Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Lincoln Bureau of The Omaha Bee
' 0
Climbs From One Plane to
Other Hundreds of Feet
Up Large Crowds "
SO ,321
Sunday 14,811
Monday 40.1M
Tuesday ,...411.248
Wednesday 71.114
Lincoln, Sept. 3. (Special.) The
sensation of the fair so far has been
the flying of Lieutenant Locklear,
who appears to defy all elements
of the air and performs stunts that
keep the people with their hearts
in their throats most of the time.
His feat of climbing from one plane
to the other while many hundred
feat in the air is hard on people
with weak hearts. Locklear stands
on the top wing of one plane and
with the other just above him
seizes a rope ladder and climbs to
the upper machine. Yesterday he
failed to get the right focus on the
thing and had to try it the second
When one goes over the grounds
he is struck not with any particu
lar exhibit, but by them all. In
he agricultural hall the county col
lective exhibits are the peer of any
collective exhibits shown in pre
vious years. Many of the western
counties show something wonderful
and how the judges are hoping to
distinguish which is the better is
hard to tell.
Wednesday 7,774 people passed
through the gates and 6,185 auto
mobiles. The day's attendance top
ped all previous records by more
than 6,212. The attendance for the
first four days this year was 56,559
more than the first four days last
Thursday is Qmaha day and as
usual it is expected that visitors
from the metropolis will b greatly
in evidence. Among the visitors
will be a bunch of carrier kids from
The Omaha Bee who will enjoy the
fair and be given most anything
they like.
Thursday is looked forward to as
the big day for, with the big crowd
promised from Douglas county, it is
expected that the Thursday record
of last year of 65,562 will be
Banks of State
Show Increase of
Their Resources
Lincoln, Sept. 3. The following
statement by the banking depart
ment shows the condition of the
state banks of the state as follows:
V May t, 191. July H.
LdlMOuntn!l2n.l04,71.:9 $:
Overdraft .. 2,122,069.07 2,677,066.29
' Bonds, seeur-
ttiei, Judg-
m o n t i,
clalmi, lc.
Including all
g ovrnmnt
Due from
home, fur
nltura and
Other real
estate .....
Current x
penses, taxes
and Interest
V.d ......
w-CU Items
nnt reserve
Cash M4S.711.92
Cash, Includ
ing Liberty
bonds held
as cash reserve
tl, SOI, SOS. 47
tl, 210,250.11
Totl 1310.955.931.16 1323.148,928.08
r.mi.l .lock 8 23.334.300.00 8 24,230,800.00
Surplus fund. 6.884,649.87
V n d 1 v 1 ded
profit. .... 6.SS8.928.48
Dividends un- -
paid 18,836.37
I n dividual
deposits suo-
jeottoetreck 117,612,463.61
Certificate of
deposit ... MMi.-;;
X)U, to banks 9,060,120.80
Bills payable
discounted 4.1M.718.I2
D t poll ton
funV.f t03I.227.9l
ToUl 1210,966,931.16 8338.148.828.08
K u m b e r of
bank, report- ,
HeServes'on'hand 41Ut'' Tl
Reserves required 41.814.Ti7. ti
Excess over requirements
per cent of reserve
- Required
Ueooslts gain
The decrease of $6.000,000-in bond
account is partially accounted for by
the recent law permitting banks to
carry 40 per cent of vault cash in
Liberty bonds, as this item shows 50
per cent of this decrease.
Governor Refuses to
Intervene In Death
Sentence of Two Men
Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 3. (Special)
Governor McKelvie today refused
to intervene in the sentence of
death, by electrocution, imposed on
Alonzo B. Cole and Allen Grammer,
the two men convicted of the mur
der of Grammer's mother-in-law
about a year ago. In declining to
commute the sentence, Governor
McKelvie said, although he was per
sonally opposed to the death sen
tence, he would not interfere with
the law as long as the statutes of
the state provide for such a sen
tence. .
The only hope the convicted men
now hare is favorable action by the
supreme court on their appeal from
a decision of the district court of
Lancaster county denying their pe
tition for release from the peniten-
' tiary on a writ of habeas corpus.
'The supreme court meets early next
week and an immediate decision is
exnected. as the men are sentenced
to die in the electric chair Septem
ber 12.
According to testimony brought
out at the trial of the two men,
Grammer paid Cole $500 to murder
" ki raothtr Jorlax. lira. Lulu Voce1
P. A. Banows. Correspondent "
Predict 1,500 In Autos From
Here Call Off Auto-Train-Plane
Today is Omaha day at the state
All attendance records will prob
ably be shattered, according to the
publicity bureau of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce.
