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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1919)
t . RIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS ! s FASCINATING! GRIPPING! ADELE GARRISON'S LOVE SERIAL, REVELATIONS OF A WIFE. The ' Omaha Daily ' Bee OLDEST MAN IN WORLD WANTS" LIFE REINSURED. t uejci".gt'.,Ky- sPt- 2-'Uncle w 'Johnny" Shell, probably the oldest -1 man in the world, prepared today to celebrate hit 131st birthday totnor v row by sending for a life insurance agent v"You never can tell what'll hap- yen, sonny, ne 101a tne agent, "and I want to be prepared for the ' worst." : .., c agent looked over his rate card and found that his card covered only the first 10S - life. The agent is now busy with 1 ' ' U A 4 1. . ' . he canv insure "Uncle Johnny". . DUKE TO SELL ESTATE; . GENERAL H. C. L. BLAMED. London, Sept. 2. The duke of Rutland announces that; "owing to ' the crushing taxation due to the X war anc t,le great rise in the cost of, labor and commodities" he is (M-n --,11 r c-. i iu a,n ins lanious niaroy es tate, which has been in the family -, lor generations. ' ' BEAUTIFUL WOMAN FOUND MURDERED. Geneva, Sept. 2. A beautiful . young woman was found Monday lying dead in the snow on the Sum mit of Brenner pass, Tyrol, by the - Italian military police. Nearby lay a Browning pistol. A note pinned to the woman's breast contained one word: "Spy.'; ,- '( The woman wore rings and jewel ry worth nearly $4,000. These were tmtouched. There was no sign of violence. The Italian authorities are trying to solve the mystery. The woman is believed to have been the victim of an act of vengeance. GERMANS DENY ZEPPELINS DESTROYED. Geneya, Sept. 2. A dispatch re ceived at Romanshorn from the Zeppelin factory at Friedrichshafen .denies a published report thaf the Germans had destroyed 12 Zeppe- litis. The Germans will deliver their airships to the allies in accordance ; with the peace treaty, the dispatch NEW COLORS FOR 1920 SHIRTWAISTS. Chicago, Sept. 2. Three brand new colors blue dawn, peach blos som and bisque will appear in the J920 shirtwaist, according to a de cree of the United Waist League of v America, which has concluded a lengthly conference with principal ilyemakers of the country. The league includes all the wholesale makers of women's blouses in the country. The dyes will be of Ameri can manufacture. . "An American waist dyed with American dyes will keep its color through the wash of 1920," said Mr. Mossessohn, president of the .. . . 1 1 u league, uur ayers nave suivcu .k1.m nt 'fact rnlnrs and there I J I UUIVIM v . . . - : isn't a coloron. our card that will not .hold Out as long as the fa brics." it-i Dfinv wnNEV . - muvn .vi - - ; IN GERMANY NOW. Geneva, Sept. 2 There is so much ready money in Germany just now. according to the Stuttgarten Neuss Tageblatt, that savings banks refuse to accept further deposits except at 2 per cent interest. The German government is con templating the issue ot a.'ottery loan of 450,000,000 marks ($112,500.- 000.) VALET GETS $30,000 , HiTt t tutact-'.P London, Sept. 2. The will ot tne late Lord Michelhan, owner of . Strawberry hill, famous as the home of Horace Walpole; was probated Monday. It leave $30,000 to Frank Dyer, a valet NO PROSECUTION FOR SUICIDAL FAILURE. New York, Sept. 2. Anyone in New York state who becomes tired of life is privileged to attempt to end ' his or her troubles from thii day - forth, without fear of being prose cuted for a felony if - the attempt fails. Since attempte suicide was made a felony in 1888 there have been but two convictions, it was ... . . i t 4im rtf sarny ana me wasic u hib . x policemen required to sit by the UmAtiA nf unsuccessful self-remov- ers and the loss of the court s time later in listening to the would-be suicides tell how glad they were they failed was very considerable. The legislature repealed- the law and it is wiped from the slate. MAN SHOCKED TO TUNE OF $10,000. Hackensack, N. J., Sept 2. A man is shocked $10,000 worth when served with papers in action involv ing alleged breach of promise, ac cording to William R. Smith, a Tenaflv, N. J., merchant who has started an action against Miss May G. Phipps. He alleges "severe sick ness of mind" as a result of two actions brought by Miss Phipps. WISCONSIN VOTES BONUS , TO NURSES AND SOLDIERS. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 4. The Wisconsin soldiers' bonus bill pro viding approximately $15,000,000 to be obtained through taxes, which passed the recent legislature with a referendum amendment attached to it, at a special election throughout the state Tuesday was ratified by a wide margin, ranging from two to one to 10 to one in different sec- fions of the" state. Under the measure, soldiers-, sail Vs, marines arid nurses who enlisted in. the world war will receive $10 for each month's service,, the minimum to be $50. , AWAKENS IN "GLORY;" -NOT IN OWN BED. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 2. When Roy Calvert lay down to sleep Mon day night he asked his wife to awaken him at 11:15 Tuesday. When the hour arrived she tiptoed to his bed and sent a x bullet crashing through his brain. She told the aurhoritirs she killed her husband because "he tiad habitually abused VOL. 49 NO. 66. Eaton, w mwh-Im Mttor May at. ISM. at 0aaa P. O. nf act al Mirth S. 1(7. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1919. y Mall (I yaar). Dally, tS.tO: aaa'ay, SIM; Dally aaf Sua., St.M; aatilda Na, twtaia aitra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: " Unsettled weather Wednesday and Thursday, probably showers. Cooler in south and east portions Wednesday! v :, Hourly temperature: S a. m ... M a. in ...... 4 7 a. m... S M a. m $ X a. n 4 10 a. m IS It a. m M IS Boo U 1 p. m..,.,....7f S p. m... ...... IS S p. m ...SO 4 p. m . . . ,' SO 5 p. m. . . ., ....SO p. m. M 1 p. at ....a S p. m IS ffl vy OT JV mm nn uuuwu ANTI-HOPE RULE FIGHT LAUNCHED Sir Edward Carson Goes to Belfast, Where First Step Toward Calling Out Ulster Volunteers Has Been Taken. "WALKING ON WINDY SIDE OF TREASON" tier. Unionist leader's Perform ances May Furnish British Government Excuse It De sires for Shirking Solution. By R. R. MURDOCH. Universal Service Special Corres pondent London, Sept. 2. Sir Edward Car son has gone to Belfast, where he will at once launch an anti-home rule campaign in line with his speech of September 28, 1914, when he said: "When the war is over we shall call our volunteers together and we shall repeal the home rule bill, so far as it concerns us, in 10 min utes." The Daily News sys the first step toward calling out the Ulster volunteers, who threatened revolt in 114 if home rule included Ulster, has been taken in the form of the decision to re-establish the Ulster clubs. In 1912 these clubs became automatically battalions of the Ul ster volunteer forces north of the Boyne and now the decree of the re.-establishment of the clubs is re garded as the prelude to a general mobilization order. To Unfold Plans. Carson, it is learned, is to un fold his immediate plans at a meet ing of the Ulster unionist council. which is the central authority of the Ulster provisional government. A special dispatch to the Daily News from Dublin says: "There is no doubt that Carson will display his skill in walking on the windy side of treason and that, as usual, he can be relied -upon to clamor for the full rigor of the law against those who imitate his methods without observing his pre cautions. "There is a strange rumor flying around that the government will de cline to be overawed by Carson and it has threatened, it is said, that the garrisons in Ulster will be increas ed by 20,000. May Furnish Excuse. "On the other hand, students of Ulster opinion think that though Carson is unlikely to spare the coali tion government in his speaches, his performances will furnish it the ex cuse it desires for shirking the solu tion of the Irish difficulty. "Carson's aim is to continue the existing, confusion and chaos and the government's object is to evade the necessity of dealing directly with the Irish problem. There may be a troop concentration in northern counties, but as long as the Ulster garrisons are commanded by good covenanters like Gen. Hacket Bain, the former chief of staff of the Ul ster government, the Carsonites are not likely to be disturbed." Carson Makes Address. Belfast, Sept. 2. (By The Asso ciated Press.) Sir Edward Carson, leader of the Ulster unionists, who has come to Belfast to open a new anti-home rule campaign, addressing the Ulster unionists council today, declared that, as far as