Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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TUB BUM. UMAHA, TrlUKSUAI, aarmMmm , xvio.
Promoters of Movement Be
lieve There Is "Joker" and
That They Yet Have Two
Days' Grace.
City Clerk Hunter asserts that the
10 days inS which a supplementary
recall petition should have been filed
in his office, expired at S p. m.,
No supplemental petition has
been filed and, therefore, he con
tends that the original petition for
the recall of Mayor Smith and City
Commissioners Ringer, Towl and
Ure has been automatically render
ed null and void.
The petition was filed with the
city clerk August 15, containing
5,480 signatures. August 23 the city
clerk reported to the council that
the petition did not contain suffi
cient signatures, although he did not
certify as to the correctness of the
signatures in the petition.
Basen on Qat Proposition.
The clerk, in his certificate, stated
that he held that the number of sig
natures should have been based on
.10 per cent of the total vote on the
fjas plant purchase proposition at
the last city election, which was
about 22,000.
The promoters of the recall peti
tion have been basing their calcula
tion on 10 days from the time the city
clerk certified to the city council,
which was on August 25, rathir than
on 10 days from the date of the
clerk's certificate. They believe
there is a joker in this and that they
yet have two days of grace in which
to file their supplement petition,
which they declare contains 4,000
or 5,000 additional names.
May Disregard Old Petition.
"If they are going to follow these
methods and refuse to accept our
supplimeutal petition when it shall
be filed, all we will have to do is to
disregard the old petition and start
all over again," said J. R. Lones,
one of the attorneys who is inter
ested in the 'recall movement. "We
can and will prepare another recall
petition and will be able to obtain
all the signatures that the city
clerk or another city hall official
may believe are necessary. We can
go beyond the 6,400 limit which they
have set. We can go out and get
10,000 signatures just as easy as
5,000. It only means a little work.
Another recall petition will be
started if the city hall officials insist
that it is necessary."
Burglar Gets $1,000
In Loot From Home
While Family Is Away
A burglar stole furs amd clothing
worth $1,000 belonging to Mrs. H.
F Newton, 2852 Newport avenue,
'1 iipsHav. The thief Dried oocn a
basement window during the ab
sence of the family and ransacked
the house.
For the second time in a week
the grocery store of H. Reuben, 2424
Sherman avenue, was robbed Tues
day night. The burglars entered
through the transom opening over
the front door and stole about $100
worth of tobacco, candy and gro
ceries. At the previous robbery
the burglars gained entrance by cut
ting out a section of plate glass window.
"Festival of Fun" Attracts
Big Crowds at Krug Park
The "festival of fun" at Krug park
eipencd Tuesday evening with one of
the largest crowds of the season.
Hundreds were in fancy costume
and the clown band furnished plenty
cf amusement.
The nail driving contest was won
by Miss Francis Galchett, 520 South
Twenty-sixth avenue.
In judging Nthe costumes Miss
Norma Mach won first prize for the
fanciest costume and Miss Virginia
Urillhart second.
, U. S. Official Quits
- Washington, Sept. 3. Jordan H.
. Stabler, chief of the Latin-American
division of the State department for
the past two years, has resigned, it
was learned today and will sail for
South America within a few days
on business.
Two Comforters at
About the Price of
One, Next Saturday
Union Outfitting Co.
Such a Saving It Due to a
Special Purchase Made
Months Ago.
Comforters Are Covered
With a Good Grade of
Art Ticking.
Next Saturday the Union Out
fitting Company places on sale
thousands of warm, cozy comfort
ers at lower prices than similar
qualities could be purchased at
the wholesale houses today.
x Such a remarkable offer at the
very beginning of cool weather is
due to an enormous purchase,
placed months ago with eastern
mills when cotton was quoted at
just about half what it is today.
The Comforters are covered
with high grade art ticking that
will last for years; are quilted or
yarn tied and can be had in a
good variety of beautiful designs.
The substantial savings further
illustrate the great Purchasing
Power of the Union Outfitting
Company, located just out of the
High Rent District As always,
you make your own terms.
S Jigf and Mat f ia is Full
Pag of Colors in The Sunday Ba.