It is expected that at least 1,500
Omahans will make the trip to Lin
coln today in automobiles.
Call Off Auto-Plane Race.
The auto-airplane-train race
scheduled to be held today has
been called off at the request of
Governor McKelvie. Numerous
complaints from autoists objecting
to the use of roads between Oma
ha and Lincoln as a race track is
given as the cause.
J. H. Hansen, who was to have
driven his racing car, had made the
drive three times to accustom him
self to the roads, and his car was
completely overhauled and ready
for the race.
Reduced Railroad Fare.
For the first time since war was
declared a special railroad rate has
been secured for Omahans going by
train to the state fair. The fare has
been reduced from $3.56 to $2.68 for
the round trip.
The first train leaves for Lincoln
a't the Burlington depot at 8:20. It
will be run in two sections. The
second traiii leaves at 9:15. Both
will stop at the fair grounds. Trains
back to Omaha leave the Burlington
depot at 4:30, 6 and 7:15 p. m.
A total attendance of Omaha peo
ple going both by trains and auto is
expected to exceed 3,500.
McKelvie Sends Welcome
to Pershing as Adopted Son
Lincoln, Sept. 3. Governor Mc
Kelvie today sent the following tele
gram to a New York paper:
New York American,
New York City.
Nebraska welcomes General
Pershing's return, not alone because
of his wonderful military achieve
ments, nor as the commanding of
ficer of the victorious overseas
forces, but as an adopted son. We
look upon him out here as one of
us, and we love him because we
know him.
Frontier County Fair
to Be Held This Month
Lincoln, Sept. 3. (Special.)
Through some error the list of dates
for county fairs published in state
papers did not contain the dates for
the Frontier county fair, which will
be "held September 23 to 26, and at
tention has been called by the offi
cials to the omission. The county
fair will be held at Stockville on the
dates mentioned above. As it hap
pens, the Southwestern district fair
is held at Haywood, in the sa-ne
county, which has had the effect of
mixing up the two fairs.
Monster Crowd Attends
Celebration at Schuyler
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) The eighteenth annual Old
Settlers' picnic of Colfax county,
combined with the homecoming cele
bration, to bring one of the largest
crowds in the history of the city to
Schuyler. Daniel McLeod delivered
the welcome address and Harry E.
Phelps of Howells responded. The
address of the afternoon was made
by A. Z. Donato of Wahoo.
Nebraskan in Washington.
Washington, Sept. 3. (Special
Telegram.) Richard E. Brega, jr.,
son of a well-known attorney of Cal
loway, Neb., was one of Judge Kin
kaid's visitors Wednesday, the lat
ter having appointed young Brega
to take the examination for admis
sion to the naval academy. Mr.
Brega is on his way to Annapolis,
where he will prepare for his exam
ination next spring.
Governor Will Not Oust Be
atrice Officials Until Ac
tion Has Been Taken
in Courts.
Lincoln, Sept. 3. (Special.) A
delegation representing the Non
partisan league, to the number of
about 75, called upon Governor
McKelvie Wednesday in an effort
to bring before him the facts re
garding the disturbances of a Non
partisan league meeting at Beatrice
some time ago.
The delegation was headed by
Jesse R. Johnson of Lincoln .mana
ger for the organization in Nebras
ka; C. A. Sorenson, league attorney;
J. D. Ream of Broken Bow, Mil
ton Young of Beatrice and Mr.
Deitz of the same place, who did
most of the talking. A set of
resolutions passed at a meeting
since that time and also another
set passed at the meeting in Brok
en Bow, condemning the action of
the so-called mob which broke up
the meeting at Beatrice was given
the governor, asking that he take
action to remove the chief of po
lice and mayor of Beatrice for fail
ure to give the meeting protection
at the time of the disturbance.
Will Not Act.
The governor told the delegation
that it was his purpose to give pro
tection to all meetings conducted
along right lines, but that the statutes
provided that where an assault had
been made, as in the case at Beatrice,
the courts were to be called upon, and
until that recourse had been taken
he would not act. The courts, he
said, were for the protection of the
people and the people must go to
those courts for their protection.
Mr. Deitz insisted that the gov
ernor ought to remove the officials
who had refused to give protection
to the meeting or arrest those who
assaulted those in attendance, but
the governor said he believed that
he had a better method.
He said that while even the
newspaper men had never been
told, he had called into his office a
number of peace officers who had
refused to do their duty or had
been negligent in their duty, and
admonished them that he would
stand for nothing of that kind. The
result had been that those officers,
understanding the attitude- of the
governor' that a second offense
would mean a loss of their office,
had gone out and made good offi
cers. While the governor did not
say that he had had the Beatrice offi
cials before him, he called attention
to the fact that the meeting held at
Pickrell, in Gage county, had not
been disturbed.