Ireland was concerned, colonial home rule was the same thing as the Sinn Fein, and that in this respect the Sinn Fein was perfectly logical because in reality there was nothing between union and separation. Sir Edward challenged the gov ernment to make an unequivocal dec laration whether it had anything in its mind, bordering on the Sinn Fein, and if not, to courageously let the world know that Great Britain would brook no interference, whether by agitation in the United States, on. the continent or else where. ; Self-determination was character ized by Sir Edward as one of the most misleading phrases ever ad vanced. He asked if the United States would allow the southerners self-determination or if Canada would permit Quebec to have self determination. Declaring that he saw no pros pect of a settlement of the pending issue with regard to Ireland, Sir E.iward predicted the early collaose of the coalition government and a return to prewar party Colitics. " Senate Banks Pershing. Washington, Sept. 2. The house bill conferring the permanent rani; of general upon General Pershing in recognition of 'his service abroad, war passed by the senate Tuesday without debate or a record and now goes to President Wilson. Huge Silk Shipment. Victoria, B. C, Sept '2. A raw silk cargo estimated worth over $5,000,000 was aboard the Japanese1 liner Suwa Maru, which arrived here Tuesday from ,'thf Orient - NEW SOCIALIST .PARTY ADOPTS SOVIET EMBLEM t -i .i 300 Representatives of Left Faction Organize Communist Labor Body. 'Chicago, Sept. 2. Three hundred representatives of the left wing fac tion of the national socialist party, which recently withdrew from the parent body, Tuesday organized the Communist Labor Party of Amer ica and adopted, the emblem of the soviet republic of Russia with the motjo, "Workers of the world unite. iiie emblem consists ot a scythe and hammer surrounded by a .wreath of wheat. A suggestion that a torch be added to the emblem was voted down. Delegate Zimmerman of Indiana led a small minority who wanted the new organization christened the independent socialist party, but his suggestion was overwhelmingly de feated. Wednesday the party will adopt a constitution, which it is said will be largely patterned after that of the soviet of the republic of Russia. One of the first acts of the new party was to approve a plan for a general strike in the United States October 8, to compel the release of Tom Mooney, Eugene V. Debs and other alleged class war prisoners. "POLITE BURGLAR" IS UNDER ARREST, POLICE ALLEGE Refuse to Divulge Name of Woman Who, Officers Say, Has Identified Suspect. The police think they have cap tured the "gentleman burglar." Wil liam H. Douglas, -02 St. Mary s avenue, is accused by Detectives Paul Sutton, Felix Dolan, Pete Hag- erman and Officers Sinclair and Warner of being the man who gain ed prominence recently by plunder ing homes while conversing casually with members, ot. the tamily. The "gentleman burglar" has en tered several Omaha homes during the last few weeks. In each case his work was marked by his gen tlemanly manner. In each case, too, he cut the telephone wires leading from the home. His conversations with members of the household dur ing his visit were always quieting to his victims. He calmly assured them that they had nothing to fear from him and often showed a pass ing interest in trifles about the house. He always went masked, but each of his victims notftced he "had a long nose." Three of the arresting officers, Dolan, Hagerman and Sinclair, claim that Douglass has been positively identified by a woman victim as the gentleman burglar, but none of the three will tell the name of the woman. Paul Sutton says he knows nothing of the case and has no in formation to file with his super ior officers regarding the arrest. Captain Anton Vanous, in charge at central s'tation when Douglas was arrested, said he did not know Doug las was supposed to be the "gen tleman burglar until 45 minutes af ter' Douglas had been committed to a cell. A Cap, said by the arresting offi cers to have been used by Douglas on bis "jobs," was held as evidence. Douglas denies that he is the "gen Ijeman burglar." Wouldn't Leave Wife; Two Kifled by Train; Three Tots Orphaned Chicago, Sept. 2. I'll stay with you, Mary." With these words