Drawn for The Bee by McManu
Copyright 1919 iBUroatlon) Nwt Sarvtea,
ft , , J VNTt TO SO
Bsg-i v to coa
Saesa.-" Sk DOWN THERE-
m ofafrieno of wine: who n
iiuiisuJiagS, RON A HOTEL
i a.
My HEART and
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
of a Wife
Why Nervousness Gripped Madge
On Her Way to School.
If the occasion of our difference
had been other than it was I am
afraid I should have experienced a
distinct thrill of gratified feminine
malice at Katie's revelation. Dicky's
discomfiture when he learned that
in his own phraseology I "had
beaten him to" the very scheme he
had outlined for not meeting him
at the breakfast table had indeed
something ludicrous in it, but my
sombre mood held no opportunity
for lightening.
For as the moment approached
for my return to the Bayview
school my facing of the gruesome
tragedy in which my principal was
involved in which, indeed, Alice
Holcombe and I might be enmesh
ed my nerves began to assert
themselves again. The delicious
iced cantaloupe suddenly lost its
flavor, and I pushed it away only
Katie, coming in with the cereal,
was voluble in her disapproval.
"Oh, Meesis Graham 1 You not
eat dot melon, and it look so nice,
too. Vot matter? Was dere a bad
spot in eet?"
. "No, no, Katie. It is delicious,
but I do not feel like eating this
morning. I don't wish any cereal
either. Just bring me my coffee. Is
it strong?"
"She joost vay I alvays make
her," rejoined Katie, with the
idiom at which in a less perplexed
moment I should have hugely en
joyed. "But I no bring coffee till
you eat dot mush," she went on
with the . solicitous tyranny Katie
reserves for me sometimes. "You
not can go to school and no eat
your breakfast. Coom, Katie feex
for you, nice."
"All Right, Katie."
Her voice was the same as she
would have used to Junior 'if he had
been a year or two older. She
busied herself with the cereal, pre
paring it as she knew I like it best,
and put it before me with an ap
pealing little glance which asked
pardon for her importunity.
All right, Katie. I smiled for
givingly at her. "I'll trv to eat
this, but bring my coffee at once,
please, and nothing else."
Uh-h Aleesls Graham, she pro
tested, "ven I feex you sometimes
so-o nice!"
"I'm sorry, Katie, but I cannot
possibly eat anything more," I. said
hrmly. Suppose you eat it for
your own breakfast."
I feel like trowine eet at dot
cat," she muttered in tearful child
ish rebellion as she left the room.
But when she returned her volatile
nature had thrown off her disap
pointment and she was intent only
upon tne cottee, over which she
fussed as if it were some life-saving
medicine which she was
charged to administer.
"You drink dot, every drop," she
asserted, and I gladly obeyed her,
for the hot, fragrant liquid always
puts new vigor into my veins.
At the Station.
I felt the need of all its bracing
influence as I left the train at Bay
view. It was a much earlier train
that I usually take, for Alice Hol
combe and I had agreed to meet at
the schoolhouse very early in the
morning, so as to get out of the
way the administrative work which
awaited us in Mr. Stockbridge's
absence, and as I stepped off at the
platform I saw a large group of the
commuters whom I miss with the
later train.
TJiey were excitedly talking to
gether, and I heard the name Stock
bridge two or three times, and
knew they were discussing the
tragedy. Then as I hurried down
the platform past thm, looking
neither to the tight nor the left, I
heard a comment which annoyed
"There's one of 'em now," a
man's voice said in a low tone.
"Where?" a woman's shrill voice
whispered. -
"That pippin with the auburn
"Her? I don't think she's any
thing' much for looks."
"Where's your eyes?" the man
rejoined tactlessly. "I don't won
der Ken decided to bump the old
girl off when he had anything like
that in the school."
"Shut up," apprehensively. "You
don't know that he did it, and
you've got no business"
The sound of their voices left
me, but I had heard quite enough.
I had hard work to1 keep my knees
from sinking with fhy weight as I
realized that not only was Ken-
Multi-Vision Lens
A lens and dimmer more light
no glare.
All sizes, $3.50 a pair.
Any dealer eaa supply.
Pittsburgh Plate
Glass Co.
General Distributor!
Act of Sabotage Charged to I.
W. W. Sheriff Offers
$100 Reward.