Governor McKelvie assured the
committee that every protection
would be given the meetings of the
Cannot Afford the Honor.
The fact that Washington butchers
are charging 100 per cent higher for
meats than is being asked in other
sections of the country may explain
why it is so difficult to get good
men to run for congress. Galveston
New Commissioner
of Public Health Is
Ready to Start Work
vMm )
v. ..,..
' i ' -'
-ofe Js Inez ct dwatT'tf
Dr. J. F. Edwards arrived yester
day afternoon to begin his work
here as health commissioner, suc
ceeding Dr. E. T. Manning, who
resigned several months ago.
"I will have to look around a lit
tle before I will be able to outline
my policies. The first thing I must
do is to go out and buy some citi
zen's clothes," Dr. Edwards re
marked. The new health commissioner has
been surgeon in charge of Camp
Mills, N. Y.
Nebraska Congressmen
Asked to Aid Kahn Bill
Washington, Sept. 3. (Special
Telegram.) Guy E. Johnson, state
engineer of Nebraska, has tele
graphed the members of the dele
gation in congress from that state
asking them to support the legisla
tion proposed by Representative
Kahn, chairman of the military af
fairs committee of the house, pro
viding for the continuance of the
transfer of surplus war materials,
particularly the feature covering
parts for motor vehicles. He says
such legislation will be of great
benefit to Nebraska.
Middle West Class and
Commodity Rates Fixed
Washington, Sept. 3. Class and
commodity rates upon export traf
fic from the middle west to South
Atlantic and gulf ports were decided
upon Wednesday by Director Gen
eral Hines.
They will be substantially the
same as the rates to New York on
domestic freight and will equalize
charges so that southern gateways
to South and Central America can
compete on equal terms with the
A Bank Is as Strong as Its Directors,
H. J. Root
is known as one of the
BIG MEN of the cen
tral west, working heart
and soul for Omaha.
He's a Corn Exchange
I beat the AUSTRIANS because they did not
know the value of five minutes, said Napoleon.
Do You Know the Value
of Five Minutes?
Hundreds of Big men are being Beaten in their business
today because they fail to analyze their time fail to
appreciate the value of-i-five minutes.
In our bank you will find no long waits or
waste of time in making your deposits. Our
tellers make such a condition impossible.
Five minutes' is just one ninety-sixth of the business day, and if
you will just think of the time that you are 'compelled to waste in
making your bank deposits you will realize the advantages of our
SERVICE, and will feel that the
Corn Exchange Has an Interest in You.
1503 Farnam.
Corn Exchange
National Bank
I 7
Onr Officers Invite New Acci.nnts.
'-iiwi-i SH
This is the big Drug Sale we hold once every six months. For this sale we buy in large
quanities, securing special price concessions which we pass on to you. This is the sale in which
to replenish your family medicine cabinet and buy your toilet needs for several months to
come. Every item is underpriced check the items you need bring this list with you.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th
While this sale is
announced for
three days, wo do
not guarantee the
quantity of each
and every item
will last till the
last day of the
No phono or
ders or C. O. D.
ordors filled
from this ad.
Right reserved
to limit quanti-ties.
Melba Toilet
Melba Toilet Goods have for
years been the preference of dis
criminating women. A special
demonstration of a complete line
of Melba Toilets this week.
Lov-Me Powder, per box, 75c
Lilac Toilet Water, per bottle, 1.00
Bandoline, per bottle, 25c
Pineywood Powder, per box, 1.00
Violet Toilet Water, per bottle, 1.00
Lilac Face Powder, per box, - 1.00 -
The word famous in manicure
preparations. Ask for Cutex and
you will get the proper and best.
Cutex Manicure
Cutex Cuticle Remover, 35c size
for 29c
Cutex Compact Manicure Set,
50c size for 39c
Cutex Cuticle Comfort, 35c size
for 29c
Ingram's Milk
weed Cream
It Corrects Complexion Faults.
Ingram's Milkweed Cream
will give any woman the beauty
of a fair, glowing, clear and
healthy skin.
Special for this sale, 50c size, 39c
1.00 size, 69c
Richard Hudnut's
Marvelous Cold Cream
and Three Flowers the
new sensation. Our line
of Hudnut's preparations
is complete.
Violet Sec Toilet Water, 1.00
Gardenia Face Powder, 1.00
Three Flower Face Powder, 50c
The Secret of a
Good Complexion
It Really No Secret at All
And it requires such s little effort to
have a really good complexicm. Just use
the same thought and care in the selec
tion of your complexion preparation as
you use in the selection of your attire.