Wil liam F. Tanner, a cashier in the of fices of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad here, closed his eyes, em braced his wife, whose foot was caught in ,a railroad frog and was killed with her when a limited train of. the Chicago & Northwestern railroad crashed into them last night. John Miller, a flagman, in attempt ing to rescue the couple, lost his left leg and sustained a fracture of the right arm. Three little children are orphans today because of the fateful de cision of Tanner to die with his wite. Peace Council Warns Germany of Violations Paris, Sept. 2. The supreme council of the peace conference de cided today to send a note in force ful terms to the German govern ment pointing out the contradiction with the Versailles treaty of the provision In the new German consti tution providing for the representa tion of Austria in the German reichsrath. The council demands the suppres sion of the article within a fortnight, declaring that otherwise the allies will be compelled to undertake a further occupation of the left bank of the Rhine. 3 SNIPED BY CRACK RIFLEMAN Murderer Sits on Bluff and Shoots and Kills Fishermen Engaged in Repairing Fish Trap Just Below Him. SENDS ONE BULLET . INTO EACH VICTIM LAWSON AIR LINER TO GIVE NEW YORK GOVERNOR RIDE Sails for Buffalo Today From Creveland En Route to New York. Government Boats Search for Suspect, Who Is Believed to Have Set Out for Vancouver Island, Across Straits. Port Angeles, Wash., Sept. 2. A crack rifle shot sat today on a bluff back of Pillar Point, three miles west of here, and shot and killed three fishermen, John Peterson, Haugen Olson and Swigert Ander son, who were repairing a fish trap below the bluff. The murderer sent one bullet into each of his victims. Police, who suspect John Smith, a "squatter," is connected with the crime, have, learned Smith, soon after the murders, set out in an open boat for Vancouver island, across the Straits of Juan de Fuca from here. Smith is believed to be armed. Government boats are searching for him. Smith recently had trouble with the three men, it was said. BRITISH PLAN ATTACK SOON ON PETROGRAD English Destroyer Torpedoed in Baltic Sea and Eight of Crew Lost. Resnzhe Relations. Paris, Sept. 2.-A decree announc ing the resumption of commercial relations with Germany will be pub lished Tuesday, according to the newspapers, - Berlin, Sept. 2. (Via London.) German reports from Riga declare that General Gough of the British army has proclaimed to the popula tion of Tetrograd that an attack is about to be made upon that city. Destroyer Torpedoed. London, Sept. 2. The British de stroyer Vittoria was torpedoed and sunk in the Baltic sea Saturday, August 31, the admiralty announced Monday. Eight of her,, complement are missing. The Vittoria was one of the V class of destroyers constructed by the British admiralty during the war period. Presumably the Vittoria was one of the units of the British squad ron operating against the bolsheviki in the northern Baltic and the Gulf of Finland. Frelinghuysen Under Harsh Criticism for Attack on Palmer Washington, Sept. 2. Sharp criticism in the senate Tuesday by Senator Frelinghuysen, republican, New Jersey, of Attorney General Palmer drew a defense of Mr. Pal mer trom senators unaerwooa, Alabama, and Williams, Mississippi, democrats. The NewJersey senator assailed Mr. Palmer's administration of the alien property custodian's office and flatly charged him witn naving pro German sympathies before the en trance of this country into the war, declared he had "received German agents in his own house." Mr. Fre linghuysen also asserted that Mr. Palmer was the intermediary witn President Wilson for German inter ests seeking to condone the Lusi tania incident. There is no question of Mr. Pal mer's loyalty, Senator Underwood declared, adding that charges against him emanated from German inter ests opposing disposition of German property seized. Senator Williams asserted charges against Mr. Palmer were "outrage ous" and "ridiculous." He also as serted the charges originated with German interests seeking to dis credit him. Senator Williams' retorts were so caustic that Senator Frelinghuysen interrupted to invoke the senate rules against the senator impugning another's motives, but Senator Wil liams