Two horseshoes and a box of
matches placed in bundles of wheat
on the farm of Otto Armbrust, six
miles west of Omaha on the Center
street road, resulted in crippling a
threshing machine and starting a
fire Tuesday afternoon.
Ahe act of sabotage is attributed
to the I. W. W. organization.
Mr. Armbrust telephoned Sheriff
Clark, who sent Deputy Sheriff
Christensen to the farm.
Fed Into Thresher.
He found that the wheat bundles
containing one of the horseshoes
and the box of matches had been
fed into the threshing machine. The
horseshoe knocked out 10 cylinder
teeth and broke the concave in the
threshing machine. A fire, started
in the straw by the matches, was
put out before much damage was
Sheriff Clark yesterday offered
a reward of $100 for information
which will lead to the arrest and
conviction of the person or persons
who placed the horseshoes and
matches in the grain bundles.
Want No I. W. W. Here.
"I am offering this reward out of
my own pocket," said the sheriff.
"This is the first instance we have
had in this county oLthe alleged
activities of the I. W. W. and I can
tell them right now they are monk
eying with the wrong people. We
don't stand for any of this sneaking,
cowardly business around this part
0 fthe country. If there's anything
1 hate it's a coward. And I am
willing to pay $100 of my own
money to get those fellows behind
the bars."
The threshing outfit belongs to R.
Dall, a farmer on West Pacific
Admiral Cowan Plans
for Siege of Petrograd
Helsingfors, Finland, Sept. 3.
Admiral Cowan, commander of the
British squadron in the Baltic, has
arrived here in connection, it is
understood, with preparation for
an attack on Petrograd. The ad
miral intends, it is said, to confer
with members of the British mili
tary mission on the plans for the
neth Stockbridge's names being
coupled with the cause of his wife's
death, but that the teachers work
ing with him were being mentioned
odiously in the same connection.
(Continued Tomorrow.)
I was badly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several years ago. Doctors said my
only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses
did me no good. Finally I got hold of
something that quickly and completely
cured me. Years have passed and the
rupture haa never returned, although I am
doing hard work as a carpenter. There was
no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I
have nothing to sell, but will give full in
formation about how you may find a com
plete cure without operation, if you write
to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 151
K Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J.
Better cut out this notice and show it to
any others who are ruptured you may
save a life or at least stop the misery of
rupture and the worry and danger of an
operation. Advertisement.
Don't Spoil Your
Hair By Washing It
When you wash your hair, be
careful what you use. Most' soaps
and prepared shampoos contain too
much alkali, which is very injurious,
as it . dries the scalp and makes the
hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Mulsified
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is
pure and entirely greaseless. It'3
very cheap and beats anything else
all to pieces. You can get this
at any drug store, and a few ounces
will last the whole family for
Simply moisten the hair with
water and rub it in, about a tea
spoonful is all that is required. It
makes an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, cleanses thoroughly,, and
rinses out easily. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and is soft,
fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy
and easy to handle. Besides, it
loosens and takes out every particle
of dust, dirt and dandruff. Adv.
After each meal YOU e?t one
Kfob vow stomach's sXRta
ind get full food value and real stom
aeb comfort. Instantly relieves heart
ears, bloated, gaasy feeliat, STOPS
icidity. ioti repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the
itomach sweet and pure.
EATON1C i the beat remedy and only eostt
cant or two day to oae it. Yon will ba de
Ifhted with recolta. Satisfaction guaranteed
w money ba-k. Plaaaa call and tr if
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, 6 Busy
Stores. Omaha.
Omaha Teachers, Back
From Trip to Coast,
Delayed by Strike
The Misses Mima and Isabelle
Doyle, public school principals, re
turned yesterday from Califrnia
where they were victims of the rail
road strike.
The sisters traveled in an automo
bile from San Diego to San Fran
cisco, 700 miles, and relate amusing
scenes in the hotels where motor
travelers lodged for the night.
- At one of the hotels they saw men
and women .sleeping in chairs and
The Misses Doyle were accom
panied on the automobile trip by
two Harvard students who were re
turning to their studies.
Client (after confession Do you think
you will be able to keep me out of Jail?