That's all.
Aubry Sisters' Beautifier
Gives every woman's skin an immedi
ate healthy glow.
Sherry White Tint
The result is a perfect complexion.
Aubry Sitters' Tooth Powder, 25c can
for 15c
Aubry Sisters' Lilac Perfume, regular
1.00 oz., special at 49c
A Perfect Cleaning and
Massage Cream.
Why pay 60c for a cleanser and 60c for
massage cream when "Melorose" does
the work of both and very superior?
At this sale a 60c jar cost you
only 42c
Perfection Melorote Face Powder, uted
and indorsed by more actresses and
women of note than any other pow
der in the world, 42c
Perfection Melorote Rouge, in cake and
jelly form, surpasses all others, 42c
Face Powder, Rouge, etc.
Armand Face Powder, 50c tizo
box for 33c
Abonita Face Powder, 50c size
box for 29c
Jap Rote Face Powder, 50c sire
box for 31c
Java Rice Powder, 50c aize box
for 39c
Putsy Willow Face Powder,
50c size box for 38c
La Blache Face Powder,
60c size box for 55c
Piver't La Trefle or Azurea
Powder, 1.75 size box, 1.48
Pond" Face Powder, 50c size
box, 35c
Dorin't Rouge, 60c lice cake
for 49c
Lucille , Rouge, 50c tize cake
for 29c
Creams, Lotions, Etc.
D. & R,
Pond'a Cold
Cream, 50c tize
Cream, 25c tize
size jar
Marinello Cream,
Bonita Vanishing Cream,
50c size jar,
Abonita Vanishing Cream,
50c size jar,
Harriet Hubbard Ayera'
uria,-;65c size,
Dr. Charles' Flesh Food,
50c size,
Sempre Giovine, 60c size,
Pompeian Night Cream, 25c tize
for 19c
Pompeian Day Cream, 50c aize
for 39c
Cream Eleaye, 65c tize, 49c
Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream, 50c size, 39c
Abonita Benzoin Almond Lo
tion, 25c size, 19c
Baby Food
Horlick't Malted Milk, 3.75 tize
for 3.19; the 1.00 size, 80c
Mellin't Baby Food, 75c tize
for 67c
Etkay Baby Food, 65c aize, 55c
Patent Medicines
Caldwell Syrup of Pepsin,
1.00 size bottle, " 79c
Sloan's Liniment, for bruitet,
etc., 60c size bottle, 44c
Mentholatum, for colds, etc.,
50c size jar, 33c
Freezone Corn Remover,
35c value, 29c
Delatone Depilatory, 1.00 tize
bottle, 85c
Energine Cleaning Fluid,
35c size bottle, 27c
Multified Cocoanut Oil, 50c tize
bottle, 42c
Scott' Emulsion, Cod Liver Oil,
75c bottle, 65c
California Syrup of Figt,
60c bottle, 44c
Lydia Pinkham Vegetable Com.
pound, 1.25 bottle, 98c
Sal Hepatica, for gout and
rheumatism, 60c bottle, 45c
Salinoa, effervescent, the laxa
tive, 50c bottle, '39c
Vinol, the tonic for weak peo
ple, bottle, 89c
Nuol, mineral oil, 1.00 bottle
for 87c
Nuxated Iron, the well-known
tonic, 1.00 bottle, 79c
Stuart Dytpeptia Tablets,
1.00 size, 85c
Nature Remedy, tpecial.
1.00 size, 79c
Litterine, the antiteptic,
1.00 bottle, 68c
Ulypto Ointment, 25c package
for 19c
Beecham'a Pillt, 25c package,
special, 21c
Edwards' Olive Tablets,
25c size, 19c
Danderine, for the hair, 35c bot
tle, 29c
Fairchild Essence of Pepsin,
1.00 bottle, 83c
Bromo Seltzer, for headaches,
etc., 60c bottle, 44c
Atpirin, 5-grain, 100 tablett, S.
K. F., 59c
Vick't Salvet, for hurts and
bruises, 25c size, 21c
Tiz, for tore feet, 25c tize, 21c
Allen's Foot Ease, for tore feet,
25c size, 21c
Drugs, Etc.