replied that he thought the N,ew Jersey senator had become in volved in the attack upon Mr. Pal mer "quite unwittingly" after it had been begun by German interests. President Will Review Pacific Fleet Sept. 13 Seattle, Wash., Sept 2. President Wilson will review the Pacific fleet here at 4 p. m., Saturday, September 13, according to telegrams from Sec retary Tumulty received today by chairmen of Seattle's presidential and fleet welcome committees. The historic battleship Oregon will be the reviewing ship, the wife said. By EDGAR W. CROFT. (Bee Representative Aboard Lawson Trans continental Airliner.) Cleveland, O., Sept. 2. (Special Telegram.) The giant Lawson air ship is resting peacefully in the hangar of the Glenn L. Martin aero plane factory at Cleveland. . The manager of the plant and the era ployes are loud in. their praises of the big Lawson airliner. Lawrence D. Bell, manager of the plant, stated yesterday that he could find no flaw in its construction. Scores of per sons have written their names on the wings of the ship and the gen eral intere'st in the big albatross is great-' We sail for Buffalo at 10 a. m. Wednesday and it is expected that we will pick up the governor of New York and carry him as a passenger to New York City. Engineer Buranelli went over the motors thoroughly and the ship will be thoroughly groomed before leav ing for Buffalo. We will follow the shore of Lake Erie and expect to fly high. Our altinleter registered 11,000 feet on our way to Cleveland, which speaks well of the climbing powers of the giant plane. We ex pect a large crowd on the field to see us take off. We will have 12 passengers aboard. Two' Martine planes will leave the hangar as soon as our plane pulls out. It was a most remarkable trip we just completed. The sky above us was bright and clear and only a few clouds appeared on the eastern hori zon. It was an ideal day and thou sands of Toldeoans had taken ad vantage of the holiday and rushed out to the landing field to see us off for Cleveland. We made a perfect start at 4:37 p. m. and immediately climbed to a height of about 5,000 feet. At 6:05 we sighted Cleveland and soon afterwards spotted the marked land ing place. It was a wonderful sight, as the setting sun shone on the Ohio me tropolis and on Lake Erie. The lake and the river looked like pure silver and the glass roofs, of Cleve land's sky scrapers shone like dia monds. News dispatches from Toledo had heralded our flight and as the wheels of the plane touched the ground at the landing field, we were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of ! many thousands. Wilson's Plan to Tour Country Harshly Criticized in House Washington, Sept. 2. Criticizing President Wilson's plan to tour the country for political reasons "while chaos and confusion exist in the in dustrial world," Representative Rod enberg, republican, Illinois, told the house today that present conditions were more critical than they were last month when the president "made an adroit move to shift re sponsibility for their unrest to con gress." In his Labor day message Roden berg said the president appealed for team work. "How can you have team work," he asked, "when the lead horse goes gallivanting around the world? Af ter being absent for nearly a year, he plans to take another trip, which will consume a month, expenses of which will be paid for out of the treasury." A telegram received yesterday by Gould Dietz from J. P. Tumulty, President Wilson's secretary, states that the presidential party will meet the local committee at the Union station next Monday morning at 9. Mr. Dietz states that the Audi torium meetine will be called at 10. The arrangements are being made by Mr. Dietz and Lysle 1. Abbott ot the League to Enforce Peace, with the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce. Pershing to Lead First Division Men in New York Parade New York, Sept. 2. Arrange ments for the reception of General Pershing and the parade of the First division of the regular army, with the American commander-in-chief at its head on next Tuesday, have been completed. General Persh ing's ship, the Leviathan, is expected to reach New York next Sunday or Monday and from the time he lands until he leaves for Washington, a few days later, he will be the guest of the city of "New