Lawyer I may not be able to do that,
but I can make the state spend a lot of
money in putting you there. Boston
Girl Who Disappeared Week
Ago Is Found In Convent
Miss Genevieve Keefe, who disap
peared from her home in Benson a
week ago last Friday night, has
been located in the Good Shepherd
convent. She is said to have ap
plied at the convent for admittance
on the grounds that she was an or
phan. When an account of her dis
appearance reached the convent her
return to home quickly followed.
The police believe that the woman's
actions indicated a temporary men
tal lapse.
Miss Keefe is 25 years old and
lives at 6324 Pinkney, street. Her
father is Timothy Keefe.
Negro Makes Escape After
Attacking Woman In Home
Mrs. II. Hannery, 1816 I street,
reported to the police that a negro
entered the kitchen of her home
Tuesday and attacked her. Her
screams attracted neighbors and the
negro fled.
Relief Committee -
Here Gets Report On
Sufferers Abroad
What Paris women do from
choice, men, women and children of
Poland do from necessity, accord
ing to Frank W. America, American
Red Cross representative in War
saw. Mr, America, whose report
has just been received by the Ne
braska committee for the relief of
Jewish war sufferers, refers to the
lack of stockings. But Poland ex-
xenai ine custom 10 snucs.
"In a whole day's travel," writes
Mr. America, "we did not see a
cow, nor did we pass a horse or a
dog. The peasant refugeesvho did
have a cart full of meagen house
hold goods hauled it themselves.
Then we noticed that they were car
rying their boots under their arms.
They were saving them for the cold-4
er days when there was snow and
slush under foot. Many had none at
Food and clothing for these un
fortunates are to be purchased with
fimrU roiitrilmlrrl hv Nrhraskan.t
- - - - j - .
during the week of September 15-22,
when the committee for ihe relief
of Jewish war sufferers expects to
raise $400,000 as part of a national
Coming Universal Strike.
Nearly everybody seems to be
striking except Mr. Common Peo
ple, alias ConsumlnK Public. And
f he goes on strike something Is
Koing to happen. St. Joseph Gazette.
i.TTi mm "'MiiLiHu., pa. mm aV mRnW
, nraimeis Jtores
S sets the pace FftcitowiNc maha
School Opens
Monday, Sept 8th
On Sale Thu rsday, Beginning at 9 A.M.
$7,595 Worth of Sweaters for $3797.50
A large eastern jobbers' overstock and samples of new Sweaters,
for women and misses on sale at the season' beginning
Here is value-giving of no little consequence. A sale no woman or miss planning to buy a
sweater can afford to ignore. Here at the very beginning of the season are sweaters in a host of
styles and colors priced at exactly half. Quantities are limited as stated early selection is ad
visable following are the offerings:
347 Heavy Rope Stitch
$15 Sweaters
In sizes from 34 to 44. Colors: Solid
Copenhagen, solid cardinal, solid maroon
and solid dark green.
200 All-Wool Fine
$5 Sweaters
Slip-On sleeveless style. Sizes 34 to 44,
in combinations, such as green, white,
rose, green, Copenhagen.
Buy your Sweater,
now and save ex
actly half the
price you will pay
later on.
88 Children's 3-piece Wool Sets, $5 Value, 2.50
Smart three-piece Wool Sets, composed of Cap, Sweater
and Leggings, for children 2 and 3 years old, in gray only.
100 Slip-on Wool Sweaters, 9.50 Value, 4.75
100 Slip-On Wool Sweaters with sleeves in green, and
rose or rose and green. Sizes 36 to 44. A regular 9.50
Sweater for 4.75.
It i8 not lively
that a similar op
portunity will
again occur this
WW A wonderful lrtt rf Tlova .."a.
j and Girls' Shoes at 1.98
The Greatest September Shoe Sale
We Have Ever Experienced
The above two lines tell the story of this event it really
surpassed by a wide margin even our greatest expectations.
That the people of Omaha and vicinity appre
ciate values was truly evidenced by the tremendous
response on the opening day of this sale. People
were here by the hundreds and bought to their
hearts' content.
Remaining Lots Rearranged Arid
In Many Instances Replenished On
Sale Thursday, Choice
If you consider the price shoes are selling for today and the
possibility of still further increase, you cannot help but avail yourself
of this opportunity. The stocks are still in sufficient quantity to con
sider choosing highly important Thursday.