin is a real live monkey and the monkey shines he goes through in this show are "funniernell" see him in Monkey Stuff " Taylor Holmes as a dear, sweet fellow who loved his wife so darn much that he turned everything up side down to give her a divorce in f a V I 1tv r "Upside Down,, TODAY TO SATURDAY. Oiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 1 ft KZ srsV 8tK L SEPT. 7 - - .:A. s Ji9r screen carper BBAT Nordln's Orchestra i J ; gJm i y JVilliam Farnum at Rialto Sunday. k feu WxM ft Sea Wo Wan HP )Q listen toWo "Man p (JL t7Q'ss3Vb ?4an. tag Qaa (Steeailfe n"GI!I.LSw THEY just hated men! And they solemnly swore never, never, never-but acci dents will happen! A man fled into their apartment one night, and from that moment the Man-Haters' League was d oomed. Not that the girls wanted him there. Mercy, no! And they were dre adfully vexed at all the terrible things and men that happened afterwards. Still ah, well, some men are not so bad. See winsome Marguerite Clark as queen of the League and its worst backslider. A delightful picturization of Clyde Fitch's famous play. Added Features CHRISTIE COMEDY AND RIALTO NEWS n Thursday, Friday, Saturday 15&D0UGLAF Paramount Artcraft Week r BRANDEIS LIMITED ENGAGEMENT STARTING PEACNESFRon SUNDAY CALIFORNIA'S BEACHES J tO U . ft 111 iiviHki a ir n nil iii iiii iiii i a IWriflFhfl D5Hv ( wsrt ilW rsC r& i in1 a SEiNNETT FfE PART COMEDV WiTAU IAUQMS SO CLOSE TO-0&TH THAT THEY BUriP LACH OTHER POPUIAR PKOSE BARGAIN iATINCES 4 " SEATS NOW SELLING SHOWS DAILY 1:303:30 7:309:15 4 7I L7X THE BEST MOVIE NEWS ALWAYS IN THE OMAHA BEE w iRm nnrn mwattiiH fmrrHfniBiirii;;;nim!tuijimTniii itttmrrm, iiaiiuiBiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM mmmmmmmmmmMKmmim"imnm aiii!iiiMiimiiiiiiiiiii!iimiii.iiiwiiiiiitiaf If K'u love insurance fails he-a He was employed by a com pany that had bet that the girl would marry a certain man. He was to see that the company won its bet. But he fell in love with th girl himself! Then the fun started. To lose his job, or to lose the girl? Which would it be? It's great! Today, Friday, Saturday TODAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY You'll shed pessimism and forget troubles in "BETTER TIMES" LOTHROP ENID BENNETT to THE HAUNTED BEDROOM." SMILING BILL PARSONS sa BAia Ail W I nu . i