York. Roumania Won't Sign Treaty With Austria Paris, Sept. 2. Rumania will not sign the peace treaty with Austria, according to Intransigeant, because of a clause introduced at the for-, mal request of the American dele gates concerning ethnical minori ties. Rumania also fakes exception to a clause regulating treaties, com merce and railroad rates, Intransi geant says, considering that it would be undignified for her to ac cept it. WOUND. MEXICANS .8. AIR PILOT Captain McNabb Fired at While on Aerial Patrol Duty Along International Bound ary Near Laredo, Texas. SEVERAL SHOTS PIERCE WINGS OF AIRLPANE .. WILSON ISSUES INVITATIONS FOR . BIG CONFERENCE Labor Leaders, Financiers, Manufacturers and Farm ers Included. WAR BORN IN VIENNA, War Department at Washing ton Will Await Official Re port From Commander Be fore Considering Action. Laredo, Tex., Sept. 2. (By The Associated Press.)--Fired upon from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande Capt. David W. McNabb, United States, aviation corps, was slightly wounded today while on aerial pa trol duty along the international boundary northwest of here. With Lieut. Von De B. Johnson, Captain McNabb was flying slowly up the river close to the water when suddenly a group of Mexicans fired a volley of shots at the airplane, wounding McNabb near the ear. while several shots pierced the plane's wings. Lol. Beaumont is. Buck, com mander of the Laredo district, with headquarters at Fort Mcintosh here said tonight all that is known of the attack is that the firing was from a point where an outpost of Mexican federal soldiers was known to be located. No additional statement would be made by Colonel Buck, who for warded promptly a report on the incident to Major General Dickman, commander of the Southern depart ment at San Antonio. It was indi cated no action by officers here likely would be taken except on instruc tions from General Dickman. Await Official Word Washington ,Sept. 2. The War department will await an official re port from Major General Dickman, commander of the Southern depart ment, Secretary Baker said, before I considering1 the question of whether some action shall be taken against the Mexicans who fired upon an American army airplane on the Rio Grande, wounding one officer. Un til some report was received, Mr. Baker declined to speculate on what line the department's action might take. In military' circles, the firing upon army flyers was considered far more serious than the recent deten tion of two other aviators for ran som. All army machines are plain ly marked, it was said and the press reports from the border would in dicate that Captain McNabb's air plane was either on the American side or was following the rrver the international boundary at this point. In either case it should have been immune from hostile attack. Repeated Volleys. The fact that press dispatches re ferred to repeated "volleys" from the Mexican side was also con sidered significant as indicating that the assailants were under some sort of military command. Reports persist here that General Dickman has authority to meet such situations without waiting on his superiors, by sending a column across to capture or scatter the of fending band and to clean up the district in which they committed, the objectionable action. It would" not come as a surprise to many of ficers if dispatches related to a southward move by cavalry. Bandit Killed. Washington, Sept. 2. The bandit who murdered Adam Schaefer, ah American citizen, in Zacatecas. Au gust 28, has been killed by Mexican tederal troops, according to advices to the State department today from Mexico City. A dispatch from the American consul at Salina Cruz said Schaefer was a naturalized American, thus clearing up the ques tion of his citizenship. When attacked Schaefer .was re ported to have had a heavy pay roll for the mines where he was employed. His mother lives at Sharpsburg, Pa. All Crown Properties of Italy Surrendered to People by King Rome, Monday, Sept. 1. King Victor Emmanuel has decided to surrender all the crown properties in favor of the peasants and for na tional work for former soldiers. Premier Nitd, at one of the first sittings of parliament, which is to be opened Wednesday, will make this announcement. Six Tots Burn to Death. tiegina, Sask, Sept. 2. Six chil dren belonging to two families liv ing in one house at Jensen, Sask., were burned to death, when the house was destroyed by fire recently in the absence of their parents, ac cording to word brought here. Washington, Sept. 2.--Btfore leav ing Washington, Wednesday night, on his speech-making tour of the country, President Wilson will is sue invitations ,to labor leaders, financiers,- manufacturers and farm ers to attend a conference early in October for consideration of the problems of labor and of those who direct labor. The president, it also was learned, plans to complete all arrangements for the conference before his de parture so that the meeting may be held immediately upon his return the last of this month. The first session of the conference probably will be held at thi White House. The entire labor situation and also arrangements for the confer ence were understood to have been discussed at Tuesday's cabinet meeting. It was presumed that the plan to invite farmers' representa tives was agreed upon by the cabinet. PERMANENT RAIL POLICY MEASURE REACHES SENATE Roads Would Be Returned to Private . Ownership by Cummins Bill. NOTE SAYS Opening of Hostilities Against Serbia After Refusing All Offers of Conference of Conciliation Referred To. EXTENSION OF TIM E, FOR REPLY MAY BE GRANTED, General Assembly Expected,. to Meet on Saturday and Sunday to Discuss Term, and Frame a Reply. , Washington, Sept. 2. The senate today received and discussed for several hours a bill outlining a per manent railroad policy as evolved by a bipartisan interstate commerce subcommittee. Paramount among the features of the new measure, which will be known as the Cummins bill, Senator Cummins, republican, Iowa, having acted as chairman of the subcom mittee, are provisions for. termina tioti of government .control of the railroads, their return , to private ownership and operation tinder, ngid federal control and consolidation into regional systems, and prohibi tion of strikes and lockouts of em ployes. The measure contains none of the fundamentals of the Plumb plan. Chairman Uimmins, in presenting the bill, explained its provisions at leneth. He. with Senators Kobin- son, Arkansas, and Pomerene, Ohio, democratic members of the drafting subcommittee, laid especial stress on the oroDosal to penalize strikes and lockouts, declaring the plan, al though novel, was necessary to pro tect the public. The employes, the three senators explained, "are pro tected under the bill by a provision that their wages shall be fixed by government agencies. The bill,. Senator Cummins told the senate represents months of consideration by the subcommittee. Its keynote, he asserted, is the plan to terminate government control and with concentration of the na tions railroads into 20 to 35 region al systems, provide for strict gov ernment supervision ot virtually all railway affairs. Among the new agencies the bill proposes are a railway transporta tion board, largely to supervise rail road operations; a committee on wages and working conditions and an employes' advisory council. The Interstate Commerce commission also would be given greatly in creased powers and representation on all railroad directorates of em ployes and the government would e required. $4,000 Stock of City Groceries Is Sold at the Auditorium The municipal store in the Audi torium was opened on schedule last night at 7:30, with a crowd in waiting; The stocks on hand were handed across the counter as tast as tne clerks could pass them. Canned corn and peas, cocoa, prunes, peaches, soap and other staples were sold. Boys came with their small wag ons and some came in automobiles. Women and men lined seyeral deep in front of the canned goods coun ter trying to buy the bargains offered. During the afternoon Mrs. H. C. Sumney and Mrs. James Richard son assisted in placing the prunes and peaches in sacks. Mayor Smith, O. M. Olson, the mayor's secretary; Joseph Sherry, deputy city clerk; Frank Bandle of the Board of Public Welfare, and Jerry Howard helped with the work. The store was emptied within a few hours after the opening. Nearjy $4,000 worth of goods were sold in quick time. Fourth of Men Mobilized in French Army Killed Paris, Sept. 2. Capt Andre Tar dieu, speaking for the government during the debate in the chamber of deputies this afternoon on rati fication of the German peace treaty, said the French war losses consti tuted 26 per cent of the men mobil ized. Fifty-seven per cent of all men with the colors under 31 years of age were killed. Paris, Sept. 2. (By The Asso ciajed Press.) Chancellar Karl Renner, head of the Austrian peace: delegation, has left for Vienna with, the peace .treaty, which was handed, to the Austrians Tuesday. Jrle indi cated that he probably would ,aslc for an extension of time, as the Austrian general assembly would meet on Saturday and Sunday to) discuss the terms. " The supreme council, it is ' said will extend the time if Austria so requioefc. . ' The note transmitting the ' allied' repK to the observations of the Austrian delegation on the condi tions of peace addressed to Karl Renner and signed by M. Clem enceau, as president of the council, folfSws: i : Draft of the covering letter: , (If The allied and associated powersv have given most careful fconsidera-1 tion to the observations' o the Austrian delegation on the draft treaty of peace. The reply of the. Austrian delegation objects to the draft treaty on the grounds that inL view of the dissolution of the AiUT tro-Hungarian - monarchy ; trsffflf oudlt not tn frpator) it state at all and that in consequence she ought not to be made in any- special way inheritor of responsi bilities in retrard' to reoaration. tn which the Austro-Hungarian mnv archy would undoubtedly be liable did it still exist. Austrians Responsible. -. ; V' "As these observations point to a fundamental misconception of the responsibilities of the people ot Austria,' the allied and associated, powers feel it necessary to state as briefly as may be the principles! which they consider must be applied to .the settlement of the late war so far as Austria is concerned. 4 The" people of Austria, together with! their neighbors, the people of Hun gary, bear in a peculiar degree re' sponsibility for the calamities which! have befallen Europe, during the last five years. . j "The war was precipitated by an ultimatum presented to Serbia by the government at Vienna reauiriri acceptance within 48 hours of ! series of demands which amounted to the destruction of the independ- ence of a neighboring soverign state. The roval trnvemmp- . f Serbia accepted within the prescribed nme an tne demands except those which involved the virtual of its independence. ' .. ... Opened Hostilities, p . "Yet the then Austro-Hune-ariaii government, refusing all offers of ft conference of conciliation on th basis of that reolv. immediate) opened hostilities against Serbia.' thereby deliberately settinc liirht id a train, which led directly to a unUi versal war. . ,r- v; , "It is now evident that this ulfal matum was no more than an insijvtf cere excuse for beginning a war fed which the late autocratic goverp-P ment at Vienna, in close assoriatinrfi with the rulers of Germany, had lond prepared and which it considered! the time had arrived.. The presence of Austrian guns at the siege on Liege and -Namur is further proofJ if proof were required, of the umaie association or tne govern! ment of Vienna with the government of Berlin in its plea (plot?) againsK public law and ihe liberties Europe. . . . ij. j' "The Austrian delegation appeal; to think that responsibility for these acts restedsoly on the Hapsbury dynasty and its satellites and that by reason of the dissolution of that monarchy through the victory of the allies the people of Austria cat. escape responsibility for the deedfl of the government which was the? own government and which had it i home in their capital. " Domineering Spirit ' '" "Had the people of Austria In. the years preceding endeavoreU tet curb the militarist and domineering spirit by which the government of the Hapsburg monarchy was ' arii- mated; had they made an effective protest against the war, or refused to assist or support their rulers M prosecuting it, some attention might now be paid to this plea. But th fact that the war was acclaimed oflt its outbreak in Vienna; that the people of Austria were -its ardent supporters from start to finish andl that they did nothing to disassociate themselves from the polity of theii government and its allies until thefj (CuntloiMid mm rag It, Column