Limettone Phosphate, the tonic,
50c size bottle for 42c
Bengue Analgetique Balm,
75c tube for 62c
Walnutta Hair Dye, 60c tize
bottle for 49c
Pond't Extract, 50c tize bottle
for 39c
Doan's Kidney Pillt, 60c- tize
package for 52c
Belladonna Plasters, 19c tize,
2 for 25c
Glyco Thymoline, , 55c tize bot
tle for 47c
Hinkle Pillt, 25c pkge. for 15c
Fletcher's Cas
ioria for babies,
35c bottle for
Djer Kiss Face
Powder, 65c
bqx for
Palmolive or
Kirk's Perox
ide Soap, per
Mary ' Garden
Perfume, 2.50
oz. for
2-qt. Combina
tion Syringe
and Hot Water
Bottle, $2 vol.,
Jap Rose Soap,
extra special,
per bar
Tanlac, the fa
mous tonic, $1
size bottle for
Pond's Vanish
ing Cream, 25c
Williams' Tal
cum Powder,
20c size for
Pinaud's Lilac
de France, $1
bottle, for
Toilet Water, Per
fumes, Etc.
Piver't Azurea or La Trefle
Perfume, 1.75 value, oz., 98c
White Rote or Locutt Blottom
Perfume, 50c value, oz., 29c
Mme. Itabell Toilet Water, v
1.00 value, 69c
Djer Kiss Toilet Water,
2.50 value for 1.75
Djer Kiss Sachet, per oz., 1.75
Non Spi, the deodorant, 50c tize
bottle for 33c
Mum, for pertpiration odors,
etc., 25c jar for 21c
4711 Bath Salts, for bathing,
75c values, for 59c
Foriel Toilet Water, 75c tize
bottle for 69e
Abonita Vegetal Water,
75c size bottle for 59c
Brushes, Sponges, Etc.
Dupont Tooth Bruthet, 50c aize
for 29c
Tooth Bruthet, 25c and 35c val
ues, for 19e
Tooth Brushes, 15c and 19c val
ues, for 10c.
Hand Scrub Brushes,
10c and 15c values, for 7c
Household and Bath Sponges,
50c values, for 39c
Rit Soap, all thadet. 10c bar
' oc
Stearne'a Vegetable
15c bar for
Olivilo or Kirk' Olive
Harfina Medicated Soap,
10c bar for
Reainoi Soap, 30c bar for 23c
Peart' Untcented Soap, 15c bar
for 12c
Coca Cattile Soap, best grade,
1 lb. 23c
Williams' Vegetable Oil Soap.
bar for 10c 4 :
No. 1 Service Cattile Soap,
1.50 bar, 98c
Carpenter't Cuticle Soap, bar
or 5c
J. & J. Synol Soap, bar for 27c
Colgate Cashmere Bouquet ,
Soap, bar for 10c
Jergen' Glycerine Soap, three
bars for 25c
Packer' Tar Soap, 25c bar, 19c
La Bonita Tar Shampoo,
50c size for 39c
Dental Cream, Powders
Williams' Dental Cream,
25c size, 19c
Forham't Tooth Paste, 60c size
for 49c
Senreco Tooth Paste, 35c aize
for 29c
Dr. Lyon' Tooth Powder,
25c size, 19c
Dr. Grave1 Tooth Powder,
' 25c size, 19c
Kolyno Tooth Paste, 30e tize
for 22c
Rubber Goods
Two-quart Fountain Syringe,
1.25 article, for 79e
Two-quart Red Rubber Foun
tain Syringe, 2.00 article,
for 1.29
Five feet of Rubber Tubing,
25c value, for 15c
Two-quart Red Rubber Hot
Water Bottle, 1.75 value,
for 1.29
Metal Hot Water Bottle $2 val
ue, for 1.39
White Enamel Douche Pan,
2.50 value for 1.49
Medicine Droppert, 5c value,
for 3e
Birmingham Natal Douche,
25c value, for 12c
Ear and Ulcer Syringe, 35c val
ue, for 19c
Faultiest Nursing Bottle and
Nipple, 30c value, 24c
Seamiest Nipplet, 8c value, 5c
Talcum Powder
Armand Talcum Powder,
25c size for 19c
Babcock't Butterfly Talcum,
25c size for 19c
Tweetie Dear Talcum, 50c size jjj
for 29c ,
1 lb. Talcum Powder, 25c val-
ue, for 19c fi3
Talcum, astorted odort, 19c and l
25c values, for 12e 5?f
Colgate Talcum, 25c can, 18c
Lazell-Mattelto Talctfm, J
20c can for 18c
Brushes, Combs, Spong- Li
Hughes' Ideal Hair Bruth,
1.50 article,
White Ivory Hair Bruth,
2.00 article, 1.49
White Ivory Picture Framet,
1.00 article, 69c
White Ivory Combt, 35c article,